Soccer Exercise Library
Soccer Exercise Library
Soccer Exercise Library
Important Note
Please Read This Before Going On
Soccer is not without risk. Nor is physical training. Even when
all the rules are followed to the letter, injuries and accidents
can occur. Thats the nature of sport and life. A book, no
matter how comprehensive, can never cover every angle and
every individuals unique makeup, previous history and current
situation. With that in mind
The information within these pages is intended as an
educational resource only. That means you should seek the
advice of a qualified Physician, in person, before you or any
soccer player under your care attempts any of the exercises,
drills or programs within this book. Of course, you should
always discontinue any exercise that causes you pain or severe
discomfort and consult a medical expert. If you, or the players
you supervise, suffer (or have in the past) from any sports,
back, joint or musculoskeletal injuries, you should seek the
advice of a qualified Physical Therapist. They can advise you
which exercises may aggravate existing injuries or cause a
recurrence of previous ones.
The training programs and exercises contained within this book
are aimed at physically mature players. Physically mature in
this instance is defined as players whose bones have stopped
growing typically between ages 16 and 21. This book also
assumes players have been shown and understand correct
technique. Many of the exercises, drills and programs within
this book are not suitable for children.
The author and the publisher of this book have made their best
effort to produce a high quality, informative and helpful
resource. But they make no representation or warranties of any
kind with regard to the completeness, accuracy or safety of the
contents of the book. They accept no liability of any kind for
losses or damages caused or alleged to be caused directly, or
indirectly, from using the information contained within
Program 1 beginner
Program 2 advanced
Program 3 bodyweight
Program 1 beginner
Program 2 advanced
Program 1 beginner
Program 2 advanced
Program 3 bodyweight
Plyometric exercises
Program 1 beginner
Program 2 advanced
Speed drills
Agility drills
Flexibility exercises
Fitness tests
Flexibility tests
This Soccer Exercise Library lists and describes all the drills and exercises
found in Total Soccer Fitness.
It also contains many additional exercises and drills that you can substitute at
your own discretion. Of course there is no end to number of drills that you
can implement into your program and with enough examples, designing your
own exercises should become straightforward.
There are two ways to use the drills and exercises in this library
1. Cherry-pick those that appeal to you most and plug them into your
own sessions. This is a suitable option if you are already familiar with
conditioning principles and know how many drills (and for how long) to
incorporate into a session.
2. Use them according to the guidelines in each section of Total
Soccer Conditioning (in particular section 7 Planning Your Soccer
Conditioning Program).
Some drills are suitable for teams only and some are suitable for individuals
and pairs as well. Where applicable the drills have been split into those
without a ball and those with a ball.
Incorporating a ball makes sense because it is the closest replication to the
game. However, it is good to mix and match drills that do and dont use a
ball. Some speed and agility exercises will become less effective for
example, if anything hinders the player from producing his or her maximum
[ Page 1 ]
Continuous endurance sessions should last at least 20 minutes and ideally
between 30 and 45 minutes. Where indicated, a single continuous training
drill can be performed for 20 minutes. Alternatively you may wish to perform
two drills for 10 minutes. Keep rest breaks between minimal. You should
perform a warm up consisting of light aerobic exercise and dynamic stretching
before moving on to these drills.
[ Page 3 ]
Players within each group should stagger their starts to allow a few yards
room between each other. It is not a race and players should avoid
overtaking. After 5 minutes each group immediately moves to the next
station. Repeat until all four stations have been completed.
20 yards/meters
between cones
10 yards/meters
between cones
20 yards/meters
between cones
10 yards/meters
between cones
Variations: Also works well without a ball. Decrease the distance between
cones to use as a speed and agility exercise (see speed & agility conditioning
drills below).
Drill #3 Three V Three Keep Possession (Team)
Mark out an area roughly 20 x 25 yards. Form two teams of three players.
One team starts in possession of the ball and must keep it for as long as
possible. Possession changes if the ball is intercepted or leaves the marked
area. A goal is awarded for every 6 consecutive passes. Play continuously
for 20 minutes.
Variations: Limit the number of touches per player before the ball must be
passed. Add in a neutral player who plays for the team in possession.
[ Page 4 ]
the ground with their left hand, turning 360 degrees, jumping for a mock
header, side-stepping for three steps etc. The ball must be kept in close
proximity so that movements can be performed without the ball running too far
away. Continue for 10 minutes.
Variations: Increase the speed down one length of the pitch with minimal
touches of the ball. Decrease the speed to a very slow jog down another side
but ensuring players take lots of touches. A shorter, low-intensity version of
this makes an excellent warm-up drill.
