Sinfulness and Guilt of All Men
Sinfulness and Guilt of All Men
Sinfulness and Guilt of All Men
of All Men:
Consequence And Remedy.
Pastor J o h n s o n N w a d iu v u
otal depravity, sinfulness and
guilt of all men since the fall of
man, render all sinners subject
to God's wrath and condemnation.
Man was created in the image of God,
and he was righteous and holy. Man
was the crown of God's creation
.Through voluntary disobedience and
transgression he fell into the depths o f
sin. In consequence of this every one
born through our first parents (Adam
and Eve) became a sinner? shapen in
iniquity and utterly void of the
holiness of God .Every man is totally
inclined to evil. As a result of the fall
of man (Adam and Eve)all men born
through man became depraved. There
is nothing in the natural man that has
not been affected by the power o f sin.
(Gen 1:26-27, Gen 2:15-17, Gen3:i-6,
Rom 5:12-17, Psalm 51:1-5 Rom3:23,
Job 14:4)
The entire nature of man,
mentally, physically, morally and
spiritually has been affected by sin.
The testimony of the bible is that the
image o f God in man has been
seriously marred by this great fall. As
a result of the fall and the nature of
sin inherited, man became separated
from God totally alienated from the
perfect, holy and pure God.
This separation is the cause of the
beginning of sorrow, shame, fear,
heartaches and manifold problems
spiritually and mentally. (It is the root
of all you are personally passing
through in life, family. Equally the
present condition of things world
wide is traceable to the subject under
discussion). Man became a
transgressor and debtor to God.
All these have brought man under
the wrath and condemnation of God,
for the soul that sinneth it shall die.
There is nothing the natural man
(fallen away from grace) can offer to
appease God. (No political manifesto,
Government Policy, Academic
discipline Etc has solutions to
N e w s g r a i n