PPF Rules
PPF Rules
PPF Rules
[Issued vide Government of India, MOF (DEA) Notification No. GSR 1136 dated
15.6.1968 and further amended from time to time]
Note:- The scheme was introduced in Head Post Offices w.e.f. 1.1.1979 vide
Annexure 1 and Selection Grade sub post offices w.e.f. 1.7.1988 vide
Annexure 2. The nationalized banks as detailed in Annexure-3 were
authorized to accept subscriptions under paragraph 2 of the PPF Scheme w.e.f.
1.1.1988. Some branches of the Corporation Bank (Nationalised Bank) as
detailed in Annexure 4 were authorized to accept subscriptions w.e.f. 27.8.2003.
(ii) Where neither parent is alive, or where the only living parent is incapable of
acting, a person entitled under the law for the time being in force to have
care of the property of minor;
(f) Year means the financial year (1st April to 31st
made by the depositor is irregular and not entitled for interest. Amount
deposited after maturity, shall be refunded to the account holder without
[MOF letter F No. 3/4/2012-NS-II dated 16.7.2012]
(3) The limit of deposit of Rs. 1,00,000 in a year by an individual in his self
account and accounts opened by him on behalf of his minor(s) of whom
he is the guardian is combined under rule 3 (1) of the Scheme. This limit
is separate for account opened by the HUF or an association of persons
or body of individuals vide rule 3 (2) of the scheme.
[MOF (DEA) Notification No GSR 908 (E) dated 6.12.2000]
(4) PPF Accounts opened by Non Resident Indians:- As per rule 3 (3)
effective from 25.7.2003 the Non Resident Indians are now not eligible to open
an account under the PPF scheme. According to orders issued earlier by the NSC
Nagpur vide his letter No. 9032-9070/1(16) CR/68-II dated: 4.5.1970 and MOF
(DEA) letter No. F.3(6)-PD/74 dated: 31.1.1975 the Non Resident Indian residing
abroad could open PPF account out of his moneys held in his non resident
account in India in a bank dealing with foreign exchange. Such account was
marked as non-resident account and all credits therein and debits thereto were
made subject to the same regulations as were applicable to non resident
(5) A Public Provident Fund account on behalf on a minor can be opened by
either father or mother. Both the parents cannot open a separate account for the
same minor. An individual may open one PPF account on behalf of each minor of
whom he is the guardian.
(9) Only one account can be opened in one name. If two accounts are opened
by the subscriber in his name by mistake, the second account will be treated as
irregular account and will not carry any interest unless the two accounts are
amalgamated with the approval of the Ministry of Finance (DEA). For this
purpose the subscriber will have to write to the Under Secretary-NS Branch MOF
(DEA), New Delhi-1 through the Accounts Office giving detail of each account.
(10) If contributions in excess of ` 1,00,000 are made during a year by the
subscriber, the deposits in excess of ` 1,00,000 will be treated as irregular
subscriptions and will neither carry any interest nor this excess amount will be
eligible for rebate under Section 80-C of the Income Tax Act. This excess amount
will be refunded by the Accounts Office to the subscriber without any interest.
[MOF (DEA) letter No F.3(1)-PD/70 dated 24.9.1970 and N.S.C. Nagpur letter
No. 12235/Tech/PPF/20-3/98 dated: 20.7.1998]
(11) Opening of Accounts in joint names or in the name of
artificial/Juridical persons:- According to Rule 3 of the Public Provident fund
Scheme, 1968, a PPF account can be opened by an individual in his own name or
on behalf of a minor of whom he is the guardian. The Ministry of Finance (DEA)
has clarified that the PPF account cannot be opened in the joint names. Further
such accounts cannot be opened in the name of an artificial/juridical person. The
accounts office should ensure at the time of opening a PPF account that the
account is opened correctly as per Rule 3 of the PPF Scheme to avoid further
[MOF (DEA) letter No.F.3 (1)-PD dated 24.9.1970 and D.G. Posts letter
No. 1-23/75-SB dated 15.11.1979]
(12) The HUF account will not be closed before maturity on the death of the
Karta but it will continue by the new Karta appointed by the HUF.
(13) If the account is opened in the name of the minor and the minor attains
majority before the maturity of the accounts, the ex-minor will himself continue
the account thereafter. He will submit a revised application form for opening the
account and nomination form to the Account Office. His signature on the
application form will be attested by the guardian who opened the account of the
minor or by a respectable person known to the Accounts Office.
(14) If the subscriber dies during a year, his executors cannot deposit any sum
from the income of the deceased to his PPF account after his death. If they do
so, the amount deposited shall neither carry interest nor shall this amount be
eligible for rebate. This amount will be refunded without interest to the
nominee/legal heir, as the case may be, at the time of closure of the account.
(15) There is no bar in opening a PPF account by an illiterate subscriber. For this
purpose the thumb impression of the subscriber will be attested by a respectable
person known to the Accounts Office. The procedure for opening a savings
account by a illiterate depositor will be followed. The blind person will be treated
as illiterate subscriber. The attestation should be in the following terms:The subscriber is known to me and his thumb impression/mark has been
affixed in my presence.
(16) For opening of a PPF account Form-A appended to the Scheme has been
prescribed. This form does not contain provision for the nomination. A separate
Form-E for nomination appended to the Scheme has been prescribed for this
purpose. Both these forms may be supplied by the Accounts Office to the
subscriber to be filled up at the time of opening of the account.
(17) There is no maximum limit of age for a person to open a PPF account. A
person of any age can open an account.
(18) Those having General Provident Fund or Employees Provident Fund account
can also open a Public Provident Fund Account.