For example, an 18 year old with a resting heart rate of 65 beats per minute
(bpm) has a target heart rate as follows:
[ Page 5 ]
[ Page 6 ]
30 meters
25 meters
7 meters
10 meters
7 meters
10 meters
7.5 meters
10 meters
2 meters
Backward dribbling
10 meters
3 meter gate
15 meters
12 meters
10 yards/meters
between cones
30 meters
[ Page 7 ]
The precise measurements between cones are not important. They are
important however if you are completing the Hoff fitness test as described in
section 6.
Variation: There are an infinite number of circuits you can devise. Try to
incorporate diagonal or lateral movements and running backwards. Intricate
skills should be avoided, as these will hinder the player from maintaining a
high work rate.
Run pace
For large groups of players send half the group off towards one corner flag
and half to the opposite corner flag. Make sure players keep as tight together
as possible. It helps to put the fittest player at the front!
[ Page 8 ]
Jog backwards
Side step
Side step
Coach or
teammate feeds
ball for header,
pass or volley
This drill also works best with individuals and small groups of no more than
four players. In a large team set up several areas similar in dimension to the
penalty area.
[ Page 9 ]
Run pace
Drill #5 Half Pitch Run
Starting on the goal line, run at pace to the half way line and back. Turn
and repeat without stopping. Rest for 30 seconds by jogging on the spot or
juggling a ball and repeat 3-5 times. This is 1 set. Complete 2-3 sets or
combine with other drills in this section.
15 meters/yards
30 meters/
10 meters/yards
5 meters/yards
10 meters/yards
Run pace
Jog forwards, run backwards
Variation: A ball can easily be incorporated into this drill. However a more
effective conditioning response is achieved without a ball especially at the
sharp zigzags. If a ball is used it could be left at the cone just before the
deviations to the left and right
so the player can sprint without the
ball before returning to pick it up.
[ Page 11 ]
These drills are very demanding in their nature. They are designed to
produce high levels of lactic acid so the body becomes more tolerant to it and
able to remove it more efficiently. Perform any skill and tactical or speed and
agility work before these drills and dont perform other demanding
conditioning drills in the same session.
A typical session might include 30 minutes work in total (including the rest
periods in between sets). This may only consist of one or two drills at most.
You should be thoroughly warmed up before moving on to these drills.
[ Page 12 ]
down. There should be no more than 2 players pair set of cones as rest
intervals will be too long.
20 meters/yards
Quick Tip!
This is a very simple but very effective drill. After
the very last shuttle of the very last set take your
pulse for 3 minutes as you recover. Make a note
after minute 1, minute 2 and minute 3 to see how
quickly it comes down. If you perform this drill just
once a week, youll notice after several weeks how
much quicker your pulse rate starts to fall. Proof
that you are becoming fitter and fitter!
[ Page 13 ]
30 meters/yards
[ Page 14 ]
[ Page 15 ]
[ Page 16 ]
Soccer players require strength in both the lower and upper body. Nearly
every movement in the game from kicking, to tackling, to twisting and turning,
sprinting and heading, requires a good foundation of strength and power.
The strength training programs below have been split into four categories to
coincide with section 2 of the Total Soccer Conditioning. These categories
are foundational strength exercises, maximal strength exercises, strength
endurance exercises and plyometric exercises.
Note: Some exercises appear in more than one category. For example,
push-ups are a suitable exercise for both foundational strength and strength
endurance so they appear in both those categories.
Lift with a smooth and even rhythm. Pause for a second at the top of the
lift and then lower the weight in a controlled manner.
Increase the weight gradually over time as the exercise becomes easier
and easier. Once you can comfortably perform the set number or
repetitions increase the weight by the smallest amount i.e. 2.5kg or 5lbs.
For bodyweight exercises such as push ups and crunches increase the
number of repetitions as the weight cannot be increased.
[ Page 18 ]
Program #1 - Beginner
The beginner program incorporates a greater number of exercises to
strengthen all the major muscle groups, joints and ligaments. The program
should last for at least 6-8 weeks and up to 12 weeks with 2-3 sessions per
week. See section 2.4 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets and rest
intervals etc.
Dumbbell Lunges
1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart. Grasp
dumbbells and hang arms down at sides.
2) Step forward 2-3 feet forming a 90 bend at the front
hip and knee. DO NOT allow front knee to extend past
the big toe.
