DFT Guidance Home Zones
DFT Guidance Home Zones
DFT Guidance Home Zones
Ministerial foreword
The process
Community involvement
Ministerial foreword
Home Zones now in place around the country
can inspire communities, local authorities
and developers.
The streets we all use every day can have a huge effect on our
lives. Streets that are safe and attractive places for people to live
and work need to be the rule, not the exception. Everyone has a
right to live in a decent neighbourhood, a place where children
can play safely, and where there is a sense of community, pride
and common purpose. Home Zones: Challenging the future of
our streets demonstrates that Home Zones can contribute to
these goals.
Ministerial foreword
Derek Twigg
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
1 Introduction
The Prime Minister announced a 30 million
Challenge fund in April 2001 to encourage
the development of new Home Zone
schemes in England.
1.1 This document
This document disseminates good practice in Home Zone design
and scheme development, drawing particularly on the experience
gathered from the Home Zones Challenge. It complements the
Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers (IHIE) Home Zone
Design Guidelines published in 2002.
Northmoor, Manchester
Normanton, Derby
Portchester, Hampshire
2 The process
There is no blueprint for a Home Zone.
While individual schemes may use similar
elements, each scheme needs to reflect
the communitys aspirations.
2.1 Introduction
The success of a Home Zone can be judged by the extent to
which the people who use the street or live there recognise the
need for the scheme and take ownership of it. Such ownership
largely depends upon effective community participation and
involvement at all stages, from the original selection of the area
The process
2.2 Approach
There is no blueprint for a Home Zone. While individual
schemes may use similar elements, each scheme needs to
reflect the communitys aspirations. The diversity of schemes
within the Home Zones Challenge has led to different
approaches being adopted.
It is important at the outset to identify the aims and objectives
for the scheme. Authorities also need to outline their approach,
together with how they will involve and consult with communities
and fit this within existing processes. Authorities should also
consider ongoing community involvement beyond implementation
of the Home Zone.
Schemes across Europe, including the UK, have focussed on
providing a shared space and initially many Challenge schemes
favoured this. Although they aspired to deliver shared space
throughout, modification by residents and concerns over
defensible space and privacy sometimes meant that kerbs
and footways were kept. In these instances emphasis was
placed on strong gateways to treated areas.
The process
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Home Zone.
The community
The local community is key to the success of a Home Zone.
It is critical to identify the community that will be involved in
developing the Home Zone at the outset. All sectors of the
community, particularly groups that are often under-represented
in the decision making process, need to be involved.
Under-represented groups include:
young people
people with disabilities (especially those with visual or
hearing impairments, wheelchair users or people with
learning difficulties) and
people from ethnic minority groups.
Many of the Challenge schemes already had an established
residents association with active involvement of residents and,
in general, people taking an interest in their street environment.
Some authorities used existing links to the community, for
example through their housing departments. Other authorities
did not have the community on board or the community was
unaware of the intention to introduce a Home Zone until funding
had been confirmed.
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Schools can be focal points in the community, attracting and
generating significant daily trips, many on foot or by bicycle.
A Home Zone can be particularly appropriate in these situations
so that parents can allow their children to walk or cycle to school
in a safer environment. Over two thirds of the Challenge schemes
had a school inside or near the Home Zone area. Providing safer
routes to and from schools is therefore an important
consideration in developing Home Zones.
The process
As part of the Kennington Road Home Zone in Nottingham,
a derelict parking area was transformed into a drop and go
zone to serve the primary school within the zone. A new
school entrance was provided with a colourful pathway
protected by Billy bollards.
Community facilities
It is helpful to use a venue within the proposed Home Zone for
meetings and consultation events. While few of the Challenge
schemes had an established community centre, local libraries,
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The process
2.4 Organisation
Identifying resources
Many of the areas selected for the Challenge were where
communities have, to a greater or lesser extent, become isolated
and insular. As a consequence, they have inevitably been the
subject of a variety of different interventions. Whilst the highway
authority is ultimately responsible for the public highway, other
agencies need to be involved and may even be more
appropriate to take the lead. It is important that authorities
identify the initiatives and lead organisations early on.
Clearly, the majority of the physical works to be undertaken
in a Home Zone will be within the public highway. However,
authorities need to include areas of public space under the
control of other bodies and departments to develop an holistic
approach to the area. Identifying these areas and making sure
that appropriate powers exist to undertake works requires a clear
understanding of the inter-relationship of different activities.
Many Challenge schemes were led by the highways department
with periodic inputs from other agencies. Local authorities that
deliver their responsibilities on an area basis across disciplines
had a better understanding and closer integration of their
schemes. Occasionally the lead role changed through the project
when particular skills were needed. This was not confined to a
single department but worked across the authority.
Multi disciplinary team
The development of Home Zones is an intensive and diverse
exercise. It needs to be clearly organised from the outset,
recognising that a wide range of skills will be needed at
different stages.
The most successful schemes to date have had a dedicated
officer throughout the process who understands the strategic
view as well as the technical aspects of successful delivery.
This central role requires the ability to engage and involve a wide
range of people at different times, maintain communication and
manage different activities.
The process
Funding sources
Crucial to any successful scheme is the availability of funds. It is
unlikely that all funding will be available from a single source and
authorities should consider all budgets that are appropriate for
the scheme they hope to develop.
