DB2 Performance and Query Optimization
DB2 Performance and Query Optimization
DB2 Performance and Query Optimization
iv IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Performance and query optimization
The goal of database performance tuning is to minimize the response time of your queries and to make
the best use of your server’s resources by minimizing network traffic, disk I/O, and CPU time. This goal
can only be achieved by understanding the logical and physical structure of your data, understanding the
applications used on your server, and understanding how the many conflicting uses of your database
may impact database performance.
The best way to avoid performance problems is to ensure that performance issues are part of your
ongoing development activities. Many of the most significant performance improvements are realized
through careful design at the beginning of the database development cycle. To most effectively optimize
performance, you must identify the areas that will yield the largest performance increases over the widest
variety of situations and focus your analysis on those areas.
Many of the examples within this publication illustrate a query written through either an SQL or an
OPNQRYF query interface. The interface chosen for a particular example does not indicate an operation
exclusive to that query interface, unless explicitly noted. It is only an illustration of one possible query
interface. Most examples can be easily rewritten into whatever query interface that you prefer.
Note: Read the “Code license and disclaimer information” on page 330 for important legal information.
To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:
v The image to mark where new or changed information begins.
v The image to mark where new or changed information ends.
To find other information about what’s new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.
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Other information
You can also find more information about the V5R2 query engine in the Preparing for and Tuning
the V5R2 SQL Query Engine on DB2® Universal Database™ for iSeries®.
| You need Adobe Reader installed on your system to view or print these PDFs. You can download a free
| copy from the Adobe Web site (www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html) .
The CQE processes queries originating from non-SQL interfaces: OPNQRYF, Query/400, and QQQQry
API. SQL based interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, CLI, Query Manager, Net.Data®, RUNSQLSTM, and
embedded or interactive SQL, run through the SQE. For ease of use, the routing decision for processing
the query by either CQE or SQE is pervasive and under the control of the system. The requesting user or
application program cannot control or influence this behavior. However, a better understanding of the
engines and of the process that determines which path a query takes can lead you to a better understand
of your query’s performance.
Along with the new query engine, several more components were created and other existing components
were updated. Additionally, new data access methods were created for SQE.
Related information
Embedded SQL programming
SQL programming
Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command
Run SQL Statements (RUNSQLSTM) command
The figure below shows a high-level overview of the architecture of DB2 UDB for iSeries before i5/OS
V5R2. The optimizer and database engine are implemented at different layers of the operating system.
The interaction between the optimizer and the database engine occurs across the Machine Interface (MI).
2 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The figure below shows an overview of the DB2 UDB for iSeries architecture on i5/OS V5R3 and where
each SQE component fits. The functional separation of each SQE component is clearly evident. In line
with design objectives, this division of responsibility enables IBM® to more easily deliver functional
enhancements to the individual components of SQE, as and when required. Notice that most of the SQE
Optimizer components are implemented below the MI. This translates into enhanced performance
| Currently, the Dispatcher will route an SQL statement to CQE if it find that the statement references or
| contains any of the following:
v INSERT WITH VALUES statement or the target of an INSERT with subselect statement
v NLSS or CCSID translation between columns
v Lateral correlation
v Logical files
v Datalink columns
v Tables with Read Triggers
v User-defined table functions
v Read-only queries with more than 1000 dataspaces or updateable queries with more than 256
v DB2 Multisystem tables
4 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
v non-SQL queries, for example the QQQQry API, Query/400, or OPNQRYF
The Dispatcher also has the built-in capability to re-route an SQL query to CQE that was initially routed
to SQE. Unless the IGNORE_DERIVED_INDEX option with a parameter value of *YES is specified, a
query will typically be reverted back to CQE from SQE whenever the Optimizer processes table objects
that have any of the following logical files or indexes defined:
v Logical files with the SELECT/OMIT DDS keyword specified
v Non-standard indexes or derived keys, for example logical files specifying the DDS keywords
RENAME or Alternate Collating Sequence (ACS) on any field referenced in the key
v Sort Sequence NLSS specified for the index or logical file
As new functionality is added in the future, the Dispatcher will route more queries to SQE and
increasingly fewer to CQE.
Related reference
“MQT supported function” on page 64
Although a MQT can contain almost any query, the optimizer only supports a limited set of query
functions when matching MQTs to user specified queries. The user specified query and the MQT
query must both be supported by the SQE optimizer.
Statistics Manager
In releases before V5R2, the retrieval of statistics was a function of the Optimizer. When the Optimizer
needed to know information about a table, it looked at the table description to retrieve the row count and
table size. If an index was available, the Optimizer might then extract further information about the data
in the table. In V5R2, the collection of statistics was removed from the Optimizer and is now handled by
a separate component called the Statistics Manager.
The Statistics Manager does not actually run or optimize the query. It controls the access to the metadata
and other information that is required to optimize the query. It uses this information to answer questions
posed by the query optimizer. The Statistics Manager always provides answers to the optimizer. In cases
where it cannot provide an answer based on actual existing statistics information, it is designed to
provide a predefined answer.
The Statistics Manager typically gathers and keeps track of the following information:
Cardinality of values
The number of unique or distinct occurrences of a specific value in a single column or multiple
columns of a table.
Also known as a histogram, this information is an indication of how many rows will be selected
by any given selection predicate or combination of predicates. Using sampling techniques, it
describes the selectivity and distribution of values in a given column of the table.
Frequent values
The top nn most frequent values of a column together with account of how frequently each value
occurs. This information is obtained by making use of statistical sampling techniques. Built-in
algorithms eliminate the possibility of data skewing; for example, NULL values and default
values that can influence the statistical values are not taken into account.
Metadata information
This includes the total number of rows in the table, indexes that exist over the table, and which
indexes are useful for implementing the particular query.
Estimate of IO operation
This is an estimate of the amount of IO operations that are required to process the table or the
identified index.
| Plan Cache
| The Plan Cache is a repository that contains the access plans for queries that were optimized by SQE.
| Access plans generated by CQE are not stored in the Plan Cache; instead, they are stored in SQL
| Packages, the system-wide statement cache, and job cache). The purposes of the Plan Cache are to:
| v Facilitate the reuse of a query access plan when the same query is re-executed
| v Store runtime information for subsequent use in future query optimizations
| Once an access plan is created, it is available for use by all users and all queries, regardless of where the
| query originates. Furthermore, when an access plan is tuned, when creating an index for example, all
| queries can benefit from this updated access plan. This eliminates the need to reoptimize the query,
| resulting in greater efficiency.
| The graphic below shows the concept of reusability of the query access plans stored in the Plan Cache:
6 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| As shown above, the Plan Cache is interrogated each time a query is executed in order to determine if a
| valid access plan exists that satisfies the requirements of the query. If a valid access plan is found, it is
| used to implement the query. Otherwise a new access plan is created and stored in the Plan Cache for
| future use. The Plan Cache is automatically updated with new query access plans as they are created, or
| is updated for an existing plan (the next time the query is run) when new statistics or indexes become
| available. The Plan Cache is also automatically updated by the database with runtime information as the
| queries are run. It is created with an overall size of 512 Megabytes (MB). Each plan cache entry contains
| the original query, the optimized query access plan and cumulative runtime information gathered during
| the runs of the query. In addition, several instances of query runtime objects are stored with a plan cache
| entry. These runtime objects are the real executables and temporary storage containers (hash tables, sorts,
| temporary indexes, and so on) used to run the query. All systems are currently configured with the same
| size Plan Cache, regardless of the server size or the hardware configuration.
| When the Plan Cache exceeds its designated size, a background task is automatically scheduled to
| remove plans from the Plan Cache. Access plans are deleted based upon the age of the access plan, how
| frequently it is being used and how much cumulative resources (CPU/IO) were consumed by the runs of
| the query. The total number of access plans stored in the Plan Cache depends largely upon the
| complexity of the SQL statements that are being executed. In certain test environments, there have been
| typically between 10,000 to 20,000 unique access plans stored in the Plan Cache. The Plan Cache is
| cleared when a system Initial Program Load (IPL) is performed.
| Multiple access plans can be maintained for a single SQL statement. Although the SQL statement itself is
| the primary hash key to the Plan Cache, different environmental settings can cause different access plans
| to be stored in the Plan Cache. Examples of these environmental settings include:
| v Different SMP Degree settings for the same query
| v Different library lists specified for the query tables
| v Different settings for the job’s share of available memory in the current pool
| Currently, the Plan Cache can maintain a maximum of 3 different access plans for the same SQL
| statement. As new access plans are created for the same SQL statement, older access plans are discarded
| to make room for the new access plans. There are, however, certain conditions that can cause an existing
| access plan to be invalidated. Examples of these include:
| v Specifying REOPTIMIZE_ACCESS_PLAN(*YES) or (*FORCE) in the QAQQINI table or in Run SQL
| Scripts
| v Deleting or recreating the table that the access plan refers to
| v Deleting an index that is used by the access plan
| Related reference
| “Effects of the ALWCPYDTA parameter on database performance” on page 180
| Some complex queries can perform better by using a sort or hashing method to evaluate the query
| instead of using or creating an index.
| “Change the attributes of your queries with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command” on
| page 116
| You can modify different types of attributes of the queries that you will execute during a certain job
| with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) CL command, or by using the iSeries Navigator
| Change Query Attributes interface.
| “Viewing the plan cache with iSeries Navigator” on page 84
| The Plan Cache contains a wealth of information about the SQE queries being run through the
| database. Its contents are viewable through the iSeries Navigator GUI interface.
Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods
Data access methods are used to process queries and access data.
In general, the query engine has two kinds of raw material with which to satisfy a query request:
v The database objects that contain the data to be queries
v The executable instructions or operations to retrieve and transform the data into usable information
There are actually only two types of permanent database objects that can be used as source material for a
query — tables and indexes (binary radix and encoded vector indexes). In addition, the query engine
may need to create temporary objects or data structures to hold interim results or references during the
execution of an access plan. The DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing feature provides the optimizer
with additional methods for retrieving data that include parallel processing. Finally, the optimizer uses
certain methods to manipulate these objects.
The following table lists each object and the access methods that can be performed against that object.
The symbols shown in the table are the icons used by Visual Explain.
Table 1. Permanent object’s data access methods
Permanent objects Scan operations Probe operations
Table Table scan Table probe
Radix index Radix index scan Radix index probe
Encoded vector index Encoded vector index symbol table Encoded vector index probe
8 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
An SQL table or physical file is the base object for a query. It represents the source of the data used to
produce the result set for the query. It is created by the user and specified in the FROM clause (or
OPNQRYF FILE parameter).
The optimizer will determine the most efficient way to extract the data from the table in order to satisfy
the query. This may include scanning or probing the table or using an index to extract the data.
Table scan:
A table scan is the easiest and simplest operation that can be performed against a table. It sequentially
processes all of the rows in the table to determine if they satisfy the selection criteria specified in the
query. It does this in a way to maximize the I/O throughput for the table.
A table scan operation requests large I/Os to bring as many rows as possible into main memory for
processing. It also asynchronously pre-fetches the data to make sure that the table scan operation is never
waiting for rows to be paged into memory. Table scan however, has a disadvantage in it has to process all
of the rows in order to satisfy the query. The scan operation itself is very efficient if it does not need to
perform the I/O synchronously.
Table 2. Table scan attributes
Data access method Table scan
Description Reads all of the rows from the table and applies the selection criteria to each
of the rows within the table. The rows in the table are processed in no
guaranteed order, but typically they are processed sequentially.
Advantages v Minimizes page I/O operations through asynchronous pre-fetching of the
rows since the pages are scanned sequentially
v Requests a larger I/O to fetch the data efficiently
Considerations v All rows in the table are examined regardless of the selectivity of the query
v Rows marked as deleted are still paged into memory even though none will
be selected. You can reorganize the table to remove deleted rows.
Likely to be used v When expecting a large number of rows returned from the table
v When the number of large I/Os needed to scan is fewer than the number of
small I/Os required to probe the table
Example SQL statement SELECT * FROM Employee
Related concepts
“Nested loop join implementation” on page 46
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides a nested loop join method. For this method, the
processing of the tables in the join are ordered. This order is called the join order. The first table in
the final join order is called the primary table. The other tables are called secondary tables. Each join
table position is called a dial.
Table probe:
A table probe operation is used to retrieve a specific row from a table based upon its row number. The
row number is provided to the table probe access method by some other operation that generates a row
number for the table.
This can include index operations as well as temporary row number lists or bitmaps. The processing for a
table probe is typically random; it requests a small I/O to only retrieve the row in question and does not
attempt to bring in any extraneous rows. This leads to very efficient processing for smaller result sets
because only the rows needed to satisfy the query are processed rather than the scan method which must
process all of the rows. However, since the sequence of the row numbers are not known in advance, very
little pre-fetching can be performed to bring the data into main memory. This can result in most of the
I/Os associated with this access method to be performed synchronously.
Table 3. Table probe attributes
Data access method Table probe
Description Reads a single row from the table based upon a specific row number. A
random I/O is performed against the table to extract the row.
Advantages v Requests smaller I/Os to prevent paging rows into memory that are not
v Can be used in conjunction with any access method that generates a row
number for the table probe to process
Considerations Because of the synchronous random I/O the probe can perform poorly when a
large number of rows are selected
10 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 3. Table probe attributes (continued)
Data access method Table probe
Likely to be used v When row numbers (either from indexes or temporary row number lists) are
being used, but data from the underlying table rows are required for further
processing of the query
v When processing any remaining selection or projection of the values
Example SQL statement CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (LastName)
Radix index
An SQL index (or keyed sequence access path) is a permanent object that is created over a table and used
by the optimizer to provide a sequenced view of the data for a scan or probe operation.
The rows in the tables are sequenced in the index based upon the key columns specified on the creation
of the object. When the key columns are matched up by the optimizer to a query, it gives the optimizer
the ability to use the radix index to help satisfy any selection, ordering, grouping or join requirements.
Typically the use of an index operation will also include a Table Probe operation to provide access to any
columns needed to satisfy the query that cannot be found as index keys. If all of the columns necessary
to satisfy the query request for a table can be found as keys of an index, then the Table Probe is not
required and the query uses Index Only Access. Avoiding the Table Probe can be an important savings
for a query. The I/O associated with a Table Probe is typically the more expensive synchronous random
A radix index scan operation is used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence. Like a Table
Scan, all of the rows in the index will be sequentially processed, but the resulting row numbers will be
sequenced based upon the key columns.
The sequenced rows can be used by the optimizer to satisfy a portion of the query request (such as
ordering or grouping). They can be also used to provide faster throughput by performing selection
against the index keys rather than all the rows in the table. Since the I/Os associated with the index will
only contain the index keys, typically more rows can be paged into memory in one I/O against the index
than the rows from a table with a large number of columns.
Table 4. Radix index scan attributes
Data access method Radix index scan
Description Sequentially scan and process all of the keys associated with the index. Any
selection is applied to every key value of the index before a table row
Advantages v Only those index entries that match any selection continue to be processed
v Potential to extract all of the data from the index keys’ values, thus
eliminating the need for a Table Probe
v Returns the rows back in a sequence based upon the keys of the index
Considerations Generally requires a Table Probe to be performed to extract any remaining
columns required to satisfy the query. Can perform poorly when a large
number of rows are selected because of the random I/O associated with the
Table Probe.
Likely to be used v When asking for or expecting only a few rows to be returned from the
v When sequencing the rows is required for the query (for example, ordering
or grouping)
v When the selection columns cannot be matched against the leading key
columns of the index
Example SQL statement CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (LastName, WorkDept)
12 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 4. Radix index scan attributes (continued)
Data access method Radix index scan
Also referred to as Index Scan
Related reference
“Effects of the ALWCPYDTA parameter on database performance” on page 180
Some complex queries can perform better by using a sort or hashing method to evaluate the query
instead of using or creating an index.
A radix index probe operation is used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence. The main
difference between the Radix Index Probe and the Radix Index Scan is that the rows being returned must
first be identified by a probe operation to subset the rows being retrieved.
The optimizer attempts to match the columns used for some or all of the selection against the leading
keys of the index. It then rewrites the selection into a series of ranges that can be used to probe directly
into the index’s key values. Only those keys from the series of ranges are paged into main memory. The
resulting row numbers generated by the probe operation can then be further processed by any remaining
selection against the index keys or a Table Probe operation. This provides for very quick access to only
the rows of the index that satisfy the selection.
While the main function of a radix index probe is to provide a form of quick selection against the index
keys, the sequencing of the rows can still be used by the optimizer to satisfy other portions of the query
(such as ordering or grouping). Since the I/Os associated with the index will only be for those index
rows that match the selection, no extraneous processing will be performed on those rows that do not
match the probe selection. This savings in I/Os against rows that are not a part of the result set for the
query, is one of the primary advantages for this operation.
Table 5. Radix index probe attributes
Data access method Radix index probe
Description The index is quickly probed based upon the selection criteria that were
rewritten into a series of ranges. Only those keys that satisfy the selection will
be used to generate a table row number.
Advantages v Only those index entries that match any selection continue to be processed
v Provides very quick access to the selected rows
v Potential to extract all of the data from the index keys’ values, thus
eliminating the need for a Table Probe
v Returns the rows back in a sequence based upon the keys of the index
The following example illustrates a query where the optimizer might choose the radix index probe access
CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (LastName, WorkDept)
In this example, the optimizer uses the index X1 to position (probe) to the first index entry that matches
the selection built over both the LastName and WorkDept columns. The selection is rewritten into a series
14 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
of ranges that match all of the leading key columns used from the index X1. The probe is then based
upon the composite concatenated values for all of the leading keys. The pseudo-SQL for this rewritten
SQL might look as follows:
WHERE X1.LeadingKeys BETWEEN 'JonesA01' AND 'JonesE01'
OR X1.LeadingKeys BETWEEN 'PetersonA01' AND 'PetersonE01'
OR X1.LeadingKeys BETWEEN 'SmithA01' AND 'SmithE01'
All of the key entries that satisfy the probe operation will then be used to generate a row number for the
table associated with the index (for example, Employee). The row number will be used by a Table Probe
operation to perform random I/O on the table to produce the results for the query. This processing
continues until all of the rows that satisfy the index probe operation have been processed. Note that in
this example, all of the index entries processed and rows retrieved met the index probe criteria. If
additional selection were added that cannot be performed through an index probe operation (such as
selection against columns which are not a part of the leading key columns of the index), the optimizer
will perform an index scan operation within the range of probed values. This still allows for selection to
be performed before the Table Probe operation.
Related concepts
“Nested loop join implementation” on page 46
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides a nested loop join method. For this method, the
processing of the tables in the join are ordered. This order is called the join order. The first table in
the final join order is called the primary table. The other tables are called secondary tables. Each join
table position is called a dial.
Related reference
“Effects of the ALWCPYDTA parameter on database performance” on page 180
Some complex queries can perform better by using a sort or hashing method to evaluate the query
instead of using or creating an index.
The size of the vector will match the number of rows in the underlying table. Each vector entry
represents the table row number in the same position. The codes generated to represent the distinct key
values can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes in length, depending upon the number of distinct values that need to be
represented. Because of their compact size and relative simplicity, the EVI can be used to process large
amounts of data very efficiently.
Even though an encoded vector index is used to represent the values stored in a table, the index itself
cannot be used to directly gain access to the table. Instead, the encoded vector index can only be used to
generate either a temporary row number list or a temporary row number bitmap. These temporary
objects can then be used in conjunction with a Table Probe to specify the rows in the table that the query
needs to process. The main difference with the Table Probe associated with an encoded vector index
(versus a radix index) is that the paging associated with the table can be asynchronous. The I/O can now
be scheduled more efficiently to take advantage of groups of selected rows. Large portions of the table
can be skipped over where no rows are selected.
| An encoded vector index symbol table scan operation is used to retrieve the entries from the symbol
| table portion of the index.
| All entries (symbols) in the symbol table will be sequentially scanned, though the sequence of the
| resulting entries is not in any guaranteed order. The symbol table can be used by the optimizer to satisfy
| group by or distinct portions of a query request. Any selection is applied to every entry in the symbol
| table. All entries are retrieved directly from the symbol table portion of the index without any access to
| the vector portion of the index nor any access to the records in the associated table over which the EVI is
| built.
| Table 6. Encoded vector index symbol table scan attributes
| Data access method Encoded vector index symbol table scan
| Description Sequentially scan and process all of the symbol table entries associated with
| the index. Any selection is applied to every entry in the symbol table. Selected
| entries are retrieved directly without any access to the vector or the associated
| table
|| Advantages v Pre-summarized results are readily available
| v Only processes the unique values in the symbol table, avoiding processing
| table records.
| v Extract all of the data from the index unique key values, thus eliminating the
| need for a Table Probe or vector scan.
| Considerations Dramatic performance improvement for grouping queries where the resulting
| number of groups is relatively small compared to the number of records in the
| underlying table. Can perform poorly when there are a large number of groups
| involved such that the symbol table is very large, especially if a large portion
| of symbol table has been put into the overflow area.
|| Likely to be used v When asking for GROUP BY, DISTINCT, COUNT or COUNT DISTINCT
| from a single table and the referenced column(s) are in the key definition
| v When the number of unique values in the column(s) of the key definition is
| small relative to the number of records in the underlying table.
| v When there is no selection (Where clause) within the query or the selection
| does not reduce the result set very much.
| Example SQL statement CREATE ENCODED VECTOR INDEX EVI1 ON Sales (Region)
| Example 1
| SELECT Region, count(*)
| FROM Sales
| GROUP BY Region
| Example 2
| FROM Sales
| Example 3
| FROM Sales
16 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 6. Encoded vector index symbol table scan attributes (continued)
| Data access method Encoded vector index symbol table scan
|| Messages indicating use v Optimizer Debug:
| CPI4328 -- Access path of file EVI1 was used by query.
| SQL4008 -- Index EVI1 used for table 1.SQL4010
| SMP parallel enabled No. Typically not critical as the ’grouping’ has already been performed during
| the index build.
| Also referred to as Encoded Vector Index table scan, Preload
| Visual Explain icon
The encoded vector index (EVI) is quickly probed based upon the selection criteria that were rewritten
into a series of ranges. It produces either a temporary row number list or bitmap.
Table 7. Encoded vector index probe attributes
Data access method Encoded vector index probe
Description The encoded vector index (EVI) is quickly probed based upon the selection
criteria that were rewritten into a series of ranges. It produces either a
temporary row number list or bitmap.
Advantages v Only those index entries that match any selection continue to be processed
v Provides very quick access to the selected rows
v Returns the row numbers in ascending sequence so that the Table Probe can
be more aggressive in pre-fetching the rows for its operation
Considerations EVIs are generally built over a single key. The more distinct the column is and
the higher the overflow percentage, the less advantageous the encoded vector
index becomes. EVIs always require a Table Probe to be performed on the
result of the EVI probe operation.
Likely to be used v When the selection columns match the leading key columns of the index
v When an encoded vector index exists and savings in reduced I/O against the
table justifies the extra cost of probing the EVI and fully populating the
temporary row number list.
Employee (WorkDept)
Employee (Salary)
Employee (Job)
FROM Employee
WHERE WorkDept = 'E01' AND Job = 'CLERK'
AND Salary = 5000
Using the example above, the optimizer chooses to create a temporary row number bitmap for each of
the encoded vector indexes used by this query. Each bitmap only identifies those rows that match the
selection on the key columns for that index. These temporary row number bitmaps are then merged
together to determine the intersection of the rows selected from each index. This intersection is used to
form a final temporary row number bitmap that will be used to help schedule the I/O paging against the
table for the selected rows.
The optimizer might choose to perform an index probe with a binary radix tree index if an index existed
over all three columns. The implementation choice is probably decided by the number of rows to be
returned and the anticipated cost of the I/O associated with each plan. If very few rows will be returned,
the optimizer probably choose to use the binary radix tree index and perform the random I/O against the
table. However, selecting more than a few rows will cause the optimizer to use the encoded vector
indexes because of the savings associated with the more efficient scheduled I/O against the table.
18 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 8. Temporary object’s data access methods (continued)
| Temporary create objects Scan operations Probe operations
| Temporary index Temporary index scan Temporary index probe
| Temporary buffer Buffer scan N/A
| Queue N/A N/A
A temporary hash table is an efficient data structure because the rows are organized for quick and easy
retrieval after population has occurred. This is primarily due to the hash table remaining resident within
main memory so as to avoid any I/Os associated with either the scan or probe against the temporary
object. The optimizer will determine the optimal size for the hash table based upon the number of unique
combinations (for example, cardinality) of the columns used as keys for the creation.
Additionally the hash table can be populated with all of the necessary columns to satisfy any further
processing, avoiding any random I/Os associated with a Table Probe operation. However, the optimizer
does have the ability to selectively include columns in the hash table when the calculated size will exceed
the memory pool storage available for this query. In those cases, a Table Probe operation is required to
recollect the missing columns from the hash table before the selected rows can be processed.
The optimizer also has the ability to populate the hash table with distinct values. If the query contains
grouping or distinct processing, then all of the rows with the same key value are not required to be
stored in the temporary object. They are still collated, but the distinct processing is performed during the
population of the hash table itself. This allows a simple scan to be performed on the result in order to
complete the grouping or distinct operation.
A temporary hash table is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager
During a Hash Table Scan operation, the entire temporary hash table is scanned and all of the entries
contained within the hash table will be processed.
The optimizer considers a hash table scan when the data values need to be collated together, but the
sequence of the data is not required. The use of a hash table scan will allow the optimizer to generate a
plan that can take advantage of any non-join selection while creating the temporary hash table. An
additional benefit of using a hash table scan is that the data structure of the temporary hash table will
typically cause the table data within the hash table to remain resident within main memory after creation,
thus reducing paging on the subsequent hash table scan operation.
A hash table probe operation is used to retrieve rows from a temporary hash table based upon a probe
lookup operation.
The optimizer initially identifies the keys of the temporary hash table from the join criteria specified in
the query. This is done so that when the hash table probe is performed, the values used to probe into the
temporary hash table will be extracted from the join-from criteria specified in the selection. Those values
20 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
will be sent through the same hashing algorithm used to populate the temporary hash table in order to
determine if any rows have a matching (equal) value. All of the matching join rows are then returned to
be further processed by the query.
Table 10. Hash table probe attributes
Data access method Hash table probe
Description The temporary hash table is quickly probed based upon the join criteria.
Advantages v Provides very quick access to the selected rows that match probe criteria
v Reduces the random I/O to the table generally associated with longer
running queries that use an index to collate the data
v Selection can be performed before generating the hash table to subset the
number of rows in the temporary object
Considerations Generally used to process equal join criteria. Can perform poorly when the
entire hash table does not stay resident in memory as it is being processed.
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the data is required to be collated based upon a column or columns
for join processing
v The join criteria was specified using an equals (=) operator
Example SQL statement SELET * FROM Employee XXX, Department YYY
WHERE XXX.WorkDept = YYY.DeptNbr
Messages indicating use There are multiple ways in which a hash probe can be indicated through the
messages. The messages in this example illustrate how the SQL Query Engine
will indicate a hash probe was used.
v Optimizer Debug:
CPI4327 -- File EMPLOYEE processed in join
position 1.
CPI4327 -- File DEPARTMENT processed in join
position 2.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 1 table 1.
SQL4010 -- Table scan access for table 1.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 2 table 2.
SQL4010 -- Table scan access for table 2.
Since hash tables are constructed so that the majority of the hash table will remain resident within main
memory, the I/O associated with a hash probe is minimal. Additionally, if the hash table was populated
with all necessary columns from the underlying table, no additional Table Probe will be required to finish
processing this table, once again causing further I/O savings.
Related concepts
“Nested loop join implementation” on page 46
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides a nested loop join method. For this method, the
processing of the tables in the join are ordered. This order is called the join order. The first table in
the final join order is called the primary table. The other tables are called secondary tables. Each join
table position is called a dial.
A temporary sorted list is a data structure where the rows are organized for quick and easy retrieval after
population has occurred. During population, the rows are copied into the temporary object and then a
second pass is made through the temporary object to perform the sort. In order to optimize the creation
of this temporary object, minimal data movement is performed while the sort is processed. It is generally
not as efficient to probe a temporary sorted list as it is to probe a temporary hash table.
Additionally, the sorted list can be populated with all of the necessary columns to satisfy any further
processing, avoiding any random I/Os associated with a Table Probe operation. However, the optimizer
does have the ability to selectively include columns in the sorted list when the calculated size will exceed
the memory pool storage available for this query. In those cases, a Table Probe operation is required to
recollect the missing columns from the sorted list before the selected rows can be processed.
A temporary sorted list is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
During a sorted list scan operation, the entire temporary sorted list is scanned and all of the entries
contained within the sorted list will be processed.
A sorted list scan is generally considered when the optimizer is considering a plan that requires the data
values to be sequenced. The use of a sorted list scan will allow the optimizer to generate a plan that can
take advantage of any non-join selection while creating the temporary sorted list. An additional benefit of
22 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
using a sorted list scan is that the data structure of the temporary sorted list will usually cause the table
data within the sorted list to remain resident within main memory after creation thus reducing paging on
the subsequent sorted list scan operation.
Table 11. Sorted list scan attributes
Data access method Sorted list scan
Description Read all of the entries in a temporary sorted list. The sorted list may perform
distinct processing to eliminate duplicate values or take advantage of the
temporary sorted list to sequence all of the rows.
Advantages v Reduces the random I/O to the table generally associated with longer
running queries that would otherwise use an index to sequence the data.
v Selection can be performed prior to generating the sorted list to subset the
number of rows in the temporary object
Considerations Generally used to process ordering or distinct processing. Can perform poorly
when the entire sorted list does not stay resident in memory as it is being
populated and processed.
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the data is required to be ordered based upon a column or columns
for ordering or distinct processing
Example SQL statement CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (LastName, WorkDept)
The optimizer initially identifies the keys of the temporary sorted list from the join criteria specified in
the query. This is done so that when the sorted list probe is performed, the values used to probe into the
temporary sorted list will be extracted from the join-from criteria specified in the selection. Those values
will be used to position within the sorted list in order to determine if any rows have a matching value.
All of the matching join rows are then returned to be further processed by the query.
Table 12. Sorted list probe attributes
Data access method Sorted list probe
Description The temporary sorted list is quickly probed based upon the join criteria.
Advantages v Provides very quick access to the selected rows that match probe criteria
v Reduces the random I/O to the table generally associated with longer
running queries that otherwise use an index to collate the data
v Selection can be performed before generating the sorted list to subset the
number of rows in the temporary object
Considerations Generally used to process non-equal join criteria. Can perform poorly when
the entire sorted list does not stay resident in memory as it is being populated
and processed.
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the data is required to be collated based upon a column or columns
for join processing
v The join criteria was specified using a non-equals operator
Example SQL statement SELECT * FROM Employee XXX, Department YYY
WHERE XXX.WorkDept > YYY.DeptNbr
Messages indicating use There are multiple ways in which a sorted list probe can be indicated through
the messages. The messages in this example illustrate how the SQL Query
Engine will indicate a sorted list probe was used.
v Optimizer Debug:
CPI4327 -- File EMPLOYEE processed in join position 1.
CPI4327 -- File DEPARTMENT processed in join
position 2.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 1 table 1.
SQL4010 -- Table scan access for table 1.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 2 table 2.
SQL4010 -- Table scan access for table 2.
24 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 12. Sorted list probe attributes (continued)
Data access method Sorted list probe
Visual Explain icon
The sorted list probe access method is generally considered when determining the implementation for a
secondary table of a join. The sorted list is created with the key columns that match the non-equal join
criteria for the underlying table. The sorted list probe allows the optimizer to choose the most efficient
implementation to select the rows from the underlying table without regard for any join criteria. This
single pass through the underlying table can now choose to perform a Table Scan or use an existing index
to select the rows needed for the sorted list population.
Since sorted lists are constructed so that the majority of the temporary object will remain resident within
main memory, the I/O associated with a sorted list is minimal. Additionally, if the sorted list was
populated with all necessary columns from the table, no additional Table Probe will be required in order
to finish processing this table, once again causing further I/O savings.
Related concepts
“Nested loop join implementation” on page 46
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides a nested loop join method. For this method, the
processing of the tables in the join are ordered. This order is called the join order. The first table in
the final join order is called the primary table. The other tables are called secondary tables. Each join
table position is called a dial.
Temporary list
The temporary list is a temporary object that allows the optimizer to store intermediate results of a query.
The list is an unsorted data structure that is used to simplify the operation of the query. Since the list
does not have any keys, the rows within the list can only be retrieved by a sequential scan operation.
The temporary list can be used for a variety of reasons, some of which include an overly complex view
or derived table, Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) or simply to prevent a portion of the query from
being processed multiple times.
A temporary list is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
List scan:
The list scan operation is used when a portion of the query will be processed multiple times, but no key
columns can be identified. In these cases, that portion of the query is processed once and its results are
stored within the temporary list. The list can then be scanned for only those rows that satisfy any
selection or processing contained within the temporary object.
Using the example above, the optimizer chose to create a temporary list to store the selected rows from
the DEPARTMENT table. Since there is no join criteria, a cartesian product join is performed between the
two tables. To prevent the join from scanning all of the rows of the DEPARTMENT table for each join
possibility, the selection against the DEPARTMENT table is performed once and the results are stored in
the temporary list. The temporary list is then scanned for the cartesian product join.
26 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Temporary row number list
The temporary row number list is a temporary object that allows the optimizer to sequence rows based
upon their row address (their row number). The row number list can be either scanned or probed by the
optimizer to satisfy different operations of the query.
A temporary row number list is a data structure where the rows are organized for quick and efficient
retrieval. The temporary only contains the row number for the associated row. Since no table data is
present within the temporary, a table probe operation is typically associated with this temporary in order
to retrieve the underlying table data. Because the row numbers are sorted, the random I/O associated
with the table probe operation can be perform more efficiently. The database manager will perform
pre-fetch or look ahead logic to determine if multiple rows are located on adjacent pages. If so, the table
probe will request a larger I/O to bring the rows into main memory more efficiently.
A temporary row number list is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database
During a row number list scan operation, the entire temporary row number list is scanned and all of the
row addresses contained within the row number list will be processed. A row number list scan is
generally considered when the optimizer is considering a plan that involves an encoded vector index or if
the cost of the random I/O associated with an index probe or scan operation can be reduced by first
preprocessing and sorting the row numbers associated with the Table Probe operation.
The use of a row number list scan allows the optimizer to generate a plan that can take advantage of
multiple indexes to match up to different portions of the query.
An additional benefit of using a row number list scan is that the data structure of the temporary row
number list guarantees that the row numbers are sorted, it closely mirrors the row number layout of the
table data ensuring that the paging on the table will never revisit the same page of data twice. This
results in increased I/O savings for the query.
A row number list scan is identical to a bitmap scan operation. The only difference between the two
operations is that a row number list scan is performed over a list of row addresses while the bitmap scan
is performed over a bitmap that represents the row addresses.
Table 14. Row number list scan
Data access method Row number list scan
Description Sequentially scan and process all of the row numbers in the temporary row
number list. The sorted row numbers can be merged with other temporary row
number lists or can be used as input into a Table Probe operation.
28 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Using the example above, the optimizer created a temporary row number list for each of the indexes
used by this query. This query used a combination of a radix index and two encoded vector indexes to
create the row number lists. The temporary row number lists for each index was scanned and merged
into a final composite row number list that represents the intersection of the rows represented by all of
the temporary row number lists. The final row number list is then used by the Table Probe operation to
determine what rows are selected and need to be processed for the query results.
A row number list probe operation is used to test row numbers generated by a separate operation against
the selected rows of a temporary row number list. The row numbers can be generated by any operation
that constructs a row number for a table. That row number is then used to probe into a temporary row
number list to determine if that row number matches the selection used to generate the temporary row
number list.
The use of a row number list probe operation allows the optimizer to generate a plan that can take
advantage of any sequencing provided by an index, but still use the row number list to perform
additional selection before any Table probe operations.
A row number list probe is identical to a bitmap probe operation. The only difference between the two
operations is that a row number list probe is performed over a list of row addresses while the bitmap
probe is performed over a bitmap that represents the row addresses.
Table 15. Row number list probe
Data access method Row number list probe
Description The temporary row number list is quickly probed based upon the row number
generated by a separate operation.
Advantages v The temporary row number list only contains a rows’ address, no data, so
the temporary can be efficiently probed within memory
v The row numbers represented within the row number list are sorted to
provide efficient lookup processing to test the underlying table
v Selection is performed as the row number list is generated to subset the
number of selected rows in the temporary object
Considerations Since the row number list only contains the addresses of the selected rows in
the table, a separate Table Probe operation must be performed in order to fetch
the table rows
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the cost of creating and probing the row number list is justified by
reducing the number of Table Probe operations that must be performed
v When multiple indexes over the same table need to be combined in order to
minimize the number of selected rows
Example SQL statement CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (WorkDept)
Employee (Salary)
Employee (Job)
Using the example above, the optimizer created a temporary row number list for each of the encoded
vector indexes. Additionally, an index probe operation was performed against the radix index X1 to
satisfy the ordering requirement. Since the ORDER BY clause requires that the resulting rows be
sequenced by the WorkDept column, the temporary row number list can no longer be scanned to process
the selected rows. However, the temporary row number list can be probed using a row address extracted
from the index X1 used to satisfy the ordering. By probing the temporary row number list with the row
address extracted from index probe operation, the sequencing of the keys in the index X1 is preserved
and the row can still be tested against the selected rows within the row number list.
Temporary bitmap
The temporary bitmap is a temporary object that allows the optimizer to sequence rows based upon their
row address (their row number). The bitmap can be either scanned or probed by the optimizer to satisfy
different operations of the query.
A temporary bitmap is a data structure that uses a bitmap to represent all of the row numbers for a table.
Since each row is represented by a separate bit, all of the rows within a table can be represented in a
fairly condensed form. When a row is selected by the temporary, the bit within the bitmap that
corresponds to the selected row is set on. After the temporary bitmap is populated, all of the selected
rows can be retrieved in a sorted manner for quick and efficient retrieval. The temporary only represents
the row number for the associated selected rows. No table data is present within the temporary, so a table
probe operation is typically associated with this temporary in order to retrieve the underlying table data.
Because the bitmap is by definition sorted, the random I/O associated with the table probe operation can
be performed more efficiently. The database manager will perform pre-fetch or look ahead logic to
determine if multiple rows are located on adjacent pages. If so, the table probe will request a larger I/O
to bring the rows into main memory more efficiently.
30 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
A temporary bitmap is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
Bitmap scan:
During a bitmap scan operation, the entire temporary bitmap is scanned and all of the row addresses
contained within the bitmap will be processed. A bitmap scan is generally considered when the optimizer
is considering a plan that involves an encoded vector index or if the cost of the random I/O associated
with an index probe or scan operation can be reduced by first preprocessing and sorting the row
numbers associated with the Table Probe operation.
The use of a bitmap scan will allow the optimizer to generate a plan that can take advantage of multiple
indexes to match up to different portions of the query.
An additional benefit of using a bitmap scan is that the data structure of the temporary bitmap
guarantees that the row numbers are sorted; it closely mirrors the row number layout of the table data
ensuring that the paging on the table will never revisit the same page of data twice. This results in
increased I/O savings for the query.
A bitmap scan is identical to a row number list scan operation. The only difference between the two
operations is that a row number list scan is performed over a list of row addresses while the bitmap scan
is performed over a bitmap that represents the row addresses.
Table 16. Bitmap scan attributes
Data access method Bitmap scan attributes
Description Sequentially scan and process all of the row numbers in the temporary bitmap.
The sorted row numbers can be merged with other temporary bitmaps or can
be used as input into a Table Probe operation.
Advantages v The temporary bitmap only contains a reference to a rows’ address, no data,
so the temporary can be efficiently scanned within memory
v The row numbers represented within the temporary object are sorted to
provide efficient I/O processing to access the underlying table
v Selection is performed as the bitmap is generated to subset the number of
selected rows in the temporary object
Considerations Since the bitmap only contains the addresses of the selected row in the table, a
separate Table Probe operation must be performed in order to fetch the table
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the cost of sorting of the row numbers is justified by the more
efficient I/O that can be performed during the Table Probe operation
v When multiple indexes over the same table need to be combined in order to
minimize the number of selected rows
Using the example above, the optimizer created a temporary bitmap for each of the indexes used by his
query. This query used a combination of a radix index and two encoded vector indexes to create the row
number lists. The temporary bitmaps for each index were scanned and merged into a final composite
bitmap that represents the intersection of the rows represented by all of the temporary bitmaps. The final
bitmap is then used by the Table Probe operation to determine what rows are selected and need to be
processed for the query results.
Bitmap probe:
A bitmap probe operation is used to test row numbers generated by a separate operation against the
selected rows of a temporary bitmap. The row numbers can be generated by any operation that
32 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
constructs a row number for a table. That row number is then used to probe into a temporary bitmap to
determine if that row number matches the selection used to generate the temporary bitmap.
The use of a bitmap probe operation allows the optimizer to generate a plan that can take advantage of
any sequencing provided by an index, but still use the bitmap to perform additional selection before any
Table Probe operations.
A bitmap probe is identical to a row number list probe operation. The only difference between the two
operations is that a row number list probe is performed over a list of row addresses while the bitmap
probe is performed over a bitmap that represents the row addresses.
Table 17. Bitmap probe attributes
Data access method Bitmap probe attributes
Description The temporary bitmap is quickly probed based upon the row number
generated by a separate operation.
Advantages v The temporary bitmap only contains a reference to a rows’ address, no data,
so the temporary can be efficiently probed within memory
v The row numbers represented within the bitmap are sorted to provide
efficient lookup processing to test the underlying table
v Selection is performed as the bitmap is generated to subset the number of
selected rows in the temporary object
Considerations Since the bitmap only contains the addresses of the selected rows in the table,
a separate Table Probe operation must be performed in order to fetch the table
Likely to be used v When the use of temporary results is allowed by the query environmental
parameter (ALWCPYDTA)
v When the cost of creating and probing the bitmap is justified by reducing
the number of Table Probe operations that must be performed
v When multiple indexes over the same table need to be combined in order to
minimize the number of selected rows
Example SQL statement CREATE INDEX X1 ON Employee (WorkDept)
Employee (Salary)
Employee (Job)
Using the example above, the optimizer created a temporary bitmap for each of the encoded vector
indexes. Additionally, an index probe operation was performed against the radix index X1 to satisfy the
ordering requirement. Since the ORDER BY clause requires that the resulting rows be sequenced by the
WorkDept column, the temporary bitmap can no longer be scanned to process the selected rows.
