ATI Predictor 2010 Topics To Review
ATI Predictor 2010 Topics To Review
ATI Predictor 2010 Topics To Review
Abuse/Neglect (2 items)
o Family and Community Violence: Domestic Partner Abuse (System Disorder,
RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 30)
Help the patient to identify a safe place to go if needed and identify
characteristics of escalating behavior to avoid abuse.
Behavioral Interventions (2 items)
o Anger Management: Managing the Aggressive client (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 29,
System Disorder)
Get them away from other people.
o Group and Family Therapy: Facilitating (Basic Concept, RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 8)
Use modeling?
Coping Mechanisms (1 item)
o Coping: Body Image Change (RM Fundamentals 7.0 Chp 33, System Disorder)
Client with permanent left facial droop doesnt want to see family or friends.
Establish small goals that will lead to the patient looking at himself in a
Crisis Intervention (2 items)
o Crisis Management: Priority Actions (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 27, System Disorder)
o Suicide: Appropriate Nursing Response (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 28, System
Do you have a plan to end your life? Tell me more
End of Life Care (1 item)
o Care of Those Who are Dying and/or Grieving: Terminal Illness (RM MH RN 8.0
Chp 25, System Disorder)
Grief and Loss (1 item)
o Care of Those Who are Dying and/or Grieving: Client with Cancer (RM MH RN
8.0 Chp 25, System Disorder)
Mental Health Concepts (2 items)
o Personality Disorders: Expected Findings (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 15, System
Histrionic personality - seductive
o Schizophrenia: Expected Findings (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 14, System Disorder)
Lack of problem solving skills
Therapeutic Environment (1 item)
o Anxiety Disorders: Priority Intervention (RM MH RN 8.0 Chp 11, System
Basic Care and Comfort (13 items)
Assistive Devices (1 item)
o Mobility and Immobility: Fractured Tibia (Nursing Skill, RM Fundamentals 7.0
Chp 40)
Elimination (4 items)
o Disorders of Female Reproductive Tissue: Pelvic Surgery (Nursing Skill, RM
AMS RN 8.0 Chp 74)
What is the purpose for an indwelling catheter during abdominal surgery? To
decompress the bladder and prevent it from getting nicked.
Nutrition and Oral Hydration (6 items)
o Acute and Chronic Glomerulonephritis: Dietary Choices (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp
67, System Disorder)
I got this one wrong for some reason but the appropriate diet is low sodium,
low protein, and fluid restrictions. Bagel, egg, banana, some type of meat. I
picked banana but that was wrong apparently.
Make sure you prime the line with normal saline before running the blood
through it.
o Blood and Blood Products: Positive Response (RM Pharm RN 5.0 Chp 27,
System Disorder)
The question asks how can the nurse determine the blood transfusion has
been effective. Increase in Hemoglobin.
Central Venous Access Devices (1 item)
o Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Expected Findings for
Central Line (Nursing Skill, RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 31)
Catheter tip is inserted into lower/upper third of vena cava.
Expected Actions/Outcomes (3 items)
o Antibiotics Affecting Protein Synthesis: Gentamicin (Garamycin) (Medication,
RM Pharm RN 5.0 Chp 45)
o Medications Affecting Cardiac Rhythm: Dopamine (Medication, RM Pharm RN
5.0 Chp 23)
Dopamine causes increased cardiac output.
Medication Administration (2 items)
o Airflow Disordres: Leukotriene Modifiers (Medication, RM Pharm RN 5.0 Chp
Reduction of Risk Potential (20 items)
Diagnostic Tests (3 items)
o Angina and Myocardial Infarction: Elevated Troponin Level (RM AMS RN 8.0
Chp 35, System Disorder)
I think one of the choices is Troponin 0.6, so that is definitely elevated.
o Angina and Myocardial Infarction: Priority Diagnostic Test (RM AMS RN 8.0
Chp 35, System Disorder)
o Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures for Female Reproductive Disorders:
Cervical Cancer (Diagnostic Procedure, RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 72)
Laboratory Values (7 items)
o Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Interventions for
Central Line (Nursing Skill, RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 31)
A patient has bleeding at the site of a recent heart cath. You want to apply
continuous pressure above the site.
Potential for Alterations in Body Systems (2 items)
o Fractures: Skeletal Traction (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 82, System Disorder)
Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures (3 items)
o Pain Management: Priority Finding (Medication, RM MN RN 8.0 Chp 12)
Patient is prescribed Morphine. What will you be assessing for to report to the
physician? Decreased respirations
Potential for Complications from Surgical Procedures and Health Alterations (2
o Disorders and Cancers of the Male Reproductive System: Postoperative Care
(RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 77, System Disorder)
Patient has a TURP. It is 24hrs post-op and what finding would you report to
the MD? Burgundy colored urine.
Systems Specific Assessment (1 item)
o Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Fluid Management (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp
97, System Disorder)
Physiological Adaptation (21 items)
Alterations in Body Systems (10 items)
Cancer Treatment Options: Skin Care (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 104, System
No lotion. Dont wash off the tattoo. You can use mild soap and water.
o Complications Related to the Labor Process: Umbilical Cord Prolapse (RM MN
RN 8.0 Chp 16, System Disorder)
Priority intervention? Turn the patient to the side, put on a sterile glove and
stick your hand in her vajayjay to relieve pressure on the cord. I said monitor
patient vital signs, FHR, and increase IV fluid rate so I was wrong.
o HIV/AIDS: Transmission (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 100, System Disorder)
I said use a condom with petroleum lubricant, wrong. I think the answer is
clean contaminated areas with bleach. Another option was clean
clothing/sheets with cold water.
o Medications Affecting Coagulation: Treatment Effectiveness (Medication, RM
Pharm RN 5.0 Chp 25)
Something about PTT or INR
o Oxygen Therapy and Mechanical Ventilation: Low-Pressure Alarm (Nursing
Skill, RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 21)
I had no idea what the low-pressure alarm meant so I got this wrong. I picked
suction secretions. I think another option was check for kinks or tubing
o Skin Infections and Infestations: Findings to Report (RM NCC RN 8.0 Chp 30,
System Disorder)
All I have to say about this one is look at the chart. It asks you what to report.
I picked red scaly lesions, which was wrong. Other options were red round
rings and clusters of erythema papules.
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances (1 item)
o Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances: Assessment Findings (Nursing Skill, RM
Fundamentals 7.0 Chp 56)
Hemodynamics (2 items)
o Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Pulmonary Artery
Wedge Pressure (Diagnostic Procedure, RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 31)
What does increased PAWP indicate? Left ventricular failure
Illness Management (2 items)
o Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (RM NCC RN 8.0 Chp 33, System
Priority intervention: Start a line
Medical Emergencies (1 item)
o Burns: Priority Action (RM NCC RN 8.0 Chp 32, System Disorder)
Check the mouth for soot or smoke inhalation
Unexpected Response to Therapies (3 items)
o Head Injury: Complication (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 15, System Disorder)
Perform GCS first. Increasing restlessness can indicate increased ICP.
o Oxygen and Inhalation Therapy: Toxicity (RM NCC RN 8.0 Chp 16, System