One Word Answer
One Word Answer
One Word Answer
M 200832741
Milestone assignment 3:
One word answer Complete the sentence
1. Any mail or messages that can be sent 1. A computer is made up of main two parts,
electronically via computers to anyone in namely HARDWARE and __________.
the world. 2. We refer to the parts of the computer we
2. E-mail messages that are nothing more can touch and see as _______________
than hoaxes. 3. The ___________ is the large circuit
3. A secure web address starts with this board that all the other parts of the
extension. computer plug into or connect to.
4. A built-in connection linked with another 4. A computer has two types of memory
related web page. namely primary memory and _______
5. An Internet address is called this. memory
5. The ________ is the device most
commonly used to obtain output from the
1. You often make use of the Microsoft Excel on the computer. There is,
however, no shortcut for this on the desktop. Write down all the steps you
would need to follow in order to create this shortcut on the desktop.
2. When you run the Disk cleanup program on your computer, the following
results are shown: Write down all the steps that need to followed to run the
Disk Defragmenter on your computer
3. Will the Disk Fragmenter create more free space for storage? Motivate your
4. Explain what the Disk Fragmenter program does by explaining what the
terms fragmented files and contiguous mean
5. Which are possible ways in which you might determine that your hard drive
needs to be defragmented?
Milestone 3 Assignment 3 Mr.Mawelewele E.M 200832741