However, the temporary bitmap can be probed using a row address extracted from the index X1 used to
satisfy the ordering. By probing the temporary bitmap with the row address extracted from index probe
operation, the sequencing of the keys in the index X1 are preserved and the row can still be tested
against the selected rows within the bitmap.
Temporary index
A temporary index is a temporary object that allows the optimizer to create and use a radix index for a
specific query. The temporary index has all of the same attributes and benefits as a radix index that is
created by a user through the CREATE INDEX SQL statement or Create Logical File (CRTLF) CL
Additionally, the temporary index is optimized for use by the optimizer to satisfy a specific query
request. This includes setting the logical page size and applying any selection to the creation to speed up
the use of the temporary index after it has been created.
34 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v Joins
| v Record selection
Generally a temporary index is a more expensive temporary object to create than other temporary objects.
It can be populated by either performing a table scan to fetch the rows to be used for the index or by
performing an index scan or probe against one or more indexes to produce the rows. The optimizer
considers all of the methods available when determining which method to use to produce the rows for
the index creation. This process is similar to the costing and selection of the other temporary objects used
by the optimizer.
One significant advantage of the temporary index over the other forms of temporary objects is that the
temporary index is the only form of a temporary object that is maintained if the underlying table
changes. The temporary index is identical to a radix index in that as any inserts or updates are performed
against the table, those changes are reflected immediately within the temporary index through the normal
index maintenance processing.
| SQE usage of temporary indexes is different than CQE usage in that SQE allows reuse. References to
| temporary indexes created and used by the SQE optimizer are kept in the system Plan Cache. A
| temporary index is saved for reuse by other instances of the same query or other instances of the same
| query running in a different job. It is also saved for potential reuse by a different query that can benefit
| from the use of the same temporary index. By default, a SQE temporary index persists until the Plan
| Cache entry for the last referencing query plan is removed. You can control this behavior by setting the
| CACHE_RESULTS QAQQINI value. The default for this INI value allows the optimizer to keep
| temporary indexes around for reuse. Changing the INI value to ’*JOB’ prevents the temporary index from
| being saved in the Plan Cache; the index does not survive a hard close. The *JOB option causes SQE
| optimizer use of temporary indexes to behave more like CQE optimizer; it becomes shorter lived, but still
| shared as long as there are active queries using it. This behavior can be desirable in cases where there is
| concern about increased maintenance costs for temporary indexes that persist for reuse.
A temporary index is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
A temporary index scan operation is identical to the index scan operation that is performed upon the
permanent radix index. It is still used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence; however, the
temporary index object must first be created. All of the rows in the index will be sequentially processed,
but the resulting row numbers will be sequenced based upon the key columns.
The sequenced rows can be used by the optimizer to satisfy a portion of the query request (such as
ordering or grouping).
Table 18. Temporary index scan attributes
Data access method Temporary index scan
Description Sequentially scan and process all of the keys associated with the temporary
Using the example above, the optimizer chose to create a temporary index to sequence the rows based
upon the LastName column. A temporary index scan might then be performed to satisfy the ORDER BY
clause in this query.
The optimizer will determine where the selection against the WorkDept column best belongs. It can be
performed as the temporary index itself is being created or it can be performed as a part of the
temporary index scan. Adding the selection to the temporary index creation has the possibility of making
the open data path (ODP) for this query non-reusable. This ODP reuse is taken into consideration when
determining how selection will be performed.
36 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Temporary index probe:
A temporary index probe operation is identical to the index probe operation that is performed upon the
permanent radix index. Its main function is to provide a form of quick access against the index keys of
the temporary index; however it can still used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence.
The temporary index is used by the optimizer to satisfy the join portion of the query request.
Table 19. Temporary index probe attributes
Data access method Temporary index probe
Description The index is quickly probed based upon the selection criteria that were
rewritten into a series of ranges. Only those keys that satisfy the selection will
be used to generate a table row number.
Advantages v Only those index entries that match any selection continue to be processed.
Provides very quick access to the selected rows
v Potential to extract all of the data from the index keys’ values, thus
eliminating the need for a Table Probe
v Returns the rows back in a sequence based upon the keys of the index
Considerations Generally requires a Table Probe to be performed to extract any remaining
columns required to satisfy the query. Can perform poorly when a large
number of rows are selected because of the random I/O associated with the
Table Probe.
Likely to be used v When the ability to probe the rows required for the query (for example,
joins) exists
v When the selection columns cannot be matched against the leading key
columns of the index
v When the overhead cost associated with the creation of the temporary
index can be justified against other alternative methods to implement this
Example SQL statement SELET * FROM Employee XXX, Department YYY
WHERE XXX.WorkDept = YYY.DeptNo
Messages indicating use There are multiple ways in which a temporary index probe can be indicated
through the messages. The messages in this example illustrate one example of
how the Classic Query Engine will indicate a temporary index probe was
v Optimizer Debug:
CPI4321 -- Access path built for file DEPARTMENT.
CPI4327 -- File EMPLOYEE processed in join
position 1.
CPI4326 -- File DEPARTMENT processed in join
position 2.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 1 table 1.
SQL4010 -- Table scan access for table 1.
SQL4007 -- Query implementation for join
position 2 table 2.
SQL4009 -- Index created for table 2.
Using the example above, the optimizer chose to create a temporary index over the DeptNo column to
help satisfy the join requirement against the DEPARTMENT table. A temporary index probe was then
performed against the temporary index to process the join criteria between the two tables. In this
particular case, there was no additional selection that might be applied against the DEPARTMENT table
while the temporary index was being created.
Temporary buffer
The temporary buffer is a temporary object that is used to help facilitate operations such as parallelism. It
is an unsorted data structure that is used to store intermediate rows of a query. The main difference
between a temporary buffer and a temporary list is that the buffer does not need to be fully populated in
order to allow its results to be processed.
The temporary buffer acts as a serialization point between parallel and non-parallel portions of a query.
The operations used to populate the buffer cannot be performed in parallel, whereas the operations that
fetch rows from the buffer can be performed in parallel. The temporary buffer is required for the SQL
Query Engine because the index scan and index probe operations are not considered to be SMP parallel
enabled for this engine. Unlike the Classic Query Engine, which will perform these index operations in
parallel, the SQL Query Engine will not subdivide the work necessary within the index operation to take
full advantage of parallel processing. The buffer is used to allow a query to be processed under
parallelism by serializing access to the index operations, while allowing any remaining work within the
query to be processed in parallel.
A temporary buffer is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
Buffer scan:
38 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The buffer scan operation is used when a query is processed using DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing,
yet a portion of the query is not enabled to be processed under parallelism. The buffer scan acts as a
gateway to control access to rows between the parallel enabled portions of the query and the non-parallel
Multiple threads can be used to fetch the selected rows from the buffer, allowing the query to perform
any remaining processing in parallel. However, the buffer will be populated in a non-parallel manner.
A buffer scan operation is identical to the list scan operation that is performed upon the temporary list
object. The main difference is that a buffer does not need to be fully populated before the start of the scan
operation. A temporary list requires that the list is fully populated before fetching any rows.
Table 20. Buffer scan attributes
Data access method Buffer scan
Description Sequentially scan and process all of the rows in the temporary buffer. Enables
SMP parallelism to be performed over a non-parallel portion of the query.
Advantages v The temporary buffer can be used to enable parallelism over a portion of a
query that is non-parallel
v The temporary buffer does not need to be fully populated in order to start
fetching rows
Considerations Generally used to prevent portions of the query from being processed multiple
times when no key columns are required to satisfy the request.
Likely to be used v When the query is attempting to take advantage of DB2 UDB Symmetric
v When a portion of the query cannot be performed in parallel (for example,
index scan or index probe)
Employee (LastName, WorkDept)
Using the example above, the optimizer chose to use the existing index X1 to perform an index probe
operation against the table. In order to speed up the remaining processing for this query (for example,
the Table Probe operation), DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing will be used to perform the random probe
into the table. Since the index probe operation is not SMP parallel enabled for the SQL Query Engine,
that portion of the query is placed within a temporary buffer to control access to the selected index
| Queue
| The Queue is a temporary object that allows the optimizer to feed the recursion of a recursive query by
| putting on the queue those data values needed for the recursion. This data typically includes those values
| used on the recursive join predicate and other recursive data being accumulated or manipulated during
| the recursive process.
| A queue is an efficient data structure because it contains only that data needed to feed the recursion or
| directly modified by the recursion process and its size is managed by the optimizer.
| Unlike other temporary objects created by the optimizer, the queue is not populated in all at once by the
| underlying query node tree but is really a real time temporary holding area for values feeding the
| recursion. In this regard, a queue is not considered temporary as it will not prevent the query from
| running if ALWCPYDTA(*NO) was specified, because the data can still being flowing up and out of the
| query at the same time the recursive values are inserted into the queue to be used to retrieve additional
| join rows.
| A queue is an internal data structure and can only be created by the database manager.
| Enqueue:
| During a enqueue operation, an entry it put on the queue that contains key values used by the recursive
| join predicates or data manipulated as a part of the recursion process. The optimizer always supplies an
| enqueue operation to collect the required recursive data on the query node directly above the Union All.
40 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 21. Enqueue Attributes
| Data Access Method Enqueue
| Description Places an entry on the queue needed to cause further recursion
|| Advantages v Required as a source for the recursion. Only enqueues required values for
| the recursion process. Each entry has short life span, until it is dequeued.
| v Each entry on the queue can seed multiple iterative fullselects that are
| recursive from the same rcte/view.
| Likely to be used A required access method for recursive queries
| )
| Messages indicating use There are no explicit message that indicate the use of an enqueue
| SMP parallel enabled Yes
| Also referred to as Not applicable
| Visual Explain icon
| Use the CYCLE option in the definition of the recursive query if there is the possibility that the data
| reflecting the parent, child relationship may be cyclic, causing an infinite recursion loop. CYCLE will
| prevent already visited recursive key values from being put on the queue again for a given set of related
| (ancestry chain) rows.
| Use the SEARCH option in the definition of the recursive query to return the results of the recursion in
| the specified parent-child hierarchical ordering. The search choices are Depth or Breadth first. Depth first
| means that all the descendents of each immediate child are returned before the next child is returned.
| Breadth first means that each child is returned before their children are returned. SEARCH requires not
| only the specification of the relationship keys, which columns make up the parent child relationship and
| the search type of Depth or Breadth but it also requires an ORDER BY clause in the main query on the
| provided sequence column in order to fully implement the specified ordering.
| Dequeue:
| During a dequeue operation, an entry is taken off the queue and those values specified by recursive
| reference are fed back in to the recursive join process.
| The optimizer always supplies a corresponding enqueue, dequeue pair of operations for each reference of
| a recursive common table expression or recursive view in the specifying query. Recursion ends when
| there are no more entries to pull off the queue.
This parallel processing means that the database manager can have more than one (or all) of the server
processors working on a single query simultaneously. The performance of a CPU bound query can be
significantly improved with this feature on multiple-processor servers by distributing the processor load
across more than one processor.
The tables above indicate what data access method are enabled to take advantage of the DB2 UDB
Symmetric Multiprocessing feature. An important thing to note, however, is that the parallel
implementation differs for both the SQL Query Engine and the Classic Query Engine.
| Processing requirements
| Parallelism requires that SMP parallel processing must be enabled by one of the following methods:
| v System value QQRYDEGREE
| v Query option file
| v DEGREE parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
42 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Once parallelism has been enabled, a set of database system tasks or threads is created at server startup
| for use by the database manager. The database manager uses the tasks to process and retrieve data from
| different disk devices. Since these tasks can be run on multiple processors simultaneously, the elapsed
| time of a query can be reduced. Even though much of the I/O and CPU processing of a parallel query is
| done by the tasks, the accounting of the I/O and CPU resources used are transferred to the application
| job. The summarized I/O and CPU resources for this type of application continue to be accurately
| displayed by the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command.
| The job should be run in a shared storage pool with the *CALC paging option, as this will cause more
| efficient use of active memory.
Related concepts
“Nested loop join implementation” on page 46
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides a nested loop join method. For this method, the
processing of the tables in the join are ordered. This order is called the join order. The first table in
the final join order is called the primary table. The other tables are called secondary tables. Each join
table position is called a dial.
Related reference
“Change the attributes of your queries with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command” on
page 116
You can modify different types of attributes of the queries that you will execute during a certain job
with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) CL command, or by using the iSeries Navigator
Change Query Attributes interface.
Related information
Parallel processing for queries and indexes system value
Automatically tune performance
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command
Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
The spreading allows the database manager to easily process the blocks of rows on different disk devices
in parallel. Even though DB2 Universal Database for iSeries spreads data across disk devices within an
ASP, sometimes the allocation of the data extents (contiguous sets of data) might not be spread evenly.
This occurs when there is uneven allocation of space on the devices, or when a new device is added to
the ASP. The allocation of the table data space may be spread again by saving, deleting, and then
restoring the table.
Maintaining an even distribution of data across all of the disk devices can lead to better throughput on
query processing. The number of disk devices used and how the data is spread across these devices is
taken into account by the optimizer while costing the different plan permutations.
This overview covers queries that are optimized by the query optimizer and includes interfaces such as
SQL, OPNQRYF, APIs (QQQQRY), ODBC, and Query/400 queries. Whether you apply the guidelines, the
query results will still be correct.
When you understand how DB2 Universal Database for iSeries processes queries, it is easier to
understand the performance impacts of the guidelines discussed in this overview. There are two major
components of DB2 Universal Database for iSeries query processing:
v How the server accesses data.
These methods are the algorithms that are used to retrieve data from the disk. The methods include
index usage and row selection techniques. In addition, parallel access methods are available with the
DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing operating system feature.
v Query optimizer.
The query optimizer identifies the valid techniques which can be used to implement the query and
selects the most efficient technique.
The optimizer is an important part of DB2 Universal Database for iSeries because the optimizer:
v Makes the key decisions which affect database performance.
v Identifies the techniques which can be used to implement the query.
v Selects the most efficient technique.
44 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Change Physical File (CHGPF) command
To improve performance, an access plan is saved (see exceptions below) once it is built so as to be
available for potentially future runs of the query. However, the optimizer has dynamic replan capability.
This means that even if previously built (and saved) plan is found, the optimizer may rebuild it if it
determines that a more optimal plan is possible. This allows for maximum flexibility while still taking
advantage of saved plans.
v For dynamic SQL, an access plan is created at prepare or open time. However, optimization uses the
host variable values to determine an optimal plan. Therefore, a plan built at prepare time may be
rebuilt the first time the query is opened (when the host variable values are present).
v For an iSeries program that contains static embedded SQL, an access plan is initially created at compile
time. Again, since optimization uses the host variable values to determine an optimal plan, the compile
time plan may be rebuilt the first time the query is opened.
v For Open Query File (OPNQRYF), an access plan is created but is not saved. A new access plan is
created each time the OPNQRYF command is processed.
v For Query/400, an access plan is saved as part of the query definition object.
In all cases above where a plan is saved above, including static SQL, dynamic replan can still apply as
the queries are run over time.
The access plan is validated when the query is opened. Validation includes the following:
v Verifying that the same tables are referenced in the query as in the access plan. For example, the tables
were not deleted and recreated or that the tables resolved by using *LIBL have not changed.
v Verifying that the indexes used to implement the query, still exist.
v Verifying that the table size or predicate selectivity has not changed significantly.
v Verifying that QAQQINI options have not changed.
The optimizer uses a general set of guidelines to choose the best method for accessing data of each table.
The optimizer:
v Determines the default filter factor for each predicate in the selection clause.
v Determines the true filter factor of the predicates by doing a key range estimate when the selection
predicates match the left most keys of an index or by using columns statistic when available.
v Determines the cost of table scan processing if an index is not required.
v Determines the cost of creating an index over a table if an index is required. This index is created by
performing either a table scan or creating an index-from-index.
v Determines the cost of using a sort routine or hashing method if appropriate.
v Determines the cost of using existing indexes using Index Probe or Index Scan
Join optimization
A join operation is a complex function that requires special attention in order to achieve good
performance. This section describes how DB2 Universal Database for iSeries implements join queries and
how optimization choices are made by the query optimizer. It also describes design tips and techniques
which help avoid or solve performance problems.
The nested loop will be implemented either using an index on secondary tables, a hash table, or a table
scan (arrival sequence) on the secondary tables. In general, the join will be implemented using either an
index or a hash table.
46 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
2. Builds a key value from the join columns in the primary table.
3. Depending on the access to the first secondary table:
v If using an index to access the secondary table, Radix Index Probe is used to locate the first row
that satisfies the join condition for the first secondary table by using an index with keys matching
the join condition or local row selection columns of the secondary table.
v Applies bitmap selection, if applicable.
All rows that satisfy the join condition from each secondary dial are located using an index. Rows
are retrieved from secondary tables in random sequence. This random disk I/O time often accounts
for a large percentage of the processing time of the query. Since a given secondary dial is searched
once for each row selected from the primary and the preceding secondary dials that satisfy the join
condition for each of the preceding secondary dials, a large number of searches may be performed
against the later dials. Any inefficiencies in the processing of the later dials can significantly inflate
the query processing time. This is the reason why attention to performance considerations for join
queries can reduce the run-time of a join query from hours to minutes.
If an efficient index cannot be found, a temporary index may be created. Some join queries build
temporary indexes over secondary dials even when an index exists for all of the join keys. Because
efficiency is very important for secondary dials of longer running queries, the query optimizer may
choose to build a temporary index which contains only entries which pass the local row selection
for that dial. This preprocessing of row selection allows the database manager to process row
selection in one pass instead of each time rows are matched for a dial.
v If using a Hash Table Probe to access the secondary table, a hash temporary result table is created
that contains all of the rows selected by local selection against the table on the first probe. The
structure of the hash table is such that rows with the same join value are loaded into the same hash
table partition (clustered). The location of the rows for any given join value can be found by
applying a hashing function to the join value.
A nested loop join using a Hash Table Probe has several advantages over a nested loop join using
an Index Probe:
– The structure of a hash temporary result table is simpler than that of an index, so less CPU
processing is required to build and probe a hash table.
– The rows in the hash result table contain all of the data required by the query so there is no
need to access the dataspace of the table with random I/O when probing the hash table.
– Like join values are clustered, so all matching rows for a given join value can typically be
accessed with a single I/O request.
– The hash temporary result table can be built using SMP parallelism.
– Unlike indexes, entries in hash tables are not updated to reflect changes of column values in the
underlying table. The existence of a hash table does not affect the processing cost of other
updating jobs in the server.
v If using a Sorted List Probe to access the secondary table, a sorted list result is created that contains
all of the rows selected by local selection against the table on the first probe. The structure of the
sorted list table is such that rows with the same join value are sorted together in the list. The
location of the rows for any given join value can be found by probing using the join value.
v If using a table scan to access the secondary table, scan the secondary to locate the first row that
satisfies the join condition for the first secondary table using the table scan to match the join
condition or local row selection columns of the secondary table. The join may be implemented with
a table scan when the secondary table is a user-defined table function.
4. Determines if the row is selected by applying any remaining selection local to the first secondary dial.
If the secondary dial row is not selected then the next row that satisfies the join condition is located.
Steps 1 through 4 are repeated until a row that satisfies both the join condition and any remaining
selection is selected from all secondary tables
5. Returns the result join row.
48 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
“Radix index probe” on page 13
A radix index probe operation is used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence. The main
difference between the Radix Index Probe and the Radix Index Scan is that the rows being returned
must first be identified by a probe operation to subset the rows being retrieved.
The join columns and join operators depend on the following situations:
v Join column specifications of the query
v Join order
v Interaction of join columns with other row selection
Join specifications which are not implemented for the dial are either deferred until they can be processed
in a later dial or, if an inner join was being performed for this dial, processed as row selection.
For a given dial, the only join specifications which are usable as join columns for that dial are those being
joined to a previous dial. For example, for the second dial the only join specifications that can be used to
satisfy the join condition are join specifications which reference columns in the primary dial. Likewise,
the third dial can only use join specifications which reference columns in the primary and the second
dials and so on. Join specifications which reference later dials are deferred until the referenced dial is
Note: For OPNQRYF, only one type of join operator is allowed for either a left outer or an exception join.
That is, the join operator for all join conditions must be the same.
When looking for an existing index to access a secondary dial, the query optimizer looks at the left-most
key columns of the index. For a given dial and index, the join specifications which use the left-most key
columns can be used. For example:
For the index over EMP_ACT with key columns EMPNO, PROJNO, and EMSTDATE, the join operation
is performed only on column EMPNO. After the join is performed, index scan-key selection is done using
column EMSTDATE.
The query optimizer also uses local row selection when choosing the best use of the index for the
secondary dial. If the previous example had been expressed with a local predicate as:
The index with key columns EMPNO, PROJNO, and EMSTDATE are fully utilized by combining join and
selection into one operation against all three key columns.
When creating a temporary index, the left-most key columns are the usable join columns in that dial
position. All local row selection for that dial is processed when selecting entries for inclusion into the
temporary index. A temporary index is similar to the index created for a select/omit keyed logical file.
The temporary index for the previous example has key columns of EMPNO and EMSTDATE.
The implementation using the existing index is more likely to provide faster performance because join
and selection processing are combined without the overhead of building a temporary index. However, the
use of the existing index may have just slightly slower I/O processing than the temporary index because
the local selection is run many times rather than once. In general, it is a good idea to have existing
indexes available with key columns for the combination of join columns and columns using equal
selection as the left-most keys.
Otherwise, the following join ordering algorithm is used to determine the order of the tables:
1. Determine an access method for each individual table as candidates for the primary dial.
2. Estimate the number of rows returned for each table based on local row selection.
If the join query with row ordering or group by processing is being processed in one step, then the
table with the ordering or grouping columns is the primary table.
3. Determine an access method, cost, and expected number of rows returned for each join combination
of candidate tables as primary and first secondary tables.
The join order combinations estimated for a four table inner join would be:
1-2 2-1 1-3 3-1 1-4 4-1 2-3 3-2 2-4 4-2 3-4 4-3
4. Choose the combination with the lowest join cost and number of selected rows or both.
5. Determine the cost, access method, and expected number of rows for each remaining table joined to
the previous secondary table.
6. Select an access method for each table that has the lowest cost for that table.
7. Choose the secondary table with the lowest join cost and number of selected rows or both.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 until the lowest cost join order is determined.
Note: After dial 32, the optimizer uses a different method to determine file join order, which may not be
the lowest cost.
When a query contains a left or right outer join or a right exception join, the join order is not fixed.
However, all from-columns of the ON clause must occur from dials previous to the left or right outer or
exception join. For example:
The allowable join order combinations for this query would be:
50 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Right outer or right exception joins are implemented as left outer and left exception, with files flipped.
For example:
is implemented as B LEFT OUTER JOIN A ON B.C1=A.C1. The only allowed join order is 2–1.
When a join logical file is referenced or the join order is forced to the specified table order, the query
optimizer loops through all of the dials in the order specified, and determines the lowest cost access
Related information
Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command
Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
In step 3 and in step 5 in “Join order optimization” on page 50, the query optimizer has to estimate a cost
and choose an access method for a given dial combination. The choices made are similar to those for row
selection except that a plan using a probe must be chosen.
The main factors of the join cost calculations for secondary dials are the number of rows selected in all
previous dials and the number of rows which match, on average, each of the rows selected from previous
dials. Both of these factors can be derived by estimating the number of matching rows for a given dial.
When the join operator is something other than equal, the expected number of matching rows is based on
the following default filter factors:
v 33% for less-than, greater-than, less-than-equal-to, or greater-than-equal-to
v 90% for not equal
v 25% for BETWEEN range (OPNQRYF %RANGE)
v 10% for each IN list value (OPNQRYF %VALUES)
For example, when the join operator is less-than, the expected number of matching rows is .33 * (number
of rows in the dial). If no join specifications are active for the current dial, the cartesian product is
When the join operator is equal, the expected number of rows is the average number of duplicate rows
for a given value.
Related information
Set Object Access (SETOBJACC) command
The following rules determine which predicates are added to other join dials:
| v The dials affected must have join operators of equal.
| v The predicate is isolatable, which means that a false condition from this predicate omits the row.
| v One operand of the predicate is an equal join column and the other is a constant or host variable.
| v The predicate operator is not LIKE (OPNQRYF %WLDCRD, or *CT).
| v The predicate is not connected to other predicates by OR.
The query optimizer generates a new predicate, whether a predicate already exists in the WHERE clause
(OPNQRYF QRYSLT parameter).
Some predicates are redundant. This occurs when a previous evaluation of other predicates in the query
already determines the result that predicate provides. Redundant predicates can be specified by you or
generated by the query optimizer during predicate manipulation. Redundant predicates with predicate
operators of =, >, >=, <, <=, or BETWEEN (OPNQRYF *EQ, *GT, *GE, *LT, *LE, or %RANGE) are merged
into a single predicate to reflect the most selective range.
52 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| The optimizer places the results of the ″subquery″ into a temporary hash table. The hash table of the
| subquery can be applied in one of two methods against the EMP_ACT (fact) table:
| v The distinct values of the hash tables are retrieved. For each distinct value, an index over EMP_ACT is
| probed to determine which records are returned for that value. Those record identifiers are normally
| then stored and sorted (sometimes the sorting is omitted, depending on the total number of record ids
| expected). Once the ids are determined, those subset of EMP_ACT records can then be accessed in a
| way much more efficient than in a traditional nested loop join processing.
| v EMP_ACT can be scanned. For each record, the hash table is probed to see if the record will join at all
| to EMPLOYEE. This allows for efficient access to EMP_ACT with a more efficient record rejection
| method than in a traditional nested loop join process.
| Note: LPG processing is part of the normal processing in the SQL Query Engine. Classic Query Engine
| only considers the first method, requires that the index in question by an EVI and also requires use
| Related reference
| “Control queries dynamically with the query options file QAQQINI” on page 117
| The query options file QAQQINI support provides the ability to dynamically modify or override the
| environment in which queries are executed through the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA)
| command and the QAQQINI file. The query options file QAQQINI is used to set some attributes used
| by the database manager.
Tips for improving performance when selecting data from more than two tables
The following suggestion is only applicable to CQE and is directed specifically to select-statements that
access several tables. For joins that involve more than two tables, you might want to provide redundant
information about the join columns. The CQE optimizer does not generate transitive closure predicates
between 2 columns. If you give the optimizer extra information to work with when requesting a join, it
can determine the best way to do the join. The additional information might seem redundant, but is
helpful to the optimizer.
If the select-statement you are considering accesses two or more tables, all the recommendations
suggested in “Creating an index strategy” on page 144 apply. For example, instead of coding:
The optimizer will evaluate the join criteria along with any row selection that may be specified in order
to determine the join type for each dial and for the entire query. Once this information is known the
optimizer will generate additional selection using the relative row number of the tables to simulate the
different types of joins that may occur within the query.
Since null values are returned for any unmatched rows for either a left outer or an exception join, any
isolatable selection specified for that dial, including any additional join criteria that may be specified in
the WHERE clause, will cause all of the unmatched rows to be eliminated (unless the selection is for an
IS NULL predicate). This will cause the join type for that dial to be changed to an inner join (or an
exception join) if the IS NULL predicate was specified.
In the following example a left outer join is specified between the tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT.
In the WHERE clause there are two selection predicates that also apply to the DEPARTMENT table.
YYY.DEPTNO IN ('A00', 'D01', 'D11', 'D21', 'E11')
The first selection predicate, XXX.EMPNO = YYY.MGRNO, is an additional join condition that will be
added to the join criteria and evaluated as an ″inner join″ join condition. The second is an isolatable
selection predicate that will eliminate any unmatched rows. Either one of these selection predicates will
cause the join type for the DEPARTMENT table to be changed from a left outer join to an inner join.
Even though the join between the EMPLOYEE and the DEPARTMENT table was changed to an inner join
the entire query will still need to remain a left outer join to satisfy the join condition for the PROJECT
Note: Care must be taken when specifying multiple join types since they are supported by appending
selection to the query for any unmatched rows. This means that the number of resulting rows that
satisfy the join criteria can become quite large before any selection is applied that will either select
or omit the unmatched rows based on that individual dial’s join type.
54 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
v The particular values selected for the join columns yield a significantly greater number of matching
rows than the average number of duplicate values for all values of the join columns in the table (for
example, the data is not uniformly distributed).
| If the query is not creating a temporary index or hash table, and you feel that
| the processing time may be better if a temporary index was created, specify
| Alternatively, specify the OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS to inform the optimizer of the
| application has intention to read every resulting row. To do this set n to a large
| number. You can also set n to a small number before ending the query.
| For OPNQRYF, specify Specify the OPTIMIZE(*FIRSTIO) or OPTIMIZE(*ALLIO) option to accurately
| OPTIMIZE(*FIRSTIO) or reflect your application. Use *FIRSTIO, if you want the optimizer to optimize the
| OPTIMIZE(*ALLIO) query to retrieve the first block of rows most efficiently. This biases the optimizer
| toward using existing objects. If you want to optimize the retrieval time for the
| entire answer set, use *ALLIO. This may cause the optimizer to create temporary
| objects such as temporary indexes or hash tables in order to minimize I/O.
| Distinct optimization
| Distinct is used to compare a value with another value.
| There are two methods to write a query that returns distinct values in SQL. One method uses the
| DISTINCT keyword:
56 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| All queries that contain a DISTINCT, and are run using SQE, will be rewritten into queries using GROUP
| BY. This rewrite enables queries using DISTINCT to take advantage of the many grouping techniques
| available to the optimizer.
| Distinct removal
| A query containing a DISTINCT over whole-file aggregation (no grouping or selection) allows the
| DISTINCT to be removed. For example, look at this query with DISTINCT:
| If the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY fields are identical, the DISTINCT can be removed. If the DISTINCT
| fields are a subset of the GROUP BY fields (and there are no aggregates), the DISTINCTs can be removed.
Grouping optimization
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries has certain techniques to use when the optimizer encounters
grouping. The query optimizer chooses its methods for optimizing your query.
If the current grouping value already has a row in the hash table, the hash table entry is retrieved and
summarized (updated) with the current table row values based on the requested grouping column
operations (such as SUM or COUNT). If a hash table entry is not found for the current grouping value, a
new entry is inserted into the hash table and initialized with the current grouping value.
The time required to receive the first group result for this implementation will most likely be longer than
other grouping implementations because the hash table must be built and populated first. Once the hash
table is completely populated, the database manager uses the table to start returning the grouping results.
Before returning any results, the database manager must apply any specified grouping selection criteria
or ordering to the summary entries in the hash table.
The grouping hash method is most effective when the consolidation ratio is high. The consolidation ratio
is the ratio of the selected table rows to the computed grouping results. If every database table row has
The optimizer estimates the consolidation ratio by first determining the number of unique values in the
specified grouping columns (that is, the expected number of groups in the database table). The optimizer
then examines the total number of rows in the table and the specified selection criteria and uses the result
of this examination to estimate the consolidation ratio.
Indexes over the grouping columns can help make the optimizer’s ratio estimate more accurate. Indexes
improve the accuracy because they contain statistics that include the average number of duplicate values
for the key columns.
The optimizer also uses the expected number of groups estimate to compute the number of partitions in
the hash table. As mentioned earlier, the hashing access method is more effective when the hash table is
well-balanced. The number of hash table partitions directly affects how entries are distributed across the
hash table and the uniformity of this distribution.
The hash function performs better when the grouping values consist of columns that have non-numeric
data types, with the exception of the integer (binary) data type. In addition, specifying grouping value
columns that are not associated with the variable length and null column attributes allows the hash
function to perform more effectively.
| Ordered grouping
| This implementation utilizes the Radix Index Scan or the Radix Index Probe access methods to perform
| the grouping. An index is required that contains all of the grouping columns as contiguous leftmost key
| columns. The database manager accesses the individual groups through the index and performs the
| requested summary functions.
| Since the index, by definition, already has all of the key values grouped together, the first group result
| can be returned in less time than the hashing method. This is because of the temporary result that is
| required for the hashing method. This implementation can be beneficial if an application does not need to
| retrieve all of the group results or if an index already exists that matches the grouping columns.
| When the grouping is implemented with an index and a permanent index does not already exist that
| satisfies grouping columns, a temporary index is created. The grouping columns specified within the
| query are used as the key columns for this index.
| Pre-summarized processing
| This SQE only implementation utilizes an Encoded Vector Index to extract the summary information
| already in the index’s symbol table. The symbol table portion of an EVI contains the unique values of the
| key along with a count of the number of table records that have that unique value, basically the grouping
| for the columns of the index key are already performed. If the query references a single table and
| performs simple aggregation, the EVI may be used for quick access to the grouping results. For example,
| consider the following query:
| SELECT COUNT(*), col1
| FROM t1
| GROUP BY col1
| If an EVI exists over t1 with a key of col1, the optimizer can rewrite the query to access the precomputed
| grouping answer in the EVI symbol table. This can result in dramatic improvements in queries when the
58 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| number of records in the table is large and the number of resulting groups is small (relative to the size of
| the table). This method is also possible with selection (WHERE clause), as long as the reference columns
| are in the key definition of the EVI. For example, consider the following query:
| SELECT COUNT(*), col1
| FROM t1
| WHERE col1 > 100
| GROUP BY col1
| This query can be rewritten by the optimizer to make use of the EVI. This pre-summarized processing
| works for DISTINCT processing, GROUP BY and for column function COUNT. All columns of the table
| referenced in the query must also be in the key definition of the EVI. So, for example, the following
| query can be made to use the EVI:
| FROM t1
| The reason that this query cannot use the EVI is because it references col2 of the table, which is not in the
| key definition of the EVI. Note also that if multiple columns are defined in the EVI key, for example, col1
| and col2, that it is important that the left most columns of the key be utilized. For example, if an EVI
| existed with a key definition of (col1, col2), but the query referenced just col2, it is very unlikely the EVI
| will be used.
This processing is done to allow the optimizer to consider more indexes to implement the query and to
reduce the number of columns that will be added as key columns to a temporary index or hash table.
The following example illustrates a query where the optimizer might eliminate a grouping column.
WHERE EMPNO = '000190'
OPNQRYF example:
QRYSLT('EMPNO *EQ ''000190''')
In this example, the optimizer can remove EMPNO from the list of grouping columns because of the
EMPNO = '000190' selection predicate. An index that only has LASTNAME and WORKDEPT specified as
key columns can be considered to implement the query and if a temporary index or hash is required then
EMPNO will not be used.
Note: Even though EMPNO can be removed from the list of grouping columns, the optimizer might still
choose to use that index if a permanent index exists with all three grouping columns.
The following example illustrates a query where the optimizer might add an additional grouping column.
For this query request, the optimizer can add EMPNO as an additional grouping column when
considering X1 for the query.
This will improve performance by potentially not processing all index key values for a group.
60 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The query optimizer will chose to use Index IX2. The database manager will position to the first
group for DEPT where JOB equals ’CLERK’ and will return the SALARY. The code will then skip to
the next DEPT group where JOB equals ’CLERK’.
v For join queries:
– All grouping columns must be from a single table.
– For each dial there can be at most one MIN or MAX column function operand that references the
dial and no other column functions can exist in the query.
– If the MIN or MAX function operand is from the same dial as the grouping columns, then it uses
the same rules as single table queries.
– If the MIN or MAX function operand is from a different dial then the join column for that dial must
join to one of the grouping columns and the index for that dial must contain the join columns
followed by the MIN or MAX operand.
Example 1, using SQL:
Note: Read triggers are added when the Add Physical File Trigger (ADDPFTRG) command has been
used on the table with TRGTIME (*AFTER) and TRGEVENT (*READ).
The query will run faster is the read trigger is removed (RMVPFTRG TRGTIME (*AFTER) TRGEVENT
Related information
Add Physical File Trigger (ADDPFTRG) command
Ordering optimization
This section describes how DB2 Universal Database for iSeries implements ordering techniques, and how
optimization choices are made by the query optimizer. The query optimizer can use either index ordering
or a sort to implement ordering.
The sort algorithm reads the rows into a sort space and sorts the rows based on the specified ordering
keys. The rows are then returned to the user from the ordered sort space.
The index ordering implementation requires an index that contains all of the ordering columns as
contiguous leftmost key columns. The database manager accesses the individual rows through the index
in index order, which results in the rows being returned in order to the requester.
All of the ordering columns are evaluated to determine if they can be removed from the list of ordering
columns. Only those ordering columns that have isolatable selection predicates with an equal operator
specified can be considered. This guarantees that the column can match only a single value, and will not
help determine in the order.
This processing is done to allow the optimizer to consider more indexes as it implements the query, and
to reduce the number of columns that will be added as key columns to a temporary index. The following
SQL example illustrates a query where the optimizer might eliminate an ordering column.
WHERE EMPNO = '000190'
The same logic that is applied to removing ordering columns can also be used to add additional
grouping columns to the query. This is done only when you are trying to determine if an index can be
used to implement the ordering.
The following example illustrates a query where the optimizer might add an additional ordering column.
For this query request, the optimizer can add EMPNO as an additional ordering column when
considering X1 for the query.
View implementation
Views, derived tables (nested table expressions or NTEs), and common table expressions (CTEs) are
implemented by the query optimizer using one of two methods.
This single, composite statement is the preferred implementation for queries containing views, since it
requires only a single pass of the data.
62 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
See the following examples:
Using SQL:
The query optimizer will generate a new query that looks like the following example:
The query contains the columns selected by the user’s query, the base tables referenced in the query, and
the selection from both the view and the user’s query.
Note: The new composite query that the query optimizer generates is not visible to users. Only the
original query against the view will be seen by users and database performance tools.
| View materialization is done whenever it is not possible to create a view composite. Note that for SQE,
| view materialization is optional. The following types of queries require view materialization:
| v The outermost select of the view contains grouping, the query contains grouping, and refers to a
| column derived from a column function in the view in the HAVING or select-list.
| v The query is a join and the outermost select of the view contains grouping or DISTINCT.
| v The outermost select of the view contains DISTINCT, and the query has UNION, grouping, or
| DISTINCT and one of the following:
| – Only the query has a shared weight NLSS table
| – Only the view has a shared weight NLSS table
| – Both the query and the view have a shared weight NLSS table, but the tables are different.
| v The query contains a column function and the outermost select of the view contains a DISTINCT
| v The view does not contain an access plan. This can occur when a view references a view and a view
| composite cannot be created because of one of the reasons listed above. This does not apply to nested
| table expressions and common table expressions.
| v The Common table expression (CTE) is reference more than once in the query’s FROM clause(s) and
| the CTE’s SELECT clause references a MODIFIES or EXTERNAL ACTION UDF.
When a temporary result table is created, access methods that are allowed with
ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) may be used to implement the query. These methods include hash grouping,
hash join, and bitmaps.
SQL example:
In this case, a view composite cannot be created since a join query references a grouping view. The
results of AVGSALVW are placed in a temporary result table (*QUERY0001). The view reference
AVGSALVW is replaced with the temporary result table. The new query is then run. The generated query
looks like the following:
Note: The new query that the query optimizer generates is not visible to users. Only the original query
against the view will be seen by users and database performance tools.
Whenever possible, isolatable selection from the query, except subquery predicates, is added to the view
materialization process. This results in smaller temporary result tables and allows existing indexes to be
used when materializing the view. This will not be done if there is more than one reference to the same
view or common table expression in the query. The following is an example where isolatable selection is
added to the view materialization:
The isolatable selection from the query is added to the view resulting in a new query to generate the
temporary result table:
This is done by precomputing and storing results of a query in the materialized query table. The database
engine can use these results instead of recomputing them for a user specified query. The query optimizer
will look for any applicable MQTs and can choose to implement the query using a given MQT provided
this is a faster implementation choice.
Materialized Query Tables are created using the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. Alternatively, the ALTER
TABLE statement may be used to convert an existing table into a materialized query table. The REFRESH
TABLE statement is used to recompute the results stored in the MQT. For user-maintained MQTs, the
MQTs may also be maintained by the user via INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
Related information
Create Table statement
The supported function in the MQT query by the MQT matching algorithm includes:
v Single table and join queries
64 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
v WHERE clause
v GROUP BY and optional HAVING clauses
v Views, common table expressions, and nested table expressions
v Partitioned tables
There is limited support in the MQT matching algorithm for the following:
| v Scalar subselects
| v User Defined Functions (UDFs) and user defined table functions
| v Recursive Common Table Expressions (RCTE)
| v The following scalar functions:
| – ATAN2
| It is recommended that the MQT only contain references to columns, and column functions. In many
| environments, queries that contain constants will have the constants converted to parameter markers.
| This allows a much higher degree of ODP reuse. The MQT matching algorithm attempts to match
| constants in the MQT with parameter marks or host variable values in the query. However, in some
| complex cases this support is limited and may result in the MQT not matching the query.
Related concepts
To even consider using MQTs during optimization the following environmental attributes must be true:
v The query must specify ALWCPYDTA(*OPTMIZE) or INSENSITIVE cursor.
v The query must not be a SENSITIVE cursor.
v The table to be replaced with a MQT must not be update or delete capable for this query.
v The MQT currently has the ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION attribute active
enable use of MQTs. The default setting of MATERIALIZED_QUERY_TABLE_USAGE does not allow
usage of MQTs.
v The timestamp of the last REFRESH TABLE for a MQT is within the duration specified by the
allows MQTs to be considered regardless of the last REFRESH TABLE. The default setting of
v The query must be capable of being run through SQE.
v The following QAQQINI options must match: IGNORE_LIKE_REDUNDANT_SHIFTS,
CREATE materialized query table time and must match the options specified at query run time.
v The commit level of the MQT must be greater than or equal to the query commit level. The commit
level of the MQT is either specified in the MQT query using the WITH clause or it is defaulted to the
commit level that the MQT was run under when it was created.
MQT examples
The following are examples of using MQTs.
Example 1
The first example is a query that returns information about employees whose job is DESIGNER. The
original query looks like this:
Q1: SELECT D.deptname, D.location, E.firstnme, E.lastname, E.salary+E.comm+E.bonus as total_sal
FROM Department D, Employee E
WHERE D.deptno=E.workdept
Resulting new query after replacing the specified tables with the MQT.
SELECT M.deptname, M.location, M.firstnme, M.lastname, M.salary+M.comm+M.bonus as total_sal
66 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
In this query, the MQT matches part of the user’s query. The MQT is placed in the FROM clause and
replaces tables DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE. Any remaining selection not done by the MQT query
(M.job= ’DESIGNER’) is done to remove the extra rows and the result expression,
M.salary+M.comm+M.bonus, is calculated. Note that JOB must be in the select-list of the MQT so that the
additional selection can be performed.
Example 2
Get the total salary for all departments that are located in ’NY’. The original query looks like this:
SELECT D.deptname, sum(E.salary)
WHERE D.deptno=E.workdept AND D.location = 'NY'
GROUP BY D.deptname
Resulting new query after replacing the specified tables with the MQT:
Since the MQT may potentially produce more groups than the original query, the final resulting query
must group again and SUM the results to return the correct answer. Also the selection M.location=’NY’
must be part of the new query.