The Home Zones Challenge made available 30 million for the
implementation of the 61 schemes. Many of the authorities
involved identified additional funding from a range of sources.
This resulted in a total budget for the 61 schemes in excess of
50 million.
Telford and Wrekin Borough Council attracted the most additional
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The Chester Home Zone area was subject to considerable
development pressure, being the focus of a number of major
new regeneration proposals. The area comprises 451 homes
with proposals to deliver a further 400 new homes within the
Home Zone over the next five to ten years and 500 more in
the immediate area. The local authority secured contributions
from the developer to make sure that these developments
embrace the Home Zone ethic.
Funding timescales
Whilst it is vital to establish realistic funding for the Home Zone,
authorities need to consider the varying timescales over which
different funding regimes operate. This can lead to complications
in programming, as assumptions will need to be made about
what funding is available and when.
As part of their bid submissions, Home Zones Challenge
authorities were asked to identify additional sources of funding.
These could only be indicative as many were also subject to
bid processes, whether external or as part of annual
budget allocations.
The process
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Being realistic
Experience across the Challenge demonstrates that the
authorities involved were over optimistic in their programming
and underestimated how long activities would take, particularly
involving residents in the process. Initial expectations were that
schemes would be completed on a rolling programme
throughout the period. In the event, a few schemes were finished
early, but only 19 were complete at the end of 2004 almost the
end of the Challenge programme. It should be noted that
programme slippage was not always related to the size and
complexity of the scheme.
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Reading Borough Council developed a detailed scheme that
was supported by the local community, only to realise that
what was being proposed could not be delivered within the
budget available. The council had to revise the design
radically and personnel changes also resulted in a renewed
emphasis on delivery.
The process
Emergency services negotiating trial layout
The Fire Service was consulted on the detailed plans for the
Home Zone at a public exhibition. Unfortunately they felt that
the plans were not workable. They insisted upon a clear 3.7m
carriageway so they could quickly access equipment on the
side of vehicles. Modifications to the design reduced the
number of parking spaces. This was a prime consideration
of the residents from the start and led to the scheme
being abandoned.
Lesson Learnt
Joined up planning
Home Zones are not just about the physical changes to the
environment, they are also about creating vibrant, sustainable
and safe communities. A change in peoples attitudes to where
they live will be an important element. Schemes need to relate
to their own unique environment and not be treated in isolation.
The spatial planning process can be a good starting point in
recognising the opportunities that Home Zones present.
There is no universal solution. Each scheme is bespoke to the
particular circumstances. Authorities need to consider the area
surrounding the scheme, in particular the planning and
development of facilities and connectivity.
The majority of the Challenge schemes dealt with the
regeneration of existing residential areas. However, many also
considered the wider implications and acted as catalysts for
further development. This ranged from improved housing,
either from new developments or housing associations, to the
introduction of new community facilities. The provision of art
and facilities for children, women and older people has been
particularly successful in support of the physical changes.
Authorities need to consider the opportunities for such initiatives.
These wider opportunities further complicate the process, but
this can be helped by involving groups on a neighbourhood
basis. Home Zones, developed around an existing, recognised
community facility, or the need for one, can add substantially
to the success of the scheme.
The process
As part of the Northmoor Home Zone in Manchester, the
Urban Art Project encouraged local creative people by
promoting and helping to exhibit their work. The ImiTate
Gallery has been set-up in an empty terraced property, where
local artists, including elderly residents who had never painted
before, exhibit their paintings. This project won the prestigious
British Urban Regeneration Association Award for Best
Practice in Regeneration. The judges believed that the project
contributed significantly to creating real community
involvement in the area and has given many of the residents
new skills and confidence. Using urban art as a means of
generating community involvement and capability is unusual,
but in this case it worked.
Home Zones are still a relatively new concept and it can be
difficult to get both professionals and residents to accept how
much change is possible. It is not necessary to implement the
whole scheme at once. Phased implementation around an
agreed masterplan can demonstrate both commitment and the
changes that can happen. It can also deliver alternatives that give
a sense of place within communities. This needs to work within
the overall programming for an area of which the Home Zone
may only be a part.
Alternative approaches
There is no one solution to the development of a Home Zone.
The programme needs to be flexible so that all stakeholders
can be involved and to allow for alternative approaches.
Involving others
As already described, Home Zones involve more than the
physical works on the street. Authorities have to identify the key
players at the start and include their inputs during development.
Residents are obvious players, but engaging them for the
duration on a voluntary basis can be a time consuming task
requiring specialist skills.
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The process
2.6 Design
The design process is iterative, involving a number of key
features that give a clear message in relation to the use of
residential streets. The main point is to reduce vehicle speeds
and make drivers realise that they are not within a conventional
highway. This means using the different elements that make up
a Home Zone in an innovative way to constrain vehicle speeds.
However, schemes need to adapt to various uses and activities.
Translating the concept
The Home Zone concept is to re-engineer the space around
peoples homes. Objectives for improving and maintaining the
quality of life for local residents should take precedence over
general objectives to ease traffic movements. A road in a
Home Zone is a place where the whole of the space is available
for a range of different uses. However, the speed of vehicles
must be low enough to satisfy the local traffic authority that
activities in the street may be enjoyed safely by people of all
ages and abilities.
