Non Aqueous Drilling Fluids

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The Revolution in Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids

Frederick B. Growcock and Arvind D. Patel, M-I SWACO

Copyright 2011, AADE

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2011 AADE National Technical Conference and Exhibition held at the Hilton Houston North Hotel, Houston, Texas, April 12-14, 2011. This conference was
sponsored by the American Association of Drilling Engineers. The information presented in this paper does not reflect any position, claim or endorsement made or implied by the American Association of
Drilling Engineers, their officers or members. Questions concerning the content of this paper should be directed to the individual(s) listed as author(s) of this work.

Since their introduction in the late 1930s, non-aqueous
drilling fluids (NADF) have improved considerably, and for
the last three decades NADF have generally been the preferred
type of fluid for drilling through problem formations, thanks
in part to the introduction of synthetic-based fluids twenty
years ago. The revolution in NADF technology has not been
without challenges, however, as the complexity of drilling
operations has grown enormously, and environmental
regulations have grown increasingly restrictive. In the past,
when shallow vertical land wells were the norm, drillers
focused on stabilizing shales and hole cleaning. Now, drilling
often involves construction of wellbores that are long and
deviated; deep and hot; through depleted or abnormally
pressured zones; and in deep water. These new challenges
have required that NADF be environmentally friendly, stable
and possess desirable mud properties over broad ranges of
temperature and pressure. Another challenge is that NADF
are increasingly used for drilling reservoirs, where potential
impairment in well productivity including cleanup and
completion is of paramount importance.
New NADF have been and will continue to be developed
to handle increasingly tough and complex drilling scenarios.
Solutions to these challenges have included not only changes
in base fluids, but also internal polar phases, surfactants,
polymers and colloidal (and now sub-colloidal) additives. In
this paper, we discuss changes in the composition and
properties of NADF over the years that have enabled NADF to
remain at the forefront of the drilling fluid industry.
Oil-based drilling fluids or muds (OBM) have been in use
for several decades. Properties of these fluids are described
elsewhere.1-4 OBM offer several advantages over water-based
drilling fluids or muds (WBM), including stabilization of
formation clays, high lubricity, less corrosion, potentially less
formation damage, and the ability to handle very low and very
high temperatures. Some of the earliest attempts used
untreated field crude oil of uncertain composition to drill and
complete producing formations.4 Later, clay was added for
viscosity to clean the hole, and a small amount of a fatty acid
was thrown in to ensure oil wetting of drilled cuttings.5 From
these humble beginnings, non-aqueous drilling fluid (NADF)
technology has advanced to designer fluids, which typically
consist of a well-characterized synthetic hydrocarbon as the

base fluid or continuous phase for the NAF; polymers and

perhaps organophilic clay for viscosity and fluid loss control;
an internal polar phase of prescribed water activity; and
surfactants to emulsify the polar phase as well as oil-wet
drilled cuttings and weighting material.
On the other hand, OBM have posed significant
challenges, including high initial cost; health, safety and
environmental (HSE) concerns; incompatibility with
elastomers; high potential for lost circulation; high sensitivity
to pressure and temperature; inability to detect gas kicks; and
undesirable effects on some logging tools. Many of these
issues, however, have been addressed and even eliminated in
the intervening years since the introduction of NADF.
In this paper we describe some of the progress that has
been made to overcome these challenges.
Synthetic Fluids
In the drilling fluid industry, the term oil is used for
liquids prepared from distillation of petroleum, whereas the
term synthetic or synthetic fluid is reserved for nonaqueous liquids prepared from the reaction of fundamental
organic building blocks, such as ethylene or methane.
Arguably the revolution in NADF began in the early 1990s
with the advent of synthetic-based drilling fluids (SBM). The
primary driver was biodegradability of the residual NADF on
drilled cuttings. Although OBM had shown significant
improvements in HSE properties such as flash point and
aromatic content, other HSE issues arose that were difficult or
even impossible to solve using petroleum-derived
The primary concern was the fate of oily drilled cuttings,
especially those discharged into the sea during offshore
drilling operations. Sampling of cuttings mounds on the
seafloor revealed that not only the mounds themselves, but
vast areas around them, had become anoxic and were
essentially devoid of life. A base fluid that would
anaerobically biodegrade might solve this problem. The
search for such fluids led to esters, in the belief that their
built-in oxygen would enable these materials to biodegrade
without the assistance of dissolved oxygen.
Vegetable and animal oils many of them natural esters
were tried but failed to meet performance and/or HSE
standards. However, an ester prepared from a natural fatty
acid and an alcohol, showed much more promise, and it
became the first commercial synthetic fluid. Other synthetic