(19) Opening/operations of a PPF account by a Power of Attorney
holder:- The matter has been considered in this Department. It is clarified that
in the absence of a specific provision in the PPF Scheme, 1968, a Power of
Attorney holder can neither open a PPF account nor operate any PPF account on
behalf of a subscriber.
[MOF (DEA) letter No.F.7/72004-NS.II dated 12.4.2004]
4. Manner of making the subscription:- (1) Every individual desirous of
subscribing to Fund under the Scheme for the first time either on his own behalf
or on behalf of a minor of whom he is the guardian shall apply to the Accounts
Office in Form A, together with the amount of initial subscription which shall be
minimum of ` 100/-.
(2) On receipt of an application under sub-paragraph(1), the Accounts Office
shall open an account in the name of the subscriber and issue a pass book to
him, wherein all amount of deposits, withdrawals, loans and repayment thereof
together with interest due shall be entered over the signature of the Accounts
Officer with the date stamp.
Provided that in case of Post Offices working on Core Banking solution platform,
a statement of account shall be issued in place of passbook at the discretion of
account holder.
[MOF (DEA) Notification No GSR 225 (E) dated 13.03.2014]
(3) The subscriber shall deposit his subscription with the Account Office with
challan in Form B, or as near thereto as possible. The counterfoil of the challan
shall be returned to the depositor by the Account Office, duly evidenced by
receipt. In the case of deposits made by cheque or draft or Pay order, the
Accounts Office, may issue a paper token to the depositor pending realization of
the proceeds.
(4) Every subscription shall be made in cash or by crossed cheques or draft or
Postal order in favour of the Accounts Officer at the place at which that office is
Provided that where the Account Office is working on Core Banking platform,
every subscription shall be made either by cash, cheque, Draft, Pay Orders or
any electronic mode in any Account Office working on Core Banking Solution
[MOF (DEA) Notification No GSR 225 (E) dated 13.03.2014]
(5) Where a deposit is made by means of an outstation cheque or instrument,
collection charges at the prescribed rate shall be payable along with the deposit
and the date of realisation of the amount shall be the date of deposit.
(3) When the deposit is made by means of a local cheque or draft by the
subscriber, the date of realization of the amount will be treated as the
date of deposit.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.7/7/2008-NS-II dated 10.2.2010]
(4) The account in which the subscriptions are discontinued any time after
the expiry of the financial year in which it was opened and the subscriber
is unable to continue it further will be treated as discontinued. The
subscriber will get back his amount only after the expiry of maturity
period of 15 years alongwith interest which will continue to be added
each year on the balance at rate fixed from time to time. The facility of
loan and withdrawal will not be allowed from such an account.
(5) A discontinued account can be revived during the period of maturity only.
It cannot be revived after maturity nor can it be closed before maturity.
The account will continue to earn interest till it is closed after maturity.
(6) The subscription can be deposited in the account in multiples of ` 5/either in lump sum or in installments subject to the condition that the
total amount deposited in a year should not be less than ` 500 and more
than ` 1,00,000.
5. Number of subscription: The subscription, which shall be in multiples of `
5/- may, for any year, be paid into the account in one lump sum or installments
not exceeding twelve in a year.
Clarification:- A subscriber can pay his subscription in more than one
installment in a calendar month provided the total number of installments paid in
a financial year does not exceed 12. He can vary the amount of subscription to
suit his convenience.
[Ministry of Finance (DEA) letter No. F.3 (8)-PD/72 dated 6.8.1972]
6. Transfer of Account:- A subscriber may apply for transfer of his account from
one Account Office to another Account Office.
Clarification:- The PPF account standing open in the State Bank can be
transferred to the Head Post Office or Nationalized bank or selected private
banks and vice-versa. The account standing in a nationalized bank can be
transferred to other nationalized bank or State Bank or selected private bank or
Head Post Office and vice-versa.
7. Issue of duplicate pass book, etc.:- (1) In the event of loss or destruction of
a pass book issued by an Accounts Office, the Accounts Office may, on an
(1) The subscriptions in the PPF account start earning interest from the date of
their deposits i.e. even before they reach the level of ` 500/- in a year.
[NSC Nagpur letter No. 29/70/1(6) CR/68-III dated 1.1.1972]
(2) A doubt has been raised whether interest would be admissible on PPF
accounts in case of discontinuance of subscriptions. It has been clarified by the
Ministry of Finance that it is not intended to disallow interest in such cases and
interest has to be added to all the accounts.
(3) Interest as per the PPF Scheme, 1968 shall be payable to those PPF (HUF)
accounts, which have completed the initial period of fifteen years and continued
without any further extension after 13.5.2005 till they are closed in accordance
with Ministry of Finance (DEA) Notification No. GSR 956 (E) dated 7.12.2010
[MOF letter F No.7/4/2008-NS-II dated 11.2.2011]
(4) Some of the subscribers of PPF (HUF) accounts have closed the accounts on
maturity or thereafter between 13.5.2005 to 7.12.2010 (before the issue of the
notification dated 7.12.2010). Some of such account holders, were not paid
interest at PPF rates on the deposits retained beyond the maturity period
(without further subscriptions). Those subscribers had been representing that
interest at PPF rate may also be paid to them on the deposits that were retained
in PPF accounts beyond maturity period. The matter has been examined in the
Ministry and it has been decided that interest at PPF rate would be paid on those
PPF (HUF) accounts, which has attained the maturity after 13.5.2005 but closed
by the subscribers before 7.12.2010, subject to the conditions that the accounts
had not been extended thereafter and the deposits were retained in such
accounts without further subscriptions.
