English 2 Research Paper
English 2 Research Paper
English 2 Research Paper
Cases of bullying are common these days and mostly retain horrible
memories of their school life, in some or large part is due to the bullying they
experienced, and this affects who that person will become physically, mentally,
emotionally, and academically.
Bullying can come in many forms or ways, but it always follow its definition
that makes it bullying, which is the use of superior strength or skill or influence to
intimidate someone or to force him or her to do what one wants(Wikipedia). All
those forms of bullying play a large impact on a person and will surely affect his or
her growth and worth as a human being and this is a must that people should tackle
and look into and people or children or teens must not keep silent about, but instead
gain the courage to fight it. To feign ignorance of it when others are being bullied is
no different than being the bully as well. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a
mouse and it says hes neutral, the mouse wont appreciate its neutrality(Desmond
Definition of Terms
Bullying. Conceptually, bullying is the use of superior strength or skill or influence to
intimidate someone or to force him or her to do what one wants(Wikipedia).
In this study, the term refers to the act or doing of the student respondents
or group of students making use of their physical or mental or academic
Material or other items to influence and intimidate another individual
or group of individuals by force and make them obey to what one wants.
Bully. Conceptually, a bully is a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who
habitually harass and intimidate smaller or weaker people.
In this study, a bully refers to the student or group of students commiting
the act of bullying wherein the said student/s intimidate or harass other
Review of Related Literature
Definitions of Bullying
Bullying refers to the act of one person or group of people to demonstrate superior
prowess in terms skill or power or intelligence or ability or talent or etc to another group of
people or individual to force dominance. Bullying takes many forms, it can be physical
bullying where the physical body gets harmed, mental bullying where a persons mental
state (emotion) are being harmed as well, it can be prejudicial or racial where ones race is
the subject of bullying, it can be cyber where bullying takes place on the internet, it can be
social bullying where one is being cast as an outcast from among the social group, or being
backbited or the creation of false rumors, it can also be sexual bullying wherein unwanted
sexual gestures are being forced on a party.
Bullying can also be with the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or
aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential
prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical
power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. Behaviors used to assert such domination
can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be
directed repeatedly towards particular targets, rationalizations for such behavior sometimes
include differences of social class race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance,
behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. If bullying
is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
Bullying can be defined in many different ways. The UK has no legal definition of
bullying. while some U.S states have laws against it. Bullying is divided into four basic types
of abuse - emotional (sometimes called relational, referred also as mental), verbal, physical
and cyber. it typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. bullying
ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more complex bullying in which the bully may
have one or more lieutenants who may seem to be willing to assist the primary bully, in
his/her activities. Bullying in school and the workplace is also referred to as peer abuse and
may come in ranks. Those undergoing bullying will have different effects depending on the
type of bully, ranging from body harm, depression, suicide, rage, anxiety, change in mental
state, and sometimes becoming the bully themselves. (Bullying, 2015)
Causes of Bullying
There Are Different Causes to Why Bullying Happens, It Depends Entirely on the bullys
being, his/her life, past experiences, perspectives, emotions, attitude, behavior, family,
friends, people around him/her and his/her personalities, and most of the time there are
always intentional or unintentional motives, that the bully does, these ranges to a bullys
reason for doing so, for a bully always has a reason unconscious or not for Bullying another
person or party. Bullying becomes a behavior a person commits, and becomes his/her
hobby since Bullying is a learned behavior. Home is where kids get their first lessons in
moral education(Coloroso, 2002).
Barbara Coloroso (2002).
Some people bully to get power, they think if you push people around and make them
do what you want them to do you will get noticed. They think that gets their name out there
that makes them feel cool they get attention they become popular.but some bullies do it just
because they like to hurt people see the victim cry and if the victim has to the nerve to not
respond the bully has no pity.Most people think if you are popular you can get away with
things that they know isn't right.Some common causes of bullying is when kids don't have
enough supervision they think they can get away with anything, other causes is that some
people just have an aggressive personality, and because they have they low self-confidence
A dysfunctional family is not a guarantee that a child will become a bully. However, a
large number of bullies come from homes where there is little affection and openness..
Bullies can sometimes be in need of control for they want power. Kids who push others
around are often driven by the need for power. They enjoy being able to subdue others. Also
in addition that may cause Bullying to spread is that Bullying behavior gets rewarded. Most
people dont do this intentionally; however, the perpetrator is inadvertently rewarded anytime
victims give up their lunch money or belongings. They also get rewarded by gaining
popularity, attention or the power of having others afraid of them. Bullies can also come from
their emotions irregularity if not properly controlled or sometimes Some children just either
lack empathy or just relish seeing others in pain (sadistic).
