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Operations Managers, Maintenance

ISO 55000:
Asset Management Managers, Reliability Engineers, Capital Project
Engineers, Asset Owners, Asset Managers,
Organizational Development, Quality Personnel





See examples of asset management strategies, learn the asset

management policy components, and develop a draft policy for your

Oct 20-21, 2015 (CHS)

Apr 5-6, 2016 (CHS)
Oct 4-5, 2016 (CHS)

2 consecutive days
1.4 CEUs


Planning and

Planner/Schedulers, Maintenance
Supervisors, Maintenance Managers,
Operations Coordinators, Storeroom
Managers and Purchasing Managers

Apply preventive and predictive maintenance practices. Calculate

work measurement. Schedule and coordinate work. Handle common
maintenance problems, delays and inefficiencies.

Nov 16-20, 2015 (CHS)

Feb 22-26, 2016 (CHS)
Apr 18-22, 2016 (CHS)
Jul 25-29, 2016 (CHS)
Sep 12-16, 2016 (CHS)
Nov 14-18, 2016 (CHS)

5 consecutive days
3.2 CEUs


Management Skills
for Maintenance

Maintenance Managers and Supervisors,

as well as Supervisors from Operations,
Warehouse or Housekeeping areas

Lead a world-class maintenance department using planning and

scheduling best practices to drive work execution, improve
productivity, motivate staff, increase output and reduce waste.

May 24-26, 2016 (CHS)

Oct 18-20, 2016 (CHS)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs



Materials Managers, Storeroom Managers,

Planner/Schedulers, Maintenance Managers
and Operations Managers

Apply sound storeroom operations principles. Manage inventory to

optimize investment. Understand the role of purchasing. Implement
effective work control processes.

Jul 19-21 2016 (CHS)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs


Planning for
and Outages

Members of the shutdown or outage teams,

planners, plant engineers, maintenance

Save time and money on your next shutdown by learning how to effectively
plan for and manage such large projects. Learn processes and strategies
for optimal resource allocation.

Aug 23-25, 2016 (CHS)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs


Plant engineers and managers, Maintenance,

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers,
Maintenance Supervisors and Managers

Collect and analyze data to assess the actual operating condition. Use
vibration monitoring, thermography and tribology to optimize plant

Nov 3-5. 2015 (CL)

Apr 5-7, 2016 (CHS)
May 24-26, 2016 (OSU)
Sept 20-22, 2016 (KU)
Nov 15-17, 2016 (CL)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs


Prosci Change

Executives and Senior Leaders; Managers and

Supervisors; Project Teams; HR and Training
Groups; Employees

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management throughout your organization. Become licensed to use
Proscis change management tools.

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Coaching: 1-day
Orientation: 1-day
Certification: 3-day

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Reliability Engineers, Maintenance

Managers, Reliability Technicians,
Plant Managers and Reliability Personnel

Learn how to build and sustain a Reliability Engineering program,

investigate reliability tools and problem-solving methods and ways to
optimize your reliability program.

Oct 6-8. 2015 (CHS)

Nov 17-19, 2015 (OSU)
Feb 23-25, 2016 (CHS)
Apr 19-21, 2016 (KU)
Jun 21-23, 2016 (CL)
Oct 18-20, 2016 (OSU)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs


General Managers, Plant Managers,

Design Managers, Operations Managers
and Maintenance Managers

Build a business case for Reliability Excellence, learn how leadership

and culture impact a change initiative and build a plan to strengthen
and stabilize the change for reliability.

Mar 22-24, 2016 (CHS)
Aug 9-11, 2016 (CHS)

12 days total
(4, 3-day sessions)
8.4 CEUs



Project Engineers, Reliability Engineers,

Maintenance Managers, Operations Managers,
and Engineering Technicians.

Learn to create a strategy for implementing a successful asset

management program. Discover how to reduce risk and achieve the
greatest asset utilization at the lowest total cost of ownership.

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs


Root Cause

Anyone responsible for problem solving and

process improvement

Establish a culture of continuous improvement and create a proactive

environment. Manage and be able to effectively use eight RCA tools to
eliminate latent roots and stop recurring failures.

