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Lindegrin 2
To cite this article: Lars-Erik Lindgren (2001) FINITE ELEMENT MODELING AND
Thermal Stresses, 24:3, 195-231, DOI: 10.1080/014957301300006380
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Lars-Erik Lindgren
Lule University of Technology
and Dalarna University SE-971 87 Lule, Sweden
Simulation of welding has advanced from the analysis of laboratory setups to real
engineering applications during the last three decades. This development is outlined
and the directions for future research are summarized in this review, which consists
of three parts. The material modeling is maybe the most crucial and difcult aspect
of modeling welding processes. The material behavior may be very complex for
the large temperature range considered.
Radius of Curvature
[m1 ]
to the fact that the thermal dilatation is the driving force in the deformation and the
bar is free to bend. The thermal dilatation is determined by the temperature eld and
is, therefore, strongly inuenced by the thermal properties.
Figure 1. Different methods for modeling dependency of thermal dilatation on phase changes in ferritic
of welding analysis and found that an envelope technique for the welding of an
aluminum plate gave acceptable results for the longitudinal residual stresses.
Surprisingly, they found only small differences if they used constant or
temperature-dependent mechanical properties. Mahin et al. (1988) simplied the
cooling phase by articially quenching the welded plate when the maximum temperature reached 600 C. This was done to shorten the cooling time. They used
an explicit code and could not increase the length of their time steps during cooling
but they did not perform this in their later analysis (Mahin et al. 1991) because
it affected the history-dependent internal variables in their material model.
However, there appeared a need to account for the phase transformations for
ferritic steels even if their role was not fully appreciated. The effect of the phase
transformations on the thermal dilatation was included rst by Ueda and
Yamakawa (1971b). Andersson (1978) also accounted for this effect. The effect
on yield limit and Youngs modulus was included by Ueda et al. (1976, 1977).
Ueda et al. (1976) used one curve during heating and another curve for the material
properties during cooling to account for the effect of the phase transformations on
the material properties, as shown in Figure 2. Phase transformations were assumed
to occur instantaneously at specic temperatures. The material became fully
austenized at 750 C during heating, and the austenite decomposed at 600 C.
The latter temperature was the average of the start temperatures for the formation
of bainite and martensite. The material was assumed to lose its strength rapidly just
above 750 C during heating and gained strength just at 600 C during cooling. A
similar approach was also used by Andersson (1978) and other researchers
(Josefson 1982, Jonsson et al. 1985a, Troive et al. 1989, Karlsson and Josefson
1990). It is also based on given property-temperature curves, but the curves were
less idealized than those used by Ueda et al. (1976). Different curves are chosen
in the analysis depending on some characteristics of the temperature history at
the considered point in the model. Usually these characteristics are the peak temperature and the cooling rate between 800 C and 500 C. They are the primary
parameters that determine the obtained microstructure of steels. The cooling rate
is approximately the same in the entire heat-affected zone. Therefore, different
property-temperature curves are chosen during the cooling phase depending on
the peak temperatures (see Figure 1b in the case of thermal dilatation). A single,
common curve is used during the heating phase. Different curves are chosen during
cooling depending on the value of the peak temperature, Tpeak . It is also possible to
interpolate between these curves with respect to the peak temperature instead of
just switching between them. The curves can be obtained from experiments where
test specimens are subjected to some temperature histories typical of the process
and tested at different temperatures (Lindgren et al. 1993) or compiled from
the literature. Voss et al. (1998a, b) suggested that varying cooling rates in the
heat-affected zone can be accounted for by constructing a maximum-temperature
cooling-time diagram. This diagram then gives the microstructure of the material.
The latter can then be used to determine the properties of the material. They only
applied this to the hardness, which was compared with measurements. They
did not use the diagram for any other material properties.
Figure 2. Determination of yield stress by Ueda et al. (1976, 1977). Tp is the maximum temperature in
earlier heating cycles and Tc is the maximum temperature in current heating cycle of multipass weld.
Papazoglou and Masubuchi (1982) used a CCT diagram to estimate the phase
changes and the corresponding volume changes. Oddy et al. (e.g., 1989) also estimated the phase transformations and used a mixture rule for the austenite properties
and the decomposition products properties (e.g., pearlite forms austenite, which
decomposes back to bainite). The formation/decomposition is assumed to occur
linearly with temperature within a given temperature interval. Murty et al. (1996)
used a TTT diagram to estimate the transformations that occur in a welded pipe.
