Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
Which of the following is not among the types of actions and initiatives undertaken by management in the
strategy execution process?
A. Building an organization capable of executing the strategy
B. Instituting policies and procedures that facilitate rather than impede strategy execution
C. Deciding which core competencies and value chain activities to leave as is and which ones to overhaul
and improve
D. Pushing for continuous improvement in how value chain activities are performed
E. Tying rewards directly to the achievement of strategic and financial targets and to good strategy
The principal managerial actions and initiatives undertaken in the strategy execution process include
which of the following?
A. Deciding how much to spend on employee training
BInstituting policies and procedures that facilitate rather than impede strategy execution and tying
. rewards to the achievement of strategic and financial targets and to good strategy execution
C. Doing an effective job of empowering employees
D. Revamping the value chain fin a manner calculated to maximize operating efficiency
E. Selecting a capable top management team
Which one of the following statements about recruiting and retaining capable employees is true?
AThe quality of an organization's people is always an essential ingredient of successful strategy
. executionknowledgeable, engaged employees are a company's best source of creative ideas for the
nuts-and-bolts operating improvements that lead to operating excellence
B. Recruiting and retaining capable employees is an essential element of developing a distinctive
C. Recruiting and retaining capable employees is closely tied to developing strong information capital
DIt is very difficult for a company to competently execute its strategy and achieve operating excellence
. without a cadre of young managerial talent committed to staying with the company for at least a decade
EIn many industries, adding to a company's talent base and building intellectual capital is more important
. than having a good situational fit between the company's strategy and its external environment
Which of the following is generally not among the practices that companies use to staff jobs with the best
people they can find?
A. Careful screening and evaluation of job applicants
B. Rotating people through jobs that span functional and geographic boundaries
C. Weeding out the 20% lowest performing employees each year
D. Striving to retain talented, high-performing employees via promotions, salary increases, and other
E. Coaching average performers to improve their skills and capabilities
If management is to match a company's organization structure to its strategy in an effective way, then it is
A. that company personnel be empowered to make both strategic decisions and operating decisions.
B. for strategy-critical activities to be the main building blocks on the organization chart.
C. that value chain activities be deliberately organized so as to produce maximum strategic fit.
D to define the jobs of company personnel in terms of the functions to be performed rather than in terms
. of the results to be achieved.
E.for the company to be organized around cross-functional teams rather than around functional specialties
and functional departments.
10. The rationale for making strategy-critical value chain activities the primary building blocks in a
company's organizational chart is based on
A. the much shorter time it takes to build core competencies and competitive capabilities.
B. the benefit such an organizational scheme has in reducing costs.
C. the benefit such an organizational scheme has in improving the productivity of geographicallyscattered organizational units.
Dthe thesis that if activities crucial to strategic success are to have the resources, decision-making
. influence, and organizational impact they need, they have to be centerpieces in the organizational
E. the benefit such an organizational scheme has in making the empowerment of employees more
27. The statistical thinking underlying Six Sigma is based on the following three principles:
A. All activities can be controlled, employee empowerment is the best control tool, and 100% control is
B. All work is a process, all processes have variability, and all processes create data that explains
CAll work activities can be done accurately most of the time, empowered employees are necessary for
. effective control, and good statistical data is an empowered employee's best control tool.
D. All work is a statistically controllable process; 100% control is possible; and every well-controlled
process is defect-free.
E Most business processes are subject to control; Six Sigma can totally remove variability in how
. processes are performed; and most defects can be eliminated.
28. The Six Sigma process of define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) is
Aan improvement system for existing processes falling below specification and needing incremental
. improvementthe DMAIC process is a particularly good vehicle for improving performance when
there are wide variations in how well an activity is performed.
B. an improvement system used to develop new processes or products at 100% defect-free levels.
C. a system of statistical procedures for achieving 100% control over how a task is performed.
D. an improvement system used to develop new processes or products at Six Sigma levels.
E. a system of statistical procedures for eliminating 100% of the variability in how a task is performed.
29. Six Sigma's DMADV process of define, measure, analyze, design and verify is a particularly good
vehicle for
Aimproving performance when there are small variations in how well an activity is performed; if there
. are wide variations, then the Six Sigma DMVSI process has to be used.
B. achieving 100% control over how a task is performed and eliminating 100% of the variability in how a
task is performed.
C. improving performance when there are wide variations in how well an activity is performed.
D. developing new processes or products at Six Sigma quality levels.
E. improving customer satisfaction whereas Six Sigma DMADV is used to improve manufacturing
30. The big difference between business process reengineering and continuous improvement programs like
TQM or Six Sigma is that
A reengineering is a tool for installing process organization whereas TQM/Six Sigma concern defect-free
. production methods and delivering world-class customer service.
B reengineering helps create core competencies whereas TQM/Six Sigma are tools for making a core
. competence stronger and more efficient.
