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Random Variables

Fall 2015
Ajit Rajwade

Topic Overview
Random variable: definition
Discrete and continuous random variables
Probability density function (pdf) and cumulative

distribution function (cdf)

Joint and conditional pdfs
Expectation and its properties
Variance and covariance
Markovs and Chebyshevs inequality
Weak law of large numbers

Random variable
In many random experiments, we are not always

interested in the observed values, but in some

numerical quantity determined by the observed values.
Example: we may be interested in the sum of the

values of two dice throws, or the number of heads

appearing in n consecutive coin tosses.
Any such quantities determined by the results of

random experiments are called as random variables

(they may also be the observations themselves).

Random variable
Value of X (Denoted
as x) where X = sum
of 2 dice throws
















This is called the probability

mass function (pmf) table of
the random variable X. If S is
the sample space, then
P(S) = P(union of all events of
the form X = x) = 1 (verify
from table).

Random variable: Notation

A random variable is usually denoted by an upper case

Individual values the random variable can acquire are

denoted by lower case.

Random variable: discrete

Random variables whose values can be written as a

finite or infinite sequence are called discrete random

Example: results of coin toss or random dice

The probability that a random variable X takes on

value x, i.e. P(X=x), is called as the probability mass


Random variable: continuous

Random variables that can take on values within a

continuum are called continuous random variables.

Example: the dimensions (length, height, width,

weight) of an object are usually continuous quantities,

direction of a vector, amount of water that can be
stored in a 4 litre jar is a continuous random variable in
the interval [0,4].

Random variable: continuous

For a continuous random variable, the probability that

it takes on any particular value within a continuum is

Why? Because there are infinitely many values say

in the interval [0,4] in the example on the previous

slide. Each value will be equally likely.
Note: Zero probability in case of continuous random

variables does not mean the event will never occur!

This differs from the discrete case.

Random variable: continuous

Hence for a continuous random variable X, we

consider the cumulative distribution function (cdf)

FX(x) defined as P{X x}.
The cdf is basically the probability that X takes on a

value less than or equal to x.

The cdf can be used to compute cumulative interval

measures, that is the probability that X takes on a

value greater than a and less than or equal to b, i.e.
P(a < X b) = FX (b) -FX (a ).

Cumulative interval measure

Random variable: continuous example

Consider a cdf of the form:

FX (x) = 0 for x 0, and

FX (x) = 1-exp(-x2) otherwise
To find: probability that X exceeds 1
P(X > 1) = 1-P(X 1)=1-FX (1) = e-1

Probability Density Function (pdf)

The pdf of a random variable X at a value x is the

derivative of its cumulative distribution function (cdf)

at that value x.
It is a non-negative function fX(x) such that for any set

B of real numbers, we have

P{ X B} f X ( x )dx


( x )dx 1

P(a X b) f X ( x )dx FX (b) FX ( a )


P( X a ) f X ( x )dx 0

Probability Density Function

Another way of looking at this concept:
P{a / 2 X a / 2}

a / 2

( x )dx f (a )

a / 2

f X (a ) lim 0

P{a / 2 X a / 2}

Examples: Popular families of PDFs

Gaussian (normal) pdf:

f X ( x)

e ( x ) /( 2 )

Examples: Popular families of PDFs

Bounded uniform pdf:

,a x b
(b a )
0 otherwise
f X ( x)

Expected Value (Expectation) of a

random variable
It is also called the mean value of the random variable.
For a discrete random variable X, it is defined as:
E ( X ) xi P( X xi )

For a continuous random variable X, it is defined as:

E( X )


( x )dx

The expected value should not be (mis)interpreted to be the

value that X usually takes on its the average value, not

the most frequently occurring value.

Expected Value (Expectation) of a

random variable
For some pdfs, the expected value is not always

defined, i.e. the integral below may not have a finite


E( X )


( x )dx

Expected Value: examples

The expected value that shows up when you throw a

die is 1/6(1+2+3+4+5+6) = 3.5.

