Timeline of Human History I

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Timeline of Human History I: Prehistory

to 1499
NOTE: Many of the dates given below are approximate and some are the subject of intense
6.5 million years ago (mya)

Possible human ancestor Sahelanthropus tchadensis, which lives in trees but may be
bipedal, appears in Africa (Chad).

A reconstruction of what Sahelanthropus tchadensis may have looked like.

6.0 mya

Possible human ancestor Orrorin tugenensis, which lives in trees but

is probably bipedal, appears in Africa (Kenya).

An artists depiction of Orrorin tugenensis.

5.6 mya

Hominid Ardipithecus kadabba, which lives in trees but may be bipedal, appears in
Africa (Ethiopia).

4.4 mya

Bipedal, tree-living hominid Ardipithecus ramidus appears in Africa (Ethiopia).

A artists depictions of Ardipithecus ramidus.

4.0 mya

Bipedal hominid Australopithecus anamensis appears in Africa (Ethiopia; Kenya).

3.85 mya

Bipedal hominid Australopithecus afarensis appears in Africa (Ethiopia; Kenya;


A reconstruction of a young female Australopithecus afarensis, based on Lucy, the

fossil skeleton found by Donald Johanson in Ethiopia.
3.5 mya

Bipedal hominid Kenyanthropus platyops (possibly an Australopithecine) appears in

Africa (Kenya; Ethiopia).

3.3 mya

Bipedal hominid Australopithecus africanus appears in Africa (South Africa).

An artists imagining of Australopithecus africanus.

2.95 mya

Australopithecus afarensis becomes extinct.

2.7 mya

Bipedal hominid Paranthropus aethiopicus appears in Africa (Kenya; Ethiopia).

An artists reconstruction of Paranthropus aethiopicus.

2.6 mya

The Quarternary glaciation period begins.

Hominids begin making Oldowan-type stone tools (Ethiopia).

A stone tool from the Olduvan period.

2.5 mya

Bipedal hominid Australopithecus garhi appears in Africa (Ethiopia).

2.3 mya

Homo habilis, the first member of the genus Homo, appears in Africa (Kenya;

An artists reconstruction of Homo habilis.

Bipedal hominid Paranthropus boisei appears in Africa (Tanzania; Kenya).

Paranthropus aethiopicus becomes extinct.

2.1 mya

Australopithecus africanus becomes extinct.

2.0 mya

Bipedal hominid Paranthropus robustus appears in Africa (South Africa).

1.9 mya

Homo ergaster and Homo erectus appear in Africa (Kenya).

A reconstruction of Homo erectus.

Homo erectus begins to migrate out of Africa.

1.8 mya

Earliest fossil evidence of hominids (Homo erectus) outside Africa, from Dmanisi,

Computer-reconstructed images of five Homo erectus skulls from Dmanisi, showing

wide variation.
1.7 mya

Earliest evidence of hominids (Homo erectus) in China.

Hominids begin to make Acheulean-type hand axes and stone tools carved on both
sides (Kenya).

This Acheulean hand axe was found in Kenya and dates to 1.76 mya.
1.5 mya

Possible evidence of control of fire, by Homo erectus, at Koobi Fora (Kenya).

1.4 mya

Homo habilis becomes extinct.

1.3 mya

Homo heidelbergensis appears in Africa (Zambia).

An artists depiction of Homo heidelbergensis.

1.2 mya

Homo antecessor, which may practice cannibalism, is the first hominid to appear in

Artist Mauricio Antns imagining of Homo antecessor at Atapuerca in Spain.

Paranthropus boisei and Paranthropus robustus become extinct.

790,000 BCE

Definitive evidence of controlled use of fire by Homo erectus at Bnot Yaakov

Bridge site (Israel).

700,000 mya

Homo antecessor has become extinct (Europe).

600,000 BCE

Homo heidelbergensis begins to migrate out of Africa.

The Denisovans, a species of Homo, appear in Europe.

300,000 BCE

Homo neanderthalensis appears in Eurasia.

Artist John Gurches impression of an adult male Homo neanderthalensis.

Hominids in Europe are making sharp knife-like tools and scrapers using the
Levallois technique.
Spoken language may begin at this time.

250,000 BCE

Hominids are cooking food by this date (and possibly much earlier).

200,000 BCE

Homo heidelbergensis becomes extinct.

195,000 BCE

First evidence of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) (Ethiopia).

Reconstruction of Homo sapiens idaltu, which was discovered in 1997 in Ethiopia.

170,000 BCE

Based on studies of body lice genes, humans in Africa begin to wear clothing.

143,000 BCE

Homo erectus becomes extinct.

120,000 BCE

Homo sapiens begins migrating out of Africa to Eurasia.

A map showing Homo sapiens migration out of Africa, with prior Homo erectus and
Homo neanderthalis expansions for reference.
80,000 BCE

Perforated seashell beads are the first evidence of personal adornment (Morocco).

Perforated seashell beads found at the Grotte des Pigeons in Morocco.

73,000 BCE

Start of the Lower Pleniglacial Ice Age.

70,000 BCE

Eruption of the Toba supervolcano (Indonesia).

Engraved cross-hatch patterns on pieces of ochre in Blombos Cave may be the first
abstract representations, symbols or art (South Africa).

Etchings on an ochre stone found in Blombos Cave in South Africa.

58,000 BCE

End of the Pleniglacial Ice Age.

55,000 BCE

Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens may be interbreeding in western Asia.

46,000 BCE

Homo sapiens has probably reached Australia.

43,000 BCE

Homo sapiens arrives in Europe.

Human tool-makers in the Aurignacian culture are creating long blades (Europe).

Three views of an Aurignacian blade.

41,000 BCE

Flutes made from animal bones may be the first known musical instruments
(Germany; Slovenia).

The Divje Babe Flute is a portion of a cave bear femur with holes in it, found in a
Slovenian cave.
38,000 BCE

The first humans arrive in New Guinea.

Homo neanderthalensis is probably extinct.
The Upper Paleolithic Aurignacian culture carves the Venus of Hohle Fels and the
Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel from mammoth tusks (Germany).

The Venus of Hohle Fels is the earliest known representation of a human being.
33,000 BCE

Earliest evidence of the domestication of the dog (Russia).

30,000 BCE

First evidence of hand woven cloth, made from flax fibers (Georgia).
The paintings in Chauvet Cave are made (France).

Paintings of horses and a rhino in the Chauvet Cave.

28,000 BCE

The Venus of Willendorf figurine is made by the Upper Paleolithic Gravettian culture

The Venus of Willendorf figurine.

25,000 BCE

Humans bury a dog with a mammoth bone placed in its mouth (Czech Republic).

Archaeologists discovered the remains of this dog buried with a mammoth bone in its

24,000 BCE

The Upper Paleolithic Gravettian culture carves the Venus of Brassempouy figurine,
the first known depiction of a human face (France).

Venus of Brassempouy.
23,000 BCE

Beginning of the most recent Ice Age.

The earliest known permanent human settlement, at Dolni Vestonice (Czech
The Upper Paleolithic Gravettian culture carves the Venus of Laussel (France).
The Venus of Kostenki figurine is made by the Upper Paleolithic Gravettian culture.

The Venus of Kostenki figurine.

20,000 BCE

Greatest extent of glaciation during the most recent Ice Age.

Extent of glaciation and exposed land during the last Ice Age.

Earliest known pottery vessels (China).

18,000 BCE

Possible start of human migration into North America across the Bering Land
The Upper Paleolithic Magdalenean culture carves a likeness of a bison onto a spear
thrower made out of a reindeer antler (France).

The partial spear thrower known as Bison Licking Insect Bite.

15,000 BCE

Humans begin making composite tools, such as blades fastened to a stone or wooden
An artist sculpts two bison out of clay in Le Tuc dAudoubert cave (France).
Paintings in Lascaux Caves (France).

A painting from the Lascaux Caves.

13,000 BCE

End of the most recent Ice Age.

The Altamira Cave paintings (Spain).

A painted bison from Altamira Cave.

11,000 BCE

Humans living in Franchthi Cave are eating lentils, vetch and pistachios (Greece).

At Abu Hureyra, humans are cultivating rye (Syria).

9600 BCE

Founding of a permanent settlement at Jericho (Palestine).

9500 BCE

Humans are cultivating emmer and einkorn wheat, barley, peas, lentils, bitter
vetch, chick peas and flax at various locations in the Levant (Syria, Israel, Palestine,
Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus and Turkey).
A hunter-gatherer community constructs the temple-shrine at Gbekli Tepe (Turkey).

The excavation site at Gbekli Tepe, in Turkey.

9400 BCE

Jericho now consists of 70 dwellings, a stone wall and a tower (Palestine).

A view of the remains of the earliest wall/tower at Jericho.

9100 BCE

Farmers at Klimonas build a permanent agrarian settlement with mud-brick buildings

for agricultural storage (Cyprus).

9000 BCE

Oldest surviving wooden bows (Denmark).

A German bow used by the Holmegaard culture that dates to 9000 BCE.

Domestication of sheep in several locations in central and southwest Asia.

8820 BCE

A permanent settlement begins at Amesbury (UK: England).

8700 BCE

A copper pendant made at this time is the first evidence of metalworking (Iraq).

8000 BCE

Agriculture is well-established along the banks of the Nile (Egypt).

Domestication of goats (Iran).
Domestication of pigs (Near East; China; Germany).
Domestication of squash (Mexico).

7500 BCE

Domestication of cats (Cyprus; Near East).

7000 BCE

Agriculture is well-established in Mesopotamia (Iraq).

Franchthi Cave dwellers have domesticated emmer wheat, barley, sheep and goats
Between 5,000 and 7,000 people live in the settlement at atal Hyk (Turkey).

A view of the archaeological excavations at atalhyk.

Woven linen cloth is being made in atal Hyk (Turkey).

Domestication of cattle in North Africa, India and Mesopotamia.

6500 BCE

Agriculture using irrigation begins in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

6000 BCE

A fortified settlement is established at Erbil in Mesopotamia (Iraq).

Earliest evidence of winemaking (Georgia).
Domestication of chickens (India; Southeast Asia).

Domestication of llamas (Peru).

The Seated Woman of atal Hyk figurine is made (Turkey).

The Seated Woman of atal Hyk (the head and right arm rest are restorations).
5500 BCE

First evidence of sailing boats (Kuwait).

First evidence of copper smelting (Serbia).
First evidence of agricultural field systems and stone walls (Ireland).

5000 BCE

A permanent settlement is founded at Argos (Greece).

Invention of the ard plow in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley (Iraq; Pakistan).
Oldest traces of beer brewing (Iran).

Oldest evidence of rowing oars (China).

Domestication of maize (Mexico).
Woven flax cloth is made at Fayum (Egypt).
Rice and sorghum are domesticated in Africas Sahel region.
The Sitting Woman and Thinker of Cernavoda figurines are made by the Hamangia
culture (Romania).

The Sitting Woman and the Thinker of Cernavoda, figurines made by the Hamangia

4500 BCE

First evidence of bronze making, using copper and tin (Serbia).

4400 BCE

Invention of the two-beamed horizontal loom (Egypt).

4000 BCE

The first wheeled vehicles appear in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the Northern
Domestication of the horse (Ukraine; Kazakhstan).

3800 BCE

The Sumerians found the city of Ur (Iraq).

The ruins of the City of Ur.

3761 BCE

The earliest date in the Jewish calendar, representing the year before the creation of
the world (Anno Mundi).

3650 BCE

The Minoan culture begins on Crete.

3500 BCE

The potters wheel is invented in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley (Iraq; Pakistan).
Glassmaking begins in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

3400 BCE

The first forged bronze nails (Egypt).

3300 BCE

The Bronze Age begins in the Near East.

3200 BCE

Neolithic farmers construct the Newgrange monument with stone tools (Ireland).

An aerial view of Newgrange.

The first writing systems appear in Mesopotamia (cuneiform), Egypt (hieroglyphics)

and the Indus Valley (Indus Script).

A Sumerian cuneiform tablet from about 2600 BCE.

3100 BCE

Menes or Narmer (possibly the same person) unites Upper and Lower Egypt.

3000 BCE

First evidence of ox-drawn plows (Egypt).

Smelting of iron ore to make wrought iron begins (Middle East).
The Jomon culture begins making flame-style vessels (Japan).

A flame-style vessel made by the Jomon culture in about 2500 BCE.

2700 BCE

The Old Kingdom begins in Egypt.

The Sumerians invent the first abacus counting machine (Iraq).
The Indus Valley culture is using seals carved with pictographic symbols in
commercial transactions (Pakistan; India).

Seals found at the Indus Valley city of Mohenjo-Daro.

2650 BCE

Egyptian architect, engineer and physician Imhotep is born.

2630 BCE

Imhotep begins constructing the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqquara (Egypt).

The Step Pyramid of Djoser.

2609 BCE

Khufu is born in Egypt.

2600 BCE

Dwellings in the Indus Valley cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa have flush toilets
connected to a sophisticated sewage system (Pakistan).

The Sumerians create the earliest known works of literature (Iraq).

The mosaic-decorated Standard of Ur is made in Sumeria (Iraq).

