McKinsey - Unlocking The Potential of The IoT PDF
McKinsey - Unlocking The Potential of The IoT PDF
McKinsey - Unlocking The Potential of The IoT PDF
Integrating multiple
IoT systems enables
40percent of
potential value
Human health
Cutting the costs of chronic
disease treatment by as
much as 50percent
Predictive maintenance
Using real-time data
to predict and prevent
breakdowns can reduce
downtime by 50percent
In the 25years since its founding, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has sought to develop
a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy. As the business and economics
research arm of McKinsey & Company, MGI aims to provide leaders in commercial,
public, and social sectors with the facts and insights on which to base management and
policy decisions.
MGI research combines the disciplines of economics and management, employing the
analytical tools of economics with the insights of business leaders. Our micro-to-macro
methodology examines microeconomic industry trends to better understand the broad
macroeconomic forces affecting business strategy and public policy. MGIs in-depth reports
have covered more than 20 countries and 30 industries.
Current research focuses on six themes: productivity and growth, natural resources, labor
markets, the evolution of global financial markets, the economic impact of technology and
innovation, and urbanization. Recent reports have assessed global flows; the economies of
Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, and Japan; Chinas digital transformation; Indias path from poverty
to empowerment; affordable housing; and the effects of global debt.
MGI is led by three McKinsey & Company directors: Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, and
Jonathan Woetzel. Michael Chui, Susan Lund, and Jaana Remes serve as MGI partners.
Project teams are led by the MGI partners and a group of senior fellows, and include
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By blending physical and digital realms, the Internet of Things (IoT) vastly expands the reach
of information technology. The myriad possibilities that arise from the ability to monitor and
control things in the physical world electronically have inspired a surge of innovation and
enthusiasm. The sweeping changes that IoT can bring to how companies manage physical
assets, how consumers attend to their health and fitness, and how cities operate have also
inspired visions of a very different future, as well as a good deal of hype. McKinsey has been
involved in the Internet of Things over the years and we have seen how rapid advances in
technology and know-how have exceeded our expectationsand yet how difficult it will be
to obtain the greatest benefits of IoT implementations, which require creating highly complex
systems and coordinating technology, investment, and talent across both space and time.
This research is a collaboration between the McKinsey Global Institute and McKinseys
Telecommunications, Media, and High Technology Practice. It builds on more than
fiveyears of previous research as well as knowledge developed in work with clients across
industries. Our goal has been to determine more clearly how IoT applications create value
for companies, consumers, and economies. To distinguish between the hype and the
reality, we focus on actual use cases that exist today or are likely to be implemented in
the next 10years. We also estimate potential value using a settings perspectivehow IoT
technology is used in physical environments such as cities or factories. This allows us to see
how much additional value can be captured when IoT applications interact with one another
and with other information systems.
MIchaelChui, an MGI partner, JamesManyika and JonathanWoetzel, MGI directors,
and PeterBisson, director of McKinseys TMT Practice in North America, led this effort.
DanAharon led the research team, which included Wei-ChuanChew, KrishnaEsteva,
VasanthGanesan, FaheemKajee, and SaurabhMittal. We are grateful for the generous
contributions of time and expertise from McKinsey colleagues from many practices and
functions, including members of the Business Technology Organization (BTO). We thank
MGI Director RichardDobbs, and McKinsey Directors JacquesBughin, TorJakobRamsy,
and DilipWagle. GeoffreyLewis provided editorial support and JuliePhilpot led production
with MarisaCarder, senior graphic designer. We also thank MGI external communications
director RebecaRobboy, TimBeacom (knowledge operations specialist), and
DeadraHenderson (manager of personnel and administration).
McKinsey colleagues BedeBroom, GregGilbert, SaumSutaria, JordanVanLaer,
and SriVelamoor provided insight on human health. VenkatAlturi, NaveenSastry,
JeremySchneider, and ShekharVaranasi helped with home and office settings.
TaylorLarson, DevPatel, RogerRoberts, and KhiloniWestphely provided input on
retail environments. JamieCattell, RichardKelly, BrianMilch, SreeRamaswamy, and
DominikWee helped with factory settings (including hospitals). We thank RoccoColazonte,
ChristopherForr-Rydgren, AlexLiebman, MukaniMoyo, FredericRemond,
RichardSellschip, and RichardWard for their support on worksite industries (mining,
oil and gas, and construction). MicheleBertoncello, JrgenMller, OSungKwon, and
RobinRiedel gave insights about IoT in vehicles and outside settings. Our research on IoT
in cities was aided by AdrianBooth, ShannonBouton, TylerDuvall, SergioMartinGuerrero,
JrgenLaartz, JaanaRemes, and MikhailSavkin. KevinBoehler, ArvindGovindarajan,
Richard Dobbs
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
James Manyika
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
San Francisco
Jonathan Woetzel
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
June 2015
In brief
Operations optimization
2. Findings Page 23
Interoperability is key; most data are not used today
3. How IoT applications create value in different settings Page 35
Human Page 37
Home Page 50
Home automation
Worksites Page 74
Vehicles Page 82
Cities Page 87
Outside Page 95
4. Enablers and barriers Page 101
Technical and human issues must be addressed
5. Implications Page 109
New business models and a new tech market
Bibliography Page 127
required to capture
40% of total value
2X more value
from B2B applications
than consumer
Autonomous vehicles and
condition-based maintenance
Developing: 40%
Developed: 60%
Chore automation
and security
Security and
9 settings
Public health
and transportation
Logistics and navigation
Operations and
equipment optimization
Retail environments
Automated checkout
Health and
Operations optimization/
health and safety
Types of opportunities
Transform business processes
Predictive maintenance, better asset
utilization, higher productivity
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The Internet of Things has the potential to fundamentally shift the way we interact with our
surroundings. The ability to monitor and manage objects in the physical world electronically
makes it possible to bring data-driven decision making to new realms of human activityto
optimize the performance of systems and processes, save time for people and businesses,
and improve quality of life (see BoxE1, Defining the Internet of Things). From monitoring
machines on the factory floor to tracking the progress of ships at sea, sensors can help
companies get far more out of their physical assetsimproving the performance of
machines, extending their lives, and learning how they could be redesigned to do even
more. With wearable devices and portable monitors, the Internet of Things has the potential
to dramatically improve health outcomes, particularly in the treatment of chronic diseases
such as diabetes that now take an enormous human and economic toll.
See, for example, The Internet of Things, McKinsey Quarterly, March 2010, and Disruptive technologies:
Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey Global Institute, May 2013.
We conducted this research to examine in detail how the Internet of Things can create
value, and in the process we have uncovered novel findings about how that value can be
captured by companies, people, and economies. Building on our earlier work, the McKinsey
Global Institute, in collaboration with McKinseys Telecommunications, Media, and High
Technology Practice and the McKinsey Business Technology Office, analyzed more
than 150 IoT use cases across the global economy. Using detailed bottom-up economic
modeling, we estimated the economic impact of these applications by the potential benefits
they can generate, including productivity improvements, time savings, and improved asset
utilization, as well as an approximate economic value for reduced disease, accidents, and
deaths. These estimates of potential value are not equivalent to industry revenue or GDP,
because they include value captured by customers and consumers.
An important contribution of this research has been to demonstrate the importance of
analyzing the applications of the Internet of Things in the context of settingsthe physical
environments in which these systems are deployed, such as homes, offices, and factories.
A key insight from analyzing the benefits of IoT applications within settings is the critical
contribution made by interoperability among IoT systems. On average, interoperability is
necessary to create 40percent of the potential value that can be generated by the Internet
of Things in various settings. We also see that making IoT applications interoperablelinking
a patients home health monitor to the hospitals health informatics system, for exampleis
a complex systems design challenge that requires coordination on many levels (technology,
capital investment cycles, organizational change, and so forth.
For the applications that we size, we estimate that the Internet of Things has a total potential
economic impact of $3.9trillion to $11.1trillion per year in 2025. On the top end, the value
of this impactincluding consumer surpluswould be equivalent to about 11percent of
the world economy in 2025.2 Achieving this level of impact will require certain conditions to
be in place and overcoming technical, organizational, and regulatory hurdles. In particular,
organizations that use IoT technology will need better tools and methods to extract insights
and actionable information from IoT data, most of which are not used today. It will take
time for companies to create systems that can maximize IoT value and, more importantly,
for management innovations, organizational changes, and new business models to
be developed and implemented. This could lead to a new productivity paradoxa
lag between investment in technology and productivity gains that can be seen at a
macroeconomic level.3
Maximum potential
value of sized
applications in
Determining the settings where the Internet of Things will create impact
In reviewing nearly 300 IoT applications, we discovered that using only a conventional
approach to categorizing the potential impact by vertical industry marketssuch as
automotive or consumer electronicsmade it more difficult to analyze all the ways in
which value could be created. If we look at how IoT technology is creating value from the
perspective of the automaker, for instance, we would see how it improves manufacturing
efficiencies and reduces costs. However, by viewing IoT applications through the lens of
settings, we capture a broader set of effects, particularly those that require the interaction
of IoT systems and often produce the greatest impact. For example, by examining the
cities setting, we discover that not only can sensors in individual vehicles be used to save
Based on World Bank projection of $99.5trillion per year in global GDP in 2025
The productivity paradox was observed by economists Robert Solow and Stephen Roach, who in 1987 noted
that despite the widespread adoption of computers to automate office functions, there was no evidence of
their impact on productivity. Subsequent research found problems in how government statistics measured the
impact of computers and a lag between investment in technology and the organizational adjustments required
to realize significant productivity gains. See Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M. Hitt, Beyond the productivity
paradox, Communications of the ACM, volume 41, issue 8, August 1998. See also US Productivity Growth
1995-2000, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2001.
Executive summary
maintenance costs by predicting when maintenance is needed but we also see that sensors
can be linked to broader systems that help to manage traffic congestion across the city.
We have identified nine settings, capturing IoT use in environments such as homes, offices,
factories, worksites (mining, oil and gas, and construction), retail environments, cities,
vehicles, and the outdoors. We have also included a human setting for for systems that
attach to the human body and enable such health and wellness applications as monitoring
chronic disease or exercise, and productivity-enhancing applications such as use of
augmented-reality technology to guide workers in performing complex physical tasks
Exhibit E1
A settings lens helps capture all sources of value; we identify nine settings where IoT creates value
Devices attached to or
inside the human body
Spaces where
consumers engage in
Spaces where
knowledge workers
Custom production
Vehicles including cars, trucks, ships, aircraft, and trains; conditionbased maintenance, usage-based design, pre-sales analytics
Urban environments
Between urban
environments (and
outside other settings)
Overall findings
Through our work studying individual use cases and estimating their potential economic
impact, we have developed insights into how the Internet of Things is likely to evolve.
These findings include perspectives on how the potential benefits of IoT technologies are
likely to be distributed among advanced and developing economies, how much IoT value
is likely to be created in business-to-business vs. consumer markets, and which players
in the value chain will capture the most value from IoT applications. We find that when IoT
systems communicate with each other, their value is multiplied, which makes interoperability
essential for maximizing benefits. Our research also generated findings about how the
industry that supplies IoT technology is likely to evolve. Our key findings:
Interoperability among IoT systems is required to capture 40percent of the
potential value. In our analysis, of the total potential value that can be unlocked through
the use of IoT, 40percent of this value, on average, requires multiple IoT systems to work
together. In the worksite setting, 60percent of the potential value requires the ability to
integrate and analyze data from various IoT systems. Interoperability is required to unlock
more than $4trillion per year in potential economic impact from IoT use in 2025, out of a
total potential impact of $11.1trillion across the nine settings that we analyzed.
Most of the IoT data collected today are not used at all, and data that are used
are not fully exploited. For instance, less than 1percent of the data being generated
by the 30,000 sensors on an offshore oil rig is currently used to make decisions. And of
the data that are actually usedfor example, in manufacturing automation systems on
factory floorsmost are used only for real-time control or anomaly detection. A great
deal of additional value remains to be captured, by using more data, as well as deploying
more sophisticated IoT applications, such as using performance data for predictive
maintenance or to analyze workflows to optimize operating efficiency. Indeed, IoT can
be a key source of big data that can be analyzed to capture value, and open data, which
can be used by more than one entity.4
The amount of IoT value that can be realized in developing economies is
comparable to that of advanced economies. Overall, over the next tenyears, more
IoT value is likely to be created in advanced economies because of the higher value
associated with each deployment. However, the potential number of IoT uses is likely
to be higher in developing economies. The level of value in advanced and developing
economies will vary depending on setting, industry, and application. The applications
that drive the most value in developing economies differ from those in advanced
economies and, in some cases, because there are no legacy technologies to displace,
developing economies can leapfrog in IoT implementations. Nevertheless, we estimate
that 62percent of the potential annual economic impact of IoT applications in 2025 will
be in advanced economies and that 38percent will be in developing economies. The
higher value in advanced economies reflects higher wage rates and costs, which raise
the economic value of increased efficiency (ExhibitE2). As the values in developingeconomy markets rise, the economic impact associated with IoT also will grow.
The high volume of estimated installations in developing economies reflects the shift of
global economic growth to those areas, which has important implications for companies
that compete in IoT equipment and service markets. China will be one of the largest
users of IoT systems in factories as well as in other settings. Countries with oil and
gas operationsamong the most important early adopters of IoTwill also be major
geographic markets.
See Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity, McKinsey Global Institute, May
2011, and Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information, McKInsey Global
Institute, October 2013.
Executive summary
Exhibit E2
More value from IoT could be created in advanced economies, but the number of deployments
could be higher in the developing world
Users of IoT technologies will capture most of the potential value over time. As
in other technology markets, the end customer ultimately captures the most value, we
find. Eventually, we estimate that customers (such as factory owners using machines
guided by IoT technology, operators of transportation fleets, and consumers) will capture
upwards of 90percent of the value opportunities IoT applications generate. In many
settings, customers will capture value in both direct and indirect ways, such as being
able to buy more efficient machinery that is designed using IoT data from older products
in use. Of the value opportunities created by the Internet of Things that are available to
technology suppliers, in general the largest share will likely go to services and software
and less will likely go to hardware.
The Internet of Things will change the bases of competition and drive new
business models for user and supplier companies. The Internet of Things will
enableand in some cases forcenew business models. For example, with the ability
to monitor machines that are in use at customer sites, makers of industrial equipment
can shift from selling capital goods to selling their products as services. Sensor data
will tell the manufacturer how much the machinery is used, enabling the manufacturer
to charge by usage. Service and maintenance could be bundled into the hourly rate, or
all services could be provided under an annual contract. The service might also include
periodic upgrades (software downloads, for example). Performance from the machinery
can inform the design of new models and help the manufacturer cross-sell additional
products and services. This as-a-service approach can give the supplier a more
intimate tie with customers that competitors would find difficult to disrupt.
For suppliers of IoT technologies, the choice of business model is complex. The
industry is at an early stage, and what constitutes competitive advantage and
successful business models will evolve. As in other technology markets, such as
personal computers and the Internet itself, there could be three phases. In the first,
arms suppliers succeed by providing the building blocks of the infrastructurethe
microprocessor or the operating system in personal computers, for example. In the
second phase, companies build broadly scaled applications, such as online search
on the Internet. In the third phase, companies build adjacent businesses, such as
e-commerce on the Web. At the current stage in the evolution of the IoT industry, the
complexity of IoT systems, the limited capabilities of many customers to implement them,
and the need for interoperability and customization, provide opportunities for hardware,
software, and service providers (installers, systems integrators, and so on) to provide
end-to-end IoT solutions to meet specific needs. Over time, more horizontal platforms
might emerge. For IoT technology suppliers, the bases of competition will likely include
distinctive technology, distinctive data, software platforms, and the ability to provide
complete solutions. At different levels of technology (within the technology stack), we
expect the division of value among players will shift over time, with an increasing share
going to suppliers of software and analytics.
Maximum potential
value of IoT in the
factories setting
Executive summary
Based on a range of IoT adoption rates, economic and demographic trends, and the likely
evolution of technology over the next tenyears, we estimate that the economic impact
of IoT applications could be from $3.9trillion to $11.1trillion per year in 2025. Where the
actual impact falls on that range will depend on a number of factors, including declining
costs of technology and the level of acceptance by consumers and workers. Our estimates
are based on applications that we have sized in nine settings (other applications could
increase the total amount of value created). Of these settings, we estimate that factories are
likely to have the greatest potential impact from IoT useas much as $3.7trillion per year
(ExhibitE3). The next-largest setting in terms of potential impact would be cities, where IoT
applications have the potential for an impact of as much as $1.7trillion per year in 2025.
Exhibit E3
Potential economic impact of IoT in 2025, including consumer surplus, is $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion
Low estimate
Size in 20251
$ billion, adjusted to 2015 dollars
Total = $3.9 trillion11.1 trillion
Major applications
High estimate
Human. Two types of IoT technology applications fall under the human setting. The first
category is health and fitness. The second sethuman productivityinvolves using IoT
technology to improve performance in the workplace.
