Vitamin B12 Importance

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Vitamin B12 Importance

Elevated homocysteine also happens with

by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

deficiencies in B-6 or folic acid. One of the major

To understand the significance of this issue, we

symptoms of B-12 or folic acid deficiency is

need to understand a little about the importance

macrocytic anemia. Folate, also called folic acid,

of B-12 in the diet. The average non- vegetarian

is needed to turn the uracil into thymidine, an

stores between 2,000 and 3,000 picograms (pg.,

essential building block of DNA. This DNA is

same as micrograms) of B-12 and loses about 3

needed for production of new red blood cells and

pg. per day. About 60 percent of the total amount

for red blood cell division. B-12 is involved

of the B-12 in the body is stored in the liver and

because it is involved in the pathway that

30 percent is stored in the muscle. The body has

creates methyl cobalamin. This B-12 also

a special circulation pattern between the

produces a form of folate needed to make DNA.

digestive tract and the liver. Through the bile, we

So, if there is no B-12, folate can become

secrete 1.4 pg. per day of B-12 into the small

depleted and DNA production slows down.

intestine, and healthy people reabsorb about 0.7

pg. Research suggests that if people have a low

Another little side part of the methyl malonyl-CoA

B-12 intake, the absorption increases to even

to succinyl-CoA conversion is that when the

draw more B-12 into the system. However, there

B-12 is not available, the methyl malonyl-CoA

is still a general potential for slow loss,

levels increase and are converted to methyl

depending on the variation in this special, what

malonic acid, which accumulates in the blood

is known as enterohepatic circulation, before we

and urine. Since the B-12 is the only co-enzyme

develop the potential of B-12 deficiency

required in this pathway, methyl malonic acid


levels are considered the gold standard as an

indicator of B-12 deficiency. Other causes of

B-12 has two functions: one, methylocobalamin

high methyl malonic acid (MMA) are genetic

is used by the enzyme methionine synthase to

defects, kidney failure, low blood volume,

change homocysteine into methionine. When

dysbiosis, pregnancy and hypothyroid. The MMA

this enzyme is not working, we increase the

test is important because the progressive

homocysteine in our system, which recent

medical community no longer considers serum

research has associated with the increased

B-12 levels an accurate measurement of

potentiality of heart disease and deterioration of

appropriate amounts of B-12. In other words, a

the arteries and nerves. When the homocysteine

normal serum B-12 may not mean that B-12

is high, it appears to be a nerve toxin, as well as

levels are healthy. We need a urinary assay of

a blood vessel toxin. The second function of

methyl malonic acid to really determine that.

B-12 is as a coenzyme is using

This is an important point, because when I first

5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin in the enzyme

wrote about this issue in Conscious Eating, the

methyl malonyl-CoA mutase in the conversion of

establishment of the methyl malonic acid assay

methyl malonyl-coA to succinyl-CoA.

as the gold standard had not taken place yet. I

based some of my statements at that time on the

world research, which was using serum B-12. A

Consistent research over the last decade has

serum B-12 of 200 pg. or less was considered

shown that vegans and live food people of all

deficient. As a result of the new gold standard

ages and sexes have a much higher risk of

and what we know about MMA and

becoming B-12 deficient. This does not mean

homocysteine, the B-12 serum levels should be

that everyone becomes B- 12 deficient. This

around 450 pg. to maintain a normal

deficiency is particularly true with newborn

homocysteine level. Therefore, serum B-12

babies, especially babies of vegan live-food

levels less than 450 pg. may be considered as

nursing mothers who are not using B-12

indicating a B-12 deficiency.

supplementation. In contrast to the average

adult storage of 2,000-3,000 pg. of B-12,

There are a variety of symptoms of B-12

newborns of mothers with normal B-12 have

deficiency, which are important to vegans and

about 25 pg. Studies have shown that the milk

live fooders. The first is actually low energy. It

during the first week of life does contain large

could be a reason why some people just don't

amounts of B-12. This means that the B-12

feel well on these diets, besides not getting the

storage in infants at birth is normally adequate to

right protein/carbohydrate/fat mix for their

last the first few weeks of life. Afterwards, they

constitutional type. There are specific

must get it from breast milk or other sources. If a

neurological symptoms, often described as

vegan or live-food mother is already B-12

"subacute combined degeneration". Some of

deficient during pregnancy, the baby may be

this damage can be almost irreversible, if it

born with seriously low B-12 levels and develop

becomes chronic. This nerve system

clinical signs of deficiency as soon as two weeks.

