Fuzzy Logic-A Modern Perspective

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Fuzzy LogicA Modern Perspective

John Yen, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractTraditionally, fuzzy logic (FL) has been viewed in the artificial intelligence (AI) community as an approach for managing
uncertainty. In the 1990s, however, fuzzy logic has emerged as a paradigm for approximating a functional mapping. This
complementary modern view about the technology offers new insights about the foundation of fuzzy logic, as well as new challenges
regarding the identification of fuzzy models. In this paper, we will first review some of the major milestones in the history of developing
fuzzy logic technology. After a short summary of major concepts in fuzzy logic, we discuss a modern view about the foundation of two
types of fuzzy rules. Finally, we review some of the research in addressing various challenges regarding automated identification of
fuzzy rule-based models.
Index TermsFuzzy logic, artificial intelligence,approximate reasoning, possibility theory, reasoning under uncertainty, fuzzy rules,
function approximation, model identification, soft computing.



(FL) has been a somewhat controversial

technology since its birth. However, the large number
of successful industrial fuzzy logic applications in 1990s,
especially those developed in Japan, has generated an increasing interest in FL. Fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence
(AI) have at least one common objective: to develop computational methods that can perform reasoning and problem solving tasks that require human intelligence. However, fuzzy logic has an additional objective: to explore an
effective trade-off between precision and the cost in developing an approximate model of a complex system or function. While the issue of the cost was not considered an important issue in early AI work, it has become important in
the past decade due to an increasing interest in resourceconstrained intelligent agents.
Conceptually, we can use Fig. 1 to depict this trade-off
for many systems. The horizontal axis represents the degree
of precision of a system, while the vertical axis serves the
dual-purpose of representing both the cost and the degree
of utility. As the precision of a system increases, the cost for
developing the system also increases, typically in an exponential manner. On the other hand, the utility (i.e., usefulness) of the system does not increase proportionally as its
precision increasesit usually saturates after a certain
point. This insight about the trade-off between precision,
cost, and utility inspired Zadeh and his followers to exploit
the shaded area in Fig. 1, which resulted in a new paradigm for developing approximate solutions that are both
cost-effective and highly useful.
Traditionally, fuzzy logic has been viewed as a theory
for dealing with uncertainty about complex systems. A modern complementary perspective is, however, to view fuzzy
logic as an approximation theory. This perspective on fuzzy
logic brings to the surface the underpinning of the theory

described abovethe cost-precision trade-off. Indeed, providing a cost-effective solution to a wide range of real
world problems is the primary reason that fuzzy logic has
found so many successful applications in industry to date.
Understanding this driving force of the success of fuzzy
logic will prevent us from falling into the trap of debating
whether fuzzy logic can accomplish what X cannot accomplish where X is an alternative technology such as probability theory, control theory, etc. Such a debate is usually
not fruitful because it ignores one important issuecost. A
better question to ask is What is the difference between the
cost of a fuzzy logic approach and the cost of an approach
based on X to accomplish a certain task?


In the early 1960s, L.A. Zadeh, a professor at the University
of California at Berkeley well respected for his contributions to the development of system theories, began to feel
that traditional systems analysis techniques were too precise for many complex real-world problems. The idea of
grade of membership, which is the concept that became the

 J. Yen is with the Department of Computer Science, MS 3112, Texas

A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. E-mail: yen@cs.tamu.edu.
Manuscript received 22 May 1997; revised 23 Oct. 1998.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail
to: tkde@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number 108308.

Fig. 1. The cost-precision trade-off.

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backbone of fuzzy set theory, occurred to him in 1964 [21],

which lead to the publication of his seminal paper on fuzzy
sets in 1965 and the birth of fuzzy logic technology [35]. The
concept of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic encountered sharp
criticism from the academic community; however, scholars
and scientists around the worldranging from psychology,
sociology, philosophy and economics to natural sciences
and engineeringbecame Zadehs followers. B. Gaines and
L. Kohout gave a detailed bibliography of the first decade
of fuzzy logic research in [10].
Fuzzy logic research in Japan started with two small
university research groups established in the late 1970s:
One was lead by T. Terano and H. Shibata in Tokyo, and the
other lead by K. Tanaka and K. Asai in Kanasai. Like fuzzy
logic researchers in the United States, these researchers encountered an antifuzzy atmosphere in Japan during those
early days. However, their persistence and hard work
would prove to be worthwhile a decade later. These Japanese researchers, their students, and the students of their
students would make many important contributions to the
theory as well as to the applications of fuzzy logic [11].
In 1974, Assilian and Mamdani in the United Kingdom
developed the first fuzzy logic controller, which was for
controlling a steam generator [19]. In 1976, Blue Circle Cement and SIRA in Denmark developed a cement kiln controllerwhich is the first industrial application of fuzzy
logic. The system went to operation in 1982.
In the 1980s, several important industrial applications of
fuzzy logic was launched successfully in Japan. After 8 years
of persistent research, development, and deployment efforts, Yasunobu, Miyamoto, and their colleagues at Hitachi
put a fuzzy logic-based automatic train operation control
system into operation in Sendai citys subway system in
1987 [29]. Another early successful industrial application of
fuzzy logic is a water-treatment system developed by Fuji
Electric. These and other applications motivated many
Japanese engineers to investigate a wide range of novel
fuzzy logic applications. This led to the fuzzy boom.
The fuzzy boom in Japan was a result of close collaboration and technology transfer between universities and industries. Two large-scale national research projects were
established by two Japanese government agencies in 1987:
the better known of the two is the Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering Research (LIFE). In late January
1990, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. named their newly
developed fuzzy controlled automatic washing machine
Asai-go (beloved wife) Day Fuzzy and launched a major
commercial campaign for the fuzzy product. This campaign turns out to be a successfully marketing effort not
only for the product, but also for the fuzzy logic technology.
A foreign word pronounced fuzzy was thus introduced
to Japan with a new meaningintelligence. Many other
home electronics companies followed Panasonics approach
and introduced fuzzy vacuum cleaners, fuzzy rice cookers,
fuzzy refrigerators, fuzzy camcorders (for stablizing the
image under hand jittering), camera (for smart autofocus)
and others. This resulted in a fuzzy vogue in Japan. As a
result, the consumers in Japan all recognized the Japanese
word fuzzy, which won the gold prize for the new word
in 1990 [11]. This fuzzy boom in Japan triggered a broad