Jan 26-28, 2016 (OSU)

Mar 8-10, 2016 (CL)
Jun 14-16, 2016 (KU)
Sep 13-15, 2015 (CHS)
Oct 27-29, 2015 (UT)
Mar 22-24, 2016 (OSU)
Jun 14-16, 2016 (CHS)
Aug 16-18, 2016 (CL)
Nov 1-3, 2016 (KU)

3 consecutive days
2.1 CEUs





for Managers


(Sessions 2-4 dates are

available on the website)

*LOCATION CODES: (CHS) = Charleston, SC | (CL) = Clemson University in Greenville, SC | (KU) = The University of Kansas | (OSU) = The Ohio State University | (UT) = University of Tennessee

oct/nov 2015
Special Edition


4 Editorial
5 In The News
18 Evolving Ideas & Sharing the Dream
62 Q&A with an Industry Leader John Day

10 Years of Uptime

Reliability: 65 Years of History and Counting

by Anthony M. Smith and Samuel R. Paske



The Future of Asset Condition Monitoring


by Jack R. Nicholas, Jr. and Elsa K. Anzalone


Special Edition Cover

Designed by Jocelyn Brown


10 6

for maintenance reliability

and asset management professionals


Work Execution Management: Time to Move Forward


by Terry Wireman



The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
by Ramesh Gulati



Leadership and Reliability by Ron Moore


Asset Management Past and Future by Thomas W. Smith





Surviving Low Oil: What Producers Can Do to Weather

This Storm by James Nesbitt


Human Capital and the Internet of Things: Managing

Talent and Leveraging Experience by Burt Hurlock


Proactive Maintenance Saves NIF Shot Time and Money

by Nick Jize



How to Build a High Performance Maintenance Team

by Mike Stonecipher






Systematizing Your Asset Management Operation

Management Systems for Your Physical Assets by Tracy Smith


Reliability: Concepts & Trends by Carlos Perez


Smart Vibration Analysis by Richard Bierman


Unleash the Potential of Your Reliability Function

by Obaidullah A. Syed



From Fighting Fires to Achieving World-Class Reliability

What It Takes to Change an Ingrained Culture
By Douglas Plucknette

oct/nov 15

A Decade of

Kelly Rigg OHanlon
Bill Partipilo

en years is not that long of a time but

when Jenny Brunson, Editor at Uptime Magazine, stopped in my office
to discuss this special issue, I began
to look back at the journey from the first issue
to today.

prosperity but improve safety, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. We

are honored to have the special role we serve.
As I optimistically look ahead to the next
ten years I see Uptime playing a major role
in defining the Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT), Asset Performance Modeling, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics, IT/
OT Convergence, Reliability in the
Cloud, Drones, Build Information
Management (BIM), 3D and the
continued evolution of Uptime
Elements Reliability Framework.


I begin by acknowledging my Uptime

co-founder, Kelly Rigg-OHanlon.
Many business owners are content to play it safe and the
magazine business is anything but safe. Each issue is a
roller coaster of risk with very
little reward. Even though as
an online publisher, we had
struggled with two previous
attempts at magazine publishing, she encouraged the team and
worked to ensure Uptime was everything we
wanted it to be.

our travels around the world,

years weIn are
reaching out to some of

The Uptime team of writers, editors, cover artists, graphic artists, layout experts, sales staff,
support personnel and digital specialists has
created an impressive body of work both in
print and at the iTunes app store.
A lot of maintenance reliability leaders and
asset managers have been incredibly generous with their knowledge and experience by
contributing Uptime articles and case studies
over the past decade. If you are reading this,
please make a goal to see your name in print
as an author during our next decade.
No part of the Uptime story would have been
possible if it were not for the high level of
advertising support from the enlightened
solution provider community who fully support our aim of creating a proactive culture of
reliability in the organizations Uptime readers represent. Bill Partipilo is responsible for
advertising sales; however, I say that he really
partners with the supply community for value and he never really sells anything.
I know of no other community that works
together in this way to evolve and advance
practices that not only deliver economic

Terrence OHanlon

oct/nov 15

the best subject matter experts

where we find them, both inside and
outside the United States, to discover and
deliver innovation that can help you be safer
and more successful.
We know time and attention are in short
supply; however, we hope that you think
Uptime rises above the clutter and noise.
We exist because of you and we thank you for
being a reader and subscriber.
We do not ask for much but as this is a special
time for us as we celebrate ten years, please
consider taking a picture of yourself or your
team holding Uptime Magazine, in front of
your plant or a piece of equipment, or on a
hunting/fishing trip or just hanging out in
your backyard. The team loves seeing reader
photos and we may post it on our Facebook.
Twitter, Instagram, Flickr or LinkedIn pages.

Warmest regards,

Terrence OHanlon, CMRP

CEO and Publisher
Uptime Magazine

Jenny Brunson
Elsa Anzalone, Richard Bierman, John Day,
Ramesh Gulati, Burt Hurlock, Nick Jize, Ron Moore,
James Nesbitt, Jack Nicholas, Samuel Paske,
Carlos Perez, Douglas Plucknette,
Anthony Mac Smith, Ricky Smith,
Thomas Smith, Tracy Smith, Mike Stonecipher,
Obaidullah Syed, Terry Wireman
Jocelyn Brown, Apolonia Lemus
Kaitie Conly
Bill Partipilo
Please address submissions of case studies,
procedures, practical tips and other
correspondence to Terrence OHanlon


To subscribe to Uptime magazine, log on to
For subscription updates

Uptime Magazine
8991 Daniels Center Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33912
1-888-575-1245 239-333-2500 Fax: 309-423-7234

Uptime Magazine
is a founding member of

Copyright 2015 by Netexpress, Inc. d/b/a Reliabilityweb.com.