This information was used to predict yield stresses and volume changes due to
the phase transformations in the weld metal. This yielded an improvement in
the results when compared to the simulation of the same pipe by Lindgren and
Karlsson (1988), Karlsson and Josefson (1990), and Josefson and Karlsson (1992).
The most exible way to include the effect of the temperature history is to compute
the evolution of the microstructure in the material. Each phase is assigned
temperature-dependent properties, and simple mixture rules are used to obtain
the macroscopic material properties. This coupling of thermal, metallurgical,
and mechanical models (TMM) was used by Inoue and Wang (1983), Wang and
Inoue (1983, 1985), Bergheau and Leblond (1991), Devaux et al. (1991), Inoue (1996,
1998), Roelens (1994, 1995a, b), and Brjesson and Lindgren (1998, 1999). The inuence of grain size and microstructure, for example, on the mechanical properties is
discussed by Bhadeshia (1997). An example of a mixture rule is shown in Figure
1c, where the thermal expansion coefcient is given one constant value for austenite
and another value for the other phases. The difference in volume between the
austenite, g, and its decomposition products is accounted for by etr , which, in this
case, is this difference extrapolated to 0 C. The phase change may be approximated
or computed according to some model as discussed previously. The microstructure
model used by Brjesson and Lindgren (1998, 2000) uses the chemical composition
as input, and its prediction can be improved by supplying data from a measured
TTT diagram (Figure 3). Verication of the microstructure model is performed
by comparing with results from CCT curves. The model was applied to the same
multipass weld that was studied by Lindgren et al. (1999). Lindgren et al. (1999)
assumed only temperature-dependent data, whereas Brjesson and Lindgren (2000)
computed the material properties based on the microstructure evolution. Das et
al. (1993) also computed the microstructure but used this only to account for
transformation-induced plasticity (see the discussion in the section about
``Properties for Modeling Plastic Deformation). Dufrene et al. (1996) used simple
models for phase changes between martensite and austenite for the case of
EB-welding. This was combined with mixture rules for the material properties.
However, they do not give any details of the model or the results. Ronda et al. (1995)
formulates TMM models, but no simulations are given in their paper.
Myhr et al. (1997, 1998a) simulated the welding of aluminum tubes and the butt
welding of aluminum plates (Myhr et al. 1998b). They studied the importance of
accounting for the microstructure evolution, namely, strengthening effects of hardening precipitates. The thermal analysis was followed by a computation of the dissolution and recombination of precipitates and nally a mechanical analysis.
The importance of accounting for the inuence of precipitates on the plastic ow
was studied. See also Grong (1994, 1997) for more details.
Recommendations. Once again, the recommendation is to aim for accuracy. The
microstructure evolution is important to include in the material modeling of ferritic
steels since their properties can change a lot due to the phase transformations.
The major inuence is on the thermal dilatation and the yield stress, which can
be modeled as discussed previously. It is a problem to account for phase changes
in the case of multipass welding. One should have the ability to compute the
microstructure and predict the effect on the material properties, or it will be necessary to simplify the history dependency of the material properties to one cycle of
heating and cooling (Ueda et al. 1976) or even ignore it (Lindgren et al. 1999).
It should be noted that the needed number of measured curves, such as for the
Figure 3. Measured TTT diagram (solid lines) and computed TTT diagram (dashed lines) from Brjesson
and Lindgren (1997).
Simulation of welding can usually be performed as a quasi-static analysis (see the
section ``Simulation of Welding as a Coupled Problem in part 1). The density,
r, is needed even for a quasi-static analysis because it is multiplied with the heat
capacity in the thermal analysis. Handbooks may give the density as a function
of temperature. This accounts for the volume change due to the thermal dilatation.
However, one must know how the density is handled by the chosen nite element
code. A constant density may be sufcient as input if the code itself computes
the change in density when deformations are computed simultaneously with the temperatures (e.g., in a staggered approach). A temperature-dependent density may be
used for a pure thermal analysis where no deformations are included.
Figure 4. Heat conductivity for some steels. Data from Richter (1973).
Figure 5. Heat capacity for some steels. Data from Richter (1973).