The tables specified in the query and the MQT are examined. If the MQT and the query specify the same
tables, then the MQT can potentially be used and matching continues. If the MQT references tables not
referenced in the query, then the unreferenced table is examined to determine if it is a parent table in
referential integrity constraint. If the foreign key is non-nullable and the two tables are joined using a
primary key or foreign key equal predicate, then the MQT can still be potentially used.
Example 3
68 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Create an MQT based on the query above:
AS (SELECT D.deptname, sum(E.salary) as sum_sal, e.workdept, e.empno
WHERE D.deptno=E.workdept
GROUP BY D.Deptname, e.workdept, e.empno)
All predicates specified in the MQT, must also be specified in the query. The query may contain
additional predicates. Predicates specified in the MQT must match exactly the predicates in the query.
Any additional predicates specified in the query, but not in the MQT must be able to be derived from
columns projected from the MQT. See previous example 1.
Example 4
Set the total salary for all departments that are located in ’NY’.
SELECT D.deptname, sum(E.salary)
WHERE D.deptno=E.workdept AND D.location = ?
GROUP BY D.Deptname
| In this example, the constant ’NY’ was replaced by a parameter marker and the MQT also had the local
| selection of location=’NY’ applied to it when the MQT was populated. The MQT matching algorithm
| matches the parameter marker and to the constant ’NY’ in the predicate D.Location=?. It verifies that the
| values of the parameter marker is the same as the constant in the MQT; therefore the MQT can be used.
| The MQT matching algorithm will also attempt to match where the predicates between the MQT and the
| query are not exactly the same. For example if the MQT has a predicate SALARY > 50000 and the query
| has the predicate SALARY > 70000, the MQT contains the rows necessary to run the query. The MQT will
| be used in the query, but the predicate SALARY > 70000 is left as selection in the query, so SALARY must
| be a column of the MQT.
Example 5
SELECT D.deptname, sum(E.salary)
WHERE D.deptno=E.workdept AND D.location = 'NY'
GROUP BY D.deptname
In this example, since D.Location is not a column of the MQT, the user query local selection predicate
Location=’NY’ cannot be determined, so the MQT cannot be used.
If the MQT contains grouping, then the query must be a grouping query. The simplest case is where the
MQT and the query specify the same list of grouping columns and column functions. In some cases if the
MQT specifies a list of group by columns that is a superset of query group by columns, the query can be
rewritten to do a step called regrouping. This will reaggreate the groups of the MQT, into the groups
required by the query. When regrouping is required, the column functions need to be recomputed. The
table below shows the supported regroup expressions.
70 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 24. Expression/aggregation rules for MQTs (continued)
Query MQT Final query
MIN(C1) C1 as group_C1 (where C1 is a MIN(group_c1)
grouping column)
MIN(C2) where C2 is from a table Not applicable MIN(C2)
not in the MQT
If the FETCH FIRST N ROWS clause is specified in the MQT, then a FETCH FIRST N ROWS clause must
also be specified in the query and the number of rows specified for the MQT must be greater than or
equal to the number of rows specified in the query. It is not recommended that a MQT contain the
The ORDER BY clause on the MQT can be used to order the data in the MQT if a REFRESH TABLE is
run. It is ignored during MQT matching and if the query contains an ORDER BY clause, it will be part of
the rewritten query.
Related reference
“MQT supported function” on page 64
Although a MQT can contain almost any query, the optimizer only supports a limited set of query
functions when matching MQTs to user specified queries. The user specified query and the MQT
query must both be supported by the SQE optimizer.
| To assist you in tuning your performance, this function now produces statistics on MQT usage in a query.
| To access this through the iSeries Navigator, navigate to: Database → Schemas → Tables. Right-click your
| table and select Show Materialized Query Tables.
| Note: You can also view the statistics through an application programming interface (API).
| In addition to all existing attributes of an MQT, two new fields have been added to the iSeries Navigator.
| The fields start and stop counting based on your situation, or the actions you are currently performing on
| your system. A save and restore procedure does not reset the statistics counter if the MQT is restored
| over an existing MQT. If an MQT is restored that does not exist on the server, the statistics are reset.
| Related information
MQT tables need to be optimized just like non-MQT tables. Indexes should be created over the MQT
columns that are used for selection, join and grouping as appropriate. Column statistics are collected for
MQT tables.
The database monitor shows the list of MQTs considered during optimization. This information is in the
3030 record. If MQT usage has been enabled through the QAQQINI file and a MQT exists over at least
one of the tables in the query, there will be a 3030 record for the query. Each MQT has a reason code
indicating that it was used or if it was not used, why it was not used.
| Recursive queries can be implemented by defining either a Recursive Common Table Expression (RCTE)
| or a Recursive View.
| There are additional restrictions as to what can be specified in the definition of a recursive query and
| those restrictions can be found in the SQL Programming. A key restriction is that query functions like
| grouping, aggregation or distinct that require a materialization of all the qualifying records before
| performing the function cannot be allowed within the iterative fullselect itself and must be requested in
| the main query, allowing the recursion to complete.
| The following is an example of a recursive query over a table called flights, that contains information
| about departure and arrival cities. The query returns all the flight destinations available by recursion
| from the two specified cities (New York and Chicago) and the number of connections and total cost to
| arrive at that final destination.
| Because this example uses the recursion process to also accumulate information like the running cost and
| number of connections, four values are actually put on the queue entry. These values are:
| v The originating departure city (either Chicago or New York) because it remains fixed from the start of
| the recursion
72 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v The arrival city which is used for subsequent joins
| v The incrementing connection count
| v The accumulating total cost to reach each destination
| Typically the data needed for the queue entry is less then the full record (sometimes much less) although
| that is not the case for this example.
| CREATE TABLE flights
| (
| departure CHAR (10) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT,
| flight_num CHAR (5) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT,
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost ) AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure,f.arrival, 0, ticket
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure = 'Chicago' OR
| f.departure = 'New York'
| r.departure, b.arrival, r.connects + 1,
| r.cost + b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival = b.departure
| )
| SELECT DISTINCT departure, arrival, connects, cost
| FROM destinations
| The following is the initialization fullselect of the above query. It seeds the rows that will start the
| recursion process. It provides the initial destinations (arrival cities) that are a direct flight from Chicago or
| New York.
| SELECT f.departure,f.arrival, 0, ticket
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure='Chicago' OR
| f.departure='New York'
| The following is the iterative fullselect of the above query. It contains a single reference in the FROM
| clause to the destinations recursive common table expression and will source further recursive joins to the
| same flights table. The arrival values of the parent row (initially direct flights from New York or Chicago)
| are joined with the departure value of the subsequent child rows. It is important to identify the correct
| parent/child relationship on the recursive join predicate or infinite recursion can occur. Other local
| predicates can also be used to limit the recursion. For example, if you want a limit of at most 3
| connecting flights, a local predicate using the accumulating connection count, r.connects<=3, can be
| specified.
| r.departure, b.arrival, r.connects + 1 ,
| r.cost + b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure
| The main query is the query that references the recursive common table expression or view. It is in the
| main query where requests like grouping, ordering and distinct will be specified.
| SELECT DISTINCT departure, arrival, connects, cost
| FROM destinations
| To implement a source for the recursion, a new temporary data object is provided called a queue. As
| rows meet the requirements of either the initialization fullselect or the iterative fullselect and are pulled
| up through the union all, values necessary to feed the continuing recursion process are captured and
| placed in an entry on the queue , an enqueue operation. At query runtime, the queue data source then
| takes the place of the recursive reference in the common table expression or view. The iterative fullselect
| processing ends when the queue is exhausted of entries or a fetch N rows limitation has been met.
| Because the recursive queue feeds the recursion process and holds transient data, the join between the
| dequeue of these queue entries and the rest of the fullselect tables will always be a constrained join, with
| the queue on the left.
74 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Multiple initialization and iterative fullselects
| The use of multiple initialization and iterative fullselects specified in the recursive query definition allows
| for a multitude of data sources and separate selection requirements to feed the recursion process.
| For example, the following query allows for final destinations accessible from Chicago by both flight and
| train travel..
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost ) AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure, f.arrival, 0 , ticket
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure='Chicago'
| SELECT t.departure, t.arrival, 0 , ticket
| FROM trains t
| WHERE t.departure='Chicago'
| r.departure,b.arrival, r.connects + 1 ,
| r.cost + b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure
| r.departure,b.arrival, r.connects+1 ,
| r.cost+b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, trains b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure)
| SELECT departure, arrival, connects,cost
| FROM destinations;
| As all rows coming out of the RCTE/View are part of the recursion process and need to be fed back in,
| when there are multiple fullselects referencing the common table expression, the query is rewritten by the
| optimizer to process all non-recursive initialization fullselect first and then using a single queue feed
| those same rows and all other row results equally to the remaining iterative fullselects. No matter how
| you order the initialization and iterative fullselects in the definition of the RCTE/view, the initialization
| fullselects will run first and the iterative fullselects will share equal access to the contents of the queue.
| Predicate Pushing
| When processing most queries with a non-recursive common table expressions or views, local predicates
| specified on the main query are pushed down so fewer records need to be materialized. Pushing local
| predicates from the main query in to the defined recursive part of the query (through the Union ALL),
| however, may considerably alter the process of recursion itself. So as a general rule, the Union All
| specified in a recursive query is currently a predicate fence and predicates are not pushed down or up,
| through this fence.
| The following is an example of how pushing a predicate in to the recursion limits the recursive results
| and alter the intent of the query.
| If the intent of the query is to find all destinations accessible from ’Chicago’ but do not include the final
| destinations of ’Dallas’, pushing the ″arrival<>’Dallas’″ predicate in to the recursive query alters the
| output of the intended results, preventing the output of final destinations that are not ’Dallas’ but where
| ’Dallas’ was an intermediate stop.
76 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost ) AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure,f.arrival, 0, ticket
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure='Chicago'
| r.departure, b.arrival, r.connects + 1 ,
| r.cost + b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure
| )
| SELECT departure, arrival, connects, cost
| FROM destinations
| WHERE arrival != 'Dallas'
| Conversely, the following is an example where a local predicate applied to all the recursive results is a
| good predicate to put in the body of the recursive definition because it may greatly decrease the amount
| of rows materialized from the RCTE/View. The better query request here is to specify the r.connects <=3
| local predicate with in the RCTE definition, in the iterative fullselect.
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost ) AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure,f.arrival, 0, ticket
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure='Chicago' OR
| f.departure='New York'
| r.departure, b.arrival, r.connects + 1 ,
| r.cost + b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure
| )
| SELECT departure, arrival, connects, cost
| FROM destinations
| WHERE r.connects<=3
| Placement of local predicates is key in recursive queries as they can incorrectly alter the recursive results
| if pushed in to a recursive definition or can cause unnecessary rows to be materialized and then rejected
| when a local predicate may legitimately help limit the recursion.
| Using a queuing (First In First Out) mechanism to keep track of the recursive join key values implies the
| results are retrieved in breadth first order. Breadth first means retrieving all the direct children of a parent
| row before retrieving any of the grandchildren of that same row. This is an implementation distinction,
| however, and not a guarantee. Applications may want to guarantee how the data is retrieved. Some
| applications may want to retrieve the hierarchical data in depth first order. Depth first means that all the
| descendents of each immediate child row are retrieved before the descendents of the next child are
| retrieved.
| The SQL architecture allows for the guaranteed specification of how the application retrieves the resulting
| data by the use of the SEARCH DEPTH FIRST or BREADTH FIRST keyword. When this option is
| specified along with naming the recursive join value, identifying a set sequence column and providing
| the sequence column in an outer ORDER BY clause, the results will be output in depth or breadth first
| order. Note this is ultimately a relationship sort and not a value based sort.
| If the ORDER BY clause is not specified in the main query, the sequencing option is ignored. To facilitate
| the correct sort there is additional information put on the queue entry during recursion. In the case of
| BREADTH FIRST, it is the recursion level number and the immediate ancestor join value, so sibling rows
| can be sorted together. A depth first search is a little more data intensive. In the case of DEPTH FIRST,
| the query engine needs to represent the entire ancestry of join values leading up to the current row and
| puts that information in a queue entry. Also, because these sort values are not coming from a external
| data source, the implementation for the sort will always be a temporary sorted list (no indexes possible).
| Do not use the SEARCH option if you do not have a requirement that your data be materialized in a
| depth or breadth first manner as there is additional CPU and memory overhead to manage the
| sequencing information.
| The SQL architecture allow for the optional checking for cyclic data and will discontinue the repeating
| cycles at that point. This additional checking is done by the use of the CYCLE option. The correct join
| recursion value must be specified on the CYCLE request and a cyclic indicator must be specified. Note
| that the cyclic indicator may be optionally output in the main query and can be used to help determine
| and correct errant cyclic data.
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost , itinerary) AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure, f.arrival, 1 , ticket, CAST(f.departure||f.arrival AS VARCHAR(2000))
| FROM flights f
| WHERE f.departure='New York'
| SELECT r.departure,b.arrival, r.connects+1 ,
| r.cost+b.ticket, cast(r.itinerary||b.arrival AS varchar(2000))
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival = b.departure)
| CYCLE arrival SET cyclic TO '1' DEFAULT '0' USING Cycle_Path
| SELECT departure, arrival, itinerary, cyclic
| FROM destinations
| When a cycle is determined to be repeating, the output of that cyclic sequence of rows is stopped. To
| check for a ’repeated’ value however, the query engine needs to represent the entire ancestry of the join
| values leading to up to the current row in order to look for the repeating join value. This ancestral
| history is information that is appended to with each recursive cycle and put in a field on the queue entry.
| To implement this, the query engine uses a compressed representation of the recursion values on the
78 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| ancestry chain so that the query engine can do a fixed length, quicker scan through the accumulating
| ancestry to determine if the value has been seen before. This compressed representation is determined by
| the use of a distinct node in the query tree.
| Do not use the CYCLE option unless you know your data is cyclic or you want to use it specifically to
| help find the cycles for correction or verification purposes. There is additional CPU and memory
| overhead to manage and check for repeating cycles before a given row is materialized.
| Recursive queries and parallelism however present some unique requirements. Because the initialization
| fullselect of a recursive query (the fullselect that seeds the initial values of the recursion), is likely to
| produce only a small fraction of the ultimate results that cycle through the recursion process, the query
| optimizer does not want each of the threads running in parallel to have a unique queue object that feeds
| The following Visual Explain diagram illustrates the plan for the following query run with CHGQRYA
| DEGREE(*NBRTASKS 4). It illustrates that the results of the multiple initialization fullselects are buffered up
| and that multiple threads (illustrated by the multiple arrow lines) are acting on the enqueue and dequeue
| request nodes. As with all SMP queries, the multiple threads (in this case 4) are putting their results in to
| a Temporary List object which become the output for the main query.
| cl:chgqrya degree(*nbrtasks 4);
| WITH destinations (departure, arrival, connects, cost )AS
| (
| SELECT f.departure, f.arrival, 0 , ticket
| FROM flights f WHERE f.departure='Chicago'
| SELECT t.departure, t.arrival, 0 , ticket
| FROM trains t WHERE t.departure='Chicago'
| r.departure,b.arrival, r.connects+1 ,
| r.cost+b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, flights b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure
| r.departure,b.arrival, r.connects+1 ,
| r.cost+b.ticket
| FROM destinations r, trains b
| WHERE r.arrival=b.departure)
| SELECT departure, arrival, connects,cost
| FROM destinations;
80 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
82 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
v Why a temporary result was required
v Whether joins and blocking are used
v What type of index was advised by the optimizer
v Status of the job’s queries
v Indexes used
v Status of the cursor
The optimizer automatically logs messages for all queries it optimizes, including SQL, call level interface,
ODBC, OPNQRYF, and SQL Query Manager.
STRDBG command puts a job into debug mode. It also specifies certain attributes of the debugging
session. For example, it can specify whether database files in production schemas can be updated while
in debug mode. For example, use the following command:
STRDBG PGM(Schema/program) UPDPROD(*YES)
STRDBG places in the job log information about all SQL statements that run.
You can also set the QRYOPTLIB parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command to a
user schema where the QAQQINI table exists. Set the parameter on the QAQQINI table to
MESSAGES_DEBUG, and set the value to *YES. This option places query optimization information in the
job log. Changes made to the QAQQINI table are effective immediately and will affect all users and
queries that use this table. Once you change the MESSAGES_DEBUG parameter, all queries that use this
QAQQINI table will write debug messages to their respective joblogs. Pressing F10 from the command
Entry panel displays the message text. To see the second-level text, press F1 (Help). The second-level text
sometimes offers hints for improving query performance.
To view debug messages in Run SQL Scripts, from the Options menu, select Include Debug Messages in
Job Log. Then from the View menu, select Job Log. To view detailed messages, double-click a message.
In Visual Explain, debug messages are always available. You do not need to turn them on or off. Debug
messages appear in the lower portion of the window. You can view detailed messages by double-clicking
on a message.
This output is similar to the information that you can get from debug messages. However, while query
debug messages work at runtime, PRTSQLINF works retroactively. You can also see this information in
the second level text of the query governor inquiry message CPA4259.
You can issue PRTSQLINF in a couple of ways. First, you can run the PRTSQLINF command against a
saved access plan. This means you must execute or at least prepare the query (using SQL’s PREPARE
statement) before you use the command. It is best to execute the query because the index created as a
result of PREPARE is relatively sparse and may well change after the first run. PRTSQLINF’s requirement
of a saved access plan means the command cannot be used with OPNQRYF.
You can also run PRTSQLINF against functions, stored procedures, triggers, SQL packages, and programs
from iSeries Navigator. This function is called Explain SQL. To view PRTSQLINF information, right-click
an object and select Explain SQL.
Related information
Print SQL Information (PRTSQLINF) command
| This Plan Cache interface provides a window into the database query operations on the system. The
| interface to the Plan Cache resides under the iSeries Navigator → system name → Database.
84 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Clicking the SQL Plan Cache folder shows a list of any snapshots gathered so far. A snapshot is a
| database monitor file generated from the plan cache and can be treated very much the same as the SQL
| Performance Monitors list. The same analysis capability exists for snapshots as exists for traditional SQL
| performance monitors.
| By right-clicking the SQL Plan Cache icon, a series of options are shown which allow different views of
| current plan cache of the database. The SQL Plan Cache → Show Statements option brings up a screen
| with filtering capability. This screen provides a direct view of the current plan cache on the system.
| Note that the retrieve action needs to be performed (pushed) to fill the display. The information shown
| shows the SQL query text, the last time the query was run, the most expensive single instance run of the
| query, total processing time consumed by the query, total number of times the query has been run and
| information about the user and job that first created the plan entry. It also shows how many times (if
| any) that the database engine was able to reuse the results of a prior run of the query to avoid rerunning
| the entire query.
| The screen also provides filtering options which allow the user to more quickly isolate specific criteria of
| interest. No filters are required to be specified (the default), though adding filtering will shorten the time
| it takes to show the results. The list of queries that is returned is ordered by default so that those
| consuming the most processing time are shown at the top. You can reorder the results by clicking on the
| column heading for which you want the list ordered. Repeated clicking toggles the order from ascending
| to descending. When an individual entry is chosen, more detailed information about that entry can be
| seen. Show Longest Runs shows details of up to ten of the longest running instances of that query. Run
| Visual Explain can also be performed against the chosen query to show the details of the query plan.
| Finally, if one or more entries are highlighted, a snapshot (database performance monitor file) for those
| selected entries can be generated.
| The information presented can be used in multiple ways to help with performance tuning. For example,
| Visual Explain of key queries can be utilized to show advice for creating an index to improve those
| queries. Alternatively, the longest running information can be used to determine if the query is being run
| during a heavy utilization period and can potentially be rescheduled to a more opportune time.
86 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| One item to note is that the user and job name information given for each entry is the user and job that
| initially caused the creation of the cached entry (the user where full optimization took place). This is not
| necessarily the same as the last user to run that query.
| Note: Current SQL for a job (right-click the Database icon) is an alternative for the viewing a
| particular job’s active query.
| Queries with index advised
| Limits the list to those queries where an index was advised by the optimizer to improve
| performance.
| Queries with statistics advised
| Limits the list to those queries where a statistic not yet gathered might have been useful to the
| optimizer if it was collected. The optimizer automatically gathers these statistics in the
| background, so this option is normally not that interesting unless, for whatever reason, you want
| to control the statistics gathering yourself.
| Include queries initiated by the operating system
| includes into the list the ’hidden’ queries initiated by the database itself behind the scenes to
| process a request. By default the list only includes user initiated queries.
| Queries that use or reference these objects
| Provides a way to limit the entries to those that referenced or use the table(s) or index(s)
| specified.
| SQL statement contains
| Provides a wildcard search capability on the SQL text itself. It is useful for finding particular
| types of queries. For example, queries with a FETCH FIRST clause can be found by specifying
| ‘fetch’. The search is case insensitive for ease of use. For example, the string ’FETCH’ will find
| the same entries as the search string ’fetch’.
| Multiple filter options can be specified. Note that in a multi-filter case, the candidate entries for each
| filter are computed independently and only those entries that are present in all the candidate lists are
| shown. So, for example, if you specified options Top ’n’ most frequently run queries and Queries ever
| The SQL Plan Cache → Properties option shows high level information about the cache, including for
| example, cache size, number of plans, number of full open and pseudo opens that have occurred.
| This information can be used to view overall database activity. If tracked over time, it provides trends to
| help you better understand the database utilization peaks and valleys throughout the day and week.
| The New → Snapshot option allows for the creation of a snapshot from the plan cache. Unlike the
| snapshot option under Show Statements, it allows you to create a snapshot without having to first view
| the queries.
88 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| The same filtering options are provided here as on the Show Statements screen.
| Note that the plan cache is an actively changing cache. Therefore, it is important to realize that it contains
| timely information. If information over long periods of time is of interest, consider implementing a
| method of performing periodic snapshots of the plan cache to capture trends and heavy usage periods.
| The APIs described above, used in conjunction with job scheduling (for example), can be used to
| programmatically perform periodic snapshots.
| Related concepts
| “Plan Cache” on page 6
| The Plan Cache is a repository that contains the access plans for queries that were optimized by SQE.
The Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) can constrain server resources when collecting performance
information. This overhead is mainly attributed to the fact that performance information is written
directly to a database table as the information is collected. The memory-based collection mode reduces
the server resources consumed by collecting and managing performance results in memory. This allows
the monitor to gather database performance statistics with a minimal impact to the performance of the
server as whole (or to the performance of individual SQL statements).
The monitor collects much of the same information as the STRDBMON monitor, but the performance
statistics are kept in memory. At the expense of some detail, information is summarized for identical SQL
statements to reduce the amount of information collected. The objective is to get the statistics to memory
as fast as possible while deferring any manipulation or conversion of the data until the performance data
is dumped to a result table for analysis.
The memory-based monitor is not meant to replace the STRDBMON monitor. There are circumstances
where the loss of detail in the monitor will not be sufficient to fully analyze an SQL statement. In these
cases, the STRDBMON monitor should still be used.
The memory-based monitor manages the data in memory, combining and accumulating the information
into a series of row formats. This means that for each unique SQL statement, information is accumulated
from each run of the statement and the detail information is only collected for the most expensive
statement execution.
For pure dynamic statements, the statement text is kept in a separate space and the statement
identification will be handled internally via a pointer.
90 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
While this system avoids the significant overhead of writing each SQL operation to a table, keeping
statistics in memory comes at the expense of some detail. Your objective should be to get the statistics to
memory as fast as possible, then reserve time for data manipulation or data conversion later when you
dump data to a table.
The memory-based monitor manages the data that is in memory by combining and accumulating the
information into the new row formats. Therefore, for each unique SQL statement, information
accumulates from each running of the statement, and the server only collects detail information for the
most expensive statement execution.
Each SQL statement is identified by the monitor by the statement name, the package (or program) and
schema that contains the prepared statement and the cursor name that is used. For pure dynamic
v Statement text is kept in a separate space and
v Statement identification is handled internally via a pointer.
A set of APIs enable support for the memory-based monitor. An API supports each of the following
v Start the new monitor
v Dump statistics to tables
v Clear the monitor data from memory
v Query the monitor status
v End the new monitor
When you start the new monitor, information is stored in the local address space of each job that the
system monitors. As each statement completes, the system moves information from the local job space to
a common system space. If more statements are executed than can fit in this amount of common system
space, the system drops the statements that have not been executed recently.
Related information
Start SQL Database Monitor (QQQSSDBM) API
Dump SQL Database Monitor (QQQDSDBM) API
Clear SQL Database Monitor Statistics (QQQCSDBM) API
Query SQL Database Monitor (QQQQSDBM) API
End SQL Database Monitor (QQQESDBM) API
If you are using iSeries Navigator with the support for the SQL Monitor, you have the ability to analyze
the results direct through the graphical user interface. There are a number of shipped queries that can be
used or modified to extract the information from any of the tables. For a list of these queries, go to
Common queries on analysis of DB Performance Monitor data the DB2 UDB for iSeries website .
This join key column does not replace all of the detail columns that are still required to identify the
specific information about the individual steps of a query. The Query Definition Template (QDT) Number
or the Subselect Number identifies information about each detailed step. Use these columns to identify
which rows belong to each step of the query process:
v QQQDTN - Query Definition Template Number
v QQQDTL - Query Definition Template Subselect Number (Subquery)
v QQMATN - Materialized Query Definition Template Number (View)
v QQMATL - Materialized Query Definition Template Subselect Number (View w/ Subquery)
v QQMATULVL - Materialized Query Definition Template Union Number (View w/Union)
Use these columns when the monitored query contains a subquery, union, or a view operation. All query
types can generate multiple QDT’s to satisfy the original query request. The server uses these columns to
separate the information for each QDT while still allowing each QDT to be identified as belonging to this
original query (QQKEY).
92 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Using iSeries Navigator with summary monitors
| You can work with summary monitors from the iSeries Navigator interface. A summary monitor creates a
| Memory-Resident Database monitor (DBMon), found on the native interface.
| As the name implies, this monitor resides in memory and only retains a summary of the data collected.
| When the monitor is paused or ended, this data is written to a hard disk and can be analyzed. Because
| the monitor stores its information in memory, the performance impact to your system is minimized.
| However, you do lose some of the detail.
| You can start this monitor by right-clicking SQL Performance Monitors under the Database portion of the
| iSeries Navigator tree and selecting New → SQL Performance Monitor. In the monitor wizard, select
| Summary.
| When you create a summary monitor, certain kinds of information are always collected. This information
| includes summary information, SQL statement information, and host variable information. You can also
| choose to collect the following types of information:
| Table scans and arrival sequences
| Select to include information about table scan data for the monitored jobs. Table scans of large
| tables can be time-consuming. If the SQL statement is long running, it may indicate that an index
| might be necessary to improve performance.
| Indexes used
| Select to include information about how indexes are used by monitored jobs. This information
| can be used to quickly tell if any of the permanent indexes were used to improve the
| performance of a query. Permanent indexes are typically necessary to achieve optimal query
| performance. This information can be used to determine how often a permanent index was used
| by in the statements that were monitored. Indexes that are never (or very rarely) used should
| probably be dropped to improve the performance of inserts updates and deletes to a table. Before
| dropping the index, you may want to determine if the index is being used by the query optimizer
| as a source of statistics.
| Index creation
| Select to include information about the creation of indexes by monitored jobs. Temporary indexes
| may need to be created for several reasons such as to perform a join, to support scrollable
| cursors, to implement ORDER BY or GROUP BY, and so on. The created indexes may only
| contain keys for rows that satisfy the query (such indexes are known as sparse indexes). In many
| cases, the index create may be perfectly normal and the most efficient way to perform the query.
| However, if the number of rows is large, or if the same index is repeatedly created, you may be
| able to create a permanent index to improve performance of this query. This may be true whether
| an index was advised.
| Data sorts
| Select to include information about data sorts that monitored jobs perform. Sorts of large result
| sets in an SQL statement may be a time consuming operation. In some cases, an index can be
| created that will eliminate the need for a sort.
| Temporary file use
| Select to include information about temporary files that monitored jobs created. Temporary
| results are sometimes necessary based on the SQL statement. If the result set inserted into a
| temporary result is large, you may want to investigate why the temporary result is necessary. In
| some cases, the SQL statement can be modified to eliminate the need for the temporary result.
| For example, if a cursor has an attribute of INSENSITIVE, a temporary result will be created.
| Eliminating the keyword INSENSITIVE will typically remove the need for the temporary result,
| but your application will then see changes as they are occur in the database tables.
| You can choose which jobs you want to monitor or choose to monitor all jobs. You can have multiple
| instances of monitors running on you system at one time. For summary monitors, only one monitor
| instance can be monitoring all jobs. Additionally, you cannot have two monitors monitoring the same job.
| When collecting information for all jobs, the monitor will collect on previously started jobs or new jobs
| started after the monitor is created. You can edit this list by selecting and removing jobs from the
| Selected jobs list.
| Related reference
| “Determining unnecessary indexes” on page 151
| You can easily determine which indexes are being used for query optimization.
| You can analyze information in a summary monitory by right-clicking the summary monitor in the right
| pane and selecting Analyze. A summary monitor must be ended or paused in order to analyze the data.
| The following is an overview of the information that you can obtain from the predefined reports.
| General Summary
| Contains information that summarizes all SQL activity. This information provides the user with a
| high level indication of the nature of the SQL statements used. For example, how much SQL is
| used in the application? Are the SQL statements mainly short-running or long running? Is the
| number of results returned small or large?
| Job Summary
| Contains a row of information for each job. Each row summarizes all SQL activity for that job.
| This information can be used to tell which jobs on the system are the heaviest users of SQL, and
| hence which ones are perhaps candidates for performance tuning. The user may then want to
| start a separate detailed performance monitor on an individual job to get more detailed
| information without having to monitor the entire system.
| Operation Summary
| Contains a row of summary information for each type of SQL operation. Each row summarizes
| all SQL activity for that type of SQL operation. This information provides the user with a high
| level indication of the type of SQL statements used. For example, are the applications mainly
| read-only, or is there a large amount of update, delete, or insert activity. This information can
| then be used to try specific performance tuning techniques. For example, if a large amount of
| INSERT activity is occurring, perhaps using an OVRDBF command to increase the blocking factor
| or perhaps use of the QDBENCWT API is appropriate.
| Program Summary
| Contains a row of information for each program that performed SQL operations. Each row
| summarizes all SQL activity for that program. This information can be used to identify which
| programs use the most or most expensive SQL statements. Those programs are then potential
| candidates for performance tuning. Note that a program name is only available if the SQL
| statements are embedded inside a compiled program. SQL statements that are issued through
| ODBC, JDBC, or OLE DB have a blank program name unless they result from a procedure,
| function, or trigger.
94 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Additionally, you can select more Detailed Results:
| Basic statement information
| This information provides the user with basic information about each SQL statement. The most
| expensive SQL statements are presented first in the list so at a glance the user can see which
| statements (if any) were long running.
| Access plan rebuild information
| Contains a row of information for each SQL statement that required the access plan to be rebuilt.
| Reoptimization will occasionally be necessary for one of several reasons such as a new index
| being created or dropped, the apply of a PTF, and so on. However, excessive access plan rebuilds
| may indicate a problem.
| Optimizer information
| Contains a row of optimization information for each subselect in an SQL statement. This
| information provides the user with basic optimizer information about those SQL statements that
| involve data manipulation (Selects, opens, updates, and so on) The most expensive SQL
| statements are presented first in the list.
| Index create information
| Contains a row of information for each SQL statement that required an index to be created.
| Temporary indexes may need to be created for several reasons such as to perform a join, to
| support scrollable cursors, to implement ORDER BY or GROUP BY, and so on. The created
| indexes may only contain keys for rows that satisfy the query (such indexes are known as sparse
| indexes). In many cases, the index create may be perfectly normal and the most efficient way to
| perform the query. However, if the number of rows is large, or if the same index is repeatedly
| created, you may be able to create a permanent index to improve performance of this query. This
| may be true whether an index was advised.
| Index used information
| Contains a row of information for each permanent index that an SQL statement used. This can be
| used to quickly tell if any of the permanent indexes were used to improve the performance of a
| query. Permanent indexes are typically necessary to achieve optimal query performance. This
| information can be used to determine how often a permanent index was used by in the
| statements that were monitored. Indexes that are never (or very rarely) used should probably be
| dropped to improve the performance of inserts updates and deletes to a table. Before dropping
| the index you may also want to look at the last used date in the Description information for the
| index.
| Open information
| Contains a row of information for each open activity for each SQL statement. The first time (or
| times) a open occurs for a specific statement in a job is a full open. A full open creates an Open
| Data Path (ODP) that will be then be used to fetch, update, delete, or insert rows. Since there will
| typically be many fetch, update, delete, or insert operations for an ODP, as much processing of
| the SQL statement as possible is done during the ODP creation so that same processing does not
| need to be done on each subsequent I/O operation. An ODP may be cached at close time so that
| if the SQL statement is run again during the job, the ODP will be reused. Such an open is called a
| pseudo open and is much less expensive than a full open. You can control the number of ODPs
| that are cached in the job and then number of times the same ODP for a statement should be
| created before caching it.
| Table scan
| Contains a row of information for each subselect that required records to be processed in arrival
| sequence order. Table scans of large tables can be time-consuming. If the SQL statement is long
| running, it may indicate that an index might be necessary to improve performance.
| Sort information
| Contains a row of information for each sort that an SQL statement performed. Sorts of large
| result sets in an SQL statement may be a time consuming operation. In some cases, an index can
| be created that will eliminate the need for a sort.
| Importing a monitor
| You can import monitor data that has been collected using Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)
| command or some other interface by using iSeries Navigator.
| To import monitor data, right-click SQL Performance monitors and select Import. Once you have
| imported a monitor, you can analyze the data.
96 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Monitoring your queries using Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)
| Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command gathers information about a query in real time and
| stores this information in an output table. This information can help you determine whether your system
| and your queries are performing as they should, or whether they need fine tuning. Database monitors
| can generate significant CPU and disk storage overhead when in use.
| You can gather performance information for a specific query, for every query on the server, or for a group
| of queries on the server. When a job is monitored by multiple monitors, each monitor is logging rows to
| a different output table. You can identify rows in the output database table by each row’s unique
| identification number.
| The database monitor provides the same information that is provided with the query optimizer debug
| messages (Start Debug (STRDBG)) and the Print SQL information (PRTSQLINF) command. The following
| is a sampling of the additional information that will be gathered by the database monitors:
| v System and job name
| v SQL statement and sub-select number
| v Start and end timestamp
| v Estimated processing time
| v Total rows in table queried
| v Number of rows selected
| v Estimated number of rows selected
| v Estimated number of joined rows
| v Key columns for advised index
| v Total optimization time
| v Join type and method
| v ODP implementation
| You can use these performance statistics to generate various reports. For instance, you can include reports
| that show queries that:
| v Use an abundance of the server resources.
| v Take an extremely long time to execute.
| v Did not run because of the query governor time limit.
| v Create a temporary index during execution
| v Use the query sort during execution
| v Might perform faster with the creation of a keyed logical file containing keys suggested by the query
| optimizer.
| Note: A query that is canceled by an end request generally does not generate a full set of performance
| statistics. However, it does contain all the information about how a query was optimized, with the
| exception of runtime or multi-step query information.
| Related information
| Start Debug (STRDBG) command
| Print SQL Information (PRTSQLINF) command
| Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command
| For each monitor started using the STRDBMON command, the system generates a monitor ID that can be
| used to uniquely identify each individual monitor. The monitor ID can be used on the ENDDBMON
| command to uniquely identify which monitor is to be ended. The monitor ID is returned in the
| informational message CPI436A which is generated for each occurrence of the STRDBMON command.
| The monitor ID can also be found in column QQC101 of the QQQ3018 database monitor record.
| Informally there are two types of monitors. A private monitor is a monitor over one, specific job (or the
| current job). Only one (1) monitor can be started on a specific job at a time. For example, STRDBMON
| JOB(*) followed by another STRDBMON JOB(*) within the same job is not allowed. A public monitor is a
| monitor which collects data across multiple jobs. There can be a maximum of ten (10) public monitors
| active at any one time. For example, STRDBMON JOB(*ALL) followed by another STRDBMON
| JOB(*ALL) is allowed providing the maximum number of public monitors does not exceed 10. You may
| have 10 public monitors and 1 private monitor active at the same time for any specific job.
| If multiple monitors specify the same output file, only one copy of the database statistic records will be
| written to the specified output file for each job. For example, STRDBMON OUTFILE(LIB/TABLE1) JOB(*)
| and STRDBMON OUTFILE(LIB/TABLE1) JOB(*ALL) target the same output file. For the current job, you
| will not get two copies of the database statistic records, one copy for the private monitor and one copy
| for the public monitor. You will get only one copy of the database statistic records.
| If the monitor is started on all jobs (a public monitor), any jobs waiting on job queues or any jobs started
| during the monitoring period are included in the monitor data. If the monitor is started on a specific job
| (a private monitor) that job must be active in the server when the command is issued. Each job in the
| server can be monitored concurrently by one private monitor and a maximum of 10 public monitors.
| The STRDBMON command allows you to collect statistic records for a specific set or subset of the queries
| running on any job. This filtering can be performed over the job name, the user profile, the name of the
| table(s) being queried, the estimated run time of the query, the TCP/IP internet address, or any
| combination of those filters. Specifying a STRDBMON filter should help minimize the number of statistic
| records captured for any monitor.
| This command starts database monitoring for all jobs on the system. The performance statistics are added
| to the member named MEMBER1 in the file named FILE1 in the QGPL library. Ten records will be held
| before being written to the file.
| This command starts database monitoring for job number 134543. The job name is DSP01 and was started
| by the user named QPGMR. The performance statistics are added to the member named MEMBER2 in
| the file named FILE3. Twenty records will be held before being written to the file.