3) Pushing off front foot, return to start position and
[ Page 19 ]
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or
bench with knees bent and hands behind
head (not neck). Keep elbows back and out
of sight. Head should be in a neutral
position with a space between chin and
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and
raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3) Return to start position. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position.
Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
[ Page 20 ]
Side Bridges
Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for 10-30
seconds. Repeat other side.
Program #2 - Advanced
The foundational phase is still important for experienced lifters. This program
should last 4-6 weeks with 2-3 sessions per week. It contains fewer exercises
and loads are slightly higher than the beginner program. See section 2.4 of
Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets and rest intervals etc.
Barbell Squats (or Dumbbell Squats)
1) Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms forward) and
slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and
position bar across posterior deltoids at middle of
trapezius (as shown). DO NOT rest bar on neck. Lift
elbows up, pull shoulder blades together, and lift chest
up to create a shelf for the bar.
2) Start position: Using the legs, remove bar from rack.
Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back
should be straight in a neutral position.
3) Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper
body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5) durin g
movement. Be sure to sit back so that knees stay over the feet.
4) Once thighs are almost parallel to floor, return to start position.
5) Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion
may cause injury. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes.
6) DO NOT allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate medially or laterally throughout
movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.
[ Page 21 ]
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or
bench with knees bent and hands behind
head. Keep elbows back and out of sight.
Head should be in a neutral position with a
space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and
raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3) Return to start position. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position.
[ Page 22 ]
Back Extensions
1) Position body face down on
apparatus placing hips and ankles on
respective pads.
2) Place hips (and not stomach) on pad.
Place lower leg or achilles tendon area
on pad. Cross arms and place on chest.
3) Start position: Back should be parallel
to ground with knees slightly bent.
4) Lower body until legs and hip are approximately at 90.
5) Return to start position. To increase resistance, place arms behind head -> arms extended
overhead -> holding weight plate or weighted object across chest.
Program #3 - Bodyweight
For players that dont have access to weights equipment this program uses
bodyweight only. It is excellent for developing functional and core strength
proving that the lack of machines and free weights is not necessarily a
problem. See section 2.4 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets and
rest intervals etc.
[ Page 23 ]
Squat Jumps
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed
forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the ready position with elbows flexed at
approximately 90.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
Prior to take-off extend the ankles to their maximum
range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper
Standard Pushups
1) Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and
aligned at the nipple line.
2) Place hands slightly wider than
shoulder width, and feet should be
at hip width with toes on floor.
3) Start position: Extend the
elbows and raise the body off the
4) Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5) Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6) Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically
contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start
position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.
[ Page 24 ]
1) From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your
hands on the ground.
2) Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up
again as fast as possible.
3) Repeat for the required repetitions
1) Position hands wider than shoulder width
apart with overhand grip (palms facing
2) Start position: Hang with arms fully extended
and elbows facing away from body. Feet may
be crossed with knees bent.
3) Pull body up until bar is below chin level.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep the movement controlled
with the body stable to minimize momentum
Alternating Supermans
1) Lie face down on floor with
arms extended overhead.
You may place a rolled towel
under forehead to clear face
from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left
leg 4-8 inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate
opposite arm and leg.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain
squared throughout movement.
[ Page 25 ]
Bench Dips
1) Sit upright on bench and place
hands hip width apart with fingers
pointing forward. Place feet flat on
opposite bench with legs straight.
2) Start position: Slide glutes off
bench with elbows slightly bent.
3) Lower body by bending at elbows
until elbows are at 90 degree angle.
4) Return to start position.
[ Page 26 ]
Dumbbell Pullovers
1) Lie on your back on a flat
bench forming a table top with
your body.
Place dumbbell on chest with
handle perpendicular to chest.
2) Start position: Extend elbows
and raise dumbbell even with the
3) With elbows slightly bent, lower
dumbbell back behind head to
slightly below head level.
Return to start position.
4) Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep the lower back in a
neutral position. Hyperextension or arching of the back may cause injury. Never lock out
elbows. If maintaining stability is difficult, lower hips below parallel until stability is established.
[ Page 27 ]
Alternating Supermans
1) Lie face down on floor with
arms extended overhead. You
may place a rolled towel under
forehead to clear face from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left leg 4-8
inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate
opposite arm and leg.
Remember to keep head and
back in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared throughout movement.
[ Page 28 ]
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep
elbows back and out of sight. Head should
be in a neutral position with a space
between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest
towards the ceiling, contract the
abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or
3) Return to start position.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either
may cause injury.
[ Page 29 ]
[ Page 30 ]
Preacher Curls
1) Adjust seat or arm support height so that, while seated, top
of arm support pad is at chest level.
