MIRACLE 6 Information

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The MIRACLE 6 Quick Guide to Understanding the Nature of (Physics and
Mathematics) of Divine Law for Physical Manifestation Through Spiritual
Matrices and Dynamic Intent

Music intimately affects your soul. It inspires creativity, moves emotions, and transforms physical
matter by its pure power.
In the beginning, The Book of Genesis reveals, there was only God and his word. The Supreme One
sang the universe into existence in six days. The planets, spheres of sound, continue to vibrate in
space-an electromagnetic matrix of the Creator's Divine physics and mathematics. They dance with
colors that reflect their sacred origin.
Like the Universal Father/Mother, ancient people used music and song as "soul food" to reach higher
realms of thought and greater well-being. Psalms were sung in a sacred scale, a special set of sounds,
designed to nourish and uplift spirits to their Source.
Unfortunately, over the millennia, these tones were changed, and the spiritually uplifting impact of
this Divine music was suppressed. Now, with the Spiritual renaissance upon us, at our time of greatest
need, these tones and their applications are being recovered.
Everything in the physical universe, in fact, is crystallized mathematics. Gods language is math.
Theologies in most popular religions reflect one Divine Law of physics and mathematics. In other
words, everything manifests through math. Spoken words and/or sacred geometric forms, known
throughout the millennia to be associated with miraculous manifestations, are essentially
mathematical formulas directing dynamic movement of energy inter-dimensionally.
Each of these mathematical formulas, be they spoken words, for example, in prayer or affirmation, or
geometric forms, relay spiritual energy. That is, these mathematical formulas create electromagnetic
waves and subatomic particles that enter, and/or affect, according to scientists, at least nine
dimensions. Our physical realities and universal substances merely reflect crystallization of these
wave/particles from several dimensions into just three.
There are many theories and proven facts that help explain this process of physical manifestation
from spiritual realms. Regardless of the one(s) to which you may subscribe, one thing remains
certain-miracles happen. They occur regardless of whether or not you believe in science, religion, or
spirituality. They manifest whether you believe in magic or not. Youve heard the saying, Be careful
what you wish for, it may come true. The fact is there are Sacred Laws that govern everythingincluding making wishes come true.
The MIRACLE 6 frequency delivery appliance, as you are about to discover, focuses on this wish-

making as a truly Divine, manifesting process. It begins with your heart-felt desires that reflect your
clear intent and Gods will to produce positive outcomes and change. The MIRACLE 6, as you will
increasingly learn, is an advancing technology that, because it works so well, must be used very
WISELY. Otherwise, like the saying above predicts, your wishes coming true may not be supportive
to your highest good. In fact, power or might, directed without wisdom, is often deadly.
INITIAL WARNING: If you use the MIRACLE 6, you must sincerely and critically examine
your highest values and optimal good in an effort to purify your expressed and directed intent. If
you dont, as many people with impure intentions have learned using the MIRACLE 6, you will
reap (i.e., manifest) what you have foolishly sown.
Alternatively, where there is a will, theres a way. The MIRACLE 6, wisely directed, will help you
bring to fruition, usually very fast, the best things in life.
Suppressed Bio-Electric Technologies and Therapies
This knowledge and technology has been royally suppressed for decades, at minimum. In the television series
Star Trek, Dr. Bones treated sick people with a little electrical device. Suddenly, seconds later, they were
miraculously healed. Science fiction? No, its quite possible. In fact, it's where medicine should be today, and
would be if it wasn't for the suppression of knowledge initially advanced during the late 1800s by Nikola Tesla
and later his students, such as Royal R. Rife.
For those who have never heard of this possibility/technology, bioelectrics, like everything else, began when God
created the Universe. Christians marvel how the Messiah Yeshua healed so many people. Muslims and Jews alike
wonder how God heals people? When you go to sleep at night, you're tired but when you wake up in the
morning, you're rejuvenated. How does that happen?
It's all through electromagnetics, that is, spiritual mathematics and physics. In fact, this is why oxygenation
therapies are so powerful in helping heal nerve damage. The oxygen molecule carries a lot of the magnetic
Homeopathics work similarly because of electromagnetic frequencies stored in water molecules mostly
composed of oxygen attached to hydrogen. The water molecule actually forms a triangular structure that in three
dimensions looks like a pyramid. Youve likely heard of pyramid power? In fact, that sacred geometric
structure produces a six-sided hexagonal Star-of-David appearing shape when two molecules combine as is
often the case with clustered water. This type of water, scientists only recently learned, forms the supportive
matrix of every DNA strand in your body. This water is also responsible for more than 90 percent of the active
function of DNA.
Herbal remedies as well as essential oils work largely because they are mostly composed of electromagnetically
charged particles, especially oxygen. Like essential oils, medicinal herbs have their own specific frequency
signals. Much like spiritual, hands-on, healers these Godly creations relay spiritual messages, energy blessings,
to essentially channel Gods love to miraculously heal people.
Every bacteria, virus, fungus, or illness, likewise has its own frequency signature. The art and science of
homeopathics is based on this premise. Here, clinicians match the frequency of the homeopathic (or nosode) to
the specific disease frequency to obtain healing.

Every phenomenon above is best explained by current knowledge in physics and mathematics. Just like radio
signals relay messages, and computers effect virus scans, electromagnetic memory, and systems repair, so too are
miracles possible, if not probable, by intelligently applying our current knowledge.

