Stanford Stats 200
Stanford Stats 200
Stanford Stats 200
(x + 1) x
f (x) = (1 + )
if x {0, 1, 2, . . .},
if x {0, 1, 2, . . .},
= ( Xi )
n i=1
f (x) = x+1
if x k,
if x < k,
and its mean is k/( 1) if > 1 (and if 1). The Gamma(a, b) distribution has pdf
ba a1
x exp(bx)
f (x) = (a)
if x > 0,
if x 0,
6. Let X be a discrete random variable with pmf f (x), where R is unknown. Let
X = {x R f (x) > 0} denote the support of the pmf f (x), and suppose that X does
not depend on . Now suppose that we have a prior () such that the prior mean exists
and is finite, i.e.,
< () d < .
Show that the posterior mean E( X = x) exists and is finite for all data values x X .
Hints: For a sum to be finite, it is necessary (though not sufficient) for every term in the
sum to be finite. Also, since X does not depend on , the marginal distribution of X is
strictly positive for all x X , i.e., m(x) > 0 for all x X .
7. Construct an example of a sequence of random variables {Xn n 1}, a limiting random
variable X, and a set A R such that Xn D X, but P (X A) = 1 while P (Xn A) = 0
for all n 1.
Hint: If your example takes more than one or two lines to explain, then it is more
complicated than it needs to be.
8. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be iid random variables such that E,2 (X1 ) = and Var,2 (X1 ) = 2 are
both finite. However, suppose that X1 , . . . , Xn are not normally distributed. Define
Xn =
1 n
Xi ,
n i=1
Sn2 =
1 n
[ Xi2 n( X n ) ].
(Xi X n ) =
n 1 i=1
n 1 i=1
(1 x)1
f (x) =
if 0 < x < 1,
E (X1 ) =
Var (X1 ) =
(1 + )2 (2 + )
X n = n1 Xi .
10. Let X1 , X2 , . . . be a sequence of Unif(0, 1) random variables. For each n 1, let Yn have
a Bin(m, xn ) distribution conditional on Xn = xn , where m 1 is an integer.
(a) Find E(Y1 ) and Var(Y1 ) (not conditional on X1 ).
Note: The Unif(0, 1) distribution has mean 1/2 and variance 1/12, and the Bin(m, )
distribution has mean m and variance m(1 ). You may use any of these facts
without proof.
(b) For each n 1, let Zn = ni=1 Yi . Find sequences of constants bn and cn such that
bn (Zn cn ) D N (0, 1).
11. Let X1 , X2 , . . . be a sequence of random variables, where each Xn has pdf
(Xn )
n exp(nx)
(x) =
if x 0,
if x < 0.
Prove that Xn P 0.
12. Let X1 , X2 , . . . be iid N (, 2 ) random variables, and let X n and Sn2 be the usual sample
mean and sample variance (respectively) of the first n observations, i.e.,
Xn =
1 n
Xi ,
n i=1
Sn2 =
1 n 2
1 n
(X ) .
(Xi X ) =
n 1 i=1
n 1 i=1
2x exp(x2 )
f (x) =
if x 0,
if x < 0,
where > 0 is unknown. Suppose we assign a Gamma(a, b) prior to , where a > 0 and
b > 0 are known.
Note: The Gamma(a, b) distribution has pdf
(a) x exp(bx)
f (x) =
if x > 0,
if x 0,
and its mean is a/b. You may use these facts without proof.
(a) Find the posterior distribution of .
(b) Find (or simply state) the posterior mean of .
14. Let X and Y be discrete random variables with the following joint pmf:
f (X,Y ) (0, 0) = 0.1,
with f (X,Y ) (x, y) = 0 for all other values of x and y. Find E(Y X = 0).
15. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be iid random variables with pdf
(x 1)2
2 x3
f (x) =
if x > 0,
if x 0,
f (x) =
if < x < + 1,
x exp()
for x {0, 1, 2, . . .}
xa1 exp(bx)
for x > 0
2x exp(x2 )
f (x) =
where > 0 is unknown.
(a) Find the maximum likelihood estimator of .
if x 0,
if x < 0,
(b) Now suppose that instead of > 0, we take the parameter space to be {1, 2}, i.e.,
it is known with certainty that either = 1 or = 2. Find the maximum likelihood
of estimator of under this new restriction.
19. An incorrect result and its incorrect proof are shown below.
(Incorrect) Result: Students t distribution with one degree of freedom is a
discrete distribution that takes values +1 and 1 with probability 1/2 each.
(Incorrect) Proof: Let Z N (0, 1). ThenZ 2 has a chi-squared distribution with
one degree of freedom, and hence T = Z/ Z 2 has a Students t distribution with
one degree of freedom. However, T = Z/ Z 2 = Z/Z, which is either +1 or 1
according to whether Z > 0 or Z < 0, each of which occurs with probability 1/2.
State (in one or two sentences) why this proof of this result is incorrect.
20. Let X be a single discrete random variable with pmf
f (0) = (1 )/2,
f (1) = 1/2,
f (2) = /2,
0 if X = 0,
(X) =
1 if X > 0.
(You do not need to show this.)
(a) Find the bias of (as an estimator of ).
(b) Let = [0, 1] = { R 0 1} denote the parameter space. Show that for every
1 a+1
(a) ( 2 ) exp( 2 )
( ) =
if 2 > 0,
if 2 0,
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