Detailing Process Instruction Categories: Transaction Code To Configure
Detailing Process Instruction Categories: Transaction Code To Configure
Detailing Process Instruction Categories: Transaction Code To Configure
As explained above process instructions are of the following types, one which sends process instructions to
the destination and which gets back the requested from the destination to process the data records in SAP.
Transaction code to configure
The process instruction types are predefined in SAP and there are multiple process message categories also
predefined by SAP. Nevertheless you can create a process instruction category in customizing using the
transaction code O12C. In customizing (transaction code SPRO) SAP provides the different paths to
configure process instructions, but they all carry the same transaction code (Define Process instruction
categories (general), Define Process instruction categories for SAP PI Sheet using PI assistance, Define
Process instruction categories for SAP PI Sheet using characteristics overview).
Purpose of this section
Note - This particular section of documentation explains process instruction categories, the configuration
involved and the types of process instruction categories in SAP PPPI Process Management. The
configuration and explanation of the process instruction categories co-exist together in this section.
Figure 17
Process Data
5 Inspection X
Process Data
Function Calls
Figure 18
Figure 19
Process instruction of the type 3 would in general contain the following types of characteristics and
The value for these process instruction characteristics defines a Process Message Category for which you
are requesting information for.
The process instruction characteristics PPPI_REQUESTED_VALUE carries the process message
characteristics, whose value is requested as an input value, to be entered by the control recipe destination
(PCS) for example in a goods receipts data requests, inputs for operation, phase, goods receipt material
and quantity can be requested.
These inputs are clubbed in a process message category and are finally processed in SAP function
modules or other process message destinations.
Cannot use the PI Assistant Wizard for PI Categories of Type 3
This type of process instruction category is not used in the PI sheets, so one cannot use the PI assistant
wizard to create the process instruction category.
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
Process instruction of the type 2 would in general contain the following types of characteristics and
The value for these process instruction characteristics defines a Process Message Category for which you
are requesting information for.
If you are using PI sheets, then you have to choose the type of data requests. i.e. Simple data request &
repeated data request. Simple data request allows only one message from a PI Sheet, for the given
process message category, to be sent back to SAP (example only one goods receipt message for one GR
posting per order or one value for a batch characteristics), Repeated data requests allows multiple
messages to be sent back to SAP for a given process message category on a PI Sheet, for example
multiple messages for phase confirmations category or for production order goods consumption category.
Note - If you dont see process instruction characteristics PPPI_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE, in the
process instruction category of type 2, then that process instruction category is slated to be used for an
external control recipe destination outside of SAP.
In case the data request type is Repeated data requests, in PI Sheets, then you can define the
minimum number of messages and maximum number of messages with the PI category as shown in the
examples. In other words, you can define the number of rows for a given process instruction category. If
you have data filled in 2 rows then 2 messages will be sent back to SAP for the given process instruction
category and for the given PI Sheet.
The process instruction characteristics PPPI_REQUESTED_VALUE carries the process message
characteristics, whose value is requested as an input value, to be entered by the control recipe destination
(for PI sheet or PCS) for example in a goods receipts data requests, inputs for operation, phase, goods
receipt material and quantity can be requested. These inputs are clubbed in a process message category
and processed in SAP function modules or other process message destinations.
When you are creating a process instruction category for use in PI Sheets, you would need to include the
process message characteristics for which an input is required by the operator at the control recipe
The process message characteristics for which an input value is required so as to post the process
message category successfully is included as a value to the process instruction characteristics
The heading describing the input requirements or the label, i.e., describing the process message
characteristics is included against the process instruction characteristics PPPI_INPUT_REQUEST; this
heading will be displayed in the PI Sheet to help the operator know about what value is required as an
input. In other words, the INPUT_REQUEST instruction characteristics always carries a label that
would be shown on the PI sheet so as to help the operator enter the respective value for the
REQUESTED_VALUE instruction.
For example, if the Input request is New Batch: and the requested value is the actual batch number that
would be entered by the operator on the PI sheet, then an example PI Sheet (browser based Sheet) would
look as below:
Figure 24
Using the Wizard to Create the Process Instruction category for use in PI Sheets
Select the Process Instruction Category and press the PI assistant Button. Pressing this button would take
you in to a wizard that would help you create the process instruction category step by step.
Figure 25
Step 1: Choose whether you want a single process message value for the process message category to be
passed back to SAP or multiple process messages for the process message category to be passed back to
SAP. If you choose repeated then you would have to choose th3 minimum and the maximum number of
messages that would be allowed for the operator to enter values for.