The process
An early issue to resolve is what materials are to be used, taking
account of the affordability, ease of construction and future
maintenance of the scheme. Several of the Challenge schemes
proposed complex and expensive materials that have been
accepted at the concept stage, only to be reduced or removed
at the detailed design stage, to the detriment of the overall
scheme. A successful scheme requires input from all parties in
the design process and additional involvement from contractors
and other services.
There are repeated issues with choice of materials because of
long term maintenance and replacement concerns. Increasingly
public space is becoming more complex and materials more
varied. Many authorities are developing their own streetscape
manuals, and there is more agreement on a palette of materials
that is acceptable both in terms of creating a different visual
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2.7 Implementation
Implementation is perhaps the most familiar aspect of Home
Zones. It is construction within the street environment and
should not present unexpected difficulties.
Funding constraints
The Challenge schemes have been funded from a range of
sources, each with its own time and application constraints.
In some instances, funding was only available for specific aspects
of the work. It is likely that Home Zones outside the Challenge
will have similar funding regimes. Any constraints will need to be
allowed for in the planning and development of schemes.
Examples of materials
Due to budget constraints, the Bury scheme opted for
feature areas at key junctions, relying on the constraints
of the existing narrow streets to keep vehicle speeds low.
The process
Utility companies
As part of the normal construction process, authorities consult
and liaise with utility companies who have their own particular
requirements. No matter how careful and detailed the design
has been, this inevitably adds to the construction disruption.
The need to accommodate separate service diversion contracts
has added both to the time and expense in the Challenge
schemes. Even relatively straightforward requests such as the
siting of landscaping, modification of street lighting and creation
of single surfaces can result in unexpected delays and changes
during construction.
Where new materials are being used, there can be concern over
the quality of future reinstatements. Renewal of all services is not
always possible, but the reconstruction of streets is an
opportunity to inspect and if necessary renew services.
This needs to be planned into the construction process; early
involvement of contractors and close liaison with the utility
companies is important.
Nottingham City Council decided that telephone apparatus
would be ducted underground to reduce street clutter.
Despite this process being long and difficult with negotiations
at the highest level, it was achieved successfully.
Northmoor, Manchester
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2.8 Monitoring
Monitoring is often an aspect of implementation that
is overlooked, but it provides important feedback for
future development.
Authorities involved in the Challenge were required to identify
their objectives and monitoring methods at the outset.
They defined a variety of objectives, such as to:
Silkmore, Stafford
The process
3 Community involvement
In devising a strategy to engage the residents
it is important to consider how to involve
hard-to-reach groups.
3.1 Introduction
The single most important driver in the success of a
Home Zone is the level of participation of residents.
Community involvement
It was agreed that as much participation as possible would
be generated by word of mouth, as basic levels of literacy on
the estate would be a barrier to written consultation.
Residents representatives knocked on doors to make people
aware of forthcoming events. In addition 3D visualisations
were successfully used so that residents with limited reading
ability did not need to withdraw from the consultation.
This technique can overcome many of the barriers
experienced by socially excluded groups.
Examples of participation
Specialist skills
A wide range of skills is needed to successfully develop Home
Zones as an integral part of the social fabric of communities.
The whole process will involve more time and effort, and a wider
range of skills, than has traditionally been used. Engineers will
have an important role in this process, but they will need to
be more flexible and responsive to others in applying and
developing proposals. Strong multi-disciplinary teams will be
needed to bring together the most appropriate expertise at the
right point in the process.
Many non-professionals can find it difficult to interpret plans and
layouts, so authorities will need to consider other approaches.
One successful approach is to involve children often through
the local school in producing models of the area. Another is to
develop a three dimensional computer generated simulation so
that residents can identify their surroundings. Established
techniques such as Planning for Real, where residents are
actively involved in assessing their area and planning the layout,
have been useful in developing peoples understanding of how
their surroundings currently work or dont. Even a computer
game format has been used to get a younger audience involved.
All these activities require skills which are often outside those
traditionally held by traffic engineers and transport planners.
The best person for the job may come from one of the
other local authority departments. Community development
workers, if available, should be involved, especially early in
the scheme development.
Time consuming
It is clear that the Home Zones Challenge authorities considerably
underestimated how long it would take to engage the community
and generate a local sense of ownership.
In many areas there was no sense of community prior to the
scheme, with neighbours not really knowing one another.
The key task for the authority was therefore to build a feeling
of community. This is a time consuming job requiring specialist
skills and considerable effort, but its importance should not
be underestimated.
Community involvement
Despite the amount of time and effort that this inclusive process
has required, all those involved agree that it is time well spent
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Flexible planning
At the inception of the scheme it is important to set out how the
community will be involved in its development. The key activities
should be outlined along with milestones. However, if this is truly
a community scheme then the community should have ideas for
events and activities so it is important that the plan remains
Public participation in a Home Zone risks being a drawn out and
complicated process. However, it is important that the overall
objective is borne in mind at all times and the process does not
become overly complicated. This is crucial to keep the residents
on board.
A fun day was held at the beginning of the Cornwall scheme.
A bouncy castle was hired and a good time was had by all
while residents and neighbours got to know one another.
Though important for community development this may have
been a missed opportunity in terms of information gathering.