All rights reserved.
No part of Uptime Magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without the prior express written consent
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a registered trademark of Netexpress, Inc. d/b/a Reliabilityweb.com.
Uptime Magazine (ISSN 1557-0193) is published bimonthly by
Netexpress, Inc. d/b/a Reliabilityweb.com, 8991 Daniels Center
Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33912, 888-575-1245. Uptime Magazine
is an independently produced publication of Netexpress, Inc.
d/b/a Reliabilityweb.com. The opinions expressed herein are not
necessarily those of Netexpress, Inc. d/b/a Reliabilityweb.com.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
Uptime Magazine, 8991 Daniels Center Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33912

Leadership for Reliability

Uptime Magazine App


Look for our app

RELIABILITY is a registered trademark of NetexpressUSA, Inc.

Best-selling business author, Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker, will be a keynote speaker at the 30th
International Maintenance Conference held December 7-11, 2015 in Bonita Springs,
Florida. Dr. Liker is Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering
at the University of Michigan and
President of Liker Lean Advisorsa
network of top-notch practitioners
who consult, coach and teach in The
Toyota Way. He is the author of several
books with his original work, The
Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles,
being the best selling book on lean
Dr. Jeffrey Liker
management in 27 languages with
Author, The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership over 650,000 copies sold.

The CRL training and workshop

traveled to facilities around the
world and welcomes new members to its certification.
Bristol Myers Squibb
Manati, Puerto Rico
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Wallingford, Conneticut
Pennington, New Jersey
Solutions 2.0 Conference
Houston, Texas

To learn more and register for IMC-2015, visit: www.imc-2015.com.

AMP Introduces Women in Reliability and Asset Management

The mission of Women in Reliability and Asset
Management (WIRAM) is to empower women
around the world to understand the importance
of asset management and reliability and their
role in society, and how to use this knowledge
to apply it for best practices and operational
excellence achievement.


The Certified
Reliability Leader
New Places,
New Faces!


Hosts The Toyota Way Author,

Dr. Jeffery Likes



CRL Events
October 2, 2015

Uptime Elements
CRL Workshop and Exam
Fort Myers, FL

October 20, 2015

CRL Workshop and Exam
Bonita Springs, FL

November 6, 2015

Uptime Elements
CRL Workshop and Exam
London, England

November 10-12, 2015


Visit www.maintenance.org (WIRAM) to learn

more, view upcoming events and to join.

Uptime Elements
CRL Workshop and Exam
Dubai, UAE

December 7-11, 2015

IMC-2015 Conference
CRL Workshop and Exam
Bonita Springs, FL

Jack Codd
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Mary Hart
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Michael Mcvicar
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Reinaldo Quinones
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Fred Smith
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Nelson Alves
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Tibaire De Pool
PMM Grupo & PMM Univ.

Bob Hersh
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Jackie Moll
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Jose Rivera
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Nagappan Subiah
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Abdulaziz Alzahrani

Javier Del Fierro Casiano

Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Tim Holmes

Greg Moos
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Jose Rivera Villafane

Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Abdulaziz Tanbal

Jennifer Ayres
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Michael Eisenbise

Mike Hughes
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Thomas Murphy
SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Diane Robles
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Giovan Torres
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Robert Bober
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Vicens Ferrer
Bayer Material Science

Jeff Hulit
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Fred Muthart

Robert Rockhill
K & R Associates, LLC

Joseph Tyska
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Randy Bugge
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Mark Furrier
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Gary James

Sean OConnor
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Juan Rodriguez
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Suhas Vedula
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Omar Calzada
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Andy Gager
Nexus Global Business Solutions

Karl Kaluhiokalani
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Larry Olson
Nexus Global Business Solutions, Inc.

Sergio Rossi

Angel Vega
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Mariol Caro
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Dan Groza
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Hector Macias
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Josue Ortega
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Bill Rzomp
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Nerisbel Velazquez-Aponte
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Michelle Caruso
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Robert Gummel
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Wayne Magro
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Xavier Perez
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Jeff Sargent
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Andrew Weber
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Myrlain Cherette
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Covery Hall
Lloyds Register Energy

Angel Martinez
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Bill Perhacs
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Don Sauvigne
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Phil Wirtshafter
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Kevin Clark
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Harvey Handy
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Andrew Maude
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Carlos Pernett

Joe Shaver III

JM Smucker Company

Pascal Clment

Ken Harewood
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Ian McCormick
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

Jack Poley
Condition Monitoring Intl

Steve Sikoryak
Bristol Myers Squibb Company

oct/nov 15



Paul Adamsky
Bristol Myers Squibb Company



Congratulations to the newest CERTIFIED RELIABILITY LEADERS!