The Standard of Ur.

Construction of the stone circle at Stonehenge begins (UK: England).

Stonehenge from the air.

Death of Imhotep.

2589 BCE

Khufu becomes the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty in the Old Kingdom
Building of the Great Pyramid of Giza begins (Egypt).

The Pyramids at Giza, Egypt.

2566 BCE

Death of Pharaoh Khufu (Egypt).

2558 BCE

The life-sized Statue of Khafre (Khafre Enthroned), the fourth Pharaoh of the Fourth
Dynasty in the Old Kingdom, is carved (Egypt).

Khafre Enthroned.
2532 BCE

The Great Sphinx of Giza is completed (Egypt).

The Great Sphinx of Giza.

2400 BCE

Earliest surviving parchment documents, made of leather (Egypt).

A bronze head that may represent Sargon or his grandson Naram-Sin is made in the
Akkadian Empire (Iraq).

An carved Akkadian head, possibly of Sargon.

2350 BCE

The Victory Stele of Akkadian Emperor Naram-Sin is carved (Iraq).

The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin.

2300 BCE

Invention of the iron plow (China).

2100 BCE

Sumerian King Ur-Nammu issues the earliest known law code (the Code of UrNammu) and builds the Ziggurat of Ur (Iraq).

2000 BCE

Oldest known steel artifact (Turkey).

First wooden pin lock (Egypt).
The first spoke-wheeled chariots appear (Russia; Kazakhstan).
Work begins on Karnak Temple Complex at Luxor (Egypt).

A portion of the Karnak Temple complex in Luxor, Egypt.

Frescoes are painted in the Minoan city of Akrotiri on the island of Thera (Greece).

The Spring fresco at Akroktiri.

The oldest known version of the Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem written in
Sumerian cuneiform (Iraq).

1900 BCE

The Myceneans arrive in Greece from the north.

1792 BCE

Hammurabi becomes king of the Babylonian Empire (Iraq).

1754 BCE

Babylonian King Hammurabi issues his code of 282 laws (Iraq).

The Code of Hammurabi is engraved on an eight-foot tall diorite stele, with a portrait
of the king receiving the laws from Shamash, the sun god.
1750 BCE

Death of Hammurabi, king of Babylon (Iraq).

1720 BCE

The Hyksos invade Egypt and rule for 150 years.

1700 BCE

Minoan palaces on Crete are destroyed.

1600 BCE

The Hittite civilization based in Anatolia is the dominant force in the eastern
Mediterranean region (Turkey).
The Chinese writing system is fully developed.
Making of you vessels begins (China).

A you vessel in the shape of a feline.

1595 BCE

The Hittites and Kassites attack and defeat Babylonia (Iraq).

1580 BCE

Pharaoh Ahmose drives the Hyksos out of Egypt and establishes the New Kingdom.

1540 BCE

Egypt under Ahmose subjugates the Nubians (Sudan).

1500 BCE

The Aryans of Central Asia invade and overcome the weakened Indus Valley
civilization (Pakistan).
The Olmecs begin to carve sculptures of colossal heads (Mexico).

Two Olmec colossal heads.

1400 BCE

The Olmecs dominate Mesoamerica (Mexico).

The Ugarits invent the first alphabet (Syria).

1375 BCE

Akhenaten IV becomes Egyptian pharaoh and imposes monotheism (Egypt).

1353 BCE

Relief sculpture of Ahkenaten and his Family (Egypt).

Relief sculpture of Akhenaten, his queen Nefertiti, and their children, sitting under the
rays of the one god, Ra.

1350 BCE

The tomb of the scribe Nebamun is built and decorated in Thebes (Egypt).

Nebamun Hunting Fowl was painted on the wall of his tomb.

1345 BCE

The Bust of Queen Nefertiti is made in Thutmoses Amarna workshop (Egypt).

Bust of Queen Nefertiti.

1323 BCE

The 18-year-old Pharaoh Tutankhamun, wearing his funerary mask, is buried inside
three coffins in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings (Egypt).

The Funerary Mask of Tutankhamun was intended to help his ka or spirit reunite
with his body in the afterlife.
1303 BCE

Birth of Ramesses II in Egypt.

1279 BCE

Ramesses II the Great becomes the third pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty in the New
Kingdom (Egypt).

Four giant statues of Ramesses II greet visitors to the temple built by the pharaoh at
Abu Simbel.
1274 BCE

The Egyptians under Ramesses II defeat the Hittites under Muwatalli II in the Battle
of Kadesh (Syria).

1258 BCE

Ramesses II and Hattusili III sign a peace treaty between Egypt and the Hittites in
Kadesh (Syria).

1213 BCE

Death of Ramesses II (Egypt).

1200 BCE

The Hallstatt culture dominates central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary,

A map of the Hallstatt culture in Central Europe.

End of the Bronze Age in South Asia and the Near East.
The Iron Age begins in the Near East, India and Europe.

1184 BCE

The Greeks capture Troy, marking the end of the Trojan War (Turkey).

1180 BCE

End of the Hittite empire (Turkey).

1175 BCE

Egyptian forces led by Pharaoh Ramesses III defeat the invading Sea Peoples on
land (at the Battle of Djahy) and at sea (at the Battle of the Delta) (Egypt).

A relief sculpture from the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III in Luxor depicts a
warship of the Sea Peoples during the Battle of the Delta.
1130 BCE

The destruction of Mycenae signals the end of the Mycenaean Greek civilization

1100 BCE

Date of legendary Dorian invasion of Greece (Greece).

1090 BCE

The Nubian Kingdom of Kush achieves independence from Egypt (Sudan).

1050 BCE

The Phoenician alphabet the basis for most later alphabets is established
(Lebanon, Syria).

The Phoenician alphabet and the alphabets derived from it.

1046 BCE

King Wu defeats the Shang Dynasty and establishes the Zhou Dynasty (China).

1010 BCE

According to the Bible, David, king of Israel and Judah, captures the Jebusite fortress
of Jerusalem and makes it his new capital (Israel; Palestine).

1000 BCE

The I Ching is written in Early Old Chinese (China).

962 BCE

According to the Bible, King Solomon builds the First Temple in Jerusalem (Israel;

900 BCE

The Chavn civilization is established in the northern Andean highlands of Peru.

The Cascajal Block, possible evidence of an Olmec writing system, is inscribed

The Cascajal Block (left) and a graphic depiction of the signs carved on it.
814 BCE

The Phoenicians establish a settlement at Carthage (Tunisia).

776 BCE

The first Olympic Games are held at Olympia (Greece).

753 BCE

Legendary date of founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus (Italy).

745 BCE

Tiglath-Pileser III establishes the Assyrian Empire (Iraq).

This relief sculpture of Tiglath-Pileser III from the walls of his palace is now in the
British Museum in London.
725 BCE

The Iliad, an epic poem attributed to Homer, is written down in Ancient

Greek (Greece).

722 BCE

The Assyrians conquer Israel and take thousands of Israelites into slavery (Israel).

710 BCE

Assyrian King Sargon II begins building a new capital at Dur-Sharrukin, with

entrances protected by winged human-headed bulls or lamassu (Iraq).

One of Sargons lamassu, now at the Louvre in Paris.

700 BCE

Shintoism develops in Japan.

First lock and key that requires a keyhole (Greece).
The first umbrellas are used to provide shade from the sun (Assyria).

This bas relief from 700 BCE depicts Assyrian King Ashurbanipal under an umbrella.

Archimedes Screw is invented, long before Archimedes is born (Greece).

The Odyssey, an epic poem attributed to Homer, is written down in Ancient
Greek (Greece).

668 BCE

The Assyrians under King Ashurbanipal conquer Egypt.

660 BCE

Accession of Jimmu, legendary first Japanese Emperor (Japan).

650 BCE

A Babylonian revolt against Assyria results in the Assyrian destruction of Babylon


645 BCE

The Lion Frieze of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal is carved on the walls of the North
Palace in Nineveh (Iraq).

King Ashurbanipal engages a lion in hand-to-paw combat.

630 BCE

Sparta puts down the 20-year revolt of the Messinians, led by Aristomenes (Greece).

624 BCE

Lao Tzu (Laozi) writes the Tao Te Ching, the founding document of Taoism (China).

A Song Dynasty stone sculpture of Laozi at the foot of Mount Qingyuan, which dates
from 960-1279 CE.

621 BCE

Draco drafts the first Athenian constitution (Greece).

621 BCE

Lyric poet Sappho is born on the island of Lesbos, Greece.

612 BCE

The conquest of Nineveh by an alliance of Babylonians, Medes and Scythians leads to

the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
The Medes begin to establish an empire (Iran).

609 BCE

The Kingdom of Judah, under Josiah, defeats the Egyptians, under Necho II, at the
Battle of Megiddo, but Josiah is killed in battle (Israel; Palestine).

605 BCE

The Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezzar II, defeat the Egyptians, under Necho II, at
the Battle of Carchemish (Turkey; Syria).

604 BCE

Sappho is exiled to the Greek colony on Sicily for 10 years during political
disturbances on Lesbos (Italy).

The marble bust of Sappho in the Musei Capitolini is a Roman copy of a 5th Century
BCE Greek original.
600 BCE

The 16 Maha Janapadas (great kingdoms) arise in India.

Zoroastrianism becomes formalized as a monotheistic religion (Iran).
The crossbow is invented (China).
The Zapotec culture develops a writing system (Mexico).
Greek sculptors begin carving large free-standing nude statues of kouros (boys) in a
semi-realistic style.

Kouros Boy sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY.

The Classic of Poetry (Book of Odes), an anthology, is published (China).

Aesops Fables are written down in Ancient Greek (Greece).

Birth of Cyrus the Great in Persia (now Iran).

594 BCE

Solon begins legal reforms in Athens (Greece).

586 BCE

The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II take Jerusalem, destroy Solomons

Temple and force many Jews into exile in Babylon (Israel; Iraq).

575 BCE

Nebuchadnezzar II builds the Ishtar Gate in Babylon (Iraq).

The reconstructed and reduced-scale Ishtar Gate at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.
570 BCE

Death of Sappho (Greece).

Pythagoras is born in Samos, Greece.

563 BCE

Birth of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in Nepal.

559 BCE

Cyrus the Great becomes Achaemenid King of Anshan, a Persian vassal state under
the Medes (Iran).

A bust of Cyrus the Great.

The Avesta, the central text of Zoroastrianism, is written down in Avestan (Iran).

558 BCE

Birth of Darius the Great in Persia (now Iran).

551 BCE

Birth of Confucius in China.

550 BCE

After four years of rebellion, Cyrus the Great overthrows the Medes and establishes
the Persian Empire (Iran).

539 BCE

Cyrus the Great of Persia conquers the Babylonian Empire and frees the Jews,
who return to Jerusalem (Iraq).

535 BCE

According to legend, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus becomes the seventh and final
King of Rome (Italy).

534 BCE

According to legend, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) abandons his life as a prince
to lead the life of a mendicant (Nepal).

532 BCE

Earliest reference to theater in Athens, which would have included the choros, a
circular dance, and frenzied Dionysian dances (Greece).

530 BCE

Pythagoras establishes a religious sect in the Greek colony at Croton that pursues his
philosophical, mathematical and musical theories (Italy).

The marble bust of Pythagoras in the Musei Capitolini is a Roman copy of a 5th
Century BCE Greek original.

Death of Cyrus the Great of Persia (Iran).

525 BCE

The Persians under Cambyses II conquer Egypt.

521 BCE

Darius I becomes leader of the Persian Empire (Iran).

515 BCE

The Euphronios Krater, a terracotta bowl depicting the death of Sarpedon in the
Trojan War, is made by potter Euxitheos and painted by Euphronios (Greece).

The Euphronios krater.

Darius begins building the city of Persepolis, which will serve as the Persian capital
during the Achaemenid Dynasty. (Iran).

The ruins of Persepolis.

512 BCE

The Persian Empire reaches its greatest extent (Iran).

509 BCE

According to legend, the rape of noblewoman Lucretia by the son of Roman king
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus and her subsequent suicide leads to a popular uprising, the
overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Republic (Italy).

508 BCE

Athens adopts democratic government under Cleisthenes (Greece).

500 BCE

The Nok culture thrives (Nigeria).

Terracotta sculpture of a Seated Dignitary, make by the Nok culture.

The Jains propose that all matter is made of tiny particles (atomism) (India).
The temples at the Greek colony at Paestum (now Campania) are completed (Italy).

The ruins of Greek temples at Paestum in what is now Italy.

Invention of the moldboard plow (China).

The Chinese discover a method for making cast iron.
Traditional date of Sun Tzus Art of War (China).

499 BCE

The Greek Ionian city-states in Asia Minor, led by Aristagoras of Miletus, rebel
against Persian rule (Turkey).

498 BCE

Pindar begins writing his Victory Odes in Ancient Greek (Greece).

The marble bust of Pindar in the Museo Archeologica Nazionale in Naples is a Roman
copy of a 5th Century BCE Greek original.
495 BCE

Pythagoras dies.
Birth of Pericles in Athens, Greece.

490 BCE

The Greek city-states stop the Persian invasion at the Battle of Marathon (Greece).