Bioelectric Technologies
A good resource to understand this burgeoning field of electro-medicine is Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalyps (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1999. 1-888-508-4787; <http://www.tetrahedron.org> ). In fact, many
doctors have said this is must reading for any practitioner or consumer interested in the field of energy medicine.
As explained therein, and in the book Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries through Ancient Scriptures,
Natural Medicine and Modern Science (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2000), a number of researchers have
developed a wide array of healing machines. Some use sound, light, color, radionics, prayer, and even
combinations thereof. All of these applications are used by MIRACLE 6.
Obviously, sound can effectively destroy viruses that are largely crystalline in nature. Ella Fitzgeralds famous
commercial in which she sang a high pitched note that shattered a crystal glass is a good example. The sterilizing
effect of ultraviolet light is also a very well known example. Another example involves the healing power of
sunlight. Most people know that sunlight cures jaundice in infants, and that people who suffer from seasonal
affective disorder are made well by full spectrum lighting or sunlight.
Radionics employs another deeper level of electromagnetic energy physics. The manner in which this works is
similar to the phenomenon of dowsing.
I was stunned the first time I ever witnessed dowsing, or divining rod usage. I needed to excavate a ditch for a
water pipe to my orchard. I knew I would cross another metal water pipe, but did not know where this was.
Hitting it meant a large expensive problem! Fortunately, the backhoe operator was a seasoned dowser. He asked
me to supply him with two coat hangers that he quickly transformed into two dowsing rods. I thought he was
crazy walking around my yard with his arms and these metal rods extended out parallel. Suddenly, and
amazingly, those two metal
rods converged and crossed. Here it is! he yelled.
Still, I though he was nuts. A few minutes later I learned that I was the deluded one! He dug precisely down
where the dowsing rods had indicated. Lo and behold there it was-the metal pipe we were looking for!
He explained that very subtle energy vibrations and subatomic particles made their way up from the pipe and
communicated with the dowsing rods making them shift to identify the pipes exact location. I didnt fully
comprehend the truth in what he was saying until I began to study quantum physics and even radionic energy
Another, even more startling proof of this phenomenon as applied to healing involved two friends-one a
naturopathic doctor, and the other a Kirlian photographer. The doctors wife was ill when
her Kirlian photograph was taken. The image was transferred digitally directly into the photographers laptop
computer and then saved. That night he left Northern Idaho to return to Toronto, Canada. During the next few
days the doctor successfully treated his wife using a very

advanced machine called the Quad Med that works very similarly to the MIRACLE 6. A few days later, the
photographer decided to take another look at the womans image to study the energy blocks
related to her illness, that he had noted and documented. To his shock, they had suddenly disappeared!
What had occurred transcended the limitations of time and space-precisely the capabilities of energetic
transmissions as determined by quantum physics and interdimensional mathematics.
As the machine, which transmits subatomic radionic and scaler energies, affected the woman, her body energy
field healed. The healing was reflected across the time/space continuum from the United States into Canada, two
days later, and across North America!

The MIRACLE 6 Prayer Facilitator

This most amazing and powerful consumer device, the MIRACLE 6 (the full name is FDA UltraMK MIRACLE 6.
See Claims and Disclaimers below.), is equally as powerful as the Quad Med at a fraction of the cost. Five
generational prototypes of the MIRACLE 6 were developed by a spiritually sensitive computer genius, physicist,
and mathematician, Ernie Vega. We combined our knowledge and efforts to develop this new, extraordinary
invention-the MIRACLE 6.
The Bible often refers to prayer power that can be increased through repetition and multiplied by increased
numbers gathered in His name. The MIRACLE 6 helps to accomplish precisely this. Its computer-operated
program will transform your desktop from a work place to a prayer space. The additional power provided with
this machine amplifies your prayers (and intent) thousands of times
through a mathematically formulated energy vortex and field multipliers. Let me demystify this concept for you.
Contrary to what some false fundamentalist dogmas portend against the use of supernatural forces to effect
positive outcomes, God relays His position in the Bible. In Ezekiel 13, for instance, He chastises false prophets
who prophesy out of their own thoughts (13:2) or egos. He makes it clear that those who produce false
divinations (13:6), that is, use Gods supernatural forces
falsely or for evil, will be harshly judged. Ezekiel (13:22-23) records, Because you have disheartened the
righteous with your lies when I was not trying to cause
them pain and have encouraged the wicked not to turn from their wicked ways
and thus be saved, therefore you will have no more futile visions, and you
will produce no more divinations. I will rescue my people from your clutches,
and you will know that I am Adonai (Adonai is the Hebrew word for God. This quote
is from The Complete Jewish Bible available through the www.tetrahedron.org <http://www.tetrahedron.org>
Every religion agrees that YahVah is the Great Creator of everything, and the Adversary
creates nothing except deception and destruction of Gods healthy, whole,
and harmonic creations. Clearly, there are false prophets and true prophets. Here God
counsels against the use of His creations-visions-by egocentric false prophets.
He tells them He will take away His gift of divination, because they have used it
for evil. Ezekiel explains that YahVah does not tolerate the misuse of His supernatural inventions,

that is, the misuse of His spiritual/supernatural powers/technologies that should be used
As YahVah warns here, devil-doers who use His technology falsely will be harshly judged. As mentioned
previously, if you misuse the MIRACLE 6, it will backfire on you. This is added empirical proof that that
MIRACLE 6 works, and is a profound blessing from God. Anyone attempting to use this powerful machine
falsely, or do harm with it, are one again warned about the quick and severe punishment they are likely to
That is simply the way it is because the MIRACLE 6 is expressly designed to follow and apply Gods Laws of
mathematics and physics. Thus, this is virtually the only warning or contraindication concerning the
MIRACLE 6s use that you must be made aware.

How Does the MIRACLE 6 Work to Manifest Miracles?

If you have ever experienced the miraculous power of prayer, then you will likely have less difficulty
understanding the power of the MIRACLE 6 to produce miracles.
God created the universe, records Genesis, in six days using the spoken word. Words, again, are sound. Sounds
are acoustic/electromagnetic frequencies (Hertz or cycles per second). This reflects basic knowledge of math and
physics. It also underlies creationism-which is, contrary to popular belief and pseudoscientific propaganda, a
proven fact of nature as proven by the science of cymatics and as detailed in Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse and Healing Celebrations.
The protocol for using the MIRACLE 6 employs prayer and the intent of prayer, translated into its fundamental
math and physics in the following sequence:

