Arinze Handout
Arinze Handout
Arinze Handout
"Some people think that liturgical renewal means the removal of kneelers
from Church pews, the knocking down of altar rails or the positioning of the
altar in the middle of the sitting area of the people. The Church has never
said any such thing."
"Unapproved innovations distract and annoy the people. They often draw
attention to the priest rather than to God. They generally do not last long.
They are often superficial. And they scandalize because they run against
Church norms and regulations. If many lay people had only one request to
make, they would ask that the priest celebrate Mass, or other rites, simply
according to the approved books."
"And the altar of the Blessed Sacrament should be outstanding for its
beauty and honored prominence, otherwise in some so-called restored
churches one could rightly lament: 'They have taken my Lord away, and I
don't know where they have put him.' (John 20:13)"
"As someone has said, a gym that looks like a church is still a gym. Some
questions can be of help."
• "Does this church building help to raise people's minds to God, to the
• "Where are the tower, the bell, the Cross?"
• "Within the church, is the sanctuary clearly distinguished from the rest
of the church?"
• "Why were the beautiful altar rails that have been there for one or two
centuries removed against the wishes of many of the parishioners?"
• "Why is it so difficult to make out where the tabernacle is located?"
• "Where is Our Blessed Mother's statue or image?"
"The danger is that some people seem to think that inculturation in the
liturgy encourages free and uncontrolled creativity. They imagine that
according to Vatican II the progressive, modern and enlightened thing to do
in liturgical celebrations is to be creative, to be original, to introduce
something new, to do it yourself."