98 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Example 3: Starting Database Monitoring For a Specific Job to a File in a Library in an
| Independent ASP
| This command starts database monitoring for job number 134543. The job name is DSP01 and was started
| by the user named QPGMR. The performance statistics are added to the member name DBMONFILE
| (since OUTMBR was not specified) in the file named DBMONFILE in the library named LIB41. This
| library may exist in more than one independent auxiliary storage pool (ASP); the library in the name
| space of the originator’s job will always be used.
| Example 4: Starting Database Monitoring For All Jobs That Begin With ’QZDA’
| This command starts database monitoring for all jobs whose job name begins with ’QZDA’. The
| performance statistics (monitor records) are added to member DBMONFILE (since OUTMBR was not
| specified) in file DBMONFILE in library LIB41. This library may exist in more than one independent
| auxiliary storage pool (ASP); the library in the name space of the originator’s job will always be used.
| Note that because this is a public type monitor, so any QZDA jobs that are started will also have statistics
| records collected.
| Example 5: Starting Database Monitoring For All Jobs and Filtering SQL Statements That
| Run Over 10 Seconds
| This command starts database monitoring for all jobs. Monitor records are created only for those SQL
| statements whose estimated run time meets or exceeds 10 seconds.
| Example 6: Starting Database Monitoring For the Current® Job and Filtering Over a
| Specific File
| This command starts database monitoring for the current job. Monitor records are created only for those
| SQL statements that use file TABLE1 in Library LIB41.
| Example 7: Starting Database Monitoring For the Current Job and the Current User
| This command starts database monitoring for the current job. Monitor records are created only for those
| SQL statements that are executed by the current user.
| Example 8: Starting Database Monitoring For Jobs Beginning With ’QZDA’ and Filtering
| Over Run Time and File
| This command starts database monitoring for all jobs whose job name begins with ’QZDA’. Monitor
| records are created only for those SQL statements that meet all of the following conditions:
| v The estimated run time, as calculated by the query optimizer, meets or exceeds 10 seconds
| v Was executed by user ’DEVLPR1’.
| v Uses any file whose name begins with ’TTT’ and resides in library LIB41.
| Related information
| Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command
| To end a monitor, you can specify the job or the monitor ID or both. If only the JOB parameter is
| specified, the monitor that was started using the same exact JOB parameter is ended - if there is only one
| monitor which matches the specified JOB. If more than one monitor is active which matches the specified
| JOB, then the user uniquely identifies which monitor is to be ended by use of the MONID parameter.
| When only the MONID parameter is specified, the specified MONID is compared to the monitor ID of
| the monitor for the current job and to the monitor ID of all active public monitors (monitors that are
| open across multiple jobs). The monitor matching the specified MONID is ended.
| The monitor ID is returned in the informational message CPI436A. This message is generated for each
| occurrence of the STRDBMON command. Look in the joblog for message CPI436A to find the system
| generated monitor ID, if needed. The monitor ID can also be found in column QQC101 of the QQQ3018
| database monitor record.
| Restrictions
| v If a specific job name and number or JOB(*) was specified on the Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)
| command, the monitor can only be ended by specifying the same job name and number or JOB(*) on
| the ENDDBMON command.
| v If JOB(*ALL) was specified on the Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command, the monitor can
| only be ended by specifying ENDDBMON JOB(*ALL). The monitor cannot be ended by specifying
| When monitoring is ended for all jobs, all of the jobs on the server will be triggered to close the database
| monitor output table. However, the ENDDBMON command can complete before all of the monitored
| jobs have written their final statistic records to the log. Use the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK)
| command to determine that all of the monitored jobs no longer hold locks on the database monitor
| output table before assuming the monitoring is complete.
| This command ends the monitor open across all jobs on the system. If more than one monitor with
| JOB(*ALL) is active, then the MONID parameter must also be specified to uniquely identify which
| specific public monitor to end.
| Example 3: End Monitoring for an Individual Public Monitor with MONID Parameter
| This command ends the monitor that was started with JOB(*ALL) and that has a monitor ID of
| 061601001. Because there were multiple monitors started with JOB(*ALL), the monitor ID must be
| specified to uniquely identify which monitor that was started with JOB(*ALL) is to be ended.
| Example 4: End Monitoring for an Individual Public Monitor with MONID Parameter
| ENDDBMON MONID(061601001)
100 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| This command performs the same function as the previous example. It ends the monitor that was started
| with JOB(*ALL) or JOB(*) and that has a monitor ID of 061601001.
| This command ends all monitors that are active across multiple jobs. It will not end any monitors open
| for a specific job or the current job.
| This command ends the monitor that was started with JOB(QZDA*). If more than one monitor with
| JOB(QZDA*) is active, then the MONID parameter must also be specified to uniquely identify which
| individual monitor to end.
| This command ends the monitor that was started with JOB(QZDA*) and has a monitor ID of 061601001.
| Because there were multiple monitors started with JOB(QZDA*), the monitor ID must be specified to
| uniquely identify which JOB(QZDA*) monitor is to be ended.
| This command ends all monitors that were started with JOB(QZDA*).
| Related information
| End Database Monitor (ENDDBMON) command
| The Database monitor formats section also identifies which physical columns are used for each view and
| what information it contains. You can use the views to identify the information that can be extracted from
| the monitor. These rows are defined in several different views which are not shipped with the server and
| must be created by the user, if wanted. The views can be created with the SQL DDL. The column
| descriptions are explained in the tables following each figure.
| Suppose you have an application program with SQL statements and you want to analyze and
| performance tune these queries. The first step in analyzing the performance is collection of data. The
| following examples show how you might collect and analyze data using Start Database Monitor
| (STRDBMON) and End Database Monitor (ENDDBMON) commands. Performance data is collected in
| LIB/PERFDATA for an application running in your current job. The following sequence collects
| performance data and prepares to analyze it.
| 1. STRDBMON FILE(LIB/PERFDATA) TYPE(*DETAIL). If this table does not already exist, the
| command will create one from the skeleton table in QSYS/QAQQDBMN.
| You are now ready to analyze the data. The following examples give you a few ideas on how to use this
| data. You should closely study the physical and logical view formats to understand all the data being
| collected so you can create queries that give the best information for your applications.
| Related information
| Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command
| End Database Monitor (ENDDBMON) command
| Determine which queries in your SQL application are implemented with table scans. The complete
| information can be obtained by joining two views: QQQ1000, which contains information about the SQL
| statements, and QQQ3000, which contains data about queries performing table scans.
| Sample output of this query is shown in the table below. Key to this example are the join criteria:
| WHERE A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column
| AND A.Join_Column = C.Join_Column
| A lot of data about many queries is contained in multiple rows in table LIB/PERFDATA. It is not
| uncommon for data about a single query to be contained in 10 or more rows within the table. The
| combination of defining the logical views and then joining the views together allows you to piece
| together all the data for a query or set of queries. Column QQJFLD uniquely identifies all queries within
| a job; column QQUCNT is unique at the query level. The combination of the two, when referenced in the
| context of the logical views, connects the query implementation to the query statement information.
| Table 27. Output for SQL Queries that Performed Table Scans
| Table Total Index Rows TOT_
| Lib Name Name Rows Advised Returned TIME Statement Text
| LIB1 TBL1 20000 Y 10 6.2 SELECT * FROM LIB1/TBL1
| WHERE FLD1 = 'A'
| LIB1 TBL2 100 N 100 0.9 SELECT * FROM LIB1/TBL2
| LIB1 TBL1 20000 Y 32 7.1 SELECT * FROM LIB1/TBL1
| FLD2 > 9000
| If the query does not use SQL, the SQL information row (QQQ1000) is not created. This makes it more
| difficult to determine which rows in LIB/PERFDATA pertain to which query. When using SQL, row
| QQQ1000 contains the actual SQL statement text that matches the monitor rows to the corresponding
102 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| query. Only through SQL is the statement text captured. For queries executed using the OPNQRYF
| command, the OPNID parameter is captured and can be used to tie the rows to the query. The OPNID is
| contained in column Open_Id of row QQQ3014.
| Similar to the preceding example that showed which SQL applications were implemented with table
| scans, the following example shows all queries that are implemented with table scans.
| SELECT A.System_Table_Schema, A.System_Table_Name,
| A.Table_Total_Rows, A.Index_Advised,
| B.Open_Id, B.Open_Time,
| C.Clock_Time_to_Return_All_Rows, C.Number_Rows_Returned, D.Result_Rows,
| (D.End_Timestamp - D.Start_Timestamp) AS TOT_TIME,
| D.Statement_Text_Long
| ON (A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count)
| ON (A.Join_Column = C.Join_Column AND A.Unique_Count = C.Unique_Count)
| ON (A.Join_Column = D.Join_Column AND A.Unique_Count = D.Unique_Count)
| In this example, the output for all queries that performed table scans are shown in the table below.
| Note: The columns selected from table QQQ1000 do return NULL default values if the query was not
| executed using SQL. For this example assume the default value for character data is blanks and the
| default value for numeric data is an asterisk (*).
| Table 28. Output for All Queries that Performed Table Scans
| Lib Table Total Index Query Open Clock Recs Rows TOT_
| Name Name Rows Advised OPNID Time Time Rtned Rtned TIME Statement Text
| LIB1 TBL1 20000 Y 1.1 4.7 10 10 6.2 SELECT *
| WHERE FLD1 = 'A'
| LIB1 TBL2 100 N 0.1 0.7 100 100 0.9 SELECT *
| LIB1 TBL1 20000 Y 2.6 4.4 32 32 7.1 SELECT *
| WHERE FLD1 = 'A'
| AND FLD2 > 9000
| LIB1 TBL4 4000 N QRY04 1.2 4.2 724 * * *
| If the SQL statement text is not needed, joining to table QQQ1000 is not necessary. You can determine the
| total time and rows selected from data in the QQQ3014 and QQQ3019 rows.
| Your next step may include further analysis of the table scan data. The previous examples contained a
| column titled Index Advised. A ’Y’ (yes) in this column is a hint from the query optimizer that the query
| may perform better with an index to access the data. For the queries where an index is advised, notice
| that the rows selected by the query are low in comparison to the total number of rows in the table. This
| is another indication that a table scan may not be optimal. Finally, a long execution time may highlight
| queries that may be improved by performance tuning.
| The next logical step is to look into the index advised optimizer hint. The following query can be used
| for this:
| There are two slight modifications from the first example. First, the selected columns have been changed.
| Most important is the selection of column Index_Advised_Columns that contains a list of possible key
| columns to use when creating the index suggested by the query optimizer. Second, the query selection
| limits the output to those table scan queries where the optimizer advises that an index be created
| (A.Index_Advised = ’Y’). The table below shows what the results might look like.
| Table 29. Output with Recommended Key Columns
| Advised Advised
| Table Index Key Primary Query
| Lib Name Name Advised columns Key OPNID Statement Text
| WHERE FLD1 = 'A'
| FLD2 > 9000
| LIB1 TBL4 Y FLD1, 1 QRY04
| FLD4
| At this point you should determine whether it makes sense to create a permanent index as advised by
| the optimizer. In this example, creating one index over LIB1/TBL1 satisfies all three queries since each
| use a primary or left-most key column of FLD1. By creating one index over LIB1/TBL1 with key columns
| FLD1, FLD2, there is potential to improve the performance of the second query even more. The frequency
| these queries are run and the overhead of maintaining an additional index over the table should be
| considered when deciding whether to create the suggested index.
| If you create a permanent index over FLD1, FLD2 the next sequence of steps is as follows:
| 1. Start the performance monitor again
| 2. Re-run the application
| 3. End the performance monitor
| 4. Re-evaluate the data.
| It is likely that the three index-advised queries are no longer performing table scans.
| The following are additional ideas or examples on how to extract information from the performance
| monitor statistics. All of the examples assume data has been collected in LIB/PERFDATA and the
| documented views have been created.
| 1. How many queries are performing dynamic replans?
| WHERE Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code <> 'NA'
| 2. What is the statement text and the reason for the dynamic replans?
104 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| SELECT Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code, Statement_Text_Long
| WHERE Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code <> 'NA'
| Note: You need to refer to the description of column Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code for definitions
| of the dynamic replan reason codes.
| 3. How many indexes have been created over LIB1/TBL1?
| WHERE System_Table_Schema = 'LIB1'
| AND System_Table_Name = 'TBL1'
| 4. What key columns are used for all indexes created over LIB1/TBL1 and what is the associated SQL
| statement text?
| SELECT A.System_Table_Schema, A.System_Table_Name,
| A.Index_Advised_Columns, B.Statement_Text_Long
| WHERE A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column
| AND A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count
| AND A.System_Table_Schema = 'LIB1'
| AND A.System_Table_Name = 'TBL1'
| Note: This query shows key columns only from queries executed using SQL.
| 5. What key columns are used for all indexes created over LIB1/TBL1 and what was the associated
| SQL statement text or query open ID?
| SELECT A.System_Table_Schema, A.System_Table_Name, A.Index_Advised_Columns,
| B.Open_Id, C.Statement_Text_Long
| ON (A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count)
| ON (A.Join_Column = C.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = C.Unique_Count)
| WHERE A.System_Table_Schema LIKE '%'
| AND A.System_Table_Name = '%'
| Note: This query shows key columns from all queries on the server.
| 6. What types of SQL statements are being performed? Which are performed most frequently?
| SELECT CASE Statement_Function
| WHEN 'O' THEN 'Other'
| WHEN 'S' THEN 'Select'
| WHEN 'I' THEN 'Insert'
| WHEN 'U' THEN 'Update'
| ELSE 'Unknown'
| GROUP BY Statement_Function
| 7. Which SQL queries are the most time consuming? Which user is running these queries?
| SELECT (End_Timestamp - Start_Timestamp), Job_User,
| Current_User_Profile, Statement_Text_Long
| 8. Which queries are the most time consuming?
| SELECT (A.Open_Time + B.Clock_Time_to_Return_All_Rows),
| A.Open_Id, C.Statement_Text_Long
| ON (A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count)
| Note: This example assumes detail data was collected (STRDBMON TYPE(*DETAIL)).
| 9. Show the data for all SQL queries with the data for each SQL query logically grouped together.
| WHERE A.QQJFLD = B.Join_Column
| AND A.QQUCNT = B.Unique_Count
| Note: This might be used within a report that will format the interesting data into a more readable
| format. For example, all reason code columns can be expanded by the report to print the
| definition of the reason code (that is, physical column QQRCOD = ’T1’ means a table scan
| was performed because no indexes exist over the queried table).
| 10. How many queries are being implemented with temporary tables because a key length of greater
| than 2000 bytes or more than 120 key columns was specified for ordering?
| WHERE Reason_Code = 'F6'
| 11. Which SQL queries were implemented with nonreusable ODPs?
| SELECT B.Statement_Text_Long
| WHERE A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column
| AND A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count
| AND A.ODP_Implementation = 'N';
| 12. What is the estimated time for all queries stopped by the query governor?
| SELECT Estimated_Processing_Time, Open_Id
| WHERE Stopped_By_Query_Governor = 'Y'
| Note: This example assumes detail data was collected (STRDBMON TYPE(*DETAIL)).
| 13. Which queries estimated time exceeds actual time?
| SELECT A.Estimated_Processing_Time,
| (A.Open_Time + B.Clock_Time_to_Return_All_Rows),
| A.Open_Id, C.Statement_Text_Long
| ON (A.Join_Column = B.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = B.Unique_Count)
| ON (A.Join_Column = C.Join_Column AND
| A.Unique_Count = C.Unique_Count)
| WHERE A.Estimated_Processing_Time/1000 >
| (A.Open_Time + B.Clock_Time_to_Return_All_Rows)
| Note: This example assumes detail data was collected (STRDBMON TYPE(*DETAIL)).
| 14. Should a PTF for queries that perform UNION exists be applied. It should be applied if any queries
| are performing UNION. Do any of the queries perform this function?
| FROM QQQ3014
| WHERE Has_Union = 'Y'
106 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v Move to the next release
| v Collect data from your application on the new release and save this data in a different table:
| v Write a program to compare the results. You will need to compare the statement text between the
| rows in the two tables to correlate the data.
| You can start this monitor by right-clicking SQL Performance Monitors under the Database portion of the
| iSeries Navigator tree and selecting New → Monitor. This monitor save detailed data in real time to a
| hard disk and does not need to be paused or ended in order to analyze the results. You can also choose
| to run a Visual Explain based on the data gather by the monitor. Since this monitor does save data in real
| time, it may have a performance impact on your system.
| You can start this monitor by right-clicking SQL Performance Monitors under the Database portion of the
| iSeries Navigator tree and selecting New → SQL Performance Monitor. On the monitor wizard, select
| Detailed.
| When you create a detailed monitor, you can filter the information that you want to capture.
| Minimum estimated query runtime
| Select this to include queries that exceed a specified amount of time. Select a number and then a
| unit of time.
| Job name
| Select this to filter by a specific job name. Specify a job name in the field. You can specify the
| entire ID or use a wildcard. For example, ’QZDAS*’ will find all jobs where the name starts with
| ’QZDAS.’
| Job user
| Select this to filter by a job user. Specify a user ID in the field. You can specify the entire ID or
| use a wildcard. For example, ’QUSER*’ will find all user IDs where the name starts with
| ’QUSER.’
| Current user
| Select this to filter by the current user of the job. Specify a user ID in the field. You can specify
| the entire ID or use a wildcard. For example, ’QSYS*’ will find all users where the name starts
| with ’QSYS.’
| Internet address
| Select this to filter by Internet access. The format must be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. For example:
| Only queries that access these tables
| Select this to filter by only queries that use certain tables. Click Browse to select tables to include.
| To remove a table from the list, select the table and click Remove. A maximum of ten table names
| can be specified.
| Activity to monitor
| Select to collect monitor output for user-generated queries or for both user-generated and
| system-generated queries.
| To view these reports, right-click a monitor and select Analyze. The monitor does not need to be ended
| in order to view this information.
| On the Analysis Overview dialog, you can view overview information or else choose one of the following
| categories:
| v How much work was requested?
| v What options were provided to the optimizer?
| v What implementations did the optimizer use?
| v What types of SQL statements were requested?
| v Miscellaneous information
| v I/O information
| From the Actions menu, you can choose one of the following summary predefined reports:
108 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| User summary
| Contains a row of summary information for each user. Each row summarizes all SQL activity for
| that user.
| Job summary
| Contains a row of information for each job. Each row summarizes all SQL activity for that job.
| This information can be used to tell which jobs on the system are the heaviest users of SQL, and
| hence which ones are perhaps candidates for performance tuning. The user may then want to
| start a separate detailed performance monitor on an individual job to get more detailed
| information without having to monitor the entire system.
| Operation summary
| Contains a row of summary information for each type of SQL operation. Each row summarizes
| all SQL activity for that type of SQL operation. This information provides the user with a high
| level indication of the type of SQL statements used. For example, are the applications mainly
| read-only, or is there a large amount of update, delete, or insert activity. This information can
| then be used to try specific performance tuning techniques. For example, if a large amount of
| INSERT activity is occurring, perhaps using an OVRDBF command to increase the blocking factor
| or perhaps use of the QDBENCWT API is appropriate.
| Program summary
| Contains a row of information for each program that performed SQL operations. Each row
| summarizes all SQL activity for that program. This information can be used to identify which
| programs use the most or most expensive SQL statements. Those programs are then potential
| candidates for performance tuning. Note that a program name is only available if the SQL
| statements are embedded inside a compiled program. SQL statements that are issued through
| ODBC, JDBC, or OLE DB have a blank program name unless they result from a procedure,
| function, or trigger.
| In addition, when a green check is displayed under Summary column, you can select that row and click
| Summary to view information about that row type. Click Help for more information about the summary
| report. To view information organized by statements, click Statements.
| To compare data sets in different monitors, go to iSeries Navigator → system name → SQL performance
| monitors. Right-click a monitor in the right pane and select Compare.
| On the Compare dialog, you can specify information about the data sets that you want to compare.
| Name The name of the monitors that you want to compare.
| Schema mask
| Select any names that you want the compare to ignore. For example, consider the following
| scenario: You have an application running in a test schema and have it optimized. Now you
| move it to the production schema and you want to compare how it executes there. The
| statements in the compare are identical except that the statements in the test schema use ″TEST″
| and the statements in the production schema use ″PROD″. You can use the schema mask to
| ignore ″TEST″ in the first monitor and to ignore ″PROD″ in the second monitor so that the
| statements in the two monitors appear identical.
| Compare statements that ran longer than
| The minimum runtime for statements to be compared.
| Minimum percent difference
| The minimum difference in key attributes of the two statements being compared that determines
| if the statements are considered equal or not. For example, if you select 25% as the minimum
| percent different, only matching statements whose key attributes differ by 25% or more are
| returned.
Performance and query optimization 109
| When you click Compare, both monitors are scanned for matching statements. Any matches found will
| be displayed side-by-side for comparison of key attributes of each implementation.
| On the Comparison output dialog, you view statements that are included in the monitor by clicking
| Show Statements. You can also run Visual Explain by selecting a statement and clicking Visual Explain.
| Right-click any detailed monitor in the SQL performance monitor window and select Show statements.
| Multiple filter options can be specified. Note that in a multi-filter case, the candidate entries for each
| filter are computed independently and only those entries that are present in all the candidate lists are
| shown. So, for example, if you specified options Minimum runtime for the longest execution and
| Queries run after this date and time, you will be shown those entries with the minimum runtime that
| are run after the specified date and time.
| Related reference
| “Query optimizer index advisor”
| The query optimizer analyzes the row selection in the query and determines, based on default values,
| if creation of a permanent index improves performance. If the optimizer determines that a permanent
| index might be beneficial, it returns the key columns necessary to create the suggested index.
| Importing a monitor
| You can import monitor data that has been collected using Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)
| command or some other interface by using iSeries Navigator.
| To import monitor data, right-click SQL Performance monitors and select Import. Once you have
| imported a monitor, you can analyze the data.
| The optimizer is able to perform radix index probe over any combination of the primary key columns,
| plus one additional secondary key column. Therefore it is important that the first secondary key column
| be the most selective secondary key column. The optimizer will use radix index scan with any of the
110 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| remaining secondary key columns. While radix index scan is not as fast as radix index probe it can still
| reduce the number of keys selected. Hence, secondary key columns that are fairly selective should be
| included.
| It is up to the user to determine the true selectivity of any secondary key columns and to determine
| whether those key columns should be included when creating the index. When building the index the
| primary key columns should be the left-most key columns followed by any of the secondary key columns
| the user chooses and they should be prioritized by selectivity.
| Note: After creating the suggested index and executing the query again, it is possible that the query
| optimizer will choose not to use the suggested index. The CQE optimizer when suggesting indexes
| only considers the selection criteria and does not include join, ordering, and grouping criteria. The
| SQE optimizer includes selection, join, ordering, and grouping criteria when suggesting indexes.
| You can access index advisor information in many different ways. These include:
| v The index advisor interface in iSeries Navigator
| v SQL performance monitor Show statements
| v Visual Explain interface
| v Querying the Database monitor view 3020 - Index advised.
| Related reference
| “Overview of information available from Visual Explain” on page 115
| You can use Visual Explain to view many types of information.
| “Database monitor view 3020 - Index advised (SQE)” on page 248
| “Viewing statements in a monitor” on page 110
| You can view SQL statements that are included in a detailed monitor.
| You can also find index advisor information for a specific schema or a specific table by right-clicking on a
| schema or table object.
| Once you have displayed the information, you can choose to create an index from the list, remove the
| index advised from the list, or clear the list entirely.
112 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 31. Columns used in Index advisor window (continued)
| Column name Description
| Leading Keys Order Independent Leading, Order Independent keys. the keys at the beginning of the
| KEY_COLUMNS_ADVISED field which could be reordered and
| still satisfy the index being advised.
| Index Type Advised Radix (default) or EVI
| Last Advised for Query Use The timestamp representing the last time this index was advised for
| a query.
| Times Advised for Query Use The cumulative number of times this index has been advised. This
| count should cease to increase once a matching permanent index is
| created. The row of advice will remain in this table until the user
| removes it
| Estimated Index Creation Time Estimated time required to create this index.
| Reason advised Reason why index was advised. Possible values are:
| Row selection
| Ordering/Grouping
| Row selection and Ordering/Grouping
| Logical Page Size Advised (KB) Recommended page size to be used on the PAGESIZE keyword of
| the CREATE INDEX SQL statement when creating this index.
| Most Expensive Query Estimate Execution time in seconds of the longest running query which
| generated this index advice.
| Average of Query Estimates (seconds) Average execution time in seconds of all queries that generated this
| index advice.
| Rows in Table when Advised Number of rows in table for the last time this index was advised.
| NLSS Table Advised The sort sequence table in use by the query which generated the
| index advice. For more detail on sort sequences:
| NLSS Schema Advised The schema of the sort sequence table.
| MTI Used The number of times that this specific Maintained Temporary Index
| (MTI) has been used by the optimizer.
| MTI Created The number of times that this specific Maintained Temporary Index
| (MTI) has been created by the optimizer. MTI’s do not persist across
| system IPL’s.
| MTI Last Used The timestamp representing the last time this specific Maintained
| Temporary Index (MTI) was used by the optimizer to improve the
| performance of a query. The MTI Last Used field can be blank,
| which indicates that an MTI which exactly matches this advice has
| never been used by the queries which generated this index advice.
| The advisor information is stored in columns QQIDXA, QQIDXK and QQIDXD. When the QQIDXA
| column contains a value of ’Y’ the optimizer is advising you to create an index using the key columns
| shown in column QQIDXD. The intention of creating this index is to improve the performance of the
| query.
| In the list of key columns contained in column QQIDXD the optimizer has listed what it considers the
| suggested primary and secondary key columns. Primary key columns are columns that should
| significantly reduce the number of keys selected based on the corresponding query selection. Secondary
| key columns are columns that may or may not significantly reduce the number of keys selected.
Queries are displayed using a graph with a series of icons that represent different operations that occur
during implementation. This graph is displayed in the main window. In the lower portion of the pane,
the SQL statement that the graph is based on is displayed. If Visual explain is started from Run SQL
Scripts, you can view the debug messages issued by the optimizer by clicking the Optimizer messages
tab. The Query attributes are displayed in the right pane.
Visual Explain can be used to graphically display the implementations of queries stored in the detailed
SQL performance monitor. However, it does not work with tables resulting from the memory-resident
You can start Visual Explain from any of the following windows in iSeries Navigator:
| v Enter an SQL statement in the Run SQL Scripts window. Select the statement and choose Explain from
| the context menu, or select Run and Explain from the Visual Explain menu.
| v Expand the list of available SQL Performance Monitors. Right-click a detailed SQL Performance
| Monitor and choose the Show Statements option. Select filtering information and select the statement
| in the List of Statements window. Click Run Visual Explain. You can also start an SQL Performance
| Monitor from Run SQL Scripts. Select Start SQL Performance monitor from the Monitor menu.
| v Start the Current SQL for a Job function by right-clicking Databases and select Current SQL for a Job.
| Select a job from the list and click SQL Statement. When the SQL is displayed in the lower pane, you
| can start Visual Explain by clicking Run Visual Explain.
| v Right-click SQL Plan Cache and select Show Statements. Select filtering information and select the
| statement in the List of Statements window. Click Run Visual Explain.
| v Expand the list of available SQL Plan Cache Snapshots. Right-click a snapshot and select Show
| Statements. Select filtering information and select the statement in the List of Statements window.
| Click Run Visual Explain.
| You have three options when running Visual Explain from Run SQL Scripts.
Visual Explain only
This option allows you to explain the query without actually running it. The data displayed
represents the query optimizer’s estimates.
Note: When using the Explain only option of Visual Explain from Run SQL Scripts in iSeries
Navigator, some queries receive an error code 93 stating that they are too complex for
displaying in Visual Explain. You can circumvent this by selecting the ″Run and Explain″
114 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Run and Explain
If you select Run and Explain, the query is run by the system before the diagram is displayed.
This option may take a significant amount of time, but the information displays is more complete
and accurate.
Explain while running
For long running queries, you can choose to start Visual Explain while the query is running. By
refreshing the Visual Explain diagram, you can view the progress of the query.
In addition, a database monitor table that was not created as a result of using iSeries Navigator can be
explained through iSeries Navigator. First you must import the database monitor table into iSeries
Navigator. To do this, right-click the SQL Performance Monitors and choose the Import option. Specify a
name for the performance monitor (name it will be known by within iSeries Navigator) and the qualified
name of the database monitor table. Be sure to select Detailed as the type of monitor. Detailed represents
the file-based (STRDBMON) monitor while Summary represents the memory-resident monitor (which is
not supported by Visual Explain). Once the monitor has been imported, follow the steps to start Visual
Explain from within iSeries Navigator.
You can save your Visual Explain information as an SQL Performance monitor, which can be useful if
you started the query from Run SQL Scripts and want to save the information for later comparison. Select
Save as Performance monitor from the File menu.
Related information
Visual Explain (QQQVEXPL) API
As stated before, the icons in the graph represent operations that occur during the implementation of the
query. The order of operations is shown by the arrows connecting the icons. If parallelism was used to
process an operation, the arrows are doubled. Occasionally, the optimizer ″shares″ hash tables with
different operations in a query, causing the lines of the query to cross.
You can view information about an operation by selecting the icon. Information is displayed in the
Attributes table in the right pane. To view information about the environment, click an icon and then
select Display query environment from the Action menu. Finally, you can view more information about
the icon by right-clicking the icon and selecting Help.
You can highlight problem areas (expensive icons) in your query using Visual Explain. Visual Explain
offers you two types of expensive icons to highlight: by processing time or number of rows. You can
highlight icons by selecting Highlight expensive icons from the View menu.
During the implementation of a query, the optimizer can determine if statistics need to be created or
refreshed, or if an index might make the query run faster. You can view these recommendations using the
Statistics and Index Advisor from Visual Explain. Start the advisor by selecting Advisor from the Action
menu. Additionally, you can begin collecting statistics or create an index directly from the advisor.
Visual explain allows you to view the implementation of query predicates. Predicate implementation is
represented by a blue plus sign next to an icon. You can expand this view by right-clicking the icon and
selecting Expand. or open it into another window. Click an icon to view attributes about the operation. To
collapse the view, right-click anywhere in the window and select Collapse. This function is only available
on V5R3 or later systems.
The optimizer can also use the Look Ahead Predicate Generation to minimize the random the I/O costs
of a join. To highlight predicates that used this method, select Highlight LPG from the View menu.
Visual Explain also presents information in two different views: basic and full. The basic view only shows
those icons that are necessary to understand the implementation of the SQL statement, thus excluding
some preliminary or intermediate operations that are not essential for understanding the main flow of
query implementation. The full view may show more icons that further depict the flow of the execution
tree. You can change the graph detail by select Graph Detail from the Options menu and selecting either
Basic or Full. The default view is Basic. Note that in order to see all of the detail for a Full view, you
will need to change the Graph Detail to Full, close out Visual Explain, and run the query again. The
setting for Graph Detail will persist.
For more information about Visual Explain and the different options that are available, see the Visual
Explain online help.
| For long running queries, you can refresh the visual explain graph with runtime statistical information
| before the query is complete. Refresh also updates the appropriate information in the attributes section of
| the icon shown on the right of the screen. In order to use the Refresh option, you need to select Explain
| while Running from the Run SQL Scripts window.
| To refresh the diagram, select Refresh from the View menu. Or click the Refresh button in the toolbar.
Related reference
“Query optimizer index advisor” on page 110
The query optimizer analyzes the row selection in the query and determines, based on default values,
if creation of a permanent index improves performance. If the optimizer determines that a permanent
index might be beneficial, it returns the key columns necessary to create the suggested index.
116 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| “Objects processed in parallel” on page 42
| The DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing feature provides the optimizer with additional methods for
| retrieving data that include parallel processing. Symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) is a form of
| parallelism achieved on a single server where multiple (CPU and I/O) processors that share memory
| and disk resource work simultaneously toward achieving a single end result.
| Related information
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| For each query that is run the query option values are retrieved from the QAQQINI file in the schema
| specified on the QRYOPTLIB parameter of the CHGQRYA CL command and used to optimize or
| implement the query.
| Environmental attributes that you can modify through the QAQQINI file include:
| Use the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command with the QRYOPTLIB (query options library)
| parameter to specify which schema currently contains or will contain the query options file QAQQINI.
| The query options file will be retrieved from the schema specified on the QRYOPTLIB parameter for each
| query and remains in effect for the duration of the job or user session, or until the QRYOPTLIB
| parameter is changed by the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command.
| If the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command is not issued or is issued but the QRYOPTLIB
| parameter is not specified, the schema QUSRSYS is searched for the existence of the QAQQINI file. If a
| query options file is not found for a query, no attributes will be modified. Since the server is shipped
| with no INI file in QUSRSYS, you may receive a message indicating that there is no INI file. This
| message is not an error but an indication that a QAQQINI file that contains all default values is being
| used. The initial value of the QRYOPTLIB parameter for a job is QUSRSYS.
| Related information
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| Each server is shipped with a QAQQINI template file in schema QSYS. The QAQQINI file in QSYS is to
| be used as a template when creating all user specified QAQQINI files.
| To create your own QAQQINI file, use the Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command to create a
| copy of the QAQQINI file in the schema that will be specified on the Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) QRYOPTLIB parameter. The file name must remain QAQQINI. For example:
| System-supplied triggers are attached to the QAQQINI file in QSYS therefore it is imperative that the
| only means of copying the QAQQINI file is through the CRTDUPOBJ CL command. If another means is
| used, such as CPYF, then the triggers may be corrupted and an error will be signaled that the options file
| cannot be retrieved or that the options file cannot be updated.
| Because of the trigger programs attached to the QAQQINI file, the following CPI321A informational
| message will be displayed six times in the job log when the CRTDUPOBJ CL is used to create the file.
| This is not an error. It is only an informational message.
| Note: It is highly recommended that the file QAQQINI, in QSYS, not be modified. This is the original
| template that is to be duplicated into QUSRSYS or a user specified library for use.
| Related information
118 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command
| The QAQQINI file is shipped in the schema QSYS. It has a predefined format and has been
| pre-populated with the default values for the rows.
| The QAQQINI file query options can be modified with the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL
| statements.
| For the following examples, a QAQQINI file has already been created in library MyLib. To update an
| existing row in MyLib/QAQQINI use the UPDATE SQL statment. This example sets MESSAGES_DEBUG
| = *YES so that the query optimizer will print out the optimizer debug messages:
| To delete an existing row in MyLib/QAQQINI use the DELETE SQL statement. This example removes
| the QUERY_TIME_LIMIT row from the QAQQINI file:
| To insert a new row into MyLib/QAQQINI use the INSERT SQL statement. This example adds the
| QUERY_TIME_LIMIT row with a value of *NOMAX to the QAQQINI file:
| VALUES('QUERY_TIME_LIMIT','*NOMAX','New time limit set by DBAdmin')
| QAQQINI is shipped with a *PUBLIC *USE authority. This allows users to view the query options file,
| but not change it. Because changing the values of the QAQQINI file affect all queries that are run on the
| system, only the system or database administrator should have *CHANGE authority to the QAQQINI
| query options file.
| The query options file, which resides in the library specified on the Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) CL command QRYOPTLIB parameter, is always used by the query optimizer. This is true
| When the QAQQINI file resides in the library QUSRSYS the query options will effect all of the query
| users on the server. To prevent anyone from inserting, deleting, or updating the query options, the
| system administrator should remove update authority from *PUBLIC to the file. This will prevent users
| from changing the data in the file.
| When the QAQQINI file resides in a user library and that library is specified on the QRYOPTLIB
| parameter of the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command, the query options will effect all of the
| queries run for that user’s job. To prevent the query options from being retrieved from a particular library
| the system administrator can revoke authority to the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) CL
| command.
| The query options file QAQQINI file uses a system-supplied trigger program in order to process any
| changes made to the file. A trigger cannot be removed from or added to the file QAQQINI.
| If an error occurs on the update of the QAQQINI file (an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE operation), the
| following SQL0443 diagnostic message will be issued:
| Trigger program or external routine detected an error.
| There are different options available for parameters in the QAQQINI file.
| The following table summarizes the query options that can be specified on the QAQQINI command:
| Table 32. Query Options Specified on QAQQINI Command
| Parameter Value Description
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *YES.
| *YES Allow temporary indexes to be considered.
| Do not allow any temporary indexes to be considered for
| ALLOW_TEMPORARY_INDEXES this access plan. Choose any other implementation
| *ONLY_
| regardless of cost to avoid the creation of a temporary
| index. Only if no viable plan can be found, will a
| temporary index be allowed.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *YES.
| The CHGQRYA attributes for the job are not applied to the
| *NO remote jobs. The remote jobs will use the attributes
| associated to them on their servers.
| The query attributes for the job are applied to the remote
| APPLY_REMOTE jobs used in processing database queries involving
| distributed tables. For attributes where *SYSVAL is
| *YES specified, the system value on the remote server is used for
| the remote job. This option requires that, if CHGQRYA was
| used for this job, the remote jobs must have authority to
| use the CHGQRYA command.
120 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 32. Query Options Specified on QAQQINI Command (continued)
| Parameter Value Description
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *LOCAL.
| Asynchronous jobs may be used for database queries that
| involve only tables local to the server where the database
| queries are being run. In addition, for queries involving
| distributed tables, this option allows the communications
| required to be asynchronous. This allows each server
| involved in the query of the distributed tables to run its
| portion of the query at the same time (in parallel) as the
| other servers.
| Asynchronous jobs may be used for database queries that
| involve distributed tables.
| *ANY Asynchronous jobs may be used for any database query.
| No asynchronous jobs are allowed to be used for database
| query processing. In addition, all processing for queries
| involving distributed tables occurs synchronously.
| Therefore, no inter-system parallel processing will occur.
| *DEFAULT The default value is the same as *SYSTEM.
| The database manager may cache a query result set. A
| subsequent run of the query by that job or, if the ODP for
| the query has been deleted, by any job, will consider
| reusing the cached result set.
|| CACHE_RESULTS The database manager may cache a query result set from
| one run to the next for a job, as long as the query uses a
| *JOB reusable ODP. When the reusable ODP is deleted, the
| cached result set is destroyed. This value mimics V5R2
| processing.
| *NONE The database does not cache any query results.
| *DEFAULT *DEFAULT is equivalent to 500,000,000.
|| COMMITMENT_CONTROL_ The maximum number of records that can be locked to a
|| LOCK_LIMIT Integer Value commit transaction initiated after setting the new value.
| The valid integer value is 1–500,000,000.
| *DEFAULT The default is set to *NO.
| *NO Allow the optimizer to reorder join tables.
| Only force the join order for those queries that use the SQL
| *SQL JOIN syntax. This mimics the behavior for the optimizer
| before V4R4M0.
| Only force the join position for the file listed by the
| FORCE_JOIN_ORDER numeric value nnn (nnn is optional and will default to 1)
| *PRIMARY nnn into the primary position (or dial) for the join. The
| optimizer will then determine the join order for all of the
| remaining files based upon cost.
| Do not allow the query optimizer to reorder join tables as
| *YES part of its optimization process. The join will occur in the
| order in which the tables were specified in the query.
122 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 32. Query Options Specified on QAQQINI Command (continued)
| Parameter Value Description
| The default value is set to 0. This indicates that the
| database will take no action to free locators.
| If the value is 0, then the database will take no action to
| free locators. For values 1 through 250,000, on a FETCH
| request, the database will compare the active LOB locator
| LOB_LOCATOR_THRESHOLD count for the job against the threshold value. If the locator
| Integer Value
| count is greater than or equal to the threshold, the database
| will free host server created locators that have been
| retrieved. This option applies to all host server jobs
| (QZDASOINIT) and has no impact to other jobs.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to 0.
| 0 No materialized query tables may be used.
| Any tables indicated by the MATERIALIZED_
| *ANY
| TABLE_REFRESH_AGE Only tables indicated by MATERIALIZED_
| timestamp_ QUERY_TABLE_USAGE INI option which have a
| duration REFRESH TABLE performed within the specified
| timestamp duration may be used.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *NONE.
| Materialized query tables may not be used in query
|| MATERIALIZED_QUERY_ optimization and implementation.
| TABLE_USAGE *ALL User-maintained materialized query tables may be used.
| *USER User-maintained materialized query tables may be used.
| *DEFAULT The default is set to *NO.
| *NO No debug messages are to be displayed.
| *YES Issue all debug messages that are generated for STRDBG.
| *DEFAULT The default is set to *NO.
| Unicode constants, host variables, parameter markers, and
| *NO
| expressions that combine strings will not be normalized.
| Unicode constants, host variables, parameter markers, and
| *YES
| expressions that combine strings will be normalized
| *DEFAULT *DEFAULT is equivalent to 0. See Integer Value for details.
| OPEN_CURSOR_CLOSE_COUNT is used in conjunction
| with OPEN_CURSOR_THRESHOLD to manage the number
| of open cursors within a job. If the number of open cursors,
| which includes open cursors and pseudo-closed cursors,
| reaches the value specified by the
| OPEN_CURSOR_THRESHOLD, pseudo-closed cursors are
| hard (fully) closed with the least recently used cursors
|| OPEN_CURSOR_CLOSE_ being closed first. This value determines the number of
|| COUNT Integer Value cursors to be closed. The valid values for this parameter are
| 1 to 65536. The value for this parameter should be less than
| or equal to the number in the
| OPEN_CURSOR_THREHOLD parameter. This value is
| OPEN_CURSOR_THRESHOLD is specified and this value
| is *DEFAULT, the number of cursors closed is equal to
| OPEN_CURSOR_THRESHOLD multiplied by 10 percent
| and rounded up to the next integer value.
124 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 32. Query Options Specified on QAQQINI Command (continued)
| Parameter Value Description
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *SYSVAL.
| The processing option used is set to the current value of the
| system value, QQRYDEGREE.
| Any number of tasks can be used when the database query
| *IO optimizer chooses to use I/O parallel processing for
| queries. SMP parallel processing is not allowed.
| The query optimizer can choose to use any number of tasks
| for either I/O or SMP parallel processing to process the
| query or database file keyed access path build, rebuild, or
| maintenance. SMP parallel processing is used only if the
| system feature, DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing for i5/OS,
| is installed. Use of parallel processing and the number of
| tasks used is determined with respect to the number of
| *OPTIMIZE processors available in the server, this job has a share of the
| amount of active memory available in the pool in which the
| job is run, and whether the expected elapsed time for the
| query or database file keyed access path build or rebuild is
| limited by CPU processing or I/O resources. The query
| optimizer chooses an implementation that minimizes
| elapsed time based on the job has a share of the memory in
| the pool.
| This option is very similar to *OPTIMIZE. The value xxx
| indicates the ability to specify an integer percentage value
|| PARALLEL_DEGREE from 1-200. The query optimizer determines the parallel
| degree for the query using the same processing as is done
| for *OPTIMIZE, Once determined, the optimizer will adjust
| the actual parallel degree used for the query by the
| percentage given. This provides the user the ability to
| override the parallel degree used to some extent without
| having to specify a particular parallel degree under
| The query optimizer chooses to use either I/O or SMP
| parallel processing to process the query. SMP parallel
| processing will only be used if the system feature, DB2
| Symmetric Multiprocessing for i5/OS, is installed. The
| *MAX choices made by the query optimizer are similar to those
| made for parameter value *OPTIMIZE except the optimizer
| assumes that all active memory in the pool can be used to
| process the query or database file keyed access path build,
| rebuild, or maintenance.
| No parallel processing is allowed for database query
| *NONE processing or database table index build, rebuild, or
| maintenance.
| Indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be used
| *NUMBER_OF for a single query. The number of tasks will be capped off
| _TASKS nn at either this value or the number of disk arms associated
| with the table.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *YES.
| PARAMETER_MARKER_ *NO Constants cannot be implemented as parameter markers.
|| CONVERSION *YES Constants can be implemented as parameter markers.
126 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 32. Query Options Specified on QAQQINI Command (continued)
| Parameter Value Description
| The default value is set to 2, which indicates that the access
| plan associated with any statement will be removed after a
| statement has been compressed twice without being
| executed.
|| SQL_STMT_COMPRESS_MAX The integer value represents the number of times that a
| statement is compressed before the access plan is removed
| Integer Value to create more space in the package. Note that executing
| the SQL statement resets the count for that statement to 0.
| The valid Integer values are 1 to 255.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *NO.
| Examine the SQLCODE in the SQLCA after execution of a
| statement. If the SQLCODE is + 30, then alter the SQLCA
|| *YES so that no warning is returned to the caller.
| Set the SQLCODE to 0, the SQLSTATE to ’00000’ and
| SQLWARN to ’ ’.
| *NO Specifies that SQL warnings will be returned to the caller.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *NO.
| Translate ASCII SQL statement text to the CCSID of the
| *YES
|| TO_JOB Translate ASCII SQL statement text to the EBCIDIC CCSID
| *NO
| associated with the ASCII CCSID.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *NO
| *NO The EVI Star Join optimization support is not enabled.
| Allow query optimization to consider (cost) the usage of
| EVI Star Join support.
| STAR_JOIN (see note)
|| *COST The determination of whether the Distinct List selection is
| used will be determined by the optimizer based on how
| much benefit can be derived from using that selection.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *NOMAX.
| Never stop a query from running because of storage
| concerns.
| The maximum amount of temporary storage in megabytes
| that may be used by a query. This value is checked against
the estimated amount of temporary storage required to run
| Integer Value the query as calculated by the query optimizer. If the
| estimated amount of temporary storage is greater than this
| value, the query is not started. Valid values range from 0
| through 2147352578.
| *DEFAULT The default value is set to *YES.
| Examine the SQL system-wide statement cache when an
| SQL prepare request is processed. If a matching statement
| *YES already exists in the cache, use the results of that prepare.
This allows the application to potentially have better
performing prepares.
| Specifies that the SQL system-wide statement cache should
| *NO
| not be examined when processing an SQL prepare request.
| Note: Only modifies the environment for the Classic Query Engine.
| The ability of the governor to predict and stop queries before they are started is important because:
| v Operating a long-running query and abnormally ending the query before obtaining any results wastes
| server resources.
| v Some CQE operations within a query cannot be interrupted by the End Request (ENDRQS) CL
| command. The creation of a temporary index or a query using a column function without a GROUP
| BY clause are two examples of these types of queries. It is important to not start these operations if
| they will take longer than the user wants to wait.
| The governor in DB2 Universal Database for iSeries is based on two measurements:
| v The estimated runtime for a query.
| v The estimated temporary storage consumption for a query.
| If the query’s estimated runtime or temporary storage usage exceed the user defined limits, the initiation
| of the query can be stopped.
| To define a time limit (in seconds) for the governor to use, do one of the following:
| v Use the Query Time Limit (QRYTIMLMT) parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) CL
| command. This is the first place where the query optimizer attempts to find the time limit.
| v Set the Query Time Limit option in the query options file. This is the second place where the query
| optimizer attempts to find the time limit.