Your heart felt prayer is typed into the intent window,

A translation program (mathematical formula) deciphers and records the alphanumerics of your prayer,
Optionally, your prayer can be amplified with harmonious colored light,
You may also elect to amplify your prayer/intent by superimposing a sacred geometric form that
additionally reflects your prayer/intent. For instance, you may superimpose the the structure of a
medicinal herb to reinforce the healing prayer,
Next, type the beneficiary(ies) name(s) into the beneficiary window which functions much like a receptor
well of a radionic machine.
5) Optionally, superimpose another geometric form pertaining to the desired outcome
over the beneficiarys identification and location.
6) Next, you Set the program/process by a click of the mouse during heart-felt prayer. The program then
directs the CPU of the computer to emit a surveillance (signature recognizance) signal for 30 feet in
circumference around the CPU. Within this territory, any coherent electromagnetic mathematical
frequency, that is, linear coherent signal as opposed to surrounding noise, is recorded.
In other words, your heart-felt prayer emits a coherent electromagnetic frequency (mathematical) signal
to YahVah, which is recorded by the computer program as well. The computer, (as is obviously the case with
God) first identifies this mathematically coherent (non-linear) record of your hearts intent (prayer). It does
this by simply searching the environment for 30 feet surrounding the CPU to identify a coherent harmonic

non-linear resonance pattern consistent with your typed prayer/intent, as opposed to the chaotic,
disharmonious, resonance patterns being emitted by everything else, (i.e., background noise).
Stated another way, the signal resonance and harmonics of your heart-felt intent signature, is
perceivably, mathematically, and recordably different from every other more chaotic signal available in your
room at that time.
7) Next, this coherent mathematical sequence/signal is repeatedly sent out from the computer as soon as you
start the program. In fact, your prayer signal goes out repeatedly thousands of times per second for as
long as you like. This is accomplished through the use of a repeater module. This module pulses the
coherent pattern out to an exit point on a mathematically formulated energy vortex. This proprietary
mathematically formulated energy vortex operates on what has been termed zero-point energy so that it
can continue to function optimally without robbing energy from your computer or you.
Using this system, designed by God, your energy/prayer/intent typically returns very quickly and efficiently.
Alternatively, the key blocks to the hastened manifestation of your miracle(s) become obvious. Once these are
brought to awareness, and effectively dealt with by additional prayer if needed, God manifests your miracles.
Medical and System Dynamics Advisory: You may be familiar with what is called the Herxheimer
Reaction. This is a commonly observed phenomenon following homeopathic or detoxification therapies
whereby diseased individuals experience a worsening of their symptoms for a brief period of time prior to
complete symptom resolution and return to optimal health. This reflects Gods natural laws for healing.
Thus, this reaction is often apparent with the MIRACLE 6 as well, and should be welcome as part of the healing
process. Again, in the case of the MIRACLE 6, the Herxheimer Reaction may occur in an effort to extinguish
related energy blockages or eliminate disease inducing co-factors, that are commonly (usually subconsciously)
influencing, if not effecting, disease outcomes.
The Herxheimer reaction aside, you will find working with the MIRACLE 6 spiritually uplifting, fun, exciting,
fascinating, and highly rewarding. Its universal applications set it far apart from any other healing machine in the
world today. Virtually every problem requiring prayer would be benefited by using the MIRACLE 6. Here are a
couple of examples:
Regarding the current anthrax and biological warfare problem with which we must contend, the MIRACLE 6 can
help. By simply programming the MIRACLE 6 to guard a person or a family from Anthrax, that
spiritual/electromagnetic protection will be placed. Hows that for eliminating fear (which is ungodly)!
Furthermore, if a person is exposed to anthrax, by programming the MIRACLE 6 to prevent infection or boost
immunity, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Since there is no disease in heaven, and all miracles are
possible, guess what? Youre protected.
If someone else gets sick with anthrax, the MIRACLE 6 can be programmed in several ways to help restore
health. First, the crystalline structures of antibiotics (including CIPRO) are stored in the MIRACLE 6s database.
The resonance of these structures can be broadcast into the ailing person.
This way, the person can be positively affected by the antibiotics harmonics without experiencing any negative
side effects. (Hows that for stealing Satans thunder, and the pharmaceutical industry rewards for devil doing!)

Want to help resolve this global conflict, or Americas New War? The Bible teaches us to turn to urgent prayer.
Thats why we have installed a MIRACLE 6 linked to our Apocalypse Prevention Project on the
www.tetrahedron.org <http://www.tetrahedron.org> website. Simply pray for world peace, and then when your
heart is set on this loving intent, click on the start function to send your prayer out to God, joining millions of
others who are likewise praying for world peace at this critical time.

But theres far more you can do with the MIRACLE 6:

1) You can make clustered water! Thats right, instead of spending approximately
$50 person, per month, by buying clustered water, the MIRACLE 6 has a
Pre-set clustered water production program. Simply take a gallon
Of steam distilled water in a glass jar, click the clustered water function
On the MIRACLE 6, set the timer, click start, and within minutes you have a
Gallon of fresh powerful clustered water.
2) You can even rejuvenate your own DNA within minutes by replenishing the
Clustered water within your own body!! This will add a constitutional hedge
Against disease and premature death.
3) You can take and transmit energy imprints from virtually
Anything and send it anywhere and to anyone. For example, if you
Wish to extract the energy from an herb, vitamin, or essential oil, and use it locally
Or remotely for healing, the MIRACLE 6 makes this easy. The program includes
Photos of all the medicinal herbs, along with photomicrographs of the crystalline
Structures of most commonly used prescription drugs, vitamins, minerals, and much more.
These photos transmit color, structural signatures, and radionic energy patterns that you
Can send yourself or others, locally or remotely, for protection and/or healing.
Besides pre-set commonly used Rife frequencies, the full nine recently rediscovered ancient Solfeggio sounds,
and select harmonic combinations thereof, you can select any Rife frequency you wish. The software includes a
sound generator that allows you to play and direct your selected specific frequency radionically or locally
through speakers and/or physical Velcro-band electrodes.
For more information and instructions regarding the MIRACLE 6, connect to the MIRACLE 6 file on the
www.tetrahedron.org <http://www.tetrahedron.org> website. We will be adding more information here, as time
goes on, along with upgrade announcements, to keep you appraised of related developments.