486 BCE

Death of Darius the Great (Iran).

483 BCE

Death of the Buddha (India).

480 BCE

After losing to the Persians under Xerxes at Thermopylae, the Greeks defeat the
Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis (Greece).

Greek sculpture enters the Early Classical phase with the Kritios Boy.

The Kritos Boy.

Birth of Athenian playwright Euripides in Salamis, Greece.

479 BCE

The Greeks defeat the Persians at the Battle of Plataea (Greece).

The Analects of Confucius, the basis of Confucianism, is written (China).

A Tang Dynasty painting of Confucius by Wu Daozi.

Death of Confucius.

475 BCE

The Zhou Dynasty wanes and the Warring States period begins (China).

470 BCE

Birth of Socrates in Athens, Greece.

461 BCE

After the expulsion of Cimon and the murder of Ephialtes by the oligarchs, Pericles
becomes the unchallenged leader of Athens (Greece).

The marble bust of Pericles in the Museo Pio Clementino is a Roman copy of a Greek
original by Cresilas from 430 BCE.
460 BCE

A bronze statue of Zeus or Poseidon (the Artemision Bronze) is created (Greece).

The Artemision Bronze.

Greek sculptor Myron creates the bronze original of The Discus Thrower.
The Riace Bronzes, two bronze statues of warriors, are created (Greece).

A pair of bronze statues of warriors was found near Riace, Italy.

Hippocrates is born in Kos, Greece.

Democritus is born in Abdera, Greece.

458 BCE

The Oresteia Trilogy, plays by Athenian playwright Aeschylus, is written in Ancient

Greek (Greece).

450 BCE

Hallstatt culture evolves into La Tne culture, which then spreads through much of
Europe (Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania).
Celtic artisans create the Basse-Yutz flagons (France).

The top portion of one of a pair of fllagons found at Basse-Yutz.

Oedipus the King, a play by Athenian playwright Sophocles, is written in Ancient

Greek (Greece).

447 BCE

Phidias creates a 38-foot-tall statue of Athena for the Parthenon in Athens (Greece).

441 BCE

Antigone, a play by Sophocles, is written in Ancient Greek (Greece).

The Histories, by Herodotus, is written in Ancient Greek (Greece).

440 BCE

Leucippus and Democritus develop a theory of atomism (Greece).

435 BCE

Phidias creates a 42-foot-tall Statue of Zeus at the Temple of Zeus in Olympia; a

sculpture of ivory plates and gold panels over a wooden framework, it shows the god
sitting on a cedar wood throne decorated with ebony, ivory, gold and precious stones.
It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Greece).

432 BCE

The Parthenon is built on the Acropolis in Athens. Sculptor Phidias oversees the
artwork, including the Parthenon Frieze (Greece).

The Parthenon was a temple to Athena, the patron goddess of Athens, and is a prime
example of the Doric architectural order.
431 BCE

Start of the Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens (Greece).

Medea, a play by Euripides, is written in Ancient Greek (Greece).

429 BCE

Death of Athenian leader Pericles (Greece).

427 BCE

Birth of Plato in Athens, Greece.

425 BCE

Invention of the catapult (Greece).

411 BCE

Lysistrata, a comic play by Athenian playwright Aristophanes, is written in Ancient

Greek (Greece).

410 BCE

Several of the medical treatises that make up the Hippocratic Corpus are written (in
Ancient Greek), possibly by Hippocrates of Kos. (Greece).

A Roman copy of a Greek bust of Hippocrates from about 150 CE.

406 BCE

Death of Euripides (Greece).

405 BCE

The Erechtheion, dedicated to Athena and Poseidon, is built on the Acropolis in

Athens (Greece).

The ruins of the Erechtheion on the Acropolis.

First performance of The Bacchae, a play by Euripides, written in Ancient

Greek (Greece).

404 BCE

Sparta captures Athens, ending the Peloponnesian War (Greece).

400 BCE

The Birds, a play by Aristophanes, is written in Ancient Greek (Greece).

The Peloponnesian War, by Athenian historian Thucydides, is written in Ancient
Greek (Greece).
The Bhagavad-Gita is written in Sanskrit (India).

399 BCE

Plato writes the Apology and the Crito in Ancient Greek (Greece).

A marble bust of Plato.

The trial and execution of Socrates in Athens for impiety and corrupting the minds
of the youth (Greece).

387 BCE

The Celts sack Rome (Italy).

Plato founds the Academy in Athens and writes the Meno in Ancient Greek (Greece).

384 BCE

Aristotle is born in Chalkidiki, Greece.

380 BCE

Plato writes his philosophical dialogues The Republic, The Symposium and the
Phaedo in Ancient Greek (Greece).

371 BCE

Thebes, led by Epanimondas, defeats Sparta at the Battle of Leuctra (Greece).

370 BCE

Lysippos creates a bronze statue of Heracles, a marble copy of which by Glykon is

called the Farnese Hercules (Greece).

The Farnese Hercules.

Hippocrates dies.
Democritus dies.

356 BCE

Birth of Alexander the Great in Macedonia (now Greece).

350 BCE

The Mausoleum of Helicarnassus the tomb of Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian

Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife-sister is completed. (Turkey).

Detail of the Amazonomachy, a frieze carved on the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.

A Greek sculptor, possibly Praxiteles, carves the marble statues Hermes and the
Infant Dionysus and Aphrodite of Cnidus, both of which are lost and known only
from Roman copies (Greece).

The Venus Colonna, in the Vatican Museums, is considered the most faithful Roman
copy of the lost Greek Aphrodite of Cnidus.

Leochares carves a bronze statue of Apollo, a Roman marble copy of which is the
Apollo Belvedere (Greece).

The Apollo Belvedere, a Roman marble copy of the bronze Greek statue by Leochares.

The Recognition of Sakuntala, a play by Kalidasa, is written in Sanskrit (India).

347 BCE

Aristotle founds the Lyceum in Athens (Greece).

Death of Athenian philosopher Plato (Greece).

345 BCE

Mahapadma Nanda founds the Nanda Dynasty and begins building the Nanda Empire

343 BCE

Aristotle begins a three-year position tutoring Alexander (the Great), son of King
Philip of Macedonia (Greece).

340 BCE

The bronze Marathon Boy is created (Greece).

The bronze Marathon Boy was found in the Bay of Marathon in the Aegean Sea in
338 BCE

Philip II of Macedon defeats an alliance of Greek city-states, including Athens and

Thebes, at the Battle of Chaeronea, resulting in Macedonian hegemony in Greece.

336 BCE

Alexander the Great becomes King of Macedonia (Greece).

335 BCE

Between 335 and 322 BCE, Aristotle writes Poetics, Nicomachean Ethics, Physics,
Politics, Rhetoric, Metaphysics and On the Soul in Ancient Greek (Greece).

This marble bust of Aristotle is a Roman copy of a bronze Greek original by Lysippos,
c. 330 BCE. The alabaster mantle is more recent.
333 BCE

Alexander the Great defeats the Persians under Darius III at the Battle of Issus

331 BCE

Alexander the Great defeats Darius III at the Battle of Gaugamela and occupies
Persia (Iraq).

326 BCE

Alexander the Great defeats King Porus of the Punjab in the Battle of the Hydaspes

325 BCE

The Nanda Empire reaches its greatest extent, under Dhana Nanda (India).

A map of the Nanda Empire at its greatest extent.

323 BCE

Death of Alexander the Great in Babylon (Iraq).

322 BCE

Chandragupta Maurya overthrows the Nanda Dynasty and founds the Mauryan
Empire (India).
Aristotle dies.

304 BCE

Birth of Ashoka Maurya in Pataliputra, Patna (now India).

300 BCE

Earliest known inscription in the Mayan language (Mexico).

Construction begins on the Great Pyramid of Cholula (Mexico).

The remains of the Great Pyramid of Cholula.

First known watermill (Greece).

Euclids Elements, a 13-volume work on geometry, is written in Ancient
Greek (Egypt).
The epic Sanskrit poem the Mahabharata reaches its modern form (India).
Vishnu Sharmas work of fiction and poetry Panchatantra is written in
Sanskrit (India).

287 BCE

Archimedes is born in Syracuse, Sicily, Magna Graecia (now Italy).

285 BCE

The first true lock is built in the Canal of the Pharoahs between the Nile and the
Red Sea (Egypt).

280 BCE

Chares of Lindos creates the 98-foot-tall Colossus of Rhodes, a statue of the god
Helios and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which is erected on the
island of Rhodes (Greece).
At 393-450 feet tall, the Lighthouse of Alexandria is the tallest man-made structure
and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Egypt).

273 BCE

Ashoka the Great becomes leader of the Mauryan Empire (India).

A relief sculpture of Ashoka the Great (left) found at the Gulbarga stupa in southern
India and dating from 1-200 CE.
265 BCE

The Mauryan Empire reaches its greatest extent (India; Pakistan; Bangladesh).

A map of the Mauryan Empire at its greatest extent.

259 BCE

Birth of Qin Shi Huang in Handan, China.

250 BCE

Archimedes publishes On the Equilibrium of Planes (explaining the law of the

lever), On the Measurement of a Circle (estimating pi), and On Floating Bodies
(explaining the principle of buoyancy), written in Ancient Greek (Italy).
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World, is completed (Turkey).

Visitors to Miniatrk, a Turkish miniature park, can see a 1/25th scale model of what
the Temple of Artemis may have looked like before it was destroyed in 401 CE.

Ashoka the Great begins erecting stone pillars, some with carved animal capitals, at
important Buddhist sites (India).

The Lion Capital of Ashoka.

238 BCE

The Roman Republic annexes Sardinia and Corsica.

232 BCE

Death of Mauryan Emperor Ashoka the Great (India).

230 BCE

Dying Gaul, a bronze sculpture, is created in Greece.

A Roman marble copy of the original bronze Dying Gaul. (Photo courtesy of Jean Pol
221 BCE

Emperor Qin Shi Huang defeats the other Warring States and unites China for the
first time under the Qin Dynasty.

A painting of Qin Shi Huang.

216 BCE

The Carthaginians, led by Hannibal, defeat the Romans, led by Lucius Aemilius
Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro, at the Battle of Cannae (Italy).

212 BCE

Archimedes dies.

210 BCE

Death of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

208 BCE

The Terracotta Army is buried with Emperor Qin Shi Huang (China).

A portion of the life-sized warriors of the Terracotta Army.

206 BCE

The Han Dynasty begins (China).

The first Great Wall of China is completed.

202 BCE

The Romans under Scipio Africanus defeat Carthage, led by Hannibal, at the Battle
of Zama (Tunisia).

200 BCE

The City of Petra is founded (Jordan).

The Treasury building (Al Khazneh) in Petra was built about 1 CE.

Apollonius of Perga writes On Conic Sections, a mathematical treatise, in Ancient

Greek (Greece).
Invention of paper (China).
Invention of the treed saddle (China).
Winged Victory of Samothrace and The Three Graces are carved in Greece.

The damaged statue of Winged Victory, also known as Nike of Samothrace.

The Nazca culture begins to draw huge figures of animals, plants, geometric figures
and straight lines in the Nazca desert (Peru).

The Nazca people created enormous drawings in the desert, including this spider.
190 BCE

Hipparchus of Nicaea is born in Iznik, Bithynia (now Turkey).

180 BCE

The Pergamon Altar is built by King Eumenes II in Asia Minor (Turkey).

The Pergamon Altar as it has been reconstructed at the Pergamon Museum in Berliin.
168 BCE

The third Macedonian War ends when the Romans under Consul Aemilius defeat the
Macedonians at the Battle of Pydna (Greece).

160 BCE

The Kingdom of Judea, led by Judas Maccabeus, achieves independence from the
Seleucid Persians (Israel; Palestine).

150 BCE

The astrolabe is invented, possibly by Hipparchus of Nicaea (Greece).

146 BCE

Roman armies conquer Greece.

Rome captures and destroys Carthage after a three-year siege (Tunisia).

133 BCE

The Roman conquest of Iberia is complete (Spain; Portugal).

A map of the conquests of the Roman Republic by 100 BCE.

120 BCE

Hipparchus of Nicaea dies.

109 BCE

Sima Qian publishes Records of the Grand Historian, a historical chronicle (China).

100 BCE

Mesoamericans establish the city of Teotihuacan (Mexico).

The Romans invent the warded lock (Italy).
Glassblowing is invented (Syria, Lebanon, Israel).
The silver Gundestrup Cauldron is made, possibly by the Thracians (Denmark).

The Gundestrup Cauldron.

Alexandros of Antioch sculpts the marble Venus de Milo. (Greece).

Venus de Milo.

The most recent books of the Old Testament are written (Palestine, Israel).
Birth of Julius Caesar in Rome (Italy).

82 BCE

Sulla is elected dictator of Rome and begins a brutal repression of his opponents

73 BCE

Spartacus, a Thracian-born gladiator, leads a slave revolt against Rome (Italy).

An 1830 marble sculpture of Spartacus by Denis Foyatier, now at the Louvre in Paris.
71 BCE

A Roman army led by Praetor Crassus puts down the Spartacus-led slave revolt

70 BCE

Birth of Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil) in Andes, Cisalpine Gaul,
Roman Republic (now Italy).