[MOF letter F. No. 7/4/2008-NS-II dated 1.6.2011]
Rates of interest payable in PPF accounts as fixed from time to time since the
introduction of the scheme.
Rate of interest (p.a.)
From 1.4.1974 to 31.7.1974
From 1.8.1974 to 31.3.1975
From 1.4.1986 to 31.3.1999
From 1.4.1999 to 14.1.2000
From 15.1.2000 to 28.2.2001
From 1.3.2001 to 28.2.2002
From 1.3.2002 to 28.2.2003
From 1.3.2003 to 30.11.2011
From 1.12.2011 to 31.3.2012
From 1.4.2012 to 31.3.2013
From 1.4.2013 onwards
9. Withdrawals from the Fund:- (1) Any time after the expiry of five years from
the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made , a subscriber may,
if he so desires, apply in Form C or as near thereto as possible, together with his
pass book to the Accounts Office withdrawing from the balance to his credit, an
amount not exceeding fifty per cent of the amount that stood to his credit at the
end of the forth year immediately preceding the year of withdrawal or at the end
of preceding year, whichever is lower, less the amount of loan, if any, drawn by
him under paragraph 10 and which remains to be repaid:
Provided that not more than one withdrawal shall be permissible during
any one year.
(2) On receipt of an application under sub paragraph (1) the Accounts Office
may, after satisfying itself that the amount of withdrawal applied for is not in
excess of the limit prescribed in sub-paragraph (1) and that the applicant has, till
the date of application, been subscribing according to the limit specified in
paragraph 3, subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (4) permit the
withdrawal and enter the amount withdrawn in the pass book.
(3) Closure of account or continuation of account without deposits after
maturity:- Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (1), any time after
the expiry of 15 years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription
was made by him, a subscriber may, if he so desires, apply in Form C or as near
thereto as possible together with his pass book to the Accounts Office for the
withdrawal of the entire balance standing to his credit and the Accounts Office,
on receipt of such an application from the subscriber, shall subject to the
provisions of sub-paragraph (4) allow the withdrawal of the entire balance
(together with interest up to the last day of the month preceding the month in
which the application for withdrawals is made) after making adjustments, if any,
in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans taken by him and
close his account.
Provided that a subscriber may, if he so desires, make withdrawal of the
amount standing to his credit, from time to time, in installments not exceeding
one in a year.
Provided further that an account opened on behalf of a Hindu Undivided
Family prior to the 13th day of May, 2005, shall be closed after expiry of fifteen
years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made and the
entire amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded, after
making adjustments, if any, in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on
loans taken by him. In the case of accounts opened on behalf of Hindu
Undivided Family, where fifteen years from the end of the year in which initial
subscription was made, has already been completed, they shall also be closed at
the end of the current year i.e. the 31st day of March, 2011 and the entire
amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded, after making
adjustments, if any, in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans
taken by him.
[MOF Notification No. GSR 956 dated 7.12.2010]
(3A) Continuation of account with deposits after maturity:- Subject to the
provisions of sub-paragraph (3) a subscriber may, on the expiry of 15 years from
the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made but before the
expiry of one year thereafter, may exercise an option with the Accounts Office in
Form H, or as near thereto as possible, that he would continue to subscribe for a
further block period of 5 years according to the limits of subscription specified in
paragraph 3.
(3B) In the event of a subscriber opting to subscribe for the aforesaid block
period he shall be eligible to make partial withdrawals not exceeding one every
year by applying to the Accounts Office in Form C, or as near thereto as
possible, subject to the condition that the total of the withdrawals, during the 5
year block period, shall not exceed 60 percent of the balance at his credit at the
commencement of the said period.
Note:- A subscriber may at his option (to be exercised before the expiry of the
first year of every extended block period) avail of this facility for a further block
of 5 years on expiry of 20 years or on expiry of 25 years and so on, from the end
of the year in which the initial subscription was made.
(4) Where the application is made by a person who has made subscription to the
Fund on behalf of a minor of whom he is the guardian, he shall furnish a
certificate in the following form, namely..
Certified that the amount sought to be withdrawn is required for the use of
.. who is alive and is still a minor.
[MOF (DEA) Notification NO. F.3(8)-PD/84 dated 22.7.1985, No. F.3(6)-PD/86
dated 23.6.1986, and No GSR 1013 (E) dated 20.8.1986]
(1) A subscriber is allowed to make one withdrawal during any one year. The
first withdrawal can be made at any time after the expiry of five years
from the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made. If a
account is opened during 1990-91, the first withdrawal can be made
during 1996-97 upto 50% of the balance as on 31.3.1993 or 31.3.1996
whichever is lower less the amount of loan, if any, drawn and which
remains to be repaid. The balance as on 31.3.1993 or 31.3.1996 will
include interest upto year 1992-93 or 1995-96 as the case may be. The
amount of withdrawal is not repayable.
(2) From 1986-87 to 1988-89 an amount equivalent to one per cent of the
amount withdrawn, rounded to the nearest rupee, will be deducted from
the interest creditable to the account of the subscriber. The deduction of
one per cent of withdrawal was discontinued w.e.f. 1.4.1989.
(3) A subscriber who has not maintained his subscriptions in accordance with
Para 3 of the Scheme and has defaulted in subscriptions, either by nonpayment of subscriptions or payment of amount less than the minimum
of ` 500/- is not eligible for facility of making partial withdrawals from the
account unless the account is revived.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.3(8)-PD/72 dated 16.8.1972]
(4) As per proviso to Rule 9(3) the subscriber can retain his account after
maturity without making any further deposits for any period without limit.