Better than your standard satisfaction guarantee, a FREE FIFTEEN (15) DAY TRIAL OF the MIRACLE 6 is
now available to you. I encourage you to start using the MIRACLE 6 immediately!
The purchase price the basic FDA UltraMK MIRACLE 6 unit is Only $845. (An optional electrode set with
clustered water attachment may be purchased separately. Inquire for availability and pricing by calling Healing
Celebrations at 1-888-508-4787.)

The basic price of $888 includes three hours of personalized technical support and training. Though the basic
operating functions are easily and quickly learned, you may desire this advanced training to master more
advanced functions of the machine.
Compare the MIRACLE 6 price of $888 to more than $10,000 for the Quad Med that requires far more
intensive training to operate, and is not as diverse in its applications; $2,500 to $6,500 for top shelf Rife
frequency or radionic devices that are equally expensive and far more limited.
I am so convinced that you will be as excited as I am about having and using the MIRACLE 6 to help your
family and friends that I am making a FREE DOWNLOADABLE DEMONSTRATION MODEL available to
you right now for FIFTEEN (15) DAYS.
Thats right, within minutes you can begin using our demo version of the MIRACLE 6. To download it, simply
connect to http://www.healingcelebrations.com/cgi-bin/store/agora.cgi?page=0043.html
<http://www.healingcelebrations.com> in our store catalog. There in the Equipment section you can download
either the FULLY OPERATIONAL MODEL, or our FREE DEMONSTRATION MODEL. Soon youll have the
MIRACLE 6 installed and operating on your desktop computer.
By following a few simple instruction available on the MIRACLE 6s Help menu, and information below, you
can begin to operate your unit to help make your prayers, even miraculous healings, come true!
After trying the FREE DEMONSTRATION MODEL for fifteen days, if you wish to purchase the MIRACLE 6
FULLY OPERATIONAL MODEL, simply return to http://www.healingcelebrations.com/cgibin/store/agora.cgi?page=0043.html <http://www.healingcelebrations.com> and order it using your debit card or
credit card.

Quick Start for Manifesting Miracles With The MIRACLE 6

The methods used to manifest miracles using the MIRACLE 6 are best described and carefully
reviewed below. A quick start can be affected by following this protocol:
1) Type in your prayer/desire/wish and/or intent into the widow marked Intent.
2) Type in the exact person(s), places, you wish to benefit in the window marked
3) Choose a color to place over your typed prayer/desire/wish. (Optional)
4) Select a graphic to cover the color in the Intent window. (Optional)
5) Select a graphic to cover the typed intended Benefactor(s). (Optional)
6) Highlight the number to the right of the Minutes bar and type the number of minutes you
wish to have the MIRACLE 6 transmit your intent (1-500 minutes). Then click anywhere on
the green font plate to activate your set time. (The minutes should now be centered in the gray
display window.)
7) Place your mouse cursor over the Set button, and then close your eyes, keeping your hand
on the mouse. Meditate in spiritually focused silence for a minute on your heart-felt intention
to have the beneficiary(ies) be fully blessed by the miraculous healing or other positive
manifestation(s). Use your imagination, if necessary, to gain a full experience of this
beneficial outcome. Then, when you completely experience this in your heart, minds eye,
emotions, and spirit, click the mouse and Set button.

8) Reposition the mouse cursor over the Start button. Now, follow the same procedure as
detailed in step #7 above; clicking the Start button this time instead of the Set button.

The Power of Sounds and Words

Based on the revelations advanced in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse
(Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1-888-508-4787), by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Dr. Joseph S.
Puleo, language, and the alphanumerics underlying it, powerfully impacts the physics of creationism.
Thus, all MIRACLE 6 applications begin by clearly typing your desire, or focused intent, into written
language in the left window display.
As explained in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, contrary to popular belief, the English
alphabet is mathematically, that is alphanumerically, related to the Hebrew alphabet. English,
therefore, according to scholars, is related to a sacred language. What makes Hebrew, and likewise
Sanskrit, so sacred is the electromagnetic energy frequency generating power of its special letters and
sounds. Spoken word is obviously sound. Sound is comprised of electromagnetic frequencies. This
simply brings you back to mathematics and physics. As explained in Healing Codes for the
Biological Apocalypse, and further in Dr. Horowitzs Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries
Through Ancient Scriptures, Natural Medicine and Modern Science (Tetrahedron Publishing Group,
2000), the English language relays related frequencies and power.
Every bonafide expert in social science and organizational management has explained that written
goals ARE A MUST to consistently achieve success in any field and every endeavor. Across the
board, authorities explain there is something magical that happens when you write out your goals.
Experts recommend you focus on your desired outcome, and write it down on paper AS IF THE
OUTCOME YOU WISH IS ALREADY PRESENT. They say this because they know it works. How?
By the same manner in which prayer and the MIRACLE 6 works as you will increasingly learn.
The MIRACLE 6 contains (in its operating software) mathematical formulas that equate your
written words and letters into specific electromagnetic frequencies that relay your intent to
creative vortices impacting spiritual dimensions. In this manner, the MIRACLE 6 might be
considered a prayer amplifier. Set on extended function, the MIRACLE 6 becomes a prayer
Cultures have consistently adopted prayer because it consistently works. In essence, prayer, either
silent or spoken, is simply a Divine/human technology for enhanced creativity. Using the JudeoChristian religions for examples, the Sacred One-The Tetragrammaton, that is, Gods Hebrew name,
Yod Hey Vau Hey, pronounced YahVah-created the universe in six (6) days by speaking (or singing) it
into existence. Again, words contain syllables of sound, and sounds transmit electromagnetic
frequencies intra and inter-dimensionally. According to these religions, as well as the Muslim and
Native American faiths, you were created by this Sacred One as a holy and creative child.
Clearly, you would not send your children far from home without protection and the power to create,
thus bringing you continued pride and joy. Parents get very excited upon hearing their children speak
intelligent words for the first time. This is because creative destinies rely on these frequency
emissions, both socially and spiritually. Desiring you to be consistently creative and productive for
paternal/material pride and joy, the Heavenly Father/Mother gave you two lips and language to thusly

create for your mutual satisfaction.