Tall (1964)
Ueda and Yamakawa (1971a , b)
Ueda and Nakacho (1982)
Ueda et al. (1976, 1977)
Ueda et al. (1988, 1991)
Rybicki and Stonesifer (1980)
Rybicki et al. (1988)
Oddy et al. (1989)
Troive et al. (1989)
Karlsson (1989), Karlsson and Josefson (1990)
Tekriwal and Mazumder (1989, 1991a,b)
Josefson (1982)
Bae (1994)
Ueda (1986, 1991)
Hibbitt and Marcal (1973)
Lobitz (1977)
Shim et al. (1992)
Brown and Song (1992a,b )
Ma et al. (1995)
Andersson (1978)
Argyris et al. (1982, 1985)
Lindgren and Karlsson (1988)
Sheng and Chen (1992), Chen and Sheng
(1991, 1992)
Wikander et al. (1993, 1994)
Yuan et al. (1995)
Michaleris et al. (1995)
Siva Prasad and Sankaranarayana n (1996)
Murty et al. (1994, 1996)
Michaleris and DeBiccari (1997)
Ravichandran et al. (1997)
Taljat et al. (1998)
Hong et al. (1998b)
Kim et al. (1998)
No hardening
No hardening
No hardening, power law creep during annealing
Piecewise linear, isotropic hardening
Kinematic hardening
Creep druing stress relief
Viscoplastic, Ramberg^Osgood
Viscoplastic, Bodner^Partom and Walker
relation constitutes a stiff equation. This is the only numerical problem in the nite
element solution of the heat conduction problem. It can be handled in different ways,
including some of the following.
The enthalpy method (Andersson 1978, Jonsson et al. 1985a) can be used to
reduce the aforementioned nonlinearity. Then the enthalpy, heat content, is used
as the primary unknown in the nite element solution. It is dened as
rct dt
This is a monotonous increasing function w.r.t. the temperature and will reduce the
nonlinearity when latent heats are consumed/released (see, e.g., Karlsson (1986)).
Kinematic hardening
Rate-dependent, intern variable model with
combined hardening
Kinematic hardening
Detailed model at high temperature
Another numerical approach is the ctitious heat source method (Rolph and Bathe
1982) used by Murty et al. (1996). A third approach, used by Lindgren et al. (1999),
is based on an effective heat capacity (Ch 5 in Lewis et al. 1996) and is easy to
implement into a nite element code; it is sometimes also called an enthalpy method.
The heat capacity used in the heat conduction equation is replaced by
H n H n1
T n T n1
if T n T n1 6 0
where the right superscripts denote time-step counters in the nite element solution
The enthalpy method, Eq. (1), will work even for a pure metal. The other
methods work well for alloys where the melting occurs over a temperature range,
but they may experience problems for pure alloys. The most straightforward
way to reduce the nonlinearity is to extend the temperature range over which
the latent heat is released/consumed. Feng (1994) and Feng et al. (1997) used a more
advanced model for the release of latent heat during solidication of aluminum.
Their model gives a higher release of latent heat in the upper part of the Tsolidus
to Tliquidus interval. Otherwise it is typically assumed that the latent heat is evenly
distributed over this interval.
There is a modeling consideration of the melting behavior that sometimes has to
be taken into account in the thermal analysis. The heat in the weld pool is not only
conducted but also convected due to the uid ow. Many analysis imitate this
by increasing the thermal conductivity at high temperatures (e.g. Andersson 1978,
Hepworth 1980, Papazoglou and Masubuchi 1982, Jonsson et al. 1985a, Leung
and Pick 1986, Das et al. 1993, Michaleris and DeBiccari 1997). Ronda and Oliver
(1998) and Voss et al. (1998b) used different conductivities in different directions
at varying locations in the weld pool. This was taken from Pardo and Weckman
Recommendations. There is no reason to use the analytic solutions any more since
the numerical simulation of the thermal eld is quite straightforward. It is important
and straightforward to account for the temperature dependency of the thermal properties. Latent heats are also important to include. The use of effective heat capacity
in handling the latent heats works well. If the chosen nite element code does not
have this capability, then it might be necessary to extend the temperature range over
which the latent heat is distributed.
where e_ij is the total strain rate, e_ eij is the elastic strain rate, e_ pij is the plastic strain rate
due to rate-independent plasticity, e_ vp
ij is the viscoplastic strain rate, e_ij is the creep
strain rate, e_ij is the thermal strain rate consisting of thermal expansion and volume
changes due to phase transformations, and e_tp
ij is the transformation plasticity strain
rate. The additive decomposition of the strain rate can be derived from a
multiplicative decomposition of the symmetric part of the deformation gradient
(Simo 1998). The book by Simo and Hughes (1997) contains detailed discussions
about material modeling and its mathematical framework and computational
implications. The stress increment is computed from strain increments given by
strain rates when using a hypoelastic approach. The stress increment must come
from an objective stress rate in the case of a large deformation analysis. There
are several possibilities w.r.t. large deformation analyses available. The basic
equations are outlined in Appendix A in Part 3 of this review.
