HHD 9 Accident Emergency
HHD 9 Accident Emergency
HHD 9 Accident Emergency
Patient information
71 year old Mr. P. K. was clerked at the Newham Accident and Emergency
Currently resides in a residential care home. Moved to London from Uganda in
1992. Served as a pilot in the military forces.
Main complaint / History of presenting complaint
3 day ago Atypical chest pain likely Gastritis / GORD
Chest pain has developed with worsening symptoms:
Site: Left side of chest and epigastric area
Onset: Spontaneous at rest, lasts for 3 hours
Character: Burning and crushing pain
Radiation: radiates down to epigastric area
Associated symptoms: Swollen ankles
Time lasted 3 days
Exacerbating factors: Difficulty walking due to breathlessness on exertion
Alleviating factors: Eating
Severity: 7/10
Relevant background information
He has had significant cardiac and renal problems which have required close
Hypertension and raised cholesterol
HIV & Hep C
Severe pneumococcal pneumonia and septicaemia
Oral Candidiasis and Pancytopenia
Chronic Varicose veins / Eczema
Weight Loss and Anaemia
Previous persistent microscopic haematuria and renal impairment
A cystoscopy procedure in July 2001 required hospital admission a few weeks
later due to severe e-coli septicaemia secondary to urinary tract infection
Drug History
Nevirapine 200mgs bd
400mgs bd
Stavudine 40mgs bd
Dapsone 100mgs od
Lamivudine 150mgs bd
Ramipril 5mgs
expansion laboured.
Inspected patients hands: Warm to touch. No signs of nail clubbing, splinter
haemorrhages, palmar erythema, janeway lesions, oslers nodes, and nicotine staining
Recent heart murmurs: Auscultation performed for all four valves of the heart in the
following areas:
Tricuspid valve on the left edge of the sternum in the 4th intercostal space.
Pulmonary valve on the left edge of the sternum in the 2nd intercostal space.
Aortic valve on the right edge of the sternum in the 2nd intercostal space.
Check for mitral stenosis: over the apex and axilla with patient laying on their left side,
84 AF
Urinary analysis
Swab test
Definitive diagnosis
Severe aortic regurgitation with heart failure, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
leading to
UNCOMPENSATED RIGHT HEART FAILURE with associated congestive
hepatomegaly and pitting peripheral oedema
Management plan
Consultant noted that Atypical chest pain may likely be gastritis / GORD. Not
commenced on aspirin because of GORD symptoms.
Referral to anticoagulation clinic follow up for initiation of warfarin.