Follow WIRAM on


We often get positive feedback from readers about the innovative

Uptime Magazine covers and it is a thrill to see them all assembled
here for the 10th Year edition. We know we have had an impact
because of the changes we see on all of our industry magazine
friends' covers! Its OK to look good in reliability.
We reached out to some good friends for the special articles in this
issue and our only regret is not being able to produce an issue with
1,000 pages so we could include everyone we wanted to.
Uptime is nothing without our readers and our writers. You complete
us and this issue was made with a renewed commitment to you.



65 Years of History
and Counting

Anthony M. Smith and Samuel R. Paske

eliability is a recognized engineering discipline that has progressively upgraded and improved the makeup of the world
for all of us to use and enjoy. It has been the primary force behind the currently acceptable performance of virtually every
product in our homes, as well as those that we take for granted
every day in areas such as transportation, power, water supply
and communications. This is the story of how this technology came about and
what you must learn from the journey. There are essentially three distinct periods of development and innovation in the evolution of reliable technology
that occurred since the end of World War II. This article provides an overview
of all three and closes with some thoughts on where to now.


Reliability as a formal engineering technology emerged in the postWorld War II period with the introduction of microelectronic piece parts (e.g.,
transistors, capacitors, etc.) and their assembly into circuit boards, modules
and electronic Components, more commonly referred to at the time as Black
Boxes. This type of hardware offered significant functional advantages for
the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), providing reduced weight, power
and space requirements for electronic equipment in aircraft, missiles and
the emerging interest in space vehicles. But these Components lacked the
required reliability for military use and essentially introduced serious maintenance concerns for manned programs and similar challenges for long life
reliability for unmanned missile and space projects.
Several data analysis programs were formulated to measure and track
this electronic equipment reliability, but it became painfully obvious that
there was insufficient recorded failure histories to make these measurements

oct/nov 15

meaningful. Hence, the DoD sponsored a variety of projects to institute failure

data collection and analysis across industry and government facilities. This
effort led to the birth of what is known today as a Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS). Similar concerns surfaced about improving the
inherent design reliability of these Components, leading to the birth of Failure
Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as a design and later, in the 1960s, as a
maintenance reliability tool. A natural progression from these beginnings also
led to some early realizations that reliability engineering and project requirements went beyond the Component level of assembly, and that reliability
at the System and Vehicle level of assembly was as equally important, if not
more so, than the Components reliability efforts. You will see this progression
develop and mature in Phase II and III.

PHASE II 60s TO 80s

The successes realized in Phase I slowly led to a keen interest in
Reliability as a discipline, not only with the DoD, but also with the commercial
sector. The nuclear industry, with urging from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC), plus lessons learned from the Three Mile Island Unit 2
(TMI-2) core melt accident on March 28, 1979, undertook very extensive and
costly reliability and statistical studies at the Plant level called Probabilistic
Risk Assessments (PRAs). These studies, done at U.S. nuclear plants throughout the Phase II and III periods, proved to have not only pertinent safety findings, but also an Availability/Economic payoff for the non-nuclear balance
of plant Systems.
The Phase II period also saw two other not to be forgotten events that
provided increased emphasis on reliability, namely the first flight of the 747
airplane on February 9, 1969 and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on

January 28, 1986. The 747 Type Certification was the tipping point for the
development of the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) methodology
that today is an element of many product maintenance strategies. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), somewhat unknowingly, released the creative
talents of Boeing and United Airlines (UA),
especially Tom Matteson, vice president
for maintenance planning at UA, and his
colleagues, F. Stanley Nowlan and Howard
F. Heap, to discover the RCM methodology that focused maintenance resources where it was important to preserve
product Functions. The system-based approach espoused by RCM also increased
recognition of the role of the Operator
and the implications of human error in
assessing risk and reliability. In the case of
the Space Shuttle tragedy, NASA and the
world learned the importance of management and technician teamwork to make
correct decisions, especially when lives
are at stake.
Also during this phase, the U.S. nuclear submarine force, under the
command of Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, developed innovative portable
condition monitoring technologies that led to significant improvements in
fleet availability. Overall, industry and government alike also learned during
Phase II that economics and safety requirements can frequently be met with
regulatory inputs from Agencies, such as the NRC and the FAA.