IoT has potential for transformative change in human health. Using connected devices
to continuously monitor patients as they live their livesparticularly those with chronic
conditions such as diabetesthe Internet of Things can improve patient adherence to
prescribed therapies, avoid hospitalizations (and post-hospitalization complications),
and improve the quality of life for hundreds of millions of patients. This could have an
economic impact of $170billion to $1.6trillion per year in 2025. Use of IoT systems could
enable societal benefits worth more than $500billion per year, based on the improved
health of users and reduced cost of care for patients with chronic diseases.
Human productivity applications include use of augmented-reality devices such as
goggles through which data can be displayed to guide the performance of factory
workers. The goggles would present information such as instructions for physical
tasks, which would appear to float in in the workers field of vision, allowing the worker
to refer to the correct procedures without having to find a computer terminal. Using
IoT data, companies can also redesign jobs and processes for greater efficiency
and effectiveness. And IoT technology can help mobile workers in the field to stay
connected and work more effectively. Together these applications could have an impact
of $150billion to $350billion globally in 2025 (we have included the size of the human
productivity benefits in the settings in which they can be achieved).
Home. A wide range of IoT devices and applications are emerging for use in the home,
including connected thermostats, smart appliances, and self-guided vacuum cleaners.
As these devices evolve, we expect that the greatest economic impact from the Internet
of Things in the home will be in chore automation, which we estimate can cut 100 hours
of labor per year for the typical household. That could be worth nearly $135billion
globally in 2025. The next-largest impact would come from energy management (up to
$110billion per year), followed by security, which would have an impact of more than
$20billion per year, based on injuries and deaths avoided. In total, we estimate that IoT
applications in the home could have an economic impact of $200billion to $350billion
per year in 2025.
Offices. We define offices as the physical environments in which knowledge work is
the primary activity. Key benefits of IoT use in office settings are in security and energy
management. By using digital security cameras with advanced image-processing
capabilities, operators of office buildings can monitor activity throughout their properties
without requiring guards to patrol or continuously monitor video feeds. We estimate that
IoT-based energy management in offices could cut energy use by 20percent. Altogether
office IoT applications could have an economic impact of $70billion to $150billion per
year in 2025.
Factories. This setting is one of the largest sources of value from the adoption of the
Internet of Things, potentially generating an economic impact of $1.2trillion to $3.7trillion
per year. We define factories in the broadest sense to include all standardized production
environments. Therefore, our estimates include the benefits of IoT use in hospitals and in
agricultural settings, as well as in manufacturing facilities. In the factories setting, value
from the Internet of Things would arise chiefly from productivity improvements, including
10 to 20percent energy savings and a 10 to 25percent potential improvement in labor
efficiency. Improvements in equipment maintenance, inventory optimization, and worker
health and safety are also sources of value in factories.
Executive summary
See Urban world: Cities and the rise of the consuming class, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2012.
Exhibit E4
How IoT can improve performance
at mine sites
CONDITION-BASED Through continuous monitoring, determine when maintenance will be needed,
saving on routine maintenance costs and avoiding failures
Real-time tracking of workers and equipment to issue alerts when they move into
areas where injury or exposure to harmful substances could occur
Based on usage data, equipment suppliers can suggest more appropriate models
or cross-sell additional equipment
Executive summary
Drop in the price of
MEMS sensors in
past fiveyears
Organization and talent. IoT combines the physical and digital worlds, challenging
conventional notions of organizational responsibilities. Traditionally, the IT organization
was separate and distinct from the operating organization that is charged with managing
the physical environment. In a retail store, for example, the IT function managed the
point-of-sale machine, but little else. In an IoT world, IT is embedded in physical assets
and inventory and directly affects the business metrics against which the operations are
measured, so these functions will have to be much more closely aligned. Furthermore,
companies not only need access to knowledge about how IoT systems work (on staff or
via a partner/supplier relationship), but they also need the capacity and mindset to use
the Internet of Things to guide data-driven decision making, as well as the ability to adapt
their organizations to new processes and business models.
Public policy. Certain IoT applications cannot proceed without regulatory approval.
The most obvious is self-driving cars. Even though this technology is evolving rapidly
and many auto and technology companies are investing in this area, it remains unclear
where and when self-driving cars will be allowed to operate. In addition, regulators must
establish rules about liability. Policy makers also often have a role to play in shaping
market rules that affect IoT adoption, such as creating appropriate incentives in health
care. Finally, government can play a role in setting rules for data practices regarding
collection, sharing, and use of IoT data.
Executive summary
data are plentiful, the scarce resource is attention. Finding ways to manage this potential
information overload will become increasingly necessary for consumers.
IoT user companies. The adoption of IoT-based systems has the potential to alter
the economics of many industries. Companies will need to decide when and how to
invest in the Internet of Things and will need to develop sufficient knowledge to make
smart investments. When corporate users have the knowledge to specify features, they
can demand interoperability in order to ensure they capture the full potential of these
technologies. Early adopters may have an opportunity to create competitive advantage
(through lower operating costs, the chance to win new customers, and greater asset
utilization, for example), but later adopters may be able to gain those benefits at a lower
cost. As IoT applications proliferate, investing in IoT is likely to become table stakes to
remain competitive. Ultimately, it may be the customers of companies that operate IoT
systems that capture the most value in the form of lower prices, higher quality, better
features, and improved service. Companies that use IoT in novel ways to develop new
business models or discover ways to monetize unique IoT data are likely to enjoy more
sustainable benefits.
Technology suppliers. The Internet of Things is a major opportunity for incumbent
technology suppliers as well as for emerging players. The market for IoT components
and systems grew 160percent in 2013 and 2014, and could exceed 30percent a year
through 2025. As in other technology markets, IoT markets will have a variety of players
and strategies. Some suppliers will compete by offering distinctive technology, while
others will have distinctive data. There are also companies that establish technology
platforms and those that specialize in offering comprehensive (end-to-end)
solutions. The opportunities to assume these roles vary by type of player. There will be
opportunities to create new business models, such as providing IoT-enabled machinery
as a service. There will be rising demand for vertical expertise to help companies
in specific industries incorporate IoT technology into their production and business
processes. Finally, technology suppliers will need to collaborate on standards, protocols,
and platforms to enable the interoperability that is essential for maximizing IoT benefits.
Policy makers. Policy makers will be called upon to create the regulatory framework
to enable some IoT developments such as autonomous vehicles. In addition, for IoT
applications to reach their full potential, issues in three areasdata privacy and usage,
security, and interoperabilitymust be resolved. In each of these areas, government
can play a role. The explosion of data about what companies and consumers are doing
that IoT systems will generate raises important concerns about privacy and the ways
in which data are used. Who has access and control over data will become a major
issue since many forms of data collectionlicense plate scanners to catch speeders,
for examplemight not require consent. Governments can help to make choices about
data collection, access, and usage, especially for data that are generated in public
spaces. Policy makers can also help address security issues, by creating frameworks
for liability, for example. In addition, IoT applications could create national security risks
that have to be managed, given the nature of the data, the risks of IoT-controlled physical
assets, and the proliferation of access points for hackers to target. Finally, government
can play a role in developing standards that will enable interoperability of IoT devices
and systemssometimes as a regulator, but also as a convener of stakeholders and a
purchaser of systems.
The digitization of machines, vehicles, and other elements of the physical world is a
powerful idea. Even at this early stage, the Internet of Things is starting to have real impact.
The Internet of Things is changing how goods are made and distributed, how products
are serviced and refined, and how doctors and patients manage health and wellness. By
examining the proliferating uses of the Internet of Things in specific settings, we have been
able to estimate the magnitude of potential economic impact from IoT applications over
the next tenyears. Capturing that potential will require innovation in IoT technologies and
business models, and investment in new capabilities and talent. With policy actions to
encourage interoperability, ensure security, and protect privacy and property rights, the
Internet of Things can begin to reach its full potential.
Executive summary
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The ability to link the physical world to the Internet and other data networks has profound
implications for society and the economy. This Internet of Things makes it possible to
monitor and manage operations thousands of miles away, track goods as they cross the
ocean, or detect changes in the blood pressure of a diabetic that might be a sign of a
heart attack. More than the next evolution of information technology, the Internet of Things
redefines how we engage with the physical world and makes possible computer-mediated
ways of doing business, managing public infrastructure, and organizing peoples lives that
were not previously possible (see Box1, Defining the Internet of Things). The full extent of
the changes this capability will bring about is impossible to gauge.
Cisco has estimated 50billion connected devices, but this includes a broader range of equipment, including
computers, than we include in the Internet of Things. See Joseph Bradley, Joel Barbier, and Doug Handler,
Embracing the Internet of Everything to capture your share of $14.4trillion, Cisco, 2013; Brian Merchant,
With a trillion sensors, the Internet of Things would be the biggest business in the history of electronics,, October 2013.
What we would recognize as the Internet of Things from our definition has been evolving
for two decades. Consumer goods manufacturers and retailers have long used RFID tags
on shipping pallets to manage inventory, for example. Today we are entering a critical
stage in IoT evolution. A number of significant technology changes have come together to
enable the rise of IoT. The prices of IoT hardware are dropping, putting sensors, processing
power, network bandwidth, and cloud storage within reach of more users and making a
wider range of IoT applications practical. There is also progress toward ubiquitous wireless
coverage at a low cost, an essential enabler for widespread adoption. IoT applications also
benefit from advances in big data and advanced analytics capabilities. While additional cost
improvements and continuing advances in technology are needed to achieve the maximum
economic impact that we estimate for 2025, advances to date have accelerated adoption.
We also observe the emergence of an Internet of Things ecosystem, another enabler of
adoption. This includes vendors that specialize in IoT hardware and software, systems
integrators, and a growing community of commercial and consumer IoT users.7 The actions
of policy makers can advance or retard the evolution of the Internet of Things from this
point. As we will discuss in Chapter 4, the potential economic impact that we estimate for
IoT applications in 2025 depends on measures to make IoT data secure, protect personal
privacy and intellectual property, and encourage interoperability among IoT devices and
systems. Particularly in developing economies, low-cost data infrastructure is needed.
Government agencies, working with technology providers, businesses, and consumers,
can also participate in many of these efforts.
Finally, applying IoT technologies to human activities is already showing potential for massive
change in peoples lives. From giving people with chronic diseases new tools to manage
their conditions to increasing fitness to avoid disease, the Internet of Things is beginning to
demonstrate its potential to improve human health. Across the uses of IoT technology that
we document in this report, people are the major beneficiariesreducing their commuting
times, offloading domestic chores to machines, saving money on energy, getting greater
value from retail offers and in consumer products designed with IoT data, and enjoying life in
safer homes and cities.
There are also nascent industry groups such as the Industrial Internet Consortium, whose mission includes
defining reference architectures to enable interoperability.
1. Introduction
We have defined nine settings that capture IoT use in places such as homes, offices,
factories, worksites (mining, oil and gas, and construction), and cities (Exhibit1). We account
for health and fitness uses (monitoring chronic disease or exercise, for example) under the
human setting (for devices that attach to the body). We size the potential improvements in
human productivity afforded by IoT technologies in the various settings where people work.
Exhibit 1
A settings lens helps capture all sources of value; we identify nine settings where IoT creates value
Devices attached to or
inside the human body
Spaces where
consumers engage in
Spaces where
knowledge workers
Custom production
Vehicles including cars, trucks, ships, aircraft, and trains; conditionbased maintenance, usage-based design, pre-sales analytics
Urban environments
Between urban
environments (and
outside other settings)
To estimate potential economic impact in 2025, we extrapolate from current and emerging
uses and estimate adoption rates, growth in relevant industries, and relevant demographic
changes. We find, for example, that in the factories setting, 43percent of the value in
2025 would come from developing economies. This is largely due to the fast growth of the
manufacturing sector in these countries, which balances against lower levels of adoption.
For each estimate of potential economic impact, we offer a range of possible results; the
range is defined by factors such as penetration rates and sector growth rates.
We also identify the required enablersthe conditions that must be in place for maximum
economic impactas well as the barriers to adoption in each setting. Enablers and barriers
vary by setting, but there are also common enablers and barriers, such as the need for
lower-cost components and low-power, low-cost data connectivity. We discuss these
common enablers and barriers in detail in Chapter 4.
It should also be noted what our research and sizing do not cover (see Box2, Notes on
sizing). While we believe that our settings approach captures a broad view of the actual
economic impact that IoT technology applications could have a decade from now, these
estimates are not market or GDP predictions. We have looked at total economic benefit
to society, using a range of potential benefits based on factors that we can observe today
and from which we can extrapolate, such as rates of urbanization in developing economies
or growth rates of specific industry sectors. However, estimates have not been adjusted
for probability or subjected to risk analysis. They represent the estimated impact for all
participants in the value chain in more than 100 unique applications in nine settings. The
estimates here go beyond the pure GDP impact of IoT applications in 2025 and include
various forms of consumer surplus, which are not measured by GDP.
This is not an exhaustive set of possibilities that may exist over the next tenyears, but
our use cases represent the major sources of IoT value. There are also several examples
that we identified but did not include in our sizing, such as using IoT sensors to track the
whereabouts of the elderly and children, and improved performance in hunting and fishing.
Therefore, this report should be seen as a directional effort, incorporating relative sizing and
a significant collection of use cases. However, it should not be seen as an exhaustive review
of all things possible within the domain of the Internet of Things.
1. Introduction
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We have generated broad findings about trends in the evolution of the Internet of Things,
based on our bottom-up approach and data about discrete Internet of Things applications in
specific settings. These findings include perspectives on the importance of interoperability
of IoT systems and how the benefits of IoT technologies will be distributed geographically
and among producers of IoT technology and users. Among our key findings:
Interoperability is critical to maximizing the value of the Internet of Things. On average,
40percent of the total value that can be unlocked requires different IoT systems to
work together.
Most IoT data collected today are not used, and the data that are used are not fully
exploited. A critical challenge is to use the flood of big data generated by IoT devices for
prediction and optimization.
Comparable amounts of value can be unlocked by IoT in advanced and developing
economies. Over the next tenyears, more value can be captured in advanced
economies than in developing ones, although the volume of IoT deployments could be
higher in developing economies.
Even though consumer applications such as fitness devices garner the most attention,
B2B applications offer far more potential economic impact than purely consumer
applications. And even more value can be created when consumer devices are
connected to B2B systems.
As in other technology markets, customers are likely to capture the most value (upward
of 90percent or more in IoT applications over time, we estimate). The remaining value will
be divided among various players providing both broad-based technology and detailed
knowledge of vertical markets.
The Internet of Things will give rise to new business models and bases of competition,
both for the companies that use IoT systems and for those that supply IoT technology.
In this chapter we describe findings synthesized from our research into IoT applications in
various settings and industries.
Share of value
by interoperability
Each system is defined as sensors and/or actuators connected by networks to computing capabilities that
enable a single IoT application.
example, there can be 30,000 sensors on an offshore oil rig. Much of the data collected by
these sensors today is used to monitor discrete machines or systems. Individual equipment
manufacturers collect performance data from their own machines and the data can be
used to schedule maintenance. Interoperability would significantly improve performance by
combining sensor data from different machines and systems to provide decision makers
with an integrated view of performance across an entire factory or oil rig. Our research
shows that more than half of the potential issues that can be identified by predictive
analysis in such environments require data from multiple IoT systems. Oil and gas experts
interviewed for this research estimate that interoperability could improve the effectiveness of
equipment maintenance in their industry by 100 to 200percent.
Exhibit 2
Nearly 40 percent of economic impact requires interoperability between IoT systems
impact of IoT1
% of total
Examples of how
interoperability enhances value
$11.1 trillion
Work sites
The effort required to capture the added benefits available from interoperability is not trivial.
It requires integration across multiple systems and vendors, sometimes across different
industries. Consider, for example, what would be needed to maximize the benefits of IoT
applications to optimize traffic flow in the cities setting. A centralized traffic-control system
would need to analyze not only the data from thousands of sensors and traffic cameras on
2. Findings
roads, but also feeds from tens of thousands of cars, thousands of parking meters, and
hundreds of buses. Such a system would also need to take into account non-traffic data,
such as weather reports. Aggregating and analyzing the data in a timely wayto reverse
lanes on a highway to relieve congestion, for instancerequires smooth interaction among
all the systems.
In general, digital systems can be made interoperable in two broad waysby creating widely
accepted interface standards to provide a common language for different systems on a data
network or through use of translation or aggregation systems (for example, middleware that
lies between an operating system and applications).9 While traditional Internet protocols
have been widely adopted, the development and adoption of IoT standards is still in its
early stages.
Most IoT data collected are not used, and the data that are used are not
fully exploited
The potential value that we describe in Chapter 3 from IoT applications arises from how
the data are analyzed and applied to decision making, improving operations, and enabling
new lines of business. However, in most of the applications we evaluated, the data being
generated are used in very limited ways. In one oil platform application we studied, less than
1percent of the data being gathered were used, largely because most of the data were
never transferred from the rig (Exhibit3). IoT should be a key source of big data that can be
analyzed to capture value, and open data, which can be used by more than one entity.10
Exhibit 3
99 percent of data collected from 30,000 sensors on an oil rig was lost before reaching
operational decision makers
~30,000 sensors
gathering data
Data capture
People and
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers defines standards as published documents that establish
specifications and procedures designed to ensure the reliability of the materials, products, methods, and/or
services people use every day.
See Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity, McKinsey Global Institute,
May 2011, and Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information, McKinsey Global
Institute, October 2013.
Where IoT data are being used, they are often used only for anomaly detection or real-time
control, rather than for optimization or prediction, which we know from our study of big data
is where much additional value can be derived. For example, in manufacturing, an increasing
number of machines are wired, but this instrumentation is used primarily to control the
tools or to send alarms when it detects something out of tolerance. The data from these
tools are often not analyzed (or even collected in a place where they could be analyzed),
even though the data could be used to optimize processes and head off disruptions.
The inability to capture and use relevant data from multiple streams generated by different
IoT systems is the result of several organizational, technical, and commercial barriers.
In some cases, a lack of understanding of the potential to use data has led to a failure to
invest in deploying IoT-enabled solutions. But there are also technical challenges, including
finding efficient ways to transmit and store data. The most fundamental challenges are in
data transmission and storage. Many IoT applications are deployed on remote or mobile
equipment. Real-time transfer of all the data being generated by the sensors on aircraft
engines would require more bandwidth than is currently deployed. If data can be collected
and stored, the next obstacle is aggregating it in a format that can be used for analysis.
Limited standardization of data means that substantial systems integration work is needed
to combine data from multiple sources. This challenge is accentuated by connectivity
and storage challenges. Issues of data ownership within and across organizations can
complicate aggregation. Owners of data from one system might not find it in their own
commercial interest to have their data combined with data from other systems.
Once data are aggregated, then comes the biggest challenge of all: analyzing the data to
derive actionable information. Data being generated require sophisticated (often custom)
programming and expertise in both data analysis and the machinery and processes that
the sensors are monitoring. For example, the data from sensors in a water system pumping
station could be used simply to trigger an alarm when a pump is overheating and about to
fail. But to get larger benefits, the water company would want to use IoT data for conditionbased maintenancedetermining long before the pump begins to overheat that it is in
danger of failing so that it can be repaired or replaced. Implementing condition-based
maintenance is a far more complicated problem and might involve data from dozens of
sensors and unique algorithms to interpret subtle changes in data from various sensors. In
the pump example, the system may determine that traces of a certain chemical in the water
picked up by a downstream sensor are an indication of a leaking seal on a pump. Data from
additional sensors would then be needed to pinpoint which pump is in danger of failing.
To make IoT data actionable in applications where human judgment is required takes
technical skills and an organization that is prepared to embrace data-driven decision
making. The technical challenge is to build visualizations and user interfaces that
synthesize large amounts of data into formats that can be easily understood by human
decision makers. For example, in health care, a dashboard that simply shows a physician
a patients heart rhythm could be convenient, but a system that can put together a variety
of personalized data and determine that the patients condition is deteriorating before that
danger shows up in an electrocardiogram could be a life saver. To harness the potential
power of such a system, organizations will need to adapt. Teams performing analysis must
be linked with teams making operational decisions and with those on the ground that are
responsible for implementation.
2. Findings
Share of increased
productivity value
from IOT likely to
be captured in
Exhibit 4
More value from IoT could be created in advanced economies, but the number of deployments
could be higher in the developing world
2. Findings
B2B applications of IoT have greater economic potential than B2C applications
While consumer uses of IoT technology have garnered a great deal of media attention,
thanks to the popularity of fitness monitors and the prospect of self-driving cars, we find
that the greatest source of potential value from IoT usage will be in business-to-business
applications. In fact, in many instances, such as in worksite settings (mining, oil and gas, and
construction), there is no direct impact for consumers. The large potential impact of IoT in
B2B settings not only points to opportunities for technology suppliers, but it also suggests
how much IoT is likely to affect competition and require new business models in B2B
industries. Across the IoT applications that we size, we estimate that more than two-thirds of
the value created will be in B2B situations.
Exhibit 5
More than two-thirds of potential IoT value associated with B2B applications
% of total IoT value potential by setting and different definitions of B2B
Business buys
IoT system
Business is user
of IoT system
Overall % B2B
Business owns
the setting
2. Findings
Users of IoT technologies will capture most of the potential value over time
As the Internet has evolved, value has consistently flowed to users, often in the form of
consumer surplus, such as better products and services, and greater convenience.11 The
Internet of Things is likely to follow the same pattern. We estimate that userscompanies
that install IoT systems to improve operating efficiency as well as consumerscould
capture as much as 90percent of the value created by IoT applications in 2025. This still
leaves a significant amount of valueupward of $1.75trillion per yearto be shared by
the companies that build IoT technology or provide services such as system design and
installation. Within the supplier ecosystem, we expect that software and services suppliers
will capture the greatest share of value over time as costs of hardware and overall systems
decline. In 2025, software and services could account for 60 to 85percent of IoT supplier
revenue (Exhibit6).
Internet matters: The Net's sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity, McKinsey Global Insitute,
May 2011.
Exhibit 6
Users currently capture ~85 to 90 percent of value;
software and services account for ~60 to 85 percent of IoT technology spending
Potential economic benefit per year
$ trillion
Consumer surplus
Customer value
Technology spending
Physical setup
General contracting/
project management
Business apps
Packaged software
Device cloud
Analytics tools
Other hardware
Potential % of
value spent on
IoT technology1
2. Findings
IoT will change the bases of competition and drive new business models for
user and supplier companies
We find that the Internet of Things will enableand in some cases forcenew business
models for companies that use IoT systems in their operations, while creating new lines of
business for technology companies. For example, companies that use the Internet of Things
to improve their operations may find that the IoT data they gather can be used to create new
businesses. Or a retailer might be able to create a new revenue stream by selling advertising
based on data about customer location data within the store.
The Internet of Things provides many opportunities for equipment suppliers. With the
ability to monitor machines while in use by customers, makers of industrial equipment can
shift from selling products to providing products as services. For example, using sensors,
the manufacturer can tell how much time the machinery is used at the customers factory
and charge the customer for the use of the machine by the hour. Using the connection,
the equipment maker can push updates and software upgrades to the customer. And the
performance data that the supplier generates can inform the design of new models and
new products.
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2. Findings
Exhibit 7
Potential economic impact of IoT in 2025, including consumer surplus, is $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion
Low estimate
Size in 20251
$ billion, adjusted to 2015 dollars
Total = $3.9 trillion11.1 trillion
Major applications
High estimate
Potential annual
value of IoT from
monitoring and
treating patients
with chronic
We focus here on IoT applications in the context of the human body as the setting in which
IoT systems are deployed. These applications fall into two broad categories: improving
health and raising productivity. Unlike other IoT applications, where a reading from a sensor
might initiate a specific actionturning off a valve, for examplein the human setting,
sensor data provide information that people will use to guide their actions and decisions.
The adoption of IoT applications in health and fitness is well under way. Based on current
usage and likely growth rates, we project that the economic impact of IoT in human health
and wellness could be $170billion to nearly $1.6trillion globally in 2025. The largest source
of value would be using IoT devices to monitor and treat illness ($170billion to $1.1trillion
per year). Value would arise from improving quality of life and extending healthy life spans for
patients with chronic illnesses, and reducing cost of treatment. The second-largest source
of value for humans would be improved wellnessusing data generated by fitness bands or
other wearables to track and modify diet and exercise routines.
value of up to $520billion per year globally. About 75percent of this impact would be in
advanced economies, where the costs associated with treating these conditions are higher
and the potential economic benefits of extended and improved quality of life are greatest.
Exhibit 8
Human health: Potential direct economic impact of $170 billion to $1.6 trillion per year by 2025
Monitoring and
treating illness
Potential value
Up to 20%
reduction in
disease burden
$80600 per
year in wellness
benefits per user
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Maribel Salas et al., Costs of medication nonadherence in patients with diabetes mellitus: A systematic
review and critical analysis of the literature, Value in Health, volume 12, number 6, November 2009.
In the developing world, the highest-priority health-care challenges are different than in
advanced economies. Often, the greatest needs are improving capacity and reach of
health-care systems. Therefore IoT monitoring technology can create the most value by
bringing care to underserved areas. In most developing economies, there are too few
physicians, caregivers, hospitals, and clinics to serve the population. Health-care capacity
in rural areas can be severely limited. The remote diagnostic capabilities that IoT technology
makes possible can maximize existing capacity and extend care to remote areas where
there are few doctors or hospitals (see Box4, Using IoT technologies to bring better health
care to remote and underserved areas). While some of these telemedicine technologies
already exist, adoption has remained limited because of high costs, systems that are not
easy enough to use, and business models that inhibit innovation. But as these barriers
are overcome, the ability of IoT systems to expand the capacity of health-care systems in
developing economies should improve.
Today, in advanced economies, IoT technology is being used to monitor patients with
chronic conditions such as diabetes, COPD, and heart disease. Patients with these
conditions who are considered to be high risk can be provided with equipment such as
scales, blood glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, and spirometers (which
measure lung ventilation) that can communicate readings automatically to a health-care
provider or health-care facility. The most advanced versions collect data and provide
feedback in real time. Benefits include better patient compliance, early detection of changes
Box3. How IoT monitoring could help a patient with chronic heart failure
avoid complications
Today: Imagine a patient who lives in the United Kingdom. He is middle-aged and slightly
overweight, and he suffers from chronic heart failure, as well as high blood pressure and
type 2 diabetes. He is being treated with a diuretic, ACE inhibitor, and beta blocker. He
also tries to follow his doctors diet and exercise recommendations, and his family tries
to support his efforts. Over the holidays, he relaxes his restrictions during family meals
and social gatherings. He feels a little more bloated but doesnt think much of it. Several
weeks before his next scheduled checkup, he collapses with acute chronic heart failure
exacerbation. He is hospitalized for 12 days at a cost of 3,000 ($4,500), paid by the
National Health Service, and then requires a short rehab stay.
In the IoT-enabled future: The patient has four IoT devices, together costing less than
$300: a connected weight scale, a blood pressure cuff, a smart pillbox, and a wristband
that tracks his heart rate and blood oxygen level. These devices quickly detect a change
in his condition: he is getting fatigued more quickly during his daily walks, and he has been
missing some of his medication over the holidays. Importantly, the scale also picks up that
he has put on 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) in only a few daysa sign of increased fluid retention
that should prompt an immediate call to his physician and perhaps an increased dosage
of his diuretic. His doctor receives an alert with all this information and calls the patient to
schedule an immediate appointment. He reminds the patient how important it is not to
skip the diuretic. In a visit the following week, the doctor sees that the patients weight has
dropped and he is able to breathe easily during normal activities. The doctor reminds the
patient that he needs to follow a careful diet and take his medications faithfully, even during
holidays. The patient also receives in-office education about the warning signs of increased
weight and how a rapid response can avoid an acute incident, a trip to the emergency room,
or a hospital stay.
Box4. Using IoT technologies to bring better health care to remote and
underserved areas
In advanced economies, some of the greatest benefits of IoT in health care would result from
Patient Provider Telehealth Network: Using telehealth to improve chronic disease management, US
of chronic
developing economies, the greatest benefits of
of Health and
Human Services,
IoT applications could be in expanding delivery of health-care services to the underserved.
With IoT-based services, it can become possible to diagnose hypertension in rural China
or help diabetics in India avoid complications. These are examples of the services that
overtaxed health-care systems in developing economies are challenged to provide today:
Hypertension in rural China. The incidence of so-called lifestyle diseases such as
hypertension is rising in developing economies as people live longer and adopt less
healthy lifestyles. A hypertensive patient with limited resources living in rural China might go
undiagnosed until the disease results in a heart attack, stroke, or other serious complication.
With the spread of Internet connectivity and access to low-cost IoT medical devices, this
rural patient could go to a pop-up medical clinic to have his blood pressure, blood glucose,
and other readings taken by a health worker, who would use a tablet or smartphone to
receive instructions on how to administer the tests and to relay data to a physician. A medical
team at a hospital in a major city several hundred kilometers away could review the results
and schedule a consultation by smartphone or using a video chat service. The physician
would then be able to supervise additional tests during the consultation; upon confirming a
diagnosis of hypertension, the physician could prescribe a generic beta blocker.
Diabetes in India. Diabetes is another lifestyle disease that is growing rapidly in developing
economies such as India. Even in cities with large medical facilities, many patients have
limited access to physicians. A diabetic might get only five minutes with a doctor during a
regular checkupnot enough time to go over all the complex issues faced by patients living
with diabetes. With IoT monitoring, patients can be tracked between visits. A patient whose
condition is stable might be scheduled for a telephone call with a physician assistant, freeing
up time for the physician to see patients who need care. This system not only prioritizes
patients who need immediate attention, but also allows health workers to monitor all patients
and determine when their treatment should change.
McKinsey Global Institute
It should be noted that our estimates are of gross savings and do not account for the cost
of purchasing remote health technology or delivering IoT-based services. The current costs
for using remote systems to help treat diabetics can be as high as $1,200 a year, which
limits their cost-effectiveness. The treatments can still be justified for acute patients based
on increased length and quality of life. Before large-scale adoption is practical, though, the
costs of devices and services will need to fall. As technology evolves, IoT monitoring need
not be restricted to acute patients (those suffering from severe complications or requiring
substantial medical care, such as end-stage chronic heart disease patients) but could be
deployed among much broader patient populations. More effective solutions to drive patient
adherence will increase the value of treatments.
We find that these disease monitoring technologies also have value for the clinical trials
process. By tracking patient behaviors and outcomes more closely, IoT applications
can reduce costs and increase success rates. We conservatively estimate that remote
monitoring can reduce spending on clinical trials by 10 to 15percent, and recent case
studies have found savings could be as high as 85percent. Given global spending on
clinical trials of close to $190billion per year, we estimate that remote health monitoring
could generate up to $35billion in value in 2025 through reduced trial costs.
While DALYs represent the burden of disease (disability-adjusted life years lost), QALYs represent the
improved outcomes (quality-adjusted life years gained) from a treatment. In this case, we estimate the QALY
of remote health monitoring by taking a percentage of the DALY. If the DALY for a disease is tenyears, a
10percent reduction would result in the gain of one QALY.
Exhibit 9
Quality-of-life impact is estimated using DALY and assumptions of impact by disease
Substantial benefit
Moderate benefit
DALY Treatment
Million compliance
Limited benefit
Early detection
of complications management
Heart disease
Sense organ
Other chronic
Disease-dependent (e.g.,
mobility/flexibility for arthritis)
Exhibit 10
Overall impact based on DALY loss reduction will be greater in advanced economies,
but developing economies could see significant benefits from remote diagnostics
% improvement
DALY reduction
Adoption rates
Sense organ
Other chronic
Limited adoption expected in
developing economies
Heart disease
Improving wellness
Wearable technology has become a trendy consumer item in advanced economies. In
the United States, an estimated 31million wrist monitors and other wearable devices that
track physical activity were sold in 2014, and the market is estimated to be growing by
more than 60percent per year.17 We estimate that use of fitness monitors can provide value
approaching $600billion per year in 2025 by improving the health of workers, including by
helping them sleep better and thereby raising their productivity (Exhibit11).
Exhibit 11
Wellness benefits could be worth nearly $600 billion per year in 2025
Million users
Advanced economies
Developing economies
$ per person
Fitness benefits
Sleep benefits
$ billion
1 Impact estimated by converting GDP per capita from advanced to developing.
SOURCE: eMarketer; IHS; Euromonitor; WSJ, PD801224; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Fitness trackers range from simple pedometers that calculate the distance a runner covers
during a morning jog to more advanced devices that measure indicators such as heart rate,
skin temperature, and sleep. For the most part, advice based on data collected remains
limitedsuch as the notification that the wearer has not logged the recommended 10,000
steps per day.
As wearables technology evolves, it is likely to broaden in scope and impact. Beyond simply
measuring activity, inexpensive wearables could measure a broad range of indicators
(for example, blood oxygen, perspiration, blood glucose, and calories consumed). Apps
that offer advice based on user data could also expand to include recommendations
for workouts (suggesting specific exercises) and diet tips based on measured food
consumption.18 Connected clothing (running shoes, for example) could track each step a
jogger takes and recommend ways to improve stride in real time. A smart watch might track
a golfers swing and offer tips to correct a slice.
In sizing wellness applications, we conservatively focused on two benefits: the improved
health associated with greater fitness and the productivity benefits resulting from better
sleep. Research indicates that regular exercise (75 to 150 minutes per week of moderateintensity exercise such as brisk walking) can increase life expectancy by 1.8 to 3.4years.19
Consumer Electronics Association, Record-breaking year ahead: CEA reports industry revenues to reach
all-time high of $223.2billion in 2015, press release, January 6, 2015.
Eric Sofge, Googles A.I. is training itself to count calories in food photos, Popular Science, May 29, 2015.
Erin ODonnell, Cheating the reaper, Harvard Magazine, MarchApril 2013.
While these results have been shown in certain studies, such success rates have not been
broadly achieved. In order to capture the impact that we estimate, additional motivators
such as social and economic incentives will likely be needed to help drive changes
in behavior.
