Syllabus of Physics Int MSC Mysore

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1.1. Mechanics1
Motion of a particle in one dimension: Newtons second law. Momentum, impulse, kinetic energy, the
energy theorem, work and power. Conservation of linear momentum. The motion of a rocket ejecting fuel.
Conservative force depending on position. Potential energy. Conservation of energy. Example of the motion
under the restoring force F = kx.

The Cartesian basis vectors {i, j, k} and their properties. Cartesian components
of a vector. The vector function A(t) of a single variable t and its derivative (dA/dt). The derivatives
(d/dt)(A + B), (d/dt)(A B), and (d/dt)(A B) where and are scalar functions and A and B are
vector functions of t. The equation to the trajectory of a particle in the parametric form r = r(t). The
velocity dr/dt of the particle as a tangent vector to its orbit r = r(t). The acceleration vector d2 r/dt2 .
Calculation of the velocity and acceleration of a particle moving along
Vector Kinematics:

(1) the straight line r(t) = 12 at2 +bt+c where a, b, and c, are constants, and
(2) the circle r(t) = R (i cos t + j sin t), where R is a constant and = (t).
Newtons laws of motion in vector form. The equations of motion in Cartesian and plane polar co-ordinates.
Radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration.
Torque and angular momentum: The definition of the angular momentum and torque of a particle relative

to an origin. Newtons second law in the angular form (dL/dt) = r F. Conservation of angular momentum
of a particle moving under a central force. Motion under an inverse square law of force. Derivation of
Keplers laws of planetary motion.

Mechanics, K.R.Simon, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1963, Chapters 2 and 3.

Newtonian Mechanics, A.P.French, The English Language Book Society and Nelson, 1973, Chapter 13.
Vector Mechanics, 2nd. Edn., D.E.Christie, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964
Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988, Sections 11-9, 12-4, 12-5,12-6, 15-8, and 15-9.

1.2. Mathematics1
Functions and graphs: Functions. Sums, differences, products and quotients
of functions. Graphs of functions. Monotone functions. Even and odd functions. Polynomials. Long
division. Roots of polynomials. Types of functions. Continuous functions; examples. Definition of continuity.
Intermediate value theorem. Inverse functions. Definition of limits; computing limits; examples. Derivatives:
Definition of the derivative. Computing derivatives from the definition. The derivative as a new function.
The Leibniz notation. The linear approximation theorem. Using the derivative to compute function values.
Continuity of differentiable functions. Basic rules of differentiation; examples. The chain rule. Derivatives
of inverse functions, power functions and radical functions. Non-differentiable functions. Higher derivatives.
Differentiability assumptions in physics. Applications of the derivative: Tangent and normal lines; Increasing
and decreasing functions; Extrema of functions. Increments and differentials of a function of one variable.
(16 Hours)
Functions and derivatives:

Sequences and series: Elementary ideas of sequences, series, limits and convergence. Absolute convergence.

Tests for convergence. Power series. Binomial series. Taylor and MacLaurin series and their application to

the local approximation of a function by a polynomial and to finding limits.

Integration: The definite integral as the area under a curve. Analytic definition of the integral. Relationship

between the derivative and the integralthe fundamental theorem of calculus. Antiderivatives (Primitive
functions). Indefinite integrals.
Formal integration: Basic rules; integration by parts; the language of differentials; changing variables; elementary trigonometric, exponential and algebraic integrals; (Only simple cases need be discussed). Derivative
and integral of power series. Mention of the available computer packages such as Mathematica and MuPAD
for doing calculus.
Vector algebra; addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and linear combinations of vectors.
The centroid of a system of weighted points. The Scalar product of vectors and its properties. The Schwarz
inequality: (A B)2 (A A)(B B). Vector products. Elementary vector geometry of lines and planes:
Equations of a straight line; Distance of a point from a line. Distance between two lines. Equations for a
plane; Distance from a point to a plane; Projections onto a plane.

1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, M.L.Boas, 2nd. Edn., Wiley, New York, 1983
2. All you wanted to know about Mathematics but were afraid to ask: Mathematics for Science Students,
L.Lyons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998
3. Calculus, Vols. 1 and 2, Lipman Bers, IBH Publishing Company, Bombay, 1973
4. Calculus with analytic geometry, R.E.Johnson and F.L.Kiokemeister, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1958
5. Vector Mechanics,2nd. Edn., D.E.Christie, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964
6. Advanced Vector Analysis, C.E.Weatherburn, G.Bell and Sons, London, 1960
7. Vector Analysis, Louis Brand, Wiley International, Toppan Company, Tokyo, 1957
8. Vector Analysis and an Introduction to Tensor Analysis, (Schaums Outline Series) M.R.Spiegel, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi

1.3. Computer-basics, Arithmetic and Statistics

Introduction: Elements of computer processing; Hardware, CPU: Commonly used CPUs like ix86, 68x,

Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, etc., VDU; I/O Devices; Storage Devices: Removable and Non-removable media, Commonly used media like floppies, hard disks, CDs, tapes; Qualitative introduction about magnetic, magnetooptical and optical techniques; Operating systems: Overview, General introduction to Unix, Linux, MS-DOS,
MS-Windows, etc.; Single and Multiuser systems. Software: Productivity applications: Text/Word processors, Spreadsheets, Drawing programs, Graphing programs, Databases, Presentation programs; Development
applications: Assembly language; High-level languages: Pascal, C, C++, Fortran, Basic, perl, python, Tcl.
Compilers and Interpreters (Qualitative introduction highlighting the salient features of the language).
Integers; Floating point representation of numbers; Arithmetic operations with
normalisation; Errors in representation; Commonly used number types and their limits like max. and min.
integer, float, double precision, long, etc.

Computer Arithmetic:

Description of Data: Introduction; Moments of a distribution: Mean; Variance; Skewness; Efficient search

for the median; Estimation of the mode for continuous data; Two distributions: Students t-test, F -test,
Chi-square test, t-test; 2 -test; Linear correlation; Nonparametric or Rank correlation; Smoothing of data.
Introduction; Least-squares as a maximum likelihood estimator; Fitting data to a
straight line; General linear least squares; Nonlinear models; Confidence limits; Robust estimation.

Modelling of data:


Fundamentals of computers, 3rd Edition, V.Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India, 1999

Computer oriented numerical methods, 3rd. Edn., V.Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India, 2000
Statistics, M.R.Spiegel, Schaum Series, Asian Student Edition
Numerical recipes in C, W.H.Press, B.T.Flannery, S.A.Teukolsky, and Vetterling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988

1.4. Acoustics
Wave motion: Physical characteristics of wave motion in one dimension: amplitude, phase, frequency,
wavelength, wave number, wave vector and velocity. Superposition of two waves of different frequencies:
beats. Elementary discussion of dispersive media; relations for phase and group velocities.

Vibrations with damping and a forcing term, but restricted to one

variable other than time; resonance and Q-factor. Critical damping. Compound pendulum. Vibration of
rods, strings, membranes and strips. Longitudinal vibrations in a rod. Vibrations of a stretched string and
a rectangular membranes. Harmonics. Qualitative discussion of the vibrations of a strip (of a rectangular
cross-section); modes of vibration.

Vibrations of mechanical systems:

Fouriers theorem; the example of a square wave; superposition of simple

harmonic waves; Lissajous figures.
Analysis of sound waves:


Vibration and waves in Physics, I.G.Main, 3rd. Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993
Waves, (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. III), Crawford, McGraw-Hill, New York
Vibrations and waves, A.P.French, Chapman and Hall, London
Acoustics, Kinsler and Frey
Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988, Chapters 17 and 18.

1.5. Lab1: Computer Basics

Any eight of the following:

Familiarisation with computer internals

Using Scilab/Octave
Using Symbolic Algebra Package
Using plotting programs (Gnuplot and/or Scigraphica)
Using word processor
Using spreadsheet
Using drawing program
Using presentation software

2.1. Heat and Thermodynamics1
Thermodynamic equilibrium, zeroth law. First law.
Isothermal and adiabatic changes. Phase diagrams. Work done in isothermal and adiabatic changes. Heat
capacities. Equation of state for an ideal gas and simple non- ideal (van der Waals) gases.

The zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics:

The Kelvin and Clausius statements of the second law. Heat engines.
Carnot cycles and their reversibility. Efficiency of a Carnot engine. Carnot theorem. Absolute scale of
temperature. Equivalence to the ideal gas scale. Definition of entropy. Reversible and irreversible processes
and associated changes in entropy.
Second law of thermodynamics:

Porous plug experiment. Temperature of inversion. Principle of regenerative

cooling. Adiabatic demagnetisation. Concept of the absolute zero of temperature. Statement of the third
law of thermodynamics.
Liquefaction of gases:

Distribution of energy in the blackbody spectrum. Statement of Wiens law and

Rayleigh-Jeans law. Derivation of Plancks law from Einstein A and B coefficients. Wien law and RayleighJeans law derived as limiting cases of the Planck law. The Wien displacement law. The Stefan law of
radiation, surface temperature of the sun.
Blackbody radiation:

1. Equilibrium Thermodynamics, C.Adkins, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2. Modern Thermodynamics, D.K.Kondepudi and I.Prigogine, John-Wiley
3. The Feynmann Lectures on Physics, Vol.II, R.P.Feynmann, R.B.Leighton and M.Sands, Chapters 4446, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
4. Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988, Chapters 19 to 22.
5. University Physics, 4th. Edn., F.W.Sears and M.W.Zemansky, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
1973, Chapters 15 to 20

2.2. Mathematics2
Differential calculus of functions of more than one variable:

Functions of several variables. Partial

derivatives. The chain rule. Implicit differentiation.

Two-variable functions as surfaces; geometric interpretation of the partial
derivative; directional derivatives; line integrals. Taylor expansion for two variables, maxima, minima and
saddle points of functions of two variables. Lagrange multipliers for stationary points of functions of two
Functions of two variables:

Analytic geometry of conic sections: Conic sections. Standard equations. Asymptotes, foci, directrices,

eccentricity and tangents. Conics in polar coordinates. Parametric equations. Rotation of coordinate axes
in the plane and the general equation of the second degree. Classification of conics through the general

1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition, M.L.Boas, John Wiley, New York, 1983
2. All you wanted to know about Mathematics but were afraid to ask: Mathematics for Science Students,
L.Lyons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998
3. Calculus, Vols. 1 and 2, Lipman Bers, IBH Publishing Company, Bombay, 1973
4. Calculus with analytic geometry, R.E.Johnson and F.L.Kiokemeister, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1958
5. Advanced Vector Analysis, C.E.Weatherburn, G.Bell and Sons, London, 1960
6. Vector Analysis and an Introduction to Tensor Analysis, (Schaums Outline Series) M.R.Spiegel, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1973

2.3. Computer Applications

Introduction to Programming: Problem solving by computers; Flowcharts; Algorithms; Elements of pro-

gramming; Brief introduction to object-oriented programming.

Programming in Pascal and C: Basics of program writing: Writing, Compiling and Running the pro-

gram;Style: Common coding practices, Clarity, Simplicity, Commenting; Basic Declaration and Expressions;
Arrays, Qualifiers and Reading numbers; Decision and Control statements: if, else statements, looping statements, while, break, continue, for, etc. statements; Variable scope and functions; Bit operations; Advanced
types: structures, unions, enum type, arrays of structures, casting; Simple pointers: Pointers and function
arguments, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and structures; File Input/Output: Binary and ASCII files, Binary
and ASCII I/O, Designing file formats; Modular programming.
Programming in Python: Introduction; Simple Python statements; Control flow tools: if, for statements,range() function, break, continue and pass statements, defining functions; Data structures; Modules;


Problem solving and programming in Pascal, M.G. Schneider, Wiley-Eastern, 1991

Practical C programming, 3rd Edition, S. Oualline, OReilly, 1997
Python: On-line documentation
On-line docs for Pascal and C should also be referred.

2.4. Electronics1
Foundations: Voltage and current. Relation between voltage and current: resistors (colour code, resistors

in series and parallel, power in resistors, ratings) Voltage dividers. Voltage and current sources. Thevenins
equivalent circuit. Small signal resistance - example of zener diode.
Sinusoidal signals. Signal amplitudes and decibels. Other signals (ramp, triangle, noise, square
waves, pulses, steps and spikes). Logic levels. Signal sources (signal generators, pulse generators, function

Capacitors and ac circuits: Capacitors (The relations Q = CV and I = C(dV /dt), capacitors in parallel

and series, capacitor colour codes and voltage ratings.) RC circuits. V and I versus time. Differentiators.
Unintentional capacitive coupling. Integrators.

Inductors, transformers, impedance and reactance. Frequency analysis of

reactive circuits. Voltages and currents as complex numbers. Reactance of capacitors and inductors. The
generalised Ohm law. Power in a reactive circuit. Generalised voltage dividers.
Inductors and transformers:

RC Filters: Phasor diagrams. High pass filters, low pass filters, Poles and decibels per octave. Resonant

circuits and active filters. Other capacitor applications (bypassing, power supply filtering, timing and wave
form generation). Generalised Thevenin theorem.
Diodes and Diode Circuits: Diodes. Rectification, Power supply filtering. Full wave bridge, center tapped

full wave rectifier, split supply, voltage multipliers. Regulators. Circuit application of diodes. Inductive
loading and diode protection.
First transistor model - the current amplifier. Transistor switch. Emitter follower. Emitter
followers as voltage regulators. Emitter follower biasing. Transistor current source. Common emitter
amplifier. Unity-gain phase splitter. Transconductance.