Every technology has its limitations. Prayer too, silent, spoken or written, being a technology, has its
limitations. Religious scholars and theologians submit that desired outcomes are facilitated and
enhanced when more than one gather in His name, and pray together for the same outcome. With
this in mind, additional mathematical formulas have been integrated into the MIRACLE 6 to amplify
the creative power of your written intentions. This amplification method works much like the sound
of many voices harmonizing your prayers to the Spirit of the Heavenly Kingdom-the Holy Ones
inter-dimensional space.
Besides this, the MIRACLE 6 is most often used for extended periods by easily adjusting the
operating time function. This, again, multiplies the power and efficacy of your written prayer or intent
to produce the desired result.
Just remember that when you write out your prayer, desire, or intent, state it as if you were
experiencing the positive outcome already in the present. Envision the desired outcome and put it to
heart-felt words as a current state or reality. Since time and space are relative, the message is best
carried into creative realms of inter-dimensional space in this manner.
For example, if you are praying for renewed health, you might type into the intent window, I have
overcome my cancer and now experience full health by the grace of YahVah (in the name of blessed
Messiah Yeshua) to bring glory to my Creator!

Personal Prayer Power versus Prayer with The MIRACLE 6

You might think, Why do I need a machine to help me pray. God is listening and will respond to me
You are absolutely correct. You dont need a machine to get to God, as much as you dont need a car
to get to work. You can certainly walk to your place of business. In some cases, it may take you a few
extra days rather than minutes. Much like having a car gets you to where you want to go more
comfortably, with less effort, in a lot less time, so too does the MIRACLE 6. You dont really need it,
but you can make great use of it. You may, in fact, end up loving it!
Also, the Bible instructs us to pray often, and especially with others during times of urgency or
special need. Unfortunately, in this technotronic era people have become more isolated than ever
before in recorded history. Even families spend very little time together, and far less time in prayer
than once upon a time. Thus, the MIRACLE 6 can help respond to this deficiency.
Using the MIRACLE 6 seems to help individuals in other ways as well. For people who have given
up on religion, or turned off to spirituality, the MIRACLE 6s marriage of science, technology,
and pure spirituality is refreshing, if not heart warming. Anything that gets people putting more faith
in God, and praying again, according to some, is a good idea.
Finally, numerous people have reported an increase in their connection to God, or spirituality
following their use of the MIRACLE 6. This too might be expected since everything the MIRACLE 6

does, positively serves God and his beloved children.

Background For Crystallizing Your Intent
Some people go so far as to personalize their prayers/desires/wishes into a sign or seal which can,
likewise, effectively transmit prayerful intent into the inter-dimensional creative vortex functioning in
the MIRACLE 6 and beyond.
Websters Dictionary defines the thirteenth century term sign as a token, image or seal; probably
akin to L secare to cut-more at saw. . . . signal . . . a motion or gesture by which a thought is
expressed or a command or wish made known . . .a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an
object or relations or has a purely syntactic function....
In Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Dr. Joseph Puleo explained that Noah Webster was a
high level Freemason and Pythagorean mystery school devotee. Like the Bible, Webster encoded his
dictionary for the benefit of fellow Freemasons and secret society members, effectively keeping an
ancient Sacred arcana, that is, empowering knowledge, from the masses of commoners. Thus, the
common people were perceived to be, and developed into, lower classes. By following Websters
century codes as he instructs in his dictionary, related definitions reveal much of this secret mystery
school knowledge.
The reference word for sign in Websters Dictionary is seal. This word, also from the thirteenth
century, is defined as something that confirms, ratifies, or makes secure. . . a device with a cut or
raised emblem, symbol, or word used to certify a signature or authenticate a document.
This definition goes further to include the use of a seal to provide an impression, device, or mark
given the effect of a common-law seal by statute law, or by American local custom, recognized by
judicial decision.
Ultimately, there are mans laws-referred to as common or statutory-and Gods Laws. Which do you
think came first? Which are more powerful?
Thus, this word seal, or act of developing a personalized authentic sign of your intention,
acknowledges the Divine Laws of Gods universe, more than human laws. As you will quickly see
when using the MIRACLE 6, which follows these laws, there is the most extensive power in knowing
and applying YahVahs Divine Laws.
Webster refers his readers to the word saw from the word sign. The word saw obviously means
to cut into something, making an indelible mark or impression. Most interesting, before the twelve
hundreds, this word was related to a legal maxim or proverb, or sometimes to the spoken word in a
tale or saga. From here Webster refers investigators to the word say. Now we come back to the
power of language-the written and spoken word. Words, written or spoken, clearly hold the ability to
cut into spiritual dimensions for creative intentions following certain laws. That how prayer works!
Is that clear enough? Ancient mystery school investigators determined, and passed on, the spiritual
significance of creating a personalized word to cut your authentic signature of intent into the cosmic
legal record.

Later, in the fourteenth century, the word seal was adopted to mean, to confirm or make secure by
or as if by a seal.
Much later, in 1610, the term was adopted for use in the burgeoning occult with the term-sigil.
Websters Dictionary defines sigil as a seal, signet . . . a sign, word, or device of supposed occult
power in astrology or magic. (Notice Webster says supposed, implying not really. He obviously
knew the deeper truth about the subject.) After this equation with occult science, through religious
indoctrinations, many people were simply turned off to this knowledge. Thus, fear, and the forces of
evil, widely conquered truth and Divinely empowering knowledge.
For the record, especially for devoted Christians, YahVah is the creator of everything. Evil forces
create nothing except disharmony, destruction and confusion. For a more detailed explanation of this
fact, see <http://www.healingcelebrations.com>. Here Dr. Horowitz provides special counsel to
religious fundamentalists regarding this matter of deception and distorted belief systems.
Ultimately, to be saved physically and spiritually, you are encouraged to recover your true spiritual
identity by discovering The One Truth of your relationship to the Creative Force in the universe, the
supreme director-YahVah. Otherwise, the Heavenly Father/Mother cannot gain optimal pride and joy
from His human creations.