A welding simulation must at least account for elastic strains, thermal strains,
and one more inelastic strain component in order to give residual stresses. The
plastic, viscoplastic, and creep strains are all of the same nature. They represent
different mathematical models for the plastic deformation (See Figure 9 in the section where the varying plastic phenomena at different temperatures are discussed).
The following sections deal with material properties for the thermoelastic behavior
(_eij e_ eij e_ th
ij ), and thereafter the plastic properties are discussed that give the plastic
components (_epij e_ vp
eij ).
ij e_ij ) and then the modeling of transformation plasticity (_
The mechanical analysis requires much more time due to more unknowns per
node than in the thermal analysis. Furthermore, it is much more nonlinear due
to the mechanical material behavior. The mechanical properties are more difcult
to obtain than the thermal properties, especially at high temperatures, and they contribute to the numerical problems in the solution process. This is discussed subsequently in more detail. Nearly all papers about welding simulations include
temperature dependencies of at least some mechanical properties (an exception
is Caas et al. 1994). The treatment of the dependency on the temperature history
was discussed in the section ``Dependency on Temperature and Microstructure.
The high-temperature mechanical behavior is modeled in an approximate way
due to several factors: experimental data is scarce, too-soft material causes numerical problems (Hepworth 1980, Leung and Pick 1986), and it is found that
approximations introduced do not signicantly inuence the resultant residual
stresses. Many analyses use a cut-off temperature above which no changes in
the mechanical material properties are accounted for. It serves as an upper limit
of the temperature in the mechanical analysis. The meaning of using a cut-off temperature may vary since some studies only apply this cut-off to some properties.
Ueda and Yamakawa (1971a, b) did not heat the material higher than 600 C,
and Fujita et al. (1972) limited the maximum temperature to 500 C. Ueda et al.
(1985) assumed that the material did not have any stiffness above 700 C. They called
this the mechanical rigidity recovery temperature, above which the Youngs modulus
was set to zero. It is therefore likely that this corresponds to the cut-off temperature.
Hepworth (1980) used 800 C as a cut-off temperature above which he did not include
any thermal dilatation. Free and Porter Goff (1989) completely ignored the temperature dependency of Youngs modulus, neglected hardening, and used 900 C
as a cut-off temperature. Furthermore, they only followed the cooling phase of
the compiled temperature envelope. Tekriwal and Mazumder (1991a) varied the
cut-off temperature from 600 C up to the melting temperature. The residual
transverse stress was overestimated by 2 to 15% when the cut-off temperature
was lowered.
The equations should be implemented in an incremental form that gives the exact
stresses if the increment is elastic, that is, when Eqs. (4) and (5) are evaluated at
the end of an increment. This requires
Dskk 3K T n1 Dekk 3Deth
Dsij 2GT n1 Deeij
DK n
K T n kk
DG n
GT n ij
where the right superscripts denote time-step counters in the nite element solution
The thermoelastic models tried by Argyris et al. (1982) are not in accordance
with this. Their implementation of the thermoelastic behavior is not correct even
in their so-called mixed model since all material properties in the equations corresponding to Eqs. (8) and (9) are evaluated at the beginning of the increment in their
Different assumptions regarding the high-temperature elastic properties have
been used. Friedman (1975, 1977) assumed a constant bulk modulus. This was
obtained by decreasing the Youngs modulus with temperature and at the same time
increasing Poissons ratio toward 0.5. Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are
shown in Figures 6 and 7 for lower temperatures (Richter 1973). An estimate based
on this data does not support the use of a constant bulk modulus. It seems to decrease
for higher temperatures. Increasing Poissons ratio and assuming incompressibility
in the liquid state have led others (e.g. Hibbitt and Marcal 1973, Andersson 1978,
Josefson 1982, Jonsson et al. 1985a, Cowles et al. 1995, Troive et al. 1998) to increase
Poissons ratio toward 0.5 near the melting temperature. However, there is no reason
to have a continuous increasing bulk modulus up to innity in the liquid state since
there is a phase change occurring during melting and the material can, therefore,
have discontinuous material properties. Leung and Pick (1986) compared an analysis
with a Poissons ratio ranging from 0.24 at room temperature to 0.45 at melting
temperature with an analysis for a constant value of 0.24. They found that the results
were almost identical, but the rst analysis required 50% more computer time.