seen many large Reliability/RCM programs conducted across the DoD and
Industrial landscapes. From the authors experience alone, over 50 Classical
RCM projects have been successfully completed in organizations, such as
Westinghouse, Eaton, NASA, United States Air Force (USAF), Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Georgia-Pacific, United
States Postal Service (USPS), TMI-1, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), MidAmerican
Energy, Tesoro Refineries, and The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati.
Reliability success stories are recounted annually at professional meetings (e.g.,
annual Reliability and Maintainability
(R&M) Symposium, International Maintenance Conference, annual Society for
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals
(SMRP) Conference) and publications (e.g.,
Uptime, SMRP Solutions, Maintenance Technology). Reliability success stories abound
as organizations report increased production output, decreased costs, improved
safety and accommodations to challenging regulatory requirements.
Organizations have learned that reliability practices contribute value to
their bottom line and promote improvements to their culture. RCM stands
out because it uniquely benefits organizational know-how by building broadbased human understanding and buy-in to new innovations through multidisciplinary teams.
Looking ahead, the greatest challenge may be the ability to sustain
the use of tried-and-true Reliability methods, like RCM, as well as emerging
technologies. Despite a better understanding today of organizations and
change, it has yet to be demonstrated that consistent SUSTAINABILITY is a
hallmark of the efforts of the past 65 years. But organizations are learning.
Testimonials from successful programs strongly suggest that an empowered
Reliability Champion significantly improves sustained results. While the future
is unknown, dont be surprised to see successful advances that build on the
tremendous reliability legacy of systems thinking, multidisciplinary teams
and empowered champions.

Organizations have
learned that reliability
practices contribute value
to their bottom line and
promote improvements
to their culture.


Events of the 70s and 80s, like TMI-2, the 747 airplane and its RCM legacy,
and the Challenger disaster, continue to be major considerations in how the
DoD structures its projects. But such considerations have also motivated the
Commercial and Industrial communities on a global scale to apply Reliability
technologies to their products and production facilities. Phase III has seen the
birth of Reliability Engineering degrees at U.S. universities, including Arizona,
Tennessee and Wisconsin, and dramatic increases in
the number of RCM practitioners and their influence
in structuring Corporate Reliability and Maintainability strategies.
In the past 25 years, Reliability technologies
have also grown far beyond Phase I and II achievements. Now, there are supporting techniques in the
toolbox, such as Predictive Maintenance (PdM), increasingly known as Asset Condition Management,
Root Cause Failure Analysis, Total Productive Maintenance, etc. But most of all, the last 25 years have

Anthony M. Mac Smith, P.E. and Samuel R. Paske,

P.E., CRL, worked closely together as a team during much
of Phase III and Mac was closely involved in his work
with Phases I and II after his discharge from the Army in
1956. Thus, most of the historical perspective described
in this article is drawn from personal experiences and
contributions to this evolving discipline. (See Uptime April/
May 2013 issue to read more about Mac Smith and his
contribution to the reliability industry.)

oct/nov 15

The Future of


Asset Condition

Jack R. Nicholas, Jr. and Elsa K. Anzalone

There is a fourth paradigm shift developing in the way organizations
handle asset condition monitoring (ACM), formerly called predictive maintenance (PdM) before the ISO55000 asset management standards series
was issued in 2014. This shift follows previous major changes in ACM/PdM
programs, with the first being when equipment went from heavy, cart
transportable packages for data collection and some analysis (1980s) to
microprocessor-based, handheld packages. The second significant change
was when desktop personal computers with robust software programs and
substantial memory capacity and portable laptop computers for field use
came into use (1990s). Together, they transformed collection, storage and
analysis of data for asset condition monitoring and prediction. The third
shift began with the application of wireless technology to condition data
collection and the introduction of highly sophisticated analysis software
programs and integration of data from multiple technologies for management, reporting and focusing of maintenance actions on improving asset
performance and availability. The fourth and latest shift involves the use of
the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data management, analytics and communications using tablet computers and cellular fourth generation (4G and in a few years 5G) long-term evolution (LTE) technology.


