News From The Garden: Beautiful, Effi Cient Gardens
News From The Garden: Beautiful, Effi Cient Gardens
News From The Garden: Beautiful, Effi Cient Gardens
and is an expert gardener. expansive lawns, the garden requires less
ometime, about 50 years ago, we
Antonio can build anything: patios, cultivated the notion of the perfect irrigation water over time, and is more
steps, walls, fences, arbors and landscape — boxy shrubs anchoring a efficient to maintain” says Julie Evans,
fountains. He can install drainage, home on a manicured football field-sized company co-owner and vice president.
lawn dotted with sprinklers that tapped “Lawns still have their place in the home
irrigation and rainwater collection
a misty beat all night long. The plant landscape,” she adds. “They are not only
systems. Anything he does, he does for recreation but also for providing open
well. We are proud to have him on palette was dominated by only eight to
ten different plant species. areas for relaxing, for views of the house or
our team. garden and for complementing other types
Over time, and especially in the past few of plantings.”
2008 Awards years, we’ve realized that this model no
longer works. “By rethinking our ideas Converting some of your lawn to a more
• Woodland Waterfall: Highest on landscaping – many of which now natural landscape isn’t as costly as you
awards for design & installation seem absurd when we study them – we might think. “Sometimes people assume
from the Professional Land can create beautiful and efficient designs it’s very expensive, but that’s not the case,”
Care Network, Association that actually are more attractive and company general manager Todd Brown
of Professional Landscape easier to maintain,” says Mark Fockele, says. “We are very competitive, price-wise.”
Designers, and the Georgia president and company co-owner. We are especially interested in creating
Green Industry Association “Grass lawns, for instance, require much lush, inviting gardens that are both beauti-
more water and maintenance per square ful and manageable. We are experienced
• Woodland Estate: Top award foot than any other plant, shrub or tree with naturalistic plantings, shade gardens,
for maintenance from the in your landscape,” Mark says. and soothing water features. For sunny
Metro Atlanta Landscape & properties, we can select shrubs and
Turf Association “When we incorporate trees, shrubs,
perennials and groundcovers in lieu of perennials that will supply multiple seasons
continued on page 2
Don’t neglect your lawn and garden in the fall
By Brad Mitchell to make sure they are working properly.
Then we inspect the system for leaks and
Spring is often looked at as the most
breaks before draining the water from the
important time of year for gardening,
system. It is important to get all the valves
but the chores you do in the fall are
and plugs open so there is no water left in
essential to keeping everything looking
the pipes.
good year-round.
Seasonal Color is a trade term for incorporat-
Even before the temperatures drop, we
ing annuals into your landscape. Like grasses,
start gearing up to inspect your irrigation
some thrive in the summer and some over
system, improve your lawn, clean up your
the winter. Around October, we plant pansies,
perennial beds & falling leaves, prune, and
kale and a variety of other interesting colorful
replace your summer annuals with plants
plants that maintain their beauty through
that provide cool season color.
cold-weather months.
The fall is a key time for lawn maintenance
As your perennial plants cycle towards
– whether your grass is a warm season
dormancy, our crews expertly cut back
species, like Bermuda or zoysia, or one like
spent growth, giving planting beds a neat
fescue that thrives in cool weather.
appearance. We remove leaves, and we trim
Warm season grasses go dormant and turn shrubs and groundcovers that require pruning.
that characteristic tan for the winter. Pruning is an important part
As you can see, there is a lot that can be
Meanwhile, those winter weeds like annual of your maintenance package. done in the fall to keep your lawn and gar-
bluegrass, henbit and chickweed start
digging in. It is important to apply pre- weekly reviews on the proper way to handle dens looking good all year. With The Fockele
pesticides and fertilizers. We follow Material Garden Company, you can be assured that
emergent weed control by mid-September
to inhibit their growth. Homeowners are Safety Data Sheets, which specify application your landscape will look its best year-round.
used to doing that in the spring, but only procedures, appropriate protective gear, and
catch the summer weeds. Nothing looks cleanup measures, and identify the target Brad Mitchell is the maintenance
pests – whether weed, insect, mold or fungus. manager for The Fockele Garden Com-
worse than seeing little spots of green
pany. He has more than 13 years of
weeds showing up on dormant turf in
If your grass is fescue, one of the cool season experience in horticulture and nursery
the winter. To eliminate any weeds that
grasses, it is essential to re-seed and fertilize management. Brad is in charge of all
are healthy and mature at the end of the
in the fall. Because re-seeding is considered day-to-day op-
summer, we apply a post-emergent weed
to be a new installation, you can water it erations, safety
control product before the first frost.
three times a week for up to 10 weeks. and training
All of the products we use are approved Current water use regulations allow watering in the mainte-
by the Environmental Protection Agency. a newly installed lawn. We are diligent in nance depart-
I am certified in commercial pesticide monitoring your irrigation system. ment. Brad can
applications and am licensed by the be reached at
Speaking of irrigation systems, fall is a good 770-532-7117.
Georgia Department of Agriculture.
time to have yours inspected before it is shut
All our crews go through training and
down for the winter. We check all the valves
Selecting bulbs
Winter and spring flowering bulbs can add an
additional layer of sophistication and beauty to
P hotogr a p h y our g a r d e n
a garden or natural area on your property.