Tekriwal and Mazumder (1991a) also investigated the inuence of Poissons ratio.
They obtained nearly identical results, but the computer time was about the same
for all variations of Poissons ratio. The extra computer time required in the analysis
by Pick and Leung (1986) was probably due to the selected nite element implementation and not due to the physical problem. The chosen values for Youngs modulus
is an important parameter that affects the residual stresses. If the chosen value at
high temperature is too low, then the nite element analysis will fail. Lindgren
et al. (1999) used 1 GPa as the lower limit for a ferritic steel.
Figure 6. Youngs modulus for some steels. Data from Richter (1973).
Figure 7. Poissons ratio modulus for some steels. Data from Richter (1973).
The thermal dilatation, eth , is the total effect of the usual thermal expansion and
the volume changes due to phase changes. The thermal dilatation is the driving force
for the thermal stresses and is therefore an important parameter. Typical values are
given in Figure 8 for slow heating. The inuence of the volume changes due to phase
transformations on the thermal dilatation was discussed earlier in the section
``Dependency on Temperature and Microstructure. Murty et al. (1996) assumed
that the transformation strain is 0.044 when 100% austenite is transformed into
100% martensite and 0.007 if it is transformed into ferrite/pearlite. The solidication
shrinkage is usually ignored. The motivation may be that it will lead to plastic strains
that are removed anyway due to this phase change. The use of a cut-off temperature
will also exclude some thermal dilatation in the high-temperature range. Feng (1994)
and Feng et al. (1997) discuss the modeling of solidication shrinkage for aluminum.
Their study is concerned with solidication cracking, so they cannot resort to too
large simplications in the high-temperature range. Sheng and Chen (1992) and
Chen and Sheng (1991, 1992) also had a detailed model of the near-weld-pool region
where the solidication shrinkage was included.
The implementation of the computation of the thermal dilatation can be done in
different ways. It is important to observe whether thermal dilatation is specied or
thermal expansion coefcient. The latter can vary since some codes want the secant
and other the tangent thermal expansion coefcient. This is due to the way the
incremental thermal dilatation deth is computed. It can be computed directly by
interpolating from a given thermal dilatation curve or by the tangent thermal
Figure 8. Thermal dilatation for some steels. Data from Richter (1973).
det h
dT at dT
ABAQUS (Wilkening and Snow 1991) also computes an initial thermal strain
because it does not assume that the initial temperature is the zero-strain state. Thus,
it is important to set this reference temperature equal to the initial temperature given
to the elements added to the model when a weld is laid. Hong et al. (1998a) found the
difference between using the room temperature or the melting temperature as reference temperature to be small when simulating a multipass weld using ABAQUS.
It is not clear if they removed all accumulated plastic strains when the material
melted. This will remove the previous history effects at these elements. The removal
of plastic strains when a material is melting is mandatory (see the next section),
otherwise the chosen reference temperature will give different plastic strains, which
may, depending on the hardening, be visible on the residual stress elds. The correct
approach is to use the zero-stress temperature of an element as the reference
temperature. This is the melting temperature for added ller material.
Figure 9. Sketch of Ashby diagram (Ashby 1992) illustrating deformation mechanisms and different
strain rates. Different deformation mechanisms in different temperature and stress regimes are shown.
surface for a plastic process. This leads to a direct relation between change of plastic
strain and change in stress. The model that has been used most widely for
rate-independent plasticity is the von Mises yield criterion together with the associated ow rule. Thus, the plastic strains are incompressible and are not dependent
on the hydrostatic part of the stresses. The ow rule states that the plastic ow
is orthogonal to the yield surface. This comes from the assumption of maximum
plastic dissipation or Druckers postulate. The ow rule and the yield function
are given as
eij e_ ij l0
lsij aij
was a continuation of the study by Roelens (1995a,b), where microstructure evolution was used to compute the material properties using mixture rules. The yield
stress of the austenite was uncertain due to its dependency on grain size and its rate
dependency. They used von Mises plasticity and the yield limit for a given strain
rate. Furthermore, Roelens (1995a, b) used 1250 C as a cut-off temperature for
strain hardening, thermal strain, and Youngs modulus. This was raised to 1500 C
by Bru et al. (1997). All these modications did not affect the residual stresses signicantly; however, they affected the residual deformation. This is probably due
to the sensitivity of the welding conguration, butt-welded plates, to the deformation
at high temperature during the rst weld pass. This can be seen from Roelens
(1995a, b). It seems that they did not have any restraints or applied gravity loading
that would push the plates toward the welding table and the halves were only initially
connected with one weld.