degeneration affects peripheral nerves and the

The general research suggests that even among

spinal cord. Some of the typical neurological

non-vegetarians, B-12 can be insufficient in

feelings include depression, numbness and

infants, and that perhaps all breastfeeding

tingling in the hands and feet, nervousness,

mothers should consider B-12 supplements for

paranoia, hyperactive reflexes, impaired

themselves and their infants during the time of

memory and behavioral changes. With a B-12

breastfeeding. This lack of B-12 in the mother's

deficiency, one can also have diarrhea, fever,

diet during pregnancy has been associated with

frequent upper respiratory infections, impotence,

a lack of myelin production, which is the coating

infertility, sore tongue, enlargement of the

of the nerves. It takes somewhere between one

mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina, and

to twelve months to develop, and manifests as

stomach, macrocytic anemia, low platelets,

failure to thrive and slow developmental

increased bleeding, low white blood cell count.

progression. The babies are often lethargic, lose

Some of the causes of B-12 deficiency are low

their ability to use muscle adequately, and even

dietary intake of B-12 and/or poor absorption,

their sensory attunement decreases. They also

which usually comes through loss of intrinsic

have irregular macrocytic anemia.

factor and/or a lack of stomach acid.

The good news that one major study in the

United Kingdom in 1988 showed, in studying 37

supplementation via nutritional yeast, showed

vegan children was that there was normal

only about 15% of the people were less than 200,

growth and development in children who were

and none of them less than 160. The

breastfed for 6 months at a minimum, when

supplementation with nutritional yeast was 5 pg.

there was B-12 supplementation.

of B-12 from one tablespoon of Red Star

Vegetarian Support.

Young childrenand teenage children who were

supplemented with B-12 were found to grow

Up until this time, many of us have felt that

normally. Adults who were vegetarian without B-

additional supplementation for live fooders with

12 supplementation for greater than six years

sea vegetables or probiotic formulas was

usually had a lower B- 12 than non-vegetarian

sufficient for protection against B-12 deficiency.

adults in the general research. In one study of

This does not seem to be the case. In

adults in 1994, 81% of the vegan adults had a

macrobiotics, who primarily cook their food, we

B-12 lower than 200 pg. That is approximately

see a very high percentage of children actually

the percentage of adults on a live food diet who

having growth retardation due to low B-12 intake.

are low in B-12. In my clinical experience, meat

Many of us have felt that spirulina, Klamath Lake

eaters, vegans and live-fooders tend to have a

Algae, all the sea vegetables had enough active

fairly high percentage of B- 12 deficiency,

B-12 to avoid a B-12 deficiency. Although the

although meat eaters do have less incidence.

research is not fully in, we do know that, as I

My experience is that cooked food vegans have

pointed out in Conscious Eating, these

a higher incidence of B- 12 deficiency than live

substances do have human active B-12. The

fooders, but there is still a significant occurance

problem is they also have a significant amount of

in live fooders. In vegetarians and vegans, there

analog B-12 that competes with the human

is also a high percentage under 200 pg., about

active B-12. This analog amount was not

54%. A study in 1982 by Dunn and Scott of raw

measured in my studies. Using the methyl

food vegans with 83 subjects from the Natural

malonic acid reduction approach, which is now

Hygiene Society showed that 92% of the vegans

the gold standard, research showed that when

had a B-12 less than 200 pg., and in 53% it was

people used dry and raw nori from Japan, the

less than 100 pg. The World Health Organization

dried nori actually made the methyl malonic acid

(WHO) considers B-12 deficiency to be less than

(MMA) status worse, which means it actually

200 pg. The percentages of B-12 deficiency tend

reduced the B-12 status. Therefore it could

to increase over time on a natural hygiene diet.

