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The Open Source Enterprise Billing System

Installation Instructions
Software Requirement:
PostgreSQL 9.2+ (required for testing, other runtime databases are supported)
MySQL 5.1.68
Oracle 11g
Hardware Requirements:
: 1 GHz x86-64 processor
Memory (RAM) : 2 GB
: 160 GB
Operating System:
Windows XP, Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.04, red hat Linux.
Mozilla Firefox 18.0.1 and above
Internet Explorer 9
Google Chrome 26.0.1410.64

Steps to Install JDK 6 on Windows.

1. Find if Windows is 32 bit or 64 bit.
As describe in first paragraph, you can find if Windows 8 or Windows 7 is 32-bit or 64-bit by
checking System Type in Control Panel >> System and Security >> System and then looking at
System Type Properties.

2. Download correct JDK 6 installer from Java download sites

Go to Java SE download site
and select jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe for 32 bit and jdk-6u45-windows-x64.exe for 64 bit .

3. Install JDK by double clicking on Windows installer

Once you download correct JDK installer, rest of installation is like installing any other Windows
based application. Just follow Instruction given by Java SE Installation Wizard.

4. Include JDK bin directory in Windows PATH environment variable.

Go to Start Menu >> Right click on Computer >> Properties >> Advanced System Settings >>
Environment Variables >> System Variable >> path >> edit and include C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin in PATH environment variable.

Steps to Install PostgreSQL for Windows

1. Go to the following link and click on the windows button of latest stable release of
PostgreSQL as per system type (86/64). This will start downloading of the same.
2. Run the downloaded exe of postgreSQL to install it.
3. Some screenshots to guide through the installation of postgresql-9.2.4 :-

4. Trust all local connections to the PostgreSQL instance.

Edit the C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data\pg_hba.conf file and change the IPv4 and
local Unix socket lines to trust.
The version number in the path to the pg_hba.conf might change depending on the
version installed by the package manager. Pay attention to the version of PostgreSQL
# IPv4 local connections:
# IPv6 local connections:




5. After that restart the PostgresSQL service from Start >> type services in Search
Programs and files or type services.msc in run >> open Services Window
>> search PostgresSQL and restart it.

Create the jBilling database and database user

PostgreSQL comes with a simple database template that you can connect to temporarily to
create the necessary role and database.
6. Go to Start >> All programs >> PostgresSQL 9.2 >> SQL shell (psql).
7. You will first need to press the 'Enter' key several times to select the default
configuration for starting PosgresSQL. Then you must copy or enter the text as it appears
below in its entirely into the command shell.
8. Create Role and Database using following Commands.

CREATE DATABASE jbilling_test WITH OWNER jbilling;

Download the jbilling binary zip file on you local machine and Unzip.
Create jbilling_test database.
Please note, in order to run a new or updated zip file, if you have already done a database build
you need to drop it.
a) Go to your Start Menu >> All Programs >> PostgresSQL 9.2 >> SQL Shell
b) Press the 'Enter' key five (5) times.
c) In the SQL Shell enter:
DROP DATABASE jBilling_test;

d) Press the 'Enter' key. You should see the text: DROP DATABASE.
e) Create a new database by entering:
f) In the SQL Shell enter:
CREATE DATABASE jbilling_test WITH OWNER jbilling;

g) Press the 'Enter' key. You should see the text: CREATE DATABASE
h) In case of windows if binary zip is unpacked in C drive, then open a command prompt
i) window. Run all commands one by one, The commands should use paths as below:
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin
psql jbilling_test jbilling -U jbilling < C:[enter the path to find the file here]\jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0\db- scripts\postgres\jbilling-changelog-table-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test jbilling -U jbilling < C:[enter the path to find the file here]\jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0\db-scripts\postgres\jbilling-schema-base-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test jbilling -U jbilling < C:[enter the path to find the file here]\jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0\db-scripts\postgres\jbilling-init_data-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test jbilling -U jbilling < C:[enter the path to find the file here]\jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0\db-scripts\postgres\jbilling-schema-FKs-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test jbilling -U jbilling < C:[enter the path to find the file here]\jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0\db-scripts\postgres\jbilling-upgrade-3.2-psql.sql

To Run the Application

1. Just go jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/bin and double click on the startup.bat file to start
2. Point to url: http://localhost:8080/jbilling/signup. Create your Company by providing
necessary details.
3. After that login into the JBilling System using your username and password which you
provided on signup.