69 BCE

Birth of Cleopatra in Alexandria, Egypt.

65 BCE

The Romans, under Pompey, defeat Mithridates VI of Pontus in Anatolia (Turkey),

63 BCE

Pompey conquers Jerusalem and makes Judea a Roman province (Israel; Palestine).
Birth of Gaius Octavius (Octavian, later Augustus) in Rome (Italy).

60 BCE

Pompey, Marcus Crassus and Julius Caesar form the First Triumvirate to rule the
Roman Republic (Italy).

Frescoes are painted in the Villa of the Mysteries near Pompeii (Italy).

57 BCE

The Temple of Horus at Edfu is completed (Egypt).

The ruins of the Temple of Horus at Edfu.

54 BCE

The Romans, under Julius Caesar, conquer parts of England and establish Roman
rule (UK).

51 BCE

Peace treaty between the Han Dynasty and the Hsiung-nu of Central Asia (China).
Cleopatra VII Philopator begins a 21-year reign as the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic
Dynasty (Egypt).
Julius Caesar crushes the revolt of the Celtic Gauls, led by Vercingetorix (France).

50 BCE

The founding of the Three Kingdoms of Korea: Koguryo, Silla and Pakche (Korea).
The Romans build the aqueduct of Segovia (Spain).

The Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain.

The Battersea Shield, a bronze sheet with La Tne style decorations that covered a
wooden shield, is made by the Celts (UK).

The Battersea Shield.

Lucretius publishes his Latin philosophical poem, On the Nature of Things (Italy).

49 BCE

Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, starting a Roman civil war (Italy)

48 BCE

Julius Caesar defeats Pompey the Great at the Battle of Pharsalus (Greece).

45 BCE

Julius Caesar defeats Pompeys sons at the Battle of Munda, ending the civil war
Julius Caesar is declared dictator for life (Italy).

The marble bust of Julius Caesar in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples is
a 110 CE copy of a 50 BCE original.

Sosigenes of Alexandria develops a 365-day, 12-month calendar with leap years,

which Caesar adopts as the Julian Calendar (Italy).

44 BCE

Brutus, Cassius and others assassinate Julius Caesar in Rome (Italy).

43 BCE

Octavian, Marcus Lepidus and Mark Antony form the Second Triumvirate and rule
Rome as dictators (Italy).
Assassination of Cicero (Italy).

42 BCE

Forces of the Second Triumvirate defeat the armies of Brutus and Cassius at the
Battle of Philippi in Macedonia (Greece).

40 BCE

Rome conquers Egypt.

31 BCE

Octavians fleet, led by Agrippa, defeats the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at
the Battle of Actium (Greece).

30 BCE

According to legend, Cleopatra commits suicide with an asp (Egypt).

27 BCE

Octavian, now Augustus, becomes the first leader of the Roman Empire and brings
Pax Romana during his 41-year reign (Italy).

The 1st Century CE statue of Augustus known as the Augustus of Prima Porta is now
in the Chiaramonti Museum in Rome.

Livy publishes the first books of his History of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita Libri),
written in Latin (Italy).

19 BCE

Agesander, Athenodoros & Polydorus of Rhodes create the marble

sculpture Laocon and His Sons (Greece).

Laocoon and his Sons.

Virgil completes the Aeneid, an epic Latin poem about the founding of Rome (Italy).
Death of Virgil (Italy).

13 BCE

The Ara Pacis Augustae, a gift of the Roman Senate to Augustus, is completed (Italy).

The Ara Pacis Augustae (altar of Augustan peace) in Rome.

11 BCE

The frescoes in the Villa of Agrippa Postumus at Boscotrecase are painted (Italy).

Detail of fresco from Villa of Agrippa Postumus.

10 BCE

Herod the Great of Judea builds the city of Caesaria on the Mediterranean coast, with
the first artificial harbor built in the open sea (Israel).


Likely date for birth of Jesus of Nazareth (Israel; Palestine).

5 CE

Birth of Saul of Tarsus in Cilicia, Asia Minor (now Turkey).

8 CE

Metamorphoses, a Latin poem by Roman poet Ovid (Italy).

A statue of Ovid in Constanta, Romania.

9 CE

Germanic tribes led by Ariminius defeat three Roman legions under Quinctilius
Varnus, leading to German independence.

25 CE

The bronze Flying Horse of Gansu is created (China).

The Flying Horse of Gansu is a bronze sculpture of a horse treading on a flying

sparrow with one foot.
27 CE

A wooden amphitheater built by Atilius at Fidenae collapses, killing 20,000

spectators (Italy).
Satyricon, a work of fiction, is written in Latin by Petronius (Italy).

29 CE

Jesus of Nazareth is crucified by the Romans (Israel; Palestine).

41 CE

Assassination of Roman Emperor Caligula (Italy).

50 CE

52 CE

The population of the Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan is now 125,000, making it

the sixth largest city on Earth (Mexico).

Paul the Apostle (formerly Saul of Tarsus) writes the First Epistle to the
Thessalonians, the oldest document in the Christian New Testament, in
Greek (Greece).

The 1482 portrait of Paul the Apostle by Bartolomeo Montagna is now in the Museo
Poldi Pezzoli in Milan.
54 CE

Roman Emperor Claudius is murdered by his wife Agrippina so that her son Nero
can become emperor (Italy).

60 CE

Boudica, queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe, leads a British rebellion against the Romans,
destroying three cities and killing 80,000 before being defeated at the Battle of
Watling (UK).

An 1850 statue of Boudica by Thomas Thornycroft located at the Westminster Bridge

in London.
66 CE

The province of Judea rebels against Roman rule (Israel; Palestine).

67 CE

Death of Paul the Apostle in Rome, possibly by execution (Italy).

68 CE

The Year of the Four Emperors in the Roman Empire (Italy).

Assassination of Roman Emperor Nero (Italy).

70 CE

Roman armies under Titus crush the rebellion in Judea and destroy the Temple
in Jerusalem (Israel; Palestine).

77 CE

First evidence of metal-backed glass mirrors (Lebanon).

79 CE

The Mt. Vesuvius volcano erupts, burying Pompeii and Herculaneum (Italy).

The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius killed the population of Pompeii and then buried them in
ash, allowing excavators to create plaster casts of their bodies in the exact positions
they held at death.
80 CE

The Colosseum (also known as the Flavian Amphitheater) is built in Rome (Italy).

An aerial view of the Colosseum in Rome.

90 CE

Claudius Ptolemy is born in Alexandria, Egypt.

98 CE

Trajan becomes Roman Emperor (Italy).

100 CE

The Moche culture is thriving (Peru).

A Moche portrait vessel.

First glass windows (Egypt).

Sumo wrestling is invented (Japan).
The modern version of the epic Sanskrit poem the Ramayana appears (India).

110 CE

Tacitus publishes the Histories, a Latin history of Rome from 69-96 CE (Italy).

113 CE

Trajans Column is erected in Rome (Italy).

Detail of Trajans Column.

116 CE

Tacitus is writing the Annals, a Latin history of Rome from 14-68 CE (Italy).

117 CE

The Roman Empire reaches its greatest extent (Italy).

A map of the Roman Empire under Emperor Trajan.

121 CE

Birth of Marcus Aurelius in Ucubi, Hispanica Baetica (now Spain).

122 CE

The Romans build Hadrians Wall in northern England as a defensive fortification;

the gates become customs posts for control of trade (UK).

A remaining section of Hadrians Wall at Greenhead Lough in northern England.

125 CE

Plutarchs historical biography, Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, is
written in Attic Greek (Greece).

126 CE

The Pantheon is built in Rome (Italy).

A temple for Roman gods, the Pantheon survived destruction because it was converted
to a Christian church.
129 CE

Galen is born in Pergamon, Asia Minor, Roman Empire (now Turkey).

132 CE

A Jewish revolt, led by Simon bar Kokhba, begins in the Roman province of Judea
and leads to the creation of a short-lived independent state of Israel (Israel; Palestine).

135 CE

Roman troops crush the Bar Kokhba revolt; as punishment, Emperor Hadrian bans
the practice of Judaism, forbids Jews from entering Jerusalem and replaces Judea with
Syria Palestine (Israel; Palestine).

150 CE

The Almagest, a mathematical and astronomical treatise written in Greek by Claudius

Ptolemy (Egypt).

A depiction of Claudius Ptolemy.

161 CE

Marcus Aurelius becomes Roman Emperor (Italy).

168 CE

Claudius Ptolemy dies.

170 CE

On the Natural Faculties, a medical treatise written in Greek by Galen of Pergamon


180 CE

Meditations, a philosophic memoir written in Greek by Marcus Aurelius (Serbia;

Death of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Bust of Marcus Aurelius from the Glyptothek in Munich, probably from the 2nd
Century CE.
184 CE

Start of the Revolt of the Yellow Turbans, a peasant uprising led by Taoist Zhang Jiao

200 CE

The Mayan city of Tikal becomes a regional power (Guatemala).

205 CE

By this date, troops of the Han Dynasty have successfully put down the Revolt of the
Yellow Turbans (China).

206 CE

Porcelain ceramics are invented (China).

The magnetic compass is invented (China).

The first Chinese compasses used a spoon on a flat board.

216 CE

Galen dies.

224 CE

Persian Shah Ardashir defeats Artabanus IV, the last king of the Parthian Empire, at
the Battle of Hormizdagan and begins the Sassanid Empire (Iran).

250 CE

Roman Emperor Decius requires all subjects to sacrifice to the Roman gods, or face
death, leading to the death of Pope Fabian and other Christians (Italy).

Beginning of the Classic Period of Mayan civilization, marked by increased

urbanization and building projects (Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El
The Ludovisi Sarcophagus is made (Italy).

Relief sculptures on the Ludovisi Sarcophagus depict a battle between the Romans and
the Goths.

The Buddhist Amaravati Stupa in Andhra Pradesh is completed (India).

A relief sculpture from the Amaravati Stupa showing a stupa. So meta.

257 CE

Pope Sixtus II and other Christians are executed during persecution by Roman
Emperor Valerian (Italy).

272 CE

Birth of Flavius Valerius Constantinus (Constantine the Great) in Dardania, Moesia

(now Serbia).

285 CE

Roman Emperor Diocletian names Maximian co-emperor and divides the Roman
Empire into western (based at Rome) and eastern (based at Nicomedia) empires
(Italy; Turkey).

A map of Diocletians division of the Roman Empire.

Emperor Diocletian begins the systematic persecution of Christians (Italy).

287 CE

Aurelius Carausius rebels against Roman rule and establishes an independent

kingdom in England (UK).

296 CE

Romans led by Constantius Chlorus invade Britain, defeat the rebels and reassert
sovereignty (UK).

300 CE

The Kingdom of Axum erects the 79-foot-tall Obelisk of Axum (Ethiopia).

The Axum Stele.

304 CE

Beginning of the 12-year-long Wu Hu uprising, in which five nomadic tribes

overthrow the Western Jin dynasty (China).

306 CE

Constantine becomes Emperor over part of the Western Roman Empire (Italy).

312 CE

According to legend, Constantine the Great converts to Christianity prior to

defeating his rival, Maxentius, at the Battle of Milvian Bridge (Italy).

Constantine becomes Emperor of the entire Western Roman Empire (Italy).

313 CE

Emperor Constantine issues the Edict of Milan, which recognizes Christianity and
proclaims religious tolerance in the Western Roman Empire (Italy).

315 CE

The Arch of Constantine is built in Rome (Italy).

Arch of Constantine.
320 CE

Chandragupta I founds the Gupta Dynasty (India).

324 CE

After defeating Licinius at the Battle of Adrianople, Constantine becomes Emperor

of both Eastern and Western Roman empires (Turkey).

A bust of Constantine the Great from the 4th Century CE. It is now in the Museo
Chiaramonti, Vatican City.
325 CE

Constantine convenes the First Council of Nicaea, which resolves questions about the
Christian faith and rejects Arianism (Turkey).

330 CE

Byzantium (to be renamed Constantinople) becomes the capital of the Eastern

Roman (Byzantine) Empire (Turkey).

337 CE

The death of Constantine the Great leads to the redivision of the Roman Empire into
Eastern and Western empires (Italy; Turkey).

354 CE

Birth of Augustine of Hippo in Thagaste, Roman Africa (now Algeria).

357 CE

The Romans under Julian drive the Franks out of Gaul at the Battle of Argentoratum

376 CE

The Huns invade the Balkans; many Ostrogoths flee; the Huns subjugate those who
remain (Serbia; Croatia; Bosnia & Herzegovina).

378 CE

A heavily-armed band of Visigoths rises up against the Romans, defeating them and
killing Byzantine Emperor Valens at the Battle of Adrianople (Turkey).

This map summarizes 400 years of outside tribes invading the Roman Empire.
393 CE

Roman Emperor Theodosius I bans public non-Christian religious customs (Italy).

395 CE

Birth of Attila the Hun.

400 CE

Confessions, a religious memoir in Latin by Roman Catholic Bishop Augustine of

Hippo (Algeria).

