Cyber Security and Governance
Cyber Security and Governance
Cyber Security and Governance
and Policy
Ensuring the security of the Indias cyber space is a complex,
challenging, and ever changing responsibility that the government is tasked
with. Doing so effectively requires a number of factors to come together in a
harmonized strategy including: laws & policies, technical capabilities, markets,
and a skilled workforce. It also requires collaboration on multiple levels
including with foreign governments, domestic and foreign industry, and law
enforcement. The first of these is particularly important given the ability of
attackers to penetrate across borders and the global nature of data. Any strategy
developed by India must be proactive and reactive evolving defences to
prevent a potential threat and applying tactics to respond to a real time threat. To
do so, the government of India must legally have the powers to take action and
must have the technical capability to do so. Yet, many of these powers and
technical capabilities require a degree of intrusion into the lives of citizens and
residents of India through means such as surveillance. Thus, such measures
must be considered in light of principles of proportionality and necessity, and
legal safeguards are needed to protect against the violation of privacy.
Furthermore, a principle of optimization must be considered i.e, how much
surveillance achieves the most amount of security and how can this security be
achieved with the optimal mix of technology, policy and enforcement.
Challenges & Present Scenario
Protecting and enhancing the cyber security of India is a complex and dynamic
responsibility. The challenge of securing cyber space is magnified by the
demarcated nature of the internet, the multiplicity of vulnerabilities that can be
exploited at the national level, the magnitude of infrastructure damage possible
from a cyber attack, and the complexity of application of a jurisdictions law to
a space that is technologically borderless. A comprehensive cyber security
ecosystem is required to address such challenges one that involves technology,
skills, and capabilities including surveillance capabilities. The Government of
India has taken numerous steps to address and resolve such challenges. In July
2013, the National Cyber Security Policy was published for the purpose of
creating an enabling framework for the protection of Indias cyber security. In
February 2014, the 52nd Standing Committee on Information Technology issued
a report assessing the implementation of this policy in which they found that a
number of areas needed strengthening. The Government of India has also
proposed the establishment of a number of centers focused on cyber security
such as the National Cyber Coordination Center and the National Critical
and appropriately designed projects and technology can also minimize the
possibility of intrusions into the private lives of citizens. Strong access controls,
decentralized architecture, and targeted access are all principles that can be
incorporated into the architecture and technology behind a project or initiative.
At the same time, the technology or process around a project can serve as the
weakest link as it is vulnerable to attacks and tampering. Such possibilities
raise concerns about the use of foreign technology and dependencies on foreign
governments and companies.
International and Domestic Markets
Globally, the security market is growing with companies offering a range of
services and products that facilitate surveillance and can be used towards
enhancing cyber security. In India, the security market is also growing with
studies predicting that it will reach $1.06 billion by 2015. Recognizing the
potential threat posed by imported security and telecom equipment, India also
develops its own technologies through the Centre for Development of
Telematics attached to the Department of Telecommunications, and the Centre
for Development of Advanced Computing attached to the Department of
Electronics and Information Technology. At times India has also imposed bans
on the import of technologies believed to be compromised. Towards this end,
the Government of India has a number of bodies responsible for licensing,
auditing, and certifying the use of security and telecommunication equipment.
Though India has recognized the security vulnerabilities posed by these
technologies, as of yet it has not formally recognized the human rights
violations that are made possible. Indeed, though India has submitted a request
to be a signing member of the Wassenaar agreement, they have yet to be
Lack of knowledge
Unintentional exposure of or by others
Flaws in technology for instance, in the service offered online
Criminal acts.
Most of the internet frauds reported in the country are relating to phishing,
usage of stolen Credit cards / debit cards, unauthorised fraudulent Real Time
Gross Settlement (RTGS) transactions, fictitious offers of fund transfer,
remittance towards participation in lottery, money circulation schemes and other
fictitious offers of cheap funds etc.
Type of cyber
How it is carried
Legal measures
as per IT Act
2000 and
Technical and
other measures.
Cyber Stalking
Email, IM web
post etc.
43, 66
Chatting with
known people
and punishment
for three years.
property crime
Source code
manipulation and
43, 65, 66
By means of
access to source
code and
deducting small
amounts from
account without
43, 66
- Sour
ce code
Salami Attack
(theft of data or
banking account)
Taking up the
matter with
concerned service
providers in
stopping cyber
and technical
measures for
and punishment
of three years fine prevention of
data leakage.
and punishment
of three years fine
measures etc as
mentioned above
getting noticed
Email bombing
and Phishing
Flooding the
email account
with innumerable
number of emails
to disable to
notice important
message at times,
using automated
Bank financial
frauds in
banking using
techniques to
commit identity
Video voyeurism
and violation of
materials to
social media sites
Taking down
(for Offensive
of offensive
messages through
computer of
Hacking of
Hacking the
protected systems computer system
through various
(10 years
punishment with
Strong layer of
As per the information given by the Department for the last five
years the number of reported incidents of website compromise
has grown 5.5 times and india is today among the first five
countries with respect to spam mail. Phishing incidents have
increased from 392 to 887.
Efforts by the DeitY: an overall framework for the National
Cyber Security, looked after by National Security Council
Secretariat (NSCS)
Our systems like Nuclear establishment are no on the internet
yet, so so far its safe for now. And power systems are not
connected yet so there is less vulnerability for now but as the
sytems get complex and later on connected by internet then
the threat looms large. But there are possibilities that the
systems may have certain malware embedded in it so that
once those infrastructure gets connected online the systems
could be vulnerable like Stuxnet incident.