The game of roulette consists of a ball and wheel with

38 numbered pockets on its side. The ball rolls and

settles on one of the pockets. If the number in the
pocket is the same as the one you guessed, you win
$35 (probability 1/38), otherwise you lose $1
(probability 37/38). The expected value of the amount
you earn after one trial is: (-1)37/38 +(35)1/38 =

A Game of Roulette

Expected value of a function of

random variable
Consider a function g(X) of a discrete random variable

X. The expected value of g(X) is defined as:

E ( g ( X )) g ( xi ) P( X xi )

For a continuous random variable, the expected value

of g(X) is defined as:

E ( g ( X ))

g ( x) f

( x )dx

Properties of expected value

E (ag ( X ) b) ( ag ( x ) b) f X ( x )dx

ag ( x) f

( x )dx bf X ( x )dx

aE ( g ( X )) b why ?
This property is called the linearity of the expected value. In general, a
function f(x) is said to be linear in x is f(ax+b) = af(x)+b where a and b are
constants. In this case, the expected value is not a function but an operator
(it takes a function as input). An operator E is said to be linear if
E(af(x) + b) = a E(f(x)) + b.

Properties of expected value

Suppose you want to predict the value of a random variable with a known
mean. On an average, what value will yield the least squared error?

Let X be the random variable and c be its predicted value.

We want to find c such that E(( X - c)2 ) is minimized.
Let be the mean of X .

E((X-c) 2 ) E (( X c)2 )
E (( X )2 ( c)2 2( X )( c))
E (( X )2 ) E (( c)2 ) 2 E (( X )( c))
E (( X )2 ) ( c)2 0
E (( X )2 )
The expected value is the value that yields the least
mean squared prediction error!

The median
What minimizes the following quantity?

J (c) | x c | f X ( x )dx

F (c) | x c | f X ( x )dx | x c | f X ( x )dx


(c x ) f X ( x )dx ( x c) f X ( x )dx

cf X ( x )dx xf X ( x )dx xf X ( x )dx cf X ( x )dx


cFX (c) xf X ( x )dx xf X ( x )dx c(1 FX (c))

The median

J (c) cFX (c) xf X ( x )dx xf X ( x )dx c(1 FX (c))


J (c) cFX (c) q( x )dx q( x )dx c(1 FX (c))

q( x ) xf X ( x )

In this derivation, we are assuming

that the two definite integrals of q(x)
exist! This proof wont go through

J (c) cFX (c) (Q (c) Q ( )) (Q () Q (c)) c(1 FX (c))

(Q ( x ) xf X ( x )dx )
2cFX (c) c 2Q (c) Q () Q ( )

The median
J (c) 2cFX (c) c 2Q(c) Q() Q()

J ' (c) 0
2cf X (c) 2 FX (c) 1 2q(c) 0
2cf X (c) 2 FX (c) 1 2cf X (c) 0
2 FX (c) 1 0
FX (c) 1 / 2
This is the median by definition and it minimizes J(c). We can double
check that J(c) >= 0. Notice the peculiar definition of the median for the
continuous case here! This definition is not conceptually different from
the discrete case, though. Also, note that the median will not be unique if
FX is not differentiable at c.

The variance of a random variable X tells you how much

its values deviate from the mean on an average.

The definition of variance is:

Var ( X ) E[( X )2 ] ( x )2 f X ( x )dx

The positive square-root of the variance is called the

standard deviation.
For some distributions, the variance (and hence standard
deviation) may not be defined, because the integral may not
have a finite value.

Variance: some intuition


Low-variance probability mass functions or probability densities
tend to be concentrated around one point. High variance densities
are spread out.