A garden party was held in the early stages of the Chester
Home Zone. A marquee was set up on the small park within
the area. Many activities were going on such as a circus
workshop, films of yesteryear and bingo. However the work
came first. As residents entered the marquee they had to sign
in by sticking a flag in a plan to show where they lived.
A team member then chatted with them and noted their
particular issues.
The project manager is the key player in the development
Chester garden party
of the scheme and should act as the single point of contact for
everyone involved, including residents. The Challenge schemes
showed that an important success factor is the project
managers continuous involvement throughout development of
the scheme.
It is also important that the professionals involved are seen to
be active in both the process and the community. A strong and
familiar presence throughout the process was essential to
successful implementation of the Challenge schemes.
Community involvement
Two vital elements of the community involvement process
were the appointment of a Home Zone co-ordinator and
the establishment of an office base within the area.
These provided residents and businesses with daily access to
up to date information on design developments and acted as
a one-stop-shop for all their Home Zone queries. This was
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Community involvement
Building communities
Many Challenge scheme areas had no sense of community
before the scheme began. Residents did not know their
neighbours and lived in relative isolation. The Home Zone
scheme can be the catalyst for residents to get to know each
other. It is therefore important to build a community before work
on the scheme can even begin. Community development
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Involving others
Authorities should bear in mind that a number of other
stakeholders will have an interest. It is important to involve all
stakeholders so that their requirements are not overlooked.
Those with an interest may include other sections of the authority
promoting the scheme, for example maintenance and service
providers, as well as:
the emergency services
operational services
other local authorities
local access groups
disabled persons groups and
utility or service companies.
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Community involvement
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Community involvement
Methods of involvement
Public meetings
The starting point in all the Challenge schemes was to invite all
residents to an open meeting, usually via a door to door mailing
or eye-catching posters put up in the street. This was, in some
cases, seen as yet more consultation in areas where there had
been extensive consultation already (maybe as part of an overarching regeneration initiative). All those involved made a
significant effort to achieve as full a representation as possible.
Public meeting
Fun days
In addition to the public meetings and mailings, the use of fun
days proved very successful in getting a wide cross section of
the community involved. It was important that in addition to the
main effort of understanding the issues, activities were provided
for all age groups. Street theatre, bouncy castles, refreshments
and entertainment were provided in a street that traditionally had
only been used for cars. This set the scene for more structured
involvement of different age groups.
Clean up days
Some authorities organised events involving a wide range of
residents. Clean up days involving the siting of skips throughout
Social events
A number of authorities held social events simply to let
residents meet each other and discuss issues affecting their area.
These events ranged from summer-time barbeques, fish and chip
evenings at the local community centre to henna hand painting.
These are especially successful if the team can provide some
means of recording views.
Reading BBQ
Lesson Learnt
Newsletters and information sheets are a simple but effective
way of disseminating information quickly and easily to all
residents. They can be as simple as pages of black and white
text or, if facilities and skills allow, they can be very colourful and
distinctive. All Challenge schemes used newsletters at some
Rochdale henna hand painting
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Community involvement
One of the first tasks undertaken as part of the Cornwall scheme was to
set up a Neighbourhood office for meetings and activities.
Community involvement
At the beginning of the Northumberland scheme, residents
identified poor lighting as an issue. The council tackled this
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Design meetings
Most Challenge schemes used a series of design meetings with
selected groups of residents (often street representatives) who
were then tasked with feeding back comments to and from the
wider community. It is crucial that these meetings take place at a
location within the scheme and at a time which is convenient for
the majority, such as a pre-arranged Saturday.
Every scheme had its Mr or Mrs Angry and a disproportionate
amount of time often had to be spent in dealing with the minority
view. Intensive, often one to one discussions have taken place to
mitigate the disruption that strongly held minority views could
have on the schemes.
Design meetings
Southamptons Planning for Real exercise involved young and old alike
Community involvement
Bristol Visualisation
Hull visualisation
3D computer visualisations
A number of Challenge authorities developed computer based
3D visualisation models to show residents what the scheme
would look like. Residents can interpret information given to them
in this format much more easily than through two dimensional
information. A detailed case study of this approach, used in
Staffordshire, can be found in Appendix A.
Manchester mock up
Mock ups
A number of Challenge authorities arranged a community day
where the final scheme was laid out in the street for all to see.
Various ways of doing this have been used including the use of
emulsion paint to mark out the street and also large pieces of
carpet to show where parking spaces will be. This is a very
effective way of physically checking with residents that the
scheme will work and agreeing any last minute changes.
However, it is also the time when residents not so far involved
may emerge and possibly object.
Bristol mock up
Public exhibitions
Public exhibitions, though associated with the traditional public
consultation route, are a useful way of exhibiting the final scheme
design for all to see. They also allow residents to see the latest
proposals and ask questions of the project team. It is crucial that
any public exhibition be held in the proposed scheme area so
that residents can easily attend. This can mean that a temporary
venue has to be considered.
Walk with engineers
Walk with engineers is a technique where the project team
Public exhibition
Albany Street lies near to a park which was a Zoological
Garden in the 1800s. Every day an elephant would be taken
for a walk down Albany Street. Reflecting this, attention
grabbing sculptures have been installed, including aluminium
bears and elephants at the top of poles. A piece of granite,
unloaded into the River Humber once its use as ships ballast
was over in the 1800s, has been recovered and carved into
a hippopotamus.