Push-pull output stages. Darlington connection. Bootstrapping. Differential

amplifiers. Feedback voltage regulator.
Amplifier building blocks:

1. The art of electronics: P. Horowitz and W. Hill, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1995,
pages 1-111.

2.5. Lab-2: Computer Applications





3.1. Mechanics2
Inertial frame. Galilean principle of relativity. Non-inertial frames. Centrifugal,
Coriolis and other pseudo forces.

Frames of reference:

Systems of point particles: Center of mass frame and its uses. Moment of inertia of a system of particles.
Use of perpendicular and parallel-axis theorems. Moment of inertia of simple bodies (the formula for any
moment of inertia will be given). Solution of simple dynamical problems involving rotations about a fixed
Special theory of relativity: The constancy of the speed of light. Simultaneity. The Lorentz transformation

(derivation not required). Time dilation and length contraction. The addition of velocities. Invariance of the

space-time interval. Energy, momentum, rest mass and their relationship for a single particle. Conservation
of energy and momentum. Elementary kinematics of the scattering and decay of sub- atomic particles,
including the photon.

Newtonian Mechanics, A.P.French (MIT Series), ELBS and Nelson,

Introduction to Classical Mechanics, A.P.French and M.G.Ebison, Chapman and Hall, London
Mechanics, C.Kittel, Knight and Ruderman, Berkely Physics Course, Vol.I, McGraw-Hill, New York
Mechanics, K.R.Simon, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1963, Chapters 2 and 3.
Vector Mechanics, 2nd. Edn., D.E.Christie, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964
Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988
7. Special Relativity, A.P.French (MIT Series), ELBS and Nelson, 1972
8. Spacetime Physics, E.F.Taylor and J.A.Wheeler, W.H.Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1966

3.2. Mathematics3
Complex numbers, definitions and operators. The Argand diagram, modulus and
argument (phase) and their geometric interpretation; curves in the Argand diagram. De Moivres theorem
and its application to evaluation of the roots of unity, to the solution of polynomial equations and to the
summation of series of sines and cosines. Elementary functions (polynomial, trigonometric, exponential,
hyperbolic, logarithmic) of a complex variable.
Complex algebra:

Matrices and determinants: Linearity and its importance in physics. Matrices. Elementary properties (ad-

dition, multiplication, inverse) of two and three dimensional matrices. Determinants; minors and cofactors;
evaluation by row and column manipulation. Application of matrix methods to the solution of simultaneous
linear equations; cases in which solutions are unique, non-unique, or, do not exist.
Classification and terminology. Linear homogeneous differential equations and superposition. First order linear differential equations, integrating factors. Second order linear
differential equations with constant coefficients.; complementary functions and particular integrals; applications to damped and forced vibrations. Simultaneous linear differential equations; solutions by elimination
and by a suitable choice of coordinates.
Ordinary differential equations:

1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition, M.L.Boas, John Wiley, New York, 1983
2. All you wanted to know about Mathematics but were afraid to ask: Mathematics for Science Students,
L.Lyons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998
3. The mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, H.Margenau and G.M.Murphy, Van Nostrand, Princeton,
4. Higher Algebra, A.Kurosh, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1972
5. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th. Edn., G.B.Arfken and H.J.Weber, Academic Press, New
York, 1995, (Prism Books, Bangalore, India)
6. Matrices, F.Iyres. Jr.,, (Schaum series), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1973

3.3. Mathematics4
Multiple integrals: Double integrals and their evaluation by repeated integration in Cartesian, plane polar
and other specified coordinate systems. Jacobians. Line, surface and volume integrals, evaluation by change
of variables (Cartesian, plane polar, spherical polar coordinates and cylindrical coordinates only.). Integrals
around closed curves and exact differentials. Greens theorem in the plane.

Scalar and vector fields. The operations of grad, div and curl and understanding and
use of identities involving these. The statements of the theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes with simple
applications. Conservative fields.
Vector analysis:

Complex variables: Functions of a complex variable. Differentiation. The Cauchy-Riemann conditions.

Analytic functions. Harmonic nature of the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function. Cauchys
integral theorem and its proof using Stokess theorem. Multiply connected regions. Cauchys integral
formula. Calculation of the n-th derivative of an analytic function using Cauchys integral formula. The
Taylor expansion. The Laurent expansion. Types of isolated singularities; removable, poles and essential
singularities and branch points. The residue theorem. Evaluation of simple integrals using residue theorem.
The Cauchy principal value.

1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition, M.L.Boas, John Wiley, New York, 1983
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th. Edn., G.B.Arfken and H.J.Weber, Academic Press, New
York, 1995, (Prism Books, Bangalore, India)
3. The theory of functions of a complex variable, A.G.Sveshnikov and A.N.Tichonov, Mir Publishers,
Moscow, 1971

3.4. Waves and Optics

Huygen principle: The Huygen principle and its application to the derivation of the laws of reflection and

refraction (at a plane surface) and the (thin) convex lens formula.
Interference: Simple two slit interference (restricted to slits of negligible width). The diffraction grating,

its experimental arrangement and conditions for proper illumination. The dispersion and resolution of
a diffraction grating. A brief mention of the methods of producing diffraction gratings. The standard
Michelson interferometer as an example of two beam interference by division of amplitude. Localisation of
fringes produced by an extended source. The Michelson-Morley experiment.
Fraunhofer diffraction by a single slit including experimental arrangements; application to
resolution of a single lens. The zone plate.


Polarisation: The slit-string mechanical model for demonstrating polarisation of a wave. Demonstration of

polarisation of light using two polaroids. A brief mention of the production of polarised light by the following
methods; reflection at a plane surface - Brewsters law, refraction, i.e., passage through a pile of glass plates
and selective absorption of light by a dichroic filter. The polaroid.
The phenomenon of double refraction in a slab of Iceland sparordinary and extra-ordinary rays. Optic
axis. Definition of a uni-axial crystal. Positive and negative uni-axial crystals; principal refractive indices.
Definition of birefringence. Quarter- and half-wave plates. The definition of a compensator. Production and
analysis of linearly, circularly and elliptically polarised light. A qualitative description of partially polarised
light and unpolarised light. Optical activity. Fresnels theory of optical activity.

The Kerr effect. The photo-elastic effect. The magneto-optic effect; Verdets constant.
1. Optical Physics, Third Edition, S.G.Lipson, H.Lipson and D.S.Tannhauser, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1995, Chapters 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
2. Principles of Optics, B.K.Mathur, Gopal Printing Press, Kanpur, 1966, Chapters 8 to 16.
3. Contemporary Optics, A.K.Ghatak and K.Thyagarajan, Macmillan of India, New Delhi, 1984
4. University Physics, 4th. Edn., F.W.Sears and M.W.Zemansky, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
1973, Chapters 36 to 42

3.5. Lab-3: Electronics Laboratory1

Any eight of the following:

Study of the charging and discharging of a capacitor

Verification of Thevenins and maximum power transfer theorems
Study of passive filters LR, LC and RC
Study of the junction diode and the zener diode
Junction transistor characteristics
Transistor CE amplifier - frequency response and gain
Emitter followertransistor version
Construction of a regulated power supply using 78xx and 79xx 3-pin regulators
OPAMP - parameters, frequency response, gain in the two modes
Emitter followerusing IC 741
Voltage dividerusing IC 741

4.1. Electronics2
Field Effect Transistors: Introduction. FET characteristics. FET types; MOSFET, JFET. Basic FET
circuits; JFET current sources. FET amplifiers. Source followers. FET gate current. FETs as variable
resistors. FET analog switches. (Pages 113-145).
Feedback and operational amplifiers: Introduction to the concept of feedback. Operational amplifiers.
The golden rules. Basic op-amp circuits; Inverting amplifier. Non-inverting amplifier. Follower. Current
sources. Basic cautions for op-amp circuits. A brief mention of the departure from ideal op-amp behaviour.
(Pages 175-213)

Frequency response with RC filters. Ideal performance with LC filters.

over-view of active filters. Key filter performance criteria. Filter types; Butterworth and Chebyshev. Bessel
filter. Active filter circuits; VCVS circuits. Oscillators; introduction. Relaxation oscillators; the classic timer
chip 555. Voltage controlled oscillators. Wien bridge and LC oscillators. Quartz crystal oscillators. (Pages
Active Filters and oscillators:

Voltage regulators and Power circuits: Introduction. The unregulated power supply; three wire connection,

line filter and transient suppressor, fuse, shock hazard, transformer, filter capacitor, rectifier. A brief introduction to the following: the 723 regulator, three and four terminal regulators, pass transistors, switching
regulators and dc-dc converters. (Pages 307-368)
Logic states. Voltage range of high and low. Number codes; Hexadecimal representation; BCD; Signed numbers; Arithmetic in 2s complement; Gray code. Gates and truth table; OR
gate; AND gate; Inverter (the NOT function); NAND and NOR; Exclusive-OR. A brief mention of the TTL
and CMOS family of logic ICs. Combinational logic; Logic identities; example of making an exclusive OR
function from ordinary gates. A brief mention of the combinational functions available as ICs. Sequential
logic; devices with memory: flip-flops.(Pages 471-512)

Basic logic concepts:

1. The page numbers mentioned above refer to the following book: The art of electronics: P. Horowitz
and W. Hill, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

4.2. Electromagnetism1
Electrostatics in vacuum: Coulombs law. Electric field due to a system of charges. Field lines, flux and

Gausss law. Gausss law in differential form. The electric dipole; its electric field and potential. The couple
and force on, and the energy of, a dipole in an external electric field. Gausss law in integral form; field
and potential due to surface and volume distributions of charge. Force on a conductor. The capacitance
of parallel plate. Cylindrical and spherical capacitors. Electrostatics in the presence of dielectric media.
Modification to Gausss Law. polarisation, the electric displacement, relative permittivity. Capacitance and
energy in the presence of dielectric media.
Magnetic effects in the absence of magnetic media: The B-field. Steady currents: The B-field set up by

a current; the Biot-Savart Law. The force on a current and on moving charges in a B-field. The magnetic
dipole; its B-field. The force and couple on, and the energy of, a dipole in an external B-field. Energy stored
in a B-field. Gausss Law in integral form. Simple cases of the motion of charged particles in electric and
magnetic fields.
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, Third Edition: David J. Griffith, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,
2. Electricity and Magnetism, Berkely Physics Cource, Vol. 2, E.M.Purcell, McGraw-Hill, 1965, New
3. Electricity and Magnetism, A.N.Matveev, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1986

4.3. Elasticity and Hydrodynamics

Hookes law: Hookes law. Elastic potential energy. Elastic moduli for isotropic materials. Relations
between elastic constants.

Bending moment; uniform and non-uniform bending. Theory of the light cantilever.
I-section girder; Torsion of a circular cylinder, couple per unit twist. Torsion pendulum.
Bending of bars:


Surface tension: Forces on a liquid surface; surface energy; effect of impurities. Pressure within a curved

surface -examples. Experimental determination of surface tension; the drop weight method and the Quinckes
Fluid statics: Equilibrium equation. Pressure at a given depth in a fluid. Laws of flotation. Equilibrium
of a floating body. Stability of equilibrium; Metacentre and determination of metacentric height.
Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamics of an ideal, non-viscous fluid; equation of continuity. Eulers equations
of motion. Bernoullis theorem; simple applications.

1. Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988
2. University Physics, 4th. Edn., F.W.Sears and M.W.Zemansky, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
1973, Chapters 12, 13 and 14

4.4. Mathematics5
Relations and functions: Relations. Cartesian product of sets. Binary relation on a set. Equivalence
classes. Partition of a set. Mappings; injective, surjective and bijective. Composite map. Inverse map.
Binary operations. The composition table for a binary operation.
Algebraic systems: Examples of integers, rationals, the residue classes of integers and two by two matrices.

Group axioms. Order of a (finite) group. Examples of the set of natural numbers, the set of
integers, the set of rationals and the set of reals as groups under number addition. Example of the group
of all m n real matrices under matrix addition. The example of the group of all real 2 2 real matrices
under matrix multiplication. Definition of an Abelian group. The uniqueness of the identity and inverse in a
group. The properties (a1 )1 = a and (ab)1 = b1 a1 . The left and right cancellation laws. Solving the
equation ax = b for x in a group. The example of the Klien 4-group. Integral powers and the law of indices
in a group. Subgroups; definitions of proper and improper subgroups, the proposition that the intersection
of any two subgroups of group is a subgroup, the conjugate subgroup tHt1 of the subgroup H in a group
G, normal subgroup, centre of a group. Cosets. Lagranges theorem that (in a finite group) the order of
every subgroup is a divisor of the order of the group. Cyclic groups. Examples. The proposition that every
cyclic group is abelian and every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic (and not conversely). The order of an
element in a group. The proposition that every group of prime order is cyclic and hence is abelian. The
proposition that, in a finite group, every element is of a finite order and the order of the element divides the
order of the group. The class generated by an element of a group and its properties. The division of a group
into mutually disjoint classes.

Definitions of homomorphic and isomorphic mappings.