and serious interest in this technology in Korea, Europe,

and, to a lesser extent, in the United States, where fuzzy
logic was invented.
Fuzzy logic has also found its applications in the financial area. The first financial trading system using fuzzy
logic was Yamaichi Fuzzy Fund. It handles 65 industries
and a majority of the stocks listed on Nikkei Dow and consists of approximately 800 fuzzy rules. Rules are determined monthly by a group of experts and modified by
senior business analysts as necessary. The system was
tested for 2 years, and its performance in terms of the return and growth exceeds the Nikkei Average by over 20
percent. While in testing, the system recommended sell
18 days before Black Monday in 1987. The system went into
commercial operations in 1988.
The first special-purpose VLSI chip for performing fuzzy logic inferences was developed by Togai and Watanabe
in 1986 [27]. These special-purpose VLSI chips can enhance the performance of fuzzy rule-based systems for
real-time applications. Several companies (e.g., Togai Infralogic, APTRONIX, INFORM) were formed to commercialize hardware and software tools for developing fuzzy systems. Vendors of conventional control design software also started introducing add-on toolbox for designing fuzzy systems. The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for MATLAB,
for instance, was introduced as an add-on component to
MATLAB in 1994.

2.1 The Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge

The development of fuzzy systems in early days required
the manual tuning of the system parameters based on observing the system performance. This drawback has become one of the major criticisms toward fuzzy logic. Even
though Mamdani and Baaklini introduced self-adaptive
fuzzy logic control as early as 1975, the most common citation to the first work in this area is a paper by Procyk and
Mamdani published in 1979 [22]. This was followed by
Japanese researchers in the 1980s. Takagi and his advisor
Sugeno together took an important step by developing the
first approach for constructing (not tuning) fuzzy rules using training data [26]. Their approach learned fuzzy rules
for controlling a toy vehicle by observing how a human
operator controlled the vehicle. Even though this important
work did not gain as much immediate attention as it did
later, it laid the foundation for an important subarea in
fuzzy logic, which is later referred to as fuzzy model identification in the 1990s.
Another trend that contributed to research in fuzzy
model identification is the increasing visibility of neural
network research in the late 1980s. Because of certain similarities between neural networks and fuzzy logic, researchers began to investigate ways to combine the two technologies. The most important outcome of this trend is the development of various techniques for identifying the parameters in a fuzzy system using neural network learning
techniques. A system built this way is called a neuro-fuzzy
system [15], [18].
The 1990s is an era of new computational paradigms. In
addition to fuzzy logic and neural networks, a third nonconventional computational paradigm also became popular

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evolutionary computing, which includes genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, and evolutionary programming. Genetic algorithms (GA) and evolutionary
strategies are optimization techniques that attempt to avoid
being easily trapped in local minima by simultaneously
exploring multiple points in the search space and by generating new points based on the Darwinian theory of evolutionsurvival of the fittest. The popularity of GA in the
1990s inspired the use of GA for optimizing parameters in
fuzzy systems [13]. Various synergistic combinations of
neural networks, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy logic help
people to view them as complementary. To distinguish
these paradigms from the conventional methodologies
based on precise formulations, Zadeh introduced the term
soft computing in the early 1990s [41].


Fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, and possibility distributions
are three core concepts in fuzzy logic. A fuzzy set is a generalization to classical set to allow objects to take partial
membership in vague concepts (i.e., fuzzy sets) [35]. The
degree an object belongs to a fuzzy set, which is a real
number between 0 and 1, is called the membership value in
the set. The meaning of a fuzzy set, is thus characterized by
a membership function that maps elements of a universe of
discourse to their corresponding membership values. The
membership function of a fuzzy set A is denoted as A . In
addition to membership functions, a fuzzy set is also associated with a linguistically meaningful term (e.g., healthy
family). Associating a fuzzy set to a linguistic term offers
two important benefits. First, the association makes it easier
for human experts to express their knowledge using the
linguistic terms. Second, the knowledge expressed using
linguistic terms is easily comprehensible. This benefit often
results in significant savings in the cost of designing, modifying and maintaining a fuzzy logic system.
A linguistic variable is a variable whose value can be
1) qualitatively using an expression involving linguistic
terms, and
2) quantitatively using a corresponding membership
function [39].
The linguistic term is useful for communicating concepts
and knowledge with human beings; whereas membership
function is useful for processing numeric input data. A linguistic variable is like a composition of a symbolic variable in
AI (a variable whose value is a symbol) and a numeric variable (a variable whose value is a number) in science and
engineering. Using the notion of linguistic variable to combine these two kinds of variables into a uniform framework
is, in fact, one of the main reasons that fuzzy logic has been
successful in offering intelligent approaches in engineering
and many other areas that deal with continuous problem
domains. In general, the value of a linguistic variable can be
a linguistic expression involving a set of linguistic terms,
modifiers such as very, more or less (called hedges), and
connectives (e.g., and, or). For example, the sentence