The portrait of St. Augustine by Peter Paul Rubens, from 1636-1638, is in the National
Gallery of Prague.
407 CE

The Romans withdraw from Britain (UK).

410 CE

The Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome (Italy).

426 CE

City of God, a book about Christianity by Augustine of Hippo (Algeria).

430 CE

Death of Augustine of Hippo (Algeria).

431 CE

Debate over the meaning of Jesuss birth and the rejection of Nestorianism at the
Council of Ephesus leads to the Roman Catholic Churchs first schism and the
formation of the separate Persian Church (Turkey).

439 CE

The Vandals under Genseric capture Carthage from the Romans and make it their
capital (Tunisia).

450 CE

The Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan, population 150,000, is at the height of its

power and influence in the region (Mexico).

The Avenue of the Dead and, on the left, the Pyramid of the Sun, in the ruins of
451 CE

At the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains, a combined army of Romans and Visigoths
defeat Attila the Hun (France).
A debate over the relationship between the divine and human natures of Jesus at the
Council of Chalcedon leads to the second schism in the Roman Catholic Church and
the formation of the separate Oriental Orthodox Church in Egypt and Syria (Turkey).

452 CE

According to legend, Pope Leo I convinces Attila the Hun not to sack Rome (Italy).

Pope Leo driving Attila from the Gates of Rome, a 1653 relief sculpture by Alessandro
453 CE

Death of Attila the Hun.

455 CE

The Vandals sack Rome (Italy).

The Saxons, led by brothers Hengst and Horsa, defeat the Britons at the Battle of
Aylesford (UK: England).

465 CE

Buddha Preaching the Law, a sandstone sculpture, is made at Sarnath (India).

Buddha Preaching the Law.

476 CE

Odoacer, chieftain of the Germanic Heruli tribe, forces Emperor Romulus Augustus
to abdicate, marking the end of the Western Roman Empire (Italy).

486 CE

Clovis I, King of the Salian Franks, defeats the Roman occupiers of Gaul and
establishes the Kingdom of the Franks (France).

488 CE

Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great invades Italy and establishes a kingdom there.

500 CE

Svealand, the first Swedish state, is established.

The Wari civilization is established in the south-central Andes and the coast of what
is now Peru.
The Vishnu Temple, one of the first stone Hindu temples, is built in Deogarh (India).

A relief sculpture from the Vishnu temple shows Vishnu reclining on the many-headed
serpent Ananta.
507 CE

The Franks under Clovis defeat the Visigoths under Alaric II at the Battle of Vouille,
forcing the Visigoths to retreat into Spain (France).

524 CE

The Consolation of Philosophy, a book of religious philosophy written in Latin by

Boethius (Italy).

525 CE

The Barberini Ivory, a Byzantine leaf from an imperial diptych, is made in

Constantinople (Turkey).

The Barberini Ivory.

526 CE

An earthquake in Antioch kills 250,000-300,000 people (Turkey; Syria).

529 CE

Benedict of Nursia founds the first Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino (Italy).

532 CE

Byzantine Emperor Justinians general Belisarius brutally suppresses the populist

Nika Revolt in Constantinople (Turkey).

533 CE

Byzantine forces led by Belisarius retake North Africa from the Vandals (Tunisia).

534 CE

Byzantine Emperor Justinian I completes his Code of Civil Law (Turkey).

A mosaic depicting Emperor Justinian (center) at San Vitale Church in Ravenna.

537 CE

The original Byzantine Hagia Sophia basilica is built in Constantinople by Isidore of

Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles (Turkey).

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

547 CE

The Byzantine Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna is completed (Italy).

The Basilica of San Vitale.

550 CE

The Greek language Rossano Gospels are illuminated in Syria or Italy.

A page from the Rossano Gospels.

The Virgin and Child Between Saints Theodore and George, a Byzantine icon, is
painted (Egypt).

The icon also known as Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels is located in St.
Catherines Monastery in the Sinai Desert.
552 CE

The Byzantine army invades Italy and defeats the Ostrogoths at the Battle of Taginae

565 CE

Death of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I the Great after a 38-year reign (Turkey).

567 CE

After three wars, peace is established between the Persians and the Byzantines

568 CE

The Lombards, a Germanic tribe, establish a kingdom in Italy.

570 CE

Birth of the Muslim prophet Muhammed in Mecca (Saudi Arabia).

577 CE

The Saxon conquest of England is nearly complete after the Saxons defeat the Welsh
at the Battle of Deorham (UK: England).

A map of the Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain, showing the location of the Battle of
581 CE

The Sui Dynasty under Yang Jian unites China for the first time in nearly 400 years.

A map of the Sui Dynasty in China.

589 CE

Earliest reference to use of toilet paper (China).

590 CE

Gregorius Anicius becomes Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) (Italy).

600 CE

In Cambodia, the Northern Kingdom of Chenla occupies the Kingdom of Funan.

The Tiwanaku culture begins to expand into an empire (Bolivia).
The modern Hindu-Arabic numeral system is developed in India.

This chart shows the changes in numerals from Hindu India, to the Islamic world, and
then to Europe.

First use of paper money (China).

Pope Gregory I reorganizes the use of plainchant in Christian services, collecting
chants from a variety of sources and establishing a more uniform standard (Italy).

607 CE

The Horyu-ji Buddhist Temple is constructed in Ikarauga (Japan).

The Golden Hall and Five-Storied Pagoda of Horyu-ji Buddhist temple.

609 CE

The Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou, the longest in the world, is
completed (China).

618 CE

Li Yuan establishes the Tang Dynasty, which will rule China for 286 years.

A map of the Tang Dynasty in China.

619 CE

The toothbrush is invented (China).

622 CE

Muhammad flees to Medina from Mecca in the Hejira (Saudi Arabia).

Islamic calendar year 1 AH (anno Hegirae).

627 CE

The Byzantines, led by Emperor Heraclius, defeat the Persians under Khosrau II at
the Battle of Nineveh (Iran).

630 CE

The Muslims, led by Muhammad, take control of Mecca (Saudi Arabia).

632 CE

Islams most sacred text, the Quran, is written in Arabic (Saudi Arabia).
Death of Muhammad.

638 CE

A mostly Muslim Arab army under Omar conquers Jerusalem (Israel; Palestine).

641 CE

The Muslims under Omar complete their conquest of Persia by defeating the Persian
army at the Battle of Nehawand (Iran).

642 CE

The Muslims conquer Egypt.

A map showing Muslim conquests in the 7th and 8th centuries.

646 CE

After the fall of the Soga clan in 645 CE, the Nara period begins (Japan).

650 CE

The Slavs complete their occupation of the Balkans.

The Descent of the Ganges is carved in Mahabalipuram (India).

The Descent of the Ganges.

Yan Liben paints the Thirteen Emperors scroll (China).

A portion of the Thirteen Emperors scroll.

656 CE

Ali ibn Abi Talib defeats Umayyad rebels at the Battle of the Camels to become
leader of the Muslims (Saudi Arabia).

657 CE

Jayavarman I begins his reign as king of Chenia (Cambodia).

661 CE

Following the assassination of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muawiyah I becomes Muslim
Caliph and establishes the Umayyad Dynasty at Damascus (Syria).

670 BCE

Building of the Great Mosque of Kairouan begins (Tunisia).

A view of the Great Mosque of Kairouan.

676 CE

Under King Munmu, Silla defeats Goguryeo and Baekje to unite the Korean
peninsulafor the first time (Korea).

A map of the Unified Silla Kingdom on the Korean peninsula.

678 CE

When the Muslims fail to take Constantinople after a three-year siege, they sign a 30year peace treaty with the Byzantines (Turkey).

681 CE

The Bulgars defeat the Byzantines and establish the First Bulgarian Empire

685 CE

Malik I becomes Muslim caliph (Syria).

691 CE

The Muslims build the Umayyad-style Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Israel;

The Dome of the Rock is built on the spot where it is believed that Abraham nearly
sacrificed his son Isaac, and Mohammed ascended into heaven.
698 CE

An Arab army defeats the Byzantines at Carthage, completing the Muslim takeover
of North Africa (Tunisia).
The North South States Period begins in Korea.

700 CE

The Srivijaya Empire becomes the dominant power in Indonesia.

Building of major pyramids at Tikal begins (Guatemala).

A panoramic view of Tikal and its pyramids.

Eadfrith of Lindisfarne creates the illuminated Latin-language Lindisfarne Gospels

(UK: England).

A carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels.

705 CE

Empress Wu Hou of the Tang Dynasty becomes first woman to lead China.

707 CE

The Muslims under Musa ibn-Nusayr capture Tangier from the Berbers (Morocco).

711 CE

A Muslim army of Arabs and Berbers under Tariq ibn Ziyad invades the Iberian
Peninsula and defeats Roderick, last king of the Visigoths, at the Battle of Wadi
Bekka (Spain).

715 CE

The Umayyad-style Great Mosque of Damascus is completed (Syria).

The Great Mosque of Damascus.

718 CE

A Muslim-Arab siege of Constantinople fails after Bulgarian leader Khan Tervel

comes to assist the Byzantines (Turkey).
Muslim armies on the Iberian Peninsula reach the Pyrenees (Spain).

722 CE

Mai Thc Loan leads a revolt against the Chinese rulers of Vietnam, captures the
capital and becomes Emperor of an independent region before the armies of Tang
Dynasty Emperor Xuanzong put down the rebellion (Vietnam).

730 CE

The Khazars, led by Barjik, defeat the Muslims of the Umayyad Caliphate at the
Battle of Ardabil (Iran).

731 CE

Bede completes the Ecclesiastical History of the English People, written

in Latin (UK: England).

732 CE

The Franks, led by Charles Martel, defeat the advancing Muslim army, led by Adbel-Rahman, at the Battle of Tours (France).

A map of the Muslim conquest of Spain in the 8th Century CE.

740 CE

Beginning of the Great Berber Revolt against Umayyad Caliph Hisham ibn Abd alMalik, which results in the creation of several independent Berber states (Morocco;

747 CE

Charles the Great (Charlemagne) is born in Germany or Belgium.

750 CE

The Abbasids, led by Abu Al-Abbas, overthrow the Umayyad Caliphate under
Marwan II, who is defeated at the Battle of the Zab (Iraq).
The pit-treadle loom is in use in Syria, Iran and East Africa.
By this date, the Christian Church has adopted a uniform liturgical sequence of
plainchants known as Gregorian chant (Italy).

751 CE

The Carolingian Dynasty begins with the reign of Pepin the Short, King of the
Franks (France).

An artists depiction of Pepin the Short.

753 CE

Dantidurga, king of the Rashtrakutas, defeats the Badami Chalukyas under

Kirtivarman II and takes control of the northern regions of the Chalukya Empire

755 CE

General An-Lushan rebels against the Tang Dynasty and establishes himself as
Emperor of the Yan Dynasty in northern China.

760 CE

The Manysh poetry anthology is published (Japan).

763 CE

Muslim Abbasid Caliph Mansur moves his capital to Baghdad (Iraq).

The Tang Dynasty puts down the An Lushan Rebellion (China).

Byzantine Emperor Constantine V defeats the Bulgarians at the Battle of Anchialus


780 CE

Muh a mmad ibn Ms al-Khwrizmi is born in Khwarezm (now Uzbekhistan).

787 CE

Byzantine Empress Irene calls the Second Council of Nicaea, which ends a 57-year
period of iconoclasm in the Christian Church (Turkey).

A mosaic portrait of Empress Irene from the Hagia Sophia, dating to 1122.
793 CE

The sack of Lindisfarne marks the beginning of Viking raids on Britain (UK:

794 CE

The new city of Heian-kyo (Kyoto) becomes the seat of Japans imperial court,
marking the beginning of the Heian period (Japan).

800 CE

Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne as the first Holy Roman Emperor (Germany).
First horizontal windmills are used to mill grain in Persia (Iran).
Gunpowder is invented (China).
The illuminated Latin-language Aachen Gospels is created (Germany).

The Four Evangelists, from the Aachen Gospels.

The Book of Kells, a Latin-language gospel book, is created (Ireland; UK).

An illuminated initial page from the Book of Kells.

802 CE

Jayavarman II unites Cambodia and establishes his capital at Angkor.

813 CE

Original construction of the Carolingian-Gothic Aachen Cathedral is completed


Aachen Cathedral.
814 CE

Death of Charlemagne.

815 CE

The Vikings bury two women and numerous objects in a burial ship under a mound
of earth in Oseberg (Norway).

A carved animal head post found in the Viking burial ship in Oseberg, Norway.
816 CE

The illuminated, Latin-language Ebbo Gospels is made at the Benedictine abbey at

Hautvillers, France.

A portrait of St. Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels.

820 CE

Muhammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizms The Compendious Book on Calculation by

Completion and Balancing, written in Arabic, establishes algebra as a separate
discipline (Iraq).

823 CE

Byzantine Emperor Michael II the Amorian executes Thomas the Slav, a Byzantine
military commander who led a massive, but ultimately unsuccessful revolt (Turkey).

825 CE

Borobudur, a Mahayana Buddhist Temple, is built on Java (Indonesia).

Borobudor temple was built in the Gupta architectural style.

