Essential Oils From Conventional To Green Extraction

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Chapter 2

Essential Oils: From Conventional

to Green Extraction

Abstract This chapter reviews the development of extraction techniques for essential
oils (EOs). The conventional extraction techniques and their intensifications are summarized in terms of their principles, benefits and disadvantages. The green extractions
with innovative techniques are also elaborated for future optimization and improvement of traditional EOs productions.
Keywords Essential oils Extraction techniques OptimizationInnovation

2.1Conventional Extraction
As previously described, EOs are defined as products extracted from natural plants
by physical means only such as distillation, cold press and dry distillation. However,
the loss of some components and the degradation of some unsaturated compounds
by thermal effects or by hydrolysis can be generated by these conventional extraction techniques. These disadvantages have attracted the recent research attention
and stimulated the intensification, optimization and improvement of existing and
novel green extraction techniques. All these techniques are appropriately applied
with a careful consideration of plant organs and the quality of final products.
Moreover, the analytical composition of EOs extracted from the same plant organ
may be quite different with respect to the techniques used. These conventional
extraction techniques could typically extract EOs from plants ranging from 0.005 to
10%, which are influenced by the distillation duration, the temperature, the operating pressure, and most importantly, the type and quality of raw plant materials.

2.1.1Steam Distillation
Steam distillation is one of ancient and official approved methods for isolation of
EOs from plant materials. The plant materials charged in the alembic are subjected
to the steam without maceration in water. The injected steam passes through the

The Author(s) 2014

Y. Li et al., Essential Oils as Reagents in Green Chemistry, SpringerBriefs in Green
Chemistry for Sustainability, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08449-7_2

Fig.2.1A schematic
representation of
conventional recovery of
essential oils

2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction


1: Heating

2: Evaporation
3: Separation
4: Water reflux


Essential oil

Aqueous phase

Energy source

Essential oil

plants from the base of the alembic to the top. The vapour laden with essential
oils flows through a swan-neck column and is then condensed before decantation and collection in a Florentine flask (Fig.2.1). EOs that are lighter or heavier
than water form two immiscible phases and can be easily separated. The principle
of this technique is that the combined vapour pressure equals the ambient pressure at about 100C so that the volatile components with the boiling points ranging from 150 to 300C can be evaporated at a temperature close to that of water.
Furthermore, this technique can be also carried out under pressure depending on
the EOs extraction difficulty.

Unlike steam distillation, the steam injected in this system is from the top of
the alembic to the bottom. The vapour mixture with EOs is directly condensed
below the plant support through a perforated tray. The way of separating EOs is
the same as that in other distillation methods. This method can reduce the steam

2.1 Conventional Extraction


consumption and the distillation time, meanwhile, a better yield can be obtained in
comparison with steam distillation.

Hydro-distillation (HD) is a variant of steam distillation, which is recommended
by the French Pharmacopoeia for the extraction of EOs from dried spices and the
quality control of EOs in the laboratory. Instead of the steam input, the plant materials in HD are directly immersed in water. This solid-liquid mixture is then heated
until boiling under atmospheric pressure in an alembic, where the heat allows
the release of odorous molecules in plant cells. These volatile aroma compounds
and water form an azeotropic mixture, which can be evaporated together at the
same pressure and then condensed and separated in a Florentine flask due to their
immiscibility and density difference. Moreover, a cohobation system can recycle
the distilled water through a siphon so as to improve the yield and quality of EOs.
It is important to mention that the recovered EOs are different from the original
essence due to the long treatment duration.

2.1.4Destructive Distillation
This technique is only applied on birch (Betula lenta or Betula alba) and cade
(Juniperus oxycedrus). The toughest parts of these woods (e.g. barks, boughs,
roots, etc.) are exposed to dry distillation through a tar after undergoing a destructive process under intense heat. A typical, leathery and empyreumatic oil is then
obtained after condensation, decantation and separation.