Variance: Alternative expression

The definition of variance is:

Var ( X ) E[( X )2 ] ( x )2 f X ( x )dx

Alternative expression:

Var ( X ) E[( X ) 2 ] E[ X 2 2 2 X ]
E[ X 2 ] 2 2 E[ X ]
E[ X 2 ] 2 2 2 why ?
E[ X 2 ] 2
E[ X 2 ] ( E[ X ]) 2

Variance: properties

Var (aX b) E[( aX b E (aX b)) 2 ]

E[( aX b (a b)) 2 ]
E [a 2 ( X ) 2 ]
a 2 E[( X )2 ] a 2Var ( X )

Probabilistic inequalities
Sometimes we know the mean or variance of a random

variable, and want to guess the probability that the

random variable can take on a certain value.
The exact probability can usually not be computed as

the information is too less. But we can get upper or

lower bounds on this probability which can influence
our decision-making processes.

Probabilistic inequalities
Example: Lets say the average annual salary offered to a

CSE Btech-4 student at IITB is $100,000. Whats the

probability that you (i.e. a randomly chosen student) will
get an offer of $110,000? Additionally, if you were told
that the variance of the salary was 50,000, whats the
probability that your package is between $90,000 and

Markovs inequality
Let X be a random variable that takes only non-

negative values. For any a > 0, we have

P{X a} E[ X ] / a
Proof: next slide

Markovs inequality

E[ X ] xf X ( x )dx

xf X ( x )dx xf X ( x )dx

xf X ( x )dx

af X ( x )dx

a f X ( x )dx

aP{ X a}

Chebyshevs inequality
For a random variable X with mean and variance 2,

we have for any value k > 0,

P{| X | k}

Proof: follows from Markovs inequality
( X )2 is a non - negative random variable
P{( X )2 k 2 } E[( X )2 ] / k 2 2 / k 2
P{| X | k} 2 / k 2

Chebyshevs inequality: another form

For a random variable X with mean and variance 2,

we have for any value k > 0,

P{| X | k}

If I replace k by k, I get the following:

P{| X | k } 2

Back to counting money!

Let X be the random variable indicating the annual

salary offered to you when you reach Btech-4


P{ X 110K}
0.9090 90%
50 K
P{| X 100 K | 10 K }
0.0005 0.05%
10 K 10 K
P{| X 100 K | 10 K } 1 0.05% 99.5%

Back to the expected value

When I tell you that the expected value of a random

die variable is 3.5, what does this mean?

If I throw the die n times, and average the results, I

should get a value close to 3.5 provided n is very large

(not valid if n is small).
As n increases, the average value should move closer

and closer towards 3.5.

Thats our basic intuition!


Back to the expected value: weak

law of large numbers
This intuition has a rigorous theoretical justification in

a theorem known as the weak law of large numbers.

Let X1, X2,,Xn be a sequence of independent and

identically distributed random variables each having

mean . Then for any > 0, we have:

X 1 X 2 ... X n
| } 0 as n

Back to the expected value: weak

law of large numbers
Let X1, X2,,Xn be a sequence of independent and

identically distributed random variables each having

mean . Then for any > 0, we have:
X X 2 ... X n
P{| 1
| } 0 as n

Empirical (or
sample) mean

Proof: follows immediately from Chebyshevs

X 1 X 2 ... X n
X 1 X 2 ... X n
n 2 2
) ,Var (
) 2
X 1 X 2 ... X n
| } 2
X X 2 ... X n
lim n P{| 1
| } 0

The strong law of large numbers

The strong law of large numbers states the following:

P(lim n

X 1 X 2 ... X n
) 1

This is stronger than the weak law because this states that

the probability of the desired event (that the empirical mean

is equal to the actual mean) is equal to 1 given enough
samples. The weak laws states that it tends to 1.
The proof of the strong law is formidable and beyond the

scope of our course.

(The incorrect) Law of averages

As laymen we tend to believe that if something has

been going wrong for quite some time, it will suddenly

turn right using the law of averages.
This supposed law is actually a fallacy it reflects

wishful thinking, and the core mistake is that we

mistake the distribution of samples among a small set
of outcomes for the distribution of a larger set.
This is also called as Gamblers fallacy.

