Edward Beedham - The Barking Family Christmas
Edward Beedham - The Barking Family Christmas
Edward Beedham - The Barking Family Christmas
Ed Beedham has been ten years old for 27 years now and
would probably still be at school if someone hadnt told
him he was an adult now. His book is not
autobiographical he has no home made robots, mores
the pity He says he wants to be the next J K Rowling.
Though why he would want to be a blonde lady called
Joanne is anybodys guess
This book is dedicated to my darling Vicky who puts up
with the endless tippy-tappying of the keyboard, to
Harry and Oliver, who inspired the stories and to my
family who always had faith.
Edward Beedham
San Francisco is a city in America. In San Francisco bay,
rising out of the sea, is an island called Alcatraz. On
Alcatraz is a prison that once held Americas most
dangerous prisoners until it was closed down; Alcatraz is
one of the worlds most famous prisons but it was never the
In stormy seas, just two miles off the coast of Scotland,
is a small, rocky island that is always shrouded in cloud and
rain. It has no natural vegetation, no animals; even seagulls
rarely visit. Here on this island, because of its isolation and
the natural spring that supplies fresh water, a secret prison
was built. This was the worst prison ever built. Not because
it wasnt very good at keeping prisoners in; worst as in
horrible. The island was called Ifrinn, the Celtic word for
Hell. The prison kept that name and for good reason. There
was no heating, no light. When the sun went down the
prisoners were kept in darkness. In the daytime, to keep
them busy, they would break rocks with hammers. The next
day they would spend gluing the rocks back together again,
just to give them something to do. The food they ate was
whatever they could catch from the sea fish of various
sorts, squid but mostly seaweed. Sometimes small stones
on particularly bad days. The clothes they wore were made
of nettles by expert grandmothers trained by the
government to knit nettle stems together into clothing
whilst wearing thick leather gloves to protect their hands.
And all day and all night, all they could hear over the sound