For this purpose, it is not necessary to give option in writing. It is
automatic. Form H has since been amended. The balance in the account
will continue to earn interest at the normal rate applicable to PPF
accounts. The subscriber can make one withdrawal in each financial year
of any amount within the balance. Once the account is continued without
deposits, for more than a year, the subscriber cannot opt again to
continue the account with deposits for a block period of 5 years.
[MOF (DEA) Notification No. F.3(6)-PD/86 dated 20.8.1986]
(5) According to Rule 9 (3A) and (3B) the subscriber can continue to make
deposits after the maturity of an account for one or more further blocks
of 5 years without any loss of benefit. For this purpose he will give his
option in writing to the Accounts Office in Form H within one year from
the date of maturity of the account. If the subscriber fails to give his
option to continue the account within one year but continues to make
deposits in the account, these deposits will be treated as irregular
deposits and will not carry interest. Further these deposits will not earn
rebate under Section 80-C of Income Tax Act unless the account is
regularized by the Ministry of Finance (DEA). For this purpose the
subscriber will have to write to the Ministry of Finance, (DEA) NS Branch
through the Accounts Office for regularizing the account which was
continued by him without giving the option.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.7/8/88-NS II dated 11.8.1992]
(6) As per Rule 9 (3B), if the PPF account is continued after maturity for a
further block period of 5 years, the subscriber is eligible to make partial
withdrawals not exceeding one every year subject to the condition that
the total of the withdrawals, during the 5 year block period, shall not
exceed 60 per cent of the balance at his credit at the commencement of
the said period. This amount can be withdrawn either in one installment
(one year) and or in more than one installment in different years as per
requirements of the subscriber. Similarly during the second block period
of 5 years the subscriber can withdraw 60% of the whole amount at
credit at the commencement of the second block period either in one
year or in different years not exceeding one withdrawal in a year. This
limit of withdrawal will apply on commencement of every extension of
block period of 5 years.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.7/2/97-NS II dated 9.2.1988]
(7) If the account is continued with deposits for one or more block period of
5 years, the subscriber can leave the account without deposits on
completion of any block period. The account will continue to earn interest
till it is closed and the subscriber can make one withdrawal every year
form the account.
(8) The Account Offices should not accept further subscriptions from the
account holders whose accounts have matured unless they give option in
writing in Form H to continue the account. For this purpose they should
prepare a list of such accounts which should be kept with the counter
Assistant so that it may be referred to when deposits in such accounts
are received. The list should be updated on 1st April each year.
(9) A PPF account can be closed after the expiry of 15 financial years from
the end of year in which the account was opened. For example, if the
account was opened during the year 1984-85, the account can be closed
on or after 1.4.2000 at the option of the subscriber. The account will
continue to earn interest till it is closed.
(10) A question was raised whether a subscriber whose account has matured
and he leaves the matured account without further deposits, can open a
new PPF account as he will not be maintaining his existing account i.e. he
will not be subscribing to the said account. The matter was referred to
the Ministry of Finance (DEA) for clarification on this point. The MOF
(DEA) has clarified that since the facility of extension for further block
periods of 5 years has been provided in the scheme, the subscriber
should extend the account instead of opening the new account. Had the
facility of extension not been provided in the PPF Scheme, the subscriber
could open a new account. In view of this facility the subscriber cannot
open a new account in addition to his existing matured account.
[MOF (DEA) letter NO. F.7/2/97-NS II dated 9.2.1998]
(11) From rule 9 and clarifications given below this rule it will be seen that
the subscriber, on maturity of the account, has the following three
options before him. He has to choose one out of these:(i) To close the account; or
(ii) To continue the account for any period without further deposits and
make one withdrawal in a year. The balance in the account will
continue to earn interest at normal rate till the account is closed.
There is no need to give in writing about this option to the Accounts
Office. This is automatic; or
(iii) To continue the account with usual annual deposits for one or more
block periods of 5 years without any loss of benefit. For this purpose
he should give his option in writing to the Accounts Office in Form H
within one year form the date of maturity of the account. During each
block period he can make one withdrawal not exceeding sixty per cent
of the balance at his credit at the commencement of each block
period. This amount can be withdrawn either in one installment (one
Year) or in more than one installment in different years as per his
requirement not exceeding one withdrawal in a year. The account will
continue to earn interest till it is closed.
(12) The subscriber who has given his option for the extension of the account
for a period of 5 years cannot withdraw his request at a later stage.
(13) Where a withdrawal is made from the account of a minor the guardian
shall furnish the following certificate on the application of withdrawal.
Certified that the amount sought to be withdrawn is required for the use
of the minor .. Who is alive and is still a minor.
[As per provision in Form C]
(14) The amendment to paragraph 9(3) of PPF Scheme 1968 made vide MOF
Notification dated 7.12.2010 provides that on PPF (HUF) accounts opened prior
to 13.5.2005 shall be closed after expiry of fifteen years from the end of the year
in which initial subscription was made. In respect of those accounts where the
initial lock in period of fifteen years has already been completed, all such
accounts were to be closed on 31st March, 2011. MOF Notification dated
7.12.2010 is not applicable to those PPF (HUF) accounts which have already
been closed prior to issue of the said notification on 7.12.2010. It is also clarified
that in terms of instructions quoted above, no extension was to be granted to
PPF (HUF) accounts after 13.5.2005. In case any bank/post office has accepted
the deposits even after the maturity of the accounts on completion of fifteen
years or more, such deposits of subscription is irregular as per the rules of the
[MOF letter F. No. 10/7/2011-NS-II dated 8/20.4.2011]
10. Loans:- (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 9, any time after
the expiry of one year from the end of the year in which the initial subscription
was made but before expiry of five years from the end of the year in which the
initial subscription was made, a subscriber may, if he so desires, apply in Form D
or as near thereto as possible, together with his pass book to the Accounts Office
for obtaining loan consisting of a sum of whole rupees not exceeding twenty five
percent of amount that stood to his credit at the ends of the second year
immediately preceding the year in which the loan is applied for.