trading is moderate and not very heavy can be expressed

as assigning the linguistic expression Moderate AND NOT
VERY Heavy to the linguistic variable TradingQuantity.
The meaning of such an expression is governed by several
semantic rules about constructing the corresponding membership functions.
When an interval is assigned to a variable with unknown
value (e.g., the suspects age is between 20 and 30 years old),
it constrains the possible values of the variable. Similarly,
when a fuzzy set is assigned to a linguistic variable (e.g.,
the suspects age is young), it imposes an elastic constrain
on the possible values of the variable called the possibility
distribution [40]. The main difference between the two is
that the notion of possible vs. impossible values becomes a
matter of degree.
One of the questions commonly raised about possibility distribution is its relationship with probability distribution. While the subject is too complex for a comprehensive discussion here, it is important enough to deserve some
clarification. The best way to understand the relationship between possibility distribution and probability distribution is to compare interval-values with probability. As
we have mentioned earlier, an interval-valued assignment constrains the possible value of a variable without
indicating the likelihood that the variable takes a specific value in the interval. Similarly, a possibility distribution
states the degree of ease (i.e., possibility) for the variable
to take a certain value without indicating the likelihood
that the variable has such a value. Even though possibility distribution and probability distribution are different,
they are also relatedif a value is impossible, it is obviously improbable. In general, a possibility distribution can
be viewed as an upper bound on the probability distribution. More importantly, however, fuzzy logic can be viewed
as complementary to the probability theory. For instance,
the notion of events in probability theory can be generalized to fuzzy events based on fuzzy sets. Such a generalization allows probability theory to better deal with events
that do not have a well-defined sharp boundary (e.g., the
probability that the stock price of Intel will rise significantly; the probability that the number of heads is much
more than the number of tails in 10 coin tossings). A further
discussion on the issue of fuzzy logic vs. probability theory
can be found in [3].
Fuzzy set theory generalizes the conventional set theory;
therefore, its axiomatic foundation is unavoidably different
from that of classical set theory. More specifically, it has to
violate two fundamental laws of Boolean algebrathe law
of excluded middle A A = U and the law of contradiction A A = . In other words, it is possible for an element to partially belong to both a fuzzy set and the sets
complement. For instance, suppose that John is somewhat
bald but not completely bald. In fuzzy set theory, John can
partially belong to the set of bald people as well as the set
of people who are not bald. Due to the fact that the law of
excluded middle and the law of contradiction are not axioms of fuzzy set theory, formula equivalents in classical set
theory are not necessarily equivalent in fuzzy set theory.
Similarly, logically equivalent formula are not necessarily
equivalent in fuzzy logic. A potential danger of ignoring

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such a difference is to reject fuzzy sets (and fuzzy logic in

general) based on an inappropriate set of axioms [8].
The set operations intersection and union correspond to
logic operations, conjunction (and) and disjunction (or), respectively. There are multiple choices for the fuzzy conjunction and the fuzzy disjunction operators. A common choice is
to use min for fuzzy conjunction, max for fuzzy disjunction;
another common pair is the algebraic product (for fuzzy
conjunction) and algebraic sum (for fuzzy disjunction):

( A B) ( x) = A ( x) B ( x)
A B (x) = A (x) + B (x) A (x) B (x)


There are an infinite number of other choices.

The choice of a fuzzy conjunction operator could determine the choice of the fuzzy disjunction operator, and vice
versa. This is due to the principle of duality between the
two operators. More specifically, a fuzzy conjunction operator, denoted as t( x , y ) and a fuzzy disjunction operator,
denoted as s( x , y ) form a dual pair if they satisfy the following condition:
1 t( x , y ) = s(1 x , 1 y )
In fact, this duality condition ensures that


still holds in fuzzy set theory.

The set of candidate fuzzy conjunction operators, called
triangular norms or t-norms, is defined by a set of axioms.
Similarly, the set of candidate fuzzy disjunction operators
called triangular conorms, t-conorms, or s-norms is defined by
a set of dual axioms. We formally define t-norms and tconorms using their axioms below.
DEFINITION 1. A t-norm operator, denoted as t(x, y), is a function mapping from [0, 1] [0, 1] to [0, 1] that satisfies the
following conditions for any w, x, y, z [0, 1]:
1) t(0, 0) = 0, t(x, 1) = t(1, x) = x
2) t(x, y) t(z, w) if x z and y w (monotonicity)
3) t(x, y) = t(y, x) (commutativity)
4) t(x, t(y, z)) = t(t(x, y), z) (associativity)
DEFINITION 2. A t-conorm operator, denoted as s(x, y), is a function mapping from [0, 1] [0, 1] to [0, 1] the following
conditions for any w, x, y, z [0, 1].
1) s(1, 1) = 1, s(x, 0) = s(0, x) = x
2) s(x, y) s(z, w) if x z and y w (monotonicity)
3) s(x, x) = s(y, x) (commutativity)
4) s(x, s(y, z)) = s(s(x, y), z) (associativity)
A summary of t-norm and t-conorm operators can be found
in [14]. An important property about t-norms is that all tnorms are bounded above by min. Similarly, all t-conorms
are bounded below by max.
A fuzzy relation generalizes the classical notion of relation into a matter of degree. For instance, the fuzzy relation Friend could describe the degree of friendship between
two persons. Similarly, a fuzzy relation Petite between
height and weight of a person describes the degree by
which a person with a specific height and weight is considered petite. Formally, fuzzy relation R between variables x
and y, whose domains are X and Y, respectively, is defined

by a function that maps ordered pairs in X Y to their degree in the relation, which is a number between 0 and 1, i.e.,
R: X Y [0, 1]. More generally, a fuzzy n-ary relation R
in, x1, x2, , xn, whose domains are X1, X2, , Xn, respectively, is defined by a function that maps an n-tuple <x1, x2,
, xn> in X1 X2 Xn to a number in the interval, i.e.,
R: X1 X2 Xn [0, 1]. Just as a classical relation can
be viewed as a set, a fuzzy relation can be viewed as a
fuzzy subset. From this perspective, the mapping above is
equivalent to the membership function of a multidimensional fuzzy set.
If the possible values of x and y are discrete, we can express a fuzzy relation in a matrix form. For example, suppose we wish to express a fuzzy relation Petite in terms of
the height and the weight of a female. Suppose the range of
the height and the weight of interest to us are {5, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56}, denoted h, and {90, 95, 100, 105, 110,
115}, (in pounds) denoted w, respectively. We can express
the fuzzy relation in a matrix form as shown below:




95 100 105 110 115 120 125

1 0.5 0.2
1 0.9 0.3 0.1
1 0.7 0.1 0
1 0.5 0.3 0
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
0.6 0.4 0.2 0


Each entry in the matrix indicates the degree a female with

the corresponding height (i.e., the row heading) and weight
(i.e., the column heading) is considered to be petite. Once
we define the Petite fuzzy relation, we can answer two
kinds of questions:
 What is the degree that a female with a specific height

and a specific weight is considered to be petite?