128 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v Set the QQRYTIMLMT system value. Allow each job to use the value *SYSVAL on the Change Query
| Attributes (CHGQRYA) CL command, and set the query options file to *DEFAULT. This is the third
| place where the query optimizer attempts to find the time limit.
| To define a temporary storage limit (in megabytes) for the governor to use, do the following:
| v Use the Query Storage Limit (QRYSTGLMT) parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA)
| CL command. This is the first place where the query optimizer attempts to find the limit.
| v Set the Query Storage Limit option STORAGE_LIMIT in the query options file. This is the second place
| where the query optimizer attempts to find the time limit.
| It is important to remember that the time and temporary storage values generated by the optimizer are
| only estimates. The actual query runtime might be more or less than the estimate. In certain cases when
| the optimizer does not have full information about the data being queried, the estimate may vary
| considerably from the actual resource used. In those case, you may need to artificially adjust your limits
| to correspond to an inaccurate estimate.
| When setting the time limit for the entire server, it is typically best to set the limit to the maximum
| allowable time that any query should be allowed to run. By setting the limit too low you will run the risk
| of preventing some queries from completing and thus preventing the application from successfully
| finishing. There are many functions that use the query component to internally perform query requests.
| These requests will also be compared to the user-defined time limit.
| You can check the inquiry message CPA4259 for the predicted runtime and storage. If the query is
| canceled, debug messages will still be written to the job log.
| You can also add the Query Governor Exit Program that is called when estimated runtime and temporary
| storage limits have exceeded the specified limits.
| Related information
| Query Governor Exit Program
| End Request (ENDRQS) command
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| When a user issues a request to the server to run a query, the following occurs:
| 1. The query access plan is created by the optimizer.
| As part of the evaluation, the optimizer predicts or estimates the runtime for the query. This helps
| determine the best way to access and retrieve the data for the query. In addition, as part of the
| estimating process, the optimizer also computes the estimated temporary storage usage for the query.
| 2. The estimated runtime and estimated temporary storage is compared against the user-defined query
| limit currently in effect for the job or user session.
| 3. If the estimates for the query are less than or equal to the specified limits, the query governor lets the
| query run without interruption and no message is sent to the user.
| 4. If the query limit is exceeded, inquiry message CPA4259 is sent to the user. The message states the
| estimates as well as the specified limits. Realize that only one limit needs to be exceeded; it is possible
| that you will see that only one limit was exceeded. Also, if no limit was explicitly specified by the
| user, a large integer value will be shown for that limit.
| Note: A default reply can be established for this message so that the user does not have the option to
| reply to the message, and the query request is always ended.
| 5. If a default message reply is not used, the user chooses to do one of the following:
| Setting the resource limits for jobs other than the current job
| You can set either or both resource limits for a job other than the current job. You do this by using the
| JOB parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command to specify either a query options
| file library to search (QRYOPTLIB) or a specific QRYTIMLMT, or QRYSTGLMT, or both for that job.
| After the source job runs the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command, effects of the governor on
| the target job is not dependent upon the source job. The query resource limits remain in effect for the
| duration of the job or user session, or until a resource limit is changed by a Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) command. Under program control, a user might be given different limits depending on the
| application function being performed, the time of day, or the amount of system resources available. This
| provides a significant amount of flexibility when trying to balance system resources with temporary
| query requirements.
| When a query is expected to take more resources than the set limit, the governor issues inquiry message
| CPA4259.
| The system administrator can control whether the interactive user has the option of ignoring the database
| query inquiry message by using the Change Job (CHGJOB) CL command.
| The following example will add a reply list element that will cause the default reply of C to cancel any
| requests for jobs whose process name is ’QPADEV0011’.
130 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Related information
| Change Job (CHGJOB) command
| You can use the query governor to test the performance of your queries.
| To test the performance of a query with the query governor, do the following:
| 1. Set the query time limit to zero ( QRYTIMLMT(0) ) using the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA)
| command or in the INI file. This forces an inquiry message from the governor stating that the
| estimated time to run the query exceeds the query time limit.
| 2. Prompt for message help on the inquiry message and find the same information that you can find by
| running the Print SQL Information (PRTSQLINF) command.
| The query governor lets you optimize performance without having to run through several iterations of
| the query.
| Additionally, if the query is canceled, the query optimizer evaluates the access plan and sends the
| optimizer debug messages to the job log. This occurs even if the job is not in debug mode. You can then
| review the optimizer tuning messages in the job log to see if additional tuning is needed to obtain
| optimal query performance. This allows you to try several permutations of the query with different
| attributes, indexes, and syntax or both to determine what performs better through the optimizer without
| actually running the query to completion. This saves on system resources because the actual query of the
| data is never actually done. If the tables to be queried contain a large number of rows, this represents a
| significant savings in system resources.
| Be careful when you use this technique for performance testing, because all query requests will be
| stopped before they are run. This is especially important for a CQE query that cannot be implemented in
| a single query step. For these types of queries, separate multiple query requests are issued, and then their
| results are accumulated before returning the final results. Stopping the query in one of these intermediate
| steps gives you only the performance information that relates to that intermediate step, and not for the
| entire query.
| Related information
| Print SQL Information (PRTSQLINF) command
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| To set the query time limit for the current job or user session using query options file QAQQINI, specify
| QRYOPTLIB parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command to a user library where
| the QAQQINI file exists with the parameter set to QUERY_TIME_LIMIT, and the value set to a valid
| query time limit.
| To set the query time limit for 45 seconds you can use the following Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) command:
| This sets the query time limit at 45 seconds. If the user runs a query with an estimated runtime equal to
| or less than 45 seconds, the query runs without interruption. The time limit remains in effect for the
| duration of the job or user session, or until the time limit is changed by the Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) command.
| To set or change the query time limit for a job other than your current job, the Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) command is run using the JOB parameter. To set the query time limit to 45 seconds for job
| 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME use the following Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command:
| This sets the query time limit at 45 seconds for job 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME. If job
| 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME tries to run a query with an estimated runtime equal to or less than 45
| seconds the query runs without interruption. If the estimated runtime for the query is greater than 45
| seconds, for example 50 seconds, a message is sent to the user stating that the estimated runtime of 50
| seconds exceeds the query time limit of 45 seconds. The time limit remains in effect for the duration of
| job 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME, or until the time limit for job 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME is
| changed by the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command.
| To set or change the query time limit to the QQRYTIMLMT system value, use the following Change
| Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command:
| The QQRYTIMLMT system value is used for duration of the job or user session, or until the time limit is
| changed by the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command. This is the default behavior for the
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command.
| Note: The query time limit can also be set in the INI file, or by using the Change System Value
| (CHGSYSVAL) command.
| Related information
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL) command
| The predictive storage governor specifies a temporary storage limit for database queries. You can use the
| query governor to test if a query uses any temporary object to run the query, such as a hash table, sort or
| temporary index.
| The temporary storage limit can be specified either in the QAQQINI file or on the Change Query
| Attributes (CHGQRYA) command.
132 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| To set the query temporary storage limit for a job using query options file QAQQINI, specify
| QRYOPTLIB parameter on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command to a user library where
| the QAQQINI file exists with a valid value set for parameter STORAGE_LIMIT.
| To set the query temporary storage limit on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command itself,
| specify a valid value for the QRYSTGLMT parameter.
| In the case where a value is specified both on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| QRYSTGLMT parameter and in the QAQQINI file specified on the QRYOPTLIB parameter, the
| QRYSTGLMT’s value is used.
| To set the temporary storage limit for 100 megabytes in the current job, you can use the following
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command:
| If the user runs any query with an estimated temporary storage consumption equal to or less than 100
| megabytes, the query runs without interruption. If the estimate is more than 100 megabytes, the CPA4259
| inquiry message is sent by the database. To set or change the query time limit for a job other than your
| current job, the CHGQRYA command is run using the JOB parameter. To set the same limit for job
| 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME use the following CHGQRYA command:
| This sets the query temporary storage limit to 100 megabytes for job 123456/USERNAME/JOBNAME.
| Note: Unlike the query time limit, there is no system value for temporary storage limit. The default
| behavior is to let any queries run regardless of their temporary storage usage The query temporary
| storage limit can be specified either in the INI file or on the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA)
| command.
| Related information
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
| Even though parallelism has been enabled for a server or given job, the individual queries that run in a
| job might not actually use a parallel method. This might be because of functional restrictions, or the
| optimizer might choose a non-parallel method because it runs faster.
| Because queries being processed with parallel access methods aggressively use main storage, CPU, and
| disk resources, the number of queries that use parallel processing should be limited and controlled.
| You can use the QQRYDEGREE system value to control parallel processing for a server.
| The current value of the system value can be displayed or modified using the following CL commands:
| v WRKSYSVAL - Work with System Value
| v CHGSYSVAL - Change System Value
| v DSPSYSVAL - Display System Value
| v RTVSYSVAL - Retrieve System Value
| The default value of the QQRYDEGREE system value is *NONE, so you must change the value if you
| want parallel query processing as the default for jobs run on the server.
| Changing this system value affects all jobs that will be run or are currently running on the server whose
| DEGREE query attribute is *SYSVAL. However, queries that have already been started or queries using
| reusable ODPs are not affected.
| You can also control query parallel processing at the job level using the DEGREE parameter of the
| Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command or in the QAQQINI file, or using the
| The parallel processing option allowed and, optionally, the number of tasks that can be used when
| running database queries in the job can be specified. You can prompt on the Change Query Attributes
| (CHGQRYA) command in an interactive job to display the current values of the DEGREE query attribute.
| Changing the DEGREE query attribute does not affect queries that have already been started or queries
| using reusable ODPs.
134 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| determined with respect to the number of processors available in the server, the job’s share of the
| amount of active memory available in the pool in which the job is run, and whether the expected
| elapsed time for the query is limited by CPU processing or I/O resources. The query optimizer
| chooses an implementation that minimizes elapsed time based on the job’s share of the memory in
| the pool.
| *MAX
| The query optimizer can choose to use either I/O or SMP parallel processing to process the query.
| SMP parallel processing can be used only if the DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing feature is
| installed. The choices made by the query optimizer are similar to those made for parameter value
| *OPTIMIZE except the optimizer assumes that all active memory in the pool can be used to process
| the query.
| *NBRTASKS number-of-tasks
| Specifies the number of tasks to be used when the query optimizer chooses to use SMP parallel
| processing to process a query. I/O parallelism is also allowed. SMP parallel processing can be used
| only if the DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing feature is installed.
| Using a number of tasks less than the number of processors available on the server restricts the
| number of processors used simultaneously for running a given query. A larger number of tasks
| ensures that the query is allowed to use all of the processors available on the server to run the query.
| Too many tasks can degrade performance because of the over commitment of active memory and the
| overhead cost of managing all of the tasks.
| Specifies that the processing option used should be set to the current value of the QQRYDEGREE
| system value.
| You can use the SET CURRENT DEGREE SQL statement to change the value of the CURRENT_DEGREE
| special register. The possible values for the CURRENT_DEGREE special register are:
| 1 No parallel processing is allowed.
| 2 through 32767
| Specifies the degree of parallelism that will be used.
| Specifies that the database manager can choose to use any number of tasks for either I/O or SMP
| parallel processing. Use of parallel processing and the number of tasks used is determined based on
| the number of processors available in the system, this job’s share of the amount of active memory
| available in the pool in which the job is run, and whether the expected elapsed time for the operation
| is limited by CPU processing or I/O resources. The database manager chooses an implementation
| that minimizes elapsed time based on the job’s share of the memory in the pool.
| No parallel processing is allowed.
| The database manager can choose to use any number of tasks for either I/O or SMP parallel
| processing. MAX is similar to ANY except the database manager assumes that all active memory in
| the pool can be used.
| IO Any number of tasks can be used when the database manager chooses to use I/O parallel processing
| for queries. SMP is not allowed.
| The value can be changed by invoking the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement.
On many platforms, statistics collection is a manual process that is the responsibility of the database
administrator. With iSeries servers, the database statistics collection process is handled automatically, and
only rarely is it necessary to update statistics manually.
The Statistics Manager does not actually run or optimize the query. It controls the access to the metadata
and other information that is required to optimize the query. It uses this information to answer questions
posed by the query optimizer. The answers can either be derived from table header information, from
existing indexes, or from single-column statistics.
The Statistics Manager must always provide an answer to the questions from the Optimizer. It uses the
best method available to provide the answers. For example, it may use a single-column statistic or
perform a key range estimate over an index. Along with the answer, the Statistics Manager returns a
confidence level to the optimizer that the optimizer may use to provide greater latitude for sizing
algorithms. If the Statistics Manager provides a low confidence in the number of groups that are
estimated for a grouping request, then the optimizer may increase the size of the temporary hash table
Related concepts
“Statistics Manager” on page 5
In releases before V5R2, the retrieval of statistics was a function of the Optimizer. When the Optimizer
needed to know information about a table, it looked at the table description to retrieve the row count
and table size. If an index was available, the Optimizer might then extract further information about
the data in the table. In V5R2, the collection of statistics was removed from the Optimizer and is now
handled by a separate component called the Statistics Manager.
Otherwise, as system resources become available, the requested column statistics will be collected in the
background. That way, the next time that the query is executed, the missing column statistics will be
available to the Statistics Manager, thus allowing it to provide more accurate information to the
Optimizer at that time. More statistics make it easier for the Optimizer to generate a good performing
access plan.
If a query is canceled before or during execution, the requests for column statistics are still processed, as
long as the execution reaches the point where the generated access plan is written to the Plan Cache.
136 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
To minimize the number of passes through a table during statistics collection, the Statistics Manger
groups multiple requests for the same table together. For example, two queries are executed against table
T1. The first query has selection criteria on column C1 and the second over column C2. If no statistics are
available for the table, the Statistics Manager identifies both of these columns as good candidates for
column statistics. When the Statistics Manager reviews requests, it looks for multiple requests for the
same table and groups them together into one request. This allows both column statistics to be created
with only one pass through table T1.
One thing to note is that column statistics normally are automatically created when the Statistics Manager
must answer questions from the optimizer using default filter factors. However, when an index is
available that might be used to generate the answer, then column statistics are not automatically
generated. There may be cases where optimization time would benefit from column statistics in this
scenario because using column statistics to answer questions from the optimizer is generally more
efficient than using the index data. So if you have cases where the query performance seems extended,
you might want to verify that there is are indexes over the relevant columns in your query. If this is the
case, try manually generating columns statistics for these columns.
As stated before, statistics collection occurs as system resources become available. If you have schedule a
low priority job that is permanently active on your system and that is supposed to use all spare CPU
cycles for processing, your statistics collection will never become active.
To validate the statistics, the Statistics Manager checks to see if any of the following apply:
v Number of rows in the table has changed by more than 15% of the total table row count
v Number of rows changed in the table is more than 15% of the total table row count
If the statistics is determined to be stale, the Statistics Manager still uses the stale column statistics to
answer the questions from the optimizer, but it also marks the column statistics as stale in the Plan Cache
and generates a request to refresh the statistics.
| To view requests in iSeries Navigator, right-click Database and select Statistic Requests. This window
| shows all user requested statistics collections that are pending or active, as well as all system requested
| statistics collections that are being considered (are candidates), are active, or have failed. You can change
| the status of the request, order the request to process immediately, or cancel the request.
Related reference
“Statistics Manager APIs” on page 141
The following APIs are used to implement the statistics function of iSeries Navigator.
One major difference between indexes and column statistics is that indexes are permanent objects that are
updated when changes to the underlying table occur, while column statistics are not. If your data is
Another difference is the effect that the existence of new indexes or column statistics has on the
Optimizer. When new indexes become available, the Optimizer will consider them for implementation. If
they are candidates, the Optimizer will re-optimize the query and try to find a better implementation.
However, this is not true for column statistics. When new or refreshed column statistics are available, the
Statistics Manager will interrogate immediately. Reoptimization will occur only if the answers are
significantly different from the ones that were given before these refreshed statistics. This means that it is
possible to use statistics that are refreshed without causing a reoptimization of an access plan.
When trying to determine the selectivity of predicates, the Statistics Manager considers column statistics
and indexes as resources for its answers in the following order:
1. Try to use a multi-column keyed index when ANDed or ORed predicates reference multiple columns
2. If there is no perfect index that contains all of the columns in the predicates, it will try to find a
combination of indexes that can be used.
3. For single column questions, it will use available column statistics
4. If the answer derived from the column statistics shows a selectivity of less than 2%, indexes are used
to verify this answer
Accessing column statistics to answer questions is faster than trying to obtain these answers from
Column statistics can only be used by SQE. For CQE, all statistics are retrieved from indexes.
Finally, column statistics can be used only for query optimization. They cannot be used for the actual
implementation of a query, whereas indexes can be used for both.
When you switch the system value to something other than *ALL or *SYSTEM, the Statistics Manager
continues to place statistics requests in the Plan Cache. When the system value is switched back to *ALL,
for example, background processing analyzes the entire Plan Cache and looks for any column statistics
requests that are there. This background task also identifies column statistics that have been used by an
plan in the Plan Cache and determines if these column statistics have become stale. Requests for the new
column statistics as well as requests for refresh of the stale columns statistics are then executed.
All background statistic collections initiated by the system or submitted to the background by a user are
performed by the system job QDBFSTCCOL (user-initiated immediate requests are run within the user’s
138 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
job). This job uses multiple threads to create the statistics. The number of threads is determined by the
number of processors that the system has. Each thread is then associated with a request queue.
There are four types of request queues based on who submitted the request and how long the collection
is estimated to take. The default priority assigned to each thread can determine to which queue the
thread belongs:
v Priority 90 — short user requests
v Priority 93 — long user requests
v Priority 96 — short system requests
v Priority 99 — long system requests
Background statistics collections attempt to use as much parallelism as possible. This parallelism is
independent of the SMP feature installed on the iSeries. However, parallel processing is allowed only for
immediate statistics collection if SMP is installed on the system and the job requesting the column
statistics is set to allow parallelism.
Related information
Allow background database statistics collection (QDBFSTCCOL) system value
Statistics are not copied to new tables when using the Copy File (CPYF) command. If statistics are needed
immediately after using this command, then you must manually generate the statistics using iSeries
Navigator or the statistics APIs. If statistics are not needed immediately, then the creation of column
statistics may be performed automatically by the system after the first touch of a column by a query.
Statistics are copied when using Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command with DATA(*YES). You
can use this as an alternative to creating statistics automatically after using a Copy File (CPYF) command.
Related information
Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command
Copy File (CPYF) command
The first is to view statistics by using iSeries Navigator. Right-click a table or alias and select Statistic
Data. Another way is to create a user-defined table function and call that function from an SQL statement
or stored procedure.
To collect statistics using iSeries Navigator, right-click a table or alias and select Statistic Data. On the
Statistic Data dialog, click New. Then select the columns that you want to collect statistics for. Once you
have selected the columns, you can collect the statistics immediately or collect them in the background.
To refresh a statistic using iSeries Navigator, right-click a table or alias and select Statistic Data. Click
Update. Select the statistic that you want to refresh. You can collect the statistics immediately or collect
them in the background.
There are several scenarios in which the manual management (create, remove, refresh, and so on) of
column statistics may be beneficial and recommended.
140 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
If you have a rather long interval between save operations and rely heavily on journaling for
restoring your environment to a current state, consider keeping track of column statistics that are
generated after the latest save operation.
Related information
Allow background database statistics collection (QDBFSTCCOL) system value
| You can change your preferences by clicking Change and entering filter information. Click Refresh to
| update the information.
142 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 33. Columns used in Show materialized query table window (continued)
Column name Description
Initial Data Whether the initial data was inserted immediately or deferred.
Possible values are
v Deferred
v Immediate
Refresh Mode The refresh mode for the materialized query table. A materialized
query table can be refreshed whenever a change is made to the
table or deferred to a later time.
Isolation Level The isolation level for the materialized query table.
Sort Sequence The alternate character sorting sequence for National Language
Support (NLS).
Language Identifier The language code for the object.
SQL Statement The SQL statement that is used to populate the table.
Text The text description of the materialized query table.
To view constraints that have been placed in a check pending state, follow these steps:
1. Expand the system name and Databases. Right-click the database that you want to use, and select
Manage check pending constraints.
2. From this interface, you can view the definition of the constraint and the rows that are in violation of
the constraint rules. Select the constraint that you want to work with and then select Edit Check
Pending Constraint from the File menu.
3. You can either alter or delete the rows that are in violation.
Table 34. Columns used in Check pending constraints window
Column name Description
Name of Constraint in Check Pending Displays the name of the constraint that is in a check pending state.
Schema Schema containing the constraint that is in a check pending state.
Type Displays the type of constraint that is in check pending. Possible
values are:
Check constraint
Foreign key constraint
Enabled Displays whether the constraint is enabled. The constraint must be
disabled or the relationship must be taken out of the check pending
state before any input/output (I/O) operations can be performed
on it.
There are two kinds of persistent indexes: binary radix tree indexes, which have been available since
1988, and encoded vector indexes (EVIs), which became available in 1998 with V4R2. Both types of
indexes are useful in improving performance for certain kinds of queries.
| The binary radix tree structure is very good for finding a small number of rows because it is able to find
| a given row with a minimal amount of processing. For example, using a binary radix index over a
| customer number column for a typical OLTP request like ″find the outstanding orders for a single
| customer: will result in fast performance. An index created over the customer number column is
| considered to be the perfect index for this type of query because it allows the database to zero in on the
| rows it needs and perform a minimal number of I/Os.
| In some situations, however, you do not always have the same level of predictability. Increasingly, users
| want ad hoc access to the detail data. They might for example, run a report every week to look at sales
144 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| data, then ″drill down″ for more information related to a particular problem areas that they found in the
| report. In this scenario, you cannot write all of the queries in advance on behalf of the end users. Without
| knowing what queries will be run, it is impossible to build the perfect index.
| Related information
| SQL Create Index statement
| This logical page size is the amount of bytes of the access path that can be moved into the job’s storage
| pool from the auxiliary storage for a page fault.
| You should consider using the default of *KEYLEN for this parameter except in rare circumstances so
| that the page size can be determined by the system based on the total length of the key, or keys. When
| the access path is used by very selective queries (for example, individual key look up), a smaller page
| size is typically more efficient. Also, when the keys being selected by queries are grouped together in the
| access path and many records are being selected, or the access path is being scanned, a larger page size is
| typically more efficient.
| Related information
| Create Logical File (CRTLF) command
| Create Physical File (CRTPF) command
| SQL Create Index statement
| The goal of creating indexes is to improve query performance by providing statistics and implementation
| choices, while maintaining a reasonable balance on the number of indexes so as to limit maintenance
| overhead
| EVIs are a complementary alternative to existing index objects (binary radix tree structure - logical file or
| SQL index) and are a variation on bitmap indexing. Because of their compact size and relative simplicity,
| EVIs provide for faster scans of a table that can also be processed in parallel.
| Advantages of EVIs:
| v Require less storage
| v May have better build times than radix, especially if the number of unique values in the column(s)
| defined for the key is relatively small.
| v Provide more accurate statistics to the query optimizer
| v Considerably better performance for certain grouping types of queries
| v Good performance characteristics for decision support environments.
| Disadvantages of EVIs:
| v Cannot be used in ordering
| v Use for grouping is specialized
| v Use with joins always done in cooperation with hash table processing
| v Some additional maintenance idiosyncrasies
| Related information
| SQL Create Index statement
| For costing, the optimizer uses the symbol table to collect metadata information about the query.
| For implementation, the optimizer may use the EVI in one of the following ways:
| v Selection (WHERE clause)
| If the optimizer decides to use an EVI to process the query, the database engine uses the vector to
| build the dynamic bitmap (or a list of selected row ids) that contains one bit for each row in the table,
| the bit being turned on for each selected row. Like a bitmap index, these intermediate dynamic bitmaps
| (or lists) can be AND’ed and OR’ed together to satisfy an ad hoc query.
| For example, if a user wants to see sales data for a certain region during a certain time period, you can
| define an EVI over the region column and the Quarter column of the database. When the query runs,
| the database engine builds dynamic bitmaps using the two EVIs and then ANDs the bitmaps together
| to produce a bitmap that contains only the relevant rows for both selection criteria. This AND’ing
| capability drastically reduces the number of rows that the server must read and test. The dynamic
| bitmap(s) exists only as long as the query is executing. Once the query is completed, the dynamic
| bitmap(s) are eliminated.
| v Grouping or Distinct
| The symbol table within the EVI contains the distinct values for the specified columns in the key
| definition, along with a count of the number of records in the base table that have each distinct value.
| The symbol table in effect contains the grouping results of the columns in that key. Therefore, queries
| involving grouping or distinct on the columns in that key are potential candidates for a technique that
| uses the symbol table directly to determine the query result. Note that the symbol table contains only
| the key values and their associated counts. Therefore, queries involving column function COUNT are
| eligible for this technique, but queries involving column functions MIN or MAX on other columns are
| not eligible (since the min and max values are not stored in the symbol table).
146 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| When to create EVIs
| There are several instances when you should consider creating EVIs.
| Encoded vector indexes should be considered when any one of the following is true:
| v You want to gather ’live’ statistics
| v Full table scan is currently being selected for the query
| v Selectivity of the query is 20%-70% and using skip sequential access with dynamic bitmaps will speed
| up the scan
| v When a star schema join is expected to be used for star schema join queries.
| v When grouping or distinct queries are specified against a column, the columns have a small number of
| distinct values and (if a column function is specified at all) only the COUNT column function is used.
| EVI maintenance
| There are unique challenges to maintaining EVIs. The following table shows a progression of how EVIs
| are maintained and the conditions under which EVIs are most effective and where EVIs are least effective
| based on the EVI maintenance characteristics.
| Create EVIs on
| v Read-only tables or tables with a minimum of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE activity.
| v Key columns that are used in the WHERE clause - local selection predicates of SQL requests.
| v Single key columns that have a relatively small set of distinct values.
| v Multiple key columns that result in a relatively small set of distinct values.
| v Key columns that have a static or relatively static set of distinct values.
148 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v Non-unique key columns, with many duplicates.
| Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) is a valuable tool for building and maintaining indexes in parallel.
| The results of using the optional SMP feature of i5/OS are faster index build times, and faster I/O
| velocities while maintaining indexes in parallel. Using an SMP degree value of either *OPTIMIZE or
| *MAX, additional multiple tasks and additional server resources are used to build or maintain the
| indexes. With a degree value of *MAX, expect linear scalability on index creation. For example, creating
| indexes on a 4 processor server can be 4 times as fast as a 1 processor server.
| You can also use the Display File Description (DSPFD) command (or iSeries Navigator - Database) to
| check how many values are in the overflow area. Once the DSPFD command is issued, check the
| overflow area parameter for details on the initial and actual number of distinct key values in the
| overflow area.
| Use the Change Logical File (CHGLF) command with the attribute Force Rebuild Access Path set to YES
| (FRCRBDAP(*YES)). This command accomplishes the same thing as dropping and recreating the index,
| but it does not require that you know about how the index was built. This command is especially
| effective for applications where the original index definitions are not available, or for refreshing the
| access path.
| Related information
| SQL Create Index statement
| Change Logical File (CHGLF) command
| Display File Description (DSPFD) command
| The following table summarizes some of the differences between binary radix indexes and encoded
| vector indexes:
| Table 36. Comparison of radix and evi indexes
| Binary Radix Indexes Encoded Vector Indexes
| Basic data structure A wide, flat tree A Symbol Table and a vector
| Interface for creating Command, SQL, iSeries Navigator SQL, iSeries Navigator
| Can be created in parallel Yes Yes
| The CQE optimizer attempts to examine most, if not all, indexes built over a table unless or until it times
| out. However, the SQE optimizer only considers those indexes that are returned by the Statistics Manager.
| These include only indexes that the Statistics Manager decides are useful in performing local selection
| based on the ″where″ clause predicates. Consequently, the SQE optimizer does not time out.
| The primary goal of the optimizer is to choose an implementation that quickly and efficiently eliminates
| the rows that are not interesting or required to satisfy the request. Normally, query optimization is
| thought of as trying to find the rows of interest. A proper indexing strategy will assist the optimizer and
| database engine with this task.
150 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| If you have an updateable cursor because of dynamic SQL or the FOR UPDATE clause was not
| specified and the program contains an UPDATE statement then all columns can be updated.
| v For a column being compared with another column from the same row. For example, when using SQL,
| your program might include the following:
| When using the OPNQRYF command, for example:
| Even though there is an index for WORKDEPT and another index for ADMRDEPT, DB2 Universal
| Database for iSeries will not use either index. The index has no added benefit because every row of the
| table needs to be looked at.
| Before V5R3, it was difficult to determine unnecessary indexes. Using the Last Used Date was not
| dependable, as it was only updated when the logical file was opened using a native database application
| (for example, in an RPG application). Furthermore, it was difficult to find all the indexes over a physical
| file. Indexes are created as part of a keyed physical file, a keyed logical file, a join logical file, an SQL
| index, a primary key or unique constraint, or a referential constraint. However, you can now easily find
| all indexes and retrieve statistics on index usage as a result of new V5R3 iSeries Navigator and i5/OS
| functionality. To assist you in tuning your performance, this function now produces statistics on index
| usage as well as index usage in a query.
| To access this through the iSeries Navigator, navigate to: Database → Schemas → Tables. Right-click your
| table and select Show Indexes
| Note: You can also view the statistics through the Retrieve Member Description (QUSRMBRD) API.
| In addition to all existing attributes of an index, four new fields have been added to the iSeries
| Navigator. Those four new fields are:
| Last Query Use
| States the timestamp when the index was last used to retrieve data for a query.
| Last Query Statistic Use
| States the timestamp when the index was last used to provide statistical information.
| Query Use Count
| Lists the number of instances the index was used in a query.
| Query Statistics Use
| Lists the number of instances the index was used for statistical information.
| Last Used Date
| The century and date this index was last used.
| Days Used Count
| The number of days the index was used. If the index does not have a last used date, the count is
| 0.
| Date Reset Days Used Count
| The date that the days used count was last reset. You can reset the days used by Change Object
| Description (CHGOBJD) command.
152 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 37. Columns used in Show index window (continued)
| Column name Description
| Query Use Count Number of times the access path has been used for a query
| Query Statistics Use Count Number of times the access path has been used for statistics
| Last Used Date Timestamp when the access path or index was last used.
| Days Used Count The number of days the index has been used.
| Date Reset Days Used Count The year and date when the days-used count was last set to 0.
| Number of Key Columns The number of key columns defined for the access path or index.
| Key Columns The key columns defined for the access path or index.
| Current Key Values The number of current key values.
| Current Size The size of the access path or index.
| Current Allocated Pages The current number of pages allocated for the access path or index.
| Logical Page Size The number of bytes used for the access path or index’s logical
| page size. Indexes with larger logical page sizes are typically more
| efficient when scanned during query processing. Indexes with
| smaller logical page sizes are typically more efficient for simple
| index probes and individual key look ups. If the access path or
| index is an encoded vector, the value 0 is returned.
| Duplicate Key Order How the access path or index handles duplicate key values.
| Possible values are:
| v Unique - all values are unique.
| v Unique where not null - all values are unique unless null is
| specified.
| Maximum Key Length The maximum key length for the access path or index.
| Unique Partial Key Values The number of unique partial keys for the key fields 1 through 4. If
| the access path is an encoded vector, this number represents the
| number of full key distinct values.
| Overflow Values The number of overflow values for this encoded vector index.
| Key Code Size The length of the code assigned to each distinct key value of the
| encoded vector index.
| Sparse Is the index considered sparse. Sparse indexes only contain keys for
| rows that satisfy the query. Possible values are:
| v Yes
| v No
| Derived Key Is the index considered derived. A derived key is a key that is the
| result of an operation on the base column. Possible values are:
| v Yes
| v No
| Partitioned Whether the index partition should be created for each data
| partition defined for the table using the specified columns. Possible
| values are:
| v Yes
| v No
| Maximum Size The maximum size of the access path or index.
| Sort Sequence The alternate character sorting sequence for National Language
| Support (NLS).
| Language Identifier The language code for the object.
154 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 38. Columns used in Manage index rebuilds window (continued)
| Column name Description
| Status Displays the status of the rebuild.
| Possible values are:
| 1-99 – Rebuild Priority
| Running – Rebuilding
| Held – Held from be rebuilt
| Rebuild Priority Displays the priority in which the rebuild for this access path is
| run. Also referred to as sequence number.
| Possible values are:
| 1-99: Order to rebuild
| Held
| Open
| Rebuild Reason Displays the reason why this access path needs to be rebuilt.
| Possible values are:
| Create or build index
| Runtime error
| Change file or index sharing
| Other
| Not needed
| Change End of Data
| Restore
| Alter table
| Change table
| Change file
| Reorganize
| Enable a constraint
| Alter table recovery
| Change file recovery
| Index shared
| Runtime error
| Verify constraint
| Convert member
| Restore recovery
156 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 38. Columns used in Manage index rebuilds window (continued)
| Column name Description
| Invalidation Reason Type Displays the reason type for why this access path was invalidation.
| Possible reason types for User requested:
| Invalid because of REORG
| It is a copy
| Alter file
| Converting new member
| Change to *FRCRBDAP
| Change to *UNIQUE
| Change to *REBLD
| Possible reason types for LOAD
| The index was marked for invalidation but the system
| crashed before the invalidation could actually occur
| The index was associated with the overlaid data space header
| during a load, therefore it was invalidated
| Index was in IMPI format. The header was converted and
| now it is invalidated to be rebuilt in RISC format
| The RISC index was converted to V5R1 format
| Index invalidated due to partial load
| Index invalidated due to a delayed maintenance mismatch
| Index invalidated due to a pad key mismatch
| Index invalidated due to a significant fields bitmap fix
| Index invalidated due to a logical page size mismatch
| Index was not restored. File may have been saved with
| ACCPTH(*NO) or index did not exist when file was saved.
| Index was not restored. File may have been saved with
| ACCPTH(*NO) or index did not exist when file was saved.
| Index was rebuilt because file was saved in an inconsistent
| state with SAVACT(*SYSDFN).
| Note that for other invalidation codes, this field will display a 0.
| Estimated Rebuild Time Amount of time that it is estimated that the rebuild of the access
| path will take.
| Rebuild Start Time Time when the rebuild was started.
| Elapsed Rebuild Time Amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the rebuild of the
| access path
| Unique Indicates whether the rows in the access path are unique. Possible
| values are:
| Yes
| No
| Last Query Use Timestamp when the access path was last used
| Last Query Statistics Use Timestamp when the access path was last used for statistics
| Query Use Count Number of times the access path has been used for a query
| Query Statistics Use Count Number of times the access path has been used for statistics
| Partition Partition detail for the index.
| Possible values:
| v <blank>, which means For all partitions
| v For Each Partition
| v specific name of the partition
| Owner User ID of the owner of this access path.
| Parallel Degree Number of processors to be used to rebuild the index.
| Short Name The system name of the file that owns the index to be rebuilt.
| Text Text description of the file owning the index.
| You can also use the Edit Rebuild of Access Paths (EDTRBDAP) command to manage rebuilding of access
| paths.
| Related information
| Rebuild access paths
| Edit Rebuild of Access Paths (EDTRBDAP) command
Indexing strategy
There are two approaches to index creation: proactive and reactive. As the name implies proactive index
creation involves anticipating which columns will be most often used for selection, joining, grouping and
ordering; and then building indexes over those columns. In the reactive approach, indexes are created
based on optimizer feedback, query implementation plan, and system performance measurements.
It is useful to initially build indexes based on the database model and application(s) and not any
particular query. As a starting point, consider designing basic indexes based on the following criteria:
v Primary and foreign key columns based on the database model
v Commonly used local selection columns, including columns that are dependent, such as an
automobile’s make and model
v Commonly used join columns not considered primary or foreign key columns
v Commonly used grouping columns
Related information
Indexing and statistics strategies for DB2 UDB for iSeries
The reactive tuning method is also used when trying to understand and tune an existing application that
is not performing up to expectations. Using the appropriate debugging and monitoring tools, which are
described in the next section, the database feedback messages that will tell basically three things can be
v Any indexes the optimizer recommends for local selection
v Any temporary indexes used for a query
v The implementation method(s) that the optimizer has chosen to run the queries
If the database engine is building temporary indexes to process joins or to perform grouping and
selection over permanent tables, permanent indexes should be built over the same columns to try to
eliminate the temporary index creation. In some cases, a temporary index is built over a temporary table,
so a permanent index will not be able to be built for those tables. You can use the optimization tools
listed in the previous section to note the creation of the temporary index, the reason the temporary index
was created, and the key columns in the temporary index.
158 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
In a perfect radix index, the order of the columns is important. In fact, it can make a difference as to
whether the optimizer uses it for data retrieval at all. As a general rule, order the columns in an index in
the following way:
v Equal predicates first. That is, any predicate that uses the ″=″ operator may narrow down the range of
rows the fastest and should therefore be first in the index.
v If all predicates have an equal operator, then order the columns as follows:
– Selection predicates + join predicates
– Join predicates + selection predicates
– Selection predicates + group by columns
– Selection predicates + order by columns
In addition to the guidelines above, in general, the most selective key columns should be placed first in
the index.
With a query like this, the proactive index creation process can begin. The basic rules are:
v Custom-build a radix index for the largest or most commonly used queries. Example using the query
radix index over join column(s) - a.join_col and b.join_col
radix index over most commonly used local selection column(s) - b.col2
v For ad hoc online analytical processing (OLAP) environments or less frequently used queries, build
single-key EVIs over the local selection column(s) used in the queries. Example using the query above:
EVI over non-unique local selection columns - b.col1 and b.col2
To avoid problems for columns and constants being compared, use the following:
v same data type
v same scale, if applicable
v same precision, if applicable
For example, EDUCLVL is a halfword integer value (SMALLINT). When using SQL, specify:
instead of
If an index was created over the EDUCLVL column, then the optimizer does not use the index in the
second example because the precision of the constant is greater than the precision of the column. In the
first example, the optimizer considers using the index, because the precisions are equal.
instead of
... WHERE SALARY > 15000*1.1
For example, EMPNO is CHAR(6) and DEPTNO is CHAR(3). For example, when using SQL, specify the
... WHERE EMPNO > '000300' AND
DEPTNO < 'E20'
instead of
... WHERE EMPNO > '000300 ' AND
DEPTNO < 'E20 '
instead of
... QRYSLT('EMPNO *GT "000300" *AND DEPTNO *LT "E20"')
160 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
When using the OPNQRYF command, specify the following:
However, when used at the beginning of a character string, they can prevent DB2 Universal Database for
iSeries from using any indexes that might be defined on the LASTNAME column to limit the number of
rows scanned using index scan-key positioning. Index scan-key selection, however, is allowed. For
example, in the following queries index scan-key selection can be used, but index scan-key positioning
Ideally, you should avoid patterns with a % so that you can get the best performance when you perform
key processing on the predicate. If possible, you should try to get a partial string to search so that index
scan-key positioning can be used.
For example, if you were looking for the name ″Smithers″, but you only type ″S%,″ this query returns all
names starting with ″S.″ You should adjust the query to return all names with ″Smi%″. By forcing the use
of partial strings, you may get better performance in the long term.
The sort sequence table associated with the query (specified by the SRTSEQ and LANGID parameters)
must match the sort sequence table with which the existing index was built. DB2 Universal Database for
iSeries compares the sort sequence tables. If they do not match, the existing index cannot be used.
There is an exception to this, however. If the sort sequence table associated with the query is a
unique-weight sequence table (including *HEX), DB2 Universal Database for iSeries acts as though no
sort sequence table is specified for selection, join, or grouping columns that use the following operators
and predicates:
v equal (=) operator
v not equal (^= or <>) operator
v LIKE predicate (OPNQRYF %WLDCRD and *CT)
v IN predicate (OPNQRYF %VALUES)
When these conditions are true, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries is free to use any existing index
where the key columns match the columns and either:
v The index does not contain a sort sequence table or
v The index contains a unique-weight sort sequence table
1. The table does not need to match the unique-weight sort sequence table associated with the
When a sort is used, the translation is done during the sort. Since the sort is handling the sort sequence
requirement, this allows DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to use any existing index that meets the
selection criteria.
Examples of indexes
The following index examples are provided to help you create effective indexes.
For the purposes of the examples, assume that three indexes are created.
Assume that an index HEXIX was created with *HEX as the sort sequence.
Assume that an index UNQIX was created with a unique-weight sort sequence.
Assume that an index SHRIX was created with a shared-weight sort sequence.
162 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
When using the OPNQRYF command, specify:
Index example: Greater than selection with a unique-weight sort sequence table
Greater than selection with a unique-weight sort sequence table (SRTSEQ(*LANGIDUNQ)
The system can use either index HEXIX or index UNQIX for either query.
The system can only use index SHRIX for either query.
The system can use either index HEXIX or index UNQIX for selection. Ordering is done during the sort
using the *LANGIDUNQ sort sequence table.
164 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The following examples assume that 3 more indexes are created over columns JOB and SALARY. The
CREATE INDEX statements precede the examples.
Assume an index HEXIX2 was created with *HEX as the sort sequence.
Assume that an index UNQIX2 was created and the sort sequence is a unique-weight sort sequence.
Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a unique-weight
sort sequence table
Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a unique-weight sort sequence table
The system can use UNQIX2 to satisfy both the grouping and ordering requirements. If index UNQIX2
did not exist, the system creates an index using a sort sequence table of *LANGIDUNQ.
The system can use UNQIX2 to satisfy both the grouping and ordering requirements. If index UNQIX2
did not exist, the system does one of the following actions:
v Create an index using a sort sequence table of *LANGIDUNQ or
v Use index HEXIX2 to satisfy the grouping and to perform a sort to satisfy the ordering
Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a shared-weight
sort sequence table
Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a shared-weight sort sequence table
The system can use SHRIX2 to satisfy both the grouping and ordering requirements. If index SHRIX2 did
not exist, the system creates an index using a sort sequence table of *LANGIDSHR.
166 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The system can use SHRIX2 to satisfy both the grouping and ordering requirements. If index SHRIX2 did
not exist, the system creates an index using a sort sequence table of *LANGIDSHR.
The system can use index HEXIX2 or index UNQIX2 to satisfy the grouping requirements. A temporary
result is created containing the grouping results. A temporary index is then built over the temporary
result using a *LANGIDUNQ sort sequence table to satisfy the ordering requirements.
The system can use index HEXIX2 or index UNQIX2 to satisfy the grouping requirements. A sort is
performed to satisfy the ordering requirements.
Specifying ALWCPYDTA(*NO) instructs the database manager to always use live data. In most cases,
forcing live data access is a detriment to performance as it severely limits the possible plan choices that
the optimizer may use to implement the query. Consequently, in most cases it should be avoided.
However, in specialized cases involving a simple query, live data access can be used as a performance
advantage because the cursor does not need be closed and opened again to refresh the data being
retrieved. An example application demonstrating this advantage is one that produces a list on a display.
If the display screen can only show 20 elements of the list at a time, then, after the initial 20 elements are
displayed, the application programmer can request that the next 20 rows be displayed. A typical SQL
application designed for an operating system other than the i5/OS operating system, might be structured
as follows:
* Show the display and wait for the user to indicate that
* the next 20 rows should be displayed.
