What Are The Welfare Schemes Provided The Company?: Answer
What Are The Welfare Schemes Provided The Company?: Answer
What Are The Welfare Schemes Provided The Company?: Answer
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Compensation is a primary motivator for employees. People look for jobs that not only suit their
creativity and talents, but compensate them-both in terms of salary and other benefits-
accordingly. Compensation is also one of the fastest changing fields in Human Resources, as
companies continue to investigate various ways of rewarding employees for performance.
When setting the level of an employee's monetary compensation, several factors must be
considered. First and foremost, wages must be set high enough to motivate and attract good
employees. They must also be equitable-that is, the wage must accurately reflect the value of the
labor performed. In order to determine salaries or wages that are both equitable for employees
and sustainable for companies, businesses must first make certain that they understand the
responsibilities and requirements of the position under review. The next step is to review
prevailing rates and classifications for similar jobs. This process requires research of the
competitive rate for a particular job within a given geographical area. Wage surveys can be
helpful in defining wage and salary structures, but these should be undertaken by a professional
(when possible) to achieve the most accurate results. In addition, professional wage surveys can
sometimes be found through local employment bureaus or in the pages of trade publications. Job
analysis not only helps to set wages and salaries, but ties into several other Human Resource
functions such as hiring, training, and performance appraisal. As the job is defined, a wage can
be determined and the needs for hiring and training can be evaluated. The evaluation criteria for
performance appraisal can also be constructed as the specific responsibilities of a position are
Availability of people capable of fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities of the job
Level of demand elsewhere in the community and/or industry for prospective employees
Cost of living in the area
Attractiveness of the community in which the company operates
Compensation levels already in existence elsewhere in the company
There are many federal, state, and local employment and tax laws that impact compensation.
These laws define certain aspects of pay, influence how much pay a person may receive, and
shape general benefits plans.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is probably the most important piece of compensation
legislation. Small business owners should be thoroughly familiar with it. This act contains five
major compensation laws governing minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, recordkeeping
requirement, and child labor, and it has been amended on several occasions over the years. Most
of the regulations set out in the FLSA impact non-exempt employees, but this is not true across
the board.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is an amendment to FLSA, which prohibits differences in
compensation based on sex for men and women in the same workplace whose jobs are similar. It
does not prohibit seniority systems, merit systems, or systems that pay for performance, and it
does not consider exempt or non-exempt status.
In addition, the United States government has passed several other laws that have had an impact,
in one way or another, on compensation issues. These include the Consumer Credit Protection
Act of 1968, which deals with wage garnishments; the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 (ERISA), which regulates pension programs; the Old Age, Survivors, Disability and
Health Insurance Program (OASDHI), which forms the basis for most benefits programs; and
implementation of unemployment insurance, equal employment, worker's comp, Social Security,
Medicare, and Medicaid programs and laws.
For the most part, traditional methods of compensation involve set pay levels (wage or salary)
with regular increases. Increases can be given for a variety of reasons, but are typically given for
promotions, merit increases, or cost of living increases. The Hay Group points out that there is
less distinction today between merit increases and cost of living increases: "Because of the low
levels (3 to 4 percent) of salary budget funding, most merit raises are perceived as little more
than cost of living increases. Employees have come to expect them." This "base pay" system is
one that most people are familiar with. Often, it includes a set salary or wage, a set schedule for
merit increases, and a set benefits package.
Benefits are an important part of an employee's total compensation package. Benefits packages
became popular after World War II, when wage controls made it more difficult to give
competitive salaries. Benefits were added to monetary compensation to attract, retain, and
motivate employees, and they still perform that function today. They are not cash rewards, but
they do have monetary value (for example, spiraling health care costs make health benefits
particularly essential to today's families). Many of these benefits are nontaxable to the employee
and deductible by the employer.
Many benefits are not required by law, but are nonetheless common in total compensation
packages. These include health insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, some
form of retirement plan (including profit-sharing, stock option programs, 401(k) and employee
stock ownership plans), vacation and holiday pay, and sick leave. Companies may also offer
various services, such as day care, to employees, either free or at a reduced cost. It is also
common to provide employees with discounted services or products offered by the company
itself. In addition, there are also certain benefits that are required by either state or federal law.
Federal law, for example, requires the employer to pay into Social Security, and unemployment
insurance is mandated under OASDHI. State laws govern worker's compensation.
PAY FOR PERFORMANCE Probably the most popular of the newer concepts in compensation is
the easiest to understand-compensation based on performance. These programs, sometimes
referred to as variable pay programs, generally offer compensation incentives based on employee
performance or on the performance of a team. Pay for performance rewards high performance
and does not reward mediocre or low performance, and is the definition of the "merit" system.
In a true merit based system, there are a few conditions which must be satisfied for it to be
Employees must have control over their performance. If employees are overly dependent
on the actions and output of other employees or processes, they may have little control
over their own performance.
Differences in performance must mean something to the business. If there is little
difference between a high performer and a mediocre one, merit pay won't work.
Performance must be measured regularly and reliably. A clear system of performance
appraisal, with defined criteria that are understood by the employee and regularly
scheduled meetings must be in place.
-Provides basic living needs for single parents,sufferers and disabled ( basic apartment payed for
by government (partially taxpayers money), transport payed for and 45 pound a week.
-A person can recieve payment without working or contributing to society eg. charity work.
-It can demean a childs inspirations to achieve to earn money as they know they will end up with
The terms “employee welfare benefit plan” and “welfare plan” mean any plan, fund, or program established or
maintained by an employer or by an employee organization, or by both, to the extent that such plan, fund, or
program was established or is maintained for the purpose of providing for its participants or their beneficiaries,
through the purchase of insurance or otherwise, (A) medical, surgical, or hospital care or benefits, or benefits in the
event of sickness, accident, disability, death or unemployment, or vacation benefits, apprenticeship or other training
programs, or day care centers, scholarship funds, or prepaid legal services, or (B) any benefit described in section
186(c) of this title [Title 29] (other than pensions on retirement or death, and insurance to provide such pensions).
As noted by Justice Souter, ERISA’s definition of an employee welfare benefit plan is ultimately circular. Thus, [o]ne
is thus left to the common understanding of the word “plan†as referring to a scheme decided upon in advance
. . . Here the scheme comprises a set of rules that define the rights of a beneficiary and provide for their
enforcement. Rules governing collection of premiums, definition of benefits, submission of claims, and resolution of
disagreements over entitlement to services are the sorts of provisions that constitute a plan. See Hansen v.
Continental Ins. Co., 940 F.2d 971, 977 (C.A.5 1991).” Pegram v. Herdrich, 530 U.S. 211, 120 S.Ct. 2143 (2000).