Christian World View: 20 FEBRUARY, 2010
Christian World View: 20 FEBRUARY, 2010
Christian World View: 20 FEBRUARY, 2010
Ontology is define as the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality in general, as
well as the basic categories of being and their relations, therefore Christian Ontology then becomes the
study of God as one Supreme Perfect Being, nature, existence or His reality, who is the source of all
beings and reality. God is the ultimate reality because He is, and we are. Today in the West, the term
"God" typically refers to a monotheistic concept of a supreme being that is unlike any other being.
Classical theism asserts that God possesses every possible kind of perfection, including such qualities as
omniscience, omnipotence, and perfect benevolence. Other philosophical approaches take a logically
simple definition of God such as "the prime mover" or "the uncaused cause", or "the ultimate creator"
or "a being than which nothing greater can be conceived" from which the classical properties may be
deduced. Certainty about the existence of "the self" and "the other", however, has come under
increasing criticism. According to Mead, "we do not assume there is a self to begin with. Self is not
presupposed as a stuff out of which the world arises. Rather the self arises in the world" –but in actual
Cosmology is also defined as the philosophical study of the universe, composing of the structure
and origin of it. The Bible then gives us how this universe of ours was created; this account is
found in John 1 “In the beginning [of the cosmos] was the Word [as likened to a reason, thought
or intelligence] and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In this context we can
deduce the other of things in the universe that it began as a thought in the mind of a Supreme
Being before it was establish due to the fact that without logos there is no cosmos-literally
meaning that the logos[intelligence of a Being] creates a cosmos[creation]. The creativity of God
is continuous: if God as the creator withdrew his creative presence from an entity, it would cease
to exist. Therefore, according to this theological thinking God is not just the cause of all things,
nor a mathematical object, it is not obvious what kinds of arguments/proofs are relevant to God's
existence. The nature of mans being seeks to understand who he is where he ‘comes’ from
[origin], why he is here [purpose] and his whole essence, with Christian ontology in essence we
note that we don’t just exist but that we are beings from a Supreme being, This argument
examines the concept of God and states that if we can conceive of the greatest possible being
then it must exist. Based on this argument we actually see the universe consisting of a chain of
actual beings each giving existence to the one below it and responsible for the existence of the
rest of the chain below because he deems an actual infinite impossible, the chain as a whole must
terminate in a being that is wholly simple and one, whose essence is its very existence and
therefore is self sufficient and not in need of something else to give its existence. Because its
existence is not necessitated by something else but necessary and eternal in itself, it satisfies the
condition of a being the necessitating cause of the entire chain that constitutes the eternal world
of contingent existing things. René Descartes, with "cogito ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I
am", argued that "the self" is something that we can know exists with epistemological certainty.
Descartes argued further that this knowledge could lead to a proof of the certainty of the
Now, to the Christian understanding of cosmology giving rise to a cosmological argument for the
existence of God- as a Uncaused Cause for all caused things in the universe, meaning that for
every cause the was a cause behind it, in this sense God is the Uncaused Cause for which the
universe exists. A notion put forth by Thomas Aquinas which is now known as the Argument for
Motion, in it he asserts that things in motion could not have brought themselves in motion but
must be caused to moved so therefore there cannot be an infinite impression of movers therefore
there must be an unmoved mover hence, this unmoved mover is God. Therefore the big question
is who is the Cause of things existing? Everything that exists has a cause. However, there must at
some time have been a cause prior to all other causes. This 'prime mover' or first cause is
Furthermore, every creator[owner] is thought to have the sole authority over his creation[ what
he owns], for example the owner of a car does his own maintenance in the same sense God being
In conclusion, Since I believe that this physical reality is a thought in the mind of God, I
understand reality as one unified whole; God's "mind" is the framework that generates and holds
together all reality. Thus, Supernature is God's nature, will, and imagination. Reailty is all one
thing, and that one thing is created and sustained by God (that one thing is thought).