Frederick B. Growcock and Arvind D. Patel

fluids soon followed, including acetals, alkylbenzenes and an

assortment of aliphatic hydrocarbons derived from ethylene.
Today the most commonly used synthetic fluid is an internal
olefin with a carbon chain length of C16-C18.
The cost of non-aqueous fluids (NAF) that are used to
construct NADF has always been higher than that of water.
Indeed, when synthetic fluids were developed as replacements
for oils in offshore operations to enable direct discharge of
cuttings to the sea, the initial drilling fluid cost more than
doubled. However, NADF are usually rented, so that the
operator only pays for loss of residual fluid on cuttings, losses
downhole (mainly through lost circulation) and rental of the
fluid returned to the service company for reconditioning and
re-use. Furthermore, use of synthetic-based NADF, often
called SBM, does not require expensive collection,
transportation and onshore disposal of cuttings. Thus, for
drilling in reactive, deep and/or hot formations, which usually
is more efficient with NADF than with WBMs, the net cost of
using SBM is significantly less than WBMs, though their
initial costs may still be higher.
HSE Issues
The move to synthetic fluids has had some additional
benefits, including lower environmental impact (lower toxicity
to marine life); lower pour points (easier to use in cold
climates); and lower and more salutary vapor emissions
(improved health and safety because of lower carcinogenicity,
lower vapor pressures and higher flash points). Incorporating
water into NADF to make invert emulsion fluids also has
provided benefits in all these respects, along with reducing
cost; generally the lower the ratio of Oil/Water (O/W) or
Synthetic/Water (S/W), the greater these benefits.
A side benefit arises from the differences in composition
of synthetics vs. oils. Oils may contain a plethora of
compounds, depending on the source material and the
distillation details, e.g. summer diesel (#2) contains more than
200 different types of compounds, and these can be quite
variable. However, some mineral oils may contain basically
only one type of compound, though the molecular weight
distribution may be broad. Synthetic fluids typically contain
essentially only one type of compound with a fairly narrow
molecular weight distribution. Consequently, it is much
easier, generally, to control and monitor synthetics than oils in
drilling operations.
NADF have posed all kinds of HSE issues since they were
first introduced. Flammability was of prime importance
initially, inasmuch as flash points of crude and diesel oils were
quite low. Adding water to the fluid helped considerably in
this regard; it was found that O/W or S/W ratios lower than
80/20 did not support combustion. Decreasing the fraction of
volatiles and aromatic content also was found to increase flash
points, and as a bonus it also reduced hazards associated with
handling the fluids. Environmental risks, however, have been
the most difficult to manage, primarily because discharge
regulations vary so much geographically and are continually