The properties (e) = e0 , (a1 ) = ((a))1 of an isomorphism : G 7 G0 . The propositions that the
composition and inverse of a isomorphism are themselves isomorphic.
Homomorphism and isomorphism of groups:

The Symmetric Group Sn : Definition of a permutation and the composition of permutations. Group
structure of Sn . The proposition that Sn is non-abelian for n 3. Cycles of length r. Transpositions.
Disjoint cycles. The proposition that every element of Sn can be expressed as a product of disjoint cycles
and the corollary that every permutation is a product of transpositions. The signature of a permutation.
The classes of the groups S3 and S4 .
Rings, Integral Domains and Fields:

Definitions of a ring. Example of the ring of 2 2 matrices. The


proof of the relations a.0 = 0.a = 0, and a(b) = (a)b = ab. Rings with unity; definition; the uniqueness
of the identity; invertible elements and the uniqueness of inverse. Integral domain; definition; proof of the
proposition that ab = ac implies a = 0 or b = c; proof of the proposition that in a finite integral domain,
every non-zero element is invertible. Fields; Definition; examples of the fields of rationals, reals and complex
numbers. Proof of the proposition that every field is an integral domain (and not conversely).
Vector Spaces: Definition. Examples of Rn , Cn , the set of all m n real matrices, the solutions of a second

order linear ODE, and the set of all continuous functions from (0, 1) to R. Definition of a subpace. Linear
dependence and independence.
1. Text book of algebra produced by the Leadership Project Committee (Mathematics), University of
Bombay, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1987, Chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6.
2. Linear algebra and group theory for physicists, K.N.Srinivasa Rao, New Age International, New Delhi,
1996, Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
3. Higher Algebra, A.Kurosh, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1972

4.5. Lab-4: Properties of Matter

Any eight of the following:

g by bar pendulum
g by light spiral spring
g by Katers pendulum
Youngs modulus by single cantilever
Youngs modulus by stretching
Torsion pendulumdetermination moment of inertia and rigidity modulus
Searles double bar- determination of elastic moduli and Poissons ratio
Coefficient of viscosity by capillary flow method
Inversion temperature of copper-iron thermocouple
Law of intermediate metals
Thermal conductivity by Forbess method
Modes of vibration of a fixed-free strip

5.1. Chemistry1
Stoichiometry: The origins of atomic theory, determination of atomic weights and molecular formulas, the

mole concept. The chemical equation. Stoichiometric calculationsexamples and problems.

Oxidation-reduction reactions: Oxidation states. The half-reaction concept. Balancing oxidation-reduction



Chemical equilibrium: The nature of the chemical equilibrium; equilibrium constant and calculations with

equilibrium constants.
Enthalpy, standard enthalpy change, illustration of Hesss law of constant heat of
summation, enthalpy of formation of compounds. Review of entropy and second law of thermodynamics.
Free energy and equilibrium constants, temperature dependence of equilibria, colligative properties.


Chemical kinetics: Law of mass action, reaction rate, rate constant, elementary processesmolecularity
and the order a reaction. Rate laws, examples of simple reactions, determination of the rate constants and
the order order of a reaction. Effect of temperature on reactionsArrhenius equation.
(24 Hours)
Periodic properties of elements: The periodic table, electrical and structural properties, ionization energy,

electron affinity, electronegativity, oxidation states, size relationships, chemical properties of the oxides, the
properties of the hydrides.
The Elements of the Groups I-IV: General properties of the alkali metals. The elements of Group III A:

boron; aluminium. The elements of Group IV A: carbon; silicon; germanium; tin and lead.
The non-metallic elements: The elements of Group V A; nitrogen, nitrides, oxides of nitrogen, oxyacids

of nitrogen, nitrogen halides and oxyhalides; phosphorous, phosphorous halides and oxyhalides; arsenic;
antimony; bismuth. The elements of Group VI A; oxygen; sulphur; selinium and tellurium. The elements of
Group VII A; halogens, the hydrogen halides, the interhalogen compounds; the noble gas compounds.
Transition elements: A brief discussion of the general properties of the transitional metals. Innertransition
elementstheir position in the periodic table, magnetic and spectral properties and separation. (24 Hours)

1. University Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., B.H.Mahan, Narosa (Addison-Wesley), New Delhi, 1975, Chapters
1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
2. Physical Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., F.Daniels and R.A.Alberty, Wiley, New York, 1966
3. Physical Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., G.M.Barrow, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973
4. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., F.A.Cotton and G.Wilkinson, Interscience, New York, 1972
5. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, M.C.Day and J.Selbin, Reinhold, New York, 1962

5.2. Electromagnetism2
Magnetisation, the H-field, magnetic permeability. Amperes Law in integral form.
Simple cases of the motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. Energy in the presence of
magnetic media. The electromagnet.
Magnetic media:

The laws of Faraday and Lenz. Self and mutual inductance; calculation for
simple circuits. The transformer. Alternating currents; R.M.S. Values; Circuits: Growth and decay of
currents in LCR circuits. the use of complex impedance in circuit analysis under steady state conditions;
response of an LCR circuit to sinusoidal voltages; Series and Parallel resonance; Half-power frequency, bandwidth and quality factor Q; power in electrical circuits, the maximum power transfer theorem. Measurement
of voltage, current, power and frequency using a CRO.

Electromagnetic induction:

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, Third Edition: David J. Griffith, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,

2. Electricity and Magnetism, Berkely Physics Cource, Vol. 2, E.M.Purcell, McGraw-Hill, 1965, New
3. Electricity and Magnetism, A.N.Matveev, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1986

5.3. Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics

Maxwells distribution of velocities: Derivation of Maxwells velocity distribution using the Boltzmann
factor; experimental verification. Density of states. Equipartition of energy. Simple applications to ideal
paramagnet, simple harmonic oscillator and perfect gas.

Calculation of averages using Maxwells distribution of velocities; derivation of pressure,

mean free path, thermal conductivity and viscosity; dependence on pressure and temperature.

Kinetic theory:

Elements of Quantum statistics: Bosons and Fermions. Indistinguishability of identical particles. A

heuristic criterion for indistinguishability. The Bose and Fermi distributions (derivations not required). The
Maxwell distribution as a limiting case of the Bose and Fermi distributions. Fermi energy. The chemical
potential and its significance.

1. Statistical Mechanics, K.Huang, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1975
2. Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988
3. Molecular Physics, A.N.Matveev, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1985

5.4. Quantum Physics

Qualitative discussions of the problem of the stability of the nuclear
atom. The photo-electric effect. Franck-Hertz experiment and the existence of energy levels. Experimental
evidence for wave-particle duality; X-ray diffraction and Bragg law. Compton scattering. Electron and
neutron diffraction. Einstein and de Broglies relations (E = h, p = h/).
Limitations of classical physics:

Schroedinger equation: The concept of the wave function as a probability amplitude and its probabilistic

interpretation. Plane wave solutions of the one-dimensional time-dependent Schroedinger equation for a
particle in free space and elementary derivation of the phase and group velocities (quantitative discussion of
wave packets is not required).
Uncertainty relation: The position-momentum uncertainty relation and simple consequences. Qualitative wave mechanical understanding of the size and stability of the hydrogen atom. Solutions of the onedimensional Schroedingers equation for an infinite square well potential; qualitative treatment of the finite
well (derivation not required). Reflection and transmission at potential steps. Qualitative treatment of barrier penetration for simple rectangular barriers. Simple examples and comparison with classical mechanics.

1. L.I.Schiff, Quantum mechanics 3rd. Edn. McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd. New Delhi 1968.
2. E.Merzbacher, Quantum mechanics, John Wiley, New York
3. Richtmyer, Kennard and Lauritsen, Introduction to Modern Physics


4. Wehr, Richards and Wehr, Physics of the atom

5. Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 3rd. Edn., D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Merryl, John Wiley, New
York, 1988

5.5. Lab-5: Optics

Any eight of the following:

Newtons ringsdetermination of wavelength

Determination of Cauchys constants A and B
Interference at a wedge
Diffraction grating: wavelength of Mercury lines
Lloyds mirror
Diffraction at a straight edge
Diffraction due to a thin wire
Diffraction haloes
Laser experiments

6.1. Chemistry2
Organic chemistry: The chemistry of hydrocarbons: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkadienes, alicyclic hydrocarbons, benzene, naphtalene. Common functional groups. Chemistry of alchohols, amines, carbonyl
compounds, amides, carbolic acid, esters and aromatic compounds.

Steriochemistry: Meaning of the term isomerism, isomers, tautomers, chirality, enantiomers, diastomers,
optical activitydextro and laevo rotations, racemization, geometrical isomerism, R, S, D and L concepts.
Industrial organic chemistry: Basic concepts on coal and oil, dyes, detergents and synthetic polymers.
(32 Hours)
Biochemistry: Basic chemistry of natural products: Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and their

biological functions.
1. University Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., B.H.Mahan, Narosa (Addison-Wesley), New Delhi, 1975, Chapters
17 and 18
2. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., F.A.Cotton and G.Wilkinson, Interscience, New York, 1972
3. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, M.C.Day and J.Selbin, Reinhold, New York, 1962
4. Advanced General Organic Chemistry, S.K.Ghosh, Books and Allied (P) Ltd., Calcutta, 1988.
5. Organic Chemistry, 3rd. Edn. R.T.Morrison and R.N.Boyd, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1973
6. Modern Topics in Biochemistry, T.P.Bennett and E.Frieden, Macmillan, New York, 1966
7. A Brief Introduction to Biochemistry, R.J.Light, Benjamin, New York, 1968

6.2. Classical Electrodynamics

Electrodynamics before Maxwell; the laws of Gauss, Faraday, Ampere and the equation
B = 0. Maxwells correction of Amperes law; the displacement current. Maxwells equations in free
space. The equation of continuity. Energy density and energy flux density. Poyntings theorem.

Electromagnetic waves in vacuum: The wave equation for E and B. Monochromatic plane wave solutions.
Energy and momentum of electromagnetic waves; radiation pressure.

Polarisation density and electric displacement vector. Dielectric permittivity and susceptibility. Boundary conditions on E and D at the interface between two dielectrics.
Dielectric media:

Magnetisation density and magnetic field strength H; Magnetic permeability and susceptibility; Boundary conditions on B and H at the interface between two magnetic media.

Magnetic media:

Maxwells equations in dielectric and magnetic media: Electromagnetic waves in dielectrics. Refractive

index and impedance of the medium.

The Lorentz force: Force on a charged particle in an external electromagnetic field. Determination of the

e/m of the electron; the methods of Thomson and Dunnington. Determination of the charge of the electron
by the Millikan oil-drop method.
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, Third Edition: David J. Griffith, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,
2. Electricity and Magnetism, Berkely Physics Cource, Vol. 2, E.M.Purcell, McGraw-Hill, 1965, New
3. Electricity and Magnetism, A.N.Matveev, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1986

6.3. Atomic, Molecular and Solid State Physics

The Bohr model of the hydrogen-like atom. A brief account of the Sommerfeld model
(detailed derivations not expected). Electron spin; Stern-Gerlach experiment. Space quantisation. The
vector model of the atom. Spin-orbit interaction. Fine structure of spectral lines. The Pauli exclusion
principle and the electronic configuration of atoms; LS and JJ coupling. The normal Zeeman effect. PaschenBack effect. Stark effect.
Atomic Physics:

Tyndall, and Rayleigh scattering. Fluorescence and phosphorescence.

Raman effect. Elementary theory. Experimental techniques. Intensity and polarisation of Raman lines.
Applications of Raman effect.
Light scattering by molecules:

X-ray diffraction: Braggs law. The Bragg spectrometer. Types of crystals. Miller indices. The structure
of NaCl and KCl crystals. Continuous and characteristic X-ray spectra. Mosleys law.
Free electron theory of metals: Electrical conductivityclassical theory. Sommerfelds model. Free electron

gas. Density of energy states. Fermi energy. Average energy of electrons. Variation of Fermi energy and
average energy with temperature. Electronic specific heat. Paramagnetism of free electrons. Thermionic
emission from metals. Electrical conductivity. Drift velocity and relaxation time. Thermal conductivity.
Wiedemann-Franz law.
Elementary ideas regarding formation of energy bands. Bloch equations. Onedimensional Kronig-Penney model. Density of states. Effective mass. Energy gap. Distinction between
metals, insulators and intrinsic semiconductors. Concept of holes.
Band theory of solids:


Superfluidity: The two-fluid model; properties of liquid helium.

Superconductivity: Experimental facts, Meissner effect, critical magnetic field, type-I and type-II superconductors. Phenomenological theory, London equations. High frequency behaviour. Thermodynamics of
superconductors. Specific heat in the superconducting state. Qualitative ideas relating to the theories of
Superfluidity and Superconductivity:

1. Solid State Physics, A.J.Dekker, Macmillan, London.
2. Fundamental University Physics, M.Alonso and E.J.Finn, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
3. University Chemistry, B.H.Mahan, Narosa, New Delhi, 1986, Chapters 3 and 10
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edn., C.Kittel, John Wiley, New York.
5. Solid State Electronic Devices, 2nd Edn., B.G. Streetman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1983.
6. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics, B.S.Saxena , R.C.Gupta and P.N.Saxena Pragathi prakashana,

6.4. Nuclear and Particle Physics

Radioactivity: Successive disintegration, Radioactive equilibrium, Radioactive series, Unit of radioactivity.

Range and energy of particles-their measurements. Theory of alpha decay (qualitative), Geiger-Nuttal Law.
Beta ray spectra, Pauli neutrino hypothesis. K- electron capture. Internal conversion, Gamma ray spectrum,
Nuclear isomerism, Radioactive carbon dating and age of the earth.
Accelerators and mass spectrometers: Linac, Cyclotron, betatron and principle of electron synchrotron.

