Revision Clostrifdium
Revision Clostrifdium
Revision Clostrifdium
Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent
University, Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium, and 2Ministry of the Flemish Community,
Agricultural Research Centre, Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry, Scheldeweg 68, B-9090
Melle, Belgium
The incidence of Clostridium perfringens-associated necrotic enteritis in poultry has increased in countries
that stopped using antibiotic growth promoters. Necrotic enteritis and the subclinical form of C. perfringens
infection in poultry are caused by C. perfringens type A, producing the alpha toxin, and to a lesser extent
type C, producing both alpha toxin and beta toxin. Some strains of C. perfringens type A produce an
enterotoxin at the moment of sporulation and are responsible for foodborne disease in humans. The mechanisms
of colonization of the avian small intestinal tract and the factors involved in toxin production are largely
unknown. It is generally accepted, however, that predisposing factors are required for these bacteria to colonize
and cause disease in poultry. The best known predisposing factor is mucosal damage, caused by coccidiosis.
Diets with high levels of indigestible, water-soluble non-starch polysaccharides, known to increase the viscosity
of the intestinal contents, also predispose to necrotic enteritis. Standardized models are being developed for the
reproduction of colonization of poultry by C. perfringens and the C. perfringens-associated necrotic enteritis.
One such model is a combined infection with Eimeria species and C. perfringens. Few tools and strategies
are available for prevention and control of C. perfringens in poultry. Vaccination against the pathogen and
the use of probiotic and prebiotic products has been suggested, but are not available for practical use in the field
at the present time. The most cost-effective control will probably be achieved by balancing the composition
of the feed.
In Europe, antimicrobial growth promoters, used
to increase weight gain in broiler chickens, will be
banned from poultry feed due to the risk of
spreading of antibiotic resistance (Bedford, 2000).
The ban of growth-promoting antibiotics in broiler
feed is a factor that will inevitably change the
bacterial microflora in the intestinal tract of broiler
chickens (Knarreborg et al., 2002). In Scandinavian
countries, national policies lead to the ban of
antimicrobial growth promoters years ago. This
was almost immediately followed by health problems in broiler flocks, with most remarkable an
epidemic of Clostridium perfringens infections
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: /32 09 264 74 48. Fax: /32 09 264 74 94. E-mail:
ISSN 0307-9457 (print)/ISSN 1465-3338 (online)/04/06537-13 # 2004 Houghton Trust Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/03079450400013162
Control of coccidiosis
Growth-promoting antibiotics
Vaccination against coccidiosis may indirectly prevent losses from Clostridium, since the presence of
Eimeria species is a predisposing factor for the
development of necrotic enteritis (as described
earlier). It is not yet known whether coccidial
infection per se or only severe mucosal damage
caused by these parasites allows the clostridial
infection to initiate necrotic enteritis (Williams,
2002). Two different lines of thinking can be put
forward in this regard. First, if only severe coccidiosis should predispose to necrotic enteritis,
probably anticoccidial vaccination with attenuated
vaccine strains will protect chickens against necrotic enteritis by preventing the predisposing clinical
coccidiosis. When unvaccinated, E. maxima-infected animals were challenged intracloacally
with C. perfringens, necrotic enteritis lesions
were severe. When the animals were immunized
with an attenuated coccidial vaccine, subsequently
infected with E. maxima and then challenged with
C. perfringens, the severity of necrotic enteritis was
reduced, indicating that the reduction of coccidial
lesions prevents necrotic enteritis (Williams et al.,
2003). Second, it has to be considered that the use
of anticoccidial vaccines could also have adverse
effects on the incidence of necrotic enteritis. This
can be due to the fact that vaccination in most
caused by necrotic enteritis in challenge experiments and field trials (Prescott, 1979; Stutz et al.,
1983; Stutz & Lawton, 1984; Broussard et al., 1986;
Engberg et al., 2000; Lovland et al., 2003; Brennan
et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2003). Also multiple
studies showed that tylosin (Stutz & Lawton, 1984;
Vissiennon et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2001;
Collier et al., 2003) and virginiamycin (George
et al., 1982; Stutz & Lawton, 1984) inclusion in
broiler feed reduced the occurrence of and mortality due to necrotic enteritis, and the intestinal
counts of C. perfringens.