2.1.5Cold Expression
This technique is an extraction without heating for EOs of citrus family (Fig.2.2).
The principle of this mechanic process is based on machine squeezing the citrus
pericarps at room temperature for the release of EOs, which are washed in cold
running water. The essence is then isolated by decantation or centrifugation.
Although this method retains a high value of citrus odour, the high consumption
of water can affect EOs quality as the result of the hydrolysis, the dissolution of
oxygenated compounds and the transport of microorganism. Several new physical
processes appear more popular for the reason of avoiding such deteriorations. The
oleaginous cavities on the peel are pressed to burst by two horizontal ribbed rollers
(sfumatrice) or a slow-moving Archimedian screw coupling to an abrasive shell
(pelatrice) thus EOs are bent to release. The oil-water emulsion is separated after


2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction

Fig.2.2Schematic of cold

rinse off with a fine spray of water. Besides, the machines which treat citrus peels
only after removal of juices and pulps are known as sfumatrici, while those which
process the whole citrus fruit are called pelatrici (Guenther 1948).

2.2Green Extraction with Innovative Techniques

Since economy, competitiveness, eco-friendly, sustainability, high efficiency and
good quality become keywords of the modern industrial production, the development of EOs extraction techniques has never been interrupted. Strictly speaking,
conventional techniques are not the only way for the extraction of EOs. Novel techniques abided by green extraction concept and principles have constantly emerged
in recent years for obtaining natural extracts with a similar or better quality to that
of official methods while reducing operation units, energy consumption, CO2 emission and harmful co-extracts in specific cases. The principles of green extraction can
be generalized as the discovery and the design of extraction processes which could
reduce the energy consumption, allow the use of alternative solvents and renewable/
innovatory plant resources so as to eliminate petroleum-based solvents and ensure
safe and high quality extracts or products (Chemat 2012).

2.2.1Turbo Distillation
This technique is developed to reduce energy and water consumption during boiling and cooling in hydro-distillation. The turbo extraction allows a considerable
agitation and mixing with a shearing and destructive effect on plant materials so
as to shorten distillation time by a factor of 2 or 3. Furthermore, it is an alternative
for extraction of EOs from spices or woods, which are relatively difficult to distill.

2.2 Green Extraction with Innovative Techniques


Besides, an eco-evaporator prototype could be added with aspect of the recovery

and the reuse of the transferred energy during condensation for heating water into
steam (Chemat 2010).

2.2.2Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
With the aim of higher extraction yields and lower energy consumption, ultrasoundassisted extraction has developed to improve the efficiency and reduce the extraction
time in the meanwhile. The collapse of cavitation bubbles generated during ultrasonication gives rise to micro-jets to destroy EOs glands so as to facilitate the mass
transfer and the release of plant EOs. This cavitation effect is strongly dependent to
the operating parameters (e.g. ultrasonic frequency and intensity, temperature, treatment time, etc.) which are crucial in an efficient design and operation of sono-reactors. In addition to the yield improvement, the EOs obtained by Ultrasound-Assisted
Extraction (UAE) showed less thermal degradation with a high quality and a good flavor (Porto et al. 2009; Asfaw et al. 2005). However, the choice of sonotrode should be
careful as the result of the metallic contamination which may accelerate oxidation and
subsequently reduce EOs stability (Pingret et al. 2013). This technique has already
proved its potency to scale up, which shows 44% of increment on extraction yield of
EOs from Japanese citrus compared to the traditional methods (Mason et al. 2011).

