Application of FRP For Strengthening and Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures
Application of FRP For Strengthening and Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures
Application of FRP For Strengthening and Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures
Generally structures are subjected to geophysical and man-made loads
during their service life. When the magnitude of these loads exceed the
capacity or strength of the structures, they are likely to be damaged.
Sometimes the strength of a structure is reduced because of the use of
substandard materials in its construction or due to the application of
additional load because of change in functioning or due to seismic forces
for which the structure had not been designed originally. These situations
warrant strengthening or up-gradation of the structure to carry the
enhanced loading. Considering the economy of putting up another new
structure in place of the damaged structures with the associated loss of
Material properties
Carbon fibers are very fine fibers with a diameter of 7m and have
excellent properties for structural members, for example, high strength,
high elastic modulus, light weight, and high durability. However, carbon
fibers are very brittle and very expensive, compared with steel. Thus,
some consideration is needed to overcome these weak points. A carbon
fiber strand that consists of 12000 filaments of carbon fiber, or a carbon
fiber sheet that consists of carbon fiber strands arranged in a same
direction is a practical unit for actual applications. The carbon fiber
filaments are loaded independently, which causes stress concentration
to a filaments. Since carbon fibers are brittle, the filaments with the
concentrated stress easily fracture before the stress begin to be shared
FRPC Advantages
FRPCs are available in rolls of very long length. Therefore, they need very few joints
avoiding laps and splices, its transportation is also very easy.
They have a short curing time therefore the application takes a shorter time. This
reduces the project duration and down time of the structure to a great extent.
Application of FRPC does not require bulky and dusty materials in a large quantity
therefore, the site remains tidier.
FRPCs have high ultimate strain therefore they offer ductility to the structure, and they
are suitable for earthquake resistant applications.
They have high fatigue resistance so they do not degrade which easily alleviates the
requirement of frequent maintenance. They have low thermal conductivity. They
are bad conductors of electricity and are nonmagnetic.
One must remember that the FRPC layer is very thin. Therefore, it is extremely important
to prepare a smooth concave surface of concrete before the wrapping is begun. The FRPC
becomes ineffective if it leaves the surface of concrete. Care must be taken to avoid
wrinkles, voids and sheet deformation. Moreover, sharp edges and corners are potential
zones of fibre breakage due to stress concentration. Therefore, all projections are
removed and all corners are rounded off. A corner radius of 25 mm is found sufficient to
avoid stress concentration.
Fibre sheet wrapping
After preparation of the surface a low viscosity primer is applied on the concrete surface
to improve bond between the fibre sheet and concrete.Fibre sheets are cut to required
sizes. An allowance for the length of lap joint must be given while cutting the sheets. The
lap length is decided on test results in laboratory and precision that can be maintained in
construction. The cut fibre sheets are rolled on a circular spindle to make them easy for
wrapping. It is very important to choose the right epoxy resin for wrapping applications.
The resin must be viscous enough to hold the fibres in place. On the other hand, the resin
must wet the fibre thoroughly and there should not be any dry pockets. The viscosity of
the resin, therefore, is a trade off between these two contradicting requirements. The
resin is usually a two-part one. The mixing of the parts must be thorough. The resin
should not entrap air during mixing. Therefore, the speed of the stirrer and the duration
stirring are extremely important parameters. The mixed epoxy resin is applied on to the
concrete surface that is to be wrapped. There are two methods of laying dry lay up and
wet lay up. In the dry lay up the dry fibre sheet is applied on the concrete surface freshly
coated with epoxy resin. In the wet lay up the fibre sheet is wetted with epoxy resin
before wrapping. lap area is a good idea. The wrapping must be completed within the pot
life period of the resin that is usually 20 to 30 minutes. Therefore, it is advisable to mix
small quantities of resin at a time. A thin coat of resin is applied after the wrapping is
over. After the resin is completely cured (usually 24 hours) the wrap is inspected to rule
out any defect. A micaceous polyoxide topcoat is applied on the wrapped surface to
protect the resin from deterioration from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Strengthening of beams Due to the forces of earthquake the beams may weaken in
shear, bending or they may have crushing in concrete due to lack of confinement. Beams
require separate treatments for strengthening the above aspects. While the treatment
required to improve confinement is largely the same, as that in columns the flexural and
shear strengthening require separate discussion.
effective improvement of the flexural capacity. The bond between concrete and FRPC is
also of immense importance here. Therefore, the adhesive must be chosen with great
care. The method of application of the FRPC in flexural strengthening, however, is the
same as that in case of wrapping. The only difficulty one faces in flexural strengthening is
that often the application is overhead. To retain the displacement of FRPC due to
gravitational forces a thixotropic adhesive is often used. However, in case of Gujarat the
same glue that is used in wrapping has been used in flexural strengthening. The
application of FRPC also impedes moisture ingress and further corrosion of steel.