Inadequate sleep exacts a large toll on the economy. According to researchers, one-third
of American workers do not get adequate sleep, and their lower performance translates
into an estimated $63billion per year in lost productivity.20 Additional research indicates
that improving sleep habits can increase performance by more than 9percent.21 The ability
of wearables to track sleep habits is improving, but it is not clear to what degree tracking
sleep can improve sleep habits. We assume benefits similar to those from fitness uses
(an improvement of up to 15percent), but achieving these results will require additional
motivators. Employer incentives are one possibility.
Lauren Weber, Go ahead, hit the snooze button, The Wall Street Journal, January 23, 2013.
Tony Schwartz, Relax! Youll be more productive, The New York Times, February 9, 2013.
Augmented-reality devices can also provide audio information and tactile feedback.
Rob Matheson, Moneyball for business, MIT News, November 14, 2014.
Managing performance
IoT technologies can help companies monitor activities of their mobile employees more
closely and use the information collected for performance management. For example,
using GPS tracking, utility companies could more accurately monitor the performance
of installation and repair personnel. This practice could raise privacy concerns and might
face resistance, which could slow adoption. However, if implemented, such systems could
be used to manage the performance of field staff more effectively, which could lead to
productivity improvements of 10 to 20percent.24
Health and safety
In dangerous work environments, IoT sensors can prevent accidents and injury by sounding
an alarm or shutting off machinery when a worker approaches danger. Sensors can also
protect worker health by tracking exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation. In some
cases, sensors might be able to identify injuries as they happenfor example, detecting a
possible back sprain in a worker who is moving slowly after lifting a heavy object incorrectly.
By providing employers greater visibility into the safety of work environments, they
substantially reduce illness, injury, and death.
Enablers and barriers
For IoT applications to deliver their full potential impact in the human setting over the next
tenyears, particularly in health and wellness, advancements in technology and changes in
the health-care industry will be required. First, for IoT to be cost-effective and be adopted
broadly around the world, the cost of sensors and other components will need to continue
to decline. The price of sensors such as accelerometers, pressure sensors, and gyroscopes
used in devices such as smartphones has fallen 9percent a year on average in recent
years, but further reductions are needed.25 Falling costs will also enable emerging uses for
IoT technology that we have not sized, such as smart bandages, whose built-in sensors
can alert patients and caregivers when a wound or surgical incision is not healing properly.
In developing economies, maximum benefits from IoT will depend not only on falling
costs, but also on investments in communications infrastructure to bring connectivity to
underserved areas.
The success of IoT in health care also depends on further refinements and expanding use
of predictive analyticsto provide an early warning about a potential harmful event for a
patient, for example. Use of predictive analytics across health care has been limited to
date. Sophisticated algorithms are needed for the applications we describe above, such as
determining whether subtle changes in data indicate an emergent medical issue.
Perhaps more challenging than the technical issues are the structural changes necessary
to create incentives for behavior changes among health-care payors, providers, and
patients. For example, the predominant mode of compensation for US physicians and
other health-care providers today is based on the volume of care they provide, which does
not necessarily encourage efficient spending. However, compensation models that pay
for wellness and quality of care could create incentives for providers to use IoT to provide
high-quality care while simultaneously managing costs. For example, a shift to payment
regimes in which providers are paid for a course of treatment for a particular condition,
rather than for every examination and procedure, would also provide an incentive to use IoT
technology to improve patient adherence and reduce the need for additional procedures
or hospitalizations.
To accelerate IoT adoption, the parties paying for IoT devices and services must also benefit
from them. In trials so far, the cost-effectiveness of remote health systems has been mixed.
Lower-cost systems and experimentation to demonstrate cost-effectiveness are needed for
insurance companies and public health systems to justify paying for IoT devices.26
Patient acceptance of the technology is also required. Health care remains a high-touch
service, in which patients expect to interact with doctors and other caregivers and not with
technology. Encouraging patients to accept and adopt IoT technologies will require usercentered design and could potentially require some incentives for use.
Furthermore, the success of IoT in improving human wellness requires people to change
their behaviors. In the benefits we quantify, there is a strong assumption that technology
will be capable of helping patients live healthier lifestyles and follow prescribed treatments
more closely. Achieving these behavioral changes will require innovations in financial models
(for example, insurance companies paying patients to exercise regularly) and psycho-social
models (using relationships and behavioral psychology to encourage patients to change
their habits).
Another set of issues arises in the implementation of IoT systems to enhance productivity
in factories, offices, and other work settings. There are technical issues, such as reducing
sensors to the size of employee ID badges and extending battery life to enable more data
gathering. More important, adoption will require organizational changes and employee
acceptance. User-centered design and the miniaturization of sensors could make IoT
devices less intrusive, which could enhance employee acceptance.
More so than with traditional IT systems, implementing the Internet of Things raises privacy
concerns among workers. Implementation can be more successful if there are clear and
transparent benefits for workers as well as institutional trust in employers. Employees might
be willing to trade off some of their privacy if they can acquire new skills and find ways to
perform their jobs better. To take advantage of the capabilities that augmented-reality
goggles or sensors could provide in the workplace, companies will likely have to revamp
business processes.
Catherine Henderson et al., Cost effectiveness of telehealth for patients with long term conditions (Whole
Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): Nested economic evaluation in a pragmatic, cluster
randomised controlled trial, The BMJ, volume 346, issue 7902, March 2013.
Gavin van Marle, How augmented reality eyewear can give you a smarter view of the future of logistics, The
Loadstar, November 26, 2014.
Estimated value of
time spent annually
on domestic
chores in 2025
In the home setting, we assess the impact of Internet of Things applications relating to the
operation of homes, such as energy management, security, and automation of domestic
chores. We do not include human health and fitness applications (wearable fitness
monitors), even though they are commonly used in the home. Those uses are covered in the
human setting.
We estimate that IoT applications in the home could have an economic impact of as
much as $350billion per year. The potential economic impact in the home setting is less
than in settings such as factories, but it could change how consumers interact with their
surroundings and spend their time at home.
By far the largest opportunity in the home setting is in automating domestic chores. This
work is not counted in national productivity data, but has an enormous impact on how
people spend time and money. In the United States alone, household activities (cleaning,
washing, preparing food, gardening, caring for pets, and so on) and purchasing home
goods and services require 230billion labor hours per year. Globally we estimate the value
of time spent on domestic chores will be more than $23trillion in 2025. We also estimate
that devices such as self-guided vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers can cut the time
required for household activities by 17percent (see Box6, The home of the [near] future).
Exhibit12 shows various potential IoT applications in the home.
the whole house. Its camera had detected dust and cat
hair on the floor and, checking with the security and
temperature-control systems, confirmed that nobody was
home so family members would not be disturbed. Finally,
the dad sees a notification from the refrigerator, which
informs him that the family is running low on milk and that
the lettuce is now four days old. The smart fridge app
creates a shopping list and even suggests stores on the
route home.
An hour later, the man arrives home and drops the
groceries in the kitchen, changes, and jumps in the
backyard pool. When the kids arrive, he leaves them
alone in the pool, confident that the surveillance camera
and sensors in the pool will alert him at the first sign of
trouble. Inside, he asks the smart fridge for an inventory
of ingredients for a cool summer salad. He begins to
prepare dinner with the assistance of a robot. The robot
helps to wash and slice the greens, shortening prep time.
When the mans wife walks in from a long day at her job,
he suggests they have a glass of wine. Based on the salad
ingredients, the smart wine refrigerator recommends a
sauvignon blanc.
Exhibit 12
Various IoT applications in homes
Thermostat and multiple sensors
learn about users behavior and
allow remote control
Usage patterns are collected
and analyzed to design the
next generation of products
Autonomous home
appliances and devices
learn about users behavior
and identify best time to
perform tasks autonomously
Better understanding of
users enables cross-selling
Adoption of IoT-based home automation and management systems will depend on the
development of affordable and easy-to-use devices and systems. Consumers will also need
to be convinced that these systems actually save time and effort. Interoperability will likely be
very important for widespread adoption, so consumers can easily manage multiple devices.
Exhibit 13
Home: Potential economic impact of $200 billion to $350 billion per year in 2025
Safety and
analytics for
home appliances
7% improvement in supplier
gross margin
2% improvement in supplier
gross margin
1 Ranges of values adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Chore automation
Household chores today take up the equivalent of an estimated $11trillion a year in
consumer time, a figure expected to reach about $23trillion in 2025.28 We estimate that
smart appliances that can operate independently to complete tasks such as vacuuming
floors and chopping food can reduce that workload by 17percent. With sensors, computing
power, and Internet connections, home appliances can do more than offload work from
humans; some may even be able to predict what the homeowner needs. Smart home
appliances could gather data about daily usage patterns and, with additional data and
analytics on the Internet, determine the households preferences and begin scheduling their
own work routinesmowing the lawn every Saturday morning, for example. Household
US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Satistics, American time use survey, September 30,
2014; Euromonitor.
chores that can be automated with the use of IoT technologies include housework (cleaning,
laundering), food preparation and cleanup, and lawn and garden care. Based on the
17percent time savings estimate, that could be worth $135billion to $200billion per year
globally in 2025. On the basis of consumer surveys, we estimate that 7 to 9percent of
households in advanced economies could adopt some IoT-enabled chore-automation
devices by 2025 and that adoption in developing economies could be up to 2percent.
Another indication of demand is the uptake of robotic vacuum cleaners, which now account
for 18percent of vacuum cleaners selling for more than $200 in the United States.29
Energy management
Using sensors and predictive algorithms, smart thermostats can detect when no one is
home and adjust the temperature to conserve energy. Over time the smart thermostat
could learn about usage patterns and adjust heating or cooling to have the home at the right
temperature when residents are due home. Connected washers and dryers (working with
smart meters installed by utility companies) could get information about energy prices to
delay cycles during peak energy consumption periods.
IoT-enabled energy management applications could have an economic impact of $50billion
to $110billion globally in 2025 through savings on heating, air conditioning, and overall
electricity use. IoT devices could help reduce electricity bills by ensuring that devices are
powered on only when necessary and by reducing usage when energy is most expensive.
Nest claims that its smart thermostats save 20percent off heating and air-conditioning bills
by turning on these systems only when occupants are expected to be home. Additional
savings are possible through the use of smart meters and smart appliances, which would
allow automatic shutdown of appliances during times of peak electricity demand.
We estimate that adoption rates for IoT energy-control applications could reach 25 to
50percent in advanced economies in 2025 and 4 to 13percent in developing economies.
The US Energy Information Administration estimates that 37percent of current US
residences have programmable thermostats to control heating and that 29percent have
programmable devices for running cooling systems. Given the competition in this market,
we expect smart energy control devices to come down to price points where owners of
programmable thermostats will convert to IoT-enabled devices. We would also expect more
consumers to seek energy-conservation tools.
Presentation at 17th Annual Needham Growth Conference, January 14, 2015. GfK, NPD, iRobot data,
March 2014.
Usage-based design
As in other settings, the opportunity for makers of home appliances and other equipment
to monitor (and even improve) the performance of their products after sale provides an
invaluable source of data for future product improvements. Home appliance usage data
could be captured to help understand how consumers employ the product and use the
information to improve performance and eliminate underutilized features. In the home
setting, we estimate that such usage-based design could create value of $3billion to
$17billion per year. This is based on the assumption that usage-based design could
increase margins by up to 7percent, through better product design.
Pre-sales analytics
By analyzing IoT usage data gathered from household devices, manufacturers could
determine whether the consumer is a good prospect for upgrading to another model or
might be inclined to buy another product or service. Based on how the customer is using
one appliance, such sales opportunities could be worth nearly $5billion per year.
For example, in a 2013 McKinsey survey, 39 to 48percent of US consumers surveyed said they are either
interested or very interested in different types of smart security systems.
Potential annual
value from
checkout systems
We define retail environments broadly as physical spaces where consumers engage in
commerceconsidering or purchasing goods or services. This includes traditional stores,
such as department stores and grocery stores, as well as showrooms where goods are
on display but not available for sale. It also includes physical spaces where services are
purchased, such as bank branches, theaters, and sports arenas. Our analysis covers only
physical environments where IoT technologies can be deployed, not online retailing.
Retail environments have undergone significant change over the past two decades due
to the introduction of information technologies, including the rise of online shopping. The
Internet of Things has the potential to cause even greater disruption, but IoT can also provide
traditional retailers with the tools to competeand coexistwith the online retail world as
omni-channel shopping erases the distinction between online and offline shops. The
Internet of Things, for example, can guide the shopper to the item she has been looking at
online when she enters the store and text her a personalized coupon to make the purchase
in-store that day. IoT technology can also provide data to optimize store layouts, enable fully
automated checkout, and fine-tune inventory management. These and other innovations
could enable new business models and allow retailers to improve productivity, reduce
costs, and raise sales. We estimate that these uses of IoT could have an economic impact of
$410billion to $1.2trillion per year in 2025.
IoT adoption in the retail setting will depend not only on the evolution of technology (lowercost sensors, for example) but also the development of new business processes. IoT
systems require modern store formats and investments in data systems and electronic
payment systems. This is not an issue in advanced economies, but it could hold back IoT
adoption in developing economies. Tiny independent mom and pop shops account for
the majority of retail trade in places such as Mexico and India and provide employment for
millions of low-skill workers. Some countries have adopted policies to protect these players
from more efficient modern stores.
Widespread IoT adoption would affect players across the value chain, including employees
and consumers. It has the potential to reduce the need for labor on the selling floor and
at checkout, while raising the amount of revenue per customer (increasing the shopping
basket) through customization and cross-channel (online/offline) selling. Consumers
would gain more value through convenience, time saving, and more attractive customized
promotions. To remain competitive, companies would need to master new ways of
operating and learn to collaborate closely with technology and data vendors.
Historically, many retail companies have been slow to adopt technology due to industry
fragmentation, lack of scale, and limited margins in the industry. In recent years, however,
adoption of payments, security, and inventory control systems has accelerated, even among
smaller companies (in advanced economies). By adopting Internet of Things technologies,
retailers can improve their economics by reducing shrinkage (losses due to theft by
customers and employees), lowering inventory costs, raising productivity, and improving
the customer experience (see Box7, The store of the [near] future). Exhibit14 illustrates
some of the applications of IoT technology that can improve the performance of retail
operations, including inventory optimization, automated checkout, customer tracking, and
mobile payments.
Exhibit 14
Examples of IoT uses in retail
Beacon automatically
charges customers as they
walk out of the store
Based on comprehensive
analysis of in-store
customer behavior
20% OFF
35% OFF
Real-time in-store analytics
enables improved customer care
and reduced inventory shrinkage
Customized offers provided
based on location, purchase
history, etc.
Based on automatic shelf
and inventory monitoring
and replenishment
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Exhibit 15
Retail: Potential economic impact of $410 billion to $1.2 trillion per year in 2025
Smart CRM
~2 trillion minutes/year
transaction time; cashiers
~3% of store costs
35% productivity
5% productivity
20% improvement
Up to 11% improvement
across segments
10% reduction in
Improved staff
5% productivity
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Marianne Wilson, Study: Shrink costs U.S. retailers $42billion; employee theft tops shoplifting, Chain Store
Age, November 6, 2014.
sales staff to guide the customer to particular merchandise, based on prior purchases and
browsing history. We estimate that by improving the chances of completing transactions
during shopping trips, the use of smart CRM in stores can raise sales by as much as
11percent in categories such as luxury retail. Across global retail, this could be worth
$12billion to $52billion per year in additional revenue in 2025. The challenge to adoption will
be managing training of store associates.
Inventory optimization
Getting the right inventory levels is a key determinant of retailer profitability. With too much
inventory on hand, stores have high carrying costs and risk being stuck with unsold items.
Too little inventory results in stock-outs. In-store inventory levels can be fine-tuned using
automated shelf replenishment and real-time inventory monitoring. As in the factory setting,
sensors can track the weight or height of items in inventory, triggering automatic reordering
based on specific conditions. We estimate that by replenishing inventory when needed,
rather than using rule-based methods (once a week, for example), IoT technology could
help reduce inventory carrying costs by up to 10percent, which could have an impact of
$5billion to $15billion per year in 2025
Improved staff allocation
Using connected devices such as beacons and cameras, a retailer can get better
understanding of consumer behavior in the store, using analyses of footfalls and crowding.
This information can be used to better determine the number of employees needed and
deploy sales associates and other staff throughout the store most effectively. Optimized
staff allocation can result in a 10percent reduction in staffing costs, worth an estimated
$10billion to $19billion per year in 2025.
Improving employee productivity
Augmented-reality devices could improve the effectiveness of maintenance, repair, and
security workers in retail environments. The economic impact is estimated to be $3billion to
$6billion per year globally in 2025. Separately, analyzing IoT data to improve process flows
could generate $1.5billion to $4billion of economic benefits.
