Breaking The Reading Code The Tutorial Way: The Digos City Division (Region XI) Reading Program
Breaking The Reading Code The Tutorial Way: The Digos City Division (Region XI) Reading Program
Breaking The Reading Code The Tutorial Way: The Digos City Division (Region XI) Reading Program
One of the most compelling findings from recent reading research is that children who get off to a poor start
in reading rarely, catch up. As several studies have now documented, the poor first grade reader almost invariably
continues to be a poor reader (Frances et al, 1996; Torgesen and Burgess, 1998). And the consequences of a slow start
in reading become monumental as they accumulate exponentially overtime.
School-Based preventive efforts should be engineered to maintain growth in critical word reading skills at roughly normal
levels throughout the early elementary school period.
In Digos City Division, the primary focus is on early identification of children-at-risk for problems in learning
to read. To support both the National and the Regional reading program – ECARP and DIAMAR respectively, it
conceived of building a tutor program in reading for its identified struggling readers. This program recognizes teachers,
parents, and even tutors who can run a successful tutorial and mentoring program in its 35 elementary schools like Pull-
Out Reading Classes. Any teacher-tutor, parent-tutor, and tutor can use developmentally-appropriate materials that
address a child’s specific learning needs under this program.
Reading-tutors resource packets are organized into six (6) instructional categories: Alphabets
Recognition, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, High Frequency Words, Fluency, and Comprehension where the
packets in these categories are pulled together both print and in technology.
After identifying pupils who will be part of the Reading-Tutor Program and analyzing each of their needs with
the use of PHIL-IRI, tutors determine which packets they will use. With the appropriate use of these convenient, well-
organized and educationally-sound tutoring resources, the program hasn’t fallen short of its goal to advance the Digos
City learners along the path to literacy for almost four (4) now.
Assessment (Phil-IRI)
Volunteer Tutors Trained parents Individual Tutors
supervised BEAM Assessment (Classroom Teachers)