 What is the possibility that a petite person has a spe-

cific pair of height and weight measures?

In answering the first question, the fuzzy relation is
equivalent to the membership function of a multidimensional fuzzy set. In the second case, the fuzzy relation becomes a possibility distribution assigned to a petite person whose actual height and weight are unknown. The second usage of fuzzy relation enables us to reason about the
possible height of a petite person given her weight. For
instance, we may wish to know the possible weight of a
petite female called Michelle who is about 54 tall where
about indicates impression. The answer to this question
can be obtained through an important inference technique
in fuzzy logicthe compositional rule of inference. We will use
the example above to introduce the foundation of this inference technique.
How do we find out whether it is possible for Michelle
to have a specific weight, say 110 lb? We need to consider
all possible heights of the person and see if a petite person
with such a height h can weigh 110 lb. In general, a petitie
person is possible to weigh w if and only if: 1) the person is
possible to have height h, and 2) it is possible for a person
with height h and weight w to be petite. This can be expressed in logic as follows:

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xw j [ Possible weight( x , w j )
( Possible height( x , hi ) Petite( hi , w j ))]




where Possible-weight (x, wj) is a predicate to test whether it is

possible for person x to have weight wj, Possible-height (x, hi)
and Petite(hi, wj) are similar predicates in first order logic,
denotes the conjunction operator, denotes the disjunction
operator, and denotes bidirectional implication. As we
mentioned earlier, both possibilities and relations become
matters of degree in fuzzy logic. Hence, we can replace the
predicates in (5) with possibility distributions height( x ) ( hi )
and petite ( hi , w j ) to obtain the following formula to infer
the possibility of a petite persons weight, denoted
weight( x ) (w j ) :

weight( x ) (w j ) = ( Height( x ) ( hi ) Petite ( hi , w j ))



where and denote fuzzy conjunction and fuzzy disjunction, respectively. We define the compositional rule of
inference more formally below.
DEFINITION 3. Let X and Y be the universes of discourse for variables x and y, respectively, and Xi and Yj be elements of X
and Y. Let R be a fuzzy relation that maps X Y to [0, 1]
and the possibility distribution of X is known to be PX (xi).
The compositional rule of inference infers the possibility
distribution of Y as follows:

Y ( y j ) = ( X ( xi ) R ( xi , y j ))


The compositional rule of inference is not uniquely

defined. By choosing different fuzzy conjunction and fuzzy disjunction operators, we get different compositional rules of inference. We list two that are commonly
used in practice:

1. max min composition: Y ( y j )

= max (min( X ( xi ), R ( xi , y j )))



2. max product composition: Y ( y j )

= max( X ( xi ) R ( xi , y j ))




Among all the techniques developed using fuzzy sets,
fuzzy if-then rules are by far the most visible due to their
wide range of successful industrial applications ranging
from consumer products, robotics, manufacturing, process
control, automotive control, medical imaging, to financial
trading. A fuzzy if-then rule associates a condition about
linguistic variables to a conclusion. From a knowledge representation viewpoint, a fuzzy if-then rule is a scheme for
capturing knowledge that involves imprecision. The main
feature of reasoning using these rules (i.e., fuzzy rule-based
reasoning) is its partial matching capability, which enables an
inference to be made from a fuzzy rule even when the rules
condition is only partially satisfied. The degree the input

data matches the condition of a rule is combined with

the consequent (i.e., then part) of the rule to form a
conclusion inferred by the fuzzy rule. The higher is the
matching degree, the closer is the inferred conclusion to
the rules consequence.
There are two types of fuzzy rules: 1) fuzzy mapping rules,
and 2) fuzzy implication rules. A fuzzy mapping rule describes a functional mapping relationship between inputs
and an output using linguistic terms, while a fuzzy implication rule describes a generalized logic implication relationship between two logic formula involving linguistic
variables. The foundation of fuzzy mapping rule is fuzzy
graph, while the foundation of fuzzy implication rule is a
generalization to two-valued logic. The inference of fuzzy
mapping rules involves a set of rules whose antecedent
conditions form a fuzzy partition of the input space. We call
such a collection of fuzzy mapping rules a fuzzy model. The
inference of fuzzy implication rules are performed individually. Even though the inference results of these rules
can be combined, the desired properties of their inference
are described in terms of the behavior of individual rules
(e.g., generalized modus ponens and modus tollens involving hedges). Consequently, fuzzy mapping rules are
designed as a group, whereas fuzzy implication rules are
designed individually.
The distinction between fuzzy implication rules and fuzzy
mapping rules has not been clear in the literature. Until early
1990s, fuzzy rules used in control systems have been viewed
as a special kind of fuzzy implication rule [17]. However, it is
difficult to explain the use of conjunction operator in forming
the fuzzy implication relation of rules and the use of fuzzy
disjunction in aggregating the conclusion of rules. This difficulty gradually lead to the crystallization of the fundamental
differences between the two types of rules. Zadeh, Kosko,
Dubois, and Prade and many others contribute to this process through keynote speeches, books [16], conference and
journal publications [6].

4.1 Fuzzy Mapping Rules vs. Fuzzy Implication Rules

A potential confusing point in distinguishing these two
types of fuzzy rules is that they have two similarities. First,
both of them can be represented as a fuzzy relation between
antecdent variables and consequent variables. Second, both
of their inference schemes are based on the compositional
rule of inference. These similaries have convinced many
scholars that these two types of rules are identical. However, underneath these two similarities are two profound
differences. Even though they can be both represented as
fuzzy relations, the semantics of the content of their fuzzy
relations differs. Consequently, their inference uses different operators in the compositional rule of inference. We will
elaborate on these two points below.
The most fundamental difference between the semantics
of fuzzy mapping rules and fuzzy implication rules is in
their inference behavior. Even though these two types of
rules behave the same when their antecedents are satisfied,
they behave differently when their antecedents are not satisfied. We will illustrate this using an example. Suppose x
and y are two integer variables taking values from the interval [0, 10]. Suppose we know that if x is between 1 and
3, then y is either 7 or 8. This sentence can describes at

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least two kinds of knowledge: 1) as a logic implication, and

