Generic Risk Assessmentsfor Events
Generic Risk Assessmentsfor Events
Generic Risk Assessmentsfor Events
Outline of risk assessment
Summary of what is proposed
Team members / experts /
contractors / etc.
List those involved
Assessor Name Date
Signature completed
Manager/Tutor Name Date
Signature completed
Hazard list – select your hazards from the list below and use these to complete Part B
Situational hazards Tick Physical / chemical hazards Tick Health hazards Tick
Assault by person Contact with cold liquid / vapour Disease causative agent
Over Crowding Contact with cold surface Infection
Cold Environment Contact with hot liquid / vapour Lack of food / water
Crush by load Contact with hot surface Stress
Working at Height Electric shock Physical fatigue
Vehicle impact / collision Explosive blast Repetitive action
Entanglement in moving Explosive release of stored pressure
machinery Static body posture
Hot Environment Fire
Trip Hazard Hazardous substance Environmental hazards
Manual Handling Laser light Litter
Object falling, moving or flying Stroboscopic Lights Nuisance noise / vibration
Obstruction / exposed feature Vibration Physical damage
Sharp object / material Noise Substance released into air
Trap in moving machinery Substance released into soil /
Slippery surface Are permits required Adverse Weather Conditions
(outdoor events)
Working at Height
Additional Assessments Hot Work
Manual Handling Confined Space
DSE Lone Working
Risk Matrix – use this to determine risk for each hazard i.e. how bad and how likely
Likelihood of Harm
Unlikely Possible Likely Probable
Severity of Harm
Negligible e.g. small bruise Very low Very low Low Low
Slight e.g. small cut, deep bruise Very low Low Low Medium
Moderate e.g. deep cut, torn muscle Low Medium Medium High
Severe e.g. fracture, loss of consciousness Medium High High Extremely high
Very Severe e.g. death, permanent disability Medium High Extremely high Extremely high
Generic Risk Assessment for Events
Hazards2 Who exposed Risk Control measures Observations and additional Risk
List what could List who might be For each hazard, For each hazard, list the measures you will be comments For each hazard, now
cause harm from harmed from this decide level of risk taking to minimise the risk identified decide level of risk
this activity activity esp. ’at risk as if you were to e.g. appointing competent persons, training once all your controls
e.g. working at groups’ e.g. staff, do the activity received, use of personal protective equipment, are in place
height, trip hazard, public, children, without your provision of first aid, etc.
fire, etc. disabled, elderly controls
Fire explosion or Staff It is the duty and responsibility of the event
other emergency Students organiser to provide the team with details of:
e.g. due to faulty Public escape routes, alarm signals, location of
equipment extinguishers, evacuation plan, emergency
inadequate fire lighting, first aid provision
detection or fire
fighting equipment; These will be relevant for the rig, event and de-
unknown directions rig and all team members will be briefed on the
to escape routes; arrangements for the particular venue
poor visibility;
blocked escape Escape routes will be kept clear of obstruction
routes; bomb; and emergency escape doors will be unlocked
accident or crowd whilst staff are present
Working at height Staff If ladders are used, their use must be temporary,
due to Students regularly inspected for damage, must be secured
person/equipment and adequately footed. Use of Ladders Checklist
falling; person or must be completed.
vehicle colliding
with platform; If microphones are to be used these will not be
structural collapse sited as to present a risk to members of the public
Generic Risk Assessment for Events
Hazards2 Who exposed Risk Control measures Observations and additional Risk
List what could List who might be For each hazard, For each hazard, list the measures you will be comments For each hazard, now
cause harm from this harmed from this decide level of taking to minimise the risk identified decide level of risk
activity activity esp. ’at risk risk as if you e.g. appointing competent persons, training once all your controls
e.g. working at groups’ e.g. staff, were to do the received, use of personal protective equipment, are in place
height, trip hazard, public, children, activity without provision of first aid, etc.
fire, etc. disabled, elderly etc. your controls
Exposure of Staff All staff/students to withdraw if they feel their
staff/students to Students safety is being compromised
crowd disorder/ Public
personal violence Contractors Lone operators will not work in areas where
and personal safety violence is foreseeable
Generic Risk Assessment for Events
Hazards2 Who exposed Risk Control measures Observations and additional Risk
List what could List who might be For each hazard, For each hazard, list the measures you will be comments For each hazard, now
cause harm from this harmed from this decide level of taking to minimise the risk identified decide level of risk
activity activity esp. ’at risk risk as if you e.g. appointing competent persons, training once all your controls
e.g. working at groups’ e.g. staff, were to do the received, use of personal protective equipment, are in place
height, trip hazard, public, children, activity without provision of first aid, etc.
fire, etc. disabled, elderly etc. your controls
Work Equipment Staff Request documentary evidence that the equipment
due to unsuitability, Students has been examined or tested
lack of maintenance; Public
manual handling Ensure that portable electrical equipment has been
suitable tested (PATs) including visual inspection
Generic Risk Assessment for Events
Hazards2 Who exposed Risk Control measures Observations and additional Risk
List what could List who might be For each hazard, For each hazard, list the measures you will be comments For each hazard, now
cause harm from this harmed from this decide level of taking to minimise the risk identified decide level of risk
activity activity esp. ’at risk risk as if you e.g. appointing competent persons, training once all your controls
e.g. working at groups’ e.g. staff, were to do the received, use of personal protective equipment, are in place
height, trip hazard, public, children, activity without provision of first aid, etc.
fire, etc. disabled, elderly etc. your controls
Inadequate welfare Staff Suitable arrangements shall be made in respect of
arrangements Students working hours, rest facilities and catering
Vehicular Staff All vehicles will be parked in designated areas
movements Students which will not cause a hazard to other highway
resulting in impacts, Public users including pedestrians, some of which may
crushing & have a disability, elderly, young, etc
Slips, trips and falls Staff All cables and equipment will be managed so they
because of: Students do not pose a risk to staff/students or the public,
uneven or slippery Public through sitting, cable covers and signage, where
surfaces, trailing appropriate.
cables and left
equipment Areas to be checked before use