Hum. Reprod.-2005-Farquharson-3008-11
Hum. Reprod.-2005-Farquharson-3008-11
Hum. Reprod.-2005-Farquharson-3008-11
30083011, 2005
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Liverpool Womens Hospital, Liverpool, Crown Street, Liverpool L8 7SS, 2Academic
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Free and University College London Medical School, London, UK and 3Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Spaarne Ziekenhuis, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
been fully realized or incorporated into clinical event description for article publication.
The emergence of early pregnancy units (EPUs) in many
hospitals has addressed the need for a dedicated clinical area
for the diagnosis of miscarriage and patient support at a distressing time (Twigg et al., 2002). With the establishment of an
EPU network, it becomes more important that a standardized
diagnostic classification system be employed for accurate and
reproducible reporting of ultrasound findings and clinical outcomes, so that direct comparisons between units can be readily
understandable for both research and audit purposes.
The most recent confidential enquiry into maternal deaths
conclusively demonstrates that mortality from ectopic pregnancy has not declined and is still increasing over and above
rates described 10 years ago (CEMACH Report, 2004). As the
EPU represents the most likely point of ectopic pregnancy
diagnosis, the importance of standardized reporting of very
early pregnancy changes requires a robust approach following
recent recommendations (Kirk et al., 2004).
Duration of pregnancy
Just as postnatal age begins at birth, prenatal age begins at
fertilization. The embryonic period occupies the first 8 postfertilization weeks, during which organogenesis takes place.
Thereafter, the fetal period is characterized by growth. Embryologists prefer the term embryonic age and assess this by
using 23 internationally recognized morphological stages
3008 The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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The nomenclature used to describe clinical events in early pregnancy has been criticized for lack of clarity and promoting confusion. There is no agreed glossary of terms or consensus regarding important gestational milestones. In
particular there are old and poorly descriptive terms such as missed abortion and blighted ovum, which have persisted since their introduction many years ago (Robinson, 1975) and have not undergone revision despite the widespread application of ultrasound for accurate clinical assessment and diagnosis. The authors are aware of these
shortcomings in terminology and are keen to provide an updated glossary. We hope that this paper will facilitate the
introduction of a revised terminology in an attempt to provide clarity and to enhance uptake and use in the literature
as well as clinical assessment and documentation.
Ultrasound criteria
With the introduction of transvaginal ultrasound, longitudinal
assessment of early pregnancy development can be made in
terms of viability and growth. Ultrasound plays a major role in
maternal reassurance, where fetal cardiac activity is seen and is
pivotal in the assessment of early pregnancy complications,
such as vaginal bleeding (Jauniaux et al., 1999). However,
there are limits to ultrasound resolution of normal early pregnancy development. Recent advice concludes that a diagnosis
of an empty sac (previously named anembryonic pregnancy,
early embryonic demise or embryo loss) should not be
made if the visible crownrump length is less than 6 mm, as
only 65% of normal embryos will display cardiac activity
(Royal College of Radiologists/Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists, 1995). Repeat transvaginal ultrasound
examination after at least a week, showing identical features
and/or the presence of fetal bradycardia, is strongly suggestive
of impending miscarriage (Chittacharoen et al., 2004). The
possibility of incorrect dates should always be remembered by
the alert clinician. In addition, it should be remembered that
when the fetus has clearly developed and the fetal heart is
absent, the term missed abortion should be replaced by
delayed miscarriage (Hutchon and Cooper, 1997).
Gynaecologists and ultrasonographers acknowledge the
embryonic period by speaking about fetal heart action and
fetal activity before the end of organogenesis. This evidence
is vital to the patient, who sees them as clear signs of life.
Embryologists, by contrast, may debate the meaning of
embryo in early pregnancy, but embryo is more synonymous
(ORahilly and Muller, 2000). Clinicians, however, conventionally calculate from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (LMP). Confusion about the definition of
pregnancy duration derives from the use in the published literature of terms such as postovulatory age and conceptual age,
and even misnomers like menstrual age.
Clinicians do have to acknowledge that a woman does not
become pregnant during the LMP or during ovulation, but
exclusively after conception. Gestation is the condition of
being carried in the womb during the interval between conception and birth. The term gestational age (GA) is therefore
confusing, although generally accepted, and its widespread use
can only be legitimized by using a proper definition. The
appropriate way to overcome this confusion is to choose GA
based on a theoretical ovulation plus 2 weeks. As early ultrasound measurements of the fetus (crownrump length, CRL)
are reproducible (Pedersen, 1982) and more accurate than the
use of the LMP, there is a need in publications to define GA
based on LMP and/or ultrasound measurements.
The terms egg and ovum, sometimes used in clinical
publications, should be avoided because they have also been
used incorrectly for both an oocyte and an embryo (ORahilly,
1986). This author suggested that the term egg be reserved
for a nutritive object only. Similarly, the use of the term
embryo versus fetus is confusing as infertility specialists
use embryo in the preimplantation period while anatomists
use embryo until 8 weeks after implantation.
Ultrasound findings
Embryonic age
Postovulatory age
Conceptual age
Menstrual age
Threatened abortion
Spontaneous abortion
Medical abortion
Legal abortion
Recurrent abortion
Habitual abortion
Pregnancy test
Preclinical embryo loss
Ultrasound-based definition to
include fetal heart activity and/or crownrump
length >10 mm
Threatened miscarriage
Spontaneous miscarriage
Termination of pregnancy
Fetal loss
Early abortion
Missed abortion
Late abortion
Delayed miscarriage
Late pregnancy loss
Hydatidiform mole
Partial mole
Molar pregnancy
Typical gestation
(range in weeks)
HCG level
Biochemical loss
Early pregnancy loss
<6 (06)
68 (410)
>12 (1020)
lethal trisomy karyotype or triploidy. This is because, irrespective of treatment intervention, pregnancy loss has occurred and
may have been described as a false treatment failure. Recent
papers testify to the high rate of abnormal chromosome type
when pregnancy loss has occurred (Bricker and Farquharson,
2002; Levine et al., 2002; Stephenson et al., 2002; Philip et al.,
2003; Morikawa et al., 2004).
The authors understand that a modernized classification system
is not able to address every clinical scenario, but the adoption of a
revised terminology is a better way forward than persisting with
an antiquated description that precedes the universal use of transvaginal ultrasound findings or serum HCG levels, (Table II).
Bricker L and Farquharson RG (2002) Types of pregnancy loss in recurrent miscarriage: implications for research and clinical practice. Hum Reprod 17, 13451350.
Brigham S, Conlon C and Farquharson RG (1999) A longitudinal study of
pregnancy outcome following idiopathic recurring miscarriage. Hum
Reprod 14, 28682871.
CEMACH Report (2004) Early pregnancy. Confidential enquiry into maternal and
child health. Why mothers die. Executive summary. RCOG Press, London. p. 13.
Chittacharoen A and Herabutya Y (2004) Slow fetal heart rate may predict pregnancy outcome in first-trimester threatened abortion. Fert Steril 82, 227229.
Everett C (1997) Incidence and outcome of bleeding before the 20th week of
pregnancy: prospective study from general practice. Br Med J 315, 3234.
Hutchon DJ and Cooper S (1997) Missed abortion versus delayed miscarriage.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol 104, 73.
Trophoblast regression
Menstrual abortionpreclinical abortion
Early embryonic demise
Anembryonic pregnancy
Embryonic death