(The incorrect) Law of averages

Lets say a gambler independently tosses an unbiased

coin 20 times, and gets a head each time. He now

applies the law of averages and believes that it is
more likely that the next coin toss will yield a tail.
The mistake is as follows: The probability of getting

all 21 heads = (1/2)21. The probability of getting 20

heads and 1 tail also = (1/2)21.

Joint distributions/pdfs/pmfs

Jointly distributed random variables

Many times in statistics, one needs to model

relationships between two or more random variables

for example, your CPI at IITB and the annual salary
offered to you during placements!
Another example: average amount of sugar consumed

per day and blood sugar level recorded in a blood test.

Another example: literacy level and crime rate.

Joint CDFs
Given continuous random variables X and Y, their joint

cumulative distribution function (cdf) is defined as:

FXY ( x, y ) P( X x, Y y )
The distribution of either random variable (called as

marginal cdf) can be obtained from the joint distribution as


FX ( x ) P( X x, Y ) FXY ( x, )
FY ( y ) P( X , Y y ) FXY (, y )

Ill explain this

a few slides
further down

These definitions can extended to handle more than two

random variables as well.

Joint PMFs
Given two discrete random variables X and Y, their

joint probability mass function (pmf) is defined as:

pXY ( xi , y j ) P( X xi , Y y j )
The pmf of either random variable (called as marginal

pmf) can be obtained from the joint distribution as

P{ X xi } P({ X xi , Y y j })

P{ X xi , Y y j } p( xi , y j )


Joint PMFs: Example

Consider that in a city 15% of the families are childless, 20% have

only one child, 35% have two children and 30% have three
children. Let us suppose that male and female child are equally
likely and independent.
What is the probability that a randomly chosen family has no
P(B = 0, G = 0) = 0.15 = P(no children)
Has 1 girl child?
P(B=0,G=1)=P(1 child) P(G=1|1 child) = 0.2 x 0.5 = 0.1
Has 3 girls?
P(B = 0, G = 3) = P(3 children) P(G=3 | 3 Children) = 0.3 x (0.5)3
Has 2 boys and 1 girl?
P(B = 2, G = 1) = P(3 children) P(B = 2, G = 1| 3 children) = 0.3 x
(1/8) x 3 = 0.1125 (all 8 combinations of 3 children are equally
likely. Out of these there are 3 of the form 2 boys + 1 girl)

Joint PDFs
For two jointly continuous random variables X and Y,

the joint pdf is a non-negative function fXY(x,y) such

that for any set C in the two-dimensional plane, we
P{( X , Y ) C}


( x, y )dxdy

( x , y )C

The joint CDF can be obtained from the joint PDF as

a b

FXY (a, b)


( x, y )dxdy

f XY (a, b)
FXY ( x, y ) |x a , y b

The joint probability that (X,Y) belongs to any
arbitrary-shaped region in the XY-plane is
obtained by integrating the joint pdf of (X,Y)
over that region (eg: region C)

Joint and marginal PDFs

The marginal pdf of a random variable can be

obtained by integrating the joint pdf w.r.t. the other

random variable(s):

f X ( x)


( x, y )dy


( x, y )dy

fY ( y )

f X ( x)


( x, y )dx

( x )dx


FX ( a ) FXY ( a, )

( x, y )dydx

Independent random variables

Two continuous random variables are said to be

independent if and only if:

x, y, f XY ( x, y ) f X ( x) fY ( y )

i.e., the joint pdf is equal to the product of the

marginal pdfs.
For independent random variables, the joint CDF is

also equal to the product of the marginal CDFs:

FXY ( x, y ) FX ( x) FY ( y )

Try proving this yourself!