possibly worsen a B-12 deficiency. Raw nori

Another study in Finland in 1995 that examined

seemed to keep the methyl malonic acid at the

B-12 status of long-term 100% raw vegans

same level, meaning it did not harm the B-12

found that 66% of the people had a B-12 lower

status, but the research showed it did not

than 200 pg. One study done in 2000 by

particularly help it either. No food in Europe or

Donaldson at Hallelujah Acres on primarily live

the U.S. has been tested for lowering methyl

food diet people, but with some B-12

malonic acid. Research absolutely has to be

done to answer this question fully.

active B-12, but few are proving to actually raise

B-12 or prevent its loss. The research has

There is one exception to this lack of vegetarian

shown, for example, that tempeh does not

B-12 active food, which is that we do produce

supply human active B-12. Research in both the

B-12 from bacteria in our large intestine, but

U.S. and the Netherlands has confirmed this.

since this B-12 is produced in the area below

There was one paper that showed that tempeh

where B- 12 is reabsorbed, it is really not

from one particular source in Thailand did have

available for absorption. Some people have

some B-12, but what they basically found was

argued that a lot of species of lower mammals

that fermented soybean did not contain B-12.

do not need B-12. The reason why this is true is

Other foods such as barley, malted syrup,

that a lot of species that are primarily vegetarian

sourdough bread, parsley, shitake mushrooms,

animals eat their feces. Human research also

tofu, and soybean paste, had some B-12 in them.

has shown if you eat your feces, you will get

Amazake rice, barley miso, miso, natto, rice

enough B- 12. Dr. Herbert sponsored research in

miso, shoyu, tamari, umeboshi, and a variety of

England where vegan volunteers with a

nuts, seeds and grains did not contain any

documented B-12 deficiency were fed B-12

elements or even any detectable B-12 analog.

extractions made from their own feces. It cured

My study using the earlier gold standard test for

their B-12 deficiency. So, there is a natural

B-12 active bacteria did show indeed that arame,

vegan way to do it. It may not be the most

dulse, kelp, kombu and wakame had significant

tasteful way, however.

human active B-12. Other studies have shown

that dulse did have a certain amount of B-12

Some have theorized that organic foods, in

analog per serving. Until research is done to see

various regions, would improve the B-12 tests by

if it actually lowers the methyl malonic acid

lowering the serum malonic acid, but again, the

levels, the question has to be raised that we

research has not shown that washed or

can't assume that because a food has human

unwashed organic food has made a difference.

active B-12 it will help avoid a B-12 deficiency,

Many animals, aside from eating their own feces,

because the actual non-human active analogs

will ingest a variety of eggs, insects, small

may be blocking the human active B-12. The

vertebrates or soils. For example, gorillas, who

same question arises now with the

are the closest to vegan of all the species, will

aphanizomenon flos-aqua and spirulina, as well

eat insects and sometimes their feces. So there

as chlorella. So, until we actually do the gold

are ways to do this for vegans, but again, they

standard test of these, through the methyl

may not be the most aesthetic or tasteful. I

malonic test, to see if it actually lowers the

would love, at this point, to come up with an

methyl malonic acid, I think it is reasonable to

alternative to this, however it doesn't seem to be

eat these foods, but not expect that they are

the case.

actually going to raise your human active B-12.

My serum B-12 of 600 pg. may have thrown off

There are many ideas of vegan foods that have

my conclusions when I wrote my summary in

1990. I may have been in that 20% of vegans

considered deficient. That was somewhat how I

and live food people that don't seem to be

based my ideas that B-12 in many vegans and

affected. But I am more concerned about the

raw foodists was low normal, but still within

other 80% that are B-12 deficient and that 50%

normal. Using the gold standard methyl malonic

whose B-12 levels go down to less than 100 pg.

acid test, studies show that without

A study done in 1991 by Miller found that serum

supplementing with B- 12, vegans have higher

B-12 appeared to be unrelated to consumption

homocysteine levels than lacto-ovo vegetarians

of wakame, kombu, and other sea vegetables or

and non-vegetarians, which means they are

tempeh in macrobiotic children. Other

deficient in B- 12. The good news, of course, is

researchers feel that it is possible that raw nori,

that B-12 supplementation will decrease these

not dried nori, is a source of active B-12. Some

high homocysteine levels back to normal range.