Installation Instructions for Linux

Steps to Install PostgreSQL

Red Hat / CentOS
sudo yum install postgresql-libs postgresql postgresql-server
sudo service postgresql initdb (or start/stop if initdb not supported by
postgres version)

Ubuntu / Debian
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client

Trust all local connections to the PostgreSQL instance.

Edit the pg_hba.conf file and change the IPv4 and local Unix socket lines to trust. Note that
the client should be aware of this and adjust the security to their needs in a production
environment, its best if their own system admin consults the PostgreSQL documentation to
determine the correct settings for their environment.
The version number in the path to the pg_hba.conf might change depending on the version
installed by the package manager. Pay attention to the version of PostgreSQL installed.
sudo vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf

(Red Hat / CentOS)

(Ubuntu / Debian)

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only


# IPv4 local connections:



Change the PostgresSQL listener to allow connections via TCP. The client should review this
later; It might not be necessary to listen on all addresses if the machine has a static IP.
sudo vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf

listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432

(Red Hat / CentOS)

(Ubuntu / Debian)

Start or restart PostgreSQL:

sudo service postgresql restart


Create the jBilling database and database user

PostgreSQL comes with a simple database template that you can connect to temporarily to
create the necessary role and database.
You will first need to press the 'Enter' key several times to select the default configuration for
starting PosgresSQL. Then you must copy or enter the text as it appears below in its entirety
into the command shell.
sudo su postgres
psql template1
CREATE DATABASE jbilling_test WITH OWNER jbilling;

- or
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser jbilling -P
sudo -u postgres createdb jbilling_test

Oracle Installation
For Ubuntu:

MySQL Installation
Go to this link to install MySQL

Steps to Unpack the JBilling Enterprise Edition Release binary

1. Download the binary file on you local machine.
2. Unzip using following command.

3. Create jbilling_test database & run following commands as per your database to build

For Postgres Database

Please note, in order to run a new or updated zip file, if you have already done a database build
you need to drop it.
1. Open a command prompt window. Run following commands one by one to build database.
The below commands are considering Linux system paths.
psql jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/postgres/jbilling-changelog-table-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/postgres/jbilling-schema-base-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/postgres/jbilling-init_data-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/postgres/jbilling-schema-FKs-psql.sql
psql jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/postgres/jbilling-upgrade-3.2-psql.sql

By default jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/jbilling/jbilling-DataSource.groovy is pointing to postgres


For Mysql Database

1. Open a command prompt window. Run following commands one by one to build database.
The below commands are considering Linux system paths.
mysql -uroot -pjava jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/dbscripts/mysql/jbilling-changelog-table-psql.sql
mysql -uroot -pjava jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/mysql/jbilling-schema-base-psql.sql
mysql -uroot -pjava jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/mysql/jbilling-init_data-psql.sql
mysql -uroot -pjava jbilling_test < jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/db-scripts/mysql/jbilling-upgrade-3.2-psql.sql

2. If you are using mysql database then comment the following code from jbilling-enterprise3.2.0/jbilling/jbilling-DataSource.groovy
dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"
driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver"
username = "jbilling"
password = ""
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jbilling_test"


After that un-comment the following code from jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/jbilling/jbillingDataSource.groovy to point to MySQL database.
dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
username = "root"
password = "java"
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jbilling_test"

For Oracle Database

1. In case of windows if binary zip is unpacked in C drive (you can unpack in the drive of your
choice). Open a SQL command prompt for oracle database from Start>>All programs>>Oracle
Database 10g Express Edition>>Run SQL Command Line. First connect to database using
connect command & then run the scripts. You need give the full file path & prepped it with
'@'. The below commands are considering windows system paths.
connect jbilling_test/jbilling

2. For oracle database comment the following code from jbilling-enterprise3.2.0/jbilling/jbilling-DataSource.groovy

dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"
driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver"
username = "jbilling"
password = ""
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jbilling_test"

3. After that un-comment the following code from jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/jbilling/billingsDataSource.groovy to point to Oracle database.

dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
username = "jbilling"
password = "java"
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/xe"

Note: Oracle uses username as a database name, so you need to provide correct username &
password to point to oracle database.

To Run the Application

1. For Linux system: Open another command prompt window to start tomcat instance using
following commands.
cd jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/bin
bin$ chmod +x *.sh
bin$ ./

2. Open command prompt window to start tomcat instance using following commands.
cd jbilling-enterprise-3.2.0/bin/startup.bat

3. Point to url http://localhost:8080/jbilling/signup. Create your Company by providing necessary

4. After that login into the JBilling System using your username and passward.

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