(7) Documents to be submitted with the deceased claim case:- The following
documents are required to be submitted with the claim cases of the
deceased subscriber:(1) Where there is a nomination:(a) Application form for withdrawal in Form G by the surviving
(b) A certificate in regard to the death of the subscriber.
(c) A certificate in regard to death of Sh._____________ also the nominee
appointed by the subscriber.
(d) Pass book of the subscriber.
(2) When there is no nomination and the claim is supported by the legal
evidence:(a) Application form for withdrawal in Form G by the legal heir(s)
(b) A certificate in regard to the death of the subscriber.
(c) Succession Certificate/Letter of Administration/ An attested copy of the
probated will of the deceased subscriber issued by ______ High Court.
(d) Pass book of the subscriber.
(3) When there is no nomination or legal evidence is not produced and
the amount at credit in the account is upto ` one lakh:(a) Application form for withdrawal in Form G by the legal heir(s).
(b) A certificate in regard to the death of the subscriber.
(c) Letter of indemnity in form in Annexure I to Form G on stamped paper.
(d) An affidavit in form in Annexure II to Form G on stamped paper.
(e) Letter of disclaimer on Affidavit in form in Annexure III to Form G on
stamped paper.
(f) Pass Book of the subscriber.
[Rule 12 (6) and provisions contained in Form G]
The nominee or legal heir will have to close the account by taking full
amount due in the account in one installment. He will not be allowed to take part
payment in more than one installment.
State of PPF account in the event of death of the guardian of the minor or
the death of the minor:- The matter has been examined in consultation with the
Ministry of Law and the following clarifications are issued.
Point raised
In the event of
death of guardian,
in relation to a
minor, whether PPF
account standing in
the name of the
minor should be
closed and a new
account opened
In the event of
death of the minor
subscriber whether
the balance in the
account is payable
to the guardian.
In the case of an account opened on behalf of a
minor, the minor is treated as subscriber. The amount
in the account of a minor does not become payable on
the death of the guardian, because, under Section 8 of
the PPF Act the amount becomes payable only on the
death of the subscriber. In case of death of guardian
the account of minor remains operative and a new
account need not be opened. The surviving natural
guardian or a guardian appointed by competent court
may continue the account of minor after producing
necessary guardianship certificate.
In the event of death of the minor subscriber the
guardian does not ifsofacto becomes entitled to the
payment of the balance. The balance in such cases is
payable to the legal heirs of the minor in accordance
with Section 8 of PPF Act and para 12(6) of the Public
Provident Fund Scheme.
(11)In the form of Nomination (Form-E) the share payable to each nominee, if
the nominees are more than one, is to be mentioned by the subscriber at the
time of opening the account. If this is not mentioned, the amount due will be
payable in equal share to all the nominees after the death of the subscriber.
(12) If there are more than one nominee, they should give a joint discharge on
the application of withdrawal (Form G) at the time of receiving payment. In
case some nominee or nominees are not available or not interested to take
payment, payment may be made to the nominee(s) who want(s) to take
payment of his/her share(s) leaving the share of other nominee(s) in the
account. In this case the Postmaster should retain the pass book and issue a
notice to the other nominee(s) intimating the fact of payment to the nominee(s)
who has/have taken payment and calling upon him/them to take payment of
his/their share(s) and the availability of the pass book with the post office. The
pass book will be entered in the register of undelivered pass books in deposit in
the head office and will be disposed of like other pass books in deposit. Where
the payment is made by the sub office, the pass book will be forwarded by the
sub office to the head office for safe custody. The above procedure is being
followed in case of P.O. Savings accounts and can be applied to PPF accounts
also in such cases.
(13) If the subscriber dies during a year, his executors cannot deposit any sum
from the income of the deceased to his PPF account after his death. If they do
so, the amount deposited shall neither carry interest nor shall this amount be
eligible for rebate. This amount will be refunded without interest to the
nominee/legal heir, as the case maybe, at the time of closure of the account.
(14) A doubt has been raised whether interest would be admissible on PPF
accounts in case of discontinuance of subscriptions. It has been clarified by the
Ministry of Finance that it is not intended to disallow interest in such cases and
interest has to be added to all the accounts.
[NSC Nagpur letter No.864-84/1(6) CR/68-VI dated 5.1.1973]
13. Power to relax:- Where the Central Government is satisfied that the
operation of the any of the provisions of this Scheme causes undue hardship to a
subscriber, it may, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing , relax the
requirements of that provision in a manner not inconsistent with the provisions
of the Act.
1. Attachment of PPF balances in deceased subscribers accounts by
Estate Duty Officials:- (1) A reference is invited to this Ministrys letter No.
F.3(7)-PD dated 26.8.1972 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above.
As advised therein, attachment notices served by the Estate Duty Officials
attaching Public Provident Fund balance in the account of the deceased
subscriber against estate duty recoverable on his death are to be honoured
as the protection from attachment afforded by Section 9 of the Public
Provident Fund Act, 1968 is not available in such cases.