2) Position arms shoulder width apart with elbows and upper
arm supported on pad.
3) Start position: Grasp bar with underhand grip (palms facing
up) with elbows slightly bent. Choose a narrow or wide grip if
4) Flex at elbows and curl handle up until forearms are
perpendicular to floor. Contract biceps at top of movement.
5) Return to start position.
6) Remember to keep shoulders stabilized - do not shrug shoulders forward on down
(eccentric) phase of movement. Do not fully extend elbows at bottom of movement.
Maximal strength uses heavier loads and fewer repetitions. Its important
to maintain proper technique and to have a spotter or training partner spot
Lift with a smooth and even rhythm. Pause for a second at the top of the
lift and then lower the weight in a controlled manner.
[ Page 31 ]
Once you can perform the set number or repetitions for all sets increase
the weight by the smallest amount i.e. 2.5kg or 5lbs.
Program #1 - Beginner
The beginner program incorporates less complex lifts and is performed with
slightly lighter loads. It should last for 6-8 weeks with 2-3 sessions performed
each week. See section 2.5 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets and
rest intervals etc.
45% Leg Presses
1) Sit in machine and place your legs
on the foot plate about hip width apart.
2) Release the safety stops and bend
your knees towards your chest.
3) When your knees are fully bent
extend your knees until your legs are
fully extended
[ Page 32 ]
4) Return to start position. Remember to keep hips in contact with bench at all times. Do not
hyperextend the low back during movement.
*Weights are lighter as hamstrings are a weaker and more injury prone muscle group
[ Page 33 ]
Oblique Crunches
1) Start by placing your left foot over your right
knee and place your hands behind your head (but
not your neck).
2) Lift your shoulders up off the ground and twist
so that your right elbows tries to touch your left
3) Return to the starting position and repeat
according to the required repetitions.
4) Repeat with the other side.
Program #2 - Advanced
The advanced program consists of fewer exercises and heavier loads. This
program is also split over two separate sessions performed alternatively 2 or 3
days a week. See section 2.5 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets
and rest intervals etc.
Day 1
Hang Cleans to Push Presses
1) Start with the torso straight but bent forward at the hips slightly.
2) Shrug your shoulders and at maximum elevation of the shoulders start pulling with the
arms as in barbell shrugs.
3) Keep the elbows high during the pull until the highest point and then rotate elbows around
and underneath the bar.
4) Rack the bar across the front of the shoulders and slightly flex the hips and knees to
absorb the weight.
5) This should be a fluid motion where all the steps flow together.
6) Now go into a semi squat and explode upwards and press the barbell overhead using the
momentum from the squat.
7) Return to the starting position.
[ Page 34 ]
Weighted Crunches
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench
with knees bent and hands on your chest.
Hold a light weight plate on your chest or
behind your head. Head should be in a neutral
position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise
shoulders off floor or bench.
3) Return to start position.
4) Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position.
Day 2
Barbell Squats
1) Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms forward) and
slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and
position bar across posterior deltoids at middle of
trapezius (as shown). DO NOT rest bar on neck. Lift
elbows up, pull shoulder blades together, and lift chest up
to create a shelf for the bar.
2) Start position: Using the legs, remove bar from rack.
Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back
should be straight in a neutral position.
3) Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper
body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5) durin g
movement. Be sure to sit back so that knees stay over the feet.
4) Once thighs are almost parallel to floor, return to start position.
5) Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion
may cause injury. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes.
6) DO NOT allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate medially or laterally throughout
movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.
[ Page 35 ]
Barbell Deadlifts
1) Start Position: Assume a shoulder width stance, knees
inside arms. Feet flat on floor.
2) Position shoulders slightly over bar and grab bar.
Begin pull by extending the knees.
3) Keep angle of your back constant and lift bar straight
up. Keep bar close to the body and keep shoulders
directly over the bar.
4) Return to starting position.
*Weights are lighter as lower back can be more prone to
[ Page 36 ]
Lift with a smooth and even rhythm. Pause for a second at the top of the
lift and then lower the weight in a controlled manner.
Once you can perform exercises for the prescribed amount of time, either
increase the weight slightly or decrease the rest interval between stations.
Program #1 - Beginner
This beginner circuit has slightly longer rest intervals, uses a higher load and
includes less complex stations. A strength endurance phase should last 4-6
weeks during the late pre-season. See section 2.6 of Total Soccer Fitness
for repetitions, sets and rest intervals etc.