Independent random variables

Some n continuous random variables are said to be

mutually independent if and only if:

x1 , x2 ,..., xn ,
f X1 , X 2 ,...,X n ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) f X1 ( x1 ) f X 2 ( x2 )... f X n ( xn )

i.e., the joint pdf is equal to the product of all n

marginal pdfs.
Note that this condition is stronger than pairwise

( xi , x j ),1 i n,1 j n, i j,
f X i , X j ( xi , x j ) f X i ( xi ) f X j ( x j )

Independent random variables

Mutual independence between n random variables

implies that they are pairwise independent, or in fact,

k-wise independent for any k < n.
But pairwise independence does not necessarily imply

mutual independence.

Concept of covariance
The covariance of two random variables X and Y is

defined as follows:
Cov( X , Y ) E[( X X )(Y Y )]
Further expansion:

Cov( X , Y ) E[( X X )(Y Y )]

E[ XY X Y Y X X Y ]
E[ XY ] X Y Y X X Y why ?
E[ XY ] X Y
E[ XY ] E[ X ]E[Y ]

Concept of covariance: properties

Cov(X,Y) = Cov(Y, X)
Cov(X, X) = Var(X) [verify this yourself!]
Cov(aX,Y) = aCov(X,Y) [prove this!]
Relationship with correlation coefficient:
Cov( X , Y )
r( X ,Y )
Var ( X )Var (Y )

Concept of covariance: properties

Cov( X Z , Y ) Cov( X , Y ) Cov( Z , Y )
Pr oof :
Cov( X Z , Y ) E[( X Z )Y ] E[ X Z ]E[Y ]
E[ XY ZY ] E[ X ]E[Y ] E[ Z ]E[Y ]
E[ XY ] E[ X ]E[Y ] E[ ZY ] E[ Z ]E[Y ]
Cov( X , Y ) Cov( Z , Y )

Cov( X i , Y ) Cov( X i , Y )

Cov( X i , Y j ) Cov( X i , Y j )

Try proving this

yourself! Along
similar lines as the
previous one.

Concept of covariance: properties

Cov( X i , Y ) Cov( X i , Y )

Cov( X i , Y j ) Cov( X i , Y j )

Var ( X i ) Cov( X i , X i )

Cov( X i , X j )

Cov( X i , X i ) Cov( X i , X j )

j i

Var ( X i ) Cov( X i , X j )

j i

Notice that the variance of the

sum of random variables is not
equal to the sum of their
individual variances. This is quite
unlike the mean!

Concept of covariance: properties

For independent random variables X and Y, Cov(X,Y) =

0, i.e. E[XY] = E[X]E[Y].

E[ XY ] xi y j P{ X xi , Y y j }

xi y j P{ X xi }P{Y y j }

xi P{ X xi } y j P{Y y j }

E[ X ]E[Y ]

Cov( X , Y ) E[( X X )(Y Y )]

E[ XY ] X E[ X ] Y E[Y ] X Y
E[ XY ] E[ X ]E[Y ] 0

Concept of covariance: properties

Given random variables X and Y, Cov(X,Y) = 0 does

not necessarily imply that X and Y are independent!

Proof: Construct a counter-example yourself!

Conditional pdf/cdf/pmf
Given random variables X and Y with joint pdf fXY(x,y),

then the conditional pdf of X given Y = y is defined as

f X |Y ( x | y )

f XY ( x, y )
FX |Y ( x | y )
fY ( y )

Conditional cdf FX|Y(x,y):

FX |Y ( x | y ) lim 0 P( X x | y Y y )

f X ,Y ( z, y )

fY ( y )


X |Y

( z | y )dz

Conditional mean and variance

Conditional densities or distributions can be used to

define the conditional mean (also called conditional

expectation) or conditional variance as follows:

E( X | Y y)


X |Y

( x, y )dx

Var ( X | Y y ) ( x E ( X | Y y )) 2 f X |Y ( x, y )dx

f ( x, y ) 2.4 x ( 2 x y ),0 x 1,0 y 1
0 otherwise
Find conditional density of X given Y y.
Find conditional mean of X given Y y.

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