of these conclusions are not finalized. This

High homocysteine levels are connected with

brings me to the next issue, which is, what is a

the potential for heart disease, arterial

normal level of B- 12?

destruction and neurological pathologies. Other

diseases associated with an elevated

Now the next question really is, what is a healthy

homocysteine are: Alzheimer's, age related

level of B-12 in the serum? The answer is that a

hearing loss, neural tube defects, recurrent loss

serum level of 450 pg. keeps the homocysteine

of pregnancy, increased mortality. Many

level within normal levels. Some might just say

non-vegetarians also have a poor B-12 status

that dulse and raw nori and an algae called

because there are many factors that can cause

cocolithophorid algae, also known as

B-12 deficiency. They include malabsorption or

pleurochritias cartera, may provide sufficient

inadequate intake of protein or calories or B-12,

human active B-12. They have not been fully

radiation exposure, drugs, and a variety of toxins,

tested with the gold standard. The normal serum

paraminosalicylic acid, alcohol, pancreatic

homocysteine level is 2.2 - 13.2 micromoles/liter.

tumors, failure of the small intestine to contract

The normal adult urine MMA is .58 - 3.56

and move food associated with bacterial

micromoles/mmol/cr. The normal level of B-12

overgrowth, oral contraceptives, fungal

for breast milk is 180 - 300 pg. per ml. The

infections, liver and kidney disease, tobacco

normal urine level for children is 820 - 11,200

smoking and B-6 or iron deficiency. The

micromoles/mmol/cr of MMA. The normal serum

research conclusion is that: it is a reasonably

B-12 level of children is 160 - 1300 pg. per ml.

safe bet that about 80% of the vegan and live

food population, over time, runs the risk of a

Using the methyl malonic acid study as the gold

subclinical or clinical B- 12 deficiency and

standard, elevated methyl malonic acid was

increased homocysteine levels. An even higher

found in subjects with a B-12 up to 486 pg. This

percentage of newborns run this risk. My

is a really important statement, because up 'til

suggestion, out of my concern for all of my

this time, most of the studies in the world health

clients, for my fellow live fooders and vegans is

basically say that 200 pg. and above is not

that it is well advised to supplement with an

actual B-12 human active supplement. There are

means to be healthy.

vegan B-12 supplements, which allow us to be

totally successful vegan live fooders.

This is the first time in history that we can be

completely successful live food vegans. What I

My general recommendation is that if you have

mean by being successful is completely healthy,

symptoms of B-12 deficiency, you can even start

including no B-12 deficiency and no elevated

with a 100 pg. injection, or according to the

homocysteine levels. It is my medical opinion, as

research, an oral administration of 1,000 pg. per

a vegan since 1973 and live fooder since 1983,

day for two to four weeks is equal to repeated

and as a person committed to supporting all

monthly injections. After about a month of the

those who choose to become healthy live food

oral, the dose can be cut in half. One can even

vegans, that it would be wise to incorporate

cut that in half again. I don't really recommend

some B-12 supplementation in your diet. I

nutritional red star yeast, because of the fungal

believe it is more natural to be healthy than it is

potential; I think that the safest and healthiest

to be anything less than that.

approach is via supplementation.

Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), Dip. Ayurveda
Some people eat according to their philosophy
and belief of what is natural, and this may be an
impediment. For example, the black Hebrews, a
group of African-Americans who have migrated
to Israel, have horrendously high levels of infant
B-12 deficiency, as well as adult B-12 deficiency.
They did not believe in taking supplements. Data
in a 1982 study showed that of the infants who
were breastfed for three months, and then were
given diluted homemade soymilk for three
months to one year, 25 of them (a significant
percentage) had protein deficiency, iron and
B-12 anemia, as well as zinc deficiency. In the
1982 study, three of the infants were dead on
arrival, five more died within a few hours of
hospital admission, despite treatment. Serum
levels were low in 9 of 15 cases and
undetectable in three of them. I don't feel this is
a very good example of what we want to show to
the world in the way we want to treat our children.
We can make those choices. We have a theory
of natural, and we also have a theory of what it

recent years, the body's needs having been


previously over-estimated. Indeed, the

Department of Health recognises that some
by Dr Gina Shaw, D.Sc, M.A., Dip NH, AIYS (Dip.

