WAPDA Internship Policy: Purpose
WAPDA Internship Policy: Purpose
WAPDA Internship Policy: Purpose
The future and survival of a country rests with its youth and the way this potential power is
developed. Youth is prime time where one can catch up and exploit facilities of the youth for
deeper understanding and research. Universities besides imparting theoretical knowledge also
requires students especially Engineers to Undergo an internship for practical outlook of what
they learnt.
Keeping in view the requirement of Universities and to fulfill its Corporate Social Responsibility,
Pakistan Water And Power Development Authority periodically employs interns for specific
periods when they are not in Universities. The purpose of this policy is to outline responsibilities
and to ensure such student workers have a productive stay with WAPDA.
Orientation. An intern will be provided with an abbreviated orientation program that will
highlight key aspects of the position the intern will be engaged in as well as WAPDA policies
with which he or she will be expected to conform during the specific term of employment.
Department orientation and training. Each new intern will be provided with an in-depth
review of department functions and activities and the interaction of these activities with the
work the intern will be performing. The departments will coordinate with offices under which
the interns will work on rotation basis. Different offices will provide the interns training either
through handouts or electronic media presentations. Where necessary, hands on experience
will also be provided depending upon the internship requirements of the universities and
department limitations.
Progress report (If required). Due to the short-term assignment of interns, and in
accordance with university reporting requirements for students, the department head will be
responsible for providing a narrative report of the student workers assignments and
progress at the close of each month the student is engaged purely on the basis of university
Final report and Certification. In the last week in which an interns assignment comes
to a close, the department head will be required to obtain a Final Internship Report from the
interns, which will be reviewed on the basis of a presentation. After successfully completion
of internship, a certificate distribution ceremony will be conducted where the interns will be
provided certificates and final word from the chief guest.
The Opportunity
The internship at WAPDA lasts up between 6 to 8 weeks and provides an excellent opportunity
to gain insights into life and work of Pakistans prestigious government entity. Well provide you
with challenging assignments and all the support youll need to make the most of the
Deadline for Applications
The internship program will commence each year in summer vacations (June/July/August). The
applications must reach to the department heads mentioned above by May 15 th of each year. No
application will be entertained after the deadline.