Hull elephant artwork
Community involvement
The idea of involving an artist in the Lowestoft Home Zone
was central to the bid for Home Zone Challenge funding. An
artist, who did most of the consultation, was appointed to the
Home Zone design team at the start of the process. As well
as designing the streetscape in a way that required traffic to
use the street differently, the project artist also aimed to
integrate a series of public art works that created a sense
of place for the residents.
The artists approach was to explore the history of the streets
and develop a project around the past, present and future of
the roads. This involved a phase of research and consultation
focusing on the urban history of the site and working with the
Trafford artwork
St Helens fish
Camden bench
Community involvement
Southampton acorns
Southampton sculpture
Lesson Learnt
Hull bears
Choosing materials
Choosing materials is an important part of the process.
Nottingham City Council held a materials mini exhibition for the
residents. A number of different surfacing materials and types of
street furniture were available for the residents to see and
comment on.
3.5 Implementation
Public involvement does not end when the design is complete
and construction ready to begin. It is important that the residents
Devon sod cutting
Since the successful contractor would have to work closely
Hull gates before
Contractor communications
Constructing a Home Zone is particularly disruptive for residents,
so contractors must keep in close contact with them throughout
to advise on each stage of construction.
Community involvement
A leaflet was distributed to every property within the scheme
before work started, telling residents who would be the
project manager. The leaflet included full contact details and
a photo. Residents were told to contact the project manager
with any queries.
3.6 Completion
The scheme is complete and implemented and all the hard work
Plymouth opening
is over. Or is it?
Opening celebrations
The completion of a Home Zone is a very good reason for
celebration. Most of the Challenge schemes had some form
of opening ceremony, from a full scale event with Government
Ministers, marquees and speeches, to a simple gathering of
the residents. Whatever is chosen, it is important that residents
are involved.
Worcester opening
Morecambe opening
Wiltshire opening
Following the development of the Northam Road Home Zone
in Southampton, the residents submitted a bid for Doorstep
Green funding to develop an area of derelict ground into a
park. This bid was successful and a park, designed by the
community with the help of the City Councils Landscape
Architect, was constructed.
St Helens opening
Community involvement
Gardening clubs
Home Zones generally involve some form of planting to green
the streets, from trees to shrubs to bedding plants. Residents
should take ownership of the planting and help with their
maintenance, particularly watering and weeding.
A Gardening Club was set up at Northmoor to maintain the
green areas.
Southampton gardening
Manchester gardening
Southampton gardening
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The local newspaper serving the Wonford area of
Exeter closely followed the development of the scheme.
Towards the end of construction it published an article
expressing the negative views of a small minority towards
the scheme. Residents felt that this was unrepresentative
and asked the reporter to interview them on their views.
The newspaper then published a positive article, which
demonstrates the positive impact that residents were able
to have.
Community involvement
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Denton graffiti
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last resort.
Local meeting
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to proceed?
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Community involvement
This scheme began with an initial meeting to announce the
success of the bid and explain the concept. This was led by
the local authority with assistance from a green charity-based
organisation and a campaigner for non-car forms
of travel. Subsequent open meetings, developed the design
for lighting, traffic calming and materials.
Once the design was agreed internally within the council, a
meeting was held to show the residents how it would look
and to seek their approval.
However, there were firmly held opposing views about the
scheme. Following a public vote, in which approximately a
third of residents did not support the proposals, the scheme
was abandoned.
The Dover scheme was modified following representations
from the local fire service. Details of the revised scheme
were distributed to residents with a simple voting slip.
The response was disappointing, with only 51 residents
(56 per cent of the total) returning the slip. Of those, 65 per
cent in directly affected properties were in favour. However,
this figure included people from a block of flats which, whilst
having access from the proposed Home Zone street, had
their own parking. Arguably they were less affected than
those fronting the streets. Discounting these votes resulted
in only 58 per cent in favour.
Although no specific percentage had ever been quoted, a
substantial majority (75 to 80 per cent of residents) was
considered necessary for the scheme to progress. The actual
figure achieved was less than this. With residents in 18
properties against the scheme and those in 40 properties
not voting, it was agreed that the scheme should be
abandoned due to a lack of active support.
Community involvement
Only one Home Zone Challenge scheme has been entirely
new build. This is the first phase of some 600 homes at
Gateshead Staiths, on the banks of the River Tyne in
Gateshead. In this case, as there was no community to
consult, the design of the scheme was developed through a
multi-disciplinary team of professionals involving architects,
urban designers, transport planners, traffic engineers,
maintenance engineers and emergency services.
The community involvement was achieved by proxy, through
the development control process, and by the house builder in
its promotion of the final scheme to potential buyers. At the
launch of the scheme, organised by the house builder in a
local hotel, the designer explained the ethos and the key
characteristics. The scheme has generated substantial
national interest and houses have sold quickly.
Once the first phase of the development was sold and
the properties occupied, the house builder sent residents
a questionnaire to gain feedback on the scheme.
The developer will apply the feedback to the subsequent
phases of the development.
4 Design
The design of a Home Zone is crucial to
achieving the low speeds necessary for the
scheme to be successful and for activities to
take place safely.
4.1 Designing for people
Vehicles must be accommodated within the Home Zone as an
integral part of daily life, but they must share the space with
cyclists and people on foot. Motorists should feel that they are
a guest in the street.