The material near and in the weld is subjected to reversed plastic yielding during
the cooling phase. Thus, using kinematic, isotropic, or combined hardening will
affect the stresses in this region. Andersson (1978) suspected that his use of isotropic
hardening was one reason for the deviations between experiments and simulations.
However, this is not the case, as is shown in the section ``A Welding Simulation
Revisited in Part 3. Bammann and Ortega (1993) investigated the effect of
assuming isotropic and kinematic hardening. They found that the choice of hardening inuences the residual stresses very much in the weld metal, but further away
the different models gave identical results. They used the rate-dependent material
model described later in this section. Devaux et al. (1991) found only small differences in residual stresses between models with isotropic or kinematic hardening.
They studied weld repair with four or six beads. No hardening has been assumed
in some studies (e.g. Ueda and Yamakawa 1971a, b, Hibbitt and Marcal 1973, Ueda
et al. 1976, 1977, Hsu 1977, Jonsson et al. 1985a, Karlsson 1989, Karlsson and
Josefson 1990). Excluding hardening is an approximation, but it can be motivated
in some cases. Karlsson (1989) argues that most plastic strains are accumulated
above 600 C, where the material has nearly no hardening. These plastic strains
are removed during subsequent phase transformations (see discussions later, in
the studied low alloy steel). Finally, the yield limit used at room temperature
was estimated from hardness measurements on the welded plate and therefore
already included the effect of hardening during the nal cooling. Most studies
use linear, isotropic hardening. Friedman (1975, 1977) assumed isotropic hardening
using a power law hardening and Ueda et al. (1991) used piecewise linear, isotropic
hardening. Kinematic hardening (Papazoglou and Masubuchi 1982, Wang and
Inoue 1985, Leung and Pick 1986, Ueda et al. 1986, Mok and Pick 1990, Tekriwal
and Mazumder 1989, 1991a, b, Michaleris 1996, Michaleris and DeBiccari 1997)
and combined hardening (Chakravarti 1986, 1987, Murthy et al. 1994) have been
assumed in some simulations.
The rate-dependent plasticity models use a ow potential surface that determines the plastic strain rate. The effective stress can be outside this surface and
the plastic strain rate is a function of the distance to this surface. The material
behavior is elastic if the stress state is inside the potential surface. The surface does
not exist in the case of creep, e_ cij , which can be considered a special case of
viscoplasticity. A general form for the plastic ow, where it is assumed that it is
normal to the potential surface, is
e_ ij Fsij , aij , sf k, T
where sf sf0 T k, k_ HT e_p recovery terms, e_ p 23 e_vp
ij e_ij is the effective
plastic strain rate, and a_ ij hT _eij recovery terms. Ronda and Oliver (1998) compare three different viscoplastic models. The models give different results, but there
is no discussion about their applicability for the studied case and there is no comparison with the often used rate-independent elastoplastic model. Sheng and Chen
(1992) and Chen and Sheng (1991, 1992) used the Bodner^Partom viscoplastic model
and the Walker model. The latter accounts for kinematic hardening. Oddy and
McDill (1999) used a model where rate-independent plasticity and creep damage
were accounted for simultaneously in a simulation of burnthrough during welding
of pressurized pipelines.
They used the previously described von Mises plasticity together with
e_ c f s, T GT
rupture, is determined by
1 oZ
where D sa1 s1a is a stress-dependent parameter combining the inuence of effective stress and the largest principal stress s1 , Z and n are material parameters,
and a2[0, 1] is a traditional factor. The latter parameters were obtained for one
temperature and extrapolated to other temperatures by assuming that time for
rupture changes with temperature in such a way that the Larson^Millar parameter
is constant. This parameter is given by
L T m logt
where T is in Kelvin and t is time. Then the material parameters in Eq. (16) can be
determined at any temperature if data are given for one temperature by
uT n1 T1
C1 Z
C1 1 Z1 T1 /T
10mT1 /T 1
where the subscript 1 denotes test data at temperature T1 . Constant data above 750
were assumed due to nucleation of new grains. Oddy and McDill (1999) assumed m
was 16.4. The function f (s, T) in Eq. (15) was used to adjust the creep rate to data
for the minimum creep rate, which occurs when o 0. They used a relation where
one additional dependency on stress, except the sn term, also was included. The
function had the form
f s, T
eQR/T sinh
Figure 10. Flow stress for 0.15% C-steel evaluated at a total strain of 0.2 for different strain rates and
temperatures. Data from Suzuki (1968).