Once you are done, you can press the next screen button as shown in the screen below:
Figure 26
Step 2: This step allows you to choose the process message category. The process message
characteristics for the process message category will flow in from the process message category
configuration as shown below. This step will add the process instruction characteristics
PPPI_MESSAGE_CATEGORY to the process instruction category along the actual name of the
process message category (as its value)
Figure 27
Step 3: This step allows you to configure whether the process message characteristics (for a given
process message category) should be allowed for input by the destination operator or you should make
the operator available with the value by declaring it as an output characteristics. SAP also provides you a
chance to enter more output variables by pressing the add output variable button at the bottom of the
All the other characteristics which are not defined as input or output will be declared as Hidden and its
values would be populated automatically in the process order or through function modules.
For process message characteristics, which are quantity based, the system allows you to select whether
you want to involve the unit of measure in configuration of the same. The unit of measure is not shown in
this particular example, but you can see that in standard process instruction category CONS_1 (as an
example) so as to study the same.
Press the next screen button to configure it further.
Figure 28
Step 4: This step allows you to configure the Headings or labels for the process message characteristics
declared as input and/or output. It also allows you to define the sequence or the position of these
Press the next screen button to configure it further.
Figure 29
Step 5: This step allows you to define the processing of process message characteristics. In other words,
it allows you to define how the value of the process message characteristics will be entered in the PI
sheet and also allows you to define the variables for them (if required).
The process message characteristics which are included in the process message category will be defined
as input characteristics, output characteristics or hidden characteristics.
To move from one process message characteristics to the next, you would have to press the next Entry
or previous Entry button.
Configuring this step is a business decision. Follow the below table to check the configuration for each of
the process message characteristics:
Process Message
Batch Characteristic Name
Batch Characteristic Value
Date of Event
Date/Time of Event
Material Number
Order Item Number
Plant for Batch
Process Order
For process a message characteristic which carries the formula, it would be labeled as a calculated
characteristics. For this characteristic you would be asked to enter a formula.
Figure 30
Step 6: To simulate the PI sheet appearance and to check how the process instruction category
configurations would make the PI sheet look like, Press the ABAP List or the Browser buttons to display
the ABAP based PI sheet and the Browser based PI sheets respectively. Below is an ABAP based PI sheet
for the process instruction category BATCH_CL.
Figure 31
Step 7: Press the copy button once you are satisfied with the configuration. This will create the process
instruction category for a PI sheet. The created process instruction category will contain all the process
instruction characteristics and the corresponding process message characteristics.
Figure 32
Figure 33
Figure 34
Figure 35
Figure 36
This is the actual formula = MATERIAL_X/2 (Syntax are defined for creating the formula. When
maintaining the formulas in these instruction characteristics, you can only use 240 characters (240
characters of the value box), the rest has to be included in another PPPI_CALCULATION_FORMULA
This is the unit of measure in which the formula would function.
Using of the Wizard to Create the Process Instruction category for use in PI Sheets
You can use the wizard to help you create the Process instruction category of this type. The way the
wizard is used to create the process instruction category of this type is similar to how it is used in type 2.
Use of wizard in type 2 is explained in detail.
Figure 37
Figure 38
Figure 39
Text of the button which would be included in the PI Sheet should be included as a value for this PI
Include the name of the function module which would call the transaction code in the PI Sheet.
You can indicate whether the function call should be allowed or disallowed in the display mode of the PI
The export parameters are the import parameters required to run the Function module. To better
understand this, you can use SE37 to run the function module; the selection parameters required to run
the function module.
Using the Wizard to Create the Process Instruction category for use in PI Sheets
You can use the wizard to help you create the Process instruction category of this type.
Figure 40
Figure 41
SAP PPPI Process Instruction of Type 7 & 0 is explained here in this section
Type 7 Sequence Definitions
Can be used by the Control Recipe Destinations
1 or 4 Used in Shop Floor Destinations (PI Sheets)
When such process instructions of type 7 are added as the first process instruction in the Process instruction
list, for the phase, the system becomes capable of defining the phase relationships and which phase is to be
finished before you can take up the activities on the phase in question. Over and above informing the
predecessor phase to the phase in question, it also restricts and keeps the instruction list of the phase inactive
until the messages of the predecessor phase have been cleared and posted. Relationships of the phases of a
given destination or of a given PI Sheet are considered. A PI Sheet thus knows the relationship between the
phases of a given destination.
The process instruction of type 7 would contain the following instructions:
This process instruction characteristic defines the predecessor phase.
Using the Wizard to Create the Process Instruction category for use in PI Sheets
You can use the wizard to help you create the Process instruction category of this type.