4.2 Gateways
It is important that a strong Gateway feature clearly identifies to
Gateway at Scunthorpe
Gateway at Scunthorpe
Gateway at Warminster
4.3 Movement
One of the main criteria for the development of a Home Zone is
the creation of an environment where pedestrians and vehicles
use shared space at comparable speed. This means tighter clear
vehicle paths and the introduction of constraints to easy and
direct vehicular passage will be needed.
Home Zones have been seen by some as a development from
20mph zones. Many of the Challenge schemes thought first of all
to introduce more severe and frequent traffic calming features.
However, the response from resident discussion groups was that
a different approach was required, and many wanted streets to
be opened up rather than closed down. This introduced a
particular conflict between the functional and visual
Chester mock up
4.4 Delineation
Whilst the overall concept is for pedestrians and vehicles to share
the space, it is clear that in some cases definition of space is still
necessary. Some residents preferred additional traffic calming
and felt that the traditional carriageway and footway layout
should be retained. Many preferred a conservative approach and
this has resulted in a mixture of surfaces either by creating
specific defensible spaces, by the use of contrasting surface
colours and/or textures, or by creating specific feature areas.
The creation of these areas is, however, still within what
would otherwise have been conventional carriageway and has
Morecambe, Lancashire
Lesson Learnt
4.5 Parking
Parking has been a major issue throughout the Challenge
schemes, even where car ownership is relatively low. In most
areas, existing parking spaces were at a premium and residents
strongly resisted any reduction. Authorities have therefore had to
maintain or increase parking provision.
They have done this either by improving parking adjacent to houses
(in-curtilage parking) or by creating structural (echelon) parking
blocks along the street with a reduced and variable running width.
In some schemes, on-street parking provision has been increased
by providing more formalised parking arrangements.
Lowestoft, Suffolk
Lesson Learnt
4.6 Lighting
The level and quality of lighting in a Home Zone is important as it
can increase feelings of safety and security. Lighting was often
raised during the consultation period in the Challenge schemes.
Lighting columns can have both a positive and negative impact
within a Home Zone. They can mark routes but can also
strengthen linearity of the street. Factors such as style, height
and spacing of columns and colour spectrum of the lighting will
be important in determining both the day and night-time
appearance of the Home Zone. It is also important to provide
Southampton lighting
Exeter lighting
Manchester lighting
Bristol lighting
Northmoor, Manchester
Newham play area
5 Implementation
The selection of materials and their visual
appearance is a very important aspect
for residents
5.1 Introduction
The implementation of a Home Zone scheme is a period of
intensive activity with complex issues to resolve. It requires
particular skills from both the client and contractor.
Continued liaison with the residents is important throughout the
construction phase, as they can experience significant disruption.
This project has been part of a major housing renewal
scheme that involved major work outside of the public space.
Telford completed cul-de-sac
Throughout this scheme a very pale coat and scatter
material was used for the trafficked areas. However, these
Lesson Learnt
There was a strong desire in this scheme to plant trees in
strategic locations to manage traffic flow. Initial enquiries and
trial investigations were carried out to find out where services
ran, so that tree pits would avoid them. Along one street in
particular, tree pits were not possible but agreement was
reached to provide trees in raised planting boxes within a low,
kerbed planted area that could be moved to allow access to
the services.
Greenwich planter
Silkmore, Stafford
Raised planting areas were provided to protect parking
areas and create deflection along the residential streets.
Some residents improved the location of individual driveways,
in part to take cars off street. This sometimes meant
relocation of the planted areas which was easily achieved
through the use of containers.
Lesson Learnt
5.5 Phasing
Detailed programming and phasing of the works is important to
manage the inevitable disruption. The phasing needs to consider
not only the physical extent of works at each stage but also any
other works that are needed, for example service diversions.
Nottingham City Council was keen to remove the overhead
telephone lines from the street, but the service supplier
proposed timescales and costs that would harm the overall
programme and delivery of the scheme. Through extensive
negotiation, agreement was reached for the councils
contractor to provide underground ducting as part of its work,
leaving the service provider to install the cables. This enabled
all surfacing to be completed and reduced the overall
installation costs.
Denton, Kent
Three parallel streets on the Northcourt Estate in Denton
were allocated Home Zone Challenge funding. The area
suffered from considerable vandalism and anti-social
behaviour. The Home Zone was designed in association with
the residents, although there were differing levels of support
from each street. The authority therefore decided on a
phased approach to implementation.
The first street was constructed with the hope that the
residents of the other two would feel positive towards the
plans once they saw them in place. This phase was a
success, with the creation of community spirit and a sense
of ownership.
However, the next street was less supportive, with minimal
resident involvement in developing the scheme. Work began
but was affected by sustained anti-social behaviour.
There was damage to the physical measures and threats to
the workforce. Unfortunately the contractor was forced to
withdraw from site with this phase 95 per cent complete.
It is too early to say if residents will benefit from the scheme
but early indications are that they will not.
Residents of the third street fluctuated between support and
rejection and this phase has now been abandoned for the
time being.
Denton, Kent
SMART objectives
Constructing Excellence in the Built Environment (2005)
advocates the SMART formula when setting objectives:
Specific Use clear, concise and easily understood
descriptions of what is trying to be achieved.