people have lower than average requirements of


B12. A whole lifetime's requirement of B12 add

up to a 40 milligram speck of red crystals, about
one-seventh the size of an average tablet of

The subject of vitamin B12 is not new to most


vegans, vegetarians or raw fooders. The

supplement companies have many people
running to their local health (drug) stores in an

Vitamin B12 is excreted in the bile and is

effort to make themselves deficiency-free, but is

effectively reabsorbed. This is known as

this a good idea?

enterohepatic circulation. The amount of B12

A number of issues will be

raised in this article and I will attempt to piece

excreted in the bile can vary from 1 to 10ug

together some information from many different

(micrograms) a day. People on diets low in B12,

and reliable (non-financially-oriented) sources.

including vegans and some vegetarians, may be

obtaining more B12 from reabsorption than from
dietary sources. Reabsorption is the reason it

A vitamin B12 deficiency is a serious disorder

can take over 20 years for a deficiency disease

and indications of a deficiency of vitamin B12,

to develop.

when they do reach a stage where they have

due to a failure in absorption, it can take only

shown up, can be quite severe.

three years for a deficiency disease to occur.


In comparison, if B12 deficiency is

paleness, anorexia, mental confusion, delusions,

Since vitamin B12 is recycled in a healthy body,

paranoia, weight loss, respiratory problems, etc.

in principle, internal B12 synthesis could fulfil our

are just some indications that a person may

needs without any B12 being provided in the diet,

have a B12-deficiency.

but there are other factors to be taken into

In my opinion, ME is
If you do think

consideration such as whether there is sufficient

you may have a B12-deficiency, it would be wise

cobalt, calcium and protein in our diet to ensure

for you to seek the advice of a health practitioner

a stable vitamin B2 level and the condition of our

(such as myself) who is knowledgeable about


often a B12-deficiency disorder.

B12-deficiencies, for immediate advice.

would strongly recommend that you do

something to remedy the situation, as this

Among the many controversies surrounding

deficiency can eventually lead to death if left

vitamin B12, there is the argument that, although


Intrinsic Factor is produced in our stomachs and

that our intestines are known to produce vitamin
B12, the bacteria is produced too low down in

UK official recommendations have decreased in

the intestines and cannot be absorbed by our

bodies. This argument is still hanging around,

oesophagus, bronchial tubes and even in the

however, according to Dr Vetrano it was

upper small

disproved by research over 20 years ago and is

intestinal tract. This does not involve the

nothing more than an obsolete scientific theory.

complex enzyme mechanism for absorption

Indeed, in a 1999 version of 'Human Anatomy

(Intrinsic Factor) in the small intestine as

and Physiology' by Marieb, it states quite clearly

required by cyanocobalamin. The coenzymes

that we do indeed absorb vitamin B12 through

are absorbed by diffusion from

our intestines.

membranes (11).

Many people say that the only foods which

External B12 coming into the body must be

contain vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods.

combined with a mucoprotein enzyme named

This also is untrue.

Intrinsic Factor, which is normally present in

No foods naturally contain

intestines, as well as all along the


vitamin B12 - neither animal or plant foods.

gastric secretions, to be properly assimilated.

Vitamin B12 is a microbe - a bacteria - it is

If the Intrinsic Factor is impaired or absent, B12

produced by microorganisms. Vitamin B12 is the

synthesis will not take place, no matter how

only vitamin that contains a trace element -

much is present in the diet.

cobalt - which gives this vitamin its chemical

can be caused by antibiotics (from the drugs

name - cobalamin - which is at the centre of its

themselves and contained in milk and meat),

molecular structure.

alcohol (alcohol damages the liver, so drinkers

Humans and all

A B12 deficiency

vertebrates require cobalt, although it is

need more B12) and smoking (and all high temp

assimilated only in the form of vitamin B12.

cooked food is smoky) and stress also raises

B12 needs).