Developing Your Personalized Sign/Seal

Given this background, in beginning to work with the MIRACLE 6, you may wish to write a present
tense positive affirmation, wish, or prayer. For example, rather than writing your intent as I DESIRE
(It is suggested that you use the same prefix for each sign or prayer you construct, like I AM, I
DESIRE, I WILL, or GOD HELP ME TO. . . , etc.)
Next, some people elect to make a single word sign or seal from their lengthy written intention.
Take this affirmation-I AM NOW TOTALLY HEALTHY -and remove the vowels to get back to
basics. This is similar to Gods True Name-YahVah-which all religions say is Holy and should never
be forgotten. Yet, the Greeks and Romans added letters and vowels. These sounds and
electromagnetic frequencies, when added, distorted the name we were warned never to forget. Gods
new name became Jehovah.
Going back to the basic signature or voiceprint, eliminate the vowels in forming your word seal. In
this way, I AM NOW TOTALLY HEALTHY becomes MNWTTLLYHLTHY. This sounds like a
foreign tongue when spoken, but carries a similar, and more personalized, electromagnetic frequency
signature. Some people further elect to eliminate repeating letters in this prayer signature. Thus,
In Eastern philosophies, such as Zen Buddhism, meditation on a desired result is recommended.
Scientists have shown that relaxation, combined with focused intention, and/or inner vision, helps
reduce stress and positively affects body physiology-including benefits to the immune system for
enhanced health and healing. In ancient Zen practices, that predate Judeo-Christian and Muslim
scripture and prayer practices, focus on personalized mandalas and/or mantras to effect desirable
results is ritualized. Following this tradition, you may elect to modify your prayer signature into a

mantra that you can also use during creative meditation to facilitate healing or optimal health. For
instance, the seal MNWTLYH can be broken up into at least three syllables for use as a
mantra-MN WT LYH
If the resulting mantra seems a bit cumbersome, pronunciation can be determined by substituting the
sound of the Hebrew letter equivalents (in this case Mem-Nun-Tau-Lam-Yod-He), or simply using
vowel sounds that feel right to you.
Transforming your full prayer into such a small, personalized, and concentrated seal to cut into the
Kingdom of Heaven from which all blessings flow, is optional. The MIRACLE 6 will work quickly
regardless of your doing these things simply because God reads your heart, and the mathematical
formulas included in the system have been designed for this purpose. You are, however, encouraged
to investigate such methods when working with the MIRACLE 6. This knowledge is being provided
so you can gain a broader appreciation for the science, theories, and practices upon which this
effective, uplifting, and exciting new technology is based.

Color, Sacred Geometry, and Creationism

There is obviously extraordinary healing power in color and certain sacred geometric forms. For
instance, (as mentioned above) medical doctors know that by taking a jaundiced infant into the
sunlight, or by exposing them to full-spectrum lighting, the liver dysfunction resolves and the
jaundiced infant heals. Likewise, with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) there is great curative power
in sunlight, which delivers a full color spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. As the MIRACLE 6
is being introduced in an age of biological warfare and bioterrorism, it is wise to recall that ultraviolet
light is routinely used to kill infectious pathogenic bacteria and certain viruses as well. All of these
facts relay the certainty that colored frequency signals can relay unique properties for healing as well
as other physical manifestations.
Likewise, certain geometric forms can relay electromagnetic frequency signals that can not only
impact the physical body, but also the spiritual dimensions as well. For instance, the Star-of-David,
more accurately called Solomons Seal is defined in Websters Dictionary as an amulet especially
against fever or infectious diseases. Similarly, Noah Webster added that Solomons Seal is also
any of a genus (Polygonatum) of perennial herbs of the lily family with gnarled rhizomes. The
flower, like Solomons Seal has six outcroppings.
The sacred structure of flowers, as with all life forms, did not occur by accident or serendipity. Flower
forms follow more than function. They follow spiritual frequency absorption and transmission,
mediated and expressed uniquely through individualized genes of DNA.
Regarding the manifestation of sacred sounds into living (i.e., organic) geometric forms, numerous
authorities have written on the science called cymatics in which those relationships, and the essence
of creationism, are largely explained. Flowers, in fact, are the most prevalent colorful creations that
exhibit a marvelous array of sacred geometric forms. And, as mentioned above in the case of the lily
family of perennial herbs, the fields of naturopathy and homeopathy are based largely on the
electromagnetic essences of flowers, herbs, their color vibrations and the spiritual like.
In the definitive textbook on Electromagnetic Fields and Life (Plenum Press, 1970), by Russias top
biophysicist, Dr. A.S. Pressman, the works of numerous scientists investigating electromagnetic

frequencies and genetic functions are discussed. Pressman explained the complex network of
possible interactions in organisms between DNA and up-regulation of the entire organism by way of
electromagnetic transmissions. Genetic electromagnetic signals, he explained, communicate
regulatory messages from the gene and chromosome through the nucleus, cell cytoplasm, body
tissues, and ultimately to the entire organism and its environment. This signaling can also occur in
reverse, that is, from the environment, or the Holy Spirit, to the gene core of every cell in your body.
This, in fact, is the precise manner in which the MIRACLE 6 is believed to work.
To summarize this background into color, sacred geometry, and creationism, including the
creation of miraculous healings (besides the alphanumerics of the written or spoken word as
explained previously), color as well as special (sacred) geometric forms, both relay
electromagnetic and/or bioacoustic frequency signals that underlie the vast majority of intra
and intercellular processes upon which life depends. This knowledge helps to explain how and
why flowers of various colors, for instance, are formed from the subtle energies crossing the
matrices of inter-dimensional space; how their mere sight and smell relays signals of relaxation
and more, how and why essential oils and liquid extracts from these plants and flowers relay the
essence of spirituality for healing, and why the naturopathic and homeopathic arts and sciences
have proven the test of time and human value.
For all of these reasons, the MIRACLE 6 contains and applies this knowledge, the spectrum of colors,
an array of sacred geometric forms, and advanced electro medical applications in physics and
mathematics required to operate effectively and serve optimally.
Making Clustered Water With The MIRACLE 6
Much of the mystery of creationism, including miraculous healings, was explained with recent
advances in the fields of genetics and water science. In Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse,
and in greater detail in Healing Celebrations, Dr. Horowitz reviewed the impressive research
provided by a number of authorities in these fields including Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife,
Russian investigators A.G. Gurvich and V.F. Kaznachayev, and genetic hydration experts including
University of California at Berkeley, Chemistry Department Chairman, Ron Saykally et al. Saykally
et al., largely proved that DNAs electromagnetic status, and subsequent intracellular up regulation
of structural integrity and metabolic functions, is critically dependent on a form of water that exhibits
sacred geometry at the molecular level. It is called clustered water. Simply put, three of five Nobel
Prize winners in medicine during the 1990s won their awards based on the discovery that DNAs
primary function, is not as a template for RNA and protein synthesis, but as an electromagnetic
receiver and transmitter of biospiritual energy.
In fact, authorities determined that only 0.1-2 percent of DNA functions as genetic material. The vast
majority of the helical strand not involved in coding for protein synthesis is believed to function
electro-magnetically. Approximately ninety-three (93) percent of the function of DNA is
photon/phonon emissions for intra- and intercellular communications. Photon is light and
phonon is sound. Both are part of the electromagnetic spectrum of energy resonating with, or
potentially damaging, the bioelectric and bioacoustic properties and functions of cells.
In Healing Celebrations (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2000) Dr. Horowitz explained that
harmonic frequencies of electromagnetic radiation could transform water molecules into these
hexagonal ring-shaped clustered water molecules. Flash frozen, these six-sided molecular structures