2) as an association. Assuming that we also know the value
of x is 5, the logic implication will infer that y is unknown
(i.e., y can be any integer in the interval [0, 10]), but the association knowledge will not make any conclusion regarding y. The two types of knowledge correspond to the two
types of fuzzy rules: logic implication is the basis of fuzzy
implication rules, while association knowledge is the essence of fuzzy mapping rules. That is, fuzzy implication
rules generalize set-to-set implications; whereas fuzzy
mapping rules generalize set-to-set associations. The former
was motivated to allow intelligent systems to draw
plausable conclusions in a way similar to human reasoning;
while the latter was motivated to approximate complex
relationships (e.g., nonlinear functions) in a cost-effective
and easily comprehensable way.
We will first use an example to illustrate the difference
between set-to-set nonfuzzy implications and set-to-set
nonfuzzy mappings. This discussion will then set the stage
for us to describe the difference between the theoretical
foundation of these two types of fuzzy rules. Suppose x and
y are variables taking values from U = {a, b, c, d, e, f } and V
= {r, s, t, u, v}, respectively. Suppose further that we know
the following implication is true:
x {b , c , d} y {s, t}


Such a set-to-set implication specifies a set of possible implications such as x = b y = s, and a set of impossible implications such as x = b y = r. Notice that if the antecedent is
known to be false, the implication is true regardless of ys
value. Therefore, the following implications is possible: x =
a y = r. Hence, we can represent the meaning of the setto-set implication using the following matrix:

r s t u v

R( xi , y j ) = d








if (( xi {b , c , d}) ( y j {s, t}))

if (( xi {b , c , d}) ( y j {s, t}))

Now, let us consider a similar set-to-set mapping rule:

x {b , c , d} map to y {s, t}

(( xi {b , c , d}) ( y j {s, t}))

(( xi {b , c , d}) ( y j {s, t}))

It may be worthwhile now to point out the difference

between the possibility relation of a mapping rule and that
of an implication rule. Fig. 2 depicts such a difference for
the rule If x is A then y is B. The points in shaded areas
are possible while those in the white area are not possible.
The shaded area in Fig. 2 corresponds to the l entries in
the implications relation in (11).1 Fig. 2 echoes a point we
made earlierImplication rules and mapping rules differ in
their treatment of the situation that fails to satisfy the ifcondition. In Fig 2, these situations are in the two regions
outside of the region corresponding to x is A.
Having discussed the meaning of a set-to-set nonfuzzy
implication, we can now consider an implication involving fuzzy sets (i.e., fuzzy implication):

( x is A) ( y is B)


where A and B are fuzzy subsets of U and V, respectively.

As in the previous example, this implication also specifies
the possibility of various point-to-point implications. The
main difference here is that the possibilities are no longer
binary. Rather, they become a matter of degree. Therefore,
the meaning of the fuzzy implication can be represented by
an fuzzy relation R defined as
RI ( xi , y j ) = I (( x = xi ) ( y = y j ))


where I denotes the possibility distribution imposed by

the implication. In fuzzy logic, this possibility distribution
is constructed from the truth values of the instantiated (i.e.,
grounded) implications obtained by replacing variables in
the implication (i.e., x and y) with pairs of their possible


xi and yj and determine whether the resulting (i.e., instantiated) implication is true or false, i.e.,


r (( x = xi ) ( y = y j )) = t(( xi is A) ( y j is B)) (17)

means impossible). It is also easy to see that such a relation

can be constructed by replacing x and y in (10) with pairs of


values (i.e., xi, yj):

where an entry in the relation R(xi, yj) represents whether

( x = xi ) ( y = y j ) is possible (1 means possible, and 0

R( x , y ) = &

R( xi , yi ) =


where t denotes the truth value of a formula. It is easy to

see that (17) is a natural extension of (12).
The fuzzy relation of a fuzzy mapping rule in the form of
(15) represents the possibility degrees of association between pairs of input and output values. Hence, it extends
(14) into the following one:
Rr ( xi , y j ) = r (( x = xi ) ( y = y j ))


The possibility distribution is thus determined from the

membership functions of A and B:

r (( x = xi ) ( y = y j )) = t(( xi is A) ( y j is B))

= A ( xi ) B ( y j )


where denotes a fuzzy conjunction operator.

4.2 Types of Fuzzy Implication Functions

The truth value of the fuzzy implication rule xi is A y j

Such a set-to-set mapping specifies a set of possible association between the values of x and y. Such an association
can be naturally represented by a relation R( xi , y j ) that

is B in (17) is defined in terms of the truth value of the antecedent xi is A and the truth value of the consequent yi
is B. For the convenience of our discussion, we will refer to

describes whether input-output pair is a possible association based on the mapping rule. Hence, the relation for the
mapping rule can be represented as follows:

1. Because the way a fuzzy implication is constructed, we need to turn it

counterclockwise 90 degrees to see how Fig. 2a is its missor image.

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Fig. 2. A pictorial view of the possibility relation for: (a) an implication rule; (b) a corresponding mapping rule.

these truth values as i

and j , respectively, i.e.,

t( xi is A) = i , t( y j is B) = j . The truth value of the implication ( xi is A y j is B) is thus a function I of i and j :

t( xi is A y j is B) = I ( i , j )
We call the function I an implication function.
Various definitions of implication functions have been developed. To compare and evaluate them, several intuitive
criteria of desired inference results of fuzzy implications
have been established. These criteria form the basis for
evaluating and comparing different fuzzy implication functions. An example of such a criteriia is given below:
Given: x is A y is B
x is not A

y is V (unknown)

Notice that y is V (assigning the entire universe of discourse V to y) represents y is unknown. Other intuitive
criteria are summarized in Table 1.
Fuzzy implications can be classified into three families. Each family extends a particular logic formulation of
implication in propositional logic. Even though these formulations are equivalent in classical logic, they are not

equivalent in fuzzy logic because the law of excluded middle no longer holds in fuzzy logic as we explained in Section 3. Fuzzy implications within a family differ on their
choice of the fuzzy conjunction and fuzzy disjunction operators. We briefly describe each family below.
The first family of fuzzy implication is obtained by generalizing material implications in two-valued logic to fuzzy
logic. A material implication p q is defined as p q.
Generalizing this to fuzzy logic gives us t(p q) = t(p q).
More specifically, fuzzy implications in this family can be
generically defined as:

t( xi is A y j is B) = t( ( xi is A) ( y j is B))
= (1 A ( xi )) B ( y j )