Enablers and barriers
Many conditions must be in place to enable the full benefit of the Internet of Things
in retail. One of the most important is the spread of modern store formats and formal
retailing in developing economies. In India, for example, only about 10percent of retail is
formal. Given costs of implementation, the presence a significant formal retail sector in
developing economies will be a key enabler for adoption of IoT. Developing economies
have fewer formal stores and often lack the large, well-capitalized chains that tend to lead in
technology adoption. In addition, consumers in developing markets are less prepared for IoT
applications. They will need access to electronic payments networks, and only 45percent
of developing-economy consumers are expected even to have credit cards in 2025.32 In
2025, it is estimated that 50percent of sales in developing economies will be through formal
stores, compared with 80percent in advanced economies.33
Within the retail industry, adoption of technology also remains uneven, with larger chains
usually leading the wayinstalling cashless payment systems and automated checkout as
soon as they become available, for example. Smaller stores will follow, but most often only
when forced by competitive pressure.
There are also some technical issues to resolve before IoT can produce the benefits we
describe. Inexpensive hardware (tags that can be used on even the cheapest items, for
example) is important for making IoT economically attractive. And advances are needed in
data analytics to take full advantage of the potential to combine IoT data with other data to
provide custom offers, improve store layouts, and adjust staffing.
Finally, IoT will not work for retailers or be accepted by consumers without rigorous
safeguards to protect data and consumer privacy. Retailers and technology vendors will
need to address this issue, which may also require action by policy makers.
Potential savings
on energy
Exhibit 16
Offices: Potential economic impact of $70 billion to $150 billion per year in 2025
activity monitoring
org. redesign
augmented reality
value gain1
20% savings
reduction in
labor costs
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
US Energy Information Administration, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy,The promise and
the potential of comprehensive commercial building retrofit programs, May 13, 2004.
Human productivity
Today, organizations conduct periodic surveys of office workers to assess organizational
health and use the results to make improvements in job design and processes. In the future,
companies could use badges or fitness monitors (probably on an opt-in basis) to track
activity and interactions among employees. Employers could use the insights to identify
areas for improvement. In pilot programs, such initiatives have generated 10 to 12percent of
productivity gains and individual performance improvements of 20percent.35 The greatest
benefits would come from improved productivity of knowledge workers such as engineers,
marketers, and lawyers whose performance depends upon collaboration with others. We
estimate that process improvements for such workers based on IoT data could generate an
economic impact of between $16billion and $47billion per year globally in 2025.
IoT technology also enables companies to monitor activities of their mobile employees
more closely and use the information collected for performance management. For example,
companies could track the activities of field sales reps and implement performance
improvement programs for each one. Typically, performance management initiatives
can yield productivity gains of 10 to 20percent. We estimate the potential impact from
IoT applications on the productivity of field employees at $19billion to $43billion in 2025,
based on a conservative assumption of 5percent productivity gains. Augmented-reality
technologies can create an additional $13billion to $25billion of economic benefits by
helping workers be more productive.
Kieron Monks, Happier, more productive...would tagging your workforce transform your business? CNN
Smart Business, December 4, 2014.
We define our factories settings as dedicated, standardized production environments. This
includes facilities for discrete or process manufacturing as well as data centers, farms, and
hospitals. Indeed, the standardized processes in all these settings provide an opportunity to
apply the same type of process improvements that IoT enables in a manufacturing facility.
The Internet of Things is already playing a critical role in the next phase of factory
automation, which has been called Industry 4.0. This term describes the full digitization
of production processes, marrying the digital and physical worlds within the factory.36 A
defining aspect of Industry 4.0 is the ability to monitor and control all tools of production and
use the data collected to improve productivity and quality in factory settings. This places IoT
technology at the heart of a new wave of innovation that, like the steam age or the electric
age (the first and second industrial revolutions, respectively), is expected to generate stepchange improvements in productivity.
The IoT applications we size in factory settings have the potential to create value of
$1.2trillion to $3.7trillion per year in 2025. Based on our research, the greatest potential for
creating value will be in operations optimizationmaking the various processes within the
factory more efficient. This includes using sensors, rather than human judgment (and human
error), to adjust the performance of machinery. It also involves use of data from production
machinery to adjust workflows. This is done by remotely tracking, monitoring, and adjusting
machinery, based on sensor data from different parts of the plant (and even across plants).
Overall, IoT applications in operations optimization have the potential to create value of
$633billion to $1.8trillion per year in the factory setting in 2025.
After operations optimization, the next most valuable applications of IoT in the factory setting
are predictive maintenance and inventory optimization. Predictive maintenance involves
using sensors to monitor machinery continuously to avoid breakdowns and determine
when maintenance will be required, rather than relying on regularly scheduled maintenance
routines. IoT can improve inventory management by automatically restocking parts bins
based on weight or height data recorded by sensors. Exhibit17 shows some typical IoT
applications that are already in use.
For IoT applications to be adopted in the factory setting, some machinery will need to be
upgraded or replaced to accommodate IoT sensors and actuators. There also need to
be improvements in connectivity and interoperability in many factory settings (both for
machine-to-machine communications and for relaying large streams of data from the
production floor). Improvements are also needed in data analytics and in the cost of basic
technology such as sensors, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMs), as well as cloud
data storage and computing. Finally, for the full benefit of IoT in factories to be realized,
security and privacy issues need to be addressed. Companies need data about how
factory-made goods are used by customersto correct design flaws, for exampleand
consumers will need to trust that the manufacturer is maintaining strict data security.
Industry 4.0, How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector, McKinsey & Company, April 2015.
Exhibit 17
Sample applications in a manufacturing plant
Based on sample
Sensors preemptively alert
and react to hazards
(worker too close to
machinery, for example)
Sensors continuously monitor
machine health, predictively
scheduling maintenance and
reducing unscheduled downtime
Intrafactory transportation path
and priority optimization
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey Global
Institute, May 2013.
Building smarter manufacturing with the Internet of Things (IoT), part two, Lopez Research, January 2014.
Exhibit 18
Factories: Potential economic impact of $1.2 trillion to $3.7 trillion per year in 2025
Agricultural yield
Counterfeit drug
reduction (hospital)
value gain1
512.5% cost
Manufacturing plant/hospital
equipment and maintenance
~$577 billion
1040% cost
Manufacturing/hospital inventory
holding cost ~$857 billion; 2%
medicine spoilage
2050% cost
Farming value-added
~$3 trillion/year
1025% gain in
reduction (all
Human productivity
(augmented reality)
Human productivity
5% productivity
Human productivity
Value-added of manufacturing
machinery ~$1 trillion
30% less
sorting time
Hospital energy/
2050% cost
reduction (up to
20% in energy)
Improved medical
26% reduction
Up to 60%
reduction in
Up to 2%
Pre-sales analytics
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
IoT can improve operational efficiency in hospitals in several ways. Patient location and
health monitoring can reduce errors and enable doctors and nurses to respond better
to changes in patient conditions. IoT data can also make doctors more effective in their
diagnoses and treatments, thereby improving both health outcomes and operating
efficiency in hospitals. We estimate that by improved tracking and monitoring of patients and
mobile equipment, IoT systems could help raise nursing efficiency in 2025 by the equivalent
of 250 hours per year for approximately 50million nurses globally. Tracking assets with
IoT tagging can help improve asset utilization and worker performance in hospitals (and in
manufacturing environments). Additional value can be created from tracking counterfeit
drugs, which can appear in hospitals, warehouses, and stores. Currently, sales of
counterfeit drugs exceed $100billion per year and are growing at around 20percent
annually.39 Using sensors on bottles and packages could reduce the sale of counterfeit
drugs by enabling customers to track if their drugs are legitimate. We estimate that this
technique could be applied to 30 to 50percent of the drugs sold and be successful 80 to
100percent of the time.
Predictive maintenance
Another important way in which the Internet of Things can create value in the factory setting
is through improved maintenance. With sensors and connectivity, it is possible to monitor
production equipment in real time, which enables new approaches to maintenance that
can be far more cost-effective, improving both capacity utilization and factory productivity
by avoiding breakdowns. Essentially, IoT can transform the maintenance model from one of
repair and replace to predict and prevent. Importantly, with interconnected IoT devices, it is
possible to monitor the performance of all machines in a systematic way. So, for example,
if a downstream machine detects that the work pieces it receives are consistently off in a
particular dimension, it may be an indication that the upstream equipment needs servicing.
The machine can be repaired and adjusted before the factory ships defective products or
the upstream machine fails.
Today, some auto manufacturers detect early signs of problems in production equipment
using remote sensors that collect and report machinery condition data. This allows for
prioritization and optimization of maintenance resourcessaving maintenance costs
(compared with regularly scheduled maintenance routines) and avoiding breakdowns that
can interrupt production. Some equipment suppliers are using IoT technology to move to
more of a service model, providing the equipment and ongoing maintenance under contract
and guaranteeing that the machinery will have an agreed-upon uptime. They continuously
monitor the machinery at the factory site so they can service the equipment remotely in real
timeby pushing through a software patch, for example. They can also gather performance
data to help improve the design and reliability of their equipment.
We estimate that predictive maintenance could reduce maintenance costs of factory
equipment by 10 to 40percent. Such savings would also be possible in health-care settings.
Additionally, better predictive maintenance using IoT can reduce equipment downtime by up
to 50percent and reduce equipment capital investment by 3 to 5percent by extending the
useful life of machinery. In manufacturing, these savings have a potential economic impact
of nearly $630billion per year in 2025. Predictive maintenance can also benefit hospitals,
which typically spend 5 to 10percent of their capital budgets on equipment maintenance.
If predictive maintenance could cut those costs by 40percent, along with extending
equipment lifetimes, we estimate that the value to hospitals around the world could be
$70billion per year in 2025.
Inventory optimization
Factory operators also have an opportunity to capture value by improving how they manage
inventory. Inventory ties up capital, and holding too much reduces margins, while holding
too little disrupts production. Using weight or height detection sensors, it is possible to set
up condition-based automatic reordering routines that are far more precise than current
rules-based systems, which estimate when replenishment is needed, rather than relying
on actual data. Wurth USA, an auto parts supplier, has developed an iBins system that
uses intelligent camera technology to monitor the fill level of a supply box and wirelessly
transmit the data to an inventory management system that automatically reorders
supplies. McKinsey estimates that such inventory optimization measures can save as
much as 20 to 50percent of factory inventory carrying costs.40 Tracking assets also helps
improve asset utilization as well as performance of employees across manufacturing and
hospital environments.
Augmented-reality devices
Devices such as augmented-reality goggles can be used to extend the powers of workers,
impart new skills, and enforce proper procedures. Graphical information appears to float
in the wearers field of vision so the worker does not have to find a terminal or computer
to retrieve a manual, for example. The goggles have cameras to record what the wearer
is seeing and can also provide audio information.41 Such devices can be used in many
factory settingsproviding a surgeon with a heads-up display of the patients latest X-ray,
for example. In a manufacturing environment, a maintenance mechanic could receive
diagnostic data through her augmented-reality glasses, call on an expert system to help
her quickly diagnose problems, and get to work on the needed repair. Observing her work,
the goggles would make sure she executes the repair properlyalerting her if she leaves
out a screw, for example. For less skilled workers, augmented-reality goggles can be used
for skill training and to help correct performance of specific tasks. Adoption of augmentedreality technology will likely take place in waves, with the most highly skilled workers getting
the equipment first. The Google Glass prototype sold for $1,500, and we would expect
that similar devices might reach the $200-to-$300 range within tenyears. Given the higher
productivity and higher wages in advanced economies, the adoption rate of augmentedreality technology in advanced economies could be 8 to 15percent, compared with 2
to 5percent in developing economies, resulting in economic benefits of $30billion to
$60billion per year globally in 2025.
Organizational redesign/performance management
A set of IoT applications can raise productivity in factory settings by using sensor data to
redesign jobs and tasks. Equipping workers with badges and tags, companies can track
activity and interactions to better understand how each function works. The estimated
benefit from organizational redesign is $17billion to $50billion annually.
IoT-based inventory optimization can also reduce inventory costs in hospitals. We estimate
that using automated replenishment systems to restock medical supplies could produce
savings of $4billion to $13billion for hospitals around the world in 2025. In total, we estimate
that IoT-based inventory optimization could create value of $98billion to $342billion
per year.
See Industry 4.0: How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector, McKinsey & Company, April 2015.
Augmented-reality systems can also include tactile feedback.
The final barriers to adoption of IoT in factory environments involve human resources
and organizational issues. First is the lack of capabilities in most factory organizations
to utilize IoT systems and data. A skilled workforce is needed to take full advantage of
IoT technologies. Also, if IoT data remain siloed in manufacturing organizations or if
different departments do not have incentives to collaborate, the maximum benefits will
not be realized. For example, companies cannot improve the quality of their products if
performance data collected by the service department is not shared freely with the product
development group. Obstacles to data sharing need to be overcome if IoT impact is to
be maximized.
We define worksites as custom production environments. These include oil and gas
exploration and production, mining, and construction. Work is done outside, in constantly
changing, unpredictable, and dangerous environments. Each site presents unique
challenges in the management of costly machinery, supplies, and labor. Moreover, no two
sites or projects are the same, frustrating efforts to systematize and streamline operations.
IoT addresses many of the issues that hold back worksite productivity: equipment reliability,
unpredictability of work, task and supply-chain complexity, and asset integrity.42 Worksite
industries depend on costly and complex equipment to get the job donedrilling for oil from
an offshore platform, excavating at a construction site, or transporting ore out of a mine
with giant trucks. Downtime, whether from repairs, breakdowns, or maintenance, can keep
machinery out of use 40percent of the time or more.43 The unique requirements of each job
make it difficult to streamline work with simple, repeatable steps, which is how processes
are optimized in other industries. Finally, worksite operations involve complex supply chains,
which in mining and oil and gas often extend to remote and harsh locations.
Some of the earliest implementations of the Internet of Things have been in worksite
industries, and the oil and gas sector has been the most advanced user of IoT technology
in the group. New production platforms today have 30,000 sensors and a central SCADA
(supervisory control and data acquisition) system to manage a range of data streams
and equipment. Offshore drilling rigs are frequently even more advanced, with heavily
instrumented equipment and advanced robotics on board, often connected to a real-time
command center half a world away. Large mining companies have also invested in IoTbased systems such as massive self-driving trucks hauling ore around pits. Construction
has been the slowest worksite industry to adopt IoT, due largely to a wider variety of
sites, less heavy equipment intensity, and the more fragmented nature of the industry,
with contractors and subcontractors dividing the work. This is not to say there is no IoT
potential, only that it may take longer to implement IoT-based processes than in oil and gas
and mining.
worksites. Even though most worksites are in developing economies, more value could
be generated by IoT in worksites in advanced economies because of higher potential
adoption rates.
Exhibit 19
Worksites: Potential direct economic impact of $160 billion to $930 billion per year in 2025
Health and
1020% decrease in
health and safety costs
10% productivity
6% increase in
equipment supplier
2% increase in
equipment supplier
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Operations optimization
We estimate that operations improvements based on IoT technology could be worth
$50billion to $470billion per year across worksite industries in 2025. While this includes
IoT-enabled automationsuch as self-driving ore trucksthe bulk of the operations
improvements would come from streamlining processes across worksites. Current case
studies indicate that operations optimization can increase overall worksite productivity by
5 to 10percent, in addition to cost savings from more efficient use of equipment, people,
and materials.
One of the biggest benefits of IoT technology is allowing worksite operators to track and
optimize activities in real time that previously could be tracked only manually (counting the
number of employees on a construction site on any given day, for example). Simply making
such basic data more available provides greater control over operations. Bigger benefits
come from using IoT data to identify and implement best practices, impose a higher degree
of predictability, improve efficiency, and increase effectiveness. By tracking all the small
stages of a process, for example, operators can detect anomalies in real time (such as
McKinsey Global Institute
a construction team that is taking longer than expected to complete a certain task) and
intervene immediately.
Greater visibility can also help with planning and coordination of operations. In construction,
efficiently scheduling and sequencing contractors, employees, and supplies is a constant
struggle. One study found that buffers built into construction project schedules allowed for
unexpected delays resulting in 70 to 80percent idle time at the worksite.44 Visibility alone
can allow for shorter buffers to be built into the construction process.
Autonomous vehicles are another source of operations improvement in worksites. Rio
Tinto worked with equipment manufacturers to develop autonomous dump trucks, which
are used to haul ore from mine sites (Exhibit20). The enormous vehicles (carrying more
than 300 tons and measuring 15 meters long and 10 meters wide) are guided by remote
control and have sensors to avoid obstacles. They also are equipped with truck-to-truck
communications to maintain a safe distance from each other.
Because of high wages for specialists and the added expenses of maintaining a workforce
in a remote site such as a mine or an oil field, reducing the need for on-site labor can have
greater impact than in many other businesses. In the case of driverless dump trucks, people
are still needed to monitor truck activity, but one remote teleworker can manage many
trucks at once, with the added benefit that the employer does not have to pay to house and
feed the teleworker. Labor-cost savings from worksite automation typically range from 10 to
20percent but can be as high as 40percent.
In addition to these personnel cost savings, automation can increase overall site
productivity. In one mining case study, using automated equipment in an underground
mine increased productivity by 25percent.45 A breakdown of underground mining activity
indicates that teleremote hauling can increase active production time in mines by as much
as nine hours every day by eliminating the need for shift changes of car operators and
reducing the downtime for the blasting process (Exhibit21).