Measurable Ensure that it is possible to check off
activities which contribute to success and which measure
Achievable Set realistic and achievable objectives that
are challenging but attainable. Do not set objectives which
are outside the authoritys control or dependent on others
for decision-making or approval.
Relevant Objectives should be pertinent to achieving the
ultimate goal or must contribute to successfully attaining it.
Time bound Clear timescales must be set to complete
each activity or task. Deadlines must be kept otherwise the
scheme will run off track.
The Northam Home Zone in Southampton is a small
pocket of terraced housing to the east of the city centre.
The street has recently become a cul-de-sac due to highway
improvements to enhance the environment. It lies close to a
busy artery into the city, a major rail wagon works and a
football stadium, so suffers from a high proportion of
on-street parking. Gateway features, raised planters, and
echelon parking have been introduced within a mix of shared
space and retained footways. A new park provides a central
focus adjacent to a new development that will also be a
Home Zone.
Northam, Southampton
Porchester, Hampshire
During the initial public involvement in the development of
the scheme on the Oldhams Estate in Bolton, unemployed
residents were offered training in various consultation
techniques. They were then tasked with delivering a variety
of ideas and options to inform initial designs for the scheme.
Following completion of the scheme, of the 12 residents who
received the training, two have gone on to work for voluntary
organisations, one has entered full time employment and two
have enrolled at college. The majority have continued to be
involved in local community activity.
The population of Albany Street in Hull was quite transient,
being made up of a variety of owner occupiers, students
and short-let tenants, many from ethnic minorities.
The development of the Home Zone helped these different
groups to work together with a common goal and establish
a sense of community.
Lesson Learnt
In addition to adapting the existing streets, greater awareness of
the wider range of issues facing communities resulted in
substantial modification of schemes. Many schemes expanded
their original remit to include demolition, rebuilding and new
facilities. The support of the Single Regeneration Budget and
Housing Renewal funding, as well as mainstream local authority
funds, has succeeded in increasing the money available well in
excess of the original Home Zones Challenge grant allocations.
In some cases schemes have attracted funding in excess of six
to seven times the original grant, delivering an end result that all
the community has been involved in and that addresses issues
far beyond the original scope of the scheme.
The Home Zone Challenge funding proved to be a catalyst in
the regeneration of the Woodside Estate. The funding acted
as a pump primer, encouraging other funding sources to
open up. Consequently the whole estate will now be
regenerated and redeveloped along Home Zone principles.
The Crosby Home Zone sits within a larger area now
earmarked under a new initiative for housing regeneration
and renewal. This initiative has recognised the huge visual
difference and feel of the Home Zone and there is a general
consensus of wanting to replicate much of the style in other
parts of this wider area.
The Bolton Home Zone has added value to the process of
updating council owned properties by improving the
environment and image of the area. Turnover of tenancies
dropped from 32 per cent (2001-02) to 9 per cent (2004-05).
Kirklees Residents have formed a group to
ensure litter is placed in bins and the area is
kept clean
All Home Zone Challenge schemes reported an improvement
in the environment. This is due to the use of premium materials,
the planting of street trees and the provision of planters.
Authorities have reported that back alley space is now useable
and residents take more care of their new environment, introduce
their own plants and tend the planters.
It is too early to tell what impact Home Zones can have on crime
levels. Early indications are that crime statistics show a reduction
following the implementation of a Home Zone.
Available crime statistics are impressive. Most notable is
At the start of the project the police Chief Inspector said,
A key aspect of the improvements are they will not only
reduce crime through improved lighting and security provision
but also reduce the fear of crime by making the area less
attractive to the criminal element of society.
Liaison officers have worked with the steering group to
promote better crime prevention techniques through
improved street lighting and positioning of street furniture.
Residents raised concerns during consultation over anti-social
and related criminal behaviour. This led to the formation of a
sub-group to tackle these issues. This has resulted in
targeted action by various agencies to remove anti-social
tenants and clamp down on drug dealing. The local
community watch patrol has also been more present on
the streets.
Children can be seen as key to the success of Home Zones.
One of the main objectives is to provide safe play opportunities in
the street. However, concerns about children playing in the street
can cause tensions within a community. It is therefore crucial that
they are involved in the whole process. Many Challenge schemes
The London Borough of Newham introduced
formal play facilities within the street environment
Peasedown St John
At the Peasedown St John scheme, the Home Zone project
led to funding for play rangers to help develop childrens
play activities.
The residents group that was developed as part of the Bolton
scheme identified a lack of activities for younger children.
A project was established to deliver a range of activities for
young children across the estate. This provision continues.
Specific consultation events for children were run during the
design phase. Children now feel they have had an input to the
scheme and are helping to look after the area. Children are
making full use of the play equipment and parents feel their
children can play safely.
Bognor Regis
The Home Zone is a useful resource for local schools
in teaching lifestyle, environmental and human
geography issues.
It is difficult to quantify just how a Home Zone affects health.
A number of authorities have suggested that their schemes look
more attractive and this has a positive effect on health and well
being. A number consider that Home Zones encourage more
walking and cycling. Some have suggested that they contribute
to raising morale and community spirit. The full effects on health
will only become clearer over time.
Health visitors used some of the Bolton Home Zone
consultation events to build relationships with local residents
and focus on healthy living issues, particularly relating to
families with young children. They have maintained these links
and Health visitors are now involved in several projects on the
estate, including the development of an urban care centre.