Squat Jumps
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward
slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the ready position with elbows flexed
at approximately 90.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range
(full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.
Push Ups
1) Lie face down on the floor with hands
palm down, fingers pointing straight
ahead, and aligned at the nipple line.
2) Place hands slightly wider than
shoulder width, and feet should be at hip
width with toes on floor.
3) Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor.
4) Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5) Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6) Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically
contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start
position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.
[ Page 37 ]
Mountain Climbers
1) Start by getting on your hands and feet in
a prone position.
2) Keeping your body parallel to ground
drive your knees up towards your chest
alternating back and forth.
3) Repeat this movement for the required
number of seconds.
1) Step up on foot platform (if available) and
position hands on dip bars.
2) Start position: Remove feet from platforms
and suspend the body with slightly bent elbows.
Lean forward slightly so that your elbows are
slightly past the plane of your back and knees
slightly bent.
3) Lower your body until your upper arms are
parallel to the floor.
4) Return to starting position by extending the elbows to a slightly bent position.
5) Remember to keep the trunk bent forward, head neutral, and chest up.
Lateral Bounds
1) Stand side on to a box approximately 8-12 inches
2) Standing on one leg (furthest from box) dip down and
jump up to box landing with opposite foot.
3) Land softly on one leg and repeat keeping a fluid
motion throughout.
4) Repeat for the other side.
[ Page 38 ]
Alternating Superman
1) Lie face down on floor with arms
extended overhead. You may place
a rolled towel under forehead to
clear face from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left leg 4-8
inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate opposite arm and leg. Remember to keep head and back in a
neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared throughout movement.
Program #2 - Advanced
The advanced circuit includes more complex exercise stations and has
shorter rest intervals. See section 2.6 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions,
sets and rest intervals etc.
Push Ups
1) Lie face down on the floor with hands
palm down, fingers pointing straight
ahead, and aligned at the nipple line.
2) Place hands slightly wider than
shoulder width, and feet should be at hip
width with toes on floor.
3) Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor.
4) Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5) Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6) Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically
contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start
position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.
[ Page 39 ]
4) Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
5) Continue for the required number of repetitions.
Double Crunches
1) Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent
and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and
out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position
with a space between chin and chest.
2) Start position: Hands behind head and knees
bent at 90 degrees.
3) Leading with the chin and chest towards the
ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise shoulders off floor or bench. During the crunch,
also bring knees towards chest.
4) Return to start position. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position.
1) Step up on foot platform (if available) and
position hands on dip bars.
2) Start position: Remove feet from platforms
and suspend the body with slightly bent elbows.
Lean forward slightly so that your elbows are
slightly past the plane of your back and knees
slightly bent.
3) Lower your body until your upper arms are
parallel to the floor.
4) Return to starting position by extending the elbows to a slightly bent position.
5) Remember to keep the trunk bent forward, head neutral, and chest up.
[ Page 40 ]
1) Start position: Lie face down on floor with
hands down at sides. You may place a
rolled towel under forehead to clear face
from floor.
2) Raise chest and head off floor keeping feet
in contact with floor.
3) Return to start position.
4) To increase resistance, extend arms and place hands overhead.
5) Do not raise head past 8-12 inches - excessive hyperextension may cause injury. To vary
exercise raise feet while raising trunk.
Program #3 - Bodyweight
This soccer-specific circuit uses only bodyweight exercises and requires little
or no equipment. See section 2.6 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets
and rest intervals etc.
Squat Jump
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed
forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the ready position with elbows
flexed at approximately 90.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum
range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.
Standard Pushup
1) Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and
aligned at the nipple line.
2) Place hands slightly wider than
shoulder width, and feet should be
at hip width with toes on floor.
3) Start position: Extend the
elbows and raise the body off the
4) Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5) Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6) Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically
contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start
position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.
[ Page 41 ]
Bodyweight Squats
1) Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding
your arms out in front of you.
2) Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a
chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your
hips will shift backwards while going down.
3) Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of
your toes while squatting.
4) Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you
want to make the exercise more challenging hold your
arms at your sides or behind your head.
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or
bench with knees bent and hands
behind head. Keep elbows back and
out of sight. Head should be in a
neutral position with a space between
chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest
towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3) Return to start position.
1) From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your
hands on the ground.
2) Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up
again as fast as possible.
3) Repeat for the required repetitions
1) Step up on foot platform (if available) and
position hands on dip bars.
2) Start position: Remove feet from platforms
and suspend the body with slightly bent elbows.
Lean forward slightly so that your elbows are
slightly past the plane of your back and knees
slightly bent.