An example of fuzzy implication in this familty is Zadehs

arithmetic fuzzy implication:
t( xi is A y j is B) = 1 (1 A ( xi ) + B ( y j ))


which is obtained using a bounded sum operator for fuzzy

The second family of fuzzy implication is based on logic
equivalence between implications p q and p (p q).
Fuzzy implications in this family thus have the following form:



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t( xi is A y j is B) = t( ( xi is A) [( xi is A) ( y j is B)])
= (1 A ( xi )) ( A ( xi ) B ( y j ))


An example of fuzzy implication in this family is Zadehs

maximum fuzzy implication function:
t( xi is A y j is B) = (1 A ( xi )) ( A ( xi ) B ( y j )) (23)

which is obtained by using min for fuzzy conjunction and

max for fuzzy disjunction.
The third family of fuzzy implication generalizes the
standard sequence of many-valued logic and its variants.
The implication in these logic systems is defined to be true
whenever the consequent is as true or truer than the antecedent, i.e., t(p q) = 1 whenever t(p) t(q). This is an important property of many multivalued logic systems because it allows the following tautology (i.e., a logic formula
that is always true) in two-valued logic to be maintained in
multivalued logic: f f where f is any formula. In other
words, a logic formula always implies itself, regardless of
its truth value. The fuzzy implication function in this family
can all be described in the following form:

t( xi is A y j is B)
= sup{ [0, 1], t( xi is A) t( yi is B)}

A ( xi ) B ( y j )
A ( xi ) > B ( y j )


Godelian sequence fuzzy implication

t( xi is A y j is B) =

%& 1
' ( y )

A ( xi ) B ( y j )
A ( xi ) > B ( y j )


Goguens fuzzy implication

t( xi is A y j

%K 1
is B) = & ( y )
K' (x )

A ( xi ) B ( y j )
A ( xi ) > B ( y j )

Red = 0.25/6 + 0.5/7 + 0.75/8 + 1/9 + 1/10

Ripe = 0.25/7 + 0.5/8 + 0.75/9 + 1/10

We are also given the fuzzy implication

Three fuzzy implication functions in this family are given below:

Standard sequence fuzzy implication


EXAMPLE 1. Let U and V be two universes representing numeric ratings (from 1 to 10) of redness and ripeness of
tomatoes, respectively. We denote the variable of
these two ratings as x and y, respectively. Let Red be a
fuzzy subset of U defined as

and Ripe be a fuzzy subset of V defined as


= sup{ [0, 1], A ( xi ) B ( y j )}

t( xi is A y j is B) =

concepts and techniques in fuzzy logic such as the compositional rule of inference, fuzzy relations, and possibility
distributions. Without them, approximate reasoning would
not have been possible.
Table 2 summaries how the criteria introduced in Table 1
are satisfied by the five fuzzy implication functions based
on sup-min composition (except that the sup-product composition is applied to Goguens fuzzy implication). We applied the sup-product composition to Goguens fuzzy implication because Goguens multivalued logic system uses
product as its conjunction operator. In other words, the
choice of implication function and the choice of disjunction/conjunction operator in the compositional rule of inference are not unrelated.

tomato is Red tomato is Ripe

We denote fuzzy implication relations obtained from the
standard sequence and Goguens implication as Rs, and Rgg,
respectively. Suppose we know that a specific tomato is
very red, we can express this information as tomato is
VERY Red where VERY is a hedge that modifies the
meaning of a fuzzy set by taking the square of its member2
ship function: (i.e., mVERY A = (mA) ). Applying the sup-min
composition to the standard sequence implication, we obtain the following possibility distribution about the ripeness of the tomato:
ripeness = redness o Rs = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0.065 0.25 0.5625 1] (28)


These three fuzzy implication functions came from, respectively, the standard sequence many-valued logic system (denoted Sn in the literature), a many-valued logic
system proposed by K. Godel, and a many-valued logic
system J.A. Goguen introduced in 1969. Fig 3 shows
graphically the function surface of the five fuzzy implication functions we discussed.
Even though implication functions in multivalued logic
systems can be used for constructing fuzzy implication relations, approximate reasoning in fuzzy logic is fundamentally different from logic inference in multivalued logic
approximate reasoning infers possible values of a variable,
whereas multivalued logic infers the truth values of propositions. The connection between the two was established by
(17). Even if we choose to use a fuzzy implication function
originated in a multivalued logic system (e.g., standard
sequence, Godelian implication, or Goguens implication),
approximate reasoning still benefits from other important

The inferred possibility distribution of ripeness indicates

that the tomato is VERY Ripe. If we apply sup-product
composition to Goguens implication for the same problem,
we obtain the following result:
ripeness = redness o Rgg = [0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 3
4 2 4


The inferred possibility distribution of the tomatos ripeness is thus Ripe.

The example above illustrates that standard sequence
implication can satisfy Criterion II-1, while Goguens implication can satisfy Criterion II-2. However, we should point
out that these results require some conditions about the
membership functions in the implication rules. Even
though these conditions are often satisfied in practice, we
should not overlook them. Fukami, Mizumoto, and Tanaka
were the first to formally analyze the relationship between
various fuzzy implication functions and the intuitive criteria of fuzzy implication rules [9]. A more detailed version of
the discussion above can be found in [30].

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Fig. 3. Five fuzzy implication functions: (a) Zadehs arithmetic fuzzy implication; (b) Zadehs maxmin fuzzy implication; (c) standard sequence
fuzzy implication; (d) Godelian fuzzy implication; and (e) Goguen fuzzy implication.