B12 synthesis is known to occur naturally in the

human small intestine (in the ileum), which is the

Many nutritional analyses of foodstuffs were

primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut

carried out such a long time ago, and, as such,

bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients,

have not taken account of more up-to-date

they produce vitamin B12. Dr Michael Klaper

technology. According to Dr Vetrano, current

argues that vitamin B12 is present in the mouth

books on nutrition in the U.S. now state that

as well and intestines.

there is B12 in any food that contains quantities

Furthermore, Dr Virginia

Vetrano states that active Vitamin B12

of the B vitamin complex, but previously they

coenzymes are found in bacteria in the mouth,

were just not able to assay the amounts.

around the teeth, in the nasopharynx, around the

Nowadays, more modern technology has

tonsils and in the

allowed them to discover that there is B12 in

tonsilar crypts, in the folds

at the base of the tongue, and in the upper


tree. Absorption of the natural B12

coenzymes can take place in

the mouth, throat,

those foods rich in the B complex.

The author does not believe that a vitamin B12

argues that vitamin

deficiency is more widespread in vegans or

in nuts and seeds as well as in many common

vegetarians - this is probably just another

greens, fruits, and

marketing lie!

100 grams of green beans, beets, carrots, and

In fact, many so-called studies

B12 coenzymes are found

many vegetables. If we ate

'showing vegans deficient' have to be carefully

peas we

would have half of our so-called daily

studied themselves - many of them do not prove

minimum requirement of Vitamin B12

vegans to be deficient at all! In fact, contrary to

coenzymes providing our digestion and

meat and dairy industry propaganda,

absorption are normal. From

meat-eaters are known to be more likely to have

Complete Book of Vitamins, page 236 we find

a vitamin B12 deficiency - this has been known

the following

since 1959!!(1)

B complex of vitamins is called


Rodale's The

"As you know, the

a 'complex'

because, instead of being one vitamin, it has

turned out to be a large number of related
Having said this, we must bear in mind that

vitamins, which appear generally in the same

many vegetarians and vegans still take

foods." (11)

antibiotics or consume antibiotic-containing

foods such as onions, garlic, strong radishes
and other foods rich in mustard oil, which are
lethal to intestinal flora.

The trouble is that

The cause of malabsorption is commonly a

once we have damaged our intestinal flora, it is

gastrointestinal disorder and this was known by

difficult to correct without proper and

pathologists way back in the l800s. In this case,

knowledgeable healthcare and dietary advice.

one's lifestyle must be assessed and brought

It is of far greater importance to correct intestinal

into unison with the needs of the living organism.

flora problems than to spend our lives relying on

so-called supplements. People who have a
physical problem because they think they are

According to Marieb's 'Human Anatomy and

not getting enough vitamin B12, are in fact often

Physiology', vitamin B12 can be destroyed by

not digesting, absorbing or assimilating their

highly alkaline and highly acid conditions. This

foods properly because of the condition of their

assumes that the B12 in meat would be easily

gastrointestinal tract.

destroyed because the hydrochloric acid in our

When their intestines are

healed, vitamin B12 can be utilized and

stomachs during the digestion of meat is highly

produced once again

acidic. This may explain why meat-eaters are

just as likely to have a B12 deficiency as vegans
- even though their diet contains vitamin B12.

Indeed, Dr Vetrano argues that the real problem

Also, as mentioned earlier, another problem for

in so-called B12 deficiency

meat-eaters is that there are normally

is a failure of

digestion and absorption of foods, rather than a

antiobiotics in meat plus the fact that many

deficiency of

meat-eaters destroy their friendly bacteria in

the vitamin itself.

She further

their intestines by constant putrefaction and the

hormones, etc. do not work in isolation, they

putrefactive bacteria naturally present in meat

work symbiotically. They work with other

will give the body a hard time.

nutrients in order for their work to be carried out.