resemble beautiful crystalline snowflakes as seen in the graphics available for use with the
MIRACLE 6. These are recommended symbols for use in the development of clustered water. Using
the MIRACLE 6 in this way is based largely on the work of the Japanese researcher, Dr. Masaru
Emoto, and American investigator Dr. Lee Lorenzen. These scientists discovered that these
hexagonal-shaped clustered water molecules can be developed through loving prayer and nurturing
sounds (including classical music) to rejuvenate the hydrated matrix supporting healthy DNA. This
type of structured water is formed miraculously (i.e., spiritually) in mothers breast milk, and
naturally in select water springs around the world. Now it can be produced with the help of the
It is believed that clustered water rings form as a result of the liquid flowing through a vortex
between crystallized and magnetized rocks and metals. Much of the healing power attributed to this
type of water is generally believed to be associated with the sacred geometry of the structure, which
facilitates critical electromagnetic energy frequency signaling throughout every cell, tissue, and body
Studies show that during aging and intoxication, these DNA-supportive water clusters are depleted.
This compromises the electrical potential, integrity, reception, and signaling capacity of your DNA.
This, Dr. Lorenzen and others believe, is the primary process underlying premature aging.
According to biochemist and author Steve Chemiske, these hexagonal shaped water rings supporting
the DNA double helix, vibrate at specific resonant frequencies and these frequencies can help restore
homeostasis to cell structures in the body through signal transduction . . . the process by which one
form of energy is converted to another.
When clustered water is consumed, high frequency information is transmitted to proteins . . . [and]
this wave of information is carried throughout the body like a wake-up call to restore normal
Dr. Franco Bistolfi, a bioelectronics expert, theorized that intercellular communications,
instantaneously affecting cells throughout the body, occurs by means of piezoelectric interactions
and photon/phonon transduction of electromagnetic signals of both endogenous and exogenous
In other words, tiny imperceptible electromagnetic signals, both man-made and natural, harmonic or
disharmonic, profoundly influence the oxygen and water molecules supporting DNA, health status,
or alternatively, the pathogenic processes in volved in virtually every disease.
In light of this advancing research in DNA and clustered waters electromagnetic
properties, it is extraordinary that in the Bible, The Book of Revelation predicted that
the Messianic Age, and great healing of the nations, would be accompanied by crystal clear
water flowing through the rivers and streams. These rivers and streams, Revelation revealed, are
the people. As seen in medical logos, it is remarkable that the structure upholding the tree of
life-DNA-is not a snake but, in reality, pure water clusters. In its healthy state, the crystal cluster
supported double helix acts as an electromagnetic energy receiver and transmitter of virtually
YahVahs love.
Moreover, the structure of more than 4,000 enzymes that regulate virtually every body function
largely depends on these same Star-of-David-shaped water clusters.
Clustered water can be made in-vivo and in-vitro using the MIRACLE 6. (In-vivo means in the live

host or cell culture while in-vitro means outside a living system.) By clicking on the Clustered
Water bar on the lower right of the MIRACLE 6 control panel, a related intent statement, colored
overlay, and photomicrograph of clustered water enters the Intent window. To direct clustered water
formation in your own body, type a description of yourself, your date of birth, and current residence
in the Beneficiary(ies) window, and then select your desired graphic overlay. A photograph of
yourself would not be improper. For in-vitro clustered water production, overlay your
Beneficiary(ies) description with a graphic of the MIRACLE 6 Clustered Water Accessory. Plug
this optional attachment to the audio output/headphones jack typically found on your computer
speaker(s). Place a glass gallon jar atop the accessory plate. Fix the tone frequency delivery(ies) as
desired. (528 Hertz is recommended.) Then set and start the MIRACLE 6 with prayer as you were
instructed previously.

Non-Healing Creative Manifestations

Though the MIRACLE 6 must be considered among the worlds most effective and advanced healing
instruments, it is potentially far more. Creationism refers to more than healing. It applies to every
miraculous manifestation including physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and even
spiritual blessings. For instance, you may need or desire an automobile in order to get to work. If you
havent the money to purchase one, have no fear, YahVah works in mysterious ways. There are
other legal ways to manifest a car, including a gifting. Thats what prayer is for, and therefore, thats
an additional utility of the MIRACLE 6.
Considering more macrocosmic manifestations, clearly, world peace deserves some prayer power,
and is high on many peoples wish list these days. The MIRACLE 6 can be used for this purpose as
During these types of creative endeavors, rather than typing a lengthy description into the Intent
window of the MIRACLE 6, you may simply scan a photograph of a car, or world peace symbol, save
it as a .JPG file, drop it into your graphics file, then import it into your Intent window to serve as a
personal sign/creative stimulus.