840 CE

Weakened by a famine and civil war, the Uyghur Khaganate is overrun by the
Kirghiz people (Mongolia).

843 CE

The Treaty of Verdun divides the Kingdom of the Franks among Louis II, Lothair I
and Charles the Bald (France).
The Council of Orthodoxy under Byzantine Empress Theodora ends the second
period of iconoclasm in the Christian Church.

850 CE

Muh ammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizmi dies.

851 CE

The Vikings sack London and Canterbury before being defeated by Ockley, King of
the West Saxons (UK).
The Great Mosque of Samarra is completed (Iraq).

The minaret is all that remains of the Great Mosque of Samarra.

863 CE

A Byzantine army led by Petronas defeats Arab forces under Umar al-Aqta at the
Battle of Lalakaon in Paphlagonia (Turkey).

868 CE

Playing cards are invented (China).

869 CE

Ali bin Muhammad, a descendant of slaves, leads the 15-year-long Zanj revolt of
enslaved Bantus (Zanj) against the Abbasid caliphate (Iraq).

871 CE

Alfred the Great becomes king of England (UK: England).

872 CE

Harold I unites Norway.

874 CE

Norsemen settle Iceland.

875 CE

The High Cross of Muiredach is made at the Monasterboice monastery, in County

Louth, Ireland.

The west face of the High Cross of Muiredach

878 CE

The Saxons under Alfred the Great defeat the Danes at the Battle of Edington (UK:

882 CE

The Kievan Rus is established (Russia).

883 CE

Abbasid caliphate armies finally suppress the Zanj Slave Revolt (Iraq).

889 CE

The first Muslim fortress is built on the site of the Alhambra in Granada (Spain).

890 CE

The Early Cyrillic script is developed in the First Bulgarian Empire (Bulgaria).

895 CE

The Latin-language treatise Musica enchiriadis, which contains the earliest known
reference to the organum musical style, is published.

900 CE

The Srivijaya Empire based in Palembang controls Java, Sumatra, the Malay
Peninsula, the Straits of Malacca and much of the region (Indonesia; Malaysia).
The southern portion of the Mayan empire collapses (Guatemala, Honduras, Belize).
The fire lance, precursor to modern firearms, is invented (China).

This 10th or 12th Century CE Buddhist illustration from China depicts a demon using
a fire lance (upper right).
907 CE

The period of the Five Dynasties begins in China.

In the Battle of Pressburg, Hungarian forces under Grand Prince rpd defeat a
Bavarian army led by Margrave Luitpold (Hungary).

911 CE

After signing the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, Vikings led by Rollo settle in the
newly-created Kingdom of Normandy (France).

919 CE

The Ottonian Dynasty begins with Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony (Germany).

922 CE

Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadir orders the execution of Mansur al-Hallaj, a Persian Sufi
mystic, for heresy (Iraq).

929 CE

The caliphate of Crdoba is begun by Abd-ar-Rahman III (Spain).

936 CE

Wang Geon of the Koryo Dynasty unifies the Later Three Kingdoms (Korea).

A map of the unified Three Kingdom under Wang Geon.

945 CE

Ahmad ibn Buwah enters Baghdad and declares himself caliph, beginning the
Buwayhid Dynasty (Iraq).

951 CE

Kuya-Shonin, a practicioner of the Jodo, or New Land, form of Buddhism, founds the
Rokuharamitsuji temple in Kyoto (Japan).

955 CE

Chola Dynasty artists develop the classic iconography of the Hindu god Shiva in the
form of Shiva Nataraja,, and create many statues, sometimes called Chola bronzes

Most Chola bronzes are small enough to carry by hand, but the Shiva Nataraja at the
Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (dating to 1100-1200) is five feet tall.
955 CE

Otto the Great, King of the Germans, defeats the invading Hungarians, led
by Bulcs, at the Battle of Lechfeld (Germany).

960 CE

Mieszko I, Duke of Polans, founds the Polish state (Poland).

Zhao Kuangyin becomes Emperor Taizu of Song, the first emperor of the Song
Dynasty, and reunites most of China.

962 CE

Otto the Great is named Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XII (Germany).

A statue of Otto the Great in Magdeburg, Germany dating to 1245. Photo by Granger.
963 CE

The Byzantines, under Emperor Nikephoros II, recapture Crete from the Muslim

965 CE

Byzantine armies under Niketas Chalkoutzes retake Cyprus from the Muslim Arabs.

Battles between Byzantines and Muslims.

973 CE

Murasaki Shikibu is born in Heian-kyo (Japan).

975 CE

The earliest known manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf, written in Old
English (UK: England).

977 CE

Former slave Abu Mansur Subuktigin becomes leader of the Ghaznavid Empire

980 CE

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is born in Afshona in the Samanid Empire (now Uzbekistan).

984 CE

Qiao Weiyou designs the first pound lock (China).

985 CE

After being exiled from Iceland, Eric the Red begins to colonize Greenland.

987 CE

Hugh Capet ascends to the French throne, beginning the reign of the House of Capet,
which lasts until 1328.

The Moorish-style Great Mosque of Crdoba is completed (Spain).

The Golden Niche inside the Great Mosque of Crdoba.

990 CE

The Kingdom of Ghana defeats the Lemtunas, a Saharan Berber tribe (Mauritania).


The people of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) begin carving giant Moai statues (Chile).

Most of the Moai stood on platforms and faced inland.

The Taos Pueblo is established in New Mexico (US).

Song Dynasty artist Fan Kuan creates the hanging scroll Travellers among
Mountains and Streams (China).

Fan Kuans Travellers Among Mountains and Streams.

Persian calligrapher and illustrator Ibn al-Bawwab (Ali ibn Hilal) is making
elaborately-decorated copies of the Quran (Iraq).

Pages from a Quran illustrated by Ibn al-Bawwab about 1000.


Norsemen, possibly including Leif Erikson, become the first Europeans to reach
North America when they build a settlement in LAnse aux Meadows in
Newfoundland (Canada).
Mahmud of Ghazni begins raids into northern India.


Malay prince Suryavarman defeats Khmer Empire King Udayadityavarman I

The Pillow Book, a diary written in Japanese by Sei Shonagon (Japan).


Following a successful military campaign by Emperor Shengzong of the Liao Empire

against the Song Empire, Song Emperor Zhengzong signs the Chanyuan Treaty,
establishing peace between the two dynasties (China).

A map of China shortly after the Chanyuan Treaty.


The Book of Kings (Shahnameh), an epic historical poem by Ferdowsi, written in

Persian (Iran).


The Byzantines, led by Basil II, conquer the Bulgarians at the Battle of Kleidon



Canute II, a Dane, defeats Edmund II at the Battle of Ashington and becomes King
of all England (UK: England).

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) publishes the Book of Optics, a scientific treatise written
in Arabic (Egypt).
The Tale of Genji, a novel written in Japanese by Shikabu Murasaki (Japan).
Su Song is born near Quanzhou, China.


Ibn Sina (Avicenna) publishes The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia

written in Arabic (Iran).

Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna.

Murasaki Shikibu dies.


Mahmud of Ghazni destroys Somnath (India).



The Book of Healing, a scientific and philosophical treatise written in Arabic by Ibn
Sina (Avicenna) (Iran).

Birth of William the Conqueror in Falaise, Normandy (France).


Tughril Beg founds the Seljuk Empire (Turkey; Iran).

A map showing the growth of the Seljuk Empire.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) dies.


Bi Sheng invents movable type printing using first wood, then ceramic characters


Otho de Lagery (Pope Urban II) is born in Lagery, France.



Anawrahta becomes King of Pagan and begins conquests leading to the Empire of
Pagan (Burma).

The Kandariya Mahadeva and most of the other Hindu and Jain temples at
Khajuraho are completed (India).

Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, one of the temples in the Khajuraho complex.

Shao Yong publishes Huangji Jingshi (Book of Supreme World Ordering

Principles), a treatise on cosmogony, in Chinese (China).


The Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
begins (Italy; Turkey).


The Seljuk Turks, under Tughril Beg, capture Baghdad and oust the Buwayhid
Dynasty (Iraq).


Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk establishes the Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad, an institution

of higher learning (Iraq).


Anawrath, King of Pagan, unifies Burma after conquering the Kingdom of Thaton.

A map showing the growth of the Pagan Empire.


The Normans, under William the Conqueror, defeat English King Harold II at the
Battle of Hastings (UK: England).
William the Conqueror becomes the first Norman King of England (UK: England).


The Seljuk Turks defeat the Byzantines and capture Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV
Diogenes at the Battle of Manzikert, blocking access to Anatolia (Turkey).


Followers of King Henry II murder Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, in

Canterbury Cathedral (UK: England).
Northern Song Dynasty artist Guo Xi creates Early Spring (China).

Guo Xis Early Spring.


The Bayeaux Tapestry, which tells the story of the Norman Conquest of England, is
made (UK).

A scene from the Bayeaux Tapestry.


According to Arab legend, the Berber Almoravid Dynasty conquers the Ghanaian
Empire (Ghana; Mauritania).


Alfonso VI, Christian King of Len and Castile, captures Toledo from the Muslim
Almoravids (Spain).


William the Conqueror orders a survey of the land and other property in his
kingdom, the results of which are catalogued in Latin in the Domesday Book (UK:

A page of the Domesday Book for Warwickshire.



William the Conqueror dies in Normandy (France).

Otho de Lagery is elected Pope Urban II (Italy).

Construction begins on Su Songs 40-foot-tall water-powered astronomical clock
tower in Kaifeng (China).

An illustration from a book by Su Song showing his clock tower.


The earlier, Norman Romanesque version of Westminster Abbey is completed in

London (UK: England).


El Cid (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar), a Castilian nobleman, drives the Almoravids out of
Valencia and establishes a private fiefdom (Spain).
The Italo-Byzantine St. Marks Basilica is constructed in Venice (Italy).

The facade of St. Marks Basilica, with St. Marks Piazza in the foreground.

Pope Urban II announces the First Crusade to capture the Holy Land and remove the
Turks from the Byzantine Empire (Italy).
Al-Ghazali publishes the Arabic book The Incoherence of the Philosophers, an
attack on the views of Ibn Sina and others (Iran).


Birth of Hildegard of Bingen in Bermersheim vor der Hhe, County Palatine of the
Rhine, Holy Roman Empire (now Germany)


The Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims (Israel; Palestine).

Death of Pope Urban II.


The White Tower, the original Tower of London, is completed (UK: England).

The White Tower, the original Tower of London.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, an epic poem written in Persian (Iran).


Su Song dies.


The kingdoms of Croatia and Hungary unite.


Founding of the University of Oxford (UK: England).


The Tale of Genji Scroll is painted, possibly by Fujiwara no Takayoshi or his

workshop (Japan).

A scene from the Tale of Genji scroll.


The Jurchen people, led by Aguda, overthrow the Liao Empire and establish the Jin
Dynasty (Mongolia).


The Byzantine religious icon Our Lady of Vladimir is painted in Constantinople


Our Lady of Vladimir has been in Russia since 1131 and is venerated by the Russian
Orthodox Church as the protectress of Russia.

Original construction of the Romanesque Durham Cathedral is completed (UK:


A view of Durham Cathedral from the south.

Master Hugo creates the illuminated Latin-language Bury Bible at the Benedictine
Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds (UK: England).

Scenes from the life of Jesus on an illuminated page in the Bury Bible.

An earthquake in Aleppo, Syria kills 230,000 people.

Birth of Saladin in Tikrit, Mesopotamia (Iraq).



The epic poem The Song of Roland is the oldest known work of literature written in
French (France).

Under the Treaty of Zamora, Spain recognizes Portugals independence.

Afonso I Henriques becomes King of Portugal.

A portrait of King Afonso I.


Spanish King Louis VII and German King Conrad III organize the Second Crusade.
The Almohads, a Berber Muslim Dynasty under Abd al-Mumin, conquer Morocco.


According to legend, Eric IX of Sweden leads the First Swedish Crusade against the
Finns and forces them to convert to Christianity (Finland).
The Buddhist temple complex at Angkor Wat is completed (Cambodia).

The Angkor Wat temple complex.

Benedictine abbess Hildegard of Bingen founds the Rupertsberg monastery

Lonin is composing polyphonic organum (France).


Hildegard of Bingen writes the liturgical drama Ordo Virtutum, containing her
earliest known musical compositions (Germany).


Four Buddhas (two sitting, one standing and one reclining) are carved into a granite
rock face at the Gal Vihara temple at Polonnauruwa (Sri Lanka).

The Reclining Buddha at Gal Vihara.


The Hanseatic League, an economic defense treaty, forms in northern Europe.


Birth of Genghis Khan in Mongolia.


Construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris begins (France).


Stefan Nemanja defeats the Byzantines at the Battle of Pantina and overthrows his
older brother to become the first leader of a united Serbia.


The Kurds build a fortress on the future site of Krak des Chevaliers (Syria).
Beginning of the ars antiqua style in European music composition.


English King Henry II invades Ireland and claims it for England.

The Treaty of Windsor recognizes Henry II as King of England and Ireland.

Ireland in 1171. Map courtesy of www.irelandstory.com.