The four antibiotic growth-promoting agents
that are still allowed in poultry feed in the EU
have anti-Clostridium effects in poultry, with the
exception of flavomycin. Monensin and salinomycin are ionophorous antimicrobials and also act
coccidiostatic, and will therefore also decrease the
intestinal damage caused by Eimeria infections
(McDougald et al., 1996), thus reducing the
most important predisposing factors for C. perfringens-associated necrotic enteritis. Ionophorous
antibiotics, such as monensin and salinomycin,
have very low minimal inhibitory concentrations against C. perfringens (Devriese et al., 1993;
Watkins et al., 1997). Elwinger et al. (1998) have
shown that monensin (and the ionophores
narasin and maduramycin) have anti-bacterial
effects against C. perfringens in the intestinal
tract of broilers. Salinomycin reduces the counts
of C. perfringens in the intestinal tract of broilers
and decreases the severity of lesions due to necrotic
enteritis in a challenge model (Engberg et al., 2000;
Jackson et al., 2003). Monensin, and also the
ionophorous anticoccidial narasin, decreases
mortality in chickens, intraduodenally infected
with C. perfringens, by more than 20% (Vissienon
et al., 2000). Avilamycin proved to be strongly
bactericidal against C. perfringens in vitro
(Devriese et al., 1993; Watkins et al., 1997). This
growth-promoting antibiotic also decreases mortality due to necrotic enteritis in intraduodenally
infected chickens and decreases the number of
intestinal C. perfringens bacteria in broiler chickens
(Elwinger et al., 1998; Vissienon et al., 2000).
Reports on activities of flavophospholipol on C.
perfringens and necrotic enteritis in broilers are
scarce. All isolates of C. perfringens were highly
resistant to this antibiotic, as shown in studies of
Devriese et al. (1993) and Martel et al. (2004). One
report mentions a decrease in faecal shedding
of C. perfringens in broilers at slaughter age
(Bolder et al., 1999).
A probiotic is defined as a live microbial feed supplement that beneficially affects the
host animal by improving its intestinal microbial
balance (Fuller, 1999). Especially lactobacilli have
been used with success in decreasing colonization
of poultry by different pathogens, such as
Salmonella and Campylobacter (Mulder et al.,
1997; Pascual et al., 1999). Most data concerning
effects of probiotics on C. perfringens are derived
from studies in humans and other mammals. It was
shown in vitro that lactobacilli reduce the adhesion
of C. perfringens to immobilized canine mucus
(Rinkinen et al., 2003). Although some studies are
inconclusive, oral uptake of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria decrease the number of intestinal
C. perfringens bacteria and spores in humans and
mice in other studies (Gallaher et al., 1996;
Romond et al., 1998; OMahony et al., 2001;
Brigidi et al., 2001). Few studies have been
performed on the protective effects of probiotic
strains against C. perfringens in chickens. Hofacre
et al. (1998) showed that a commercial probiotic
preparation reduced gross lesions of necrotic enteritis in chickens, but the protection was far less
than that conferred by competitive exclusion flora.
Lactobacilli were successful in decreasing mortality
due to necrotic enteritis from 60% to 30% in an
experimental challenge trial, when they were given
orally at day 1 of life (Hofacre et al., 2003). In this
experiment, feed conversion was decreased in the
group that was given lactobacilli, while the weight
gain was not altered.
When 1-day-old and 20-day-old chickens
were dosed with 109 spores of a Bacillus subtilis
strain and challenged 24 h later with 105 colonyforming units of C. perfringens, colonization and
Prebiotics are defined as non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by
selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity
of one or a limited number of bacterial species
already resident in the intestine. Prebiotics are able
to serve as a substrate for one or more bacterial
species with a potentially beneficial effect on the
host (Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995). Research on the
effects of prebiotics on C. perfringens is mainly
performed in mammals and in vitro systems. When
fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) were added to a
continuous culture model of the human intestine
or to batch cultures inoculated with human faeces
in vitro, growth of C. perfringens was enhanced
(Bello et al., 2001; McBain & MacFarlane, 2001).
In rats, cats and dogs it was shown, however, that
addition of FOS to the diet resulted in significantly
fewer C. perfringens bacteria in the intestinal tract
compared with animals fed unsupplemented diet
(Gallaher et al., 1996; Sparkes et al., 1998;
Swanson et al., 2002). Recently, Hofacre et al.
(2003) showed that neither addition of FOS or
manno-oligosaccharides to the diet of broilers had
a significant effect on mortality caused by necrotic
enteritis, on weight gain and on feed conversion in
6-week-old broilers, in an experimental challenge
Nature and form of the feed
The composition of the feed may greatly influence
the occurrence of necrotic enteritis in chickens.
Different reports show that maize (corn) in the
chicken feed reduces the incidence and severity of
necrotic enteritis, as opposed to diets based on
wheat, rye, oats and barley (Branton et al., 1987;
Kaldhusdal & Hofshagen, 1992; Riddell & Kong,
1992). When broiler chickens were inoculated
by feeding C. perfringens-inoculated feed for 3
consecutive days, mortality ranged from 0% to
12.5% in broilers fed a maize-based diet, while
the mortality in animals fed a diet with high
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