Big Families.: They Have A Higher Sense of Tolerance More Than Others
Big Families.: They Have A Higher Sense of Tolerance More Than Others
Big Families.: They Have A Higher Sense of Tolerance More Than Others
Family has always been, and is, the main pillar of society. It is the place where members
are born, learn and are educated. It should be a place of refuge, pride and happiness for all
its members. When the family has problems or internal sorrows, all the members are
affected because they are all related by blood and emotional tie. On the other hand, the
family is founded on the marriage, which is exclusively a stable union, for the love of man
and woman, to complement each other and transmit life and education to the children, and
Is more than that .Its a community of love and cooperation, to transmit and to integrate in
the minds the values as well as the beginning of coexistence which are very important for
the development and the well-being of its members and the society. But nowadays, the
numbers of big families are less, and I think there is a fundamental reason for that. Our
society is a society that seeks security and well-being at all cost, finding a big family is to
assume and give up, in most cases to welfare facilities and materials.
However, family is very important and there are a lot of reasons for that, as the following
examples below:
The family is where we learn to socialize: We are born and (in most cases) grow up within a
family. There, we learn to relate with other people, how to resolve conflicts, to share with
others and the basic rules of living in society.
The family gives us values and beliefs: Since we learn to interact with others from our
family, we learn to look at the world and put us in it. We learn rules, and form our system of
beliefs and values.
In Family we learn from our emotional world: The first network of emotional support we
have throughout our lives, even before our friends, is our family. It is precisely our family
who teaches us to deal with the frustration, to develop our self-esteem and where we learn
how you react to different situations.
By the way, children of big families are formed in different conditions that lead them to
develop some skills more easily. Some are:
They have a higher sense of tolerance more than others, because they must learn to live
with more people.
They are pro-active children, instead of complaining about the bad situations, they try to
do something on this matter to change it.
They tend to mature faster, because they face challenges and difficulties from the earliest
And they take adversity with fortitude and strength.
But, as in all families, this one is not an exception, and it is not perfect because with the
passage of time some problems arise in the family that eventually affects the harmony and
unity of each member.
The disagreement in the form of disciplining children: It is one of the most frequent
situations of conflict between the parents, and that simultaneously impacts children,
because they feel guilty of being the cause of discussions. Generally, what initiates the
problem is the clash of two styles of educating that do not achieve an intermediate point.
Lack of family time: To know someone there are to dedicate time to the relationship, and
shared family time is a concrete way of demonstrating the love we feel for each other.
Money management: Money-related problems tend to be linked with roles within the family.
An increased risk of conflict occurs when both work because the symbol of power that
involves money. Another problem is simply not to mention money topics because it is
considered that it is putting trust and honesty into question of the other.
Sexual problems: If the topic of sexuality is taboo in society, it is even more inside the
family. That is not surprising that although it is a privileged form of communication. It
becomes so often an inexhaustible source of conflict.
The big family is the most risky undertaking which a man and or a woman may face. Give
life to several children is a big commitment and, it takes very strong convictions and, above
all, a cheerful and optimistic view of our world nowadays.
It is true that there are problems to conciliate the working life and family life and that there
are economic problems. But, I believe that in the end, it is the disposition that parents have
with its children and the attitude they have towards life.
In summary, the well-established big family is an example of love, discipline, ability to
share, generosity, respect, order and other values that make its members to experience an
invaluable learning for life. And never forget that the education and knowledge that are
acquired in the family will last forever.
By Robert Torres