Another source of operating efficiency is the use of real-time data to manage IoT systems
across different worksites, an example of the need for interoperability. In the most advanced
implementations, dashboards optimized for smartphones are used to present output from
sophisticated algorithms that perform complex, real-time optimizations. In one case study
from the Canadian tar sands, advanced analytics raised daily production by 5 to 8percent,
by allowing managers to schedule and allocate staff and equipment more effectively. In
another example, when Rio Tintos crews are preparing a new site for blasting, they are
collecting information on the geological formation where they are working. Operations
managers can provide blasting crews with detailed information to calibrate their use of
explosives better, allowing them to adjust for the characteristics of the ore in different parts
of the pit.
Without real-time data about the quality of the ore and the status and availability of
equipment, such optimization would not have been possible and the company would have
had to rely on cruder methods, such as using correlations between productivity and number
of employees per activity to allocate resources.
Ruben Vrijhoef and Lauri Koskela, The four roles of supply chain management in construction, European
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, volume 6, number 3, January 2000.
Automation keeping underground workers safe at LKAB Malmberget Mine, Viewpoint: Perspectives on
Modern Mining, Caterpillar Global Mining, issue 3, 2008.
Exhibit 20
How IoT can improve performance
at mine sites
CONDITION-BASED Through continuous monitoring, determine when maintenance will be needed,
saving on routine maintenance costs and avoiding failures
Real-time tracking of workers and equipment to issue alerts when they move into
areas where injury or exposure to harmful substances could occur
Based on usage data, equipment suppliers can suggest more appropriate models
or cross-sell additional equipment
Exhibit 21
Using remotely controlled vehicles in mining can add as much as nine hours of
production time per day
Exclusive blasting
Shift 1
Shift 2
setup, checks
Shift 3
Shift 4
Manned load-haul
dump vehicles
Remotely operated loadhaul dump vehicles
and safety standards and can operate in harsh environments. If this challenge is resolved,
worksites would be able to substantially reduce the cost of carrying spare parts inventory
and could avoid delays caused by out-of-stock parts.
Adoption of IoT technology in worksite operations will vary considerably by industry and
region. Despite substantial potential benefits, oil and gas companies are expected to have
moderate adoption of operations optimization. The primary reason for limited adoption
is the large installed base of equipment with long asset lives (more than 80percent of oil
production comes from assets that are more than fiveyears old) and the limited ability to
retrofit equipment cost-effectively. However, we expect adoption of IoT technology to be
high in new equipment, which increasingly will have IoT capabilities built in.
Mining is expected to have the highest adoption of worksite management and related
systems due to the substantial potential value, concentration of companies in the industry,
and shorter asset lives of mining equipment compared with oil and gas equipment.
Construction has the lowest expected adoption rates due to the limited technological
sophistication of players and the highly fragmented nature of the industry, which even
in advanced economies has many small players. Construction companies may buy IoTenabled equipment, such as cranes or backhoes, and enjoy the benefits of conditionbased maintenance. But adoption of IoT is likely to be driven more by the competition
among equipment suppliers than demand from construction firms. It is likely that only
the largest construction companies will implement centralized IoT-based operations
optimization initiatives.
The abilityand needto adopt IoT technology also varies according to the scale and
complexity of the operation, the sophistication of the operator, and the asset life of
equipment used in the industry. For a large mining operation with thousands of workers
on-site in a remote location, using IoT to centralize data and decision making into a single
dashboard can have tremendous value. However, at a construction site with ten employees,
the foreman can optimize operations without needing sensors and complex software.
And, while global mining companies and major oil and gas producers are sophisticated
technology users, worksite industries also include less sophisticated players, particularly
in the highly fragmented construction sector, where technology adoption has been
relatively slow.
Finally, the expected life of an asset strongly influences return on investment and decisions
about investing in IoT projects. For a proposed oil field that is expected to remain in
production for 60years, investing in IoT infrastructure that can increase site productivity by
even a small amount can be easily justified. For a construction project that is expected to be
completed in 16 months, the productivity gains need to be more immediate.
affect adoption, especially for companies in oil and gas, where the majority of facilities are
considered mature assets. Standardized software for data collection and analytics is also
needed, along with standard data-handling protocols to reduce the need for customization.
Interoperability between IoT systems is critical to capturing many of the opportunities that
IoT makes possible in worksites. Worksite IoT applications will need low-cost, long-range
wireless data communications links.
While oil and gas companies and some mining companies have built capabilities in data
analytics and other relevant areas, many worksite companies may need to invest in new
talent and training to carry out widespread IoT implementations. In addition to technical
proficiency, operators will need to have the right culture in place to accept data-driven
decision making and automation of remote operations. Companies will need to be adept at
sharing information, rather than keeping it siloed.
Finally, industry and macroeconomic conditions must be right for IoT to flourish in
worksite industries. The health of extractive industries depends on commodity prices and
when prices slump, so does investmentas happened in 2014 and 2015 in oil and gas
when world oil prices plunged. Within the industry, a higher degree of cooperation and
collaboration is also needed to reap the benefits of IoT, some of which depend on the ability
to tie into systems of upstream and downstream partners.
The Internet of Things will have wide-ranging effects on how vehiclescars, trains,
trucks, even aircraftare used. Here we focus on how IoT sensors and connectivity can
improve how vehicles are serviced, maintained, and designed (Exhibit22). For example,
the same types of sensors and wireless connections that make it possible to create a
self-driving car can be used to monitor how vehicles are performing to enable conditionbased maintenance routines that are far more cost-effective than periodic maintenance
or performing maintenance after a problem occurs. Tracking performance data can also
help vehicle manufacturers design more reliable products and discover other ways to serve
customers. In other parts of this report, we assess the economic impact of IoT in other
transportation applications, such as the potential savings from autonomous vehicles in
cities. IoT-enabled improvements in navigation for cars, planes, and ships are sized in the
outside setting.
Traffic Safety Facts 2012, US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 2012.
Exhibit 22
The connected car could enable new business models
Connectivity improves user
experience: apps for real-time traffic
data, entertainment, and personal
productivity (41% of car buyers in
China would switch brands based on
access to apps, data, and media)
Additional revenue streams
from in-car connected services
such as lost/stolen car tracking
Remote optimization of
commercial fleets
Exhibit 23
Vehicles: Potential economic impact of $210 billion to $740 billion per year in 2025
Passenger vehicles
equipment and
25% improvement
1040% reduction in
maintenance and 35%
longer vehicle life
1040% reduction in
maintenance , 25%
fewer delays; 35%
longer aircraft life
1040% reduction in
cost of service , 50%
less downtime; 35%
longer equipment life
Defense equipment
and maintenance
Ship maintenance
Train maintenance
Usage-based design
in transportation
1040% reduction in
service cost , 50% less
35% longer aircraft life
1040% reduction in
service cost , 50% less
35% longer equipment
27% increase
Human productivity
augmented reality
10% productivity
Human productivity
activity monitoring
5% productivity
Human productivity
organization redesign
34% productivity
Up to 2% productivity
Pre-sales analytics
in transportation
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
We estimate that in 2025, the total value from condition-based maintenance of aircraft
could be $35billion to $73billion per year, including the value of reduced delays and longer
equipment life. The same approaches could have an economic impact of $9billion to
$30billion per year in 2025 in military equipment and vehicles.
If extended to passenger vehicles and trucks, we estimate that condition-based
maintenance could have an economic impact of as much as $340billion per year. This is
based on the assumption that condition-based maintenance could cut the $700billion per
year motor vehicle maintenance bill by 10 to 40percent and extend the life of cars by 3 to
5percent. In rail systems, the value of condition-based maintenance could be as much
as $33billion per year, assuming a 10 to 40percent reduction in routine maintenance
costs and extending equipment lifetimes by 3 to 5percent. In cargo ships, we estimate
value of up to $34billion per year in 2025. The adoption rates for each of these industries
differ, depending on multiple factors such as replacement cycles and cost of upgrades to
accommodate IoT technology.
Human productivity
Productivity-related applications in the vehicle setting could generate economic impact
between $900million and $2.2billion per year globally in 2025. The primary benefit would
be generated through the use of augmented-reality technology for mechanics and air
transportation workers.
Enablers and barriers
Airplanes, trains, and other transportation equipment are capital goods that are acquired
and used on long-term schedules, which potentially complicates adoption of IoT
technologies. Locomotives, for example, are replaced after 15 to 30years of service,
depending on the geography. Therefore, the degree to which such equipment can be
upgraded or retrofitted for IoT applications will be a critical factor in the rate of adoption of IoT
in vehicles. We estimate that 40 to 50percent of the equipment in use today will need to be
replaced to enable IoT adoption.47
As in other applications, the adoption of IoT technology in vehicles also depends on
availability of low-cost, long-distance wireless data communications. For vehicles, the
challenge is to provide constant connectivity across long distances over land and sea and in
the air.
Improvements in technology and how data are collected and analyzed are also needed
for IoT to realize maximum potential in vehicles. This includes lower-cost hardware and
components, such as sensors. Advances will also be needed in computational hardware
and data analytics. And carriers and other operators will need to get better at harnessing
data; today only a tiny fraction of data generated by aviation machinery is actually used for
See Industry 4.0: How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector, McKinsey & Company, April 2015.
Chris Nichols, How the Internet of Things is changing banking, Center State Bank blog, September
16, 2014.
Cities around the world have been the locus of innovation in the use of the Internet of Things.
Through smart city initiatives and entrepreneurship, cities are experimenting with IoT
applications to improve services, relieve traffic congestion, conserve water and energy, and
improve quality of life. Large, concentrated populations and complex infrastructure make
cities a target-rich environment for IoT applications. And cities have the most to gain: they
are engines of global economic growth, and with urbanization in developing economies,
60percent of the worlds populationabout 4.7billion peoplewill live in cities in 2025.
We found the highest economic impact of IoT applications we analyzed to be concentrated
in a few use areas, such as public health and safety, transportation, and resource
management. IoT applications in public safety and health include air and water quality
monitoring. Transportation applications range from traffic-control systems to smart parking
meters to autonomous vehicles. Resource and infrastructure management uses include
sensors and smart meters to better manage water and electric infrastructure.
Based on current adoption and likely growth rates, we estimate that the economic impact
of the Internet of Things in cities (for the applications we size) could be $930billion to
$1.7trillion globally in 2025. Our estimates of potential impact are based on the value of
improved health and safety (automobile deaths avoided and reduction in pollution-related
illnesses, for example), the value of time saved through IoT applications, and more efficient
use of resources. We estimate the economic impact of illness and deaths avoided by IoT
applications using quality-adjusted life years, a measure of the economic value of a year of
perfect health in a particular economy. There are many additional social and environmental
benefits, such as tracking lost children and higher social engagement, which we do not
attempt to size.
Reaching this level of impact depends on addressing the technical and regulatory issues
common to other settingsthe need for lower-cost hardware and building protections for
privacy and security. In cities, there also will need to be political consensus to support IoT
applications, which in many cases will require investment of public funds. For example, the
decision to install adaptive traffic-control systems that adjust traffic lights using sensor data
will require motivated city authorities and politicians.
We define the city setting to include all urban settlements, consistent with the definition used
by the United Nations in its World Urbanization Prospects report. In our estimates of IoT
impact in cities, we do not include applications used in homes or the use of IoT devices for
health and fitness, which are counted in the home and human settings. Exhibit24 illustrates
some of the emerging applications of IoT technology that can improve the performance of
resource management, transportation, and public safety and health.
Potential for economic impact
For the applications we sized, we estimate that the potential economic impact of the
Internet of Things in the city setting could exceed $1.7trillion per year in 2025 (Exhibit25).
The single most economically important application could be public health, where we
estimate that nearly $700billion a year of value might be captured in 2025 from the
improved health outcomes that would result from water and air monitoring. Taken together,
however, transportation applications could have even larger economic impactmore
than $800billion per year in 2025. Traffic applications, including real-time traffic flow
management, smart meters and more efficient use of public transportation (reducing wait
times by using real-time bus and train information), could be worth more than $570billion
a year globally. Autonomous vehicles could contribute as much as $235billion by reducing
traffic accidents, fuel consumption, and carbon emissions.
McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 24
IoT applications in cities
1 Electrical distribution
3 Traffic control
and substation
Detect flaws (and theft),
predict failures, optimize
2 Water leak
Detect leaks, analyze
flows, reduce waste
4 Autonomous vehicles
Provide accurate location, ETA, and
routing information to passengers
Monitor air and water
quality to improve public
Exhibit 25
Cities: Potential direct economic impact of $930 billion to $1.7 trillion per year by 2025
Adaptive traffic
vehicles (fully and
15% reduction
~40% accident
reduction (90% in fully
autonomous), 1015%
fuel /CO2 savings
Public transit
Human productivity
redesign, monitoring)
Up to 70% of commuting
hours are buffer time
2022% reduction
23% productivity
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
See Infrastructure productivity: How to save $1trillion a year, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2013.
Autonomous vehicles
The use of autonomous vehicles in urban areas can create economic value in a number of
waysfreeing up time for drivers; reducing traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities; saving
fuel and raising average highway speeds; and expanding the capacity of parking facilities
through self-parking. Autonomous vehicles are already in use in industrial environments
such as mines (see worksite setting above). The self-driving passenger car has been in
development for several years, and some manufacturers are already offering IoT-based
features in production models such as automatic braking for collision avoidance. Some
carmakers expect to have self-driving cars on the road by 2020, pending regulatory
approvala non-trivial hurdle. Still, we expect that fully autonomous cars (which require
no driver intervention) and partially autonomous cars (which could take over control of all
safety-critical functions under certain conditions) to be a reality in cities around the world
in 2025. We assume that in 2025, between 1 and 2percent of light vehicles on the road
15million to 30million vehiclescould be fully self-driving.50 We assume that the penetration
of semi-autonomous vehicles could be 12 to 15percent.
The economic impact of autonomous vehicles in urban settings could be $204billion to
$235billion per year in 2025. The economic benefit is calculated based on the value of time
and fuel saved, traffic fatalities avoided, and greater utilization of assets such as parking
spaces. Globally, 1.2billion people spend 50 minutes on average driving in cars each day.
Autonomous vehicles offer the potential to improve traffic flow and free up time spent in
the car for other activities. We estimate that time saved through adoption of autonomous
vehicles could be worth $15billion to $25billion in cities.
In addition, autonomous and partially autonomous vehicles could drastically reduce car
accidents. More than 90percent of US car crashes can be attributed to human error, and
more than 40percent of traffic fatalities involve driver impairment due to alcohol, distraction,
drugs, or fatigue. We estimate that traffic accidents could be reduced by 90percent with the
adoption of fully autonomous vehicles and by 40percent with partially autonomous vehicles,
saving 95,000 lives per year, for an estimated economic impact of $180billion to $200billion
per year.
Autonomous vehicles also can reduce fuel consumption by driving more efficiently. Under
computer control, autonomous vehicles would not indulge in wasteful driving behaviors, and
with vehicle-to-vehicle communications, cars can travel close together at highway speeds,
reducing wind resistance and raising average speed. Autonomous driving could also enable
radical changes in automobile design that would make cars lighter and more fuel-efficient.
We estimate that fuel consumption could be as much as 15percent lower.
Finally, because fully autonomous vehicles can park themselves, there is no need to use
space between cars in a parking lot or deck to accommodate door openings. This could
free up 15percent of parking space. In addition, autonomous vehicles that drive themselves
to parking areas could reduce the need for parking lots and garages in city centerscars
could drop off passengers at their workplaces and even pick up passengers leaving the
city center as they proceed to remote parking areas. Adoption of self-driving cars could
also lead to new car-pooling and ride-sharing options, which would reduce overall demand
for parking.
This is a more conservative estimate than we used in 2013, when we projected that autonomous vehicles
could account for 10 to 20percent of private cars in use in 2025. See Disruptive technologies: Advances that
will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey Global Institute, May 2013.
Tim Lomax et al., Selecting travel reliability measures, Texas Transportation Institute, May 2003; Disruptive
technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey Global Institute,
May 2013.
Human productivity
The primary ways in which IoT technology would be used to increase productivity of
individual workers in urban environments would be through monitoring mobile workers
such as motor vehicle operators, building cleaners, pest control workers, and sales
representatives. The increased productivity of such workers and IoT-enabled processes
to raise productivity of technical and knowledge workers in cities could be worth
$2.7billion to $6.0billion per year globally in 2025. This assumes an estimated 5percent
increase in productivity of mobile workers and a 3 to 4percent increase in productivity of
knowledge workers.
Enablers and barriers
Multiple factors would need to come together for the Internet of Things to achieve its
maximum potential in cities. We expect adoption rates for the IoT applications we size could
reach 40 to 80percent in cities in advanced economies in 2025, and 20 to 40percent in
cities in developing economies. This disparity is a function of having both the ability to fund
IoT improvements, which often require public investment, and access to the skills needed
for successful implementation and operation of IoT-based systems. The ability to fund IoT
investments depends upon the wealth of the city and the governments ability to access
investment vehicles or use tax revenue. Another factor is a responsive citizenry. In cities with
a high proportion of well-educated residents, demand will likely be higher for the benefits
that IoT applications can bring. This can create a virtuous cycle: as successful applications
build awareness of benefits, more citizens would demand them.