X: denotes that a criterion is not supported by I(x, y) and

O: denotes that a criterion is supported by I(x, y)
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The foundation of fuzzy mapping rules are fuzzy graph [41].
A fuzzy graph f * from X to Y is a union of Cartesian
products involving linguistic input-output associations (i.e.,
pairs of x is Ai and y is Bi). Let f * be a fuzzy graph described by a set of fuzzy mapping rules in the form of IF x
is Ai then y is Bi. The fuzzy graph can be expressed
mathematically as:
f = Ai Bi


In f * , + denotes the fuzzy disjunction. The Cartesian

product of A and B, denoted by A B, is defined as

A B ( u , v ) = A ( u) B ( v )
An expression of the form A B where A and B are
words (fuzzy sets) is referred as a Cartesian granule [42].
Fig. 4 depicts a fuzzy graph consisting of three fuzzy mapping rules:

IF X is small THEN Y is small.

IF X is medium THEN Y is large.
IF X is large THEN Y is small.

The resulting fuzzy graph is basically a fuzzy relation.

The inference (i.e. interpolative reasoning) of such a set
of fuzzy mapping rulesl is also based on compositional rule of
inference introduced earlier. Given an input x is A to the
model, the inferred output of the model is a possibility distribution B of y:
B = A o f = A o ( Ai Bi )


represents the fuzzy graph of a given fuzzy
model, o denotes the compositional rule of inference.

the choice of fuzzy union operator in fuzzy graph (i.e., (30).

The most well known nonadditive fuzzy model is the
Mamdani model, which is named after E.H. Mamdani who
developed the first fuzzy logic controller using the model.
Most fuzzy control systems developed in the 80s use the
Mamdani model. The first additive fuzzy model is the
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) model, which was first introduced by Takagi and Sugeno around 1985. The TSK model
has drawn much more attention in the 90s, both in the research community and in the industry. One of the main
advantages of the TSK model is that it can approximate a
function using fewer rules. Another additive fuzzy model is
Koskos standard additive model (SAM) [16]. The inference
scheme of the Mamdani model can be derived from (31) by
using the min operator for the Cartesian product, by using
the max operators for the fuzzy union operation, and by
using the sup-min composition. Additive fuzzy models can
also be derived by choosing appropriate operators for these
operations. For instance, the SAM model uses the product
operator for the fuzzy intersection and the Cartesian product operation. Before deriving these models from their
foundation, however, we discuss a desired property regarding fuzzy graph [41].
THEOREM 1. (Distributive Property of Fuzzy Graph). Suppose
a fuzzy model that describes a fuzzy mapping from U V
to W is described by n rules in the form of
IF x is Ai AND y is Bi THEN z is Ci


where Ai, Bi, and Ci are fuzzy subsets of U, V, and W, respectively. The models fuzzy graph f is expressed as

f =

i =1

Ri =

( Ai Bi ) Ci

i =1


where Ri is the fuzzy relation of ith rule, Ai and Bi denote

cylindrical extension of Ai and Bj , respectively (i.e., a simple technique to extend these fuzzy sets into the space U
V). Let A and B be fuzzy subsets of U and V, respectively.
If we compose A and B with f * using sup-min composition and compute the union in (33) using the max operator, then composing inputs with f * (i.e., the entire fuzzy
rule-based model) are equivalent to first composing inputs
with individual rules in f * and then aggregating their
composition results.

( A B ) o f = ( A B ) o Ri
i =1


The proof of this and remaining theorems can be found

in [30].
Fig. 4. Fuzzy graph approximation by a disjunction of Cartesian products.


A set of fuzzy mapping rules form a fuzzy model. Fuzzy
models can be classified into two categories: 1) nonadditive
fuzzy models that aggregate the output of fuzzy rules using
the maximum operator, and 2) additive fuzzy models that
aggregate the output of rules using the addition operator.
The choice of these aggregation operators corresponds to

We now state a theorem that shows how the Mamdani

model can be derived from fuzzy graph and (31).
THEOREM 2. (Mamdani Model). Suppose a fuzzy rule-based
model maps X Y to Z using a set of n rules in the form of
IF x is Ai AND y is Bi THEN z is Ci


and receives inputs in the form of x is A and y is B where

A and B are fuzzy subsets of U and V. Suppose the fuzzy
inference of the model is based on a sup-min composition

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between inputs and a fuzzy graph that is defined using

max and min for all fuzzy disjunctions and fuzzy conjunctions operations. Then, the output of the fuzzy model (before defuzzification), denoted by C is characterized by the
following membership function:

C ( z) = max( i Ci ( z))


i =1


i = sup ( A ( x ) Ai ( x )) sup ( B ( y ) Bi ( y ))

and denotes the min operator.

The foundation of Koskos standard additive model is a
fuzzy graph, the sup-product composition, and the use of
addition as a rule aggregation operator. We formally state
this as a theorem below.
THEOREM 3. (Standard Additive Model). Suppose f is a
fuzzy graph consisting of rules in the form of
IF x is Ai AND y is Bi THEN z is Ci.
If the inference of the model uses sup-product composition,
product for all fuzzy conjunction, and addition for
rule aggregation, and centroid defuzzification, then the
models output for crisp inputs x = x0; y = y0 is

z = Centroid


i =1

Ai ( x0 )

B ( y0 ) Ci



The identification of fuzzy models consists of three basic
subproblems: structure identification, parameter estimation, and model validation.
 Structure identification involves finding the important

input variables from all possible input variables,

specifying membership functions, partitioning input
space, and determining the number of fuzzy rules
comprising the underlying model.
 Parameter estimation involves the determination of unknown parameters in the model using some optimization method based on both linguistic information
obtained from human experts and numerical data
obtained from the actual physical system. Structure
specification and parameter estimation are interwoven, and either of them cannot be independently
identified without resort to another.
 Model validation involves testing the model based on
some performance criterion (e.g., accuracy).
If the model cannot pass the test, we must modify the
model structure and re-estimate the model parameter. This
process iterates until a satisfactory model is found. We will
discuss two of the most important issues in fuzzy modeling
for high dimension problems:
1) identifying the fuzzy partition of the input space, and
2) dealing with the curse of dimensionality.