168 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
* Show the display with these 20 rows of data.
In the above example, notice that an additional cursor had to be opened to continue the list and to get
current data. This can result in creating an additional ODP that increases the processing time on the
iSeries server. In place of the above example, the programmer can design the application specifying
ALWCPYDTA(*NO) with the following SQL statements:
* Show the display and wait for the user to indicate that
* the next 20 rows should be displayed.
In the above example, the query might perform better if the FOR 20 ROWS clause was used on the
multiple-row FETCH statement. Then, the 20 rows are retrieved in one operation.
Related information
Start SQL (STRSQL) command
To minimize the number of opens, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries leaves the open data path (ODP)
open and reuses the ODP if the statement is run again, unless:
v The ODP used a host variable to build a subset temporary index. The i5/OS database support may
choose to build a temporary index with entries for only the rows that match the row selection specified
in the SQL statement. If a host variable was used in the row selection, the temporary index will not
have the entries required for a different value contained in the host variable.
v Ordering was specified on a host variable value.
v An Override Database File (OVRDBF) or Delete Override (DLTOVR) CL command has been issued
since the ODP was opened, which affects the SQL statement execution. The ODPs opened by DB2
Universal Database for iSeries
Note: Only overrides that affect the name of the table being referred to will cause the ODP to be
closed within a given program invocation.
v The join is a complex join that requires temporaries to contain the intermediate steps of the join.
v Some cases involve a complex sort, where a temporary file is required, may not be reusable.
v A change to the library list since the last open has occurred, which changes the table selected by an
unqualified referral in system naming mode.
v The join was implemented by the CQE optimizer using hash join.
For embedded static SQL, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries only reuses ODPs opened by the same
statement. An identical statement coded later in the program does not reuse an ODP from any other
statement. If the identical statement must be run in the program many times, code it once in a subroutine
and call the subroutine to run the statement.
| The ODPs opened by DB2 Universal Database for iSeries are closed when any of the following occurs:
| v A CLOSE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT INTO statement completes and the ODP required a
| temporary result that was not reusable or a subset temporary index.
| v The Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command is issued. A Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) is issued when
| the first COBOL program on the call stack ends or when a COBOL program issues the STOP RUN
| COBOL statement. Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) will not close ODPs created for programs precompiled
| using CLOSQLCSR(*ENDJOB). For interaction of Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) with non-default
| activation groups, see the following books:
| – WebSphere® Development Studio: ILE C/C++ Programmer’s Guide
| – WebSphere Development Studio: ILE COBOL Programmer’s Guide
| – WebSphere Development Studio: ILE RPG Programmer’s Guide
| v When the last program that contains SQL statements on the call stack exits, except for ODPs created for
| programs precompiled using CLOSQLCSR(*ENDJOB) or modules precompiled using
| v When a CONNECT (Type 1) statement changes the application server for an activation group, all ODPs
| created for the activation group are closed.
| v When a DISCONNECT statement ends a connection to the application server, all ODPs for that
| application server are closed.
| v When a released connection is ended by a successful COMMIT, all ODPs for that application server are
| closed.
| v When the threshold for open cursors specified by the query options file (QAQQINI) parameter
| will close any pseudo-closed cursors associated with the specified table.
170 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| v Open data paths left open by DB2 Universal Database when the application has requested a close can
| be forced to close for a specific file by using the ALCOBJ CL command. This will not force the ODP to
| be closed if the application has not requested the cursor be closed. The syntax for the command is:
You can control whether the system keeps the ODPs open in the following ways:
v Design the application so a program that issues an SQL statement is always on the call stack
v By specifying the OPEN_CURSOR_THRESHOLD and OPEN_CURSOR_CLOSE_COUNT parameters of
the query options file (QAQQINI)
The system does an open operation for the first execution of each UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF when
any expression in the SET clause contains an operator or function. The open can be avoided by coding
the function or operation in the host language code.
For example, the following UPDATE causes the system to do an open operation:
You can determine whether SQL statements result in full opens in several ways. The preferred methods
are to use the Database Monitor or by looking at the messages issued while debug is active. You can also
use the CL commands Trace Job (TRCJOB) or Display Journal (DSPJRN).
Related information
Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command
Trace Job (TRCJOB) command
Display Journal (DSPJRN) command
C and C++
When used properly, the CLOSQLCSR parameter can reduce the number of SQL OPEN, PREPARE, and
LOCK statements needed. It can also simplify applications by allowing you to retain cursor positions
across program calls.
This is the default for all non-ILE precompilers. With this option, a cursor remains open and
accessible only while the program that opened it is on the call stack. When the program ends, the
SQL cursor can no longer be used. Prepared statements are also lost when the program ends.
Locks, however, remain until the last SQL program on the call stack has completed.
With this option, SQL cursors and prepared statements that are created by a program remain
open until the last SQL program on the call stack has completed. They cannot be used by other
programs, only by a different call to the same program. Locks remain until the last SQL program
in the call stack completes.
This option allows you to keep SQL cursors, prepared statements, and locks active for the
duration of the job. When the last SQL program on the stack has completed, any SQL resources
created by *ENDJOB programs are still active. The locks remain in effect. The SQL cursors that
were not explicitly closed by the CLOSE, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK statements remain open. The
prepared statements are still usable on subsequent calls to the same program.
Related reference
“Effects of precompile options on database performance” on page 179
Several precompile options are available for creating SQL programs with improved performance. They
are only options because using them may impact the function of the application. For this reason, the
default value for these parameters is the value that will ensure successful migration of applications
from prior releases. However, you can improve performance by specifying other options.
When used properly, the CLOSQLCSR parameter can reduce the number of SQL OPEN, PREPARE, and
LOCK statements needed. It can also simplify applications by allowing you to retain cursor positions
across program calls.
This is the default for the ILE precompilers. With this option, SQL cursors and prepared
statements remain open until the activation group that the program is running under ends. They
cannot be used by other programs, only by a different call to the same program. Locks remain
until the activation group ends.
With this option, a cursor remains open and accessible only while the module that opened it is
active. When the module ends, the SQL cursor can no longer be used. Prepared statements will
also be lost when the module ends. Locks, however, remain until the last SQL program in the call
stack completes.
172 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
General rules for retaining cursor positions for all program calls
When using programs compiled with either CLOSQLCSR(*ENDPGM) or CLOSQLCSR(*ENDMOD), a
cursor must be opened every time the program or module is called, in order to access the data. If the
SQL program or module is going to be called several times, and you want to take advantage of a
reusable ODP, then the cursor must be explicitly closed before the program or module exits.
Using the CLOSQLCSR parameter and specifying *ENDSQL, *ENDJOB, or *ENDACTGRP, you may not
need to run an OPEN and a CLOSE statement on every call. In addition to having fewer statements to
run, you can maintain the cursor position between calls to the program or module.
The following examples of SQL statements help demonstrate the advantage of using the CLOSQLCSR
If this program is called several times from another SQL program, it will be able to use a reusable ODP.
This means that, as long as SQL remains active between the calls to this program, the OPEN statement
will not require a database open operation. However, the cursor is still positioned to the first result row
after each OPEN statement, and the FETCH statement will always return the first row.
If this program is precompiled with the *ENDJOB option or the *ENDACTGRP option and the activation
group remains active, the cursor position is maintained. The cursor position is also maintained when the
following occurs:
v The program is precompiled with the *ENDSQL option.
v SQL remains active between program calls.
This technique also applies to prepared statements. A program can first try the EXECUTE, and if it fails,
perform the PREPARE. The result is that the PREPARE is only needed on the first call to the program,
assuming the correct CLOSQLCSR option was chosen. Of course, if the statement can change between
calls to the program, it should perform the PREPARE in all cases.
The main program might also control this by sending a special parameter on the first call only. This
special parameter value indicates that because it is the first call, the subprogram should perform the
Note: If you are using COBOL programs, do not use the STOP RUN statement. When the first COBOL
program on the call stack ends or a STOP RUN statement runs, a reclaim resource (RCLRSC)
operation is done. This operation closes the SQL cursor. The *ENDSQL option does not work as
you wanted.
Note: The values that can be used for the OPTIMIZE clause above are 1–9999999 or ALL.
The optimize ratio = optimize for n rows value / estimated number of rows in answer set.
Cost using a temporarily created index:
174 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Cost to retrieve answer set rows
using an existing index * optimize ratio
In the previous examples, the estimated cost to sort or to create an index is not adjusted by the optimize
ratio. This enables the optimizer to balance the optimization and preprocessing requirements. If the
optimize number is larger than the number of rows in the result table, no adjustments are made to the
cost estimates. If the OPTIMIZE clause is not specified for a query, a default value is used based on the
statement type, value of ALWCPYDTA specified, or output device.
An SQL application that uses a FETCH statement without the FOR n ROWS clause can be improved by
using the multiple-row FETCH statement to retrieve multiple rows. After the host structure array or row
storage area has been filled by the FETCH, the application can loop through the data in the array or
storage area to process each of the individual rows. The statement runs faster because the SQL run-time
was called only once and all the data was simultaneously returned to the application program.
You can change the application program to allow the database manager to block the rows that the SQL
run-time retrieves from the tables.
In the following table, the program attempted to FETCH 100 rows into the application. Note the
differences in the table for the number of calls to SQL run-time and the database manager when blocking
can be performed.
Table 39. Number of Calls Using a FETCH Statement
Database Manager Not Using
Blocking Database Manager Using Blocking
Single-Row FETCH Statement 100 SQL calls 100 database calls 100 SQL calls 1 database call
Multiple-Row FETCH Statement 1 SQL run-time call 100 database calls 1 SQL run-time call 1 database call
Related information
FETCH statement
An SQL application that loops over an INSERT...VALUES statement (without the n ROWS clause) can be
improved by using the INSERT n ROWS statement to insert multiple rows into the table. After the
application has looped to fill the host array with rows, a single INSERT n ROWS statement can be run to
insert the entire array into the table. The statement runs faster because the SQL run-time was only called
once and all the data was simultaneously inserted into the target table.
In the following table, the program attempted to INSERT 100 rows into a table. Note the differences in
the number of calls to SQL run-time and to the database manager when blocking can be performed.
Table 40. Number of Calls Using an INSERT Statement
Database Manager Not Using
Blocking Database Manager Using Blocking
Single-Row INSERT Statement 100 SQL run-time calls 100 database 100 SQL run-time calls 1 database call
Multiple-Row INSERT Statement 1 SQL run-time call 100 database calls 1 SQL run-time call 1 database call
Related information
INSERT statement
You can control blocking, if you want. Use the SEQONLY parameter on the CL command Override
Database File (OVRDBF) before calling the application program that contains the SQL statements. You can
also specify the ALWBLK parameter on the CRTSQLxxx commands.
176 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The database manager does not allow blocking in the following situations:
v The cursor is update or delete capable.
v The length of the row plus the feedback information is greater than 32767. The minimum size for the
feedback information is 11 bytes. The feedback size is increased by the number of bytes in the key
columns for the index used by the cursor and by the number of key columns, if any, that are null
v COMMIT(*CS) is specified, and ALWBLK(*ALLREAD) is not specified.
v COMMIT(*ALL) is specified, and the following are true:
– A SELECT INTO statement or a blocked FETCH statement is not used
– The query does not use column functions or specify group by columns.
– A temporary result table does not need to be created.
v COMMIT(*CHG) is specified, and ALWBLK(*ALLREAD) is not specified.
v The cursor contains at least one subquery and the outermost subselect provided a correlated reference
for a subquery or the outermost subselect processed a subquery with an IN, = ANY, or < > ALL
subquery predicate operator, which is treated as a correlated reference, and that subquery is not
The SQL run-time automatically blocks rows with the database manager in the following cases:
If an INSERT statement contains a select-statement, inserted rows are blocked and not actually inserted
into the target table until the block is full. The SQL run-time automatically does blocking for blocked
Note: If an INSERT with a VALUES clause is specified, the SQL run-time might not actually close the
internal cursor that is used to perform the inserts until the program ends. If the same INSERT
statement is run again, a full open is not necessary and the application runs much faster.
Blocking is done under the OPEN statement when the rows are retrieved if all of the following
conditions are true:
– The cursor is only used for FETCH statements.
– No EXECUTE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements are in the program, or ALWBLK(*ALLREAD)
was specified, or the cursor is declared with the FOR FETCH ONLY clause.
– COMMIT(*CHG) and ALWBLK(*ALLREAD) are specified, COMMIT(*CS) and
ALWBLK(*ALLREAD) are specified, or COMMIT(*NONE) is specified.
Related reference
“Effects of precompile options on database performance” on page 179
Several precompile options are available for creating SQL programs with improved performance. They
are only options because using them may impact the function of the application. For this reason, the
default value for these parameters is the value that will ensure successful migration of applications
from prior releases. However, you can improve performance by specifying other options.
Related information
Override Database File (OVRDBF) command
This is also important when considering index only access, since you minimize the number of columns in
a query and thereby increase the odds that an index can be used to completely satisfy the request for all
the data.
Related information
The following processing occurs for the statement that is being prepared:
v The syntax is checked.
v The statement is validated to ensure that the usage of objects are valid.
v An access plan is built.
Again when the statement is executed or opened, the database manager will re-validate that the access
plan is still valid. Much of this open processing validation is redundant with the validation which
occurred during the PREPARE processing. The DLYPRP(*YES) parameter specifies whether PREPARE
statements in this program will completely validate the dynamic statement. The validation will be
completed when the dynamic statement is opened or executed. This parameter can provide a significant
performance enhancement for programs which use the PREPARE SQL statement because it eliminates
redundant validation. Programs that specify this precompile option should check the SQLCODE and
SQLSTATE after running the OPEN or EXECUTE statement to ensure that the statement is valid.
DLYPRP(*YES) will not provide any performance improvement if the INTO clause is used on the
PREPARE statement or if a DESCRIBE statement uses the dynamic statement before an OPEN is issued
for the statement.
Related reference
“Effects of precompile options on database performance” on page 179
Several precompile options are available for creating SQL programs with improved performance. They
are only options because using them may impact the function of the application. For this reason, the
default value for these parameters is the value that will ensure successful migration of applications
from prior releases. However, you can improve performance by specifying other options.
Related information
Prepare statement
When interactively displaying data using REFRESH(*FORWARD), the results of a select-statement are
copied to a temporary table as you page forward through the display. Other users sharing the table can
make changes to the rows while you are displaying the select-statement results. If you page backward or
forward to rows that have already been displayed, the rows shown are those in the temporary table
instead of those in the updated table.
178 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Related information
Start SQL (STRSQL) command
Qualify the long object name with a library name, and the conversion to the short name happens at
precompile time. In this case, there is no performance impact when the statement is executed. Otherwise,
the conversion is done at execution time, and has a small performance impact.
The following table shows these precompile options and their performance impacts.
Some of these options may be suitable for most of your applications. Use the command CRTDUPOBJ to
create a copy of the SQL CRTSQLxxx command. and the CHGCMDDFT command to customize the
optimal values for the precompile parameters. The DSPPGM, DSPSRVPGM, DSPMOD, or PRTSQLINF
commands can be used to show the precompile options that are used for an existing program object.
Related reference
By using the sort or hash, the database manager is able to separate the row selection from the ordering
and grouping process. Bitmap processing can also be partially controlled through this parameter. This
separation allows the use of the most efficient index for the selection. For example, consider the following
SQL statement:
The above SQL statement can be written in the following way by using the OPNQRYF command:
If ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) is specified, the database manager uses an index with the first index
column of WORKDEPT. It then makes a copy of all of the rows that match the WHERE condition. Finally,
it may sort the copied rows by the values in LASTNAME. This row selection processing is significantly
more efficient, because the index used immediately locates the rows to be selected.
ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) optimizes the total time that is required to process the query. However, the
time required to receive the first row may be increased because a copy of the data must be made before
returning the first row of the result table. This initial change in response time may be important for
applications that are presenting interactive displays or that retrieve only the first few rows of the query.
The DB2 Universal Database for iSeries query optimizer can be influenced to avoid sorting by using the
OPTIMIZE clause.
Queries that involve a join operation may also benefit from ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) because the join
order can be optimized regardless of the ORDER BY specification.
Related concepts
180 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
“Plan Cache” on page 6
The Plan Cache is a repository that contains the access plans for queries that were optimized by SQE.
Related reference
“Effects of precompile options on database performance” on page 179
Several precompile options are available for creating SQL programs with improved performance. They
are only options because using them may impact the function of the application. For this reason, the
default value for these parameters is the value that will ensure successful migration of applications
from prior releases. However, you can improve performance by specifying other options.
“Radix index scan” on page 12
A radix index scan operation is used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence. Like a
Table Scan, all of the rows in the index will be sequentially processed, but the resulting row numbers
will be sequenced based upon the key columns.
“Radix index probe” on page 13
A radix index probe operation is used to retrieve the rows from a table in a keyed sequence. The main
difference between the Radix Index Probe and the Radix Index Scan is that the rows being returned
must first be identified by a probe operation to subset the rows being retrieved.
Data in a variable-length column is stored internally in two areas: a fixed-length or ALLOCATE area and
an overflow area. If a default value is specified, the allocated length is at least as large as the value. The
following points help you determine the best way to use your storage area.
When you define a table with variable-length data, you must decide the width of the ALLOCATE area. If
the primary goal is:
v Space saving: use ALLOCATE(0).
v Performance: the ALLOCATE area should be wide enough to incorporate at least 90% to 95% of the
values for the column.
It is possible to balance space savings and performance. In the following example of an electronic
telephone book, the following data is used:
v 8600 names that are identified by: last, first, and middle name
v The Last, First, and Middle columns are variable length.
v The shortest last name is 2 characters; the longest is 22 characters.
This example shows how space can be saved by using variable-length columns. The fixed-length column
table uses the most space. The table with the carefully calculated allocate sizes uses less disk space. The
table that was defined with no allocate size (with all of the data stored in the overflow area) uses the
least disk space.
Number of Rows
Variety of Last Name First Name Middle Name Total Physical in Overflow
Support Max/Alloc Max/Alloc Max/Alloc File Size Space
Fixed Length 22 22 22 567 K 0
Variable Length 40/10 40/10 40/7 408 K 73
Variable-Length 40/0 40/0 40/0 373 K 8600
If you are using host variables to insert or update variable-length columns, the host variables should be
variable length. Because blanks are not truncated from fixed-length host variables, using fixed-length host
variables can cause more rows to spill into the overflow space. This increases the size of the table.
In this example, fixed-length host variables are used to insert a row into a table:
The host-variable LAST-NAME is not variable length. The string “SMITH”, followed by 35 blanks, is
inserted into the VARCHAR column LAST. The value is longer than the allocate size of 10. Thirty of
thirty-five trailing blanks are in the overflow area.
In this example, variable-length host variables are used to insert a row into a table:
The host variable VLAST-NAME is variable length. The actual length of the data is set to 5. The value is
shorter than the allocated length. It can be placed in the fixed portion of the column.
Running the Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM) command against tables that contain
variable-length columns can improve performance. The fragments in the overflow area that are not in use
are compacted by the Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM) command. This reduces the read time
for rows that overflow, increases the locality of reference, and produces optimal order for serial batch
Choose the appropriate maximum length for variable-length columns. Selecting lengths that are too long
increases the process access group (PAG). A large PAG slows performance. A large maximum length
makes SEQONLY(*YES) less effective. Variable-length columns longer than 2000 bytes are not eligible as
key columns.
182 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Using LOBs and VARCHAR in the same table
| Storage for LOB columns allocated in the same manner as VARCHAR columns. When a column stored in
| the overflow storage area is referenced, currently all of the columns in that area are paged into memory.
| A reference to a ″smaller″ VARCHAR column that is in the overflow area can potentially force extra
| paging of LOB columns. For example, A VARCHAR(256) column retrieved by application has side-effect
| of paging in two 5 MB BLOB columns that are in the same row. In order to prevent this, you may want
| to use ALLOCATE keyword to ensure that only LOB columns are stored in the overflow area.
Related information
Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM) command
Reorganizing a physical file
Embedded SQL programming
184 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QVC11 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC12 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC13 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC14 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC15 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC16 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC17 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC18 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC19 CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1A CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1B CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1C CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1D CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1E CHAR(1) ,
| QVC1F CHAR(1) ,
| QWC11 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC12 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC13 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC14 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC15 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC16 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC17 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC18 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC19 CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1A CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1B CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1C CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1D CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1E CHAR(1) ,
| QWC1F CHAR(1) ,
| QVC21 CHAR(2) ,
| QVC22 CHAR(2) ,
| QVC23 CHAR(2) ,
| QVC24 CHAR(2) ,
| QVP151 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP152 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP153 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP154 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP155 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP156 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP157 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP158 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP159 DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15A DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15B DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15C DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15D DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15E DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVP15F DECIMAL(15, 0) ,
| QVC41 CHAR(4) ,
| QVC42 CHAR(4) ,
| QVC43 CHAR(4) ,
| QVC44 CHAR(4) ,
| QVC81 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC82 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC83 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC84 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC85 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC86 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC87 CHAR(8) ,
| QVC88 CHAR(8) ,
186 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQNLNM IS 'NLSS Library' ,
| QQSTIM IS 'Start Time' ,
| QQETIM IS 'End Time' ,
| QQKP IS 'Key Positioning' ,
| QQKS IS 'Key Selection' ,
| QQTOTR IS 'Total Rows' ,
| QQTMPR IS 'Number of Rows in Temporary' ,
| QQJNP IS 'Join Position' ,
| QQEPT IS 'Estimated Processing Time' ,
| QQDSS IS 'Data Space Selection' ,
| QQIDXA IS 'Index Advised' ,
| QQORDG IS 'Ordering' ,
| QQGRPG IS 'Grouping' ,
| QQJNG IS 'Join' ,
| QQUNIN IS 'Union' ,
| QQSUBQ IS 'Subquery' ,
| QQHSTV IS 'Host Variables' ,
| QQRCDS IS 'Row Selection' ,
| QQRCOD IS 'Reason Code' ,
| QQRSS IS 'Number of Rows Selected' ,
| QQREST IS 'Estimated Number of Rows Selected' ,
| QQRIDX IS 'Number of Entries in Index Created' ,
| QQFKEY IS 'Estimated Entries for Key Positioning' ,
| QQKSEL IS 'Estimated Entries for Key Selection' ,
| QQAJN IS 'Estimated Number of Joined Rows' ,
| QQIDXD IS 'Advised Key Columns' ,
| QQI9 IS 'Thread Identifier' ,
| QVQTBL IS 'Queried Table Long Name' ,
| QVQLIB IS 'Queried Library Long Name' ,
| QVPTBL IS 'Base Table Long Name' ,
| QVPLIB IS 'Base Library Long Name' ,
| QVINAM IS 'Index Used Long Name' ,
| QVILIB IS 'Index Used Library Name' ,
| QVQTBLI IS 'Table Long Required' ,
| QVPTBLI IS 'Base Long Required' ,
| QVINAMI IS 'Index Long Required' ,
| QVBNDY IS 'I/O or CPU Bound' ,
| QVJFANO IS 'Join Fan Out' ,
| QVPARPF IS 'Parallel Pre-Fetch' ,
| QVPARPL IS 'Parallel Pre-Load' ,
| QVCTIM IS 'Estimated Cumulative Time' ,
| QVPARD IS 'Parallel Degree Requested' ,
| QVPARU IS 'Parallel Degree Used' ,
| QVPARRC IS 'Parallel Limited Reason Code' ,
| QVRCNT IS 'Refresh Count' ,
| QVFILES IS 'Number of Tables Joined' ) ;
| (QQRID TEXT IS 'Record ID' ,
| QQTIME TEXT IS 'Time record was created' ,
| QQJFLD TEXT IS 'Join Column' ,
| QQRDBN TEXT IS 'Relational Database Name' ,
| QQSYS TEXT IS 'System Name' ,
| QQJOB TEXT IS 'Job Name' ,
| QQUSER TEXT IS 'Job User' ,
| QQJNUM TEXT IS 'Job Number' ,
| QQUCNT TEXT IS 'Unique Counter' ,
| QQUDEF TEXT IS 'User Defined Column' ,
| QQSTN TEXT IS 'Statement Number' ,
| QQQDTN TEXT IS 'Subselect Number' ,
| QQQDTL TEXT IS 'Subselect Nested Level' ,
| QQMATN TEXT IS 'Subselect Number of Materialized View' ,
| QQMATL TEXT IS 'Subselect Level of Materialized View' ,
| QQTLN TEXT IS 'Library of Table Queried' ,
| QQTFN TEXT IS 'Name of Table Queried' ,
| QQTMN TEXT IS 'Member of Table Queried' ,
| QQPTLN TEXT IS 'Base Table Library' ,
| Any rows that have a row identification number (QQRID) of 5000 or greater are for internal database use.
188 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Database monitor view 1000 - SQL Information
| Create View QQQ1000 as
| QQTIME as Time_Created,
| QQJFLD as Join_Column,
| QQRDBN as Relational_Database_Name,
| QQSYS as System_Name,
| QQJOB as Job_Name,
| QQUSER as Job_User,
| QQJNUM as Job_Number,
| QQI9 as Thread_ID,
| QQUCNT as Unique_Count,
| QQI5 as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QQUDEF as User_Defined,
| QQSTN as Statement_Number,
| QQC11 as Statement_Function,
| QQC21 as Statement_Operation,
| QQC12 as Statement_Type,
| QQC13 as Parse_Required,
| QQC103 as Package_Name,
| QQC104 as Package_Library,
| QQC181 as Cursor_Name,
| QQC182 as Statement_Name,
| QQSTIM as Start_Timestamp,
| QQ1000 as Statement_Text,
| QQC14 as Statement_Outcome,
| QQI2 as Result_Rows,
| QQC22 as Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code,
| QQC16 as Data_Conversion_Reason_Code,
| QQI4 as Total_Time_Milliseconds,
| QQI3 as Rows_Fetched,
| QQETIM as End_Timestamp,
| QQI6 as Total_Time_Microseconds,
| QQI7 as SQL_Statement_Length,
| QQI1 as Insert_Unique_Count,
| QQI8 as SQLCode,
| QQC81 as SQLState,
| QVC101 as Close_Cursor_Mode,
| QVC11 as Allow_Copy_Data_Value,
| QVC12 as PseudoOpen,
| QVC13 as PseudoClose,
| QVC14 as ODP_Implementation,
| QVC21 as Dynamic_Replan_SubCode,
| QVC41 as Commitment_Control_Level,
| QVC15 as Blocking_Type,
| QVC16 as Delay_Prepare,
| QVC1C as Explainable,
| QVC17 as Naming_Convention,
| QVC18 as Dynamic_Processing_Type,
| QVC19 as LOB_Data_Optimized,
| QVC1A as Program_User_Profile_Used,
| QVC1B as Dynamic_User_Profile_Used,
| QVC1281 as Default_Collection,
| QVC1282 as Procedure_Name,
| QVC1283 as Procedure_Library,
| QVC1000 as SQL_Path,
| QWC1000 as SQL_Path_2,
| QVC5001 as SQL_Path_3,
| QVC5002 as SQL_Path_4,
| QVC3001 as SQL_Path_5,
| QVC3002 as SQL_Path_6,
| QVC3003 as SQL_Path_7,
| QVC1284 as Current_Schema,
| QQC18 as Binding_Type,
| QQC61 as Cursor_Type,
| QVC1D as Statement_Originator,
| QQC15 as Hard_Close_Reason_Code,
190 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QQI5 Unique refresh counter
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Statement_Number QQSTN Statement number (unique per statement)
| Statement_Function QQC11 Statement function:
| v S - Select
| v U - Update
| v I - Insert
| v D - Delete
| v L - Data definition language
| v O - Other
192 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
|| Statement_Operation (continued) QQC21 v IN - Insert
| v JR - Server job reused
| v LK - Lock
| v LO - Label on
| v MT - More text (Deprecated in V5R4)
| v OP - Open
| v PD - Prepare and describe
| v PR - Prepare
| v RB - Rollback to savepoint
| v RE - Release
| v RF - Refresh Table
| v RG - Resignal
| v RO - Rollback
| v RS - Release Savepoint
| v RT - Rename table
| v RV - Revoke
| v SA - Savepoint
| v SC - Set connection
| v SD - Set descriptor
| v SE - Set encryption password
| v SN - Set session user
| v SI - Select into
| v SO - Set current degree
| v SP - Set path
| v SR - Set result set
| v SS - Set current schema
| v ST - Set transaction
| v SV - Set variable
| v UP - Update
| v VI - Values into
| v X0 - Unknown statement
| v X1 - Unknown statement
| v X2 - DRDA® (AS) Unknown statement
| v X3 - Unknown statement
| v X9 - Internal error
| v XA - X/Open API
| v ZD - Host server only activity
| Statement_Type QQC12 Statement type:
| v D - Dynamic statement
| v S - Static statement
| Parse_Required QQC13 Parse required (Y/N)
| Package_Name QQC103 Name of the package or name of the program that contains the
| current SQL statement
194 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Dynamic_Replan_Reason_Code QQC22 Dynamic replan (access plan rebuilt)
| v NA - No replan.
| v NR - SQL QDT rebuilt for new release.
| v A1 - A table or member is not the same object as the one
| referenced when the access plan was last built. Some reasons
| why they might be different are:
| – Object was deleted and recreated.
| – Object was saved and restored.
| – Library list was changed.
| – Object was renamed.
| – Object was moved.
| – Object was overridden to a different object.
| – This is the first run of this query after the object
| containing the query has been restored.
| v A2 - Access plan was built to use a reusable Open Data Path
| (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a non-reusable ODP
| for this call.
| v A3 - Access plan was built to use a non-reusable Open Data
| Path (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a reusable ODP
| for this call.
| v A4 - The number of rows in the table member has changed
| by more than 10% since the access plan was last built.
| v A5 - A new index exists over one of the tables in the query.
| v A6 - An index that was used for this access plan no longer
| exists or is no longer valid.
| v A7 - i5/OS Query requires the access plan to be rebuilt
| because of system programming changes.
| v A8 - The CCSID of the current job is different than the
| CCSID of the job that last created the access plan.
| v A9 - The value of one or more of the following is different
| for the current job than it was for the job that last created
| this access plan:
| – date format
| – date separator
| – time format
| – time separator
196 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
|| Data_Conversion_Reason_Code v 10 - Host variable is too short to hold a TIME or
|| (continued) TIMESTAMP value being retrieved.
| v 11 - Host variable is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP and value
| being retrieved is a character string.
| v 12 - Too many host variables specified and records are
| blocked.
| v 13 - DRDA used for a blocked FETCH and the number of
| host variables specified in the INTO clause is less than the
| number of result values in the select list.
| v 14 - LOB locator used and the commitment control level was
| not *ALL.
| Total_Time_Milliseconds QQI4 Total time for this statement, in milliseconds. For fetches, this
| includes all fetches for this OPEN of the cursor.
| Rows_Fetched QQI3 Total rows fetched for cursor
| End_Timestamp QQETIM Time SQL request completed
| Total_Time_Microseconds QQI6 Total time for this statement, in microseconds. For fetches, this
| includes all fetches for this OPEN of the cursor.
| SQL_Statement_Length QQI7 Length of SQL Statement
| Insert_Unique_Count QQI1 Unique query count for the QDT associated with the INSERT.
| QQUCNT contains the unique query count for the QDT
| associated with the WHERE part of the statement.
| SQLCode QQI8 SQL return code
| Close_Cursor_Mode QVC101 Close Cursor. Possible values are:
| v *ENDJOB - SQL cursors are closed when the job ends.
| v *ENDMOD - SQL cursors are closed when the module ends
| v *ENDPGM - SQL cursors are closed when the program ends.
| v *ENDSQL - SQL cursors are closed when the first SQL
| program on the call stack ends.
| v *ENDACTGRP - SQL cursors are closed when the activation
| group ends.
| Allow_Copy_Data_Value QVC11 ALWCPYDTA setting (Y/N/O)
| v Y - A copy of the data may be used.
| v N - Cannot use a copy of the data.
| v O - The optimizer can choose to use a copy of the data for
| performance.
| PseudoOpen QVC12 Pseudo Open (Y/N) for SQL operations that can trigger opens.
| v OP - Open
| v IN - Insert
| v UP - Update
| v DL - Delete
| v SI - Select Into
| v SV - Set
| v VI - Values into
| For all operations it can be blank.
198 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Program_User_Profile_Used QVC1A User profile used when compiled programs are executed.
| Possible values are:
| v N = User Profile is determined by naming conventions. For
| is used.
| v U = USRPRF(*USER) is used.
| v O = USRPRF(*OWNER) is used.
| Dynamic_User_Profile_Used QVC1B User profile used for dynamic SQL statements.
| v U = USRPRF(*USER) is used.
| v O = USRPRF(*OWNER) is used.
| Default_Collection QVC1281 Name of the default collection.
| Procedure_Name QVC1282 Procedure name on CALL to SQL.
| Procedure_Library QVC1283 Procedure library on CALL to SQL.
| SQL_Path QVC1000 Path used to find procedures, functions, and user defined types
| for static SQL statements.
| SQL_Path_2 QWC1000 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 1001-2000
| of the SQL path.
| SQL_Path_3 QVC5001 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 2001-2500
| of the SQL path.
| SQL_Path_4 QVC5002 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 2501-3000
| of the SQL path.
| SQL_Path_5 QVC3001 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 3001-3300
| of the SQL path.
| SQL_Path_6 QVC3002 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 3301-3600
| of the SQL path.
| SQL_Path_7 QVC3003 Continuation of SQL path, if needed. Contains bytes 3601-3900
| of the SQL path.
| Current_Schema QVC1284 SQL Current Schema
| Binding_Type QQC18 Binding type:
| v C - Column-wise binding
| v R - Row-wise binding
| Cursor_Type QQC61 Cursor Type:
| v NSA - Non-scrollable, asensitive, forward only
| v NSI - Non-scrollable, sensitive, forward only
| v NSS - Non-scrollable, insensitive, forward only
| v SCA - scrollable, asensitive
| v SCI - scrollable, sensitive
| v SCS - scrollable, insensitive
| Statement_Originator QVC1D SQL statement originator:
| v U - User
| v S - System
200 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Time_Format QVC43 Time Format. Possible values are:
| v ISO
| v USA
| v EUR
| v JIS
| v HMS
| Time_Separator QWC12 Time Separator. Possible values are:
| v ″:″
| v ″.″
| v ″,″
| v ″″
| Decimal_Point QWC13 Decimal Point. Possible values are:
| v ″.″
| v ″,″
| Sort_Sequence_Table QVC104 Sort Sequence Table
| Sort_Sequence_Library QVC105 Sort Sequence Library
| Language_ID QVC44 Language ID
| Country_ID QVC23 Country ID
| First_N_Rows_Value QQIA Value specified on the FIRST n ROWS clause.
| Optimize_For_N_Rows _Value QQF1 Value specified on the OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS clause.
| SQL_Access_Plan_Reason_Code QVC22 SQL access plan rebuild reason code. Possible reasons are:
| v A1 - A table or member is not the same object as the one
| referenced when the access plan was last built. Some reasons
| they might be different are:
| – Object was deleted and recreated.
| – Object was saved and restored.
| – Library list was changed.
| – Object was renamed.
| – Object was moved.
| – Object was overridden to a different object.
| – This is the first run of this query after the object
| containing the query has been restored.
| v A2 - Access plan was built to use a reusable Open Data Path
| (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a non-reusable ODP
| for this call.
| v A3 - Access plan was built to use a non-reusable Open Data
| Path (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a reusable ODP
| for this call.
| v A4 - The number of rows in the table has changed by more
| than 10% since the access plan was last built.
| v A5 - A new index exists over one of the tables in the query
| v A6 - An index that was used for this access plan no longer
| exists or is no longer valid.
202 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 41. QQQ1000 - SQL Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Access_Plan_Not_Saved_Reason_Code QVC24 Access plan not saved reason code. Possible reasons are:
| v A1 - Failed to get a LSUP lock on associated space of
| program or package.
| v A2 - Failed to get an immediate LEAR space location lock on
| first byte of associated space of program.
| v A3 - Failed to get an immediate LENR space location lock
| on first byte of associated space of program.
| v A5 - Failed to get an immediate LEAR space location lock on
| first byte of ILE associated space of a program.
| v A6 - Error trying to extend space of an ILE program.
| v A7 - No room in program.
| v A8 - No room in program associated space.
| v A9 - No room in program associated space.
| v AA - No need to save. Save already done in another job.
| v AB - Query optimizer cannot lock the QDT.
| v B1 - Saved at the end of the program associated space.
| v B2 - Saved at the end of the program associated space.
| v B3 - Saved in place.
| v B4 - Saved in place.
| v B5 - Saved at the end of the program associated space.
| v B6 - Saved in place.
| v B7 - Saved at the end of the program associated space.
| v B8 - Saved at the end of the program associated space.
| Transaction_Context_ID QVC81 Transaction context ID.
| Activation_Group_Mark QVP152 Activation Group Mark
| Open_Cursor_Threshold QVP153 Open cursor threshold
| Open_Cursor_Close_Count QVP154 Open cursor close count
| Commitment_Control_Lock_Limit QVP155 Commitment control lock limit
| Allow_SQL_Mixed_Constants QWC15 Using SQL mixed constants (Y/N)
| Suppress_SQL_Warnings QWC16 Suppress SQL warning messages (Y/N)
| Translate_ASCII QWC17 Translate ASCII to job (Y/N)
| System_Wide_Statement_Cache QWC18 Using system-wide SQL statement cache (Y/N)
| LOB_Locator_Threshold QVP159 LOB locator threshold
| Max_Decimal_Precision QVP156 Maximum decimal precision (63/31)
| Max_Decimal_Scale QVP157 Maximum decimal scale
| Min_Decimal_Divide_Scale QVP158 Minimum decimal divide scale
| Unicode_Normalization QWC19 Unicode data normalization requested (Y/N)
| Statement_Text_Long QQ1000L Complete statement text
| Old_Access_Plan_Length QVP15B Length of old access plan
| New_Access_Plan_Length QVP15C Length of new access plan
204 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQTMN as Member_Name,
| QQPTLN as System_Base_Table_Schema,
| QQPTFN as System_Base_Table_Name,
| QQPTMN as Base_Member_Name,
| QQTOTR as Table_Total_Rows,
| QQREST as Estimated_Rows_Selected,
| QQAJN as Estimated_Join_Rows,
| QQEPT as Estimated_Processing_Time,
| QQJNP as Join_Position,
| QQI1 as DataSpace_Number,
| QQC21 as Join_Method,
| QQC22 as Join_Type,
| QQC23 as Join_Operator,
| QQI2 as Index_Advised_Columns_Count,
| QQDSS as DataSpace_Selection,
| QQIDXA as Index_Advised,
| QQRCOD as Reason_Code,
| QQIDXD as Index_Advised_Columns,
| QVQTBL as Table_Name,
| QVQLIB as Table_Schema,
| QVPTBL as Base_Table_Name,
| QVPLIB as Base_Table_Schema,
| QVBNDY as Bound,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count,
| QVPARPF as Parallel_Prefetch,
| QVPARPL as Parallel_PreLoad,
| QVPARD as Parallel_Degree_Requested,
| QVPARU as Parallel_Degree_Used,
| QVPARRC as Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code,
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QQC11 as Skip_Sequential_Table_Scan,
| QQI3 as Table_Size,
| QVC3001 as DataSpace_Selection_Columns,
| QQC14 as Derived_Column_Selection,
| QVC3002 as Derived_Column_Selection_Columns,
| QQC18 as Read_Trigger,
| QVP157 as UDTF_Cardinality,
| QVC1281 as UDTF_Specific_Name,
| QVC1282 as UDTF_Specific_Schema,
| QVP154 as Pool_Size,
| QVP155 as Pool_Id,
| QQC13 as MQT_Replacement
| Table 42. QQQ3000 - Table Scan
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
206 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 42. QQQ3000 - Table Scan (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Index_Advised_Columns_Count QQI2 Number of advised columns that use index scan-key
| positioning
| DataSpace_Selection QQDSS Dataspace selection
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Index_Advised QQIDXA Index advised
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Reason_Code QQRCOD Reason code
| v T1 - No indexes exist.
| v T2 - Indexes exist, but none can be used.
| v T3 - Optimizer chose table scan over available indexes.
| Index_Advised_Columns QQIDXD Columns for the index advised
| Table_Name QVQTBL Queried table, long name
| Table_Schema QVQLIB Schema of queried table, long name
| Base_Table_Name QVPTBL Base table, long name
| Base_Table_Schema QVPLIB Schema of base table, long name
| Bound QVBNDY I/O or CPU bound. Possible values are:
| v I - I/O bound
| v C - CPU bound
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed and
| each matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however none
| of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error
| situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_PreLoad QVPARPL Parallel Preload (Y/N)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Skip_Sequential_Table_Scan QQC11 Skip sequential table scan (Y/N)
| Table_Size QQI3 Size of table being queried
| DataSpace_Selection_Columns QVC3001 Columns used for dataspace selection
| Derived_Column_Selection QQC14 Derived column selection (Y/N)
| Derived_Column_Selection_Columns QVC3002 Columns used for derived column selection
| Read_Trigger QQC18 Read Trigger (Y/N)
208 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQC11 as Constraint,
| QQ1000 as Constraint_Name,
| QVQTBL as Table_Name,
| QVQLIB as Table_Schema,
| QVPTBL as Base_Table_Name,
| QVPLIB as Base_Table_Schema,
| QVINAM as Index_Name,
| QVILIB as Index_Schema,
| QVBNDY as Bound,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count,
| QVPARPF as Parallel_Prefetch,
| QVPARPL as Parallel_Preload,
| QVPARD as Parallel_Degree_Requested,
| QVPARU as Parallel_Degree_Used,
| QVPARRC as Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code,
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QVc14 as Index_Only_Access,
| QQc12 as Index_Fits_In_Memory,
| QQC15 as Index_Type,
| QVC12 as Index_Usage,
| QQI4 as Index_Entries,
| QQI5 as Unique_Keys,
| QQI6 as Percent_Overflow,
| QQI7 as Vector_Size,
| QQI8 as Index_Size,
| QQIA as Index_Page_Size,
| QVP154 as Pool_Size,
| QVP155 as Pool_Id,
| QVP156 as Table_Size,
| QQC16 as Skip_Sequential_Table_Scan,
| QVC13 as Tertiary_Indexes_Exist,
| QVC3001 as DataSpace_Selection_COlumns,
| QQC14 as Derived_Column_Selection,
| QVC3002 as Derived_Column_Selection_Columns,
| QVC3003 as Table_Columns_For_Index_Probe,
| QVC3004 as Table_Columns_For_Index_Scan,
| QVC3005 as Join_Selection_Columns,
| QVC3006 as Ordering_Columns,
| QVC3007 as Grouping_Columns,
| QQC18 as Read_Trigger,
| QVP157 as UDTF_Cardinality,
| QVC1281 as UDTF_Specific_Name,
| QVC1282 as UDTF_Specific_Schema,
| QQC13 as MQT_Replacement
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 43. QQQ3001 - Index Used
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
210 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 43. QQQ3001 - Index Used (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Index_Advised_Probe_Count QQI2 Number of advised key columns that use index scan-key
| positioning
| Index_Probe_Used QQKP Index scan-key positioning
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Index_Probe_Column_Count QQI3 Number of columns that use index scan-key positioning for
| the index used
| Index_Scan_Used QQKS Index scan-key selection
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| DataSpace_Selection QQDSS Dataspace selection
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Index_Advised QQIDXA Index advised
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Reason_Code QQRCOD Reason code
| v I1 - Row selection
| v I2 - Ordering/Grouping
| v I3 - Row selection and Ordering/Grouping
| v I4 - Nested loop join
| v I5 - Row selection using bitmap processing
| Index_Advised_Columns QQIDXD Columns for index advised
| Constraint QQC11 Index is a constraint (Y/N)
| Constraint_Name QQ1000 Constraint name
| Table_Name QVQTBL Queried table, long name
| Table_Schema QVQLIB Schema of queried table, long name
| Base_Table_Name QVPTBL Base table, long name
| Base_Table_Schema QVPLIB Schema of base table, long name
| Index_Name QVINAM Name of index (or constraint) used, long name
| Index_Schema QVILIB Library of index used, long name
| Bound QVBNDY I/O or CPU bound. Possible values are:
| v I - I/O bound
| v C - CPU bound
212 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 43. QQQ3001 - Index Used (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Table_Column_For_Index_Scan QVC3004 Columns used for index scan-key selection
| Join_Selection_Columns QVC3005 Columns used for Join selection
| Ordering_Columns QVC3006 Columns used for Ordering
| Grouping_Columns QVC3007 Columns used for Grouping
| Read_Trigger QQC18 Read Trigger (Y/N)
| UDTF_Cardinality QVP157 User-defined table function Cardinality
| UDTF_Specific_Name QVC1281 User-defined table function specific name
| UDTF_Specific_Schema QVC1282 User-defined table function specific schema
| MQT_Replacement QQC13 Materialized Query Table replaced queried table (Y/N)
214 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 44. QQQ3002 - Index Created
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of base table for table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member name of base table
| System_Index_Schema QQILNM Schema name of index used for access
| System_Index_Name QQIFNM Name of index used for access
| Index_Member_Name QQIMNM Member name of index used for access
| NLSS_Table QQNTNM NLSS table
| NLSS_Library QQNLNM NLSS library
| Start_Timestamp QQSTIM Start timestamp, when available.
| End_Timestamp QQETIM End timestamp, when available
| Table_Total_Rows QQTOTR Total rows in table
| Created_Index_Entries QQRIDX Number of entries in index created
| Estimated_Rows_Selected QQREST Estimated number of rows selected
| Index_Probe_Keys QQFKEY Keys selected thru index scan-key positioning
216 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 44. QQQ3002 - Index Created (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Index_Advised_Columns QQIDXD Key columns for index advised
| Created_Index_Columns QQ1000 Key columns for index created
| Table_Name QVQTBL Queried table, long name
| Table_Schema QVQLIB Schema of queried table, long name
| Base_Table_Name QVPTBL Base table, long name
| Base_Table_Schema QVPLIB Schema of base table, long name
| Index_Name QVINAM Name of index (or constraint) used, long name
| Index_Schema QVILIB Schema of index used, long name
| Bound QVBNDY I/O or CPU bound. Possible values are:
| v I - I/O bound
| v C - CPU bound
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed
| and each matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however
| none of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error
| situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_Preload QVPARPL Parallel Preload (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited (index used)
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Created_Index_Name QQC101 Name of index created - when available
| Created_Index_Schema QQC102 Schema of index created - when available
| Created_Index_Page_Size QQI4 Page size of index created
| Created_Index_Row_Size QQI5 Row size of index created
| Created_Index_Used_ACS_Table QQC14 Index Created used Alternate Collating Sequence Table
| (Y/N)
| Created_Index_ACS_Table QQC103 Alternate Collating Sequence table of index created.
| Created_Index_ACS_Library QQC104 Alternate Collating Sequence library of index created.
| Created_Index_Reusable QVC13 Index created is reusable (Y/N)
| Created_Index_Sparse QVC14 Index created is sparse index (Y/N)
| Created_Index_Type QVC1F Type of index created. Possible values:
| v B - Binary Radix Index
| v E - Encoded Vector Index (EVI)
| Created_Index_Unique_EVI_Count QVP15F Number of unique values of index created if index
| created is an EVI index.