Achieving maximum potential benefit from IoT in cities also requires interoperability among
IoT systems. If autonomous vehicles, a centralized traffic-control system, and smart parking
meters were all on speaking terms (so to speak), the commuters autonomous car could
communicate with the centralized traffic system to select the best route, then guide the
commuter to the most convenient meter space or the cheapest parking facility where a fully
autonomous vehicle could park itself. Interoperability would vastly increase the value of IoT
applications in urban settings and encourage many more cities to adopt them.
Cities must also have the technical capacity in their agencies and departments, and
committed leadership is essential. To deploy and manage IoT applications requires technical
depth that most city governments currently do not possess. Cities that develop this capacity
will be ahead in the race to capture IoT benefits. City leaders must also have the political will
to drive IoT adoptionto find the funding and make the organizational changes needed to
regulate or operate the systems that use IoT technology.
Last but not least, IoT will be broadly adopted only if city governments and the public
are assured of the security of IoT-enabled systems. The potential risks are not to be
underestimated: malicious parties that find ways to interfere with traffic-control systems or
the programs that guide autonomous vehicles could cause enormous damage. Technology
vendors will not only need to provide secure systems, but they will also have to convince city
governments and residents that the systems truly are secure.
In this setting we examine uses of Internet of Things technologies that take place outdoors
between urban environments, such as in vehicular navigation, container shipping, and
package delivery. We also consider condition-based maintenance of rail lines and other
transportation infrastructure. We find that IoT applications in outside settings have the
potential to create value of between $560billion to $850billion per year in 2025, with
improved logistics routing applications providing the greatest value. Autonomous vehicles
(cars and trucks) used outside of cities would be the next-largest source of value. The
estimated impact of IoT in the outside setting also includes the potential benefits of
connected navigation systems for cars, planes, and ships.
Many of these applications are still evolving. In the United Kingdom, for example, a project to
use connected sensors to monitor conditions on railway tracks launched in 2014. It involves
thousands of sensors that take readings of air and track temperatures and stress gauges.52
Advances in low-cost sensors, long-distance wireless data systems, and batteries are
needed for applications such as IoT in container freight and package transportation to
produce the greatest benefits.
Alex Scroxton, How the internet of things could transform Britains railways,,
August 2014.
Exhibit 26
Outside: Potential economic impact of $560 billion to $850 billion per year by 2025
Logistics routing
9% improvement in
avoidance (train)
75% reduction
5% productivity
Ship navigation
Flight navigation
25% reduction
Car navigation
(outside cities)
1 Ranges of values are adjusted for estimated potential penetration of IoT applications in advanced and developing economies (0100%).
NOTE: Estimates of potential economic impact are for sized applications and not comprehensive estimates of potential impact. Estimates include consumer
surplus and cannot be related to potential company revenue, market size, or GDP impact; estimates are not adjusted for risk or probability. Numbers may not
sum due to rounding.
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Connected navigation
The Internet of Things can enable more precise navigation for vehicles by using connections
between vehicles and between vehicles and other connected devices and objects (in
addition to connections to GPS satellites). Connected navigation can generate significant
savings across different modes of transportation and sectors of the economy. In Norway,
a connected ship navigation system called REX (route exchange) is used to speed the
flow of ships in the crowded Horten-Moss Strait in the Oslo Fjord. Using open-source
software including MARSSA (marine systems software architecture) and a maritime cloud
communication framework, REX reads onboard sensors on each freighter and provides
real-time information to their captains, to ferries in the area, and to a land-based sea traffic
coordination center.53 We estimate that raising average ship speeds using IoT technology
in this way could reduce transportation costs by 11 to 13percent, which could have an
economic impact of $4.5billion to $9.3billion per year in 2025.
In personal vehicles (cars), connected navigation can not only save time for motoriststhe
average American spends 30 to 60 minutes per day commuting by car to workbut can
also enable other time- and energy-saving IoT applications.54 For example, Mercedes-Benz
has an application that detects when a driver is heading home and can instruct a home
management system to adjust the temperature in the house. In the future, other car-based
IoT applications are possible, such as a link to a smart refrigerator that would tell the driver
what items to pick up on the way home, even suggesting a store to shop at, based on
location data (these applications obviously require interoperability between IoT systems).
We estimate that connected navigation systems in personal transportation can create value
of $1.4billion to $2.8billion per year. This is based on the assumption that consumers would
be willing to pay a $100 premium for a car with this capability and that 40 to 80percent of
new cars in developing economies and 50 to 100percent of cars in advanced economies
would be so equipped in 2025. This estimate does not include the impact of autonomous
vehicles that are equipped for connected navigation, which is sized elsewhere.
Finally, connected navigation in air travel has the potential to save 2 to 5percent per year in
fuel and CO2 emissions in 2025, for a potential economic impact of $4.2billion to $5.2billion
per year. This would be achieved, in part, through adoption of new air traffic-control systems
such as the US NextGen system, which uses GPS rather than radar to track the precise
location of aircraft. That is expected to enable controllers to allow less distance between
aircraft, which could reduce delays by 38percent, the Federal Aviation Administration
Krystyna Wojnarowicz, Industrial Internet of Things in the maritime industry, Black Duck Software, February
11, 2015.
American time use survey 2013, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2014.
Air traffic modernization, Alliance for Aviation Across America.
temperature, humidity, and other conditions during the journey, we estimate that in-transit
damage could be reduced by 50percent. Reducing loss and damage in package shipping
could have economic value of as much as $15billion per year.
The biggest payoff from the use of IoT to track items in transit could be in military
applications. We estimate that tracking and remote monitoring of defense equipment could
lead to a 3 to 5percent productivity gain, potentially generating an economic benefit of
$15.6billion to $27billion per year in 2025. Governments and defense contractors have
been on the leading edge of research in IoT applications, pioneering drone aircraft and
unmanned battlefield equipment.
Condition-based maintenance
The same approaches to improving maintenance routines by using IoT monitoring
techniques in factory and worksite machinery can be applied to outside equipment. Rulebased maintenance procedures in railway tracks, for example, could be replaced with
predictive condition-based maintenance systems that would be based on the weight and
number of trains that sensors observe on a given stretch of track. European rail systems
that have adopted this approach have reported reductions in maintenance expenses of
30percent. We estimate that this approach can also increase the life span of track by 3 to
5percent. This would lead to an annual economic potential impact of $5billion to $10billion
in 2025.
Human productivity
We estimate that labor productivity benefits from use of IoT technology in outside settings
could be between $7.5billion and $16.5billion per year in 2025. This would be achieved
through better performance management of drivers and of maintenance and repair workers
in industries such as transportation, natural gas distribution, and rail transportation.
Wearable technologies could provide companies with real-time information on employee
activity and location and optimize work routines based on such data.
Getty Images
Exhibit 27
Five types of enablers are needed for maximum IoT impact
Software and
hardware technology
Intellectual property,
security, privacy,
and confidentiality
organization and
Technical enablers
To achieve the full potential of the Internet of Things by 2025, technical progress is required
in three areas: improvements in basic infrastructure elements (lower-cost, more capable
hardware components and ubiquitous connectivity), improvements in software and data
analytics, and the development of technical standards and the technological solutions
for interoperability.
Hardware infrastructure
One of the basic requirements of IoT is to have the capacity for millions of devices,
machines, and computers to talk each other, sometimes across large distances. For this to
happen, two types of base technology are needed to create the infrastructure on which the
Internet of Things can flourish: cheap, low-power hardware and ubiquitous connectivity.
Low-cost, low-power hardware
The cost of components and computing power must continue to drop to make IoT
applications cost-effective. Today many applications are technically solvable, but the high
cost of components such as sensor nodes (with communications and power supplies)
makes implementation impractical. However, the declining costs of microelectronics should
make critical components more affordable. For example, the cost of semiconductors on a
per-transistor basis has fallen by 50percent in the past threeyears, while the cost of MEMS
sensors has decreased by 35percent (Exhibit28).
Sensor nodes not only need to be low-cost, but in many remote applications where they
cannot be connected to electrical service they will also need to consume little power.
Long-lasting batteries and local power sources (low-cost solar panels) can enable many IoT
applications, such as monitoring remote equipment. Low-cost, low-power sensors are also
needed in applications such as precision agriculture, where many sensors are necessary for
monitoring soil moisture.
The cost of RFID tags also must drop more to make them practical for tracking low-value
inventory in retail, manufacturing, and shipping. EPCglobal, the standards body for the
RFID industry, has set a goal to reduce the cost of an RFID tag, now 15 cents, to five cents.
Another example application awaiting lower-cost sensors is the smart bandage, which
would use disposable humidity sensors to alert patients and caregivers when a wound is not
healing properly.
IoT applications will require both low-cost processing power and cost-effective data
storage methods. According to IDC, a market research firm, data generated by IoT devices
will account for 10percent of the worlds data by 2020, or about 44 zettabytes.56 Cloud
computing and storage pricing demonstrate the ongoing reduction in storage coststhe
price of storing a gigabyte of data on a public cloud service fell from 25 cents in 2010 to .024
cents by late 2014.57
Ubiquitous connectivity
Many short-distance connections to IoT sensors will not require cellular data services
because the data will travel over low-power local area networks. However, many
applications that require more complex analytic computing of data from diverse sources
will need ubiquitous connectivity, which is not yet available, particularly in developing
economies. Even in advanced economies, wireless data service can be patchy and
unreliable outside urban centerswhere many factories, warehouses, and other industrial
buildings are located. In the United States, some farmers load sensor data onto USB drives
because they cannot count on wireless data networks. In developing economies, coverage
Anthony Adshead, Data set to grow 10 fold by 2020 as internet of things takes off,,
April 9, 2014.
Alex Teu, Cloud storage is eating the world alive, TechCrunch, August 20, 2014.
in exurban and rural areas is even less advanced, and many countries are still building out
high-speed networks. Many developing economies have only wireless data infrastructure
(3G/4G/LTE) in urban areas, rather than higher-capacity fiber-optic connections.
Exhibit 28
Price reductions in key components should accelerate adoption
Past examples of customer demand/cost
Touch controller IC
Wireless network chips
number sold
Million units
Inertial combos
Average selling price
growth rate,
2009 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2018
LED bulbs
LED price/
Annual market
size of LED1
$ billion
2009 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2018
The real value of IoT applications comes from analyzing data from multiple sensors and
making decisions based on those data. This depends on advances in predictive analytics
such as algorithms that can predict a heart attack before it happens based on subtle
changes in patient data recorded by home health monitors, or software that can predict
when a piece of industrial equipment requires maintenance before it fails. Today, analytics
software has not progressed to the point where it can be easily applied in every caseone
reason that so much of the data that is collected goes unused. The hard work of developing
and tuning these algorithms for the peculiarities of specific use cases is largely still undone,
and the skills and capabilities to do this work remain in short supply.
There are also gaps in capabilities in user organizations that prevent full implementation
of big data analytics in IoT applications. Companies deploying IoT systems need
data scientists and managers with skills in data analytics and the ability to customize
algorithms. Companies also need access to multiple data sets that reside in silos across
the organization.
As noted, interoperability is required to capture nearly 40percentand in some cases,
60percentof the total potential of IoT. For example, makers of industrial equipment
increasingly deliver connected products. With built-in sensors and connectivity, these
products enable manufacturers to provide anomaly detection and sometimes even
predictive maintenance. However, some failure modes can be predicted only when data are
combined from multiple systems (predicting over half of the possible failure modes on oil
platforms requires data from multiple pieces of equipment, for example). Furthermore, being
able to analyze data from multiple pieces of equipment could enable optimization of total
processes. But these systems are often not interoperable.
There are many barriers to interoperability, including lack of common software
interfaces, standard data formats, and common connectivity protocols. One potential
path to overcoming these hurdles is to create common technology standards. Industry
associations, technology suppliers, and policy makers can collaborate to create such
standards. Translation/aggregation platforms, including common application programming
interfaces (APIs), are also needed to manage communication among different applications.
They can enable IoT users to extract and manage information from multiple devices and
generate the insights (and value) that interoperability provides.
Non-technical enablers
In addition to advances in low-cost hardware, connectivity, and software, achieving the
potential of the Internet of Things requires improvements in security and methods for
ensuring privacy, protection of intellectual property, and assignment of data ownership.
Companies and other organizations that want to maximize the benefits of IoT applications
and perhaps build business models around them will need the talent and the proper
attitude to manage successful IoT initiatives and make data-driven decisions. Because IoT
applications touch on so many areas of regulatory and government responsibility (managing
roads and regulating other forms of transportation, for example), policy makers will play
a key role in enabling the Internet of Things. Policy makers can also help by addressing
concerns about security and privacy and encouraging the development of standards to
promote interoperability.
The Internet of Things heightens existing concerns about cybersecurity and introduces
new risks. It multiplies the normal risks associated with any data communication; each
device increases the surface area available for breaches, and interoperability expands
the potential scope of breaches. Every node is a potential entry point, and interconnection
can spread the damage. Moreover, the consequences of compromised IoT systems that
control the physical world could be catastrophic. A compromised IoT-based home security
system or a disrupted medical monitor could pose life-and-death risks. A hacker attack on a
smart grid system could potentially turn off power to millions of households and businesses,
creating massive economic harm and threats to health and safety. For individuals, IoT
security breaches can involve both inappropriate use of personal data and theft (Exhibit29).
Mission-critical IoT applications (self-driving cars or military vehicles, for example) should
have high levels of security before they are adopted on a large scale. And consumers will
not accept applications such as touchless payment systems in retail unless they believe
that their payment data are secure. It may be a hard sell: according to the Identity Theft
Resource Center, 2014 was a record year for data breaches, with reported incidents rising
27.5percent from 2013.58
Identity Theft Resource Center breach report hits record high in 2014, Identity Theft Reource Center, January
12, 2015.
Exhibit 29
IoT data security issues involve both inappropriate use and criminal activity (theft)
Legally allowed
use of private
information by
companies in a
new way
Illegal data
exploitation by
Potential ways to
address issues
Loss of control
Wrong data
Across industries, the most fundamental cultural and organizational shift required for
implementing the Internet of Things in corporations is to develop the skills and mindsets to
embrace data-driven decision making. Despite the enormous investments that companies
have made in data and analytics, many still fail to use data effectively in decision making.
According to a study conducted by the MIT Center for Digital Business and the McKinsey
Business Technology Office, companies that were in the top third of their industries in
making data-driven decisions were, on average, 5 to 6percent more productive than their
Also, because IoT combines the physical and digital worlds, it challenges conventional
notions of organizational responsibilities. Traditionally, the IT organization was separate
and distinct from the operating organization that manages the physical environment. In a
retail store, for example, the IT function managed the point-of-sale terminals but little else.
In an IoT world, IT is embedded throughout store operations, from merchandise tagging to
automated checkout. These applications more directly affect the business metrics on which
store operations are measured.
Adopting the Internet of Things also may require changes in strategy. Equipment makers
that use IoT to monitor their machines at customer sites may need to develop new
competencies in software and compete on the basis of superior skill in turning IoT data into
better service, new products, and new strategies.
Public policy
The digitization of physical systems will require a range of actions from policy makers. Not
only will they be called upon to update and strengthen policies to protect the privacy and
property rights of businesses and consumers, but they will also need to regulate entirely
new forms of activity in the public sphere. Autonomous vehicles are the most obvious
example of this challenge. Even as carmakers and technology companies edge closer
to road-ready autonomous cars, regulators have not created clear rules that would allow
widespread use of these vehicles. Virtually every other form of transportation that can be
managed or guided via IoT technology falls under some form of government regulation.
Governments even set rules for aircraft and railway equipment maintenance that may need
to be modified for usage-based maintenance. Then there are new devices, such as remotecontrol commercial drones, that will require new regulation.
In privacy, security, data ownership, and data sharing, existing regulations will have to be
reviewed and updated. Regulators and lawmakers will need the expertise and collaboration
of businesses (technology providers and users), citizens, and experts.
Finally, policy makers can do a great deal to advance the Internet of Things and generate the
economic and social benefits that we describe in Chapter 3. Public health-care systems,
for example, will play a critical role in setting the pace of adoption of patient monitoring
and other IoT applications in medicine. If these payors agree to subsidize the costs of
home monitors for diabetics, for example, private insurers would feel the need to follow.
Government agencies and institutions can also advance the cause of IoT interoperability by
supporting standards efforts. Rather than setting standards itself, government can bring all
stakeholders together to work toward consensus.
Erik Brynjolfsson, Lorin Hitt, and Heekyung Kim, Strength in numbers: How does data-driven decisionmaking
affect firm performance? Social Science Review Network, April 2011.
