British Journal of Haematology

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British Journal of Haematology

The Official Journal of the British Society for Haematology

Edited by:
Finbarr E. Cotter and Deborah Rund
Print ISSN: 0007-1048
Online ISSN: 1365-2141
Frequency: Twenty-four issues a year
Current Volume: 157 / 2012
ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 2010: Hematology: 11 / 65
Impact Factor: 4.941

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Submission of papers
The British Journal of Haematology invites papers on original research in clinical, laboratory and
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This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, USA (DKxxxx to
This work was supported by the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (grant to AB and
This work was supported by a grant from Big Pharma Inc. (to AB) and equipment was donated
by Small Pharma Inc. EF received a graduate studentship award from the University of xxxxx.
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Research papers
The majority of papers published in the Journal report original research into scientific and
clinical haematology. All papers are subject to review and authors are urged to be brief; long
papers with many tables and figures may require shortening if they are to be accepted for
Short reports
Short reports which offer significant insight into scientific and clinical haematological processes
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Annotations and reviews

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Images in Haematology
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150 words.
Preparation of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be formatted with wide margins and bear the title of the paper with the name
and address of the author(s), together with the name of the hospital, laboratory or institution
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normally be divided into summary, introduction, methods (and/or materials), results, discussion,
acknowledgements and references. SI units should be used throughout. Human DNA, gene,
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1) Human genes and alleles should be italicized capitals;
2) Human protein designations are the same as the gene symbol (i.e., written in upper case), but
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3) When distinguishing between mRNA, genomic DNA and cDNA, the relevant term should be
given after the gene symbol, e.g. BCL2 cDNA;
4) D numbers should be as described in the Guidelines for Human Gene Nomenclature (Wain et
al, 2002, Genomics, 79, 464-470;
5) Nomenclature for DNA restriction and modification enzymes and their genes should follow
Roberts et al (2003, Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 1805-1812;
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