7.1 Fuzzy Partition of the Input Space

Fuzzy partitions of input space define the antecedent of a
fuzzy model. The number of fuzzy partitions usually determines the number of fuzzy rules comprising the underlying model as well. There are three types of fuzzy partitions: 1) the grid partition, 2) the tree partition, and 3) the
scatter partition.
The grid partition is the most commonly used fuzzy partitioning methods in practice (particularly in control applications). The rule in (32), for instance, partitions the input
space this way. Wang and Mendel has used this type of
fuzzy partition in their procedure for fuzzy rule extraction
from numerical data [28]. Fig. 5a illustrates a typical grid
partition in a two-dimensional input space. The grids
shown in Fig. 5a are uniformly partitioned and static, and
the performance of the resultant model depends entirely on
the initial definition of these grids. An adaptive fuzzy grid
partition can be obtained if we introduce some learning
procedure in constructing the partition. Two typical learning procedures used in practice are the gradient descent
method suggested by Jang [12] and genetic algorithms suggested by Karr [13]. Fig. 5b gives an example of an adaptive
fuzzy grid partition in a two-dimensional input space. Grid
partition (both static and adaptive) is convenient to use, but
it may encounter serious rule explosion problem when
the number of input variables is large. This problem is
closely related to the so-called curse of dimensionality,
the well-known problem of exponentially increasing complexity with the number of input variables.
Tree partition is another method used in partitioning input space. Fig. 5c gives an example of a tree partition in a
two-dimensional input space. A tree partition results from a
series of guillotine cuts. By a guillotine cut, we mean a cut
that is made entirely across the subspace to be partitioned;
each of the regions so produced can then be subjected to
independent guillotine cutting. At the beginning of the ith
iteration step, the input space is partitioned into i regions.
Then another guillotine cut is applied to one of the regions
to further partition the entire space into (i + 1) regions.
There are various strategies to decide which dimension to
cut and where to cut it at each step. Some are based merely
on the distribution of training examples; others take the
parameter identification methods into consideration [25].
Tree partition relieves the problem of rule explosion to a
great degree, but it is not easy to use in practice. A number
of heuristics are usually needed to find a proper tree structure, and there may be difficulties involved in designing an
optimal tree partition.
A more flexible method for partitioning input space in
high-dimensional modeling problem is the Scatter partition. An example of such a partition is shown in Fig. 5d
which appears in a two-dimensional input space. Instead of
covering the whole input space, this method tries to find a
subset of the input space that characterizes the fuzzy regions of possible occurrence of training examples. Each
fuzzy region is associated with a combination of antecedent membership functions, and the number of the regions
defines the number of fuzzy rules. It is usually difficult to
find such a subset of input space (and consequently the
fuzzy regions) intuitively or manually; instead, some learning or automatic procedure has to be adopted.

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Fig. 5. Various methods for partitioning the input space: (a) gridpartition (static); (b) grid partition (adaptive); (c) tree partition; (d) scatter partition.

7.2 Dealing with the Curse of Dimensionality

As we mentioned in the previous section, a long-standing
problem in fuzzy rule-based modeling is the curse of dimensionality, which occurs because the number of rules
increases exponentially as the number of input variables
increases [16]. Several approaches using singular value decomposition (SVQ) to overcome this problem have been
proposed [20], [34]. Other methods reduce the number of
fuzzy rules in a given rule base by fusing (rather than eliminating) rules based on some similarity measure [25], [4], [18].
An alternative approach is to augment a rule base when the
rules are not complete [28], [23].
Evaluating fuzzy models purely based on their fitness to
training data, like any other modeling paradigm, can potentially lead to the overfitting problem. One way to address this issue is to use information theoretic criteria to
evaluate fuzzy models so that the complexity of these models is explicitly taken into account in evaluating their optimality [32]. An important benefit of fuzzy model is that its
rules are interpretable because they capture a local relationship between the models input and output. However,
this virtue may be lost if a fuzzy model is evaluated only by
its global performance. A remedy to this problem is to combine local learning (i.e., learning individual rules) with
globall learning (i.e., learning the entire rule set) [33].

In this paper, we have summarized major concepts and
techniques in fuzzy logic. We have also presented a modern

perspective about two types of fuzzy rules: 1) fuzzy implication rules, and 2) fuzzy mapping rules. The latter have been
widely used in fuzzy logic control and other industrial applications. This new perspective not only clarifies the formal foundation of these rules, but also sheds lights on how
to deal with various challenges in identifying and learning
fuzzy rule-based models for high dimensional problems.

We thank Lotfi A. Zadeh, Henri Prade, and Didies Dubois
for fruitful technical exchanges regarding fuzzy logic and
artificial intelligence. We also thank Reza Langari and Liang
Wang for their contributions to our research and teaching
related to fuzzy logic. This research was partially supported
by National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award
No. IRI 9257293.

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and R.M. Thrall, eds., Math. Frontiers of the Social and Policy Sciences, pp. 69-129, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981.
[41] L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Soft Computing, Comm. ACM, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 77-84, Mar. 1994.
[42] L.A Zadeh, Fuzzy Logic = Computing with Words, IEEE Trans.
on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 4, no. 2, 1996.

John Yen received his BS degree in electrical

engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1980; his MS degree in computer science
from the University of Santa Clara, California, in
1982; and his PhD degree in computer science
from the University of California, Berkeley, in
1986. He is currently a professor of computer science and director of the Center for Fuzzy Logic,
Robotics, and Intelligent Systems at Texas A&M
University. Before joining Texas A&M in 1989,
he had been conducting artificial intelligence research as a research scientist in the Information Sciences Institute at
the University of Southern California. His research interests include intelligent agents, fuzzy logic, software engineering, and evolutionary computing. He has published more than 100 technical papers in journals,
conference proceedings, and edited volumes. He is vice president for
publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council and secretary of the
International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA). He is a member of
the Editorial Board of several international journals on fuzzy logic
and intelligent systems. He co-authored (with R. Langari) the textbook
Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control, and Information (Prentice Hall,
1999). He received the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award in 1992; the K.S. Fu Award from NAFIPS in 1994; and the
Dresser Industries Professorship Award from Texas A&M University in
1995. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the IEEE
Computer Society.

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