Predictive maintenance and condition monitoring have been around
for almost 60 years. For most of those 60 years, routine data collection was
performed using what was then called portable equipment, including paper
and pencil. In the earliest days of almost all technologies, such as vibration
analysis and infrared thermography, portable meant that a team would lug
or cart various components of a monitoring suite weighing 30 to 50 pounds
into areas of plants where monitoring was required. This was cumbersome


oct/nov 15

and time-consuming, even before data collection could be performed. The

advent of microprocessors in the 1980s reduced these data collection tools to
handhelds. Data could be collected and analyzed in situ (i.e., at the machine)
to some degree.
In the 1990s, the introduction of electronically cooled sensors allowed
infrared thermographers to retire their liquid nitrogen cooled equipment. This
development, combined with ever increasingly capable integrated circuits
and digital technology, enabled PdM practitioners to create much more vivid,
intuitively interpreted images in both visual and infrared spectra that even a
novice could understand.
At the same time, the introduction of personal computers in the late
1980s and battery powered laptop computers with sufficient memory in the
early 1990s further enhanced the PdM technicians ability to perform detailed
analysis in the field with the help of increasingly sophisticated software. Most
notably, this enabled the collection of a vastly greater amount of data needed
to do motor circuit analysis economically and to do analysis in situ right at a
motor control center, pump, or any other location in a plant.


What is described in the previous last few paragraphs sounds thoroughly
modern, and it was in the first decade of the 21st century. But it is going to
change and/or expand much more. The change is going to be as much a paradigm shift as the one from heavy suites of equipment to handheld devices
and/or wireless sensors linked via networks and from individual analysis to
live and automated computer-supported, sometimes expert system supported, analysis and reporting from remote sites by cadres of experts serving
multiple facilities.
In a May 2004 editorial in Sound & Vibration magazine, Nelson Baxter
made the following points concerning the future of predictive maintenance
and condition monitoring:

There will be fewer people collecting data and performing analysis due
to global competition, skyrocketing health care costs, deregulation and
other factors.
Where it is possible, data will be brought to the analyst, not the other way
Data from similar machines will be archived and used to simplify problem
identification across a fleet of like machines wherever possible.
The combination of wireless networks and the Internet will enable the
easy movement of data from the plant to the analyst.
Large manufacturing organizations will have hybrid programs where
more critical equipment is monitored daily or more frequently and less
critical equipment less often.2

Advanced analytics and cloud-based big

data management will be the basis for new
and better ways of monitoring machine
condition and performance, worldwide.
In addition to these predictions made over 10 years ago but still valid
today, and which focused mainly on the application of sound and vibration
monitoring, the following developments are actually happening or beginning
to happen in the field of asset condition monitoring management for multiple technologies, including lubricant and wear particle analysis:
New and different sensors, robust communications links, power sources,
such as ambient harvested, and analytic methods are being developed
and employed that will have application in the utility, commercial and
industrial markets.
Mobile platforms, manufacturing plants, commercial buildings, utility
plants and their associated distribution networks, as well as infrastructure
for many other applications, will be monitored in ways that are significantly different and more extensive than what is being done today. This
is made possible by the Internet of Things, as well as private, radio-linked
monitoring stations, such as those used by commercial airlines for inflight monitoring of planes.
Monitoring systems will be cheaper, faster, more capable and easier to
use, redeploy and configure than the systems in use today. New, inexpensive, easy to learn (i.e., one day on-site training) instruments are already
on the market that broaden applications in the field for those using hand
tools to make repairs. Highly trained ACM specialists will be called upon
less frequently to confirm that a defect exists or that quality repairs have
been performed.
While the amount of labor required for monitoring machines in a facility
or platform will decrease because of increased productivity of ACM sys-

tems and support tools, the number of applications requiring monitoring

will increase for a wide variety of reasons, mainly economic-related.
While the number of individuals engaged in ACM/PdM per site or fleet
of vehicles will decrease, the number of ACM skilled knowledge workers
will increase as a percentage of total workforce and as the value of ACM
becomes more known by managers intent on competing effectively in
the global marketplace. However, these workers will get their knowledge
from places outside their workplace, such as the Internet or somewhere
in the Cloud.


It is becoming easier and more inexpensive for almost anyone to
have a role in this rapidly changing field of ACM/PdM. Already, smartphones and commercial tablet computers can be adapted with plug-in
sensors (US $250 or less) and free downloadable applications to become
infrared imagers. Similar arrangements are available for ultrasonic analysis,
laser alignment, balancing and vibration analysis. With the next generation of wireless communications, such as 5G LTE with download speeds 10
to 100 times faster than todays 4G capability,3 more advanced analytics
and cloud-based big data management will be the basis for new and better ways of monitoring machine condition and performance, worldwide.

1. This article is an abstract from a new book entitled Asset Condition Monitoring Management by
Jack R. Nicholas, Jr., with contributions from a number of other experts in the field, including Elsa
Anzalone. The book is expected to be published by Reliabilityweb.com in early 2016.
2. Baxter, Nelson. Editorial What Is the Future of Predictive Maintenance? Sound and Vibration May
2004: p. 2.
3. Technology Quarterly. Your Phone on Steroids. The Economist May 30, 2015.