2.2.3Microwave-Assisted Extraction
Microwave is a non-contact heat source which can achieve a more effective and
selective heating. With the help of microwave, distillation can now be completed
in minutes instead of hours with various advantages that are in line with the green
chemistry and extraction principles. In this method, plant materials are extracted
in a microwave reactor with or without organic solvents or water under different
conditions depending on the experimental protocol. The first Microwave-Assisted
Extraction (MAE) of EOs was proposed as compressed air microwave distillation
(CAMD) (Craveiro et al. 1989). Based on the principle of steam distillation, the
compressed air is continuously injected into the extractor where vegetable matrices are immersed in water and heated by microwave. The water and EOs are condensed and separated outside the microwave reactor. The CAMD can be completed
in just 5min and there is no difference in quantitative and qualitative results between
extracts of CAMD and 90min conventional extraction using steam distillation. In
order to obtain high quality EOs, vacuum microwave hydro-distillation (VMHD)
was designed to avoid hydrolysis (Mengal et al. 1993). Fresh plant materials have
been exposed to microwave irradiation so as to release the extracts; reducing the
pressure to 100200mbar enables evaporation of the azeotropic water-oil mixture
at a temperature lower than 100C. This operation can be repeated in a stepwise
way with a constant microwave power, which is contingent on the desired yield.


2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction

The VMHD, which is 510times faster than classic HD, showed comparable yield
and composition to HD extracts. The EOs have a organoleptic properties very close
to the origin natural materials. Moreover, the occurrence of thermal degradation
reduces because of the low extraction temperature. Beyond that, in fact, there exist a
couple of modern techniques assisted by microwave such as microwave turbo hydrodistillation and simultaneous microwave distillation, which are impressive for short
treatment time and less solvent used (Ferhat et al. 2007; Prino-Issartier et al. 2010).
On account of growing concern for the impact of petroleum-based solvents on
the environment and the human body, several greener processes without solvent have
sprung up in the last decade. Solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) was developed with considerable success in consistent with the same principles as MAE (Li et
al. 2013). Apart from the benefits mentioned before, the SFME simplifies the manipulation and cleaning procedures so as to reduce labor, pollution and handling costs.
The SFME apparatus allows the internal heating of the in situ water within plant
materials, which distends the plant cells thus leads to the rupture of oleiferous glands.
A cooling system outside the microwave oven allows the continuous condensation of the evaporated water-oil mixture at atmospheric pressure. The excessive
water is refluxed to the reactor in order to maintain the appropriate humidity of
plant materials. It is interesting to note that the easy-controlled operating parameters
need to be optimized for maximization of the yield and final quality. The potential
of using SFME at laboratory and industrial scale has been proved on familiar plant
materials with a considerable efficiency compared to conventional techniques (Filly
et al. 2014). Inspired by SFME, a number of its derivatives have emerged, which
offer significant advantages like shorter extraction time, higher efficiency, cleaner
feature, similar or better sensory property under optimized conditions (Michel et al.
2011; Sahraoui et al. 2008, 2011; Wang et al. 2006; Farhat et al. 2011). In 2008, a
novel, green technique namely microwave hydro-diffusion and gravity (MHG) has
been originally designed (Fig.2.3). This technique is a microwave-induced hydrodiffusion of plant materials at atmospheric pressure, which all extracts including
EOs and water drop out of the microwave reactor under gravity into a continuous
condensation system through a perforated Pyrex support. It is worth mentioning that
the MHG is neither a modified MAE that uses organic solvents, nor an improved
HD that are high energy and water consumption, nor a SFME which evaporates the
EOs with the in situ water only. In addition, MHG derivants such as vacuum MHG
and microwave dry-diffusion and gravity (MDG) has developed later with the consideration of energy saving, purity of end-products and post-treatment of wastewater
(Farhat et al. 2010; Zill-e-Huma et al. 2011).

2.2.4Instantaneous Controlled Pressure Drop Technology

The DIC process is a direct extraction-separation technique, which is not like the
molecular diffusion in conventional techniques. It allows volatile compounds to be
removed by both evaporation for a short time at high temperature (180C) and high

2.2 Green Extraction with Innovative Techniques

Fig.2.3Solvent free microwave extraction at laboratorial and industrial scale


Either HD or steam distillation is combined

with solvent extraction, which is frequently
used for the isolation of volatile compounds
from EOs bearing plants. Solvent used should
be insoluble in water and of high purity. SDE
has been modified into several variants with
the consideration of efficiency, scale and
quality of end-products
This technique applies short pulses at high
voltage in order to create electro compression, which causes plant cells to be ripped
open and perforated. The treatment chamber
in PEF consists of at least two electrodes with
an insulating region in between, where the
treatment of plant materials happens