So, the

damaged intestines may not function well

When these highly complex substances are

enough to enable adequate vitamin B12 levels to

disturbed, their overall effectiveness can be

be asborbed.

reduced. However, too much of a nutrient is

draining on our vital energy as the human (or
non-human) organism may have to expel a

Another side to the equation is that low serum

nutrient overload.

Also, it is doubtful whether,

B12 levels do not necessarily equate to a B12

even if you do have a B12 deficiency, you have

deficiency necessarily. Just because there is a

only a B12 deficiency.

low level of B12 in the bloodstream, this does

living conditions, as well as a fast may be in

not mean that there is a deficiency in the body


A healthier diet and

as a whole, it may well be being utilised by the

living cells (such as the central nervous system).
More reliable tests appear to be that of

On the topic of supplements in general, Dr

homocysteine levels and Methyl Malonic Acid

Douglas Graham, in his book 'Nutrition and


Athletic Performance', argues that

supplementation has proven to be an
inadequate and incomplete method of supplying

Commercially, vitamin B12 tablets are made

nutrients as scientists cannot match nature's

from bacteria and the bacteria is deeply

refined balances.


estimated ninety per cent of all nutrients are as

A B12 supplement or injection

He says that since an

may help in the short-term, should the levels fall

yet undiscovered, why would we want to start

low, but in the medium to long-term, I would

adding nutrients into our diet one at a time rather

recommend a B12-deficient person tries to get to

than eating whole foods?

the bottom of why they are continually becoming

known to interact symbiotically with at least eight

deficient, with the help of a Natural Hygienist.

other nutrients and considering this, the odds of

Most nutrients are

healthfully supplying any nutrients in its

necessary component package becomes
According to Dr. John Potter PhD, of Fred

'infinitesimally minute'.

Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, "Food's

adds, 'there has never been a successful

magic is based on thousands of complex

attempt to keep an animal or human healthy, or

interactions of dozens of different

even alive, on a diet composed strictly of

phytochemicals which are difficult to recreate in

nutritional supplements'.

pills. While 190 solid studies prove that fruit and

reliance on supplements, without getting to the

vegetables benefit, supplements have only a

root of the problem isn't ideal.

smattering of evidence".

Vitamins, minerals,

More to the point he

So I would say that a

Dan Reeter, at Bio-Systems Laboratories in

Another point worth considering is that vitamin

Colorado is creating one of the world's most

B12 Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA's)

comprehensive computer facilities for soil

are based upon the average cooked food (meat

biology testing.

and two veg), smoking, drinking person.

He says that, from his

extensive tests, plants grown in

Commercial interests have indeed grossly

organically-managed soil make significantly

exaggerated our needs for many nutrients.

higher levels of usable vitamin B12.

These studies tell us nothing of the requirements

It has also

been reported that vitamin B12 is present in wild

for a healthy vegetarian.

It is very difficult to

fruits and wild and home-grown plant foods.

determine precise individual needs of any

vitamin or nutrient, and an overload of any
vitamin or other nutrient creates an unnecessary

The author contends that animal and dairy

burden on our vital domain.

produce is a poor source of Vitamin B12 since

rate of metabolism, stress, etc. can determine

they are normally cooked and thereore the

our differing and often changing needs.

vitamin is contained in nutrient-deranged

Victor Herbert reported in the American Journal

foodstuffs which will inevitably destroy the

of Clinical Nutrition (1998, Volume 48) that only

usability of the vitamin.

0.00000035 ounces (1 microgram) of vitamin

Studies show that

Factors such as


those following a typical animal-based diet

B12 is required per day. These minimum

require more vitamin B12 than those who do not.

vitamin requirements may be inadequate to

This is because the typical diet leads to digestive

explain the needs of a healthy raw food vegan,

atrophy. Because B12 is peptide-bound in

for example, who may require less B12 due to

animal products and must be enzymatically

an improved gastric ability and a high ability to

cleaved from the peptide bonds to be absorbed,

recycle vitamin B12.

a weakened gastric acid and gastric enzyme

microbes and a highly sterilised, cooked vegan

secretions (due to a cooked food diet) causes an

diet may not provide the intestines with enough

inability to efficiently extract vitamin B12 from

good quality flora). Absorption rates of B12 are

external food.

inevitably higher in healthy individuals than in

Nevertheless, raw food vegans

(Cooking destroys

can actually get more B12 by reabsorption from

unhealthy individuals.