3) Lower your body until your upper arms are
parallel to the floor.
4) Return to starting position by extending the elbows to a slightly bent position.
5) Remember to keep the trunk bent forward, head neutral, and chest up.
[ Page 42 ]
Alternating Superman
1) Lie face down on floor with
arms extended overhead.
You may place a rolled towel
under forehead to clear face
from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left
leg 4-8 inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate
opposite arm and leg.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain
squared throughout movement.
Warming up is crucial. Spend 10mins jogging or skipping followed by 510mins of stretching the muscles involved. Don't forget to stretch your
lower back.
Do NOT be tempted to add extra sets and repetitions even if you feel fresh
at the end of a session.
[ Page 43 ]
Perform each action, each repetition with maximum speed, effort and
A plyometric session should not contain more than 120 ground contacts for
any muscle group.
Do NOT use ankle or wrist weights for extra resistance. This will hinder the
speed of the movement and increase the risk of stress injuries.
Try to keep you torso erect during the movements -- it prevents undue
strain on the lower back.
Program #1 - Beginner
Both the beginner and advanced programs are split over two days. This is
simply to incorporate a wider range of plyometric exercises and to minimize
the amount of similar repetitive strains on placed on the body. See section
2.7 of Total Soccer Fitness for repetitions, sets and rest intervals etc.
Day 1
Squat Jumps
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward
slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the ready position with elbows flexed
at approximately 90.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range
(full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.
Step Jumps
1) Stand beside object to be cleared.
2) Bring knees up and jump vertically but
also laterally off ground and over the
3) Land on both feet and jump the other
direction over barrier.
[ Page 44 ]
1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with your body facing the first ring.
2) Hop forward using both feet and land in first ring.
3) Now hop to the left and land in the ring to the side. Now jump backwards to land in ring
behind you. Finish by jumping to your right to land in final ring.
4) Repeat according to the prescribed number of repetitions.
Note: There is only one set of 4 rings (not 4 sets as in the diagram above). The
diagram above is just to illustrate the various stages.
Day 2
Hurdle Jumps
1) Stand 1-2 feet away from hurdle. Feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart in a
semi-squat position.
2) Driving the arms up and jump over hurdle.
3) Upon landing, quickly jump over next hurdle keeping ground contact time to a minimum.
1) Stand to left side of box (12-18 high) and place right foot on top of box.
2) Push off the box using the right leg only and explode vertically as high as possible. Drive
the arms forward and up for maximum height.
3) Land with opposite foot onto box. Repeat with the other foot.
4) Repeat according to prescribed number of repetitions.
[ Page 45 ]
Program #2 - Advanced
The drills in the advanced routine are slightly higher impact and more intense.
They will help to generate greater explosive power but they are only suitable
for players who have been weight training for some time. See section 2.7 of
Total Soccer Conditioning for details.
Day 1
Depth Jumps
1) Stand on box (12-18 high) with toes close to edge and facing the hoop
2) Step off (dont jump off) box and land on both feet. Immediately jump up and reach with
both hands towards the sky.
3) Ground contact time should be minimal (dont sink into the ground) and landings should be
Note: There is only one box (not 3 boxes as in the diagram above). The diagram above
is just to illustrate the various stages.
[ Page 46 ]
1) Stand to the left of an agility ladder (or 2 pieces of string about 12 inches wide).
2) Forcefully push off both feet and land the on the other side of the ladder.
3) Repeat and land feet back on the other side, continue repeating and so on down the
4) Ground contact time should be minimal. Each ground contact counts as a repetition.
Day 2
Hurdle Jumps
1) Stand 1-2 feet away from hurdle. Feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart in a
semi-squat position.
2) Driving the arms up and jump over hurdle.
3) Upon landing, quickly jump over next hurdle.
[ Page 47 ]
[ Page 48 ]
Speed and agility training will improve your speed off the mark, acceleration
over 10-15 yards, your speed endurance, quickness of feet as well as your
ability to execute skills quickly.
Te drills below have been spilt into two categories, which are speed drills
and agility/quickness drills.
Speed Drills
Speed training or sprint training will help to improve you speed off the mark,
acceleration and power. They should predominate during the late pre-season
and during the in-season.
Speed training is about quality rather than quantity. It should not leave you
feeling physically exhausted. If more demanding exercises are intended for
the same session (such as endurance work), complete these drills before
hand. However, you should be thoroughly warmed up before completing any
form of speed training.