218 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQUDEF as User_Defined,
| QQQDTN as Unique_SubSelect_Number,
| QQQDTL as SubSelect_Nested_Level,
| QQMATN as Materialized_View_Subselect_Number,
| QQMATL as Materialized_View_Nested_Level,
| QVP15E as Materialized_View_Union_Level,
| QVP15A as Decomposed_Subselect_Number,
| QVP15B as Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects,
| QVP15C as Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code,
| QVP15D as Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect,
| QQSTIM as Start_Timestamp,
| QQETIM as End_Timestamp,
| QQRSS as Sorted_Rows,
| QQI1 as Sort_Space_Size,
| QQI2 as Pool_Size,
| QQI3 as Pool_Id,
| QQI4 as Internal_Sort_Buffer_Length,
| QQI5 as External_Sort_Buffer_Length,
| QQRCOD as Reason_Code,
| QQI7 as Union_Reason_Subcode,
| QVBNDY as Bound,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVPARPF as Parallel_Prefetch,
| QVPARPL as Parallel_PreLoad,
| QVPARD as Parallel_Degree_Requested,
| QVPARU as Parallel_Degree_Used,
| QVPARRC as Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code,
| QQEPT as Estimated_Processing_Time,
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QQAJN as Estimated_Join_Rows,
| QQJNP as Join_Position,
| QQI6 as DataSpace_Number,
| QQC21 as Join_Method,
| QQC22 as Join_Type,
| QQC23 as Join_Operator,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 45. QQQ3003 - Query Sort
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
220 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 45. QQQ3003 - Query Sort (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_PreLoad QVPARPL Parallel Preload (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited (index used)
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Estimated_Join_Rows QQAJN Estimated number of joined rows
| Join_Position QQJNP Join position - when available
| DataSpace_Number QQI6 Dataspace number
| Join_Method QQC21 Join method - when available
| v NL - Nested loop
| v MF - Nested loop with selection
| v HJ - Hash join
| Join_Type QQC22 Join type - when available
| v IN - Inner join
| v PO - Left partial outer join
| v EX - Exception join
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed and
| each matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however
| none of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error
| situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
222 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 46. QQQ3004 - Temp Table (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first decomposed
| subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of base table for table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member name of base table
| Start_Timestamp QQSTIM Start timestamp, when available
| End_Timestamp QQETIM End timestamp, when available
| Has_Default_Values QQC11 Default values may be present in temporary
| v Y - Yes
| v N - No
| Table_Rows QQTMPR Estimated number of rows in the temporary
224 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 46. QQQ3004 - Temp Table (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Temporary_Table_Schema QQC102 Temporary table schema
| Bound QVBNDY I/O or CPU bound. Possible values are:
| v I - I/O bound
| v C - CPU bound
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed and each
| matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however none of
| the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error situation
| if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_PreLoad QVPARPL Parallel Preload (Y/N)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Estimated_Join_Rows QQAJN Estimated number of joined rows
| Join_Position QQJNP Join position - when available
| DataSpace_Number QQI6 Dataspace number
| Join_Method QQC21 Join method - when available
| v NL - Nested loop
| v MF - Nested loop with selection
| v HJ - Hash join
| Join_Type QQC22 Join type - when available
| v IN - Inner join
| v PO - Left partial outer join
| v EX - Exception join
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Temporary_Table_Row_Size QQI2 Row size of temporary table, in bytes
| Temporary_Table_Size QQI3 Estimated size of temporary table, in bytes.
226 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 47. QQQ3005 - Table Locked
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of base table for table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member name of base table
| Lock_Success QQC11 Successful lock indicator (Y/N)
| Unlock_Request QQC12 Unlock request (Y/N)
| Reason_Code QQRCOD Reason code
| v L1 - UNION with *ALL or *CS with Keep Locks
| v L2 - DISTINCT with *ALL or *CS with Keep Locks
| v L3 - No duplicate keys with *ALL or *CS with Keep Locks
| v L4 - Temporary needed with *ALL or *CS with Keep Locks
| v L5 - System Table with *ALL or *CS with Keep Locks
| v L6 - Orderby > 2000 bytes with *ALL or *CS with Keep
| Locks
| v L9 - Unknown
| v LA - User-defined table function with *ALL or *CS with
| Keep Locks
228 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQMATN as Materialized_View_Subselect_Number,
| QQMATL as Materialized_View_Nested_Level,
| QVP15E as Materialized_View_Union_Level,
| QVP15A as Decomposed_Subselect_Number,
| QVP15B as Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects,
| QVP15C as Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code,
| QVP15D as Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect,
| QQRCOD as Reason_Code,
| QQC21 as SubCode,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QQTIM1 as Last_Access_Plan_Rebuild_Timestamp,
| QQC11 as Reoptimization_Done,
| QVC22 as Previous_Reason_Code,
| QVC23 as Previous_SubCode,
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 48. QQQ3006 - Access Plan Rebuilt
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
230 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 48. QQQ3006 - Access Plan Rebuilt (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
|| Reason_Code (continued) QQRCOD v AA - The sort sequence table specified is different than
| the sort sequence table that was used when this access
| plan was created.
| v AB - Storage pool changed or DEGREE parameter of
| CHGQRYA command changed.
| v AC - The system feature DB2 multisystem has been
| installed or removed.
| v AD - The value of the degree query attribute has
| changed.
| v AE - A view is either being opened by a high level
| language or a view is being materialized.
| v AF - A sequence object or user-defined type or function
| is not the same object as the one referred to in the
| access plan; or, the SQL path used to generate the
| access plan is different than the current SQL path.
| v B0 - The options specified have changed as a result of
| the query options file.
| v B1 - The access plan was generated with a commitment
| control level that is different in the current job.
| v B2 - The access plan was generated with a static cursor
| answer set size that is different than the previous
| access plan.
| v B3 - The query was reoptimized because this is the first
| run of the query after a prepare. That is, it is the first
| run with real actual parameter marker values.
| v B4 - The query was reoptimized because referential or
| check constraints have changed.
| v B5 - The query was reoptimized because MQTs have
| changed.
| SubCode QQC21 If the access plan rebuild reason code was A7 this
| two-byte hex value identifies which specific reason for A7
| forced a rebuild.
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Last_Access_Plan_Rebuild_Timestamp QQTIM1 Timestamp of last access plan rebuild
| Reoptimization_Done QQC11 Required optimization for this plan.
| v Y - Yes, plan was really optimized.
| v N - No, the plan was not reoptimized because of the
| QAQQINI option for the
| REOPTIMIZE_ACCESS_PLAN parameter value
| Previous_Reason_Code QVC22 Previous reason code
| Previous_SubCode QVC23 Previous reason subcode
232 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 49. QQQ3007 - Optimizer Timed Out (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of base table for table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member name of base table
| Index_Names QQ1000 Names of indexes not used and reason code.
| 1. Access path was not in a valid state. The system
| invalidated the access path.
| 2. Access path was not in a valid state. The user requested
| that the access path be rebuilt.
| 3. Access path is a temporary access path (resides in
| library QTEMP) and was not specified as the file to be
| queried.
| 4. The cost to use this access path, as determined by the
| optimizer, was higher than the cost associated with the
| chosen access method.
| 5. The keys of the access path did not match the fields
| specified for the ordering/grouping criteria. For
| distributed file queries, the access path keys must
| exactly match the ordering fields if the access path is to
| be used when ALWCPYDTA(*YES or *NO) is specified.
| 6. The keys of the access path did not match the fields
| specified for the join criteria.
| 7. Use of this access path will not minimize delays when
| reading records from the file. The user requested to
| minimize delays when reading records from the file.
| 8. The access path cannot be used for a secondary file of
| the join query because it contains static select/omit
| selection criteria. The join-type of the query does not
| allow the use of select/omit access paths for secondary
| files.
| 9. File contains record ID selection. The join-type of the
| query forces a temporary access path to be built to
| process the record ID selection.
| 10. The user specified ignore decimal data errors on the
| query. This disallows the use of permanent access
| paths.
234 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 49. QQQ3007 - Optimizer Timed Out (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Join_Method QQC21 Join method - when available
| v NL - Nested loop
| v MF - Nested loop with selection
| v HJ - Hash join
| Join_Type QQC22 Join type - when available
| v IN - Inner join
| v PO - Left partial outer join
| v EX - Exception join
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed and
| each matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however none
| of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error
| situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
236 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 51. QQQ3010 - HostVar & ODP Implementation
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| Unqiue_Refresh_Counter2 QQI5 Unique refresh counter
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| ODP_Implementation QQC11 ODP implementation
| v R - Reusable ODP
| v N - Nonreusable ODP
| v ’ ’ - Column not used
| Host_Variable_Implementation QQC12 Host variable implementation
| v I - Interface supplied values (ISV)
| v V - Host variables treated as constants (V2)
| v U - Table management row positioning (UP)
| Host_Variable_Values QQ1000 Host variable values
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
238 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 52. QQQ3014 - Generic QQ Information
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first decomposed
| subselect
| Estimated_Rows_Selected QQREST Estimated number of rows selected
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Open_Time QQI1 Time spent to open cursor, in milliseconds
| Has_Ordering QQORDG Ordering (Y/N)
| Has_Grouping QQGRPG Grouping (Y/N)
| Has_Join QQJNG Join Query (Y/N)
| Join_Type QQC22 Join type - when available
| v IN - Inner join
| v PO - Left partial outer join
| v EX - Exception join
| Has_Union QQUNIN Union Query (Y/N)
| Has_Subquery QQSUBQ Subquery (Y/N)
| Has_Scalar_Subselect QWC1F Scalar Subselects (Y/N)
| Has_Host_Variables QQHSTV Host variables (Y/N)
| Has_Row_Selection QQRCDS Row selection (Y/N)
| Query_Governor_Enabled QQC11 Query governor enabled (Y/N)
| Stopped_By_Query_Governor QQC12 Query governor stopped the query (Y/N)
240 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 52. QQQ3014 - Generic QQ Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Parallel_Degree QVC81 Parallel Degree
| v *SAME - Don’t change current setting
| v *NONE - No parallel processing is allowed
| v *I/O - Any number of tasks may be used for I/O processing.
| SMP parallel processing is not allowed.
| v *OPTIMIZE - The optimizer chooses the number of tasks to
| use for either I/O or SMP parallel processing.
| v *MAX - The optimizer chooses to use either I/O or SMP
| parallel processing.
| v *SYSVAL - Use the current system value to process the
| query.
| v *ANY - Has the same meaning as *I/O.
| v *NBRTASKS - The number of tasks for SMP parallel
| processing is specified in column QVTASKN.
| Max_Number_of_Tasks QQI3 Max number of tasks
| Apply_CHGQRYA_Remote QVC17 Apply CHGQRYA remotely (Y/N)
| Async_Job_Usage QVC82 Asynchronous job usage
| v *SAME - Don’t change current setting
| v *DIST - Asynchronous jobs may be used for queries with
| distributed tables
| v *LOCAL - Asynchronous jobs may be used for queries with
| local tables only
| v *ANY - Asynchronous jobs may be used for any database
| query
| v *NONE - No asynchronous jobs are allowed
| Force_Join_Order_Indicator QVC18 Force join order (Y/N)
| Print_Debug_Messages QVC19 Print debug messages (Y/N)
| Parameter_Marker_Conversion QVC1A Parameter marker conversion (Y/N)
| UDF_Time_Limit QQI4 User Defined Function time limit
| Optimizer_Limitations QVC1283 Optimizer limitations. Possible values:
| v *PERCENT followed by 2 byte integer containing the percent
| value
| v *MAX_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS followed by an integer
| value that represents the maximum number of rows
| Reoptimize_Requested Reoptimize access plan requested. Possible values are:
| v O - Only reoptimize the access plan when absolutely
| required. Do not reoptimize for subjective reasons.
| v Y - Yes, force the access plan to be reoptimized.
| v N - No, do not reoptimize the access plan, unless optimizer
| determines that it is necessary. May reoptimize for subjective
| reasons.
242 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 52. QQQ3014 - Generic QQ Information (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| No_Parameter_Marker_Reason_Code QQI6 Reason code for why Parameter Marker Conversion was not
| performed:
| 1. Argument of function must be a literal
| 3. Duration literal in arithmetic expression
| 4. UPDATE query with no WHERE clause
| 5. BLOB literal
| 6. Special register in UPDATE or INSERT with values
| 7. Result expression for CASE
| 8. GROUP BY expression
| 9. ESCAPE character
| 10. Double Negative value -(-1)
| 11. INSERT or UPDATE with a mix of literals, parameter
| markers, and NULLs
| 12. UPDATE with a mix of literals and parameter markers
| 13. INSERT with VALUES containing NULL value and
| expressions
| 14. UPDATE with list of expressions
| 99. Parameter marker conversion disabled by QAQQINI
| Hash_Join_Reason_Code QVP151 Reason code why hash join was not used.
| duration. If the QAQQINI parameter value is set to *ANY, the
| timestamp duration will be 99999999999999.
| MQT_Usage QVC42,1,1 Byte 1 - Contains the
| v N - *NONE - no materialized query tables used in query
| optimization and implementation
| v A - *ALL - User-maintained. Refresh-deferred query tables
| can be used.
| v U - *USER - Only user-maintained materialized query tables
| can be used.
| SQE_NotUsed_Reason_Code QVC43 SQE Not Used Reason Code. Possible values:
| v XL - Translation used in query
| v XU - Translation for UTF used in query
| v UF - User Defined Table Function used in query
| v LF - DDS logical file specified in query definition
| v LC - Lateral correlation
| v DK - An index with derived key or select/omit was found
| over a queried table
| v NF - Too many tables in query
| v NS - Not an SQL query or query not run through an SQL
| interface
244 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 53. QQQ3015 - Statistic Information
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first decomposed
| subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of the base table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member name of base table
| Table_Name QVQTBL Queried table, long name
| Table_Schema QVQLIB Schema of queried table, long name
| Base_Table_Name QVPTBL Base table, long name
| Base_Table_Schema QVPLIB Schema of base table, long name
| NLSS_Table QQNTNM NLSS table
| NLSS_Library QQNLNM NLSS library
| Statistic_Status QQC11 Statistic Status. Possible values are:
| v ’N’ - No statistic
| v ’S’ - Stale statistic
| v ’ ’ - Unknown
| Statistic_Importance QQI2 Importance of this statistic
246 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Database monitor view 3019 - Rows retrieved
| Create View QQQ3019 as
| QQTIME as Time_Created,
| QQJFLD as Join_Column,
| QQRDBN as Relational_Database_Name,
| QQSYS as System_Name,
| QQJOB as Job_Name,
| QQUSER as Job_User,
| QQJNUM as Job_Number,
| QQI9 as Thread_ID,
| QQUCNT as Unique_Count,
| QQUDEF as User_Defined,
| QQQDTN as Unique_SubSelect_Number,
| QQQDTL as SubSelect_Nested_Level,
| QQMATN as Materialized_View_Subselect_Number,
| QQMATL as Materialized_View_Nested_Level,
| QVP15E as Materialized_View_Union_Level,
| QVP15A as Decomposed_Subselect_Number,
| QVP15B as Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects,
| QVP15C as Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code,
| QVP15D as Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect,
| QQI1 as CPU_Time_to_Return_All_Rows,
| QQI2 as Clock_Time_to_Return_All_Rows,
| QQI3 as Number_Synchronous_Database_Reads,
| QQI4 as Number_Synchronous_Database_Writes,
| QQI5 as Number_Asynchronous_Database_Reads,
| QQI6 as Number_Asynchronous_Database_Writes,
| QVP151 as Number_Page_Faults,
| QQI7 as Number_Rows_Returned,
| QQI8 as Number_of_Calls_for_Returned_Rows,
| QVP15F as Number_of_Times_Statement_was_Run
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 55. QQQ3019 - Rows retrieved
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
248 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQ1000L as Index_Advised_Columns_Long_List,
| QQI1 as Number_of_Advised_Columns,
| QQI2 as Number_of_Advised_Primary_Columns,
| QQRCOD as Reason_Code,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVC1F as Type_of_Index_Advised,
| QQNTNM as NLSS_Table,
| QQNLNM as NLSS_Library
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 56. QQQ3020 - Index advised (SQE)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| System_Table_Schema QQTLN Schema of table queried
| System_Table_Name QQTFN Name of table queried
| Member_Name QQTMN Member name of table queried
| System_Base_Table_Schema QQPTLN Schema name of base table
| System_Base_Table_Name QQPTFN Name of base table for table queried
| Base_Member_Name QQPTMN Member of base table
| Base_Table_Schema QVPLIB Schema of base table, long name
| Base_Table_Name QVPTBL Base table, long name
| Table_Total_Rows QQTOTR Number of rows in the table
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Index_is_Advised QQIDXA Index advised (Y/N)
250 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QQREST as Estimated_Rows_Selected,
| QQAJN as Estimated_Join_Rows,
| QQJNP as Join_Position,
| QQI6 as DataSpace_Number,
| QQC21 as Join_Method,
| QQC22 as Join_Type,
| QQC23 as Join_Operator,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count,
| QQI2 as Bitmap_Size,
| QVP151 as Bitmap_Count,
| QVC3001 as Bitmap_IDs
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 57. QQQ3021 - Bitmap Created
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_PreLoad QVPARPL Parallel Preload (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited (index used)
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
252 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QQQDTN as Unique_SubSelect_Number,
| QQQDTL as SubSelect_Nested_Level,
| QQMATN as Materialized_View_Subselect_Number,
| QQMATL as Materialized_View_Nested_Level,
| QVP15E as Materialized_View_Union_Level,
| QVP15A as Decomposed_Subselect_Number,
| QVP15B as Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects,
| QVP15C as Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code,
| QVP15D as Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVPARPF as Parallel_Prefetch,
| QVPARPL as Parallel_PreLoad,
| QVPARD as Parallel_Degree_Requested,
| QVPARU as Parallel_Degree_Used,
| QVPARRC as Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code,
| QQEPT as Estimated_Processing_Time,
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QQREST as Estimated_Rows_Selected,
| QQAJN as Estimated_Join_Rows,
| QQJNP as Join_Position,
| QQI6 as DataSpace_Number,
| QQC21 as Join_Method,
| QQC22 as Join_Type,
| QQC23 as Join_Operator,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count,
| QQI2 as Bitmap_Size,
| QVC101 as Bitmap_ID,
| QVC3001 as Bitmaps_Merged
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 58. QQQ3022 - Bitmap Merge
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
254 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Database monitor view 3023 - Temp Hash Table Created
| Create View QQQ3023 as
| QQTIME as Time_Created,
| QQJFLD as Join_Column,
| QQRDBN as Relational_Database_Name,
| QQSYS as System_Name,
| QQJOB as Job_Name,
| QQUSER as Job_User,
| QQJNUM as Job_Number,
| QQI9 as Thread_ID,
| QQUCNT as Unique_Count,
| QQUDEF as User_Defined,
| QQQDTN as Unique_SubSelect_Number,
| QQQDTL as SubSelect_Nested_Level,
| QQMATN as Materialized_View_Subselect_Number,
| QQMATL as Materialized_View_Nested_Level,
| QVP15E as Materialized_View_Union_Level,
| QVP15A as Decomposed_Subselect_Number,
| QVP15B as Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects,
| QVP15C as Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code,
| QVP15D as Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect,
| QVRCNT as Unique_Refresh_Counter,
| QVPARPF as Parallel_Prefetch,
| QVPARPL as Parallel_PreLoad,
| QVPARD as Parallel_Degree_Requested,
| QVPARU as Parallel_Degree_Used,
| QVPARRC as Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code,
| QQEPT as Estimated_Processing_Time,
| QVCTIM as Estimated_Cumulative_Time,
| QQREST as Estimated_Rows_Selected,
| QQAJN as Estimated_Join_Rows,
| QQJNP as Join_Position,
| QQI6 as DataSpace_Number,
| QQC21 as Join_Method,
| QQC22 as Join_Type,
| QQC23 as Join_Operator,
| QVJFANO as Join_Fanout,
| QVFILES as Join_Table_Count,
| QVC1F as HashTable_ReasonCode,
| QQI2 as HashTable_Entries,
| QQI3 as HashTable_Size,
| QQI4 as HashTable_Row_Size,
| QQI5 as HashTable_Key_Size,
| QQIA as HashTable_Element_Size,
| QQI7 as HashTable_PoolSize,
| QQI8 as HashTable_PoolID,
| QVC101 as HashTable_Name,
| QVC102 as HashTable_Library,
| QVC3001 as HashTable_Columns
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 59. QQQ3023 - Temp Hash Table Created
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
256 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 59. QQQ3023 - Temp Hash Table Created (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed and
| each matching row of the join fanout is returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however none
| of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed. Error
| situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| HashTable_ReasonCode QVC1F Hash table reason code
| v J - Created for hash join
| v G - Created for hash grouping
| HashTable_Entries QQI2 Hash table entries
| HashTable_Size QQI3 Hash table size
| HashTable_Row_Size QQI4 Hash table row size
| HashTable_Key_Size QQI5 Hash table key size
| HashTable_Element_Size QQIA Hash table element size
| HashTable_PoolSize QQI7 Hash table pool size
| HashTable_PoolID QQI8 Hash table pool ID
| HashTable_Name QVC101 Hash table internal name
| HashTable_Library QVC102 Hash table library
| HashTable_Columns QVC3001 Columns used to create hash table
258 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 60. QQQ3025 - Distinct Processing (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Estimated_Rows_Selected QQREST Estimated rows selected
260 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 61. QQQ3026 - Set operatoin (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Set_Operator QQC22 Type of set operation. Possible values are:
| v UU - Union
| v UA - Union All
| v UR - Union Recursive
| v EE - Except
| v EA - Except All
| v II - Intersect
| v IA - Intersect All
262 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 62. QQQ3027 - Subquery Merge (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Join_Method QQC21 Join method - when available
| v NL - Nested loop
| v MF - Nested loop with selection
| v HJ - Hash join
| Join_Type QQC22 Join type - when available
| v IN - Inner join
| v PO - Left partial outer join
| v EX - Exception join
| Join_Operator QQC23 Join operator - when available
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not equal
| v GT - Greater than
| v GE - Greater than or equal
| v LT - Less than
| v LE - Less than or equal
| v CP - Cartesian product
| Join_Fanout QVJFANO Join fan out. Possible values are:
| v N - Normal join situation where fanout is allowed
| and each matching row of the join fanout is
| returned.
| v D - Distinct fanout. Join fanout is allowed however
| none of the join fanout rows are returned.
| v U - Unique fanout. Join fanout is not allowed.
| Error situation if join fanout occurs.
| Join_Table_Count QVFILES Number of tables joined
| Subselect_Number_of_Inner_Subquery QVP151 Subselect number for inner subquery
| Subselect_Level_of_Inner_Subquery QVP152 Subselect level for inner subquery
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QVP153 Materialized view subselect number for inner
| _of_Inner subquery
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level_of_Inner QVP154 Materialized view subselect level for inner subquery
| Materialized_View_Union_Level_of_Inner QVP155 Materialized view union level for inner subquery
| Subquery_Operator QQC101 Subquery operator. Possible values are:
| v EQ - Equal
| v NE - Not Equal
| v LT - Less Than or Equal
| v LT - Less Than
| v GE - Greater Than or Equal
| v GT - Greater Than
| v IN
| v LIKE
| v NOT - Can precede IN, LIKE or EXISTS
264 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| QVC3004 as SUM_Columns,
| QVC3005 as COUNT_Columns,
| QVC3006 as AVG_Columns,
| QVC3007 as STDDEV_Columns,
| QVC3008 as VAR_Columns
| FROM UserLib/DBMONTable
| Table 63. QQQ3028 - Grouping
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Row_ID QQRID Row identification
| Time_Created QQTIME Time row was created
| Join_Column QQJFLD Join column (unique per job)
| Relational_Database_Name QQRDBN Relational database name
| System_Name QQSYS System name
| Job_Name QQJOB Job name
| Job_User QQUSER Job user
| Job_Number QQJNUM Job number
| Thread_ID QQI9 Thread identifier
| Unique_Count QQUCNT Unique count (unique per query)
| User_Defined QQUDEF User defined column
| Unique_SubSelect_Number QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| SubSelect_Nested_Level QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| Materialized_View_Subselect_Number QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| Materialized_View_Nested_Level QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| Materialized_View_Union_Level QVP15E Materialized view union level
| Decomposed_Subselect_Number QVP15A Decomposed query subselect number, unique across all
| decomposed subselects
| Total_Number_Decomposed_SubSelects QVP15B Total number of decomposed subselects
| Decomposed_SubSelect_Reason_Code QVP15C Decomposed query subselect reason code
| Starting_Decomposed_SubSelect QVP15D Decomposed query subselect number for the first
| decomposed subselect
| Unique_Refresh_Counter QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
| Parallel_Prefetch QVPARPF Parallel Prefetch (Y/N)
| Parallel_PreLoad QVPARPL Parallel Preload (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used (index used)
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited (index used)
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Estimated_Rows_Selected QQREST Estimated rows selected
| Estimated_Join_Rows QQAJN Estimated number of joined rows
| Join_Position QQJNP Join position
| DataSpace_Number QQI1 Dataspace number
266 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 63. QQQ3028 - Grouping (continued)
| Table
| Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| STDDEV_Columns QVC3007 STDDEV columns
| VAR_Columns QVC3008 VAR columns
268 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 64. QQQ3030 - Materialized query tables (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
|| Materialized_Query_Tables (continued) v 5 - The query specified columns that were not in the
| select-list of the materialized query table.
| v 6 - The materialized query table query contains
| functionality that is not supported by the query
| optimizer.
| v 7 - The materialized query table specified the DISABLE
| v 8 - The ordering specified in the materialized query table
| is not compatible with the ordering specified in the
| query.
| v 9 - The query contains functionality that is not supported
| by the materialized query table matching algorithm.
| v 10 - Materialized query tables may not be used for this
| query.
| v 11 - The refresh age of this materialized query table
| exceeds the duration specified by the
| QAQQINI option.
| v 12 - The commit level of the materialized query table is
| lower than the commit level specified for the query.
| v 13 - The distinct specified in the materialized query table
| is not compatible with the distinct specified in the query.
| v 14 - The FETCH FOR FIRST n ROWS clause of the
| materialized query table is not compatible with the
| query.
| v 15 - The QAQQINI options used to create the
| materialized query table are not compatible with the
| QAQQINI options used to run this query.
| v 16 - The materialized query table is not usable.
| v 17 - The union specified in the materialized query table
| is not compatible with the query.
| v 18 - The constants specified in the materialized query
| table are not compatible with host variable values
| specified in the query.
| MQT_Reason_Codes QQC301 List of unique reason codes used by the materialized query
| tables (each materialized query table has a corresponding
| reason code associated with it)
| QVRCNT QVRCNT Unique refresh counter
270 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 65. QQQ3031 - Recursive common table expressions (continued)
| Table Column
| View Column Name Name Description
| Parallel_Degree_Requested QVPARD Parallel degree requested
| Parallel_Degree_Used QVPARU Parallel degree used
| Parallel_Degree_Reason_Code QVPARRC Reason parallel processing was limited
| Estimated_Processing_Time QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| Estimated_Cumulative_Time QVCTIM Estimated cumulative time, in seconds
| Estimated_Rows_Selected QQREST Estimated number of rows selected
| Recursive_Query_Cycle_Check QQC11 CYCLE option:
| v Y - checking for cyclic data
| v N - not checking for cyclic data
| Recursive_Query_Search_Option QQC15 SEARCH option:
| v N - None specified
| v D - Depth first
| v B - Breadth first
| Number_of_Recursive_Values QQI2 Number of values put on queue to implement recursion.
| Includes values necessary for CYCLE and SEARCH
| options.
Memory Resident Database Monitor: DDS
The following DDS statements are used to create the memory resident database monitor physical and
logical files.
S - Select
U - Update
I - Insert
D - Delete
L - Data definition language
O - Other
QQSTOP Statement operation
v AD - Allocate descriptor
v AL - Alter table
v AP - Alter procedure
v AQ - Alter sequence
v CA - Call
v CC - Create collection
v CD - Create type
v CF - Create function
v CG - Create trigger
v CI - Create index
v CL - Close
v CM - Commit
v CN - Connect
v CO - Comment on
v CP - Create procedure
v CQ - Create sequence
v CS - Create alias/synonym
v CT - Create table
v CV - Create view
v DA - Deallocate descriptor
v DE - Describe
v DI - Disconnect
v DL - Delete
272 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 66. QAQQQRYI - Summary Row for SQL Information (continued)
Column Name Description
QQSTOP (continued) v DM - Describe parameter marker
v DP - Declare procedure
v DR - Drop
v DT - Describe table
v EI - Execute immediate
v EX - Execute
v FE - Fetch
v FL - Free locator
v GR - Grant
v GS - Get descriptor
v HC - Hard close
v HL - Hold locator
v IN - Insert
v JR - Server job reused
v LK - Lock
v LO - Label on
v MT - More text (Depreciated in V5R4)
v OP - Open
v PD - Prepare and describe
v PR - Prepare
v RB - Rollback to savepoint
v RE - Release
v RF - Refresh Table
v RG - Resignal
v RO - Rollback
v RS - Release Savepoint
v RT - Rename table
v RV - Revoke
v SA - Savepoint
v SC - Set connection
v SD - Set descriptor
v SE - Set encryption password
v SN - Set session user
v SI - Select into
v SO - Set current degree
v SP - Set path
v SR - Set result set
v SS - Set current schema
v ST - Set transaction
v SV - Set variable
v UP - Update
v VI - Values into
v X0 - Unknown statement
274 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 66. QAQQQRYI - Summary Row for SQL Information (continued)
Column Name Description
QQAPR (continued) v AA - The sort sequence table specified is different than the sort sequence table that
was used when this access plan was created.
v AB - Storage pool changed or DEGREE parameter of CHGQRYA command changed.
v AC - The system feature DB2 multisystem has been installed or removed.
v AD - The value of the degree query attribute has changed.
v AE - A view is either being opened by a high level language or a view is being
v AF - A sequence object or user-defined type or function is not the same object as the
one referred to in the access plan; or, the SQL path used to generate the access plan
is different than the current SQL path.
v B0 - The options specified have changed as a result of the query options file
v B1 - The access plan was generated with a commitment control level that is different
in the current job.
v B2 - The access plan was generated with a static cursor answer set size that is
different than the previous access plan.
v B3 - The query was reoptimized because this is the first run of the query after a
prepare. That is, it is the first run with real actual parameter marker values.
v B4 - The query was reoptimized because referential or check constraints have
v B5 - The query was reoptimized because Materialized Query Tables have changed.
QQDACV Data conversion
v N - No.
v 0 - Not applicable.
v 1 - Lengths do not match.
v 2 - Numeric types do not match.
v 3 - C host variable is NUL-terminated.
v 4 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable length.
v 5 - Host variable or column is not variable length and the other is variable length.
v 6 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable length.
v 7 - CCSID conversion.
v 8 - DRDA and NULL capable, variable length, contained in a partial row, derived
expression, or blocked fetch with not enough host variables.
v 9 - Target table of an insert is not an SQL table.
v 10 - Host variable is too short to hold a TIME or TIMESTAMP value being retrieved.
v 11 - Host variable is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP and value being retrieved is a
character string.
v 12 - Too many host variables specified and records are blocked.
v 13 - DRDA used for a blocked FETCH and the number of host variables specified in
the INTO clause is less than the number of result values in the select list.
v 14 - LOB locator used and the commitment control level was not *ALL.
QQCTS Statement table scan usage count
QQCIU Statement index usage count
QQCIC Statement index creation count
QQCSO Statement sort usage count
QQCTF Statement temporary table count
QQCIA Statement index advised count
276 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 68. QAQQ3000 - Arrival sequence (continued)
| Column Name Description
| QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| QQTLN Library
| QQTFN Table
| QQPTLN Physical library
| QQPTFN Physical table
| QQTOTR Total rows in table
| QQREST Estimated number of rows selected
| QQAJN Estimated number of joined rows
| QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
| QQJNP Join position - when available
| QQJNDS Dataspace number
| QQJNMT Join method - when available
| NL - Nested loop
| MF - Nested loop with selection
| HJ - Hash join
| QQJNTY Join type - when available
| IN - Inner join
| PO - Left partial outer join
| EX - Exception join
| QQJNOP Join operator - when available
| EQ - Equal
| NE - Not equal
| GT - Greater than
| GE - Greater than or equal
| LT - Less than
| LE - Less than or equal
| CP - Cartesian product
| QQDSS Dataspace selection
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQIDXA Index advised
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQRCOD Reason code
| T1 - No indexes exist.
| T2 - Indexes exist, but none can be used.
| T3 - Optimizer chose table scan over available indexes.
| QQLTLN Library-long
| QQLTFN Table-long
| QQLPTL Physical library-long
| QQLPTF Table-long
| NL - Nested loop
| MF - Nested loop with selection
| HJ - Hash join
278 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 69. QQQ3001 - Using existing index (continued)
| Column Name Description
| QQJNTY Join type - when available
| IN - Inner join
| PO - Left partial outer join
| EX - Exception join
| QQJNOP Join operator - when available
| EQ - Equal
| NE - Not equal
| GT - Greater than
| GE - Greater than or equal
| LT - Less than
| LE - Less than or equal
| CP - Cartesian product
| QQIDXK Number of advised key columns that use index scan-key positioning
| QQKP Index scan-key positioning
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQKPN Number of key positioning columns
| QQKS Index scan-key selection
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQDSS Dataspace selection
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQIDXA Index advised
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQRCOD Reason code
| I1 - Row selection
| I2 - Ordering/Grouping
| I3 - Row selection and
| Ordering/Grouping
| I4 - Nested loop join
| I5 - Row selection using
| bitmap processing
| QQCST Constraint indicator
| Y - Yes
| N - No
| QQCSTN Constraint name
| QQLTLN Library-long
| QQLTFN Table-long
| QQLPTL Physical library-long
| QQLPTF Table-long
280 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 70. QQQ3002 - Index created (continued)
Column Name Description
QQJNMT Join method - when available
NL - Nested loop
MF - Nested loop with selection
HJ - Hash join
QQJNTY Join type - when available
IN - Inner join
PO - Left partial outer join
EX - Exception join
QQJNOP Join operator - when available
EQ - Equal
NE - Not equal
GT - Greater than
GE - Greater than or equal
LT - Less than
LE - Less than or equal
CP - Cartesian product
QQIDXK Number of advised key columns that use index scan-key positioning
QQEPT Estimated processing time, in seconds
QQKP Index scan-key positioning
Y - Yes
N - No
QQKPN Number of index scan-key positioning columns
QQKS Index scan-key selection
Y - Yes
N - No
QQDSS Dataspace selection
Y - Yes
N - No
QQIDXA Index advised
Y - Yes
N - No
QQCST Constraint indicator
Y - Yes
N - No
QQCSTN Constraint name
I1 - Row selection
I2 - Ordering/Grouping
I3 - Row selection and
I4 - Nested loop join
I5 - Row selection using
bitmap processing
QQTTIM Index create time
QQLTLN Library-long
QQLTFN Table-long
QQLPTL Physical library-long
QQLPTF Table-long
QQLILN Index library-long
QQLIFN Index-long
QQLNTN NLSS table-long
QQLNLN NLSS library-long
QQIDXD Key columns for the index advised
QQCRTK Key columns for index created
QQC11 Materialized query table
QQC12 Reserved
QQC21 Reserved
QQC22 Reserved
QQI1 Reserved
QQI2 Reserved
QQC301 Reserved
QQC302 Reserved
QQ1000 Reserved
282 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 71. QQQ3003 - Query sort (continued)
Column Name Description
QQPSIZ Pool size
QQPID Pool id
QQIBUF Internal sort buffer length
QQEBUF External sort buffer length
QQRCOD Reason code
F1 - Query contains grouping columns (Group By) from more than one table, or contains
grouping columns from a secondary table of a join query that cannot be reordered.
F2 - Query contains ordering columns (Order By) from more than one table, or contains
ordering columns from a secondary table of a join query that cannot be reordered.
F3 - The grouping and ordering columns are not compatible.
F4 - DISTINCT was specified for the query.
F5 - UNION was specified for the query.
F6 - Query had to be implemented using a sort. Key length of more than 2000 bytes or more
than 120 columns specified for ordering.
F7 - Query optimizer chose to use a sort rather than an index to order the results of the query.
F8 - Perform specified row selection to minimize I/O wait time.
FC - The query contains grouping fields and there is a read trigger on at least one of the
physical files in the query.
QQC11 Reserved
QQC12 Reserved
QQC21 Reserved
QQC22 Reserved
QQI1 Reserved
QQI2 Reserved
QQC301 Reserved
QQC302 Reserved
QQ1000 Reserved
Y - Yes
N - No
QQLTLN Library-long
QQLTFN Table-long
QQC11 Reserved
QQC12 Reserved
QQC21 Reserved
QQC22 Reserved
QQI1 Reserved
QQI2 Reserved
QQC301 Reserved
QQC302 Reserved
284 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Table 72. QQQ3004 - Temporary table (continued)
Column Name Description
QQ1000 Reserved
Y - Yes
N - No.
QQIRSN Reason code
QQLTLN Library-long
QQLTFN Table-long
QQPTL Physical library-long
QQPTF Table-long
QQIDXN Index names
QQC11 Reserved
QQC12 Reserved
QQC21 Reserved
QQC22 Reserved
QQI1 Reserved
QQI2 Reserved
QQC301 Reserved
QQC302 Reserved
QQ1000 Reserved
286 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
| Table 76. QQQ3030 - Materialized query table implementation (continued)
| Column Name Description
| QQQDTN Unique subselect number
| QQQDTL Subselect nested level
| QQMATN Materialized view subselect number
| QQMATL Materialized view nested level
| QQMRSN List of unique reason codes used by the materialized query table (each materialized query table
| has a corresponding reason code associated with it)
| QQMQTS List of MQTs examined with a reason code indicating if the MQT was used and if not used, why
| not used.
| QQC11 Reserved
| QQC12 Reserved
| QQC21 Reserved
| QQC22 Reserved
| QQCI1 Reserved
| QQCI2 Reserved
| QQC301 Reserved
| QQC302 Reserved
Query optimizer messages reference
See the following for query optimizer message reference:
The messages are issued for an SQL program or interactive SQL when running in the debug mode. The
database manager may send any of the following messages when appropriate. The ampersand variables
(&1, &X) are replacement variables that contain either an object name or some other substitution value
when the message appears in the job log. These messages provide feedback on how a query was run and,
in some cases, indicate the improvements that can be made to help the query run faster.