A bid was recently submitted to central government for the
development of an elderly persons extra care facility in the
Home Zone to help older people to live in their own homes
longer. The Home Zone was referenced in the document.
House prices
House prices fluctuate and are affected by any number of local
and national conditions. A number of Challenge authorities have
suggested that house prices in Home Zones have increased
more than in other areas. Estate agents are also using Home
Zones as marketing features, extolling the virtues of city living in
a greener, safer environment. With such a variable issue, again
only time will tell.
The price of a typical terraced house in 2004 was 66,000.
The average in 2005 once the Home Zone was complete was
80,000 a 20 per cent increase and significantly higher than
house price inflation locally.
House prices in the area were 58 per cent of the regional
average in 2001. In 2004, after the scheme was introduced,
they were 70 per cent of the regional average.
Early indications are that the price of three bedroom terraced
properties within the Home Zone has increased faster
(13 per cent) than those in adjacent areas (11 per cent).
There is anecdotal evidence of an increase of 10 to 15
per cent above similar properties outside the Home Zone.
North Shields
Estate agents suggest an increase of 15 to 20 per cent in the
last year and properties are selling faster. People are asking
about the availability of properties in the Home Zone.
6.4 Summary
Early indications from the Challenge schemes are that increased
activity is now taking place in the streets, residents are taking
ownership for the areas around them, and the private and public
sectors are investing more in sustaining and developing the
areas. People are much happier with their environment, crime
is down and the longer term funding required from the local
authority in these areas is also reduced.
However, it is important that the Home Zone does not simply
become a traffic calming exercise. Highway works are obviously
a key consideration but must not distract from other outcomes
that are achievable and equally important.
Old Trafford
Appendix A
Case Study: The use of 3D visualisation in public
involvement at Wilmot Drive, Staffordshire
Staffordshire County Council implemented a Home Zone
Challenge scheme on the Wilmot Drive estate in Newcastleunder-Lyme. Located within a former coal-mining region, the area
scored high on indices of ill health, poverty, inadequate housing,
unemployment and low educational achievement. Youth
unemployment was just below 40 per cent. In recent years the
estate had been characterised by an undercurrent of crime,
disorder and social problems.
Council officers believed that a Home Zone could improve not
only the physical infrastructure on the estate, but also road safety
and the health, community spirit and social status of residents.
Community involvement
Creating and sustaining links with representative bodies on
Wilmot Drive was a high priority from the outset. A steering group
of representatives of the Tenants Management Organisation, the
Community Development Association and County Council
engineers was supplemented by involvement from the
Neighbourhood Management Initiative, Staffordshire Polices
Architectural Liaison Officer and Landscape Officers from
Newcastle Borough Council.
In devising a strategy to engage residents, the steering group
was keen to learn from earlier pilot schemes, which highlighted
the need to involve hard to reach groups in the consultation.
Therefore as much participation as possible would be by word
of mouth, as basic levels of literacy would present a barrier to
written consultation. Representatives knocked on doors to
make residents aware of forthcoming events.
Appendix A
for Staffordshire.
access difficulties.
by mouth.
Appendix A
Benefits of 3D visualisation
From the County Councils point of view the use of
3D visualisations to enhance public participation has
wouldnt work
overcame the residents initial reaction to reject
Appendix B
Home Zone information sources
Traffic Advisory Leaflets
TAL 10/01 Home Zones Planning and Design.
TAL 8/02 Home Zones Public Participation.
available from DfT Free Literature, PO Box 236, Wetherby, West
Yorkshire LS23 7NB, Tel 0870 1226 236, Fax 0870 1226 297,
and on the DfT web site.
Guidance notes
Home Zones A planning and design handbook. Mike Biddulph
(The Policy Press, December 2001. ISBN 1 86134 371X).
Home Zone Design Guidelines (Institute of Highway Incorporated
Engineers, June 2002. ISBN 0-9542-875).
Inclusive Mobility A Guide to Best Practice on Access to
Pedestrian and Transport Infrastructure (The Department for
Transport November 2002). Available from the DfT Free Literature
service at the above address and on the DfT web site.
At home in my street: exploring home zones in the Netherlands
and Germany (Childrens Play Council and Transport 2000, 1999).
Home Zones: The UK Experience (The Policy Press 2003).
Web sites
www.homezoneschallenge.com (available until February 2006).
www.homezones.org.uk (available from November 2005).
Appendix B
Research reports
TRL Report No 586 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
The Methleys, Leeds (TRL Limited 2003).
TRL Report No 625 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
Northmoor, Manchester (TRL Limited 2005).
TRL Report No 626 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
Cavell Way, Sittingbourne (TRL Limited 2005).
TRL Report No 633 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
Magor Village, Monmouthshire (TRL Limited 2005).
TRL Report No 640 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
Morice Town, Plymouth (TRL Limited 2005).
TRL Report No 646 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of the
Five Roads area, London Borough of Ealing (TRL Limited 2005).
TRL Report No 647 Pilot home zone schemes: evaluation of
Nobel Road, Nottingham (TRL Limited 2005).
Creative Neighbourhoods the role of the arts in building
sustainable communities (Aston Housing Consultancy, 2005.
ISBN 0-9550110-0-0).