After England defeats Scotland, Scottish king William I accepts English sovereignty.
Saladin becomes Sultan of Egypt and Syria and founds the Ayyubid Dynasty.


The Lombard League defeats Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa at the
Battle of Legano (Italy)
Invention of the first clock using falling weights (France).


In the Mishneh Torah, written in Hebrew, Maimonides determines the date of the
creation of the world and establishes the Jewish calendar according to the Anno Mundi


Death of Hildegard of Bingen.


Ibn Rushd (Averroes) writes The Incoherence of the Incoherence, a response to AlGhazalis The Incoherence of the Philosophers, written in Arabic (Spain).


French goldsmith and enamellist Nicholas of Verdun creates the Verdun Altar (the
Klosterneuberg Altarpiece) for the Klosterneuberg Monastery (Austria).

Nicholas Verduns gold and enameled altarpiece.


Minamoto Yoshitsune defeats the Taira at the Battle of Dan no Ura, marking the
beginning of the Kamakura period (Japan).
Kamakura period artist Kosho sculpts Kuya Preaching, which commemorates KuyaShonin and is located in the temple Kuya founded in Kyoto (Japan).

Kuya Preaching.

The sandstone Bust of Jayavarman VII, Khmer emperor, is carved in the naturalistic
Bayon style (Cambodia).

A bust of Khmer emperor Jayavarman VII.


The Bulgarians successfully throw off Byzantine rule to form the Second Bulgarian


The Muslims, led by Saladin, recapture Jerusalem from the Christians (Israel;

Saladin the Victorious, in a 19th Century engraving by Gustave Dor.


The Third Crusade, led by Richard the Lionhearted, occupies Acre but fails to take
Jerusalem from the Muslims (Israel; Palestine).


Kamakura period sculptor Jokei creates statues of Ungyo and Agyo, a pair of
fearsome guardians, or nio, to protect the entrance of the Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara

One of a pair of nio made by Jokei for the entrance to the Kofuku-ji Temple.

Song Dynasty artist Ma Yuan paints and draws Bare Willows and Distant Mountains
on a silk fan (China).

Ma Yuans Bare Willows and Distant Mountains.

Maimonides writes Guide for the Perplexed, a philosophical and religious work, in
Judeo-Arabic (Egypt).


Earliest known vertical post mill windmill (UK: England).


Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate

The Muslim Ghurids led by Muizz al-Din inflict a decisive defeat on a Chauhan
Rajput army led by Prithviraj Chauhan in the Second Battle of Tarain (India).


Death of Saladin in Damascus, Syria.


The hand cannon, the simplest firearm, is invented (China).

A gunpowder-charged Chinese hand cannon from the 14th Century, during the Yuan

First evidence of buttons used to fasten clothing (Germany).

Soccer (known in most of the world as football) is being played in Europe.
Protin, a member of the Notre Dame school of polyphony, is writing organum in
three and four parts at this time (France).


Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade agree to sack the town of Zadar in Croatia so that
Venice will transport them to Egypt, leading Pope Innocent to excommunicate the
Italian mathematician Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) introduces Arabic numerals and
the Fibonacci sequence to Western Europeans in his book Liber Abaci (Italy).


Soumaoro Kant, king of the Sosso people, seizes Koumbi Saleh, the capital of the
weakened Ghanaian Empire (Mauritania).


The Crusaders sack the Byzantine capital of Constantinople (Turkey).


Genghis Khan establishes the Mongol Empire with a capital at Karakorum


Genghis Khan as depicted in a 14th Century album of Yuan emperors, now in the
National Palace Museum of Taipei.

The epic Poem of the Cid (Cantar de Mio Cid) is written in Old Spanish (Spain).


Founding of the University of Cambridge (UK: England).

Founding of the Franciscan order of friars (Italy).
The Nibelungenlied, an epic poem, is written in Middle High German (Germany).


Christian forces defeat the Muslims in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, a key
victory in the Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula (Spain).
Nicolas of Cologne leads Christians on a pilgrimage to Italy.
Stephan of Cloyes, age 12, leads a group of 30,000 children and adults on a Crusade,
making it to Marseilles (France).


At the insistence of his nobles, King John signs the Magna Carta restricting his own
powers (UK: England).

One of the four existing copies of a 1297 version of the Magna Carta.

English victories at the battles of Lincoln and Sandwich stop a French invasion (UK:


Roger Bacon is born in Somerset, England (now UK).


Fall of Chichen Itza, a Mayan city that had flourished from 600 CE (Mexico).

The El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza was built between 800 and 1200 CE.

Ken Arok founds the Singhasari Kingdom in east Java (Indonesia).

Snorri Sturlusson writes down the mythological stories in the Prose Edda, written in
Icelandic (Iceland)


The Crusading Knights Hospitaller have completed work on Krak des Chevaliers

Crusading knights renovated a Kurdish fort into Krak des Chevaliers.

Birth of Roman Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas in Roccasecca, Kingdom of

Sicily (now Italy).


Death of Genghis Khan, probably in battle.


The Sixth Crusade, under Frederick II, obtains Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth
through a treaty with Kurdish ruler Malik al-Kamil, the fourth Ayyubid sultan of Egypt
(Israel; Palestine).


First known use of rockets as weapons (China).


Sundiata Keita founds the Mali Empire in West Africa.


Ferdinand III, King of Castile and Len takes Crdoba from the Moors (Spain).

A map showing the advance of the Christian Reconquista and the shrinking Muslim
kingdom of Al-Andalus.

Mohammed I ibn Nasr, founder of the Nasrid Dynasty, begins building the first
palace at the Alhambra in Granada (Spain).


The Russians under Alexander Nevsky defeat the invading Swedes at St. Petersburg
The Mongols take Kiev, capital of the Kievan Rus, effectively completing their
takeover (Russia).


The Mongols defeat an alliance of Polish and Christian troops, led by Henry II the
Pious, Duke of Silesia, at the Battle of Legnica, resulting in fragmentation of the
Polish state (Poland).


Genghis Khans son Batu leads his Golden Horde to southern Russia and establishes
his capital at Sarai near the Volga River (Russia).


Work begins on the Gothic Cologne Cathedral (High Cathedral of St. Peter)
The French Gothic cathedral of Sainte-Chapelle is built in Paris (France).

The interior of Sainte-Chapelle.


Castel del Monte, with its unusual octagonal design, is constructed in Apulia by Holy
Roman Emperor Frederick II (Italy).

The Castel del Monte.

Gita Govinda, an epic poem written in Sanskrit by Jayadeva (India).


Birth of Marco Polo in the Republic of Venice (now Italy).


The University of Paris is founded (France).

Bustan (The Orchard), poems in Persian by Saadi Shirazi (Iran).


The Mongols under Hulagu Khan capture Baghdad, ending the Abbasid caliphate
The Mongols conquer Korea.


The Mamelukes, under Baybars, defeat the invading Mongols, under Julegu Khan, at
the Battle of Ain Jalut (Israel; Palestine).
Major construction of the French Gothic Chartres Cathedral is completed (France).

Chartres Cathedral.

Nicola Pisano completes the proto-Renaissance Pisa Baptistry Pulpit (Italy).

Baptistery Pulpit, Pisa Cathedral.


Nicaean emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos retakes Constantinople from Latin ruler
Baldwin II (Turkey).


Norway under King Haakon IV annexes Iceland and Greenland.


Roger Bacon publishes Opus Majus, a treatise written in Latin on science,

mathematics, philosophy, language and religion (UK: England).


Major construction on the French Gothic Amiens Cathedral (Cathedral Basilica of

Our Lady of Amiens) is complete.

Detail of the exterior of Amiens Cathedral.


Summa Contra Gentiles, a book about Christianity by Thomas Aquinas (Italy).


Rudolf I is named King of the Romans and King of Germany, marking the beginning
of the Hapsburg Dynasty (Switzerland).
The Masnavi, poems in Persian by Jalalul-din Rumi (Iran).


Publication of Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica, a Latin compendium of the

teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (Italy).
Death of Thomas Aquinas.


Completion of the French Gothic Reims Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Reims) (France).

Detail of relief sculptures decorating the exterior of Reims Cathedral.


The Mongols conquer China and their leader Kublai Khan establishes the Yuan


The Santa Trinita Maest, a proto-Renaissance altarpiece painted by Cimabue for a

Florence church (Italy).

The Santa Trinita Maest, altarpiece, by Cimabue, is now in the Uffizi Gallery.

English composer W. de Wycombe is active (UK).


Japan successfully repels a Mongolian invasion.


Sicilians rebel against the rule of French King Charles I, starting the War of Sicilian
Vespers (Italy).


The Republic of Genoa defeats the city-state of Pisa (Italy).


Eyeglasses with convex lenses are invented (Italy).

Detail of the 1352 portrait of Hugh de Provence by Tommaso de Moderna, the earliest
known depiction of eyeglasses.

Expulsion of the Jews from England and Wales.


The League of the Three Forest Cantons is formed in Switzerland.


After King Kertanegara of Singhasari refuses to pay tribute to Mongol leader and
Yuan Dynasty Emperor Kublai Khan, Khan invades Java and takes the city of
Jayakatwang but is repulsed by a surprise attack by Raden Wijaya (Indonesia).
Raden Wijaya founds the Majapahit Empire on Java (Indonesia).


Roger Bacon dies.


The First War of Scottish Independence begins when Edward I of England invades
Construction begins on the Gothic Duomo (Basilica of St. Mary of the Flower) in
Florence (Italy).


Scottish armies under William Wallace defeat English troops.

The Dutch are playing a game that may be the precursor of golf; it involves hitting a
leather ball with a stick into a distant hole using the least amount of strokes (The


England defeats the Scottish rebellion.

Rustichello da Pisa publishes The Travels of Marco Polo, written in Old French and
based on conversations with Marco Polo (Italy).

Portrait of Marco Polo, possibly from the 16th Century.


The Oghuz Turks under Osman Bey found the Ottoman Empire in northern Anatolia



Earliest existing version of One Thousand and One Nights, a set of linked stories
written in Arabic (Syria).
The Montepellier Codex, containing 336 polyphonic works, is compiled in Paris

Proto-Renaissance artist Giotto di Bondone paints the frescoes on the walls of the
Scrovegni Chapel in Padua (Italy).

The Lamentation of Christ, from the Scrovegni Chapel, also known as the Arena

Pope Clement V moves the Roman Catholic papacy from Rome to Avignon


Start of the ars nova style in European music composition.


Duccio di Buoninsegna completes the painting of the Byzantine Maest

Altarpiece (Italy).

The front view of Duccios Maest Altarpiece.


The Scots under Robert the Bruce defeat the English under Edward II at the Battle of
Bannockburn (UK: Scotland).


William of Ockham sets out the principle of Ockhams Razor in his Commentaries
on Peter Lombards Sentences, written in Latin (UK: England).
The satirical poem Roman de Fauvel, written in French by Gervais de Bus and
Chaillou de Pesstain, is published in a deluxe version featuring 169 musical
insertions in all styles (France).

A page from the Roman de Fauvel, showing text, music and iillustrations.

The Divine Comedy, an epic poem, is written in Italian by Dante Alighieri (Italy).

The 1450 portrait of Dante Aligheri by Andrea del Castagno is at the Uffizi Gallery in

Death of Marco Polo.


The Aztecs found the city of Tenochtitlan (Mexico).

Ibn Battuta leaves his home in Morocco to spend the next 24 years traveling through
the Muslim world and beyond.


The Osmali Turks, led by Osman Bey, take the Byzantine fortress of Bursa after a
nine-year siege (Turkey).


The Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton establishes Scottish independence from

Ivan I Kalita, Prince of Moscow, obtains Grand Prince of Vladimir status from the
Golden Horde and uses it to strengthen the Muscovite state (Russia).


Casimir III The Great ascends to the throne of Poland.

First phase of building at the Kremlin in Moscow is completed (Russia).
Original construction of Himeji Castle finished (Japan).

Himeji Castle.

The International Gothic St. Ansanus Altarpiece is painted by Simone Martini and
Lippo Memmi for a side altar of the Siena Cathedral (Italy).

The St. Ansanus Altarpiece is a triptych, with the Annunciation in the center and St.
Ansanus and St. Margaret on the side panels.

Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I of the Sangama Dynasty found the
Vijayanagara Empire in the Deccan Plateau region of southern India.


England and France begin the Hundred Years War, which rages on and off for 116
Proto-Renaissance artist Ambrogio Lorenzetti paints the Allegory of Good and Bad
Government frescoes on the walls of the Council Room in the Palazzo Pubblico in
Siena (Italy).

A portion of Lorenzettis Effects of Good Government fresco.


Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer in London, England (now UK).


Notre Dame de Paris, a French Gothic cathedral, is completed (France).

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.


The Black Death (bubonic plague) arrives in Europe. Between 1347 and 1353, the
plague will kill an estimated 30-60% of the population.
The University of Prague is founded (Czech Republic).


Founding of the University of Kracow (Poland).

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, a landscape scroll by Song Dynasty artist and
Yuan master Huang Gongwang (China).

Detail from Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains.


Polish King Kasimir III defeats and annexes the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia.