Studies, based on

bile than they do from external food. Wolfe

healthy Indian vegetarian villagers, showed that

argues that the natural soil microbes and

none of them exhibited symptoms of B12

bacteria found on wild plant foods and

deficiency, despite levels of .3-.5 micrograms of

unwashed garden plants are typically adequate


to supply our B12 requirements. The natural

microbes in the soil need to be duplicated and to
colonise in our digestive tract, without

I believe that Vitamin B12 deficiency is typically

fermentation or putrefaction.

caused by lack of absorption in the intestinal

tract rather than a lack of this vitamin in the diet.
Annie and Dr David Jubb argue that people have

lived in such a sterile, antiseptic environment for

amounts: the sun, water and the air.


so long that these necessary symbiotic

actually obtain only about 1% of nutrients from

organisms have been less than present in our

the soil.

diet. They argue that by ingesting soil-born

organisms you can maintain an enormous
reservoir of uncoded antibodies ready to

If you do develop a B12 deficiency, certain

transform specific pathogens, the way nature

urgent dietary adjustments may need to be

intended - by eating a little dirt!

made, and there is a possibility that fasting is in


In any case, on switching to a healthier

diet, be it vegetarian, vegan or raw food (for

If a person is healthy and on a healthy vegan,

optimum health), we should go back to nature as

high-percentage raw food diet and does not

much as possible and pay little attention to germ

habitually over-eat, wrongly combine their foods

phobics who advise us to scrub our vegetables

and abuse their bodies generally, and is able to

and fruits.

obtain quality produce and utilise fasting quite

wild foods and do not clean them too

regularly I would suggest that t is unlikely that

scrupulously! Also it is important to ensure

they will develop B12 deficiency symptoms

adequate nuts and seeds in the diet.

Buy organic and eat home-grown or

providing their intestinal flora was not previously


Vitamin B12 deficiency is usually

symptomatic of a larger problem i.e. poor

Please note that it is not recommended for

intestinal flora, poor absorption, gastric

anyone to go on a fast of longer duration than

disorders , etc. and can also be attrributed to a

1 days without competent supervision, as

lack of sunlight. There are indeed many factors

prolonged fasts must be monitored by a qualified

involved here since adequate B12 levels, as

fasting supervisor.

mentioned, are dependent upon sufficient

calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, cobalt, protein, etc.
Dr Shaw is a Doctor of Science, her specialism
being in Natural Hygiene and Complementary
I would also suggest that just because a wild fruit

Medicine and she is not a medical doctor

or organic plant food contains only a small

is available for health and nutritional

amount, this does not mean it is deficient.



consultations, fasting supervision, courses in

may just be because we only need a small

natural health, emotional healing and iris

amount anyhow. The pill pushers are quick to

analysis (iridology).

say that our soil is deficient, but according to Visit her web site at

Diamond and others, if a seed does not receive

Her email address is:

the elements it needs IT WILL NOT GROW (OR

WILL GROW POORLY - author). Also, plants
obtain nutrients from other sources in greater

1. 'Fit for Life', Diamond, H. and M., 1987

The above article is the opinion of Dr Gina Shaw.

I personally agree more along the lines of Dr.
2. 'The Life Science Institute Course in Natural

Gabriel Cousens.

Health' - 1986

The best way to find out if you are deficient, is to

get the tested.
order tests.

3. 'Nutrition and Athletic Performance', Dr D.

Graham, 1999


'Female Balance' article 2001 -


Human Anatomy and Physiology - Marieb -



Correspondence with Dr Vetrano and

family 2001


'The Sunfood Diet Success Story' by David



B12 article by the Vegan Society


B12 article by the Vegetarian Society

10. 1990 'Solstice Magazine' article

11. 'Rethinking B12' article by Dr V. V. Vetrano


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