Creengineering is a tool for achieving one-time quantum improvement whereas TQM and Six Sigma
. programs aim at incremental improvement (striving for inch-by-inch gains again and again in a neverending stream).
D. business process reengineering requires benchmarking whereas TQM and Six Sigma do not.
Ereengineering represents an effort to totally revamp a firm's value chain whereas TQM looks at
. incrementally improving the performance of two or three targeted value-chain activities.
31. Company strategies and value creating processes can't be effectively executed without internal operating
systems that include:
A. customer data, employee data, supplier/partner data, operations data, and financial performance data.
B. TQM, reengineering, and Six Sigma programs.
C. monetary and non-monetary reward systems.
D. activity based cost accounting, benchmarking, and best practices.
E. All of these.
32. Operating systems that support company strategies and value-creating internal processes include all of the
following except
A. customer database systems.
B. information systems to track supplier/partner/collaborative ally data.
C. human resources systems that maintain employee data.
D. systems to record and report financial performance data.
E. data management systems for undertaking benchmarking, TQM, and Six Sigma quality control.
33. A well-designed reward system
Ais focused on "what to achieve" to be rewarded as opposed to "what to do" And is management's most
. powerful tool for gaining employee commitment to superior strategy execution.
B. should be free of elements that induce stress, anxiety, tension, pressure to perform, and job insecurity.
C. puts the primary emphasis on denying rewards to those who fail to perform tasks in the prescribed
D. emphasizes weeding out employees who are consistently low performers.
E.strives for 50-50 balance between positive and negative rewards and 50-50 balance between monetary
and non-monetary rewards.
34. An important consideration in designing a strategy-supportive reward system is to
A. link the payment of all monetary rewards to the company's profitability.
B. employ incentives that will help motivate employees to work hard at performing their assigned duties
and activities.
C. choose those types of rewards and incentives that will focus employees' attention on "what to do."
D. make across-the-board wage and salary increases the cornerstone of monetary rewards.
E. make both monetary and non-monetary rewards integral parts of the reward system.
35. Management's most powerful tool for winning employee commitment to good strategy execution and
operating excellence is
A. the establishment of strategy-supportive policies and procedures.
B. empowering employees and encouraging them to adopt best practices.
C. setting stretch objectives.
D. a properly designed system of rewards and incentives.
E. aggressive use of TQM and Six Sigma quality control programs.
36. The guidelines for designing an incentive compensation system that will help drive successful strategy
execution include
A. making the payoff for meeting or beating performance targets a major, not minor, piece of the total
compensation package.
Bhaving a bonus and incentive plan that applies to managers only (employees should generally not be
. included in incentive pay plans but should have attractive wages and salaries).
C. having an outside wage and salary expert administer the system, so that there is no doubt as to its
fairness and impartiality.
D. basing the incentives on group performance rather than individual performance.
E. making minimal use of non-monetary incentives and rewarding people for diligently performing their
assigned duties.
37. Which of the following is not a sound guideline for designing a reward and incentive system that helps
promote good strategy execution?
A. The reward system must be administered with scrupulous objectivity and fairness.
B. The payoff for meeting or beating performance targets must be a major, not minor, piece of the total
compensation package.
C. The incentive plan should extend to all managers and all employees, not just top management.
D. Ways must be found to reward deserving non-performers who, for some reason, do not fare well under
the incentive system.
E Make sure that the performance targets each individual or team is expected to achieve involve outcomes
. that the individual or team can personally affect.
38. Which of the following is not characteristic of a compensation and reward system designed to help drive
successful strategy execution?
A. Tying incentives to performance outcomes directly linked to good strategy execution and financial
B. Keeping the time between achieving the target performance outcome and the payment of the reward as
short as possible
C Making sure that the performance targets that each individual or team is expected to achieve involve
. outcomes that the individual or team can personally affect
D. Generous rewards for people who turn in outstanding performances
E A reward system that involves 50 percent non-monetary rewards and a work environment that avoids
. placing pressure on managers and employees to perform at high levels
39. Some of the most important non-monetary approaches to enhancing motivation and helping drive
successful strategy execution include
A. adopting promotion from within policies and acting on suggestions from employees.
B. providing attractive perks and fringe benefits.
C. creating a work atmosphere in which there is genuine sincerity, caring, and mutual respect among
employees and management.
D. using frequent words of praise to recognize employees for commendable performance.
E. All of these.
40. A company's corporate culture is best defined and identified by
A. the strategy and business model that a company has adopted.
B the character of a company's internal work climateas shaped by the company's core values, beliefs,
. business principles, traditions, work practices, and style of operating.