Figure 11. Flow stress for austenitic stainless steel evaluated at a total strain of 0.2 for different strain
rates and temperatures. Data from Suzuki (1968).
using a higher yield limit than the real yield limit. This may also be benecial for the
numerical stability of the simulations, avoiding large deformations and plastic
The inuence of the phase transformations on the thermal dilatation and the
yield limit was discussed earlier in the section about ``Dependency on Temperature
and Microstructure. Two other aspects of the phase transformations have to be
modeled: transformation -induced plasticity (TRIP) and change in dislocation
structure. The latter is usually accounted for in the hardening model by the
accumulated effective plastic strain. The modeling of these phenomena is discussed
later in this section.
Experimental measurements of welding residual stresses in alloys with low austenite decomposition temperatures showed that longitudinal stresses can be strongly
affected by phase transformations (Nitschke-Pagel and Wohlfahrt 1992). The combination of an applied stress (Figure 13) and a phase change will give rise to an
additional plastic deformation, TRIP. Fischer et al. (1996, 2000) discusses the subject more thoroughly in the context of martensitic (displacive) transformations. (See
also Bergehau and Leblond (1991).) The transformation plasticity is usually assumed
to be proportional to the deviatoric stresses in the same ways as is assumed standard
plasticity models. It is given by
e_ ij f _etra! b , sa , X_ a! b sij
where e_ tra! b is the volume change when transforming from phase a to b, X_ a!b is the
rate of phase change from phase a to b, and sa is the yield limit of the weaker phase
Figure 12. Flow stress for carbon steel at higher temperatures. Data from Suzuki (1968). The strain rate is
10 sec1 and the ow stress is evaluated at e 0.2.
Figure 13. Effect of stress applied during martensitic transformation for uniaxial test (Cavallon et al.
a. Argyris (1982, 1985), Josefson (1985c), and Karlsson (1989) accounted for TRIP
by lowering the yield limit. Denis (1984), Dubois et al. (1984), Leblond et al. (1989),
Leblond (1989), Josefson and Karlsson (1992), and Oddy et al. (1989, 1992)
accounted for TRIP in a more correct way. Oddy et al. (1989) showed that this
may be the explanation for the discrepancies between simulations and measurements
by Hibbitt and Marcal (1973). The effect of different material models on the residual
stresses are shown in Figure 14 for conditions resembling the case studied by Hibbitt
and Marcal (1973). The papers by Leblond et al. (1989) and Leblond (1989) give a
theoretical framework. They did not consider the effect of the stresses on the phase
changes. The paper by Oddy et al. (1992) gives a concise description of TRIP.
Bammann et al. (1995) implement this effect differently by using a multiphase state
variable constitutive model. Fischer et al. (2000) give a more detailed model by
including both the shear associated with the martensitic transformation and its volume change _etra! b to the transformation plasticity. They propose the relation
dj _
Xa! b sij
e_ ij K
2 dXa!b
Figure 14. Effect of transformation plasticity on welding residual stresses at top surface of weld (Oddy et
al. 1989).
accumulated strains when the material melts (Lindgren et al. 1997, Brickstad and
Josefson 1998). Mahin et al. (1991) included the removal of plastic strains during
melting because they had found that this was a source of discrepancy between
simulations and measurements in their earlier work (Mahin et al. 1988). Ortega
et al. (1992) initialized all internal state variables to zero when the material melted.
They also removed the deviatoric stresses, creating a hydrostatic stress state in
the weld pool. This was also done by Dike et al. (1998). Devaux et al. (1991) argued
that it is reasonable that the memory of previous plastic deformation disappears
for all solid-state phase transformations in ferritic steels with perhaps the exception
for the martensite formation. The latter involves very small displacements of the
atoms during the transformations, which they assumed did not affect the dislocations. Brust and Dong (Brust et al. 1997, Dong et al. 1998c) introduced rate
equations applied between an anneal temperature and the melting temperature
for anneal strain. The introduction of these strains corresponds to the removal
of plastic strains as they reduce the hardening. They also applied this to the elastic
strains and thereby reduced the stress. The technique can be used with the element
birth option for multipass welding in order to remove history effects. This is also
discussed by Hong et al. (1998b). However, the uniaxial case discussed by them
is not completely correct. The removal of plastic strains does not imply that the
thermal and elastic strains should also be set to zerothe latter giving zero stress
at this instant in time. Models for recovery processes at higher temperatures, like
Eq. (16), exist, but physical-based models for these processes during phase
transformations are lacking. Physical-based material models are models based
on observations of the actual physical processes, phase changes, and dislocation
processes, for example, that take place during the deformation.