Creative Visualizations and Graphic Formations

It is said, God created man in His image. That can be interpreted at least two ways-literally and
figuratively. In the literal sense, humans were created to reflect the attributes of the paternal/maternal
Supreme Creator. Since the Divine One is believed to have spoken the world into existence using
His lips, His children likewise inherited two lips to be used as creative instruments. This, once again,
refers to the need to integrate spoken and written language into creative processes as discussed above.
Figuratively, if God created man in His image, this may mean that YahVah used His Supreme
Imagination in sculpting the human being. Here again, if this is so, you might expect your
imagination to be a powerful resource for personal productivity and creativity. Indeed, this is surely
the case.
Think about it. Everything you have in your life at the present time, and everything you are doing,

evolved first from your imagination. Think about the car you are driving. When you first saw it,
didnt you first imagine how you might look and feel behind the wheel driving this future acquisition?
What about the house or apartment in which you live? When you first approached or entered it, didnt
you use your imagination to consider how you might enjoy the place? If it was empty when you got
there, didnt you use your imagination to consider where you might place your furnishings?
Advertising agencies understand the creative strength, and purchasing power, behind the human
imagination. Sports psychologists, likewise, train top athletes using their imaginations to rehearse
every step or stroke along the way to winning!
Far less used than the above MIRACLE 6 options, you can use your imagination to develop
personalized power images-pictures that tell more than a thousand words to help create miraculous
manifestations. You can simply draw these images, scan them, and like any other photograph, you can
create a .JPG and place it in your graphics file for use in either the Intent or Beneficiary(ies)
You can draw these images with, or without, meditating first to derive inspiration. The former method
begins by simply relaxing, focusing (i.e., clearing your mind of distractions), and contemplating the
word(s) or idea(s) you want to use corresponding to your heart felt intent. Simply draw as many
symbols that you think or feel embodies the word(s)/idea(s) describing your intent. Then, refine your
final symbol(s) until you draw a graphic that satisfies your soul. Your resulting creation is a highly
personalized geometric seal expressing your intent. Capture this on a scanner, and follow the same
directions above for importing it into the MIRACLE 6.
The meditation-based process also begins by relaxing and clearing your mind of any thoughts. You
can use one of many forms of meditation. If you usually pray as a Jewish person to the Heavenly
Father, YahVah; as a Christian person to the Father and/or Messiah Yeshua; as a Muslim person to
Allah; or as a Native American to The Great Spirit, then ask these Divine Sources to present an image
in your minds eye that precisely reflects your intent. Once you receive this blessed vision, draw it
(and even color it) on a piece of paper and following the same directions provided above for
importing this image into the MIRACLE 6 graphics file.

Decorating Your Sign(s)

Many people decorate their personal graphics to make them more pleasing. Draw whatever feels right
to you. Then enclose your finished graphic in a border, such as a circle, square, star, or whatever
seems appropriate. This can help you concentrate the embodied desire, representationally prevent its
energy from leaking or escaping, and, at the same time, make the sign(s) more personalized. This
may also be useful if you intend to develop your personal sign into a routinely used talisman.

Experimentation is Recommended
Feel free to experiment liberally with any combination of the above guidelines for crystallizing your
intent. Across the board experimentation will help determine which method(s) work best for you
For example, some people have constructed signs for frequently used words, or groups of words, such

as the phrase, THIS MY DESIRE. In this way, the completed seal could be a string of signs.
Important Note: A strenuous process of refining your special sign(s) is not recommended and is
really unnecessary. The MIRACLE 6 is designed to make your life easier, not harder. It contains
various failsafe mathematical formulas so that you can rest assured benefits will rapidly accrue by
following the simplest directions. More advanced users may naturally wish to experiment with
expanding MIRACLE 6 accessories, settings, and options. But this is like icing on the basic cake that
tastes great plain. So relax, and try to have fun during your entire MIRACLE 6 experience. In other
words, dont sweat over the details. Keep it simple. If you were YahVah, would you make things easy
or hard? The correct answer is obvious. So let it be!

Claims and Disclaimer

1) We claim that this Frequency Delivery Appliance (FDA) was named with due respect for the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration that: a) puts on the fast track for testing and approval costly and toxic AIDS and
cancer drugs,1 b) helped develop the vaccine that according to published scientific evidence likely triggered
the AIDS pandemic,2 and c) turned a blind eye to monkey cancer virus contaminated polio vaccines for
decades that were correctly predicted to cause epidemics of cancer plaguing the world today; 3 yet persecutes
esteemed and sincere health professionals who clinically and experimentally advance resonance intervention
equipment such as the Miracle 6.4
2) We claim this device was also named in tribute to the CIAs top secret mind control and population control
program called MK:ULTRA during which thousands of Americans were insidiously experimented upon with
intoxicating and often lethal drugs, electromagnetic, and radiological equipment to induce altered states of
consciousness, disease, and even death,5 and finally
3) We claim that the MIRACLE 6 name on this FDA derives from the British Secret Services chief
division, MI6, that took its name from the sacred esoteric knowledge encoded in the Book of Numbers,
Chapter 7, verses 12-83, which relay the tones of the ancient musical scale, including the third tone-MIfrequency 528, associated with MI-ra gestorum (in Latin) or Miracles (in English). 6 This sacred hidden
knowledge demystifies the fundamentals of miraculous spiritual healings, 7 and is reconciled by the most
advanced scientific discoveries in the fields of physics, water science, and genetics. Furthermore, while this
frequency 528 (which deciphers to 6 in Pythagorean mathematics) is known for its ability to repair
damaged DNA, not coincidentally this appears to be the chief eugenics objective of the MI6. That is, the MI6
serves the Royal Family of England, and their globally allied military and intelligence colonialistic agencies, to
facilitate the elimination of certain blood lines and targeted populations considered dysgenic. This sacred
arcana, therefore, is used to affect, if not kill, masses of people from whom this potentially useful wisdom and
related technology is actively withheld.
Disclaimer-The information contained in this report is intended for educational and spiritual healing purposes
only. It is not provided in order to diagnose or treat any medical condition (physical or psychological) since the
entire medical field is rife with fraud and based on arbitrary, if not totally unscientific, tenets that neglect the
most powerful source of balance and Divine regulation-God and His Frequency Delivery Algorithms. 8

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