Characteristics of Thyristor
Characteristics of Thyristor
Characteristics of Thyristor
From the circuit diagram above we can see the anode and
cathode are connected to the supply voltage through the load.
Principle of Thyristor
Application of Thyristor
As we already said that a thyristor is designed to handle large
current and voltage, it is used mainly in electrical power circuit
with system voltage more than 1 kV or currents more than 100
A. The main advantage of using thyristors as power control
device is that as the power is controlled by periodic on off
switching operation hence (ideally) there is no internal power
loss in the device for controlling power in output circuit.
Thyristors are commonly used in some alternating power
circuits to control alternating output power of the circuit to
optimize internal power loss at the expense of switching speed.
Today, the world is witnessing energy crises. This necessitates
the efficient utilization of electrical energy. Power electronics
helps in accomplishing this task of efficient energy usage.
thyristor is an important family of devices in power electronic
system. SCR (Silicon Control Rectifier) is the important
device in the thyristor family. As the SCR is used more widely
hence SCR is known as thyristor.
Applications of power electronics deals with the flow of
electronic power. In order to achieve better efficiency the
semiconductor devices used in power electronic system are
operated as switches. One of the semiconductor device used in
a power electronic system is thyristor. Few of the other devices
as switches are diodes,
bipolar junction
transistors(BJTs) , metal oxide semiconductor field effect
transistor (MOSFET), insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT),
gate turn off thyristor(GTOs).
The term thyristor is a general name for a family of
semiconductor device. Thyristor families consist of large
number of switching devices.
break over voltage VBO and gate is kept open. This method is
not preferred because during turn on of thyristor, it is
associated with large voltage and large current which results in
huge power loss and device may be damaged.
2. Thermal Thyristor Triggering: - If the temperature of the
thyristor is high, it results in increase in the electron-hole pairs.
Which in turn increase the leakage current 1 & 2 to raise. The
regenerative action tends to increase (1 + 2) to units and the
thyristor may be turned on. This type turn on is not preferred
as it may result in thermal turn away and hence it is avoided.
3. Light Thyristor Triggering: - These rays of light are
allowed to strike the junctions of the thyristor. This results in
increase in number of electron-hole pair and thyristor may be
turned on. The light activated SCRs (LASER) are triggered by
using this method.
4. dv/dt triggering: - If the rate of rise of anode to cathode
voltage is high , the charging current through the capacitive
junction is high enough to turn on the thyristor. A high value
of charging current may destroy the thyristor hence the device
must be protected against high dv/dt.
5. Gate triggering: - This method of thyristor triggering is
widely employed because of ease C8 control over the thyristor
gate triggering of thyristor allows us to turn of the thyristor
lose control over it. It can block both forward and reverse
voltage but can conduct only in one direction. In very high
power application, like AC DC converter, AC AC
converters, engineers first choice is always thyristor or silicon
controlled rectifier due to its very low conduction loss.
Two Transistor Model of SCR
Basic operating principle of SCR, can be easily understood
by the two transistor model of SCR or analogy of silicon
controlled rectifier, as it is also a combination of P and N
layers, shown in figure below.
Here, I is
is forward leakage
From this relation we can assure that with increasing the value
of (1 + 2) towards unity, corresponding anode current will
increase. Now the question is how (1 + 2) increasing? Here is
the explanation using two transistor model of SCR.
High increasing rate of dia/dt can create local hot spot in the
device which is not suitable for proper operation. So, it is
advisable to use a inductor in series with the device to tackle
high dia/dt. Usually value of maximum allowable di/dt is in the
range of 20 to 200 A per microsecond.
Spread Time of SCR
A plot between ISM and cycle numbers are also provided for
dealing with the various cycle surge current.
I2R Rating of SCR
This rating is provided to get an idea about overvoltage tackle power of a thyristor. The rating in
KV. But practically this does not happen. This can be verified
with the help of an example. Let the characteristics of two
SCRs are as shown in fig. 1. So we can see from the diagram,
for same leakage current, unequal voltage division takes place.
Voltage across SCR is V but that across SCR is V . V is
much less than V . So, SCR is not fully utilized. Hence the
string can block V + V = 8 KV, rather than 10 KV and the
string efficiency is given by = 80%. To improve the efficiency
a resistor in parallel with every SCR is used. The value of
these resistances are such that the equivalent resistance of each
SCR and resistor pair will be same. Hence this will ensure
equal voltage division across each SCR. But in practical
different rating of resistor is very difficult to use. So we chose
one value of resistance to get optimum result which is given
gate non triggering voltage (Vng) is also mentioned at the time
of manufacturing of the device. All noises and unwanted
signals should lie under this voltage to avoid unwanted turn on
of the thyristor.
r can increase or decrease the dc voltage level at its opposite
side. So, chopper serves the same purpose in dc circuit
transfers in case of ac circuit. So it is also known as DC
of arrow only.
CH is turned ON, Vs directly appears across the load as shown
CH is turned off, Vs is disconnected from the load. So output
voltage waveform of step down chopper is shown below:
It is the interval in which chopper is in ON state. T OFF It is
the interval in which chopper is in OFF state. VS Source or
input voltage. VO Output or load voltage. T Chopping
period = TON + TOFF
Operation of Step Down Chopper with Resistive Load
So, we can conclude that output voltage is always less than the
input voltage and hence the name step down chopper is
justified. The output voltage and current waveform of step
down chopper with resistive load is shown below.
2) Step
I is the peak to peak inductor current. When CH is OFF
inductor L discharges through the load. So, we will get
summation of both source voltage VS and inductor Voltage VL
as output voltage, i.e.
by equating (iii) & (iv),
Before detailed
analysis some basic idea regarding V I
quadrant is required here. The directions of I and
V marked in the figure 1 is taken as positive
output voltage (V ) and output current (I ) follows
the direction as marked in figures then the
chopper operation will be restricted in the first
output voltage (V ) follows the marked direction in
fig. 1 but current flows in the opposite direction
then V is taken positive but I as negative. Hence
the chopper operates in the second quadrant of V
I plane. This type of operation is also known as
forward braking.
It may
also happen that both output voltage and current
is opposite to the marked direction in figure 1. In
t his case both V and I are taken as negative.
Hence chopper operation is restricted in third
quadrant of V -I plane. This operation is called
reverse motoring.
output voltage is opposite to the marked direction
in fig. 1. then it is taken as negative. But output
current follows the direction as marked in fig. 1
and considered as positive. Hence chopper
operates in 4th quadrant of V I plane. This
mode of operation is called reverse braking.\
we can proceed to detailed analysis of different
types of chopper. Some choppers operate in a
single quadrant only, which are called single
quadrant chopper. Some choppers operate in two
quadrant also which are known as two quadrant
chopper. It is also possible that a chopper
operates in all the quadrants, which are known as
4-quadrant chopper.
Type-A Chopper
Type-B Chopper
It is
interesting to note that load must have a dc
voltage source E for this kind of operation. When
CH is ON V is zero but current flows in the
opposite direction as marked in figure. When
chopper is OFF
Type-C Chopper
CH is ON current flows through abcdefa and
inductor L will be charged. Hence output voltage
V and current I both will be positive. When CH is
OFF, induction will discharge through D and
current I will flow through same direction with
zero output voltage. So, we can see the operation
of CH is nothing but the operation of type-A
chopper by which we can operate a chopper in
the first quadrant. When CH2 is ON, output
voltage VO will be zero but output current I will
flow in opposite direction of current shown in the
figure and inductor will be charged up. When CH
is OFF Output voltage