There are no papers where the texture created by the directional solidication in
the weld metal is taken into account. Mahin et al. (1988, 1989) discussed this aspect
w.r.t. the interpretation of the neutron diffraction measurements in the weld metal.
A list of papers where some material properties are included is given in Table 2
for ferritic steels, Table 3 for austenitic steels, and Table 4 for other metals. If
nothing else is stated in the comments, then the model is von Mises rate-independent
plasticity with isotropic hardening and the associated ow rule. Most works rely on
properties compiled from the literature, and a few papers refer to experiments prepared especially for the welding simulations at hand. A discussion of material
modeling with respect to obtaining residual stresses is given by Oddy and Lindgren
Recommendations. It is important to have a correct description of the material
behavior in order to have an accurate model. The more important mechanical
properties are Youngs modulus, thermal dilatation, and parameters for the plastic
behavior. The inuence of these properties at higher temperatures is less pronounced
on the residual stress elds. The material is soft and the thermal strains cause plastic
strains even if the structure is only restrained a little as the surrounding, initially cold
material acts as a restraint on the heat-affected zone. A cut-off temperature may
therefore be used. It may also be necessary to simplify the tangent matrix used
in the solution procedure if it is too ill-conditioned. Andersson (1978) and Jonsson
et al. (1985a) used only the thermoelastic part of the stiffness matrix at high
temperatures. This reduced the convergence rate, but it may be necessary if the
matrix is too ill-conditioned.
The phase transformation of ferritic steels during cooling may inuence the
residual stresses quite a lot. Therefore, the cut-off temperature should at least
be higher than austenization temperature, but it is better to use a value near the
melting temperature. The inuence of the material properties on stresses and
deformations is dependent on the studied conguration. A rigid structure will
get larger changes in plastic strains, whereas a exible structure will experience different deformation due to different material properties.
The importance of including the effect of phase transformations on the mechanical behavior for ferritic steels is also discussed in the recommendations in the
section ``Dependency on Temperature and Microstructure. The effect of TRIP
on residual stresses depends on the restraint of the structure and at what temperature
the phase changes occur. If, for example, the shrinkage after the martensite formation gives rise to plastic yielding before the weld has cooled completely, then the
residual stress is limited by the yield limit of the hardening material and the difference in the residual stresses between an analysis that includes or ignores the volume
changes due to the phase transformation may be small.
The plastic strains generated at higher temperatures may be removed or reduced
due to phase transformation and thereby reduce the inuence of high-temperature
properties even more. It is preferable that the material is modeled as ideal plastic
at this temperature; otherwise the removal of plastic strains may lower the yield
strength, which in turn will create additional plastic strains if the stress eld is
on the yield surface. The plastic strains that exist during cooling will be the major
remaining effect of the properties at higher temperatures. They will in turn contribute to the hardening of the material. This will also limit the inuence of these plastic
strains. Thus, the use of approximate material data and ignoring the rate dependency
at higher temperatures has been found to affect the residual stresses very little (e.g.
Free and Porter Goff 1989, Bru et al. 1997, Tekriwal and Mazumder 1991a). Many
steels have about the same properties when they become fully austenized at higher
temperatures (Figure 12) if no special carbide formers have been added for special
high-temperature strength. It is appropriate to combine kinematic and isotropic
hardening in order to get accurate residual stresses in the weld metal, but there
may be a problem in obtaining the needed data.
Finally, it should be noted that the requirements of the material model are higher
if the zone near the melt is of particular interest, for example, when hot cracking is
studied. This improved material model should, at the same time, be matched by
a rened spatial and temporal discretization.
The modeling of material behavior at higher temperatures and in the presence of
phase transformations is perhaps the most crucial ingredient in successful welding
simulations. Progress in this eld is dependent on the collaborative efforts from com-
putational thermomechanics and material science. This is a eld that must be focused
on by the research community active in the eld of welding simulation. The improvement in material modeling and increasing availability of material parameters will, in
combination with the computational development, increase the industrial use of
welding simulations.
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