The plant material is placed in an extractor

with the flow of supercritical CO2. In the
supercritical state (above 74bar and 31C),
CO2 is characterized as lipophilic solvent
with the high diffusivity, which gives itself
a good capacity for diffusion, and a high
density ranging from gas-like to liquid-like
endows the capacity of transport and major
extraction. The fluids carrying extracts pass
through the gas phase. The extracts are then
separated and collected in a separator



electric field

Brief introduction


Table2.1Innovative techniques for extraction of essential oils

Flow rate
Pulse frequency
Electric field

A: preserved fresh character,

low heating impact and energy
D: only for pumpable materials, restricted by viscosity and
particle size of products, high
A: inexpensive CO2, nontoxic,
high diffusion, rapidity, selectivity and no denaturation of
sensitive molecules
D: expensive equipment investment, high energy consumption
for pressure and temperature
Treatment time
Flow rate of CO2

Main influencing
Treatment time

Advantages (A) and drawbacks

A: less solvents, elimination of
excessive thermal degradation
and dilution of extract with
D: artefact production, loss of
hydrophilic compounds


Mira et al. (1996)

Reverchon (1997)
Caredda et al. (2002) Marongiu
et al. (2003) Donelian et al.

Fincan et al. (2004)

Jeyamkondan et al. (1999)

Barbosa-Canovas et al. (2000)

Jayatilaka et al. (1995)

Blanch et al. (1996)
Chaintreau (2001)
Altun and Goren (2007)
Teixeira et al. (2007)


2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction

Brief introduction

The hot water is used at temperatures between

boiling (100C) and critical point (374.1C)
of water. Water is maintained in its liquid
form under the effect of high pressure.
Under these conditions, the polarity of water
decreases, which allows the extraction of
medium polar and nonpolar molecules without using organic solvents



Advantages (A) and drawbacks
A: clean, low cost, simple, safe,
rapidity, adjustable water polarity, high ratio of oxygenated
D: expensive equipment investment, high energy consumption, thermal degradation

Main influencing
Water flow rate
Solid particle size
Jimnez-Carmona et al. (1999)
Ayala and Luque de Castro
Smith (2002)
Eikani et al. (2007)
Giray et al. (2008)


2.2 Green Extraction with Innovative Techniques



2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction

pressure (10bar) and auto-vaporization from alveolated plant structures resulting

from multi-cycle instantaneous pressure drop (Rezzoug et al. 2005; Besombes et al.
2010). This solvent-free process presents a significant improvement whether in efficiency or in energy consumption and a very short heating time in each DIC cycle
eliminate the thermal degradation. Moreover, the DIC obtained the same or even
higher yield of EOs with a higher quality than conventional methods regarding to
their more oxygenated compounds and lower sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. In addition, heating time and cycle number in particular, have an influence on the extraction
efficiency of DIC for all aromatic herbs and spices (Allaf et al. 2013a, b).

2.2.5Other Emerging Green Extraction Techniques

With the exception of above-described techniques, there are other emerging techniques for EOs extraction which are well established in the early time of the innovation. Table2.1 summarizes these techniques in terms of their fundamentals,
influencing parameters, advantages and draw-backs. It is hard to ignore that all
these techniques have been successfully applied at an industrial scale.

An overview of extraction technique has been presented here for obtaining EOs,
which covers a range from conventional to up-to-date methods. The new techniques have been proved to obtain extracts with higher quality in a shorter time
compared to traditional techniques. Nevertheless, from a regulatory point of view,
these so-called EOs of innovative techniques are not listed in norms due to the
restrictive definition of EOs which is only based on the conventional extraction
methods. As the consequence of this, the amendment or reestablishment of industry standards in a broader sense becomes more important than ever.
A scanning electron micrograph of untreated lavender



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2 Essential Oils: From Conventional to Green Extraction

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