Jack Nicholas, Jr., CRL, CMRP, has over 45 years

experience leading, teaching, training and consulting
in the fields of maintenance and reliability in
government, military, utility and commercial venues
in Asia, Australia, North America and the Caribbean.
He is author, co-author, editor and major contributor
to many books, professional papers and magazine
articles on R & M subjects.

Elsa Anzalone has been involved in the area of asset

condition management for over 25 years. Her focus has
been on the sales of products relating to ferrographic
oil analysis, vibration hardware and software, stress
wave analysis, wireless vibration analysis, and software
and instrumentation for operator-directed reliability

oct/nov 15



Work Execution

Time to Move Forward


Terry Wireman

ork execution management (WEM) is the domain where

the work activities on assets identified in other domains,
such as reliability engineering for maintenance (REM)
or asset condition management (ACM), are actually
performed. For example, when reliability engineering
(RE) or root cause analysis (RCA) identifies activities that
need to be performed on an asset to allow it to meet design performance
specifications, those activities are planned and scheduled in the WEM domain.
Similarly, if out of tolerance conditions are detected through the ACM domain,
the work is properly identified and then planned and scheduled in the WEM
domain. The interdependencies between the WEM domain and the other
domains have a dramatic impact on the overall lifecycle costs of an asset,
which ties into asset management.
What has been the progress over the years in WEM? Unfortunately, progress has not been as positive in the WEM domain as it has in the REM, ACM
and leadership for reliability (LER) domains. Lets take a look at each of the
elements in the WEM domain and evaluate the extent of progress over the
past 30 years.

The most effective preventive maintenance (PM) programs concentrate
on the basics of maintaining the equipment, such as good visual inspections,
good lubrication practices and good fastening procedures. While these seem
basic, a survey in the book, Maintenance Management for Quality Production, published in 1984 by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, states that
only 22 percent of the 2,500 organizations surveyed were satisfied with their
PM program. That survey was conducted over 30 years ago, but PM activities
are still producing substandard results. Organizations still have equipment
failures, sometimes just days after basic PM inspections were performed.
When a root cause analysis is performed on the failure, it is determined that
the cause is due to a problem that should have been found during the PM
inspection that was just performed.


oct/nov 15

While the technology-driven inspections from the ACM domain can assist in proactively finding degrading equipment conditions, a good PM program focused on basic care is key to a cost-effective solution for premature
equipment failures.


The maintenance, repair and operations spares management element
(MRO) deals with the cost-effective procurement and utilization of spare parts.
Since MRO can comprise 40 percent to 60 percent of an organizations maintenance budget, this is an important area to consider.
How has the overall MRO function matured in the past few decades?
Similar to the PM element, not much progress has been made. In organizations today, there are still an incorrect number of spare parts being stocked,
whether too many, which results in excessive costs, or too few, which results
in excessive equipment downtime. Organizations simply do not know how
to correctly value their MRO.


Planning and scheduling (PS) comprises activities that allow maintenance to be completed efficiently and economically. PS confirms that all logistics for the particular job are completely controlled before the job is executed.
This ensures little or no waste as the work is performed. By eliminating waste,
the work is now executed at the lowest possible cost.
Planning and scheduling has improved over the years, due to the increased utilization of planners. Companies have progressed from not even
having planners to developing a good job/role description and allowing the
planners to contribute to increase labor efficiencies and effectiveness. While
there is still work needed in the area of the proper ratio of planners to maintenance technicians, as an organization continues to mature its planning and
scheduling program, expect to see improvements in this area.

(Coded Data)

Functional Location/


History Files

Rebuild Inside/

Work Order
(Costing Data)

Contractor, Rental
Equipment, Misc.
Costs & Info

Labor & Personnel

How successful has DE been for most organizations? Since DE focuses initially on the basics of maintenance and reliability, some organizations have
had initial success. However, when the organization is ready to realize the
true power of DE and it is applied by trained, cross functional teams, most
fall well short of the goal. There are several reasons for this, including lines
of jurisdiction between the various departments and proper training for all
employees involved.

Inventory & Stores



What is the future of the WEM domain? After briefly reviewing the six
elements of WEM, it is clear that if they are utilized correctly, they add great
value to an organizations maintenance reliability functions. But why do the
WEM elements fail to achieve their true potential? There are two main reasons:

Figure 1: Equipment Information Management

The computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a specially designed database for tracking all equipment maintenance information
(see Figure 1). The CMMS has been used by maintenance organizations since
the mid-1970s. So what has been the result of CMMS utilization? According
to the CMMS Best Practices Study published by Reliabilityweb.com in 2011,
work order management was cited by 91 percent of respondents as the most
important feature of a CMMS. Yet, upon close scrutiny, the accuracy of the
data in most CMMS databases is severely lacking. In informal surveys, the vast
majority of maintenance reliability managers feel the data in their CMMS is
too inaccurate to use for financial decision-making.