Dempsters mass spectrograph,

Gas filled detectors, Scintillation detectors, and Semiconductor detectors (qualitative

Nuclear detectors:

treatment only).
Nuclear Structure: Rutherfords nuclear-atom model, properties of the nucleus-mass, size and density,
charge, spin and magnetic moment (qualitative).
Nuclear Models:

Liquid drop model, semi-empirical mass formula. Shell model and magic numbers (

Nuclear Reactions:

Q-values, Threshold energy, Reactions induced by proton, Deutron and particles,

Explanation, Estimation of fission energy on the basis of liquid drop model, controlled
and uncontrolled chain reactions. Four factor formula. Types of reactors-Swimming pool and fast breeder.
Radiation protection and Radiation units.

Nuclear Fission:

Thermo-nuclear reactions. Sources of stellar energy. C-N cycle and the proton-proton
cycle. Electric and magnetic confinement of plasma. Tokomak.

Nuclear Fusion:

Cosmic Rays: Primary and secondary cosmic rays, showers, geomagnetic effects. Composition and origin

of cosmic rays.
Fundamental particles:

Particles and antiparticles. Classification of particles. Mention of the basic

interactions in nature.


1. Fundamental University Physics, M.Alonso and E.J.Finn, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
2. University Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., B.H.Mahan, Narosa, New Delhi, 1986, Chapter 19
3. Principles of Modern Physics, Leighton, McGraw-Hill, New York
4. Nuclear Physics, Kaplan
5. The atomic nucleus, R.D.Evans, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
6. Cosmic rays, Bruno Rossi
7. Cosmic rays, Janossy
8. Nuclear Physics, R.C.Sharma, K.Nath and Company, Meerut
9. Concepts of nuclear Physics, B.L.Cohen, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
10. Nuclear Physicsan introduction, S.B.Patel, Wiley-Eastern, New Delhi

6.5. Lab-6: Electricity and Modern Physics

Any eight of the following:

B H curve and hysteresis loss

Self-inductance by Andersons bridge
High resistance by leakage
Helmholtz galvanometer
Verification of Stefan-Boltzmann law
e/m of electron by Thomsons method
Rydbergs constant
Half-life of K-40
h using photocell
Inverse square law of gamma rays
Inter-planar distance using an X-ray photograph
Frank-Hertz experiment

7.1. Mathematical Methods of Physics1
Separation of the Helmholtz equation in Cartesian coordinates, circular
cylindrical coordinates and spherical polar coordinates and identification of the ordinary differential equations
(ODEs) involved.
Partial differential equations:

The Gamma function (x) defined as a definite integral (Euler). Evaluation of

the error integral (1/2). The factorial notation. Proof of the basic property (x + 1) = x(x). The
Stirling formula (Derivation not required.) The Beta function as an integral and its relation with the gamma
The Gamma function:


Second order ODEs: Ordinary and singular points of a general second order ODE. The Frobenius method

of series solution. (Proofs of the theorems not expected.) Example of the Bessel Equation; series solution
about x= 0. Linear dependence and independence of solutions; the wronskian.
Bessel functions: Generating function. Recurrence relations. Definition of Neumann functions and their
behaviour near x=0. Definition of Hankel functions and spherical Bessel functions:

Generating function. The recurrence relation The Legendre differential equation

(solution not required). Parity. Orthogonality. Legendre series. Rodrigues formula. Associated Legendre
polynomials. Orthogonality. Definition of Spherical Harmonics. Orthogonality of spherical harmonics (proof
not required).
Legendre polynomials:

Generating functions for Hermite polynomials. The Recurrence relations. Parity.

Rodrigues representation. Orthogonality.
Hermite functions:

Laguerre functions: Differential equation. Generating function. Recurrence relations. Rodrigues formula
for associated Laguerre polynomials. (proof not required)
Fourier series and transforms: Examples; saw-tooth wave, square wave and the Riemann Zeta function.

Change of interval. Exponential form of the Fourier integral. Example of the Finite wave train.
Fredholm and Volterra types. Method of the Neumann series for equations of the
second kind. Equations with separable kernels and their reduction to a system of simultaneous algebraic
equations. Transformation of a linear second order differential equation into an integral equation. Example
of the linear oscillator. Hilbert Schmidt theory of equations with symmetric kernels. Non-homogeneous
integral equations.

Integral equations:

1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th. Edn., G.B.Arfken and H.J.Weber, Academic Press, New
York (Prism Books, Bangalore, India), 1995
2. The mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, H.Margenau and G.M.Murphy, Van Nostrand, Princeton,
3. Mathematical Physics, P.K.Chattopadhay, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1990

7.2. Mathematical Methods of Physics2

Linear operators: Linear operators over an n-dimensional linear vector space Vn . Matrix representative of
a linear operator in a given basis of Vn . The algebra of linear operators. Effect of change of basis. Active
and passive points of view. Invariant subspace and the eigenvalue problem of a linear operator. Complex
Euclidean space; scalar product, norm, Schwarz inequality, orthogonality. The Schmidt orthogonalisation
procedure. Scalar product in terms of the components of a vector. The adjoint of a linear operator. Normal
operator. The Schur canonical form. Direct product of two vector spaces the Kronecker product space.

Groups of regular matrices; the general linear groups GL(n, C) and

GL(n, R). The special linear groups SL(n, C) and SL(n, R). The unitary groups U(n). and SU(n). The
orthogonal groups O(n, C), O(n, R), SO(n, C) and SO(n, R) . The symplectic group Sp(2n, C). (Only the
group structure of these groups need be discussed.)
Linear representations of groups:

The matrix exponential function: Definition and properties. The definition of the linear representation of

group. Schur lemma. The representation of the direct product of two groups. Elements of the representation
theory of matrix groups. The rotation matrix. Euler resolution of the rotation matrix. A brief introduction
to the irreps of the rotation group SO(3, R).

Tensors: Tensor as an element of a linear vector space. Law of transformation of tensor components under

a change of coordinates. Addition, scalar multiplication, outer multiplication and contraction of tensors.
The Levi-Civita pseudo tensor. Volume tensors. Riemannian metric and covariant differentiation of tensor
fields. Gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates.
1. Linear algebra and group theory for physicists, K.N.Srinivasa Rao, New Age International, New Delhi,
1996, Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
2. Classical Groups for Physicists, B.G.Wybourne, John-Wiley, New York, 1974
3. Higher Algebra, A.Kurosh, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1972
4. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th. Edn., G.B.Arfken and H.J.Weber, Academic Press, New
York (Prism Books, Bangalore, India), 1995

7.3. Mechanics3
Motion in a non-inertial frame: Motion of a point particle in a general (rigid) non-inertial frame of reference.

Galilean relativity. Larmor theorem.

Center of mass. Conservation of linear and angular momentum in
the absence of (net) external forces and torques. The energy equation and the total potential energy of a
system of particles.
Mechanics of a system of particles:

Constrained motionthe Lagrangean method: Types of constraints. Generalised coordinates. DAlemberts

principle and Lagrangean equations of the second kind. Velocity dependent potential; the Lagrangean for a
charged particle in an external electromagnetic field. Examples of Lagrangean for (i) single particle in three
dimensions in Cartesian, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates, (ii) the Atwood machine and (iii)
a bead sliding on a rotating wire in a force-free space.
Mechanics of rigid bodies: Angular momentum and kinetic energy of motion about a point. Moments and
products of inertia; the inertia tensor. Eulers equations of motion. Torque free motion of a rigid body.
Small oscillations: Normal modes. The vibrational modes of the CO2 molecule.
Hamiltons principle: Derivation of Lagranges equation from Hamiltons principle.
Hamilton equations: Cyclic coordinates. Derivation of Hamiltons equations from a variational principle.
Canonical transformations; examples. Poisson brackets; equation of motion in the Poisson bracket notation.
The Hamilton-Jacobi equation; the example of the harmonic oscillator.
Continuum Mechanics: Small deformations of an elastic solid; the strain tensor. Meaning of the strain
tensor components-tensile, shearing and volume strains. The stress tensor. The relation between the stress
tensor and the stress vector at a point of a strained elastic medium. Equations of equilibrium and the
symmetry of the stress tensor. Meaning of the stress tensor components-the normal and shearing stresses.
Hookes law: The generalised Hooke law for a homogeneous elastic medium; the elastic modulus tensor. A
brief discussion of the number of independent components of the elastic modulus tensor and its reduction
under symmetries of the medium. The Lame constants for a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium. The
strain energy function.
Naviers equations: Naviers equations of motion for a homogeneous isotropic medium; force-free motion
of an unbounded isotropic homogeneous medium; irrotational and solenoidal waves.


Fluid mechanics: Equation of continuity. Eulers equation of motion of an ideal fluid. The steady incom-

pressible flow of an ideal fluid - Bernoullis theorem. Simple applications.

Flow of a viscous fluid: Navier-Stokes equation and its solution for the case of a flow through a cylindrical

pipethe Poiseulle formula.


Classical Mechanics, H.Goldstein

Classical Mechanics, L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifsitz
Theory of Elasticity, L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifsitz
Fluid Mechanics, L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifsitz
Mechanics K.R.Simon
Tensor Analysis, I.S.Sokolnikoff

7.4. Classical Electrodynamics2

Potential formulation: Scalar and vector potentials. Gauge transformation. The coulomb and Lorentz
gauges. Retarded potentials. Lienard-Wiechert potentials and the electric and magnetic fields of a moving
point charge. The special case of a charge moving with a constant velocity.

The electric dipole and multipole moments of a system of charges. The magnetic
moments of a system of charges in stationary motion.
Multipole moments:

Electromagnetic waves: The radiation gauge for source-free electromagnetic fields. The wave equation for

A. Monochromatic plane waves. Wavelength, frequency, velocity, phase and polarisation of a monochromatic
plane wave. The 4-dimensional wave vector and Doppler effect.
The hermitian polarisation tensor . Characterisation of totally polarised,
partially polarised and natural light in terms of . Degree of polarisation. Stokes parameters.

Partially polarised light:

Signature of radiation. Electric and magnetic dipole radiation. Radiation from an arbitrary
source. Power radiated by a point charge. Larmor formula. Lienards generalisation of the Larmor formula.
Radiation reaction; Abraham-Lorentz formula.

1. The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th. Edn., Pergamon Press, 1985, Sections 18, 23, 24, 25, 40 and 41.
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd. Edn., D.J.Griffiths, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999,
Chapters 10 and 11.
3. Principles of Optics, M.Born and E.Wolf, 6th. Edn., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980

7.5. Lab-7: Electronics Laboratory2

Any eight of the following:
1. Study of basic gates- AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR gates
2. FET characteristics



Universality of NAND, NOR gates

Circuits for Boolean expressions
Half-adder and Full-adder
Encoders and decoders
Timer circuits using IC 741
IC oscillators using IC 741
Flip-flops using IC 741- Astable, Bistable
RS and JK Flip-flops
Shift registers

8.1. Quantum Mechanics1
Fundamental concepts: Stern-Gerlach experiment, postulates of quantum mechanics, kets, bras and operators, matrix representations, measurements, observables and uncertainty relations. Change of basis, position, momentum and translation. Wave functions in position and momentum space. Quantum dynamics;
the Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures.
Harmonic oscillator: Review of classical oscillatorquantization in coordinate and energy bases. Passage

from one basis to another.

Symmetries and angular momentum: Translational invariance in quantum theory. Time translation
invariance. Parity invariance. Rotations in two dimensions. Angular momentum in three dimensions.
Eigenvalue problem of L2 and Lz .

Solution of the Schroedinger equation. Energy eigenstates, degeneracy. Multi-electron

atoms and periodic table.

Hydrogen atom:

Multielectron systems: Permutation symmetry. Symmetrization postulate. Two-electron system. Helium

Time independent perturbation theory, examples. Degenerate perturbation
theory. Variational and WEB methods.
Approximation methods:

Path integral formulation of Quantum theory: Case of the free particle and its propagator. Equivalence

to the Schroedinger equation.

1. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd Edn., 1984,
Plenum Press, New York
2. J.J.Sakurai, San Fe Tuan (Editor), Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley of India, 1999
3. L.I.Schiff, Quantum mechanics 3rd. Edn., (McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd. New Delhi 1968)
4. V.K.Thankappan, Quantum mechanics 2nd. Edn., Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
5. F.Schwabl, Quantum mechanics, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
6. E.Merzbacher, Quantum mechanics, John Wiley, New York


8.2. Special Theory of Relativity

Preliminaries: Real coordinates {x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 } in Minkowski spacetime; the Minkowski metric ij diag (1 1 1 1

Definition of the general homogeneous Lorentz transformation (HLT) as an element of the real 4 4 matrix group O(3, 1). Properties of a HLT and the four disjoint pieces of O(3, 1). The subgroup SO(3, 1) of
proper orthochronous Lorentz transformations. 4-scalars, 4-vectors and 4-tensors and their algebra. Raising
and lowering of indices. Timelike, null, and spacelike vectors and world-lines. The light-cone at an event.
Orthogonality of 4-vectors.
The proper-time interval d along the world-line of a
material particle. The 4-velocity and 4-acceleration of a material particle. The instantaneous (inertial)
rest-frame of a material particle and the components of 4-velocity and 4-acceleration in this frame. The
orthogonality of 4-velocity and 4-acceleration.
The rest-mass
o m0 of a material particle and the definition of
the relativistic 3-momentum p = mu = m0 / 1 u /c (dr/dt). The 4-momentum vector. Statement of
the second law of Newton in the form (dp/d ) = f where f is the 3-vector force on the particle. Definition of
the 4-force Fi and the 4-vector form (dPi /d ) = Fi of Newtons law. Determination of the zeroth component
F0 of the 4-force under the assumption dm0 /d = 0 along the world-line of the particle. Motion of a particle
under a conservative 3-force field f = and the energy integral E = mc2 + . The rest energy and the
relativistic kinetic energy of a particle.
Relativistic mechanics of a material particle.:

The 4-potential Ai and the 4-current-density Ji . The Maxwell

field tensor Fij . The dual field tensor Fij . Maxwell field equations in 4-dimensional form. The equation of
continuity i J i = 0. The Lorentz-4-force on a charge. The gauge invariance of Fij in terms of the 4-potential.
The two Lorentz invariants of Fij . Lorentz transformation of Fij . Lorentz invariant classification of Maxwell
fields into null, non-null, pure electric and pure magnetic fields.
Electrodynamics in covariant form:

Continuum mechanics: The 4-dimensional action integral for a continuous system. Euler equations of
motion. The energy-momentum tensor Tij and its Symmetrization. The energy-momentum tensors for the
electromagnetic field, perfect-fluid and incoherent-fluid. (Only the expressions for these tensors are to be
given; a detailed treatment is not expected). The identity j T ij = 0 and its meaning in the cases of the
electromagnetic field and the perfect-fluid.