Environmental regulations governing discharges generally
deal with toxicity (acute and chronic) and biodegradability.
Regulations imposed for discharge in the North Sea6 are some
of the strictest. Indeed, in the UK sector discharge of cuttings
to the ocean is permitted only if the NAF on cuttings < 1 %
w/w relative to dry cuttings; anticipating that all discharges
will eventually be banned, operators have opted for zero
discharge. Many countries in the Eastern Hemisphere defer
to those regulations. In the Western hemisphere, the most
common standards for offshore use and disposal are those for
the Gulf of Mexico; here synthetics are permitted but strictly
limited.7 For land use, the regulations devised for Louisiana,
USA8 and Alberta, Canada9 are modeled widely. Indeed, in
some South American countries, an operator has a choice of
following one or the other of those sets of regulations. And,
of course, usually there are local restrictions that also must be
overcome before a drilling fluid is allowed.
In Canada, compliance means passing a Microtox test
(looking for metabolic changes in a chemiluminescent
bacterium harvested from sea horses), and landfarming or
spreading contaminated drilled cuttings requires that residual
base fluid on cuttings <1% w/w relative to wet cuttings.
In the Gulf of Mexico, compliance requires that the base
fluid contain <10 ppm polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),
creates no visible sheen on the surface of the water, passes kill
tests with Mysid shrimp (for the water column) and
Leptocheirus amphipod (for the sediment), and passes a
bioaccumulation test. There are also limits on the maximum
concentration of organics on cuttings. For SBM with C16-C18
internal olefin base fluid, the limit of residual base fluid on
cuttings is 6.9% (w/w relative to wet cuttings); for C12-C14
ester base fluid, the limit is 9.4%. Regulatory bodies have
determined that zero discharge requirements do not serve the
public as well as permitting discharge of SBM with strict
limits on the type of fluid and the concentration that may be
discharged with cuttings. Accidental releases, especially from
riser disconnects, occur infrequently, but here, too, the
environment is thought to be damaged less by SBM than by
When synthetic esters were introduced, it was soon
realized that they had some drawbacks. Not only were esters
expensive (even those synthesized from natural products), but
also they degraded at elevated temperatures, especially in the
presence of alkaline materials like lime, and they generated
high viscosities, which created excessive equivalent
circulating densities. Consequently, the search for alternative
synthetic fluids continued, and it finally alighted on ethylenederived hydrocarbons. Although these olefinic products
proved to be very successful offshore, they proved less so on
land because of their cost and environmental issues.
In contrast to offshore operations, onshore drilling projects
generally operate with much smaller budgets. The high cost
of synthetics was a major stumbling block. Another
impediment pertained to biodegradability and toxicity.
Spreading and farming on land has been considered one of the
best methods of managing NADF-laden cuttings. However,


The Revolution in Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids

the synthetic esters, even those synthesized from natural

products, were found to form toxic metabolites (intermediate
products) during biodegradation when the cuttings were
spread or landfarmed.10 Further study revealed that the most
readily biodegradable liquids which produced minimal side
effects were aliphatic compounds, especially linear (also
called normal) paraffins. These are also more economical
than either synthetic esters or olefins. Paraffins may be
generated via distillation of petroleum or synthesized, e.g. via
the Fischer-Tropsch reaction. If distilled from crude oil, the
intermediate material must be further refined and
hydrogenated; the liquid products mineral oils are mixed
branched and linear paraffins.
Removal of NADF from cuttings to comply with
regulatory limits of residual NAF on discharged cuttings has
received considerable attention. Rigsite methods traditionally
have involved disposal of the oily cuttings on site or
elsewhere, and usually required some means to solidify or
fixate them. However, since the fluid is not really removed
from the cuttings, other methods have been investigated and
used to actually remove the fluid from the cuttings one way or
another. Removal methods have included washing with
solvents (chlorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons are the most
common, but fairly exotic materials have also been used, e.g.
supercritical CO2); centrifugation of the fluid off the cuttings
with rotating shakers; degradation by bacteria in a bioreactor;
incineration and distillation, e.g. with a rotary kiln or a
hammer mill; vermiculture with worms to digest the organics;
biopiles to biodegrade the organics on cuttings spread on land;
and modifying the drilling fluid itself so that all of the
components can biodegrade or serve as soil amendments.10
In offshore operations, the concentration of NAF in the
seabed sediment under deposited cuttings may decrease with
time by re-suspension, bed transport, mixing, and biodegradation. In many cases, sediment-dwelling microorganisms are able to use the NAF as a source of nutrition.
However, biodegradation of the NAF in the sediment may
result in a decrease in sediment oxygen concentration. If the
initial NAF concentration is sufficiently high, a sediment
could become anoxic (oxygen depleted). Ideally, NAF should
be biodegradable under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Removal of NADF from cuttings may have secondary
benefits, e.g. recovery of the NAF. Methods for removing and
recovering the fluid for re-use such as solvent extraction,
centrifugation and distillation have become popular. In the
Gulf of Mexico, it is common to use rotating shakers (also
called centrifugal driers) to help reduce the level of base fluid
on cuttings to below the regulatory limit. On land, distillation
is a popular choice. Both direct and indirect heating are used.
An example of a direct heating device is the externally fired
rotary kiln; indirect heating includes hammer mill and steam.
Finally, the oily cuttings problem can be addressed by
removing the cuttings from the rig site. Transport to landfills
or other onshore facilities was the standard years ago, but now
cuttings re-injection either down the annulus of the well being
drilled or into a dedicated disposal well is also common.
Each method of managing NADF-contaminated cuttings