A typical speed session might consist of approximately 5 sets of 10
repetitions. Try to keep a work to rest ratio of 5:1. For example a 6 second
sprint should be followed by approximately 30 seconds walking recovery. See
section 3.2 of Total Soccer conditioning for sample sessions incorporating
some of the drills in this section.
[ Page 50 ]
30 meters/yards
[ Page 51 ]
Start by kneeling, lying face down, sitting on your hands (which cant be
used to get up) and sprint
Do 5 keep ups or 5 ball touches and sprint
Have some one throw or pass your the ball for you to control and lay off
and sprint
Run backwards for 5yards and turn and sprint
Touch left hand down, touch right hand down, jump to head the ball
and sprint
Complete a sprint and walk slowly back to the start to repeat for the desired
number of repetitions.
Drill #5 Alternating Stride Length (Team & Individual)
Set up a series of cones in a straight line. The first 10 cones should be about
1 meter/yard apart. The next 10 should be 2 meters/yards apart. From
standing start sprint the total length of the cones taking one step between
each marker. The cones close together will encourage faster, shorter strides.
You can gradually the distance between cones as you progress. Walk slowly
back to the start to recover.
[ Page 52 ]
Cone 1
20 meters/yards
between cones
[ Page 53 ]
As with speed drills, agility and quickness drills are not meant to be physically
demanding. The movements should be very high quality and best performed
when players are fresh. Perform some agility drills alongside the speed drills
above. They can also be worked into other training sessions or used as part
of an extended warm up.
As with speed drills, keep the work to rest ratio to roughly 5:1. For example a
5 second sprint should be followed by approximately 25 seconds walking
recovery. There is no need to time this with a stopwatch. The goal is to
simply avoid a build up of lactic acid.
Group A
Group B
10 meters/yards
10 meters/yards
[ Page 54 ]
10 meters/yards
For example, the caller might give the command one, three, two, one.
Alternatively, they might shout Queen, King, King Queen, Jack.
[ Page 55 ]
Note: Set out as many figures as you want and vary the heights so players
are required to work over varying distances
10 meters/yards
[ Page 56 ]
5 meters/yards
[ Page 57 ]
10 meters/yards
between cones
Side step
[ Page 58 ]
One / A / Jack
Four / D / Ace
Two / B / Queen
Three / C / King
As a variation two players can use the square at once. One player is labelled
A and the other B. The coach calls out two numbers. Player A must run to
the corner corresponding to the first number and player B to the second
number. This drill sounds complicated but its easy to implement and its
excellent for getting players to concentrate.
[ Page 59 ]
Hop Scotch
[ Page 60 ]
The Tango
Five Count
[ Page 61 ]
5 meters/yards
[ Page 62 ]
Flexibility Exercises
Good flexibility helps players to become faster and more powerful. It also
plays an important role in injury prevention by increasing range of movement
and decreasing muscle tightness.
The flexibility exercises below are split into two groups, which are static
stretches and dynamic stretches.
[ Page 64 ]
Flexibility Exercises
Stretch #9 Curl Up
With feet flat on ground, grab
knees and pull to stretch upper
back. Place chin towards chest
and hold.
[ Page 65 ]
Flexibility Exercises
[ Page 66 ]
Flexibility Exercises
[ Page 67 ]
Flexibility Exercises
Perform dynamic stretches at the start of a training session or pre-game warm
up. They should follow 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise so the body is
completely warm. You can also incorporate the drills and movements below
into agility sessions. Dynamic stretching exercise should be performed in sets
of 5-10 repetitions.
Flexibility Exercises
Stretch #3 Carioca
This stretch helps the muscles surrounding the
hip joint and the lower back to release. Moving
in a sideways direction start by putting your
right leg across your left (as in the diagram).
The next step is with your left foot to the side.
Now step with your right leg behind your left
leg. The result looks something like a salsa
Stretch #4 Funny Walk
To stretch the hamstrings dynamically walk
with out bending the knees, attempting to touch
each foot with each stride.
[ Page 69 ]
Flexibility Exercises
[ Page 70 ]
Fitness Tests
[ Page 72 ]
Fitness Tests
30 meters
25 meters
7 meters
10 meters
7 meters
10 meters
7.5 meters
10 meters
2 meters
Backward dribbling
10 meters
3-meter gate
15 meters
12 meters
10 yards/meters
between cones
30 meters
Players perform the circuit for 10 minutes. The total number of circuits and
the point on the final circuit is noted. Players dribble a ball around the first set
of cones and up to the three hurdles. They pass the ball through the hurdle
while jumping over it being careful not to knock the ball too far ahead. They
must the navigate the nest series of cones as quickly as possible. They
dribble backward up to the 3-meter gate and then back to the start.