The messages contain message help that provides information about the cause for the message, object
name references, and possible user responses.
The time at which the message is sent does not necessarily indicate when the associated function was
performed. Some messages are sent altogether at the start of a query run.
The access path was built using the following key fields. The key fields and their
corresponding sequence (ASCEND or DESCEND) will be shown:&17.
Cause Text:
A key field of *MAP indicates the key field is an expression (derived field).
The access path was built using sequence table &13 in library &14.
A sequence table of *N indicates the access path was built without a sequence table.
A sequence table of *I indicates the table was an internally derived table that is not
available to the user.
If &18 &19 in library &5 is a logical file then the access path is built over member
&9 of physical file &7 in library &8.
A file name starting with *QUERY or *N indicates the access path was built over a
temporary file.
If this query is run frequently, you may want to create an access path (index) similar
to this definition for performance reasons. Create the access path using sequence
table &13 in library &14, unless the sequence table is *N. If an access path is created,
it is possible the query optimizer may still choose to create a temporary access path
Recovery Text: to process the query.
If *MAP is returned for one of the key fields or *I is returned for the sequence table,
then a permanent access path cannot be created. A permanent access path cannot be
built with these specifications.
This message indicates that a temporary index was created to process the query. The new index is created
by reading all of the rows in the specified table.
The time required to create an index on each run of a query can be significant. Consider creating a logical
file (CRTLF) or an SQL index (CREATE INDEX SQL statement):
v Over the table named in the message help.
v With key columns named in the message help.
v With the ascending or descending sequencing specified in the message help.
v With the sort sequence table specified in the message help.
Consider creating the logical file with select or omit criteria that either match or partially match the
query’s predicates involving constants. The database manager will consider using select or omit logical
files even though they are not explicitly specified on the query.
For certain queries, the optimizer may decide to create an index even when an existing one can be used.
This might occur when a query has an ordering column as a key column for an index, and the only row
selection specified uses a different column. If the row selection results in roughly 20% of the rows or
more to be returned, then the optimizer may create a new index to get faster performance when accessing
the data. The new index minimizes the amount of data that needs to be read.
288 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
CPI4322 - Access path built from keyed file &1
Message Text: Access path built from keyed file &1.
A temporary access path was built using the access path from member &3 of keyed
file &1 in library &2 to access records from member &6 of file &4 in library &5 for
reason code &10. This process took &11 minutes and &12 seconds. The access path
built contains &15 entries. The reason codes and their meanings follow:
1. Perform specified ordering/grouping criteria.
2. Perform specified join criteria.
3. Perform specified record selection to minimize I/O wait time
The access path was built using the following key fields. The key fields and their
corresponding sequence (ASCEND or DESCEND) will be shown:
A key field of *MAP indicates the key field is an expression (derived field).
The temporary access path was built using sequence table &13 in library &14.
A sequence table of *N indicates the access path was built without a sequence table.
A sequence table of *I indicates the table was an internally derived table that is not
available to the user.
If file &4 in library &5 is a logical file then the temporary access path is built over
member &9 of physical file &7 in library &8. Creating an access path from a keyed
file generally results in improved performance.
If this query is run frequently, you may want to create an access path (index) similar
to this definition for performance reasons. Create the access path using sequence
table &13 in library &14, unless the sequence table is *N. If an access path is created,
it is possible the query optimizer may still choose to create a temporary access path
to process the query.
Recovery Text: If *MAP is returned for one of the key fields or *I is returned for the sequence table,
then a permanent access path cannot be created. A permanent access path cannot be
built with these specifications.
A temporary access path can only be created using index only access if all of the
fields that were used by this temporary access path are also key fields for the access
path from the keyed file.
This message indicates that a temporary index was created from the access path of an existing keyed
table or index.
Generally, this action should not take a significant amount of time or resource because only a subset of
the data in the table needs to be read. This is normally done to allow the optimizer to use an existing
index for selection while creating one for ordering, grouping, or join criteria. Sometimes even faster
performance can be achieved by creating a logical file or SQL index that satisfies the index requirement
stated in the message help.
This message can be sent for a variety of reasons. The specific reason is provided in the message help.
Most of the time, this message is sent when the queried table environment has changed, making the
current access plan obsolete. An example of the table environment changing is when an index required
by the query no longer exists on the server.
290 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
An access plan contains the instructions for how a query is to be run and lists the indexes for running the
query. If a needed index is no longer available, the query is again optimized, and a new access plan is
created, replacing the old one.
The process of again optimizing the query and building a new access plan at runtime is a function of
DB2 UDB for iSeries. It allows a query to be run as efficiently as possible, using the most current state of
the database without user intervention.
The infrequent appearance of this message is not a cause for action. For example, this message will be
sent when an SQL package is run the first time after a restore, or anytime the optimizer detects that a
change has occurred (such as a new index was created), that warrants an implicit rebuild. However,
excessive rebuilds should be avoided because extra query processing will occur. Excessive rebuilds may
indicate a possible application design problem or inefficient database management practices.
Related reference
“CPI4351 - Additional reason codes for query access plan has been rebuilt.” on page 309
“CPI434C - The query access plan was not rebuilt” on page 308
Before the query processing could begin, the data in the specified table had to be copied into a temporary
physical table to simplify running the query. The message help contains the reason why this message was
If the specified table selects few rows, typically less than 1000 rows, then the row selection part of the
query’s implementation should not take a significant amount of resource and time. However if the query
is taking more time and resources than can be allowed, consider changing the query so that a temporary
table is not required.
A temporary result table was created to contain the intermediate results of the query. The results are
stored in an internal temporary table (structure). This allows for more flexibility by the optimizer in how
to process and store the results. The message help contains the reason why a temporary result table is
In some cases, creating a temporary result table provides the fastest way to run a query. Other queries
that have many rows to be copied into the temporary result table can take a significant amount of time.
However, if the query is taking more time and resources than can be allowed, consider changing the
query so that a temporary result table is not required.
292 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Access path for member &5 of file &3 in library &4 was used to access records in
member &2 of file &13 in library &1 for reason code &9. The reason codes and their
meanings follow:
1. Perform specified record selection.
2. Perform specified ordering/grouping criteria.
3. Record selection and ordering/grouping criteria.
4. Perform specified join criteria.
If file &13 in library &1 is a logical file then member &8 of physical file &6 in library
&7 is the actual file in join position &10.
A file name starting with *TEMPX for the access path indicates it is a temporary
Cause Text:
access path built over file &6.
A file name starting with *N or *QUERY for the file indicates it is a temporary file.
Index only access was used for this file within the query: &11.
A value of *YES for index only access processing indicates that all of the fields used
from this file for this query can be found within the access path of file &3. A value
of *NO indicates that index only access could not be performed for this access path.
Index only access is generally a performance advantage since all of the data can be
extracted from the access path and the data space does not have to be paged into
active memory.
Generally, to force a file to be processed in join position 1, specify an order by field
from that file only.
If ordering is desired, specifying ORDER BY fields over more than one file forces the
creation of a temporary file and allows the optimizer to optimize the join order of all
the files. No file is forced to be first.
Recovery Text:
An access path can only be considered for index only access if all of the fields used
within the query for this file are also key fields for that access path.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for additional tips on optimizing a query’s join order and index only access.
This message provides the join position of the specified table when an index is used to access the table’s
data. Join position pertains to the order in which the tables are joined.
Cause Text: If file &13 in library &1 is a logical file then member &8 of physical file &6 in library
&7 is the actual file in join position &10.
A file name that starts with *QUERY for the file indicates it is a temporary file.
Generally, to force a file to be processed in join position 1, specify an order by field
Recovery Text:
from that file only.
If file &13 in library &1 is a logical file then member &8 of physical file &6 in library
&7 is the actual file being accessed.
Cause Text:
Index only access was used for this query: &11.
A value of *YES for index only access processing indicates that all of the fields used
for this query can be found within the access path of file &3. A value of *NO
indicates that index only access could not be performed for this access path.
Index only access is generally a performance advantage since all of the data can be
extracted from the access path and the data space does not have to be paged into
active memory.
An access path can only be considered for index only access if all of the fields used
within the query for this file are also key fields for that access path.
Recovery Text:
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for additional tips on index only access.
This message names an existing index that was used by the query.
The reason the index was used is given in the message help.
Cause Text: If file &13 in library &1 is a logical file then member &8 of physical file &6 in library
&7 is the actual file from which records are being selected.
A file name starting with *N or *QUERY for the file indicates it is a temporary file.
The use of an access path may improve the performance of the query if record
selection is specified.
If an access path does not exist, you may want to create one whose left-most key
fields match fields in the record selection. Matching more key fields in the access
Recovery Text: path with fields in the record selection will result in improved performance.
Generally, to force the use of an existing access path, specify order by fields that
match the left-most key fields of that access path.
For more information refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access
paths and methods” on page 8.
294 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
If an index does not exist, you may want to create one whose key column matches one of the columns in
the row selection. You should only create an index if the row selection (WHERE clause) selects 20% or
fewer rows in the table. To force the use of an existing index, change the ORDER BY clause of the query
to specify the first key column of the index, or ensure that the query is running under a first I/O
The list below shows the access paths considered before the optimizer timed out. If
file &1 in library &2 is a logical file then the access paths specified are actually built
over member &9 of physical file &7 in library &8.
Following each access path name in the list is a reason code which explains why the
access path was not used. A reason code of 0 indicates that the access path was used
to implement the query.
The user may want to delete any access paths no longer needed.
The optimizer stops considering indexes when the time spent optimizing the query exceeds an internal
value that corresponds to the estimated time to run the query and the number of rows in the queried
tables. Generally, the more rows in the tables, the greater the number of indexes that will be considered.
When the estimated time to run the query is exceeded, the optimizer does not consider any more indexes
and uses the current best method to implement the query. Either an index has been found to get the best
The message help contains a list of indexes that were considered before the optimizer timed out. By
viewing this list of indexes, you may be able to determine if the optimizer timed out before the best
index was considered.
To ensure that an index is considered for optimization, specify the logical file associated with the index as
the table to be queried. The optimizer will consider the index of the table specified on the query or SQL
statement first. Remember that SQL indexes cannot be queried.
You may want to delete any indexes that are no longer needed.
Related reference
“CPI432D - Additional access path reason codes were used” on page 297
296 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The query optimizer considered all access paths built over member &3 of file &1 in
library &2.
The list below shows the access paths considered. If file &1 in library &2 is a logical
file then the access paths specified are actually built over member &9 of physical file
&7 in library &8.
Following each access path name in the list is a reason code which explains why the
access path was not used. A reason code of 0 indicates that the access path was used
to implement the query.
The optimizer considered all indexes built over the specified table. Since the optimizer examined all
indexes for the table, it determined the current best access to the table.
The message help contains a list of the indexes. With each index a reason code is added. The reason code
explains why the index was or was not used.
Related reference
“CPI432D - Additional access path reason codes were used”
Message CPI432A or CPI432C was issued immediately before this message. Because of message length
restrictions, some of the reason codes used by messages CPI432A and CPI432C are explained in the
message help of CPI432D. Use the message help from this message to interpret the information returned
from message CPI432A or CPI432C.
Related reference
“CPI432A - Query optimizer timed out for file &1” on page 295
“CPI432C - All access paths were considered for file &1” on page 296
298 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
To improve performance the query optimizer is suggesting a permanent access path
be built with the key fields it is recommending. The access path will access records
from member &3 of file &1 in library &2.
In the list of key fields that follow, the query optimizer is recommending the first
&10 key fields as primary key fields. The remaining key fields are considered
secondary key fields and are listed in order of expected selectivity based on this
query. Primary key fields are fields that significantly reduce the number of keys
selected based on the corresponding selection predicate. Secondary key fields are
fields that may or may not significantly reduce the number of keys selected. It is up
to the user to determine the true selectivity of secondary key fields and to determine
whether those key fields should be used when creating the access path.
Cause Text: The query optimizer is able to perform key positioning over any combination of the
primary key fields, plus one additional secondary key field. Therefore it is important
that the first secondary key field be the most selective secondary key field. The
query optimizer will use key selection with any remaining secondary key fields.
While key selection is not as fast as key positioning it can still reduce the number of
keys selected. Hence, secondary key fields that are fairly selective should be
included. When building the access path all primary key fields should be specified
first followed by the secondary key fields which are prioritized by selectivity. The
following list contains the suggested primary and secondary key fields:
If file &1 in library &2 is a logical file then the access path should be built over
member &9 of physical file &7 in library &8.
If this query is run frequently, you may want to create the suggested access path for
performance reasons. It is possible that the query optimizer will choose not to use
the access path just created.
Recovery Text:
For more information, refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access
paths and methods” on page 8.
CPI4330 - &6 tasks used for parallel &10 scan of file &1
Message Text: &6 tasks used for parallel &10 scan of file &1.
If file &1 in library &2 is a logical file, then member &9 of physical file &7 in library
&8 is the actual file from which records are being selected.
A file name starting with *QUERY or *N for the file indicates a temporary result file
is being used.
The query optimizer has calculated that the optimal number of tasks is &5 which
was limited for reason code &4. The reason code definitions are:
1. The *NBRTASKS parameter value was specified for the DEGREE parameter of
Cause Text: the CHGQRYA CL command.
2. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which would use all of the central
processing units (CPU).
3. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which can efficiently run in this
job’s share of the memory pool.
4. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which can efficiently run using the
entire memory pool
5. The optimizer limited the number of tasks to equal the number of disk units
which contain the file’s data.
The database manager may further limit the number of tasks used if the allocation
of the file’s data is not evenly distributed across disk units.
To disallow usage of parallel &10 scan, specify *NONE on the query attribute
A larger number of tasks might further improve performance. The following actions
based on the optimizer reason code might allow the optimizer to calculate a larger
1. Specify a larger number of tasks value for the DEGREE parameter of the
CHGQRYA CL command. Start with a value for number of tasks which is a
Recovery Text: slightly larger than &5
2. Simplify the query by reducing the number of fields being mapped to the result
buffer or by removing expressions. Also, try specifying a number of tasks as
described by reason code 1.
3. Specify *MAX for the query attribute DEGREE.
4. Increase the size of the memory pool.
5. Use the CHGPF CL command or the SQL ALTER statement to redistribute the
file’s data across more disk units.
CPI4331 - &6 tasks used for parallel index created over file
Message Text: &6 tasks used for parallel index created over file &1.
300 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
&6 is the average numbers of tasks used for an index created over member &3 of
file &1 in library &2.
If file &1 in library &2 is a logical file, then member &9 of physical file &7 in library
&8 is the actual file over which the index is being built.
A file name starting with *QUERY or *N for the file indicates a temporary result file
is being used.
The query optimizer has calculated that the optimal number of tasks is &5 which
was limited for reason code &4. The definition of reason codes are:
Cause Text: 1. The *NBRTASKS parameter value was specified for the DEGREE parameter of
the CHGQRYA CL command.
2. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which would use all of the central
processing units (CPU).
3. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which can efficiently run in this
job’s share of the memory pool.
4. The optimizer calculated the number of tasks which can efficiently run using the
entire memory pool.
The database manager may further limit the number of tasks used for the parallel
index build if either the allocation of the file’s data is not evenly distributed across
disk units or the system has too few disk units.
To disallow usage of parallel index build, specify *NONE on the query attribute
A larger number of tasks might further improve performance. The following actions
based on the reason code might allow the optimizer to calculate a larger number:
1. Specify a larger number of tasks value for the DEGREE parameter of the
CHGQRYA CL command. Start with a value for number of tasks which is a
Recovery Text: slightly larger than &5 to see if a performance improvement is achieved.
2. Simplify the query by reducing the number of fields being mapped to the result
buffer or by removing expressions. Also, try specifying a number of tasks for the
DEGREE parameter of the CHGQRYA CL command as described by reason code
3. Specify *MAX for the query attribute degree.
4. Increase the size of the memory pool.
The host variables values displayed above may have been special values. An
explanation of the special values follow:
Cause Text: v DBCS data is displayed in hex format.
v *N denotes a value of NULL.
v *Z denotes a zero length string.
v *L denotes a value too long to display in the replacement text.
v *U denotes a value that could not be displayed.
Recovery Text: None
Each hash join step will be optimized and processed separately. Debug messages
which explain the implementation of each hash join step follow this message in the
The list below shows the names of the files or the table functions used in this query.
Cause Text: If the entry is for a file, the format of the entry in this list is the number of the hash
join step, the filename as specified in the query, the member name as specified in the
query, the filename actually used in the hash join step, and the member name
actually used in the hash join step. If the entry is for a table function, the format of
the entry in this list is the number of the hash join step and the function name as
specified in the query.
If there are two or more files or functions listed for the same hash step, then that
hash step is implemented with nested loop join.
The hash join method is usually a good implementation choice, however, if you
Recovery Text:
want to disallow the use of this method specify ALWCPYDTA(*YES).
CPI4335 - Optimizer debug messages for hash join step &1 follow
Message Text: Optimizer debug messages for hash join step &1 follow
This join query is implemented using the hash join algorithm. The optimizer debug
Cause Text: messages that follow provide the query optimization information about hash join
step &1.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about hashing algorithm for join processing.
302 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
CPI4337 - Temporary hash table build for hash join step &1
Message Text: Temporary hash table built for hash join step &1.
A temporary hash table was created to contain the results of hash join step &1. This
process took &2 minutes and &3 seconds. The temporary hash table created contains
Cause Text:
&4 records. The total size of the temporary hash table in units of 1024 bytes is &5. A
list of the fields which define the hash keys follow:
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about hashing algorithm for join processing.
CPI4338 - &1 Access path(s) used for bitmap processing of file &2
Message Text: &1 Access path(s) used for bitmap processing of file &2.
Bitmap processing was used to access records from member &4 of file &2 in library
Bitmap processing is used in conjunction with the two primary access methods:
arrival sequence (CPI4327 or CPI4329) or keyed access (CPI4326 or CPI4328). The
Cause Text: message that describes the primary access method immediately precedes this
When the bitmap is used with the keyed access method then it is used to further
reduce the number of records selected by the primary access path before retrieving
the selected records from the file.
When the bitmap is used with arrival sequence then it allows the sequential scan of
the file to skip records which are not selected by the bitmap. This is called skip
sequential processing.
The list below shows the names of the access paths used in the bitmap processing:
If file &2 in library &3 is a logical file then member &7 of physical file &5 in library
&6 is the actual file being accessed.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about bitmap processing.
The optimizer chooses to use one or more indexes, in conjunction with the query selection (WHERE
clause), to build a bitmap. This resulting bitmap indicates which rows will actually be selected.
Conceptually, the bitmap contains one bit per row in the underlying table. Corresponding bits for
selected rows are set to ’1’. All other bits are set to ’0’.
Once the bitmap is built, it is used, as appropriate, to avoid mapping in rows from the table not selected
by the query. The use of the bitmap depends on whether the bitmap is used in combination with the
arrival sequence or with a primary index.
When bitmap processing is used with a primary index, either message CPI4326 or CPI4328 will precede
this message. Rows selected by the primary index will be checked against the bitmap before mapping the
row from the table.
CPI433D - Query options used to build the i5/OS query access plan
Message Text: Query options used to build the i5/OS query access plan.
The access plan that was saved was created with query options retrieved from file
Cause Text:
&2 in library &1.
Recovery Text: None
Each join class step will be optimized and processed separately. Debug messages
detailing the implementation of each join class follow this message in the joblog.
Cause Text:
The list below shows the file names of the files used in this query. The format of
each entry in this list is the number of the join class step, the number of the join
position in the join class step, the file name as specified in the query, the member
name as specified in the query, the file name actually used in the join class step, and
the member name actually used in the join class step.
Recovery Text: Refer to “Join optimization” on page 46 for more information about join classes.
CPI4340 - Optimizer debug messages for join class step &1 follow
Message Text: Optimizer debug messages for join class step &1 follow:
This join query is implemented using multiple join classes. The optimizer debug
Cause Text: messages that follow provide the query optimization information about join class
step &1.
Recovery Text: Refer to “Join optimization” on page 46 for more information about join classes.
304 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
CPI4342 - Performing distributed join for query
Message Text: Performing distributed join for query.
Query contains join criteria over a distributed file and a distributed join was
performed, in parallel, on the following nodes: &1.
The library, file and member names of each file involved in the join follow: &2.
Cause Text:
A file name beginning with *QQTDF indicates it is a temporary distributed result file
created by the query optimizer and it will not contain an associated library or
member name.
For more information about processing of distributed files, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming.
CPI4343 - Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &1 of &2 follow:
Message Text: Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &1 of &2 follow:
A distributed file was specified in the query which caused the query to be processed
Cause Text: in multiple steps. The optimizer debug messages that follow provide the query
optimization information about distributed step &1 of &2 total steps.
For more information about processing of distributed files, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming.
A partitioning key of *N indicates no partitioning keys were used when building the
temporary distributed result file.
CPI4346 - Optimizer debug messages for query join step &1 of &2 follow:
Message Text: Optimizer debug messages for query join step &1 of &2 follow:
Query processed in multiple steps. The optimizer debug messages that follow
Cause Text:
provide the query optimization information about join step &1 of &2 total steps.
Recovery Text: No recovery necessary.
Each step will be optimized and processed separately. Debug messages which
explain the implementation of each step follow this message in the joblog.
Cause Text
The list below shows the file names of the files used in this query. The format of
each entry in this list is the number of the join step, the filename as specified in the
query, the member name as specified in the query, the filename actually used in the
step, and the member name actually used in the step.
Recovery Text: No recovery necessary.
CPI4348 - The ODP associated with the cursor was hard closed
Message Text: The ODP associated with the cursor was hard closed.
306 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The Open Data Path (ODP) for this statement or cursor has been hard closed for
reason code &1. The reason codes and their meanings follow:
1. Either the length of the new LIKE pattern is zero and the length of the old LIKE
pattern is nonzero or the length of the new LIKE pattern is nonzero and the
length of the old LIKE pattern is zero.
2. An additional wildcard was specified in the LIKE pattern on this invocation of
the cursor.
Cause Text: 3. SQL indicated to the query optimizer that the cursor cannot be refreshed.
4. The system code could not obtain a lock on the file being queried.
5. The length of the host variable value is too large for the host variable as
determined by the query optimizer.
6. The size of the ODP to be refreshed is too large.
7. Refresh of the local ODP of a distributed query failed.
8. SQL hard closed the cursor prior to the fast path refresh code.
In order for the cursor to be used in a reusable mode, the cursor cannot be hard
Recovery Text: closed. Look at the reason why the cursor was hard closed and take the appropriate
actions to prevent a hard close from occurring.
CPI4349 - Fast past refresh of the host variables values is not possible
Message Text: Fast past refresh of the host variable values is not possible.
The Open Data Path (ODP) for this statement or cursor could not invoke the fast
past refresh code for reason code &1. The reason codes and their meanings follow:
1. The new host variable value is not null and old host variable value is null or
the new host variable value is zero length and the old host variable value is not
zero length.
2. The attributes of the new host variable value are not the same as the attributes
of the old host variable value.
3. The length of the host variable value is either too long or too short. The length
difference cannot be handled in the fast path refresh code.
4. The host variable has a data type of IGC ONLY and the length is not even or is
less than 2 bytes.
5. The host variable has a data type of IGC ONLY and the new host variable value
Cause Text: does not contain an even number of bytes.
6. A translate table with substitution characters was used.
7. The host variable contains DBCS data and a CCSID translate table with
substitution characters is required.
8. The host variable contains DBCS that is not well formed. That is, a shift-in
without a shift-out or visa versa.
9. The host variable must be translated with a sort sequence table and the sort
sequence table contains substitution characters.
10. The host variable contains DBCS data and must be translated with a sort
sequence table that contains substitution characters.
11. The host variable is a Date, Time or Timestamp data type and the length of the
host variable value is either too long or too short.
Look at the reason why fast path refresh could not be used and take the appropriate
Recovery Text: actions so that fast path refresh can be used on the next invocation of this statement
or cursor.
For a full explanation of the reason codes and their meanings, view the second level
text of the message CPI4323.
Since the query attributes disallowed the query access plan from being rebuilt, the
query will continue to be implemented with the existing access plan. This access
plan may not contain all of the performance benefits that may have been derived
Recovery Text: from rebuilding the access plan.
For more information about query attributes refer to “Change the attributes of your
queries with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command” on page 116
Related reference
“CPI4323 - The query access plan has been rebuilt” on page 289
308 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The query optimizer considered usage of materialized query tables for this query.
Following each materialized query table name in the list is a reason code which
explains why the materialized query table was not used. A reason code of 0
indicates that the materialized query table was used to implement the query.
CPI4351 - Additional reason codes for query access plan has been rebuilt.
Message Text: Additional reason codes for query access plan has been rebuilt.
Message CPI4323 was issued immediately before this message. Because of message
length restrictions, some of the reason codes used by message CPI4323 are explained
below rather than in that message. The CPI4323 message was issued for reason code
&13. The additional reason codes and their meaning follow:
Cause Text: v 20 - Referential or check constraints for member &19 of file &17 in library &18
have changed since the access plan was generated.
v 21 - Materialized query tables for member &22 of file &20 in library &21 have
changed since the access plan was generated. If the file is *N then the file name is
not available.
Related reference
“CPI4323 - The query access plan has been rebuilt” on page 289
An open data path (ODP) definition is an internal object that is created when a cursor is opened or when
other SQL statements are run. It provides a direct link to the data so that I/O operations can occur. ODPs
are used on OPEN, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT INTO statements to perform their
respective operations on the data.
Even though SQL cursors are closed and SQL statements have already been run, the database manager in
many cases will save the associated ODPs of the SQL operations to reuse them the next time the
statement is run. So an SQL CLOSE statement may close the SQL cursor but leave the ODP available to
be used again the next time the cursor is opened. This can significantly reduce the processing and
response time in running SQL statements.
The ability to reuse ODPs when SQL statements are run repeatedly is an important consideration in
achieving faster performance.
This message is sent when the job’s call stack no longer contains a program that has run an SQL
310 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Unless CLOSQLCSR(*ENDJOB) or CLOSQLCSR(*ENDACTGRP) was specified, the SQL environment for
reusing ODPs across program calls exists only until the active programs that ran the SQL statements
Except for ODPs associated with *ENDJOB or *ENDACTGRP cursors, all ODPs are deleted when all the
SQL programs on the call stack complete and the SQL environment is exited.
This completion process includes closing of cursors, the deletion of ODPs, the removal of prepared
statements, and the release of locks.
Putting an SQL statement that can be run in the first program of an application keeps the SQL
environment active for the duration of that application. This allows ODPs in other SQL programs to be
reused when the programs are repeatedly called. CLOSQLCSR(*ENDJOB) or
CLOSQLCSR(*ENDACTGRP) can also be specified.
This message indicates that the last time the statement was run or when a CLOSE statement was run for
this cursor, the ODP was not deleted. It will now be used again. This should be an indication of very
efficient use of resources by eliminating unnecessary OPEN and CLOSE operations.
No ODP was found that could be used again. The first time that the statement is run or the cursor is
opened for a process, an ODP will always have to be created. However, if this message appears on every
run of the statement or open of the cursor, the tips recommended in “Retaining cursor positions for
non-ILE program calls” on page 171 should be applied to this application.
For a program that is run only once per job, this message could be normal. However, if this message
appears on every run of the statement or open of the cursor, then the tips recommended in “Retaining
cursor positions for non-ILE program calls” on page 171 should be applied to this application.
If the statement is rerun or the cursor is opened again, the ODP should be available again for use.
The DB2 UDB for iSeries precompilers allow the creation of the program objects even when required
tables are missing. In this case the binding of the access plan is done when the program is first run. This
message indicates that an access plan was created and successfully stored in the program object.
312 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Blocking has been used in the implementation of this query. SQL will retrieve a
block of records from the database manager on the first FETCH statement.
Cause Text:
Additional FETCH statements have to be issued by the calling program, but they do
not require SQL to request more records, and therefore will run faster.
SQL attempts to utilize blocking whenever possible. In cases where the cursor is not
Recovery Text: update capable, and commitment control is not active, there is a possibility that
blocking will be used.
SQL will request multiple rows from the database manager when running this statement instead of
requesting one row at a time.
The database manager rebuilt the access plan for this statement, but the program could not be updated
with the new access plan. Another job is currently running the program that has a shared lock on the
access plan of the program.
The program cannot be updated with the new access plan until the job can obtain an exclusive lock on
the access plan of the program. The exclusive lock cannot be obtained until the shared lock is released.
The statement will still run and the new access plan will be used; however, the access plan will continue
to be rebuilt when the statement is run until the program is updated.
A reusable ODP exists for this statement, but either the job’s library list or override specifications have
changed the query.
The statement now refers to different tables or uses different override specifications than are in the
existing ODP. The existing ODP cannot be reused, and a new ODP must be created. To make it possible
to reuse the ODP, avoid changing the library list or the override specifications.
314 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Host variable &2 requires conversion. The data retrieved for the FETCH or
embedded SELECT statement cannot be directly moved to the host variables. The
statement ran correctly. Performance, however, would be improved if no data
conversion was required. The host variable requires conversion for reason &1
v Reason 1 - host variable &2 is a character or graphic string of a different length
than the value being retrieved.
v Reason 2 - host variable &2 is a numeric type that is different than the type of the
value being retrieved.
v Reason 3 - host variable &2 is a C character or C graphic string that is
NUL-terminated, the program was compiled with option *CNULRQD specified,
and the statement is a multiple-row FETCH.
v Reason 4 - host variable &2 is a variable length string and the value being
retrieved is not.
v Reason 5 - host variable &2 is not a variable length string and the value being
retrieved is.
v Reason 6 - host variable &2 is a variable length string whose maximum length is
Cause Text: different than the maximum length of the variable length value being retrieved.
v Reason 7 - a data conversion was required on the mapping of the value being
retrieved to host variable &2, such as a CCSID conversion
v Reason 8 - a DRDA connection was used to get the value being retrieved into host
variable &2. The value being retrieved is either null capable or varying-length, is
contained in a partial row, or is a derived expression.
v Reason 10 - the length of host variable &2 is too short to hold a TIME or
TIMESTAMP value being retrieved.
v Reason 11 - host variable &2 is of type DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP, and the
value being retrieved is a character string.
v Reason 12 - too many host variables were specified and records are blocked. Host
variable &2 does not have a corresponding column returned from the query.
v Reason 13 - a DRDA connection was used for a blocked FETCH and the number
of host variables specified in the INTO clause is less than the number of result
values in the select list.
v Reason 14 - a LOB Locator was used and the commitment control level of the
process was not *ALL.
To get better performance, attempt to use host variables of the same type and length
Recovery Text:
as their corresponding result columns.
When mapping data to host variables, data conversions were required. When these statements are run in
the future, they will be slower than if no data conversions were required. The statement ran successfully,
but performance could be improved by eliminating the data conversion. For example, a data conversion
that would cause this message to occur would be the mapping of a character string of a certain length to
a host variable character string with a different length. You could also cause this error by mapping a
numeric value to a host variable that is a different type (decimal to integer). To prevent most conversions,
use host variables that are of identical type and length as the columns that are being fetched.
The attributes of the INSERT or UPDATE values are different than the attributes of the columns receiving
the values. Since the values must be converted, they cannot be directly moved into the columns.
Performance could be improved if the attributes of the INSERT or UPDATE values matched the attributes
of the columns receiving the values.
SQL400A - Temporary distributed result file &1 was created to contain join result
Temporary distributed result file &1 was created to contain join result. Result file
Message Text:
was directed
Query contains join criteria over a distributed file and a distributed join was
Cause Text: performed in parallel. A temporary distributed result file was created to contain the
results of the distributed join.
For more information about processing of distributed files, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming information.
SQL400B - Temporary distributed result file &1 was created to contain join result
Temporary distributed result file &1 was created to contain join result. Result file
Message Text:
was broadcast
Query contains join criteria over a distributed file and a distributed join was
Cause Text: performed in parallel. A temporary distributed result file was created to contain the
results of the distributed join.
For more information about processing of distributed files, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming information.
316 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
SQL400C - Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &1 and &2 follow
Message Text: Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &1 and &2 follow.
A distributed file was specified in the query which caused the query to be processed
Cause Text: in multiple steps. The optimizer debug messages that follow provide the query
optimization information about the current step.
For more information about processing of distributed files, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming information.
SQL400E - Temporary distributed result file &1 was created while processing
distributed subquery
Temporary distributed result file &1 was created while processing distributed
Message Text:
A temporary distributed result file was created to contain the intermediate results of
Cause Text:
the query. The query contains a subquery which requires an intermediate result.
Generally, if the fields correlated between the query and subquery do not match the
partition keys of the respective files, the query must be processed in multiple steps
Recovery Text: and a temporary distributed file will be built to contain the intermediate results.
For more information about the processing of distributed files, refer to the
Distributed Database Programming information.
Message Text: UNION
A UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT operator was specified in the query. The
messages preceding this keyword delimiter correspond to the subselect preceding
Cause Text: the UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT operator. The messages following this
keyword delimiter correspond to the subselect following the UNION, EXCEPT, or
INTERSECT operator.
Recovery Text: None
Message Text: SUBQUERY
The SQL statement contains a subquery. The messages preceding the SUBQUERY
Cause Text: delimiter correspond to the subselect containing the subquery. The messages
following the SUBQUERY delimiter correspond to the subquery.
Recovery Text: None
318 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
To ensure an index is considered for optimization, specify the logical file of the
index as the table to be queried. The optimizer will first consider the index of the
logical file specified on the SQL select statement. Note that SQL created indexes
Recovery Text:
cannot be queried. An SQL index can be deleted and recreated to increase the
chances it will be considered during query optimization. Consider deleting any
indexes no longer needed.
SQL401B - Temporary distributed result table &1 was created while processing
grouping criteria
Message Text: Temporary distributed result table &1 was created while processing grouping criteria
A temporary distributed result table was created to contain the intermediate results
of the query. Either the query contains grouping columns (GROUP BY) that do not
Cause Text:
match the partitioning keys of the distributed table or the query contains grouping
criteria but no grouping columns were specified.
For more information about processing of distributed tables, refer to the Distributed
Recovery Text:
Database Programming information.
320 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
SQL401D - Temporary distributed result table &1 was created because table &2
was directed
Message Text: Temporary distributed result table &1 was created because table &2 was directed
Temporary distributed result table was created to contain the intermediate results of
Cause Text:
the query. Data from a distributed table in the query was directed to other nodes.
Generally, a table is directed when the join columns do not match the partitioning
keys of the distributed table. When a table is directed, the query is processed in
multiple steps and processed in parallel. A temporary distributed result file is
Recovery Text: required to contain the intermediate results for each step.
For more information about processing of distributed tables, refer to the Distributed
Database Programming information.
SQL401E - Temporary distributed result table &1 was created because table &2
was broadcast
Message Text: Temporary distributed result table &1 was created because table &2 was broadcast
Temporary distributed result table was created to contain the intermediate results of
Cause Text:
the query. Data from a distributed table in the query was broadcast to all nodes.
Generally, a table is broadcast when join columns do not match the partitioning keys
of either table being joined or the join operator is not an equal operator. When a
table is broadcast the query is processed in multiple steps and processed in parallel.
Recovery Text: A temporary distributed result table is required to contain the intermediate results
for each step.
For more information about processing of distributed tables, refer to the Distributed
Database Programming information.
The table number refers to the relative position of this table in the query.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about index scan-key row positioning.
SQL4014 - &1 join column pair(s) are used for this join position
Message Text: &1 join column pair(s) are used for this join position
The query optimizer may choose to process join predicates as either join selection or
row selection. The join predicates used in join selection are determined by the final
join order and the index used. This message indicates how many join column pairs
Cause Text: were processed as join selection at this join position. Message SQL4015 provides
detail on which columns comprise the join column pairs.
If 0 join column pairs were specified then index scan-key row positioning with row
selection was used instead of join selection.
322 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
If fewer join pairs are used at a join position than expected, it is possible no index
exists which has keys matching the desired join columns. Try creating an index
whose keys match the join predicates.
Recovery Text:
If 0 join column pairs were specified then index scan-key row positioning was used.
Index scan-key row positioning is normally a good performing option. Message
SQL4011 provides more information about index scan-key row positioning.
SQL4015 - From-column &1.&2, to-column &3.&4, join operator &5, join predicate
Message Text: From-column &1.&2, to-column &3.&4, join operator &5, join predicate &6
Identifies which join predicate was implemented at the current join position. The
replacement text parameters are:
v &1: The join ’from table’ number. The table number refers to the relative position
of this table in the query.
v &2: The join ’from column’ name. The column within the join from table which
comprises the left half of the join column pair. If the column name is *MAP, the
column is an expression (derived field).
v &3: The join ’to table’ number. The table number refers to the relative position of
Cause Text: this table in the query.
v &4. The join ’to column’ name. The column within the join to column which
comprises the right half of the join column pair. If the column name is *MAP, the
column is an expression (derived field).
v &5. The join operator. Possible values are EQ (equal), NE (not equal), GT (greater
than), LT (less than), GE (greater than or equal), LE (less than or equal), and CP
(cross join or cartesian product).
v &6. The join predicate number. Identifies the join predicate within this set of join
Recovery Text: Refer to “Join optimization” on page 46 for more information about joins.
Each hash join step will be optimized and processed separately. Access plan
Cause Text: implementation information for each of the hash join steps is not available because
access plans are not saved for the individual hash join dials. Debug messages
detailing the implementation of each hash dial can be found in the joblog if the
query is run in debug mode using the STRDBG CL command.
The hash join method is usually a good implementation choice, however, if you
want to disallow the use of this method specify ALWCPYDTA(*YES).
Recovery Text:
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for more information about hashing algorithm for join processing.
324 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
This message lists the table number used by the hash join steps. The table number
refers to the relative position of this table in the query.
If there are two or more of these messages for the same hash join step, then that step
is a nested loop join.
Cause Text:
Access plan implementation information for each of the hash join step are not
available because access plans are not saved for the individual hash steps. Debug
messages detailing the implementation of each hash step can be found in the joblog
if the query is run in debug mode using the STRDBG CL command.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about hashing
SQL402D - Query attributes overridden from query options file &2 in library &1
Message Text: Query attributes overridden from query options file &2 in library &1
Cause Text: None
Recovery Text: None
326 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
The query optimizer chose to use a parallel table preload access method to reduce
Cause Text: the processing time required for this query. This means that the data accessed by this
query will be loaded into active memory when the query is opened.
Parallel table preload can improve the performance of queries. Even though the
access plan was created to use parallel preload, the system will actually use parallel
preload only if the following are true:
v The query attribute degree must have been specified with an option of *IO or
*ANY for the application process.
Recovery Text:
v There is enough main storage available to load all of the data in the file into active
memory. Normally, 5 megabytes would be a minimum. Increasing the size of the
shared pool may improve performance.
For more information about parallel table preload, refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB
for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on page 8.
The table number refers to the relative position of this table in the query.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
Recovery Text:
page 8 for more information about index only access.
SQL4027 - Access plan was saved with DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing
installed on the system
Access plan was saved with DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the
Message Text:
Text: The access plan saved was created while the system feature DB2 UDB
Symmetric Multiprocessing was installed on the system. The access plan may have
Cause Text: been influenced by the presence of this system feature.
Having this system feature installed may cause the implementation of the query to
For more information about how the system feature DB2 UDB Symmetric
Recovery Text: Multiprocessing can influence a query, refer to “Control parallel processing for
queries” on page 133.
Debug messages detailing the implementation of each step can be found in the
joblog if the query is run in debug mode using the STRDBG CL command.
For more information about how a distributed table can influence the query
Recovery Text:
implementation refer to the Distributed Database Programming information.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for more information about parallel scan.
SQL4031 - &1 tasks specified for parallel index create over table &2
Message Text: &1 tasks specified for parallel index create over table &2
The query optimizer has calculated the optimal number of tasks for this query based
Cause Text: on the query attribute degree.
The table number refers to the relative position of this table in the query.
328 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Parallel index create can improve the performance of queries. Even though the
access plan was created to use the specified number of tasks for the parallel index
build, the system may alter that number based on the availability of the pool in
Recovery Text: which this job is running or the allocation of the table’s data across the disk units.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for more information about parallel index create.
This message may appear more than once per table. If this occurs, then a bitmap
Cause Text: was created from each index of each message. The bitmaps were then combined into
one bitmap using boolean logic and the resulting bitmap was used to access rows
from the table.
The table number refers to the relative position of this table in the query.
The query can be run in debug mode (STRDBG) to determine more specific
Recovery Text:
Also, refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods”
on page 8 for more information about bitmap processing.
SQL4033 - &1 tasks specified for parallel bitmap create using &2
Message Text: &1 tasks specified for parallel bitmap create using &2
The query optimizer has calculated the optimal number of tasks to use to create the
Cause Text:
bitmap based on the query attribute degree.
Using parallel index scan to create the bitmap can improve the performance of
queries. Even though the access plan was created to use the specified number of
tasks, the system may alter that number based on the availability of the pool in
Recovery Text: which this job is running or the allocation of the file’s data across the disk units.
Refer to “Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods” on
page 8 for more information about parallel scan.
Each join class will be optimized and processed as a separate step of the query with
the results written out to a temporary table.
Cause Text:
Access plan implementation information for each of the join classes is not available
because access plans are not saved for the individual join class dials. Debug
messages detailing the implementation of each join dial can be found in the joblog if
the query is run in debug mode using the STRDBG CL command.
Recovery Text: Refer to “Join optimization” on page 46 for more information about join classes.
All of the tables listed for the same join class will be processed during the same step
of the query. The results from all of the join classes will then be joined together to
Cause Text: return the final results for the query.
Access plan implementation information for each of the join classes are not available
because access plans are not saved for the individual classes. Debug messages
detailing the implementation of each join class can be found in the joblog if the
query is run in debug mode using the STRDBG CL command.
Recovery Text: Refer to “Join optimization” on page 46 for more information about join classes.
330 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
Appendix. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
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332 IBM Systems - iSeries: DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization
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