and other drilling wastes has costs and side effects, so a

comprehensive cost/benefit analysis must always be made.
Elastomer Compatibility
Early OBM caused deterioration of elastomers, e.g. in
pumps, leading to premature sealing problems and even
failure. The swelling and embrittlement of elastomers
accompanying exposure to OBM is roughly associated with
the aniline point, which itself is inversely related to the
aromaticity of the base fluid. Typically, the lower the aromatic
content, the higher the aniline point will be and the more
compatible the fluid will be with elastomers. Higher aniline
points, especially over 150F (65C), indicate that the fluid is
not a good solvent either for aniline or for common
Crude oils generally have aniline points below 150F,
diesel fuels are on the borderline, e.g. 142F, and mineral oils
are higher.11 Regular mineral oils with significant aromatic
content may give values of 150 to 170F (65 to 77C),
whereas enhanced (low-toxicity) mineral oils with <1%
aromatic content will typically generate values in excess of
160F (70C). Synthetic fluids generally have aniline points
that range from 160 to 200F (70 to 93C). It should be noted,
however, that some high-aniline-point base fluids, such as
PAOs (polyalphaolefins), can solubilize plasticizers in the
elastomers and cause embrittlement.
Aniline is hazardous to handle and get rid of.
Compositional analysis via instrumental techniques (like
proton and 13C-NMR) does not pose such HSE concerns and
has been found to correlate well with aniline point.12
Lost Circulation Potential
DEA 13 demonstrated that, although the risk of fracture
initiation is essentially independent of the nature of the drilling
fluid, fracture propagation occurs more readily with OBM
(and presumably all NADF) than with WBMs.13 Furthermore,
induced fractures tend to heal in the presence of WBMs.
Consequently, the risk of lost circulation through induced
fractures is greater with NADF than with WBMs, and it is
generally accepted that a wellbore can withstand a higher mud
weight when drilled with WBM than with NADF.
Some studies suggest that increasing the low-shear-rate
viscosity while increasing the shear-thinning profile of a
drilling fluid can slow the rate of invasion of the fluid into
fractures. A Yield-Power Law (Herschel Bulkley) fluid can
be described by
= y + n
where = shear stress, y = true yield stress, Consistency
Index, shear rate and n = Power Law Index. A high value
of K coupled with a low value of n can provide the required
viscosity profile to reduce the rate of fluid invasion.
Furthermore, if the fluid has a true yield stress, y, it will
actually stop. y can be approximated by the Low-Shear Yield
Point, or LSYP, which is defined as 2 x 3-rpm Fann Reading