The Internet of Things enables physical assets to become elements of an information
system, creating the ability to capture, compute, communicate, and collaborate in novel
ways. The Internet of Things is still in its infancy, but its impact is growing quickly. Some
researchers predict there will be between 25billion and 50billion connected devices
by 2025. Governments, policy makers, and businesses have the chance to accelerate
the enormous opportunities associated with the Internet of Things, even as they work to
address the risks that accompany the technology. In this chapter, we look at the implications
of IoT for different stakeholderscompanies and consumers that use IoT technology, policy
makers, and the companies that supply IoT technology. We begin with implications for users
of IoT technology and policy makers. Then we examine implications for the companies that
will supply IoT technologies.
Consumers will need to be diligent about monitoring the data that are being gathered about
them. When they sign up for services, they should bear in mind what kind of permissions
they are granting for the use of their data, as well as what kind of access they allow to the
data they are generating. Consumers can also participate in policy-making dialogues as
regulators determine how detailed personal information can be used and how people can
exert control over their personal data.
Finally, consumers will have to manage information overload. The physical and
psychological effects of constant Internet and smartphone use are beginning to be
acknowledged, as are context switching costs when the brain is interrupted by an
email alert or an incoming tweet.60 Consumer IoT systems can be yet another source of
overwhelming data and distraction. Consumers will need to think about which IoT systems
to adopt and how to integrate the use of those systems into their lives. Many may avoid
systems that provide a constant stream of information and instead opt for those that present
information only when it is relevant.
As with other productivity-improving technologies, IoT will affect workers in different ways.
Some types of workers are likely to benefit as the Internet of Things creates new needs
for specific skills. Workers who have skills in developing and deploying IoT systems will
find themselves in greater demand. During the period of rapid growth in IoT deployments,
developers and data scientists are likely to benefit the most. Workers with systems
integration skills also will be in demand, because of the high degree of customization
required for many IoT implementations.
Over time, applications enabled by IoT are likely to enable the automation of an increasing
number of tasks currently performed by service workers. For example, IoT could make it
possible to economically automate some food preparation. Self-guided cleaning robots
could reduce the demand for office and home cleaners, and IoT-based security systems
could reduce the number of security guards needed to patrol commercial spaces.
Automated checkout sharply reduces the need for cashiers. In general, manual work will
come under increasing pressure from IoT and smart machines, but IoT will open up some
new employment opportunities, too. Workers who can install and maintain sensor networks,
autonomous vehicles, and other IoT systems will be needed.
5. Implications
from the hassle of browsing through the stores entire inventory. However, as we have
shown, even in consumer-related industries, the majority of potential benefits will be in B2B
applications, such as manufacturing and supply chain.
It is also important to keep in mind the substantial potential benefits of deploying IoT in
businesses in developing markets as well as in advanced economies. Depending on
conditions in the specific developing economy, IoT applications can be used to create large
amounts of value, often from different sources than those in advanced economies.
Companies should bear in mind that interoperability is key to obtaining much of the value
from the Internet of Things. As sophisticated and powerful customers, companies can
demand interoperability when they write specifications and procure IoT systems.
As companies identify and prioritize opportunities to use IoT applications, they should
inventory all potential sources of data, particularly those they might already own but have not
yet fully exploited. IoT is an incredible source of data generated in the course of operations
that can be used for other purposes. As noted, in IoT applications, most data, including
so-called exhaust data (data that is generated as a byproduct of IoT instrumentation), is
not yet used or is used only for anomaly detection and/or real-time control. Far more value
remains to be captured in analyzing the data for optimization and prediction.
We have identified eleven broad categories of applications through which IoT can improve
performance and create value for business users across settings and sectors (see Box8,
The value of IoT applications). The largest source of potential impact60percentis
operations optimization, such as inventory management and condition-based maintenance,
which requires optimization and prediction. But each company will have to analyze and
prioritize its own opportunities.
Exhibit 30
We analyzed 11 types of use cases, four of which are used to optimize operations
IoT benefit in each use case typemaximum economic potential in 2025
$ trillion in 2015 dollars
% of total
Inventory management
Condition-based maintenance
Human productivity
Sales enablement
Health management
Energy management
Environment management
Product development
Autonomous vehicles
5. Implications
Service-based business models. The Internet has enabled the as a service business
model for IT infrastructure and software. The Internet of Things enables anything as a
service business models for all kinds of other products, potentially letting many kinds
of companies shift from selling products to selling services based on those products.61
This model can transform large capital expenditures into a pay-by-usage operating
expense. Examples of this trend are proliferating. They include selling power by the
hour rather than gas turbines, selling transportation services rather than automobiles,
and selling pages printed rather than laser printers. IoT technology not only enables the
providers of these services to charge by usage, but it also enables these companies to
better maintain and upgrade the equipment that is used in these services, removing the
maintenance burden from customers and creating the basis of long-term relationships.
IoT-based service businesses can also use consolidated customer usage data and data
about individual customers for cross-selling, guiding product development, and other
purposes. Furthermore, IoT can allow products to become better while in service (the
opposite of depreciating in value), a concept Hal Varian has dubbed product kaizen.62
Monetization of IoT data. The exhaust data generated by IoT applications can become
a profit center itself. For example, almost any data describing consumer behavior can be
of great value to marketers. Data about physical assets such as buildings and vehicles
can be used to assess insurance risks. One companys data exhaust could be another
companys gold mine, and that value could be monetized by the originator of the data.
Of course, privacy, confidentiality, and ownership rights over such datafor instance,
consumer purchasing dataare issues that would have to be addressed to create such
business models.
See Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, and James Manyika, Ten IT-enabled business trends for the decade
ahead, McKinsey Quarterly, May 2013.
Hal Varian, Kaizen, that continuous improvement strategy, finds its ideal environment, New York Times,
February8, 2007.
See Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity, McKinsey Global Institute,
May 2011.
The role of the IT function within organizations will also be transformed by the Internet of
Things. The scope of responsibilities of IT departments will no longer be primarily in data
centers and managing desktop and mobile devices. IoT applications will extend IT systems
into physical assets, facilities, and inventory. Thus, more than ever, the IT organization will
have to be closely aligned and even integrated with the operating parts of the business. And
the metrics of success for IT will have to measure more than technology, extending to the
performance of the business itself.
Synthesizing data from different sources will take more than interoperable systems (not a
given); it will also require collaboration among leaders and teams in different parts of the
organization. Owners of various IT systems (chief financial officers and chief marketing
officers, for example) must be receptive to linking up their systems and providing data
access across the organization.
Many IoT applications will also require collaboration. For example, in health care, IoT data will
need to be shared among doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, device manufacturers,
and software providers. In some instances, IoT applications may even depend on
competitors working together. In mining, for example, multiple small operators would need
to share data in order to optimize their operations in the same way as a large operator. To
get insights from data on the characteristics of an ore body in one mine and make effective
predictions requires a large comparative data set, which small operators may not be able to
get unless they pool their data.64
Policy makers
For IoT applications to achieve their full potential, issues in several areas must be resolved:
privacy and confidentiality, intellectual property, security, and interoperability. In each of
these areas, government action can be an enabler. The explosion of IoT-based data about
what companies and consumers are doing raises important concerns about personal
privacy and corporate confidentiality. Who has access to and use of data will become a
major issue since many forms of data collectionlicense plate scanners to catch speeders,
for exampledo not require consent. Governments can help to establish practices and
constraints about data collection, access, and usage, especially for data generated in public
spaces. A closely related issue is data rights of various actors in society. What rights do
consumers have over data that is generated by or about them? These are also questions
in which government has a role to play, through legislation, rule making, policy, and
judicial rulings.
Leadership by policy makers can also help address security issues. Governments can invest
in research to address security risks, convene and fund multi-stakeholder centers to set
standards and share information, model good security practices, and craft thoughtful rules
to encourage security management and punish bad actors. Finally, governments and other
policy-making organizations, such as industry groups, can encourage and support the
development of standards that will enable interoperability of IoT devices and systems.
See Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information, McKinsey Global Institute,
October 2013.
5. Implications
Gartner says 4.9billion connected things will be in use in 2015, Gartner press release, November 11, 2014.
Exhibit 31
Users currently capture ~85 to 90 percent of value;
software and services account for ~60 to 85 percent of IoT technology spending
Potential economic benefit per year
$ trillion
Consumer surplus
Customer value
Technology spending
Physical setup
General contracting/
project management
Business apps
Packaged software
Device cloud
Analytics tools
Other hardware
Potential % of
value spent on
IoT technology1
5. Implications
Exhibit 32
Value in the IoT supplier ecosystem will shift to software and services
share of
IoT costs
Large decrease
Small decrease
IoT users
Physical setup/
Software and
Analytics tools
Device cloud
Other devices
Exhibit 33
IoT supplier industry could evolve in three phases
Phase 3
Phase 2
Phase 1
New domains of
value capture
Physical setup/
5. Implications
Adjacent business
models based on
the technology
designed for their vertical markets (clothing store chains, for example) and customized
for their specific needs. Today, creating industry-specific or custom IoT systems is
labor-intensive and costly. By offering an integrated solution, suppliers can satisfy many
customers desire not to have to piece together solutions themselves (though some
sophisticated buyers will). Over time, as the industry matures, we expect more packaged
vertical solutions and large-scale horizontal platforms to take hold.
5. Implications
Even within an industry, a single algorithm that is not tailored to specific settings has limited
application. ConocoPhillips spent fiveyears developing an advanced software system to
manage its complex of wells in the Ekofist field off the coast of Norway. However, translating
that system to other locations even within ConocoPhillips would require substantial
customization since some of the algorithms are specific to the geology of the Ekofist
region. In some cases, transferring capabilities (the talent and experience of experts in IoT
implementation, for example) is easier than transferring technology.
Exhibit 34
Example cross-vertical applications
Similarities across verticals
Pattern recognition
Constraint optimization
Space utilization (e.g., object placement in
Route planning
Image/object recognition
Psychology/user behavior
device cloud
Data storage
Communication format (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
Data/file format
Device functionality
Device manufacturer
Architecture frameworks
Visualization approaches/tools
Project management
Employee skill set
Intrusion detection
Malware detection
Specific output/visualization/
application needs (an airplane, for
example needs to track air pressure,
wind velocity, elevation)
Analytic needs (e.g., geological
analysis of an oil field)
Data formats (e.g., electronic health
record format)
However, there are examples of algorithms that could be used in different IoT
implementations, a few of which we describe here:
Pattern recognition of stream data. Most of the routines used to find patterns in
streams of data from IoT devices rely on well-known statistical techniques. The patterns
that predict whether a truck engine or a gas turbine will break down are relatively
similar. However, there are substantial differences that can require months of work by
specialized data scientists and subject matter experts to tailor for specific applications.
A new generation of algorithms being developed attempts to overcome this limitation
using techniques from topology (the mathematical study of shape) and neural networks,
especially deep learning.
Resource allocation. Resource allocation problems (where to deploy employees,
equipment, and other assets) are similar across settings, providing a way to maximize
a specific outcome (plant output, for example) given a number of constraints (such as
number of employees and time). The algorithms and math behind the optimization share
a lot of similarities across settings, even when problems are largesome involve 20,000
constraints or more. The biggest difference between applications is calculating the
impact of each constraint on the goal. Some impacts can be estimated using statistics
and big data (how much a reagent increases yield in a pharmaceutical manufacturing
plant, for example); others, however, will require knowledge of the business context
and subject matter expertise (the additional value of assigning another employee to a
construction site, for example).
2-D layout optimization. Placement of goods and equipment in a 2-D space (a shop
floor, for example) is a fairly common problem. The algorithms for each type of shop
share a lot of similar characteristics. 2-D layout is a more specific version of the broader
constrained optimization problem that resource-allocation algorithms attempt to solve.
3-D layout optimization. In 3-D layout optimization, the challenge is to find the best way
to pack a space, and the problem is far more complex. Maximizing the storage capacity
of a truck or shipping container requires a very different set of algorithms than would be
used to optimize placement of cereal boxes on a store shelf.
Path routing. Path routing is used to determine how and where goods, equipment, and
people should move most efficiently. This is one of the broadest algorithmic problems
for IoT applications and is used in routing trucks, or employees in a warehouse. All share
a number of similar elements. Given the large number of possible paths (to get from one
part of New York to another that is 15 blocks up and 15 blocks over, there are 155million
possible paths), the common challenge is to select a smaller set of alternatives to make
the computation efficient.
Computer vision and hearing. Object recognition is the computer vision problem
of distinguishing one object in an environment from another (identifying a table or a
chair in a room). The underlying algorithms for computer vision are relatively similar,
but a high degree of customization might be required if a system needs to be better at
distinguishing a specific type of object. Distinguishing a dog from a cat, for example, can
require much more customization than distinguishing a dog from a table. Sound analysis,
for recognizing speech and other sounds, has similar requirements. Deep learning has
also been successfully applied to these problems.
5. Implications
Software providers. Two major opportunities in the Internet of Things market stand
out for software makers: tackling the challenge to efficiently capture and manage the
massive amounts of data that IoT systems generate and focusing on distinctive analytic
tools to extract insights from data. Both can have substantial value for customers.
Software that gives executives a simple and clear view of findings in a flood of IoT data
will be needed for data-driven decision making. This will require creative design of
visualizations and user interfaces. There will also be a need for software that initiates
automatic actions based on IoT data. Software players can also implement platform
strategies for the Internet of Things. Companies that create platformsstandardized
systems that manage devices, collect data, and provide an environment for companies
to build custom applicationscould have defensible advantages. Once established,
platforms become even more powerful due to the investments that customers make in
tools and applications that are built on them. Finally, software players that manage largescale IoT data sets will be well positioned to create new offerings based on those data.
General contractors. Deploying IoT systems requires highly skilled contractors.
However, there will likely be strong competition in this business, and technology installers
will need to develop efficient processes. These contractors should develop standard
sets of processes: hardware installation, software installation, software customization,
system integration, and managing customer process changes. General contractors
that are able to streamline all of these steps (even with the assistance of partners) can
scale up their IoT businesses faster and remain profitable. Installers will also benefit from
establishing distinctive capabilities, such as superior customization skills.
Systems integrators. Systems integrators are hired to create a system out of disparate
components of hardware and software and ensure that the pieces work together. Simply
integrating multiple hardware and software systems, however, may not be sufficient. To
compete long term in the IoT market, systems integrators may need to deliver complex,
comprehensive, and custom solutions. They can do this by partnering with other types
of players (project management contractors) or by developing the needed capabilities
Telecom providers. Todays cellular phone networks are not well equipped to handle
the demands of the Internet of Things. IoT applications will require not only a great deal of
data capacity, but will also need it to be less expensive than current mobile voice or data
service. Moreover, IoT devices need to work on low power. Telecom service providers
that are able to deliver lower-cost and lower-energy communication services will have a
distinct advantage in serving the growing IoT market. Simply providing communications
services is likely to become a commodity business. So to capture a disproportionate
share of IoT value, telecom providers will likely have to go beyond their horizontal platform
roots by investing in other levels of technology and developing vertical knowledge to
create solutions.
5. Implications
The Internet of Things has transformative potential for many types of participants and
stakeholders. Technology suppliers are presented with the opportunity to develop new and
valuable systems and create new sources of revenue and lines of business. Businesses
that adopt IoT systems can improve operations and gather greater insights for datadriven decision making; some will have the opportunity to build new businesses with IoT
technology and data. Consumers will have the most to gainperhaps years of life from IoT
health applications and safer transportation, greater convenience and time savings, and less
costly goods and services.
To build competitive advantage in the IoT market, technology suppliers will need to create
distinctive technology, distinctive data, software platforms, or end-to-end solutions. Those
that fail to do so risk commoditization and loss of business.
Business users of IoT technology will need to change their systems and organizations in
order to make the most of the Internet of Things. They will need to invest in capabilities,
culture, and processes as well as in technology. Businesses that fail to do so are likely to
fall behind competitors that do. Smaller companies will need to find ways to obtain data on
the scale required to compete with larger companies that will have access to sufficient data
While consumers stand to reap the greatest benefits from the Internet of Things, they
will have to balance potential benefits with privacy concerns. They can gain access to an
unprecedented amount of information about themselves and the world around them that
can improve their quality of life. But consumers will have to be discerning about how they
engage with that information and with whom they share it.
Finally, policy makers and governments will have to ensure that these new systems are
safe and that IoT data are not being stolen or abused. They can help to balance the needs
for privacy and protection of private data and intellectual property with the demands of
national security. With vital infrastructure connected to the Internet, security threats will
multiply, which governments will need to address. Policy makers also have an important
role in enabling the Internet of Things by leading and encouraging standards that will make
interoperability and widespread adoption possible.
ABC News, 100 million dieters, $20 billion: The weight-loss industry by the numbers,
May8, 2012.
ABI Research, Internet of Things vs. Internet of Everything: Whats the difference?
May7, 2014.
Adshead, Anthony, Data set to grow 10-fold by 2020 as internet of things takes off,, April 9, 2014.
Alliance for Aviation Across America, Air traffic modernization.
Bradley, Joseph, Joel Barbier, and Doug Handler, Embracing the internet of everything to
capture your share of $14.4 trillion, Cisco, 2013.
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