1. The classical theory of fields, 4th Edition, L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifshitz, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
1985, Sections 1 to 6, 16 to 18, 23 to 25, 26 to 35.
2. Relativity: The special theory, J.L.Synge, North-Holland, 1972, Chapter 4.

8.3. Optics2
Electromagnetic waves: The electromagnetic wave equation in an isotropic dielectric medium, wave velocity
and refractive index, plane wave solutions, flow of energy, review of radiation. Reflection and refraction, the
Fresnel coefficients (details of working not expected), Brewster angle. Incidence in the denser medium, total
internal reflection, phase changes on total internal reflection, optical tunnelling, mirages.

Electromagnetic waves in an anisotropic medium. The dielectric

tensor. The index ellipsoid. Characteristic waves. The -surface for a crystal. Ordinary and extraordinary
rays. Conical propagation. Uniaxial crystals and light propagation in them. (Only a summary need be
given; detailed derivations not expected.) Optical activity; phenomenological theory involving a Hermitian

Polarisation and anisotropic media:


dielectric tensor. A brief summary of retardation plates compensators and crystal polarisers. Induced
anisotropy; the electro-optic, photo-elastic and magneto-optic effects.
Generalities; the Fabry-Perot interferometer. Multiple reflections in an
amplifying medium. The confocal resonator; transverse modes. Berrys phase in interferometry.
Multiple beam interference:

Geometrical theory of wave guiding. Wave equation for a planar waveguide. Dispersion.
Single-mode wave guide. Optical fibres. Step-index fibres. Graded-index fibres. Production of fibres. A
brief introduction to communication through optical fibres.

Optical fibres:

Coherence: Introduction. Properties of real light waves. The amplitude and phase of quasi-monochromatic

light. The spectrum of a random series of wave groups. White light. The mutual coherence function; the
optical stethoscope and visibility of interference fringes. Temporal coherence; degree of temporal coherence.
Spatial coherence; a qualitative investigation, The degree of spatial coherence. The van Cittert-Zernicke
theorem; laboratory demonstration of spatial coherence.
1. Optical Physics, 3rd Edition, S.G.Lipson, H.Lipson, and D.S.Tannhauser, Cambridge University Press,
1995, Chapters 5, 6, 9, 10, 11.
2. Principles of Optics, M.Born and E.Wolf, 6th. Edn., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980

8.4. Thermal Physics

Preliminaries; first law; second law; entropy; some immediate consequences of the
second law; thermodynamic potentials; the third law of thermodynamics.

Applications of thermodynamics: Thermodynamic description of phase transitions. Surface effects in

condensation. van der Walls equation of state.
Classical statistical mechanics: Liouvilles theorem; the postulate of equal a priori probability; the microcanonical ensemble; averages the most probable value and the ensemble average. Equilibrium properties of
a system discussed through the microcanonical ensemble. Derivation of thermodynamics. The generalised
equipartition theorem and the virial theorem; the theorem of equipartition of energy; the relation between
heat capacity and the number of degrees of freedom and its validity. Classical ideal gas. Gibbs paradox.

The postulates of quantum statistical mechanics. Density matrix. The

microcanonical ensemble. Third law of thermodynamics. Microcanonical ensemble for ideal Boltzmann,
Fermi and Bose gases; the derivation of the corresponding distribution formulae.
Quantum statistical mechanics:

Equation of state of an ideal Fermi gas (derivation not expected);

application to the theory of white dwarf stars; the Chandrasekar limit. Application of the Bose statistics to
photons; derivation of Plancks law; comments on the rest mass of photons. Bose-Einstein condensation.
Applications of quantum statistics:

1. Statistical Mechanics, K.Huang, Wiley-Eastern, 1975, Chapters 1, 2, 7, 11 and 12.
2. Molecular Physics, A.N.Matveev, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1985

8.5. Lab-8: Optics Laboratory2

Any eight of the following:


Verification of Fresnels laws of reflection

Determination of refractive index of a transparent dielectric using Brewsters law
Determination of birefringence of mica using quarter wave plate
Determination of birefringence of mica using Babinet compensator
Fabry-Perot etalon
Michelson interferometer
Laser experiments
Jamins interferometer
Verification of Brewsters law

9.1 Atomic and Molecular Physics
Hydrogen and hydrogen-like Systems: Spin of the electron; Pauli-Darwin theory of spin-orbit interaction.
Relativistic correction to the energy levels of the hydrogen atom; comparison with Dirac theory. Lamb-shift
and its origin. Alkali Atoms. Helium and atoms with two electrons outside closed shells. Optical pumping,
Doppler-free laser spectroscopy. Laser cooling and trapping of atoms and ions.
Molecular spectroscopy: . Overview of molecular spectroscopy. A brief introduction to IR, Raman, NMR,

NQR, FTR and microwave spectroscopy.

The chemical bond: Parameters of molecular structure: bond energies, bond lengths and bond angles.

Ionic bonds, ionic lattice energies and crystal lattice geometry. The simplest covalent bonds: the hydrogen
molecule ion and the hydrogen molecule. Atomic and molecular orbitals, electron dot structures, and the
octet rule. Molecular geometry; hybridization. Bond polarity. Multiple bonds. Multicenter bonds. Metallic
Molecular orbitals: Orbitals for homonuclear diatomic molecules. Heteronuclear diatomic molecules.

1. Atomic Theory, N.Tralli and P.R.Pomilla, McGraw-Hill, New York
2. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, C.N.Banwell, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
3. University Chemistry, 3rd. Edn., B.H.Mahan, Narosa (Addison-Wesley), New Delhi, 1975, Chapters
3, 10, 11 and 12
4. Optical Physics, 3rd Edition, S.G.Lipson, H.Lipson, and D.S.Tannhauser, Cambridge University Press,
1995, Section 11.6.

9.2. Quantum Mechanics2

Time dependent perturbation theory: First order perturbation; mention of higher orders. General
discussion of the electromagnetic interaction; interaction of atoms with electromagnetic radiation, energy
shift and decay width. Scattering theory: Introduction, recapitulation of one-dimensional scattering and
overview. Lippmann-Schninger equation. The Born approximation and Eikonal approximation. Free particle
statusplane waves and spherical waves, method of partial waves. Two particle scattering. Low energy
scattering and bound states. Resonance scattering.


Relativistic quantum mechanics: Klein Gordon equation, plane-wave solutions, negative energy. Equation

of continuity. The difficulties of the Klien-Gordon theory.

The free-particle Dirac equation in the Hamiltonian form. The algebra of Dirac
matrices; Dirac-Pauli representation. The covariant form of the Dirac equation in the presence of an
external electromagnetic field A . The Dirac -matrices and their algebra. Plane wave solutions of the
free-particle equation; the two-component form of the solution in the Dirac-Pauli representation, standard
normalisation of the solutions.
the spin operator S

Spin of the Dirac particle: Non-conservation of the angular momentum operator L;

+ S.
Commutation relations involving L,
and J
2 . Helicity. A brief
and the conservation of J
discussion of the hydrogen
atom according

 to Dirac theory through simultaneous eigenstate of the operators

H, J , Jz and K (2/
h)S J (
h/2) and the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Negative energy
states and anti-particles.
The Dirac equation:

Relativistic kinematics of scattering and reactions. The centre-of-mass frame.

Transformation from the lab-frame to the centre-of-mass frame. Cross sections and asymmetries.
Relativistic kinematics:

Field quantisation: The Lagrangean formalism for a field; Euler- Lagrange equations. Quantisation of the

electromagnetic field. Creation and annihilation operators. Fock states. Number representation. Quantisation of Fermion field. Interacting fields. Perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams. Coulomb scattering.
1. J.J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, New Delhi, 1999
2. H Muirhead, The Physics of elementary particles, Pergamon, New York
3. D Griffiths, Introduction to elementary particle physics, John-Wiley, New York, 1987

9.3. Solid State Physics

X-ray Crystallography: Crystalline state. Reference axes, equation of a plane, Miller indices, axial ratios

and zones. External symmetry of crystals; symmetry operations. Two and three dimensional point groups.
Lattices; two dimensional lattices, choice of unit cell. Three-dimensional lattices; crystal systems and Bravais
lattices. Screw and glide operations. Space groups; analysis of the space group symbol. Diffraction of Xrays by crystals: Laue equations. Reciprocal lattice. Bragg equations. Equivalence of Laue and Bragg
equations. Fourier analysis and inversion of Fourier series; Physical significance. Scattering from a unit
cell; structure factors, scattering factors and systematic absences. Structure factors of the bcc and the fcc
lattices, Friedels law. Intensity data collection and corrections to be applied. Analysis and refinement
(qualitative). Experimental techniques: Laue, powder, rotation, oscillation, Weissenberg and precession
methods. Diffractometers.
Crystal growth: Crystal growth from melt and zone refining technique.

Morphology. The smectic (A-H), nematic and cholesteric phases. Birefringence, texture
and X-ray studies in these phases. Orientational order and its determination in the case of nematic liquid

Liquid crystals:

Crystal lattice dynamics: Vibration of an infinite one-dimensional monatomic latticeFirst Brillouin Zone.

Group velocity. Finite lattice and boundary conditions. Vibrations of a linear diatomic latticeoptical and
acoustical branches relation.


Interstitial and substitutional solid solutions, Hume-Rothery Rules-Electron Compounds. Bragg and Williams long-range-order theory.
Formation of alloys:

Mossbauer effect: Application to lattice dynamics.

Diamagnetism and its origin. Expression for diamagnetic susceptibility.

Paramagnetism. Quantum theory of paramagnetism. Brillouin function. Ferromagnetism. Curie-Weiss
law. Spontaneous magnetisation and its variation with temperature. Ferromagnetic domains. Antiferromagnetism. Two sublattice model. Susceptibility below and above Neel temperature.

Magnetic properties of solids:

Intrinsic Semiconductors. Crystal structure and bonding. Expressions for carrier concentrations. Fermi energy, electrical conductivity and energy gap in the case of intrinsic semiconductors.
Extrinsic Semiconductors; impurity states and ionization energy of donors. Carrier concentrations and their
temperature variation. Qualitative explanation of the variation of Fermi energy with temperature and impurity concentration in the case of impurity semiconductors.


Semiconductor devices: Brief discussion of the characteristics and applications of tunnel diodes, photodi-

odes, phototransistors, JFET, SCR and UJT.

1. Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography, M.F.C.Ladd and R.A.Palmer,
Plenum Press, New York.
2. X-ray Structure Determination, G.H.Stout and L.H.Jensen, MacMillan, New York.
3. Crystals, X-rays and Proteins, D. Sherwood
4. Solid State Physics, A.J Dekker, Macmillan, London.
5. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edn., C Kittel, John Wiley, New York.
6. Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, 2nd Edn. J.P.Mckelvey, 1966, Harper and Row, New York.
7. Solid State Electronic Devices, 2nd Edn., B.G. Streetman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1983.
8. The Physics of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edn., P.G. De Gennes and J.Prost, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998.
9. X-Ray Diffraction: its theory and applications, S.K.Chatterjee, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,

9.4. Particle and Nuclear Physics

Properties of the nucleus: Nuclear radius-determination by mirror nuclei, mesic x-rays, electron scattering
and nuclear scattering methods (alpha,n). Nuclear moments: Spin, electric and magnetic moments. Relation
between j and mu on the basis of single particle model. Determination nuclear magnetic moment by molecular
beam experiment, experimental determination of the magnetic moment of proton and neutron.
Nuclear decay modes: Beta decay. Beta ray spectrum, neutrino hypothesis, mass of the neutrino from beta

ray spectral shape, Fermis theory of beta decay, Kurie plot, ft-values and forbidden transitions. Methods of
excitation of nuclei, Multipole transitions and internal conversion. Nuclear isomerism. Islands of isomerism.
Resonance scattering of gamma rays. Mossbauer effect. Mass of the photon. Characteristic x-rays. Auger
effect, Fluorescence yield.
Nuclear models: Liquid drop model - Weissackers formula - its application to (i) Stability of isobars
and (ii) Fission process. Shell model-single particle potentials, spin-orbit coupling and level scheme, Magic
numbers. Fermi gas model- estimation of well depth, level density, nuclear evaporation, the effect of Fermi
momentum in particle production.


Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter: Energy loss due to ionization for proton-like particles and

electrons. Bethe-Bloch formula, Range-energy relations. Radiation loss of fast electrons, Fermis theory
of Bremstrahllung. Interaction of gamma and x-rays with matter. Photo effect, Compton effect, pair
General features of nuclear forces, spin dependence, charge
independence, exchange character etc., Meson theory of nuclear forces - Yukawas theory, properties of pi
mesons-charge, isospin,mass, spin and parity, decay modes, meson resonances, strange mesons and baryons.
CP violations in K-decay.
Nuclear forces and elementary particles:

Particle interactions and families: Symmetries and conservation laws- classification of fundamental forces

and elementary particles. Associated particle production, Gellmann - Nishijima scheme, Eight- fold way,
Quarks and Gluons, Colour, charm, beauty and truth. Quark dynamics. Idea of Grand Unified Theories.

Introductory Nuclear Physics, Halliday, Wiley, New York.

Introductory Nuclear physics, Enge, Addison Wesley, New York.
Introductory Nuclear physics, K.S.Krane, Wiley, New York.
Introductory Nuclear Physics, Waghmare, M/S Oxford and IBH company, New Delhi
Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 2, S.N.Ghoshal, S.Chand and Company, New Delhi
Elementary-Particle Physics, Committee on Elementary-Particle Physics/ National Research Council,
Universities Press (India) Ltd., Hyderabad, 1998
Fundamental Particles- C.E. Schwartz
Elementary Particles- C.N.Yang
Elementary Particles- Frisch and Thorndike, Van Nostrand, New Jersey
Fundamental Particles- K.Nishijima, Benjamin, New York
Introduction to Particle Physics, M.P. Khanna, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi

9.5. Lab-9: Spectroscopy, Solid State and Nuclear Physics

Any eight of the following:

Determination of the paramagnetic susceptibility of the given salt by Quinckes method

Study of mercury spectrum by superposing it on brass spectrum
Sodium spectrum analysis by using Edser-Butler fringes
Temperature coefficient of resistance of a thermistor
Analysis of the powder X-ray photograph of a simple cubic crystal
Thermionic work-function of a metal (Richardson-Dushmann formula)
Study of the Raman effect in a liquid
Determination of the Curie temperature of a ferromagnetic material
Half-life of Indium-116
Resolution of a NaI(TI) scintillation spectrometer
Compton scattering determination of the rest energy of an electron
Beta absorption studies
Gamma-ray absorption studies

10.1. Modern Biology for Physicists
Cell biology and biochemical methods: Cell division and cell cycle events, sub-cellular fractionation,
principle and methodology of chromatography, electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation and tracer techniques.
Structure and function of proteins and enzymes: Amino acids, peptides. Proteins: structure and function.

Enzymes: general properties, kinetics, mechanism of action and regulation of activities.

Bioenergetics and metabolism: Role of ATP, biologic oxidation, respiratory chain and oxidative phospho-

rylation. Overview of intermediary metabolism, integration of metabolism.

Structure, function and replication of informational macromolecules: Nucleotides, nucleic acidic structure and function. DNA organisation, replication and repair. RNA synthesis, processing and modification.
Protein synthesis and the genetic code, regulation of gene expression, recombinant DNA technology.

Membranes: Structure, assembly and

function. Harmone action: general information, mechanism of peptide and steroid hormone action, significance of over and under production.
Biochemistry of extracellular and intracellular communication:

Special topics: Vitamins, glycoproteins, the extracellular matrix, muscle and cytoskeleton, plasma proteins,

immunoglobulins, blood coagulation, metabolism of xenobiotics, cancer, cancerogens and growth factors,
biochemical and genetic basis of disease, biochemical basis of neuropsychiatric disorders.
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell, B.Alberts, D.Bray, J.Leurs, M.Raff, K.Roberts and J.D.Watson, 1994
2. Molecular Cell Biology, H.Lodish, D.Baltimore, A.Berk, S.L.Zipensky P.Matsudaira and J.Darnell,
3. Biochemistry, L.Stryer, W.H.Freeman, New York, 1995
4. Biochemistry, D.Voet and J.G.Voet, John-Wiley, New York, 1995
5. Principles of Biochemistry, A.L.Lehringer, D.V.Nelson and M.M.Cox, CBS Publications, Delhi, 1993
6. Principles of Biochemistry, G.L.Zubay, W.W.Parson and D.E.Vance, W.C.Brown Publishing, Dubuque,
Iowa, 1995
7. Practical BiochemistryPrinciples and Techniques, K.Wilson and J.Walker (Editors), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994

MO-1: Riemannian Geometry and General Theory of Relativity

Affine manifolds: Levi-Civita transport and affine connection. Flat and non-flat affine manifolds. Coderiva-

tives. Transformation law and other properties of the affinity. Tensors fields on a curve and intrinsic derivatives. Geodesics. Successive co-differentiation and the Riemann tensor. Local geodesic coordinates.
Geometry of spacetime: Space-time manifold. Spacetime metric, signature. Metric tensors and associate

tensors. The metric affinity. Variational principle for geodesics. (The case of timelike geodesic only need be
discussed.) The curvature tensor and its algebraic properties. Enumeration of the number of independent
non-zero components of the curvature tensor. The necessary and sufficient condition for flatness. (Proof
of sufficiency not expected.) Contraction of the curvature tensor. The tensors of Ricci and Einstein. The
Bianchi identity and its contracted form.


Orthonormal tetrads (ONTs) in spacetime. Lorentz transformations as transformations connecting different ONTs at an event. Construction of a locally inertial coordinate systems at an
event of spacetime.

Orthonormal tetrads:

Einstein equations: The principles of equivalence and general covariance. Gravitational field equations of

Einstein. The weak field, slow velocity, approximation and the identification of the corresponding Newtonian
gravitational potential and the universal constant in the equation.
The solution. Geodesics of the Schwarschild field. Advance of planetary
perihelia, light bending, time delay and gravitational redshift in the Schwarzschild field.
The Schwarzschild solution:

A brief qualitative account of black holes, gravitational waves and gravitational lensing.
1. The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th. Edn., Pergamon Press, 1985
2. General Relativity, R.M.Wald, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984
3. A First Course in General relativity, B.F.Schutz, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985

MO-2: Physical Properties of Solids

Imperfections in solids: Different types of imperfections and their energy of formation. Diffusion in metals.
Kirkendall effect. Ionic conductivity in pure and doped halides. Colour centres, excitons, photoconductivity,
traps, space charge effects, crystal counter. Photographic process.

Shear strength of single crystals. Dislocations-Burgers vector. Stress fields of dislocation,

Low-angle grain boundaries. Dislocation and crystal growth. Whiskers.

Free electron theory of metals: Boltzmann transport equation, Sommerfelds theory of electrical conductivity, mean free path in metals, temperature dependence of resistivity on temperature and impurities.
Matthiessens rule. Electron-photon collisions. Thermal conductivity of insulators, Umklapp processes. Electrical conductivity of metals at high frequencies. Plasma frequency. Transparency of alkali metals to UV
radiation. Anomalous skin effect. Plasmons. Field enhanced emission, Schottky effect. Hall effect and
magnetoresistance in metals. Cyclotron frequency.
Band theory of Solids: Bloch theorem, Bloch functions, periodic potentials, reciprocal lattice, periodic
boundary conditions, density of states, Brillouin zones, nearly free electron approximation, approximate solution near a zone boundary, tight-binding approximation, application to square and cubic lattices. Constant
energy surfaces, Fermi surfaces. Brillouin zones in square lattice. Overlapping of bands. Soft x-ray emission
spectra. Explanation of Hume-Rothery rules in binary alloys in terms of Brillouin zones

Elementary ideas of BCS theory. Cooper pairs, energy gap, Meissner effect, flux
quantisation, Josephson tunnelling, Josephson junction. Elements of theory for DC and AC bias. Quantum
Interferometers. High Tc Superconductors.

Luminescence: General remarks, Excitation and Emission. Franck-Condon principle. Decay mechanisms-

Temperature dependent and independent decays. Thermo-luminescence and glow curve, electro-luminescence.
Gudden-Pohl effect, carrier injection luminescence.
Dielectric properties of solids: Polarisation. Macroscopic electric field. Depolarisation field. Local
electric field at an atom. Lorentz field. Field of dipoles inside cavity. Dielectric constant and polarizability,
Clausius-Mossotti relation. Electronic, ionic and orientational polarizabilities. Polarisation catastrophe.
Dipole orientation in solids. Debye relaxation time, relaxation times in solids, complex dielectric constants
and loss angle. Classical theory of elctronic polarization and optical absorption.


Basic properties of ferroelectric materials. Classification of ferroelectric crystals. Theories of Barium titanate. Displasive transition, thermodynamics of ferroelectric phase transitions. London
theory of the phase transition. Dielectric constant near the curie point. LST relation and its implication.
Ferroelectric domains. Antiferroelectricity.
Ferro electricity:

Analysis of elastic strains and stresses. Elastic compliance and stiffness

constants, applications to cubic crystals and isotropic solids. Elastic waves and experimental determination
of elastic constants.
Elastic constants of crystals:

Magnetic properties of solids: Ferromagnets. Ground state of the Heisenberg ferromagnet. Ground state

of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Low temperature behaviour of the Heisenberg ferromagnet; spin waves
in one-dimension, quantisation of spin waves, thermal excitation of magnons, Blochs T 3/2 law for variation
of magnetisation.
Phenomenological description; complex susceptibility. Casimir and Dupres
thermodynamical theory of spin lattice relaxation, spin-spin relaxation.
Paramagnetic relaxation:

Elements of theory of NMR, Blochs equations, solutions for the steady state case
and that of the weak RF field, power absorption, change of inductance near resonance, saturation at high
RF power. Dipolar line width in a rigid lattice. Ferromagnetic resonance; elements of the theory.
Magnetic resonance:

Behaviour of solids under high pressures: changes in mechanical, electrical and other physical properties
Thin Films: Preparation of organic and metallic thin films. Measurement of the thickness of the thin films.

Electrical, mechanical and optical properties of thin films. Some applications of thin films.

Solid State Physics, A.J Dekker, Macmillan, London.

Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edn., C Kittel, John Wiley, New York.
Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, 2nd Edn. J.P. Mckelvey, 1966, Harper and Row, New York.
Solid State Electronic Devices,2nd Edn., B.G. Streetman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1983.
Fundamentals of Solid State Physics, B.S. Saxena, R.C. Gupta and P.N.Saxena, Pragathi Prakashana,
Solid State Physics, H.Itach and H.Luth, Narosa, New Delhi
Solid State Physics, S.O. Pilai, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Physical Properties of Materials, Mclovells, Avery and Vermon.
Introduction to solids, Azaroff.
Imperfections in Crystals, Van Beuren.

MO-3: Semiconductor Physics

Elemental and compound semiconductors: A brief discussion on elemental and compound semiconductors

and their properties.

Carrier concentrations. Effect of temperature and impurity concentrations
on the carrier concentrations. Electrical neutrality condition. Fermi energy. Variation of Fermi energy
with temperature and impurity density when the Boltzmann approximation is valid. Effect of impurity
density and temperature on Fermi energy at very low temperatures. Mobility of current carriers. Effect
of temperature and doping on mobility. Electrical conductivity. Variation of Electrical conductivity with
respect to temperature, impurity concentration and the energy band gap. Impurity band conductivity.
Impurity semiconductors:


Hall effect in intrinsic and impurity semiconductors: Expression for Hall coefficient in terms of mobility

of current carriers and carrier densities. Hall mobility and Hall factor. Effect of temperature, impurity
concentration and magnetic field on Hall mobility of charge carriers. Hall factor and its temperature variation.
Magneto-resistance and its variation with respect to the applied magnetic field.
Cyclotron resonance: Cyclotron resonance in Si and Ge semiconductors. Effective mass tensor. Variation

of cyclotron resonance frequency with orientation of the crystal in the magnetic field. Carriers life time.
Recombination life time. Dielectric relaxation life time, dependence of electron life time on hole concentration
and hole life time on electron concentration.
Recombination of electrons and holes: Shockley- Read- Hall theory. Gunn effect; expressions for drift ve-

locity and electron temperature. Space charge domains, expression for the space charge density, superlattice
phenomenon, Bloch oscillators
Generation and recombination rates. Transport behaviour of excess
carriers. Continuity equations for excess carriers; Einstein equations, Expression for the diffusion length.
Amorphous silicon; properties and applications.
Excess carriers in semiconductors:

Semiconductor Devices: The pn junction diode. Formation of space charge region. Expressions for barrier

potential, barrier thickness and contact field. Effect of the applied field on the above junction parameters.
Transition capacitance associated with the space-charge region. Expressions for current densities using
continuity equations for excess carriers. Diffusion capacitance due to excess minority carriers. Reverse
saturation current; effect of temperature on the reverse saturation current, determination of band gap of
an intrinsic material used in the diode. AC behaviour of diodes, pulsed response of diodes. Solar cells; pn
junction solar cells, expression for the efficiency and fill factor. Heterojunctions. Transistors; Theory of pnp
and npn transistors using continuity equations for excess carriers. Expressions for dc current gain, effect of
the frequency of ac field on the current gain and cut-off frequencies. A brief discussion of the following:

breakdown mechanism in Zener diode,

IMPATT diode,
semiconductor lasers,

Preparation of high purity semiconductor materials: Zone refining technique and floating zone technique.
Growth of single crystal sample; Czochralski process. Liquid-phase epitaxy, and vapour-phase epitaxy.

Measurement of
1. bulk resistivity using potential traverse and four-probe techniques,
2. impurity content and mobility by Hall effect and
A brief discussion on the fabrication of pn junction and pnp and npn transistors.

Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, 2nd Edn. J.P.Mckelvey, 1966, Harper and Row, New York.
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Dilip K Roy, University Press, 1992, Hyderabad.
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Michael Schur, Prentice-Hall of India, 1999, New Delhi.
Optoelectronics- An Introduction, 2nd Edn., J. Wilson and J F B Hawkes Prentice-Hall of India, 1996,
New Delhi.
5. Solid State Electronic Devices, 2nd Edn., B.G. Streetman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1983.

MO-4: Nuclear detectors, Nuclear pulse techniques, Timing spectroscopy, Decay

processes and Electromagnetic Interactions with Nuclei
Scintillation processes in inorganic crystals(NaI(Tl)). Semiconductor detectors- Diffused junction, Surface barrier and Lithium drift detectors- Relation between applied voltage and depletion
layer thickness in junction detectors, Hyper pure germanium detectors, Cerenkov detectors.
Nuclear Detectors:

Nuclear Pulse techniques: Energy Spectroscopy: Preamplifier circuits. Charge sensitive and voltage sen-

sitive preamplifiers. Linear pulse amplifiers. Linearity, stability, pulse shaping, pulse streching. operational
amplifiers. Analog to digital converters. Scalars, Schmidt trigger as a pulse discriminatory. Single channel
analyser - Integral and differential discriminators. Multichannel analysers and online data processing.
Coincidence and anti coincidence circuits. Delay circuits. Time to amplitude
conversion - Start-stop and overlap converters.

Timing spectroscopy:

Beta Decay; Classification of beta interactions. Matrix elements. Fermi and GamowTeller selection rules for allowed beta decay. The non-conservation of parity in beta decay. Experiments
with Co-60. The universal Fermi interaction.Theory of electron capture. Gamma decay.

Decay Processes:

Electromagnetic interactions with nuclei: Multipole transitions. Transition probabilities in nuclear mat-

ter. Weisskopfs estimates. Structure effects. Selection rules. Internal conversion Photodisintegration of
deuteron and radiative capture of neutron by proton. Gamma ray spectroscopy: Life time measurements.
Gamma- gamma, beta- gamma angular correlation studies. Angular distribution of gamma rays from oriented nuclei. Polarization of gamma rays.

Physics of the nuclei and particles, Vol. 1, Mermier and Sheldon, Academic Press, New York.
Nuclei and Particles-E.Segre, Benjamin, New York
Introductory Nuclear Physics, A.P.Arya, Allyn and Bacon, Boston
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Blatt and Weisskopf, Wiley, New York
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Vols. 1,2,3, E.Segre, Wiley, New York
The alpha, beta and gamma ray spectroscopy: Vols. 1 and 2, K.Siegbahn, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Nuclear Radiation Detectors, J.W.Price, McGraw-Hill, New York
Nuclear Radiation Detectors, Kapoor and Ramamoorthy, Wiley-Eastern, Bangalore
Nuclear Radiation Detectors, R.M.Singru, Wiley-Eastern, New Delhi
Nuclear Electronics, Kowalskii, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Lee, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Electronics for the physicist, C.Delaney, Penguin Books, England

MO-5: Gauge Theories, Electroweak Interaction, Strong Interaction and Quarks

Gauge theories: Lagrangean Formalism and Conservation laws. Hamiltons principle, Free field theory
examples, Symmetries and conservation laws. Four vectors and scalar products, Dirac matrices, Trace
theorems and Tensor contractions. Dirac equation and Dirac spinors. Observables and Feynman Rules.
Phase space Formulae. Decay rates and cross sections. Feynman rules, Generalities, Feynman integrals.
Regularization procedures. Application to Electrodynamics. Gauge invariance in classical and Quantum
mechanics. Phase invariance in Field theory. Non-abelian Gauge theories: Motivation, construction, Physical


consequences. Hidden symmetries. The idea of Spontaneously broken symmetries. Spontaneous breaking of
continuous symmetries. Higgs mechanism. Spontaneous breakdown of non-abelian symmetry.
Effective Lagrangean for weak interactions. Intermediate vector
bosons. Standard model, neutral current interactions. The Higgs boson renormalizability.
Electroweak interactions of leptons:

Strong interactions and quarks: (1) Deep inelastic lepton-Hadron scattering (2) Weinberg-Salam-Glashow

model. Hadron-hadron interactions. Colour gauge theory. Charge renormalization in Electrodynamics.

QCD preliminaries.
1. C Quigg, Gauge theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic interactions, The Benjamin/Cummings,
London, 1983
2. D Griffiths, Introduction to elementary particle physics, John-Wiley, New York, 1987
3. S Gasiorowicz, Elementary particle Physics, John-Wiley, New York, 1966

MO-6: Nuclear Fission, Reactor Theory and Nuclear Models

Nuclear fission: Fission cross section, Spontaneous fission Mass- energy distribution of fission fragments.
Liquid drop model. Barrier penetration. Comparison with experiment. Statistical model of fission. Photofission. Photo-nuclear reactions.
Reactor theory: Neutron and its interaction with matter- collision kinematics, differential elastic scattering

cross sections, isotropic scattering, average energy loss per collision, slowing down power and moderating
ratio. The criticality condition for a reactor. Neutron transport equation using elementary diffusion theory. One group critical equation. Two group critical equation. The age diffusion method. The critical
size. Reactors of various shapes. Non-leakage probabilities. The effective multiplication factor. Reflector
reactors: effects of reflector. One group method, reflector savings. Homogeneous reactor systems. Infinite
multiplication factor. Calculation of critical size. Heterogeneous reactor systems: calculation of thermal
utilisation. Calculation of optimum lattice. fast reactors, multi group equations. Evaluation of Buckling.
Core composition and critical mass.
Nuclear models: Shell model: Motion in a mean potential. Square well and simple harmonic oscillator po-

tential well, spin-orbit interaction and Magic numbers. Extreme single particle model, Single particle model:
Spin, magnetic and quadrupole moments. Nordhiems Rules. Stripping reaction, Beta decay. Collective
model: Evidences for the collective motion. Nuclear rotational motion. Rotational energy spectrum and
nuclear wave functions for even-even nuclei. Odd-A nuclei energy spectrum and wave function. Collective
vibrational excitations. Collective oscillations. Davidov and Fillipovs model. Nilsson Model. Many body
self-consistent models: Hatree-Fock model. Super fluid model.

Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory, Glasstone and Edlund, Van Nostrand, New Jersey
Physics of Nuclear Reactors, S. Garg, F.Ahmed and I.S.Kothari, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
Elementary Theory of Nuclear Shell Structure, Mayer, Wiley, New York
Physics of Nucleus, Preston, Addison-Wesley, New York
Nuclear Physics, Roy and Nigam, New Age International, New Delhi
Nuclear Structure Physics, M.K.Pal, Affiliated East-West Press, New Delhi

MO-7: X-ray Crystallography

Morphological study of Crystals, Crystal systems. Miller indices. Interfacial angles.
Stereographic projections. Point groups. Space lattices. Unit cell and lattice parameters. Space groups.
Crystal Symmetry:

X-ray Diffraction by crystals: Laue conditions and Braggs law and equivalence of the two. The reciprocal

lattice. Definition of reciprocal vectors, Properties, Ewalds sphere and Construction. Scattering by an
electron and atom. Atomic scattering factor. Anomalous scattering, Geometrical structure factor of the unit
cell. Absent reflections and space groups. Scattering by gases and liquids. Intensity of Bragg reflections from:
(a) small crystallite (b) a powder specimen, Lorentz and polarization factors. Diffraction by a perfect crystal.
Dynamical theory and its main results. Absorption factors. Temperature factors and other corrections to
be applied to raw intensities.
Electron and neutron diffraction:

Basic principles. Differences between them and X-ray diffraction.

Laue, Rotation, Oscillation, Powder, Weissenberg and precession methods.
Diffractometer geometries. Cell parameter and space group determination. Molecular weight Determination. Low angle scattering. Intensity measurements. Photographic and counter techniques. Reduction of
intensities to structure amplitudes. Various corrections. Absolute scale factor and temperature factor from
statistical methods. Statistical method for finding the presence of center of symmetry.
Experimental techniques:

Structure analysis: Fourier analysis of electron density. Fourier and Patterson synthesis. Harker sections

and lines. Heavy atom methods. Intuitive methods. Superposition methods. Direct methods for phase
determination. The inequality relations isomorphous replacement methods. Anomalous dispersion methods.
Use of different wavelengths. Development of a structure when a part of it is known. Difference Patterson
synthesis and error Fourier synthesis. Figure of merit. Refinement of structures: Difference Fourier synthesis.
The least squares method. Accuracy of the parameters. Bond lengths.
The tools from analytic geometry. Bond distances and angles. Leastsquares planes. Analysis of thermal motion of atoms. An introduction to rigid body groups. Rigid body
analysis of thermal motion. Application of X-ray Diffraction techniques: Production of X-rays. Continuous
and characteristic spectra. Synchrotron sources. Filters. Monochromators. Identification. ASTM powder
diffraction file. Molecular weight determination. Molecular structure analysis. metallurgical STUDY. Phase
diagrams. Thermal expansion. Stress analysis. Particle size. Study of fibre structures.
Crystallographic parameters:

1. Structure determination by X-ray Crystallography, M.F.C.Ladd and R.A.Palmer,
Plenum Press, New York.
2. X-ray Structure Determination, G.H.Stout and L.H.Jensen, MacMillan, New York.
3. Crystals, X-rays and Proteins, D. Sherwood

MO-8: Biophysics
Biological large molecules, their general character, Chemistry of nucleic acids.
Proteins, Polysaccharides, lipids.

General Introduction:

Light Scattering: Outline of the derivation of Raleighs equation for scattering for dilute gases. Theory for
particles small compared with wavelength of light. Theory for large particles with dimensions approaching
the wavelength of light. Expressions for the particle scattering factor P((). The limiting form of P(() and
its relation to radius of gyration. Treatment of experimental data.


Spectroscopy: Infrared absorption spectra of macromolecules. Infrared dichroism. Ultraviolet and Visible

spectra of macromolecules. Visible and UV dichroism. UV difference spectra.

Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism: Principles of optical rotation. Circular dichroism.

Application to polypeptides and proteins. Conformational changes and stereo chemical configuration of
Structure of proteins and Polypeptides: Structure at macromolecular level, K-M-E-F group of proteins,

alpha helix and related helices. Pleated sheet structure. Collagen group of proteins. Triple helix of collagen.
Structure at electron microscope level. Globular proteins. Myoglobin and Hemoglobin.
Molecular Structure of acids: Structure of DNA Watson Crick model, base pairing schemes. Structure of

RNA. Structure of synthetic polynucleotides.

Viruses: Classification, structure of TMV. Packing of spherical virus units. Icosahedron. X-ray and electron

microscope studies.
Molecular bases of Nuclei heredity: Gene chromosomes. Mechanism of protein synthesis. Genetic code,

Mutation and its significance in evolution.

Polysaccharides: Classification, Conformation of Sugars. Structure of polysaccharides. Cellulose. Starch.

Application of Physical methods, Radiation effects on Biological system.

Bio-Molecular studies by X-ray Diffraction Techniques: Early work on proteins, wet crystals, shrinkage stages, salt change, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins. Ramachandran
diagram. The globine and other heme proteins. Myoglobin, haemoglobin cytochromes, catinases. Lysozome. Chymotypsin rypsin Elastase. Subtilisin. Papin. Dehydrogfenases Lactate. Malate Liner alcohol.
Glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate. Metaloenzymes. Thermolysin. Carbonicenhydrase. Carboxipeptidase. Virus
structures: STNV, BSV. CCMV, Quasiequivalence and triangular symmetry. Helical structures: Keratin,
Collagen. DNA, TMV. Studies on Biopolymers. Crystallisation of Biomolecules. Growth conditions.


Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, C.Tanford

Molecular Biophysics, Sctlow and Pollard
Light Scattering in Physical Chemistry, K.A.Stauy
Bio-physical Chemistry, Edsall and Wyman
Biochemistry, Stryer
Protein Crystallography, Blundell and Johwon
Molecular Structure of Amino Acids: Determination by X-ray Diffraction Analysis, Gurskaya

MO-9: Physical Astronomy

The solar system: Dimensions and dynamics; the celestial sphere; stellar parallax and stellar aberration;

precession of the equinoxes. The electromagnetic spectrum; basic principles of continuous and line spectra.
physical principles of telescopes, interferometers, spectrographs and detectors. The Sun, a typical star: features of the quiet sun and active sun.
Astronomical instrumentation:

Stars in general: Observable properties of single and multiple systems; spectral classification; the HertzprungRussel diagram; elementary physics of stellar atmospheres and interiors; stellar evolution; degenerate, variable and violent stars.


The interstellar medium:

Properties of gas and dust; the effect of dust on distance determinations;

molecules and masers.

The galaxy: Components of the Galaxy; stellar populations and stellar motions; differential galactic rota-

tion. Mass and distance estimates.

External galaxies: Characteristics of normal and active galaxy. The extra galactic distance scale; red-shift-

distance relationship, missing mass; gravitational lensing.

Introduction to cosmology: large-scale structure of the Universe; the cosmic microwave background; the

standard big-bang model.

1. Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4th. Edn., Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, Saunders
2. Conceptual astronomy, M.Zeilik, John Wiley, New York, 1993

MO-10: Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum; Optics, Foundations of Quantum Physics and Quantum Computation
Commutation relations and states. Transformations under rotations. Coupling of
three and four angular momenta. Racah coefficients, Wigner 9 j symbols applications. Spherical tensors,
theoretical properties. Wigner-Eckart theorem. Projection theorem. Evaluation of matrix elements between
coupled angular momentum states. Vector spherical harmonics. Gradient theorem (Proof not required.).
Angular momentum:

Density matrix and average expectation values. Equation of motion. Temporal

evolution in an exactly solvable case. Spin density matrix. Spherical tensor parameters and polarization.
Oriented, non-oriented, aligned systems. Polarization in scattering of spin 1/2 particles.