2. The aforesaid instructions would also be applicable in cases where the
deceased person had opened PPF accounts(s) on behalf of minor(s) from his
own (deceaseds) income. All the branches of the State Bank and its
subsidiaries dealing with Public Provident Fund may be instructed to honour
attachment orders issued by Estate Duty Officials for recovery of estate duty
leviable on the death of a guardian where the orders pertains to balances in
the minors account(s) built by subscriptions by the deceased guardian out of
his own income.
[Ministry of Finance (DEA) letter No. F.3(16)-PD/80 dated 6.6.1981]
[Copy of Ministry of Finance (DEA) letter No.F.3(7)-PD/72 dated 26.8.1972 to
officer in charge, State Bank of India, Bombay and circulated under D.G.
Posts letter No. 1-23/75-SB dated16.8.1981]
I am directed to refer to your letter No. PBLS; RSP;1292 dated 21.7.1972.
The question whether or not the protection from attachment afforded by
Section 9 of the Public Provident Fund Act, 1968 would extend to attachment
by Estate Duty Officials to balances of deceased subscriber has been
considered. As the liability to pay Estate Duty arises only after the death of
the subscriber and is as such, not a liability incurred by the subscriber. You
may, therefore, instruct all the branches of the State Bank and its subsidiaries
dealing with Public Provident Fund to honour such notices
2. Change in name of subscriber on account of marriage:- (1) A doubt
had been raised whether the name of a woman Public Provident Fund
subscriber can be changed, in the event of her marriage on the basis of
affidavit and newspaper cutting submitted by the subscriber.
(2) The Ministry of Finance has vide its letter No. F.3(17)-PD/91 dated 30th
December, 1982 clarified that as change in the surname of a woman after
marriage, is not unusual, there would be no objection to deposit offices
acceding to such a request from a female Public Provident Fund subscriber in
the event of her marriage on the basis of documentary evidence/application
submitted by her. This may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.
[NSC Nagpur letter No. 1(6)-CR/168-IX dated 13.1.1983
7. Disposal of old records:- It has been decided that PPF paid claims should
be retained for a further period of 5 years from the date of audit of all such
[NSC Nagpur letter No. AGY(17)77 dated 26.3.1983]
8. Opening of an account by an individual on behalf of minors:- (1) I am
directed to state that clarifications have been sought as to whether an
individual is allowed to open PPF accounts on behalf of more than one minor
child of whom he is a guardian. This issue has been considered in this
Department. It is clarified that under the Public Provident Fund Scheme, an
individual may open one Public Provident Fund account on behalf of each
minor child of whom he is the guardian.
(2) Incidentally, it may be reiterated that only one account can be opened in one
name. Thus, if a guardian opens an account on behalf of a minor child, the
other guardian cannot open on behalf of the same minor child.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.7/34/88-NS.II dated 17.11.1989 and D.G. Post
letter No. 38-1/85-SB dated 15.12.1989]
9. Attachment of credit balance in Public Provident Fund Account under
orders of Income Tax authorities in respect of any debt or liability
incurred by the subscriber:- It has been clarified by the CBDT and the
Ministry of Law that Section 9 of the Public Provident fund Act applies only to
attachment under a decree/order of a Court of Law and not to attachment by
the Income Tax Authorities. In view of this clarification, the amount standing
to the credit of subscriber in PPF Account shall be liable to attachment under
any order of income tax authorities in respect of debt or liability incurred by
the subscriber.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. 7/21/88-NS.II dated 10.8.1990 and D.G.Posts
letter No. 38-2/90-SB dated 7.11.1990]
10. Tax-deduction under Section 80-C of Income Tax Act on deposits
made after 15 years in PPF account without exercising option for
continuance of account:- (1) I am directed to say that paragraph 9(3A) of
PPF Scheme, 1968 provides for continuance of account on the expiry of 15
years for a block period of 5 years and so on, if the subscriber exercises an
option within one year after the expiry of 15 years.
(2) A question arose as to whether the deposits made after 15 years without
exercising the option for continuance of the account would enjoy concession
under Section 80-C of Income Tax Act. The matter was taken up with the
Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes). The CBDT has
clarified that the benefits of Section 80-C of Income Tax Act will not be
available on deposits made in PPF account after expiry of 15 years without
exercising option for continuance of the account.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.7/8/88-NS.II dated 11.8.1992]
11. (1) Tax Concessions:- (i) Contributions paid out of the assessees taxable
income of the current year or of previous year(s) into the PPF account(s)
standing in the name of the assessee, his children (minor and major) and the
spouse qualify for rebate under section 80-C of the Income Tax Act subject to
the limit of ` 1,00,000 in a year.
(ii) In the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, the contribution of the HUF to
the PPF account of any member of the family will qualify for rebate under
Section 80-C of Income Tax Act.
(iii) The interest credited to the fund including interest allowed during the
extended period and withdrawal from the fund is exempt from income tax.
(iv)The interest credited in the PPF account is not treated as reinvestment for
the purpose of Section 80-C of Income Tax Act as it is totally tax free and
does not form part of the taxable income.
(v) The balance held in the PPF account is completely free from Wealth Tax.
The condition that the assets must be held for a period of at least six months
before valuation date, does not apply to the P.P. Fund.
(vi)The contribution paid into the fund in repayment of loans will not be
eligible for rebate under Section 80-C of the Income Tax Act.
(2) Freedom form court attachment: The balance to the credit of a
subscriber in his account is not subject to attachment under any order or decree
of a court in respect of any debt or other liability incurred by him.
(3) Attachment of credit balance in PPF Account by Income Tax and
Estate Duty Authorities:- Section 9 of the Public Provident Fund Act gives
freedom only from attachment under a decree/order of a court of law and not to
attachment by the Income Tax and Estate Duty Authorities. In view of this, the
amount standing to the credit of subscriber in his PPF account shall be liable to
attachment under any order of the Income Tax and Estate Duty Authorities in
respect of any debt or liability incurred by the subscriber.