The traditional date for the beginning of the Italian Renaissance in Florence (Italy).
The Decameron, linked stories in Italian written by Giovanni Boccaccio (Italy).

King Ramathibodi I establishes the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Thailand).


The alliance known as the Old Swiss Confederacy now includes eight cantons: first
Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden in 1291; then Berne (1323), Lucerne (1332) and Zrich
(1351); and lastly, Glarus and Zug, taken from the Hapsburgs in 1352.

A map of the old Swiss Confederacy.


Ibn Battuta completes Rihla (The Journey), an Arabic-language account of his

travels (Morocco).



The English and French sign the Treaty of Brtigny and Treaty of Calais,
establishing a temporary truce in the 100 Years War (France).

Guillaume de Machauts Messe de Notre-Dame is the first musical setting of the

Ordinary of the Catholic Mass (France).


The Ming Dynasty is founded (China).

A map showing the extent of the Ming Dynasty in China.


Timur (Tamerlane) defeats his former ally Husayn at the Siege of Balkh and
becomes ruler of the western Chaghatai in Transoxiana (Uzbekistan).


The Ottomans under Lala Shahin Pasha defeat the Serbs under King Prilep Vukain
Mrnjavevi and his brother despot Ugljea (both of whom are killed) in the Battle of
Maritsa near the village of Chernomen (Greece).


The Campanile of the Pisa Cathedral (Leaning Tower of Pisa) is completed (Italy).

The Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Yuan master Ni Zans The Rongxi Studio handscroll (China).

The Rongxi Studio.


The Roman Catholic Papacy returns to Rome from Avignon (Italy).

Ibn Khaldun publishes Muqaddimah, an Arabic-language overview of history,
culture, science and religion (Tunisia).


The Western Schism begins with the election of three different Roman Catholic
popes, all of whom claim to be Supreme Pontiff of the Church (Italy).
The Ayutthaya Kingdom defeats the Kingdom of Sukhothai (Thailand; Laos;


An alliance of Russian principalities led by Prince Dmitri of Moscow defeat an army

of the Mongol Golden Horde under Mamai at the Battle of Kulikovo.


Venice defeats Genoa in the War of Chioggia (Italy).

The Peasants Revolt, led by Wat Tyler, is put down by King Richard (UK:


Jean Bondol (Hennequin of Bruges), Nicolas Bataille, & Robert Poinon create
the Apocalypse Tapestry for Louis I, Duke of Anjou (France).

A scene from the Apocalypse Tapestry.


John the Greats victory over Castile at the Battle of Ajubarrota ensures Portugals


The First Battle of Kosovo pits an army of Serbs and Bosnians led by Serbian
Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovi against the invading army of the Ottoman Empire under
the command of Sultan Murad I. Both leaders die in the battle, and there is no clear
victor (Kosovo).



Lukeni lua Nimi conquers the Kingdom of the Mwene Kabunga in West Central
Africa to found the Kingdom of Kongo Dya Ntotila (Angola; Congo).

Muhammad V, Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada, builds the Palace of the
Lions and the Mexuar in the Alhambra (Spain).

A view of the Alhambra.


Charles VI expels the Jews from France.


The Wilton Diptych is painted (UK).

The Wilton Diptych.


Queen Margaret I of Denmark establishes the Kalmar Union, uniting Denmark,

Sweden and Norway.


Johannes Gutenberg is born in the Electorate of Mainz (now Germany).


Richard II abdicates the throne and Henry Bolingbroke becomes Henry IV (UK:


Paramesvara establishes the Kingdom of Malacca on the Malay peninsula

The Mongols, under Timur, invade Syria.
The Canterbury Tales, linked stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer


Timur leads the Timurid Mongols to victory over the Ottomans at the Battle of
Ankara (Turkey).

The Timurid Empire in about 1405.

Parameswara, the last king of Singapura, flees to Malacca after a Majapahit invasion
and establishes the Malacca Sultanate (Malaysia).


First of seven Chinese naval expeditions under Zheng He (China).


Poland, under King Wadysaw II Jagieo, and Lithuania, under Grand Duke
Vytautas, decisively defeat the GermanPrussian Teutonic Knights, led by Grand
Master Ulrich von Jungingen, at the Battle of Grunwald (Poland).


Birth of Joan of Arc in Domrmy, France.


The British, under Henry V, defeat the French at the Battle of Agincourt (France).
Prince Henry the Navigator conquers Ceuta, beginning the Portuguese Empire


The Limbourg Brothers create the International Gothic illuminated prayer book Les
Trs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (France).

The page for January in Les Trs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.

Building of the Forbidden City at Beijing is completed (China).

The Forbidden City in Beijing consists of a complex of temples and other buildings.


Work on the Old Hall Manuscript, a collection of English sacred music, is complete


A French army led by a teenage Joan of Arc liberates Orleans from the English siege


The Aztec city-states Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan form a triple alliance to
defeat the Tepanec state of Azcapotzalco, the first step toward establishing the Aztec
Empire (Mexico).

A map showing the growth of the Aztec empire.


Early Renaissance artist Masaccio paints frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel and the
Santa Maria Novella Church in Florence (Italy).

The Tribute Money is one of Masaccios frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel of the
Church of Santa Maria del Carmine.

Joan of Arc is tried and convicted of heresy, then burned at the stake (France).
The Thais capture the Khmer capital of Angkor (Cambodia).


The Ghent Altarpiece is painted by Early Netherlandish artist Jan (and possibly
Hubert) van Eyck for St. John the Baptist Church in Ghent (Belgium).

A view of the Ghent Altarpiece, which is located in St. Bavo Cathedral in Ghent.

Cosimo de Medici returns from exile to become the de facto leader of Florence

The Arnolfini Portrait, an oil painting by Early Netherlandish painter Jan van Eyck

Most experts now believe that the subjects of The Arnolfini Portrait are not a married
couple named Arnolfini.

The Madonna of Chancellor Rolin, a painting by Early Netherlandish artist Jan van
Eyck (Belgium).
Rogier van der Weydens Early Netherlandish painting Descent from the Cross

The Descent from the Cross (also known as The Deposition).


Vlad II Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) becomes voivode of Wallachia for the first time
Florentine artist and architect Filippo Brunelleschis dome completes the Gothic
Florence Cathedral (The Basilica of St. Mary of the Flower, also known as The
Duomo) (Italy).

The Duomo dominates the Florence skyline.


Pachacutec founds the Inca Dynasty (Peru).


David, a bronze statue by Early Renaissance sculptor Donatello (Italy).

Donatellos David is the first freestanding bronze statue made in Italy since the
Classical Era.

The Venetian Gothic-style Doges Palace is completed in Venice (Italy).

The Doges Palace in Venice.


The Ottomans under Sultan Murad II defeat armies led by Wadysaw III of Poland
and Hungary, John Hunyadi and Mircea II of Wallachia in the Battle of Varna


The Second Battle of Kosovo results in a decisive victory for the Ottomans under
Sultan Murad II over the Kingdom of Hungary and Wallachia led by John Hunyadi


Francesco Sforza becomes Duke of Milan (Italy).

The Incas build Machu Picchu (Peru).

The ruins of Machu Picchu are nestled high in the Peruvian Andes.

Johannes Gutenberg independently invents movable type printing with metal type
and the first modern printing press (Germany).
The first evidence of screwdrivers (France; Germany).
Nicholas of Cusa invents eyeglasses with concave lenses for myopia (Germany).


Birth of Isabella (Queen of Castile and Len) in Madrigal de las Altas Torres, vila
(now Spain).
Birth of Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus) in the Republic of Genoa (now


Leonardo da Vinci is born in Vinci, Republic of Florence (now Italy).


Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks under Muhammad II (Turkey).


Pope Nicholas V negotiates the Treaty of Lodi, which settles hostilities among the
Kingdom of Naples, the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Florence (Italy).


The War of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York begins with the
Battle of St. Albans near London (UK: England).
Johannes Gutenberg prints the first copies of the Latin-language Gutenberg Bible, the
first major book printed in the West using movable type (Germany).

A copy of the Gutenberg Bible in the collection of the Library of Congress.


Vlad the Impaler becomes voivode of Wallachia for the second time (Romania).
Alvise da Cadamosto of Portugal discovers the Cape Verde Islands, which become
part of the Portuguese Empire.


The game of golf is being played in Scotland (UK).


At the Congress of Mantua, Pope Pius II calls for a crusade against the Ottoman
Empire (Italy).


Birth of Vasco da Gama in Alentejo, Portugal.


Probable date of the Requiem by Johannes Ockegham, the earliest surviving

polyphonic setting of the Roman Catholic Mass for the Dead (France).



Vlad the Impaler wreaks havoc on the Ottomans in Bulgaria, causing Ottoman Sultan
Mehmed II to invade Wallachia (Bulgaria; Romania).

Early Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca paints The Resurrection of Christ on
the wall of the Comunale in Sansepolcro (Italy).

The Resurrection of Christ, by Piero della Francesca.


Johannes Gutenberg dies.


Birth of Niccol Machiavelli in the Republic of Florence (now Italy).


Work is halted on the unfinished Cologne Cathedral (Germany).

Nicolaus Copernicus is born in Toru, Royal Prussia, Kingdom of Poland.


Early Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna completes the frescoes in the Camera
degli Sposi of Castello San Giorgio in Mantua (Italy).

Mantegnas oculus from the Camera degli Sposi.


The Portinari Altarpiece, painted by Early Netherlandish artist Hugo van der Goes

The center panel of the Portinari Altarpiece.

Birth of Michelangelo Buonarroti in Caprese, Republic of Florence (now Italy).


Vlad the Impaler returns to the Wallachian throne for the third and final time before
dying shortly thereafter (Romania).


No one expects it when Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile set up the
Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (the Spanish Inquisition) (Spain).


The Ottomans and Venice conclude 15 years of war with the Treaty of
Constantinople (Turkey).
Birth of Ferno de Magalhes (Ferdinand Magellan), probably in Sabrosa, Trs-osMontes e Alto Douro, Portugal.


La Primavera (Spring), a painting by Florentine Early Renaissance artist Sandro

Botticelli (Italy).

La Primavera (Spring), by Sandro Botticelli.

Martin Luther is born in Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire (now Germany).



Le Morte dArthur, a work of fiction written in English by Thomas Malory (UK:

Birth of Hernando Corts in Medelln, Kingdom of Castile (now Spain).

The Birth of Venus, a painting by Florentine Early Renaissance artist Sandro

Botticelli (Italy).

The Birth of Venus.


Bartholemeu Dias of Portugal becomes the first European to round the Cape of Good
Hope (South Africa).


Lady with an Ermine, a painting by High Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci


Lady with an Ermine, by Leonardo da Vinci.


After encounters with the Portuguese, Kongo King Nzinga a Nkuwu converts to
Christianity and takes the name of Joo I in honor of Portugals king Joo II (Angola;
Birth of Henry Tudor (Henry VIII) in Greenwich, England (now UK).


Christopher Columbus crosses the Atlantic Ocean, lands in the West Indies and
claims them for Spain (The Bahamas).

The voyages of Columbus.

Muslim rule in Iberia ends and the Reconquista is complete when Emir Muhammad
XIII surrenders the Emirate of Granada to Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain).
Ferdinand II and Isabella I issue the Alhambra Decree expelling the Jews from
Castile and Aragon (Spain).


In the Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain and Portugal divide up the world outside Europe
between them.
French King Charles VIII invades Italy, starting the Italian Wars.
After Piero II de Medici capitulates to the French, the Florentines exile him and
establish a Florentine Republic under the influence of radical Dominican friar
Girolamo Savonarola (Italy).
Luca Pacioli codifies the system of double-entry bookkeeping (Italy).

A 1496 portrait of Fra Luca Pacioli, attributed to Jacopo de Barbari.

Sebastian Brant publishes Ship of Fools, a German-language satire, with illustrations

by Albrecht Drer (Switzerland).
Birth of Suleiman the Magnificent in Trabzon, Ottoman Empire (now Turkey).


The Holy League organized by Pope Alexander VI defeats the French at the Battle of
Fornovo and forces Charles VIII to leave Italy.
While in Rome, Josquin des Prez composes the Missa Lhomme arm super voces
musicales, a setting of the Mass for four voices (Italy).


John Cabot reaches Newfoundland and claims it for England (Canada).

Josquin des Prez composes the five-voice lament Nymphes des bois, set to a poem by
Jean Molinet, on the occasion of the death of Johannes Ockeghem (Italy).


Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to travel from
Europe to India by sea.
Radical Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola is executed in Florence (Italy).
Apocalypse, a series of engraved woodcut prints by Northern Renaissance artist
Albrecht Drer (Germany).

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, one of 15 prints depicting scenes from the
Book of Revelation in Albrecht Drers Apocalypse.

The Last Supper, a painting by High Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci on the
wall of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan (Italy).

The restored Last Supper.


The Ottomans defeat the Venetians at the Battle of Zonchio (Greece).

The Battle of Zonchio marks the first use of cannons in a naval battle (Greece).
The Piet, a sculpture by High Renaissance artist Michelangelo (Italy).

Michelangelos Piet is located in St. Peters Basilica in Rome.

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