Overall this is an excellent soccer-specific endurance test and one of the few
to incorporate a ball.
[ Page 73 ]
Fitness Tests
each cone at or before the bleep. If they are short a warning is given and they
must catch up. If they fail to reach the next cone in time the test is ended.
There are several versions of the multistage shuttle test; the most common
version has an initial running speed of 8.5 km/hr and increases by 0.5 km/hr
every minute.
The player records the number of levels and shuttles. This score can then be
converted into a value for VO2max with a table supplied with the test kit should
it be required. You can get the multistage shuttle test (tape or cd recording
and conversion chart) from several specialist stores online. You will also need
a tape recorder/cd player, measuring tape, cones and recording sheets.
[ Page 74 ]
Fitness Tests
VO2max (ml/kg/min)
[ Page 75 ]
Fitness Tests
perform a 1-RM test on the leg extension and hamstring curl as these
movements closely match a kicking action. You could also test each leg
unilaterally (one at a time) to compare strength in the right side compared to
the left.
Free weights are usually more appropriate than weight machines for sportsspecific strength training. However, if you plan to train using machines then
test on machines also. Remember that the two different type of equipment
will produce slightly different physical adaptations.
Testing Procedure
1. Warm up thoroughly with light aerobic exercise and 10 minutes of
stretching to all major muscle groups.
2.Chose a weight that you think is about 90% to 100% of your 1-RM.
3. Perform the exercise making sure a coach or training partner is there to
sport you.
4. Rest for at least 5mins.
5. Add as small a weight increment as possible and try again. Remember to
have your spotter with you.
6. Keeping resting and repeating until you find a weight that you can't quite
manage on your own. The weight before that is your 1-RM.
Take your 1-RM weight for the bench press and leg press and divide it by
your body weight. So for example if you leg pressed 300lbs and you weigh
175lbs your score is 1.7. Check your score with the table below:
Average Good
Leg Press
[ Page 76 ]
Fitness Tests
Average Good
Average Good
[ Page 77 ]
Fitness Tests
3. Measure the distance in meters. Rest fully and repeat for a total of 3
jumps. Take the longest of the three trials as your final score.
4. Compare your results with the table below:
Average Good
Jump height can also be converted into power using the following formula:
Power = Body Mass (kg) x (4.9 x height jumped in meters)2
For example, a 176lb player (80kg) who jumps 50cm (0.5 meters) would have
480kg-m of power:
[ Page 78 ]
Fitness Tests
80 x (4.9 x 0.5)2
= 80 x 2.452
= 80 x 6.0
= 480kg-m
[ Page 79 ]
Fitness Tests
5 meters
5 meters
10 meters
Testing Procedure
1. Set up the cones according to the diagram above.
2. Sprint from A to B through the cones as quickly as possible deviating 5
meters sideways. Have your training partner record the time.
3. Slow down over 10 meters and jog slowly back to A taking 30 seconds to
do so.
4. Repeat the sprint again immediately.
5. Complete a total of 10 sprints and have your training partner record all the
6. Subtract your fastest time from your slowest time. This is your sprint
fatigue index. For example, if your slowest sprint was 7.5 seconds and your
fastest was 6.9 seconds your sprint fatigue is 0.6.
Use the table below to compare your results to professional players:
Another useful way of interpreting the results is to take the average of the first
3 trials and divide it by the average of the last three trials. If your results
7.1s, 6.9s, 6.9s, 7.0s, 7.2s, 7.1s, 7.3s, 7.3s, 7.4s, 7.5s
The average of the first three trials is 6.97s.
The average of the last three trials is 7.40s.
[ Page 80 ]
Fitness Tests
6 feet
30 feet
Testing Procedure
1. Set up the cones according to the diagram above.
2. Sprint the course from start to finish and have your training partner reord
the time.
3. Rest fully and repeat the test a total of 3 times. Take your best time and
compare to the table below:
18.7-22.4s 17.5-18.6s
[ Page 81 ]
Fitness Tests
Flexibility Tests
You should be completely warmed up before performing any type of stretching
test. They are best left until the end of a test battery as static stretching prior
to strength and power events can negatively effect performance. You can test
flexibility more often than other components of fitness every 6-8 weeks
Alternatively you can buy the sit and reach test including a protocol guide from
somewhere like
[ Page 82 ]
Fitness Tests
[ Page 83 ]
Fitness Tests
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