Frederick B. Growcock and Arvind D. Patel

6-rpm Fann Reading.14 Although it is easy to design WBMs

with this property, it has been difficult to do so with NADF.
Nevertheless, some progress has been made to create shearthinning NADF with high low-shear-rate viscosity.
The conventional way of controlling lost circulation is
through the use of particulates incorporated in the NADF
formulation or in pills that can seal pores or fractures or even
halt fracture propagation before it leads to lost circulation.
ECD management has advanced considerably since the
early days and has become an objective in most drilling
operations to minimize lost circulation and maintain hole
stability. Because a major component of ECD is the viscosity
profile of the NADF, a common fluid design objective is
minimization of viscosity and changes in viscosity with
changes in depth and drilling fluid density.
A recent innovation relies on replacement of organophilic
clays with special polymers that generate a viscosity profile
(especially at low shear rates) vs temperature that is opposite
to that of the NAF alone; the sum of these is a viscosity that is
relatively insensitive to temperature.15 Fig. 1 shows how this
new fluid design can impact the temperature dependence of
low-shear-rate viscosity, which has a direct bearing on ECD
while circulating and tripping.
Another new technology development is micronization of
the weighting material, usually barite or calcium carbonate.
This reduces the effect of weighting material on viscosity of
the NADF and helps to maintain an ECD that varies
minimally with mud density.16 Fig. 2 shows how micronizing
the weighting material can affect the viscosity profile of a
Effects of Pressure and Temperature
Well depth affects the density of NADF much more than
that of WBMs. NAF are considerably more compressible than
aqueous fluids, so that the density of NAF (and consequently
NADF, too) rises rapidly with increasing pressure; however,
density decreases with increasing temperature. There is no
remedy for this, other than to have an accurate and
comprehensive database. Fortunately, these data are available
and are usually incorporated into hydraulics programs to
ensure accurate calculations of wellbore pressure and fluid
The rheology of NADF can also vary considerably with
pressure and temperature, which is problematic when drilling
deepwater wells or deep holes. The viscosity of NAF (and
NADF) can increase several-fold upon decreasing the fluid
temperature from ambient to seabed conditions (~ 40F in the
Gulf of Mexico). Similarly, it can drop several-fold upon
increasing the temperature from ambient to bottomhole
conditions. Such a swing in viscosity can have strong impacts
on ECD, wellbore stability and suspension properties.
Fortunately, the NADF innovations described in the previous
section, namely technologies to reduce the dependence of
viscosity on temperature and mud density, have reduced the
risks of drilling deepwater, depleted and deviated wells and
reduced non-productive time.
Another issue is thermal stability. While NADF are


generally able to withstand temperatures at least 100F higher

than WBMs, typically they have not been used at temperatures
much in excess of 350F. [Note: In the drilling industry HighPressure, High-Temperature (HPHT) wells reach bottomhole
pressures and temperatures in excess of 10,000 psi and 350F.]
As fields mature and the industry pushes to greater depths to
find oil, bottomhole pressures and temperatures are exceeding
these limits regularly. Indeed, the push into geothermal
drilling has carried this quest to temperatures in excess of
500F. Historically diesel OBM treated with special clays
have been able to push up to 500F for short times. Now
SBM are being asked to go to this temperature and beyond and
remain stable for long periods of time.
Not only does the base fluid have to be stable at elevated
temperatures, so do all of the additives that control key
properties like viscosity, fluid loss, emulsion stability and
wettability. The surfactants responsible for emulsion stability
and wettability are critical. Most of the amido-amine
surfactants used in invert emulsion drilling fluid formulations
hydrolyze at elevated temperatures and at the high pH used in
drilling fluid formulations. This chemical instability, along
with functional limitations of amido-amines at high
temperature, renders them ineffective for HPHT applications.
Recently we developed a new surfactant that can be used
in invert emulsion fluid formulations for applications in excess
of 550F. This surfactant, based on polyether carboxylic acid
chemistry, is largely non-ionic and has no hydrolyzable
functionality; as a result, it is chemically and functionally
stable to high temperature. The HPHT fluid formulation
utilizing this surfactant and a nano-particulate viscosifier, is
given in Table 1a. This fluid was heat-aged at 570F for 16
hr. The viscosity profile at 150F and electrical stability at
80F were measured after heat-aging. The results, shown in
Table 1b, were considered acceptable. Fluid loss at 300F
after heat-aging was 40 mL/30 min. Had this fluid been
formulated with a conventional amido-amine surfactant and an
organophilic clay viscosifier, it would have become water-wet
and looked like cottage cheese; the viscosity would not have
been measureable, its electrical stability nil and fluid loss
Gas Kick Detection
Hydrocarbon gases tend to be more soluble in NADF than
in WBMs, so that release of formation gas as the fluid is
circulated out of the hole is delayed. Symptoms of a gas kick
include the following:17
Increase in circulation rate
Sudden change in drilling rate
Change in pump pressure
Reduction in drillpipe weight
Reduction in mud weight
Change in mud texture (becomes fluffy)
With WBMs, influx of formation gas leads to a relatively
rapid expression of these symptoms, and steps can be taken
quickly to manage the gas kick. With NADF, on the other
hand, the delay in release of gas delays onset of these