12. Transfer of PPF Account from State Bank of India to Head Post
Office and vice versa:- (1) A Public Provident Fund account can be transferred
from one Accounts Office to another Accounts Office; in other words from a
branch of the State Bank of India/its subsidiaries to any Head Post Office and
vice-versa. The following procedure as laid down in D.G.Posts letter No. 38-7/88SB dated 22.12.1988 will be followed for this purpose.
addresses of your Staff Colleges to the National Savings Institute and the officer
to be contacted by them for the purpose.
(ii) Please also intimate the National Savings Institute of the name of the Nodal
Officer to be contacted in your bank for resolving the common issues.
[RBI Central Office, Mumbai-51 Circular No. CO.DT.16/97-98 dated 16.3.1997
addressed to all State Banks of India and its Associate Banks and 14 Nationalized
15. Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 Revision of rates of
remuneration payable to banks from 1.4.1993:- I am directed to refer to
your letter No. CO.DT.15.02.2001/2540/93-94 dated 21.12.1993 on the subject
cited above and to state that the proposal of Reserve Bank of India has been
considered in this Department. It has been decided to revise the rates of
remuneration payable to the banks for managing PPF Scheme form Rs.5/(Rupees five only) to Rs.15/- (Rupees fifteen only) per annum for new accounts
and from Rs.3/- (Rupees three only) to Rs.12/- (Rupees twelve only) per annum
for old accounts. The revised rates of remuneration shall be effective from the
financial year 1993-94.
[MOF (DEA) letter No. F.15/4/93-NS.II dated 21.2.1994 addressed to the Chief
Accountant, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Bombay-400051.]
16. Public Provident Fund Scheme,1968 -Revision of rates of
remuneration payable to banks from 1.4.1999:- I am directed to refer to
your letter No. CO.DT.15.2.002/3923/97-98 dated 15.4.1998 on the subject cited
above and to state that the proposal of Reserve Bank of India has been
considered in this Department. It has been decided to revise the rates of
remuneration payable to the banks for managing PPF Scheme from Rs.15 /(Rupees fifteen only) to Rs.25/- (Rupees twenty five only) per annum for new
accounts and from Rs.12/- (Rupees twelve only) to Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only)
per annum for old accounts. The revised rates of remuneration shall be effective
from the financial year 1999-2000.
[MOF )DEA) letter No. F.7/13/97-NS.II dated 16.7.1999 addressed to the Deputy
General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Bombay-400051.]
17. Rates of interest of PPF accounts from 15.1.2000 onwards:S.O. 48 (E):- In pursuance of Section 5 of the Public Provident Fund Act, 1968
(23 of 1968), and in supersession of S.O. 492 (E) dated 24th June, 1999 the
Central Government hereby notifies that the subscriptions made to the fund
from 16.01.2000 to 28.02.2001 @ 11% and balances at the credit of the
subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of eleven per cent per annum:
Provided that the rate of interest applicable on the subscriptions made to the
fund from 01.04.1999 to 15.01.2000 @12% and balances at the credit of the
subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum.
Provided further that the subscriptions made to the fund on or after the 1st day
of March, 2001 but before the 1st day of March, 2002 and balances at the credit
of the subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of nine and a half per cent per
Provided also that the subscriptions made to the Fund on or after the 1st day of
March, 2002 but before the 1st day of March, 2003 and the balances at the credit
of the subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
Provided also that the subscriptions made to the Fund on or after the 1st day of
March, 2003 and balances at the credit of the subscriber shall bear interest at
the rate of eight per cent per annum.
[MOF (DEA) Notification NO. SO 48(E) dated 15.1.2000, SO 192 (E) dated
1.3.2001 and SO 250 (E) dated 1.3.2003]
18. Deleted.
19. Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968Non adherence of
instructions:- (1) The Reserve Bank of India vide their letter No.
CO.DT.15.02.001/4544/99-2000 dated 21st February 2000 has informed that
branches dealing with Public Provident Fund Scheme are not properly adhering
to the instructions relating to the operation of the Scheme. This fact was
revealed in the course of inspection of branches by their officers. The common
irregularities noticed are as under:(i)
(2) To ensure that the above mentioned discrepancies do not occur, we briefly
enumerate the guidelines on these points in this regard.
(A) Withdrawal from the fund:- (i) Anytime after the expiry of 5 years
from the end of the financial year in which the initial subscription was made, the
subscriber may withdraw 50% of the balance to his credit at the end of 4th year
immediately preceding the year of withdrawal or the amount at the end of the
preceding year whichever is lower. However, not more than one withdrawal is
permitted in one financial year.
(ii) A subscriber may withdraw the entire amount standing to his credit, after the
expiry of 15 years form the end of the financial year in which the initial
subscription was made. He/She may, also, opt to continue with the scheme by
subscribing for a further block of 5 years by applying to the deposit offices in
Form- H before the expiry of one year thereafter.
(iii) A subscriber may also avail of this facility for a further block of 5 years on
the expiry of 20 years (or on expiry of 25 years and so on) from the end of the
year in which the initial subscription was made. However, if a subscriber
continues to deposit after 15 years without submitting Form H, he shall not be
eligible to enjoy benefits under Section 80-C of I.T.Act. These deposits will be
treated a irregular and will not earn interest.
(iv) During the extended period of 5 years, a subscriber is eligible to make partial
withdrawal not exceeding one in every financial year subject to the condition that
total withdrawal during the 5 years shall not exceed 60% of the balance to his
credit at the commencement of the period.
