The Role of Appropriate Technology
The Role of Appropriate Technology
The Role of Appropriate Technology
investments from overseas participants, says the analyst. However, despite the
availability of certain resources, domestic automation equipment manufacturers
have not been able to come up with technology necessary to design their own
automation systems. As competition is fierce, automation companies tend to
customise products for specific needs. Hence, innovation is driven by targeted
applications rather than by advances in technology, which means that if there is
a specific need, automation vendors are likely to find markets. It is also felt that
Indonesia will be affected directly or indirectly by the extensive use of
information technology. Industrial automation can and will generate high growth
with technology related to new inflection points nanotechnology and nanoscale
assembly systems, Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotech
sectors (tiny, low-power, low-cost sensors). Currently, several small and medium
enterprises are either partially automated or are not automated at all. This
provides plenty of scope for automation companies to customise and market
their products.
There are some weaknesses in the use of automation systems:
The existing infrastructure consists almost entirely of government-operated R&D
and technical institutes. Unlike in other Asian countries, there is virtually no
private provision of manufacturing capability support services.
The state-owned R&D institutes (under the Agency for Assessment of Technology
BPPT and the Indonesian Institute of Science LIPI) have catered mainly to the
needs of stateowned strategic industries. Efforts to encourage them to carry out
research of more relevance to private firms, with government financial support,
have not borne fruit
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) sectoral research institutes, regional
testing laboratories and industrial research and testing centres, due to poor
funding and weak management structure, have not provided relevant services to
manufacturing firms
Utilizing of automation systems in Third world contry will reduce existing jobs. In
this case we clearly know that developing countries have a lot of human
resources and use of automation industry will increasing joblessness in
developing country. The initial cost of procurement Automation industry require
very high cost for investment. Lack of Human resources skills to operate
automation Indonesia possesses a relatively small pool of skilled workers, which
is attributable to the low proportion of Indonesians enrolled in, or graduating
from, science and technology courses at tertiary level (Hill 1995: 94),Lack of
advance technology which its needs to support automation. The Implementation
of Automation industry in Indonesia supported with Indonesia with a large supply
of labor and large amounts of natural resources
One of the Implementation of Automation industry in Indonesia in
coffee industry is, utilizing of coffee bean roaster. Coffee is one of the world's
most important commodity traded in nearly 60 countries, classified as "the top
cash crops in developing countries' economies and crucial for some countries
(World Bank, 2004). The consumption is increasingly embedded into the culture
of emerging nations such as Indonesia, as indicated in the forecast of Indonesia
coffee consumption CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 10,4%, higher
compared to US 1,4%, The majority of coffee consumption is developed nation,
while 90% of supply is produced in developing countries. The worlds production
is dominated by the top 4 producers, where Indonesia is the third place. Coffe is
one of the most favorite drink for indonesian people, altought it is not the
original plant of Indonesia. But along the way, coffee has spread to almost all
corners of the islands of Indonesia. Coffee distributed in almost of islands of
Indonesia. Sumatra Island dominates with 74.2% of the production, with the
largest production in Bengkulu, Lampung and South Sumatra areas. The rest are
distributed in Sulawesi (9.0%), Java (8.3%), Nusa Tenggara (5.8%), Kalimantan
(2.0%), and Maluku and Papua (0.6%). Nevertheless, more than half of the
Qurrota Ayunina | 4 | Automation Industry
Why needed?
to avoid beans from cooking further at higher temperatures
Some machines accomplish cooling through built in cooling fan
Other use water to quench beans
Cooling tray equipped
with rotating arm and
Drying the coffee is usually done in three ways: natural drying, artificial,
and a combination of natural and artificial. Natural Drying still rely on the
Sunlight, it only can be done when dry season. Natural dryings works: spread out
the coffee bean on the floor with maximum thickness 1.5 cm. Every 1 2 hours,
the coffee bean must be inverted with wood spatula. When the sunlight is
Qurrota Ayunina | 6 | Automation Industry
intense, drying ongoing for 10 14 days, but if the weather is cloudy it could be
done for 3 weeks (Najiyati dan Danarti, 2004). Artificial drying is usually done
when the weather conditions tend to be cloudy. Artificial drying needs tools for
drier process. Only takes about 18 hours depending on the type of the
equipment. Drying is done in two stages. The first stage, heating at a
temperature of 65-100 C to lower the moisture content of 54% to 30%. The
second stage of heating is at a temperature of 50-60 C to reduce the water
content to 8-10% (Najiyati and Danarti, 2004).
All of that process needs long time to process coffee bean, it means higher
cost, and slowing quantity production. Using Coffee bean roaster can save
production time and save money for unimportant process. Besides that, Industry
increasing their productivity with coffee bean roaster. Althought it will need High
cost for investment to buy this equipment.
Not every technology of automation industry can be applied in every industry,
the best technology or the most expensive technology doesnt mean it can be the
most suitable technology if it applied in middle industry. Because, it can be in
middle industry there are a lot of problem, such as lack of financial support, or
limited professional human resources. Thats why we need knowledge about
Appropriate technology. Indonesia as the biggest coffee producing country
number three in worldwide , and Coffee is one of Indonesia's main agricultural
commodities. To reach goverment goals (increasing export level in aggricultural
sector) needs technology which it can increasing Coffee production in Indonesia,
reducing cost, and it compatible with support technology in Indonesia . Based on
that consideration we need appropriate technology called Coffee bean Roaster
which it is the solution for coffee industry.
Groover,Mikell P.2007. Automation, Production
Integrated Manufacturing. : Prentice-Hall.