Importance of International Business
Importance of International Business
Importance of International Business
International business is all business transactions-private and
governmental-that involve two or more countries. Why should
one be interested in studying international business? The
simplest answer is that international business comprises a large
and growing portion of the world's total business. Today, almost
all companies, large or small, are affected by global events and
competition because most sell output to and/or secure
suppliers from foreign countries and/or compete against
More companies that engage in some form of international
business are involved in exporting and importing than in any
other type of business transaction. Many of the international
business experts argue that exporting is a logical process with
a natural structure, which can be viewed primarily as a method
of understanding the target country's environment, using the
appropriate marketing mix, developing a marketing plan based
upon the use of the mix, implementing a plan through a
strategy and finally, using a control method to ensure the
strategy is adhered to. This exporting process is reviewed and
evaluated regularly and modifications are made to the use of
the mix, to take account of market changes impacting upon
competitiveness. This view seems to suggest that much of the
international business theory related to enterprises, which are
internationally based and have global ambitions, does often
change depending on the special requirements of each country.
The points below highlight the importance of international business:1. Earn foreign exchange: International business exports its goods and
services all over the world. This helps to earn valuable foreign exchange.
This foreign exchange is used to pay for imports. Foreign exchange helps
to make the business more profitable and to strengthen the economy of its
marketing techniques, etc. All this makes it more competitive. So, it can
fight competition from foreign companies.