C. its statement of core values and its code of ethics.
D. its internal politics.
E. the traditions that company executives are committed to maintain.
41. The character of a company's corporate culture is a product of
A. the company's core values and business principles.
B. its style of operating and ingrained behaviors and attitudes.
C. the "chemistry" that permeates its work environment.
D. the work practices and behaviors that define "how we do things around here."
E. All of these.
42. Which one of the following is not a fundamental part of a company's culture?
A. The work practices and behaviors that define "how we do things around here"
B. The "chemistry" that permeates its work environment
C. The company's core values and business principles
D. The company's strategic vision, strategic intent, and strategy
E. The style of operating and ingrained behaviors and attitudes
43. Which of the following is not a common trait of an unhealthy company culture?
A. A politicized internal environment
B. Hostility to change and a wariness of people who champion new ways of doing things
C. An aversion to looking outside the company for best practices, new managerial approaches, and
innovative ideas
DAn aversion to incentive compensation, failure to recruit the best and brightest employees, subpar
. support for employee training, overemphasis on working in teams, and low ethical standards
E. A disregard for high ethical standards and an overzealous pursuit of wealth and status on the part of
key executives
59. Identify 4 tactics that are common among companies dedicated to staffing jobs with the best people they
can find.
60. Explain the difference between a centralized and a decentralized organization structure. Which one is
more likely to further the cause of good strategy execution? Why?
61. A decentralized organization structure is more likely to further the cause of good strategy execution than
is a centralized organization structure. True or false? Justify your answer.
62. What is meant by empowerment of employees? How does it differ from delegation of authority? In what
ways can empowerment of employees aid the cause of good strategy execution?
63. Why does a company's budget need to be closely linked to the needs of good strategy execution? Why
might a change in strategy call for budget reallocations?
64. Identify and describe two ways that policies and procedures aid the task of implementing and executing
65. What is the value of striving for continuous improvement in internal processes? How does TQM differ
from business process reengineering?
66. What three principles underlie the statistical thinking of Six Sigma quality control programs?
67. Identify types of support systems that a company can install to support the execution of its strategy.
68. The use of incentives and rewards is the single most powerful tool at management's disposal to win
strong employee commitment to carrying out the strategic plan. True or false? Explain.
69. Identify at least 4 guidelines for creating incentive compensation systems that link employee behavior to
organizational objectives.
70. Give at least 3 non-monetary examples of motivation and rewards practices that have the capability to
foster good strategy execution and explain how they act to produce such a result.
71. What is meant by the term corporate culture? Why is corporate culture an important factor in
implementing and executing strategy?
75. Identify and briefly discuss four steps that managers can take to change a culture that is out of step with
the company's strategy.
76. Give two examples of "symbolic" culture-changing actions and two examples of "substantive" culturechanging actions.
77. Identify three actions that are key elements of leading the strategy execution process.
10 Key
1. (p. 213-214) C
2. (p. 213-214) B
3. (p. 215) D
4. (p. 216) B
5. (p. 216) B
6. (p. 216) A
7. (p. 216-217) C
8. (p. 217) B
9. (p. 218) B
10. (p. 218) D
11. (p. 219) C
12. (p. 219) A
13. (p. 219) D
14. (p. 220) A
15. (p. 220) A
16. (p. 220-221) C
17. (p. 221-222) D
18. (p. 222) A
19. (p. 222) C
20. (p. 222-224) E
21. (p. 222) B
22. (p. 225) A
23. (p. 223) A
24. (p. 223) C
25. (p. 223) C
26. (p. 223-224) C
27. (p. 224) B
28. (p. 223-224) A
29. (p. 224) D
30. (p. 225) C
31. (p. 226) A
32. (p. 226) E
33. (p. 226) A
34. (p. 226-227) E
35. (p. 226-227) D
36. (p. 227) A
10 Summary
AACSB: Group/Individual Dynamics
AACSB: Technology/Technology Influence
AACSB: Value Creation
Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Hard
Difficulty: Medium
Gamble - Chapter 10
Learning Objective: 1
Learning Objective: 2
Learning Objective: 3
Learning Objective: 4
Learning Objective: 5
Learning Objective: 6
Learning Objective: 7
Learning Objective: 8
Topic: Adaptive Cultures
Topic: Allocating Resources to Strategy-Critical Activities
Topic: Building Dynamic Capabilities and Core Competencies
Topic: Changing a Problem Culture
Topic: Corporate Cultures and Superior Strategy Execution
Topic: Guidelines for Designing Monetary Incentive Systems
Topic: High-Performance Cultures
Topic: Installing Information and Operating Systems
Topic: Instituting Strategy-Supportive Policies and Procedures
Topic: Leading the Strategy-Execution Process
Topic: Matching Organizational Structure to the Strategy
Topic: Nonmonetary Rewards
Topic: Staffing the Organization
Topic: Striving for Continuous Improvement in Internal Processes
Topic: The Principal Managerial Components of the Strategy Execution Process
Topic: Unhealthy Corporate Cultures
Topic: Unhealthy Cultures
Topic: Using Rewards and Incentives to Promote Better Strategy Execution
# of Questions
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