(v) Even if the subscriber does not wish to make any further subscription, the
balance in his credit shall continue to earn interest.
(B) Calculation of interest:- Interest shall be allowed on the lowest
balance at the credit of an account from the close of 5th day and end of the
month and shall be credited to the account at the end of each financial year.
The rate of interest shall be notified by the Government from time to time.
The interest shall be rounded off to the next rupee. The Officer attached to
this Department should thoroughly check the calculation of Products and
interest for its accuracy.
(C) Premature withdrawal/closure of Accounts:- No withdrawal is
permitted before the expiry of 5 years from the end of the year in which the
initial subscription was made. Request by the subscriber for premature
closure/refund of deposits after 5 years on genuine grounds may be
forwarded to Ministry of Finance (DEA) for their consideration.
(3) The Branches dealing with the above Scheme are requested to comply with
the above provision and it is needless to mention that the branches should be
more careful in future while operating the scheme to avoid adverse remarks
passed by inspecting officers.
[Deputy General Manager, Union Bank of India, Central Office Mumbai 400021
letter No. DA/GB/DGH/131 dated 28.3.2000 addressed to all its branches]
20. Introduction of facility of nomination in HUF PPF accounts:- The
facility of making nomination in HUF PPF accounts was introduced by the MOF
(DEA) vide its Notification GSR 477(E) dated 25.5.1994, the copy of which is
appended below for information of all the Accounts Offices.
22. Wrong calculation of interest in PPF account for the year 19992000:- (1) It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that PPF interest
calculation for the year 1999-2000 has not been properly carried out in
conformity with the Gazette Notification No. S.O.48(E) dated 15.01.2000,
circulated vide Directorates letter of even number dated 17.01.2000, effecting
change in interest rate from 12 % to 11% w.e.f. 15.01.2000.
(2) The matter was taken up with the Ministry of Finance (DEA) and that Ministry
vide their reference No. F.7/13/2000-NS-II dated: 7.12.2000 has clarified as
follows:Interest is allowed for the calendar month on the lowest balance at credit of an
account between the close of the 5th day and the end of the month and is
credited into the account at the end of each year.
The rate of interest for such calculation on monthly balances on or before
14.01.2000 shall be 12 % p.a. The rate of interest for such calculation on
monthly balances on or after 15.01.2000 shall be 11% p.a.
(3) Accordingly, interest calculated in four stages as indicated below is to be
summed up in order to arrive at he interest for 1999-2000 in respect of a PPF
account:(a)Interest @ 12% by working out IBBs for the month of April to December,
(b) Proportionate interest for January, 2000 for 14 days from 01.01.2000 to
1`4.01.2000 @ 12% on the IBB for the month of January,2000.
Interest = IBB x 14 x12
(c) Proportionate interest for remaining 17 days of January, 2000 from
15.01.2000 to 31.01.2000 @11% on the IBB for the month of January, 2000.
Interest = IBB x 17 x11
(d) Interest @ 11% by working out IBBs for the month of February and March,
(4) This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information and
necessary action.
[D.G.Posts letter No. 95-1/2000-SB dated 11.1.2001 and 24.1.2001]
23 and 24. Deleted.
25. Change of name of depositor:- (1) When a depositor changes his name,
e.g. on adoption or otherwise or in the case of female depositor, on marriage,
the depositor should be required to intimate the fact in writing to the post office
and produce the pass book of the account. The intimation should bear the
depositors signature with the old as well as with the new name, and the
depositor should also be required to sign a fresh application form with the new
name. The depositors signature as written with the old name on the intimation
should be compared with the specimen on record. The depositors new name
should be written clearly in red ink in the pass book and the ledger card above
the entry of the old name which should be penned through in such a manner as
to leave it still legible. The corrections in the ledger card and the pass book
should be supported by the entry Vide depositors intimation dated _____
which should be initialed and dated by the Postmaster. The pass book should
then be returned to the depositor. The number of the account should be written
at the top of the intimation which together with the old application card/form
should be kept in a guard file.
(2) In sub offices one specimen of the new signature should be taken. The
intimation with the fresh application form should be forwarded to the head office
entered in the list of documents. The new specimen signature obtained from the
depositor should be pasted in the S.S. Book over the old specimen in such a
manner as to allow inspection of the old specimen signature. Suitable corrections
should also be made in the sub office ledger in the manner prescribed above.
[Rule 72(1) of P.O.S.B. Manual Volume I]
Note:- The above procedure applicable to P.O. Savings Accounts can also be
applied to PPF accounts. The fresh application form in Form A and nomination
form in Form E applicable to PPF accounts will be taken from the subscriber.
26. Public Provident Fund Accounts- requests for premature closure:(1) Recently, there has been a considerable increase in the number of cases
being forwarded by Circles to the Directorate for taking up with the Ministry of
Finance, relating to premature closure of PPF accounts. The Ministry of Finance
have noticed that very few of them qualify for pre-mature closure by relaxation
of relevant rules and they have informed the Directorate that generally, cases on
ground of migration to abroad, marriage, purchasing of house/vehicle,
ceremonial occasions, repayment of loan, education, retiring/suspension from
job, etc. do not merit relaxation of rules for premature closure of PPF account.
Only those cases of extreme compassionate ground such as medical support in
life-threatening diseases/ cases, death cases, etc. deserve consideration for
granting permission for premature closure.
(2) It is, therefore, requested that Circles/Regions may forward with the approval
of their Principal/Chief PMG/PMG/DPS only these cases of premature closure of
PPF accounts for consideration of Directorate/Ministry of Finance, where extreme