Pure and mixed states:

Stokes parameters. Completely polarised and partially polarised light. Jones

calculus for completely polarised light. Some Jones matrices. Mueller calculus for partially polarised light.
Mueller matrices, and their characterisation and classification.

Density matrix for light:

Foundations of Quantum Physics: The notion of physical reality and locality. EPR Paradox. Illustration

using a singlet system of two spin-1/2 particles. Non-local nature of Quantum mechanics. Hidden variable
theories. Bells inequalities and Aspects experiments.
Quantum Computation: Essential features of classical computation Quantum mechanics and computers.

A spin-1/2 system as a 2-bit system. Applications of Quantum ideas of superposition, uncertainty principle
and measurement to evolve new way of computation simulating a simple quantum computer. Illustrative

J J Sakurai, S F Tuan (Editor), Modern Quantum Mechanics, 1999, Addison Wesley, India
A R Edmonds, Angular momentum in quantum mechanics
L C Biedenharn and D Van Dam, Quantum theory of angular momentum
M E Rose, Elementary theory of angular momentum
C P Williams and S H Clearwater, Explorations in Quantum computing, Springer-Verlag, New York,


MO-11: Two Particle Systems, Scattering, Nuclear Reactions and Heavy Ion
Two Particle systems: Deuteron: Schroedinger equation for a two nucleon system. Theory of the ground

state of the deuteron assuming a central, square well potential. Excited states. Ground state of the deuteron
under non-central forces. Deuteron as a mixture of s and d states. Deuteron magnetic and quadrupole
Nucleon-nucleon scattering processes: Theory of s-wave scattering of neutrons by free protons and
experimental results. Wigners formula for n p scattering. Theory of scattering of slow neutrons by bound
protons (ortho and para hydrogen) and experimental results. Effective range theory for n p scattering.
s-wave theory of proton-proton scattering. Motts modification of Rutherfords formula. Description of n p
and p p scattering at intermediate and high energies-experimental results. One pion exchange potential.
Pion -nucleon scattering- experimental results. (3/2, 3/2) resonance.
Nuclear Reactions: Born approximation for phase shift. P.W.B.A and D.W.B.A methods. Cross section

for scattering and reactions. Breit-Wigner formulae. The compound nucleus reaction. Continuum theory.
Statistical theory of nuclear reactions. Evaporation probability and cross sections for specific reactions.
Special features of charged particle reactions. Optical model: Giant resonances, KapurPearls dispersion
formula for potential scattering. Direct reactions: Kinematics of stripping and pickup reactions. Theory of
stripping and pickup reactions. Inverse reactions
Heavy ion Physics: Special features of heavy ion physics. Remote heavy ion electromagnetic interactions.

Coulomb excitations. Close encounters. Heavy ion scattering. Grazing interactions. Particle transfer. Direct
and head on collisions, compound nucleus and quasi molecule formation.

Introductory Nuclear Theory- Elton, Van Nostrand, New Jersey

Nuclear Physics- Roy and Nigam New Age International Ltd, New Delhi
Nuclear structure Physics- M.K.Pal, Affiliated East-West Press, New Delhi
Nuclear Reactions- Sachtler, Addison Wesley, New York
Nuclear Reactions- Hodgson, Academic Press, New York
Physics of Nuclei and Particles-Vol 2, Mermier and Sheldon, Academic Press, New York

MO-12: Structure Correlation and Supramolecules

Molecular Structure and Coordinate Systems: Molecules and molecular fragments; Positional and crystal

coordinates; Linear and symmetry transformations; Molecule/Fragment centred coordinate systems; Invariants of molecular/fragment structure; Internal coordinates; Distance geometry; External or Internal coordinates; Superposition of molecules; Configuration space; Deformation coordinates and reference structures;
Linear transformations in configuration space.
Symmetry Aspects of Structure Correlation: Introduction; Permutation groups and point group symme-

tries; Symmetry coordinates, a simple example and some generalisations related to point group symmetry;
Symmetry aspects of specific types of molecule; Tetrahedral MX4 molecules and degenerate irreducible
representations; MX5 and MX6 molecules; Out-of-plane deformations of five and six-membered rings; Configuration spaces for molecules with several symmetrical reference structures; Internal rotation in non-rigid
molecules; Ethane, one internal rotational degree of freedom; Two and three internal rotational degrees of
freedom; Four internal rotational degrees of freedom, Tetraphenylmethane and cognate molecules.

Statistical and Numerical Methods of Data Analysis: Introduction; Choice of parameters for statistical

analysis; Coordinate basis; Internal coordinate axes; Internal coordinates and chemical fragments; Internal
coordinates and types of analysis; Bond length studies; Studies of coordination geometry at atomic centres;
Conformational studies; Studies of hydrogen bonding; Sources of variation in crystallographic structural
data; Mean values and other simple descriptive statistics; Characteristics of distributions; Means of normal or near-normal distributions; Dispersion; Departures from normality; Estimates of central tendency
for non-normal distributions; Comparison of distributionsIntroduction; Significance of differences between
means; Covariance, correlation and regression; Comparison of ratios; Multivariate statisticsIntroduction;
Fragment symmetry and chirality; Principal component analysis(PCA); An asymmetrical example: 10 aminoribofuranosides; A symmetrical example: conformation of six-membered rings; Symmetrical examples: Coordinate geometries at metal centres; Methods based on dissimilarity matricesIntroduction; Measures of dissimilarity; Multidimensional scaling; Cluster analysis; Cluster analysis of symmetrical fragments;
Symmetry-modified clustering: An example; Mean geometries for complete fragments; Least-squares superposition methods; Averaging clusters: The most representative fragment; Miscellaneous graphical methods;
Statistical software.
Introduction Structural probes of reactivity, Non-bonded distances; Conceptual
framework: Energy surfaces; Energy minima, force constants and structure correlation; Energy minima,
symmetry force constants and structure correlation; Reaction profiles and structure correlation; Principle
of structure-(structure) correlation; Structure-energy correlation; Equilibria in crystals; Transition-state
theory and free-energy relationships; Structural reorganisation in degenerate and non-degenerate reactions;
Determination of transition-state structure; Principle of structure-energy correlation.
Structure Correlation:

Conformation Analysis: Introduction; Description of local conformations; Conformational analysis of single

molecules; Conformation of tetraalkyldiphosphine; Conformation and chemical reactivity; Chair-boat interconversion of six-membered rings in the solid; Conformational analysis of multiple molecular fragments; Low
energy conformations of macrocyclic ring systems; Conformational analysis of carboxylic esters and amides;
Conformational studies of the methoxyphenyl group; Conformation and pseudorotation of five-membered
rings; Conformational analysis of cyclopentenones; Space groups as a tool to visualise conformational variation; Two, three, four and more torsion angles.
Bond-LengthBond-Valence Relationships in Inorganic Solids: Introduction; Bond-lengthbond-valence

correlations; Correlation between bond-length and bond-valence; Distortion theorem; Applications of bondlength bond-valence correlations; Bond networks and network theorems; Bond network as a directed
bipartite graph; Network equations; Non-bipartite graphs; Physical significance of bond valences; Bonding
between fragmentsprinciples of structure organisation; Influence of the environment on the structure of a
fragment; Decomposition of an inorganic structure into fragments; External bonding of fragments; Internal
structure of fragments; Failure of network equations; Distortions cause by electronic effects and spatial
The Role of Hydrogen Bonding in Molecular Assemblies: Introduction; Hydrogen bond; Electron den-

sity mapping of hydrogen bonded molecules; Role played by C-H. . . O and C-H. . . N interactions in molecular
packingIntroduction; C(sp)-H. . . O and C(sp2 )-H. . . O interactions; C(sp3 )-H. . . O contacts; Proton disorder in hydrogen bonded systems; Ice and other structures with disordered hydrogen bonds; Order-disorder of
the carboxyl dimer and proton transfer; Prediction and generation of crystal structures; Characterising the
geometry and patterns of hydrogen bonds; Packing motifs of commonly occurring hydrogen bonding groups;
Hydrogen bonding arrangements of molecules ROH; Carboxylic acids; T Catemer motif; Carboxylic acid
cyclic dimer motif; Lone-pair directionality of O-H. . . O (carboxyl) bonds; Primary and secondary amides;
Secondary amides; Glide or twofold screw relation; Translation motif; Hydrogen bonding between molecular
chains; Primary amides; Stacking of amide cyclic dimers; -amino acids; Hydrogen bonding in phospho-


lipids; Acids and amides with attached hydrogen bonding groups; Co-crystalsIntroduction; Selection and
complementarity in the formation of co-crystals; Hydrates; Purines and pyrimidines; Co-crystals of carboxylic acids and amides; Host/Guest hydrogen bonded complexes; Crystals based on intrinsic hydrogen
bonding characteristics; Co-crystals as agents for materials design; Role of hydrogen bonding at crystal interfaces; Growth of crystals in the presence of Taylor-made auxiliaries; Effect of solvent on crystal growth;
Taylor-made auxiliaries as crystal growth promoters.
Molecular Packing and Correlations between Molecular and Crystal Properties: Introduction; Repre-

sentation and properties of a molecule; Atomic designators;Hydrogen atoms; Derived molecular properties;
Size; Stoichiometry; Electrondistribution; Molecular shape; Representation and properties of a crystal;Data
retrieval and geometrical model; Crystal energy; Definitions; Packing energy and its interpretation; Energy
partitioning; Energy and the molecular coordination sphere; Libration energy profiles; Physical properties
of the crystal; Correlation between molecular and crystal properties; Databases for non-hydrogen bonded
crystals; Hydrocarbonssaturated, unsaturated and aromatic; Oxygen or nitrogen substitution; Mutual
orientation of carbonyl dipoles or benzene rings; Directional forces other than H-bonds; Distances between
molecules and molecular coordination sphere; Joint results from the three databases; From molecular to
crystal structure; Distribution over space groups; Generation of crystal structures; Method; Choosing the
right structure; Polymorphism.
From Supermolecules to Supramolecular Assemblies: Heterogeneous molecular recognition, Supramolec-

ular solid materials; From endoreceptors to exoreceptors, Molecular recognition at surfaces; Molecular and
supramolecular morphogenesis; Supramolecular heterogeneous catalysis.
Molecular and Supramolecular Devices: Molecular recognition, Information and signals Semiochemistry;

Supramolecular photochemistry, Molecular and supramolecular photonic devices; Light conversion and energy transfer devices; Photosensitive molecular receptors; Photoinduced electron transfer in photoactive
devices; Photinduced reactions in supramolecular species; Non-linear optical properties of supramolecular
species; Supramolecular effects in photochemical hole burning; Molecular and supramolecular electronic devices; Supramolecular electrochemistry; Electron conducting devices, Molecular wires; Polarised molecular
wires, Rectifying devices; Modified and switchable molecular wires; Molecular magnetic devices; Molecular
and supramolecular ionic devices; Tubular mesophases.
1. Structure Correlation, Vols. 1 and 2, Edited by Hans-Beat B
urgi and Jack D. Dunitz, VCH Publishers,
New York, USA, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 912.
2. Supramolecular Chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn, VCH Publishers, New York, USA, Chapters 7 and 8.

MO-13: Liquid Crystals

Main Types and properties: Introduction. The building blocks. Small organic
molecules. Long helical rods. Associated structures. Nematics and Cholesterics. Nematics proper. The
cholesterics. A distorted form of the nematic phase. Smectic. Smectic A. Smectic B. Smectic C. Other
mesomorphic phases. Exotic smectics; long range order in a system of long rods. Remarkable features of
liquid crystals.

Anisotropic Fluids:

Long and Short range order in nematics: Definition of an order parameter. Microscopic approach.
Macroscopic approach. Statistical theories of the nematic order. Mean field calculations for hard rods.
Mean field theory with S 2 interaction (Maier-Saupe). Short range order effects.
Defects and textures in nematics: Observations. Black filaments. Schlieren structures. Types of defects

(qualitative discussion only).


Symmetry of the main smectic phases. Liquid layers. Solid layers. Continuum description of
smectics A and C. Statics of smectic A. Remarks on phase transitions and precritical phenomena. The C-A,
A-N, C-N transitions.

The equations of nematodynamics. Coupling between orientation

and flow. Choice of dynamical variables. The entropy source for a flowing nematic. The laws of friction.
Experiments measuring the Leslie coefficients. Laminar flow under a strong orienting field. Attenuation of
ultrasonic shear waves. Laminar flow in the absence of external fields. Variable External fields. Inelastic
scattering of light (qualitative). Convective instabilities under electric fields. Basic electrical parameters.
Experimental observations at low frequencies. The Helfrich interpretation. Extension to higher frequencies.
Molecular motions. Dielectric relaxation. Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation. Acoustic relaxation. Translations
motions. Temperature variation of the friction coefficients.
Dynamical properties of nematics:

Optical properties of an ideal helix. The planar texture. Bragg reflections. Transmission
properties at arbitrary wavelength. Interpretation. Conclusion and generalizations. Textures and defects in
cholesterics. Singular lines.

Applications of liquid crystals.

1. The Physics of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edn., P.G. De Gennes and J.Prost, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998.

10.5. Project


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