American Ideas: Part One: Choosing A Topic
American Ideas: Part One: Choosing A Topic
American Ideas: Part One: Choosing A Topic
American Ideas
Over the course of the second semester, we will look at some of the enduring conflicts in
American history. What conflicts have endured throughout our history and how have they
expressed themselves in different historical contexts? We have looked at the conflict between
federal and state power, varying interpretations of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, how we
relate to the rest of the world, who has power in American society and how is that power
expressed, how do different groups in society work to achieve power, what relationship should
the government have to the economy, what role should the government play on social and
domestic issues…and on and on.
The project will have five parts: choosing a topic, research, reporting, oral history, and panel
discussions. The most important part of the project will be to choose a topic that you are going
to be interested in pursuing for the REST OF THE YEAR.
A good topic will: have many angles, have connections to broader issues in American history,
be interesting to many people, have some larger importance in American society, have
connections to current issues in the news, and be of interest to you.
Sources could include current issues before the Supreme Court, laws coming up in Congress,
social issues that relate to broader public policy (crime, poverty, education), foreign affairs (Iraq
policy, Afghanistan policy, our relationship with China or Iran…
Brainstorm 3-5 possibilities by Monday, 2/8. Final topics approved by Friday, February 12.
Since your topic has many angles, you need to know what they are and how they emerged. You will
write a 2-3 page topic summary that details the history of your issue and how it has evolved over time.
For this paper you must have at least five sources and internal citations with a standard bibliography.
Once you have a sense of your topic, follow it in the news. Keep your eyes and ears open and if your
topic is not on the front page of the new paper, do a little digging. Every few weeks (dates below) you
will need to turn in an overview of your issue in the media. The overview should be at least one page
long and a summary of at least five sightings in print, video, or online. You should cite them on the top
of the page and summarize them together following the citations. For video on television, if you can’t
find the clip online, note the station, show, and time of broadcast, as well as length of segment. You will
also include an overview of current opinions on the issue. What is the range of opinions and thoughts on
your issue? What media sources cover this issue regularly- do they have a particular angle?
You will interview six people about your topic. Develop at least 10 interview questions. Most should
relate specifically to your topic but the first few should help you get a clear understanding of who the
person is and how they come to their beliefs about your topic.
The questions and the interview subjects must be cleared through me before you begin the interviews.
You should choose as diverse a group as you can. No more than two can be friends, no more than two
can be family members. The remaining two may NOT be students. In the interview process, you MUST
see out opinions different than your own.
For each interview, you will develop an overview of your interviewee; you will interview them formally
and record the interview. You will create a one page summary and analysis of the interview. What does
it add to your understanding of the topic?
In the end you will present your findings to the class. Your presentation will have four sections.
You will have NO MORE THAN three power point slide with images for your presentation and your
presentation will be no more than 5 minutes long. We will go over the presentation rubric when we are
closer to presenting.