The Revolution in Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids

symptoms and hinders quick recognition and action to control

the gas kick, thus increasing the risk of a blow-out.
One way to deal with this problem is to monitor the
volume of NADF. Although gas coming into the NADF may
dissolve, it will still cause some increase in the volume of the
NADF. The rate of mud pit gain can be inputted into rate-ofswelling models to estimate the rate of influx of the gas and
determine whether a gas kick may indeed be imminent.18
Another effective solution is managed pressure drilling,
using techniques such as constant bottomhole pressure and
pressurized mud-cap drilling. The latter also appears to be
particularly effective for controlling sour gas.
Effectiveness of Logging Tools
The performance of some logging tools, particularly those
that depend upon establishment of an electrical circuit at the
borehole wall, can be affected by having an electrically
insulating drilling fluid in the wellbore. Resistivity and
Spontaneous Potential are directly affected. Conductive
NADF have been developed using novel surfactant
chemistry,19 but difficulty controlling standard mud properties
over a broad range of temperatures and pressures has
precluded their adoption by the industry. Instead, logging
tools themselves have been modified to enable measurements
through non-conductive media.20 For example, imaging tools
have been developed using an array of electrodes that are
spaced so closely that electrical current can penetrate through
the drilling fluid, thus generating a resistivity profile of the
Another issue that has been addressed with appropriate
surfactant chemistry is the inability to log CO2 accurately in
formations where this gas is prevalent. Drilling fluids,
including NADF, are generally formulated to be alkaline.
NADF are no exception, and excess lime is a ubiquitous
component of NADF. Lime serves multiple purposes,
including scavenging CO2/H2S that may seep into the drilling
fluid and reacting with surfactants to generate more efficient
emulsifiers and/or wetting agents. However, if quantifying
release of CO2 is the objective of a logging operation, lime is
not desirable. Consequently, a lime-free NADF was invented
to enable accurate logging of CO2. Without the lime,
formation CO2 could be measured accurately.21
Novel Products
NADF have been at the center of various discoveries and
inventions, many of them focused on surfactant chemistry.
Electrically conductive NADF were invented to enable
conventional logging tools to measure the wellbores electrical
properties. Although these fluids were phased out a few years
ago in favor of logging tools that could overcome the
nonconductive nature of this fluid in the wellbore, the
surfactant chemistry that was involved was quite innovative.
Low-alkalinity drilling fluids (see previous section), which
employ emulsifiers and wetting agents that do not require lime
to be efficient, are still being used.
As mentioned earlier, incorporation of novel products such
as surfactants based on polyether carboxylic acid (rather than