Studies on Bullying
Everyone knows that school bullies torment their peers to compensate for low selfesteem, and that they are scorned as much as they are feared. But "everyone" got it wrong,
according to Jaana Juvonen, a professor of developmental psychology whose decade of
groundbreaking research on mean kids and their hapless victims is changing the way
parents and schools think about bullying. Most bullies have almost ridiculously high levels of
self-esteem, Juvonens research has found. Whats more, they are viewed by their fellow
students and even by teachers not as pariahs but as popular in fact, as some of the
coolest kids at school.
Juvonen shared highlights of her myth-busting research earlier this week with a rapt
audience of faculty and staff colleagues at the Faculty Center as this years featured lecturer
in the Emerging Research Series. A collaborative effort among the Academic Senate, Staff
Assembly and Campus Human Resources, the series began four years ago as a way to
bring faculty and staff together for an engaging, educational forum.
Bullying which runs the gamut from physical aggression to the spreading of nasty rumors
via cyberbullying is a subject of growing public concern. Yet Juvonen recalled that when
she and her UCLA colleagues began their research a decade ago, "it was very much a
challenge for us to convince our audiences that bullying is a problem. Ten years ago and
even today in some parts of the country and in some families there was a belief that
bullying is just part of growing up and that these experiences are even needed by the
victims because they help build character."
To the contrary, she said, "we have learned that bullying can have devastating
consequences" most tragically, those cases where victims of bullying have committed
suicide (Lin, 2012).
Research Design
This study sought to determine the different cases of the problem, specifically the different
cases of bullying, how bullying affects, and how and why bullying takes place among the
selected University of Saint La Salle Engineering Students, during the first semester of
academic school year 2015-2016. Data were gathered through survey with the aid of
research-made questionnaires
Participants Involved Are 40 Engineering Students From University of Saint La Salle.
Composing of 20 Male Students and 20 Female Students, Ranging From Years 16-21, they
were selected to answer the survey questionnaire during their free time on U-Week.
Research Instruments
A Research-made Questionnaire was created to conduct a Survey and Gather
Information and Data, it is the main and only instrument of the study. The questionnaire was
composed with a total of 5 questions, which 2 of the 5 had sub questions, providing these
questions with answers, we would be able to answer the specific and general objectives of
the study. The Research Questionnaires was approved and validated by a class adviser
before survey was conducted and reproduced.
1. The different questions on the questionnaire was made by basing it on the specific
and general objectives of the study, it was approved and validated by the subject
teacher and a letter was added to the final paper before being reproduced asking for
the participants consent to answer the questionnaire.
2. after determining the amount of participants which is 40, and after getting the main
research questionnaire validated and approved, the questionnaire was reproduced
into the number of participants for the survey
3. participants were asked around the campus during U-Week on their free time, asking
a moment of their time and their consent on answering on the survey questionnaires.
after they were done answering, we collected the papers
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
The main objective of this study is to identify the causes of smoking among
selected college students of the University of St. La Salle, Bacolod City.
Respondents totaling 40 students aged 17-21 years old both male and female from
the College of Business and Accountancy were chosen to participate in the survey.
The following tables illustrate the major findings. Discussions and implications
of the findings are also provided.
Table 2 show on how many of the respondents have experienced bullying and
as expected most respondents have experienced bullying. Out of 40, 28
respondents have experienced bullying while the rest did not experienced bullying at
Suicidal Thoughts
Mental Change
Table 4 shows on what are the effects of bullying to the one who are being
bullied and the common effects are Depression and Decrease of Self-Esteem. And
the least effect are injuries although physical bullying is the most common case of
Table 5. Factors that starts bullying?
Effects of Bullying
Other Bullies
Mental State
Table 5 shows that being bullied is the reason why some people also bullies
other people, but neglection are the least factor that starts bullying.
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Summary of Findings
From the foregoing discussions, the following statements highlight the major
1. Most of the cases of the bullying are physical and cyber bullying and the least
cases of bullying is sexual bullying.
2. Most of the people have experienced bullying in their life and 12 out of 40
have not experienced being bullied.
Based on the major findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Data appears that peer influence can greatly motivate teenagers to engage
in smoking
(Ching, 2011).
On the basis of the preceding findings and conclusion, the following
recommendations are set forth:
1. It is recommended that students who engage in smoking on a regular basis
be informed seriously of the negative effects of smoking on their physical
well-being. This can be done by asking them to attend health seminars at
school and in their immediate or nearby communities.