Computational Intelligence: A Biological Approach To Artificial Neural Network
Computational Intelligence: A Biological Approach To Artificial Neural Network
Computational Intelligence: A Biological Approach To Artificial Neural Network
is an interconnected group of nodes, akin to the working in parallel to solve specific problem.
vast network of neurons in the human brain. Neural networks learns by examples.they cannot
be programmed to perform specific task .the
example must be selected carefully otherwise
useful time is wasted or even worse the networks
might be functioning incorrectly.the disadvantage
is that because the network finds out here to solve
the problem by itself, its operation can be
unpredictable. On the other hand convectional
computer user cognitine approach to problem
solving, the way that problem is to solve must be
known and stated in small unambiguous
instruction. Neural network and conventional
algorithmic computers are not in competition but
complement each other. There are tasks are more of the human body and recognizing disease from
united to algorithmic approach like arithmetic various scans(eg. Cardiograms, CAT scan,
opertion and takes that are more suted to nudel ultrasonics scans etc.). Neural networks are ideal
networks. Even more , a large number of tasks in recognizing disease suing scans since there is no
require system that use a combination of the need to provide a specific algorithim on how to
approaches. (Normally a conventional computer is identify the disease neural network learn examples
used to supervise neural network in a order to so the details of how to recognize the disease are
perform maximum efficiency). not needed what is needed is asset of examples is
not as important as the ”quality”. The examples
need to be selected very carefully is the system is
medical phenomenon:
(i)The output values of a perceptron can brain stores information as patterns utilizes these
take only one of two values (eg. 0 and l) due to patterns and solves problems. In this paper, we
hard- limiter transfer function. have tried to show the various aspects of artificial
neural networks in the form of biological
(ii) Perceptrons can only classify linearly
approach like analogy of human brain and heart
separable sets of vectors else learning will never
rate and also for learning human neuron to
reach a point where all vectors are classified
artificial neurons.