amido-amine) chemistry and nano-particulate viscosifiers have

enabled NADF to be used at extremely high temperatures,
such as those encountered in geothermal applications.
Another innovation is invert emulsion NADF with nonconductive internal (polar) phases. Environmental regulations
in some parts of the world stipulate a very low upper limit for
the concentration of salts in the mud. Other than eliminating
the internal phase, i.e. using all-oil or all-synthetic NADF,
there are few choices. The internal phase must be polar, yet
possess a water activity similar to that provided by 15 to 25
wt% CaCl2. Such fluids have indeed been developed.22
Typically they are aqueous solutions of alcohols instead of
salts, and different surfactant chemistries are necessary to
provide emulsion stability.
Another important development has been reversible
drilling fluids.23 These are fluids whose continuous phase can
be altered from oil or synthetic to water or brine and vice
versa. This concept is drawn in Fig. 3. Applications include
more efficient cementation of casing and elimination of
NADF-laden drilled cuttings. One may use the oil/synthetic
version of the fluid to drill the well, displace it with aqueous
fluid, convert the residual drilling fluid in the filter cake on the
wellbore to WBM and remove it with conventional effective
cleaning techniques before cementing. Cement bond logs
measured with a reversible mud acidified to the WBM state
show the cement to be firmly bonded to casing, whereas
conventional OBM shows no bond strength at all (Table 2).
Drilled cuttings can be treated in a similar fashion, thereby
eliminating the NAF on the cuttings. Again, it was the
invention of a novel class of surfactants that permitted
development of reversible muds.
New findings and innovations in NAF technology have
greatly enhanced the effectiveness and utility of NAF for
drilling operations. Without compromising the operational
advantages that NAF have over WBMs, many of the issues
which have previously limited utilization of NAF have been
addressed, including:
high initial cost
health, safety and environmental (HSE) concerns
incompatibility with elastomers
high potential for lost circulation
variability in properties with pressure and temperature
inability to detect gas kicks
incompatibility with some logging tools
As field operations evolve and demand better performance
under more extreme conditions, we will continue re-inventing
NADF. Novel polymer and nano technologies, along with
new surfactant chemistries, will be critical for this revolution.
We thank M-I SWACO for permission to publish this

Frederick B. Growcock and Arvind D. Patel

Aniline Point = Temperature below which a 50% v/v
mixture of aniline and a non-aqueous
fluid of interest becomes cloudy
= Equivalent Circulating Density

= Shear Rate
= Health, Safety and Environment
= Consistency Index
= Power Law Index
= Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid
= Non-Aqueous Fluid (Base Fluid)
OBM or SBM = Oil- or Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluid
O/W or S/W = Volumetric ratio of Oil/Water or
Synthetic/Water in a drilling fluid
= lbm/bbl
= Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
= Polyalphaolefin
= Rate of Penetration

= Shear Stress
= Yield Stress
= Water-Based Drilling Fluid






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The Revolution in Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids

Table 1a. HPHT NADF Formulation


Table 1b. Standard Mud Properties of HPHT NADF








ElectricalStabilityat80o F

Table 2. Cement Shear Bond Test with Acidified

Reversible Drilling Fluid 23

Baseline with dry pipes

No wash
5% Acid, 2-min wash
15% Acid-water, 2-min wash
15% Acid-water, 10-min wash

Shear Bond Strength (psi)

Drilling Fluid


Frederick B. Growcock and Arvind D. Patel





























(a) Conventional Synthetic-Based NADF



(b) Temperature-Independent Synthetic-Based NADF


Figure 1. Re-design of NADF produces viscosity profile that is relatively independent of temperature

(a) Micronized barite is orders of magnitude smaller than API Barite

(b) Viscosity profiles of TMSB OBM (with micronized barite)

and conventionally weighted OBM

Figure 2. NADF weighted with micronized barite has much lower viscosity than conventionally weighted NADF

O il

A cid

W a ter

W ater

O il

B a se


Figure 3. Reversible drilling fluid switches from NADF to WBM with change in pH

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