Operator driven reliability (ODR) is the element where operators are
utilized to increase the capacity of the equipment they operate or to free up
maintenance resources to be utilized on higher level maintenance reliability
activities. The goal is to have the operators take ownership for 10 percent to
40 percent of the organizations PM program. What has been the result of
ODR initiatives? Overall, they have proven to be successful in a small number
of organizations.

Defect elimination (DE) is a powerful element that builds on the five
other WEM elements. The DE element uses cross functional teams to eliminate
equipment-related defects, thereby increasing the capacity of the equipment.

Lack of understanding the financial impact of the elements.

Lack of proper skills to implement and execute the elements.
When equipment/assets are out of service longer than required for repairs, it is a loss to the company. It impacts the capacity of the equipment/
asset. If the organization is in a sold-out market, the lost capacity is a lost sale
and, ultimately, lost revenue. Even if the organization has a capped market,
the inefficiency in wasting maintenance and operational resources is still
an unnecessary expense. It is necessary for all organizations to have a clear
understanding of the losses in this area to ensure losses are minimized or
avoided completely.
If organizations lack the skills necessary to implement and manage the
elements of this domain, they will fail to execute the elements in the most
efficient and economical manner. Not only does this lead to labor and material losses, but also prolonged downtime and repetitive delays. These unnecessary losses will impact the profitability of organizations, again from an
expense and lost revenue perspective.
If organizations are going to make improvements in the WEM domain
in the future, they will need to overcome the two reasons previously noted.
If they can resolve these issues, their respective companies will see increased
profitability and value delivery from their assets/equipment.
Terry Wireman, CRL & CMRP, is the senior vice
president of strategic development for Vesta Partners.
For over four decades, Mr. Wireman has been
specializing in the improvement of maintenance
and reliability management strategy and processes
by assisting clients in developing Best-in-class
maintenance and reliability policies and procedures.

oct/nov 15



and Reliability

Ron Moore

or essentially all business objectives, top managements leadership and active support is vitally important for achieving any
single objective. Reliability is no different. However, it seems that
top leadership in most organizations has little understanding
of reliability principles. Of course, they understand the concept
of reliability at some level, but most immediately think maintenance and delegate the responsibility to a corporate maintenance manager and expect reliability will simply happen. This view is only reinforced by
organizations and service providers that provide socalled reliability services. For example, the Society for
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) has
maintenance and reliability in its name, implying that if
you do good maintenance, youll have good reliability.
This mentality of intimately linking maintenance and
reliability and thinking if you do maintenance really well, youll have good
reliability is seen far more often than not. It seems especially prevalent in
the senior leadership of most organizations. And its flat wrong for a host of
reasons! Lets explore this fundamental issue.

Leaders set the example by creating an environment for this, one of

pride, enjoyment and trust. Leadership begs the question: How do I get
people to genuinely look forward to coming to work every day? The answer
is simple. Give them work they like to do by: 1) training them in developing
the appropriate skills; 2) creating a structure to involve them in improvement
activities and teams; and 3) asking them about the problems encountered
and then working with them to solve those problems, among other activities. Leaders engage the workforce in process improvement, giving them the
freedom to be successful for the company with work
that is challenging, rewarding and calls them to a higher purpose. The leverage in a companys success is in
getting hundreds, even thousands of people working
to improve the companys performance.
Of course, there are other leadership models. Warren Bennis, a pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies, characterizes the difference between leadership and management in which leaders
challenge status quo, trust, innovate, develop and do the right things, whereas managers accept status quo, administer, maintain and do things right.
Peter Koestenbaum, who developed a leadership awareness program,
describes leadership as being the four points of a diamond, with each point
characterized by the concepts of Vision, Reality tied to the current situation,
Courage to make the changes and Ethics to treat people honestly and with
dignity and respect. Jim Collins, a student and teacher of leadership, describes
Level 5 leaders as those who build enduring greatness through a paradoxical
combination of personal humility and fierce professional resolve. Larry Donnithorne, author of The West Point Way of Leadership, identifies the key components of leadership as being courage, determination, integrity and self-discipline. Some common traits among all these leadership models include:

People own what

they create.


Leadership is an essential and even dominant element in any companys
business success. But what is leadership? How do you get it? Can you buy it by
attending leadership school, or get it by using leadership mentors or reading
the latest books on leadership? Actually, leadership is simultaneously simple and
complex, and its likely to be context dependent. What works in one situation,
may not work in another. Its a bit like the phrase that U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Potter Stewart once offered: Its hard to describe, but I know it when I see it.
This authors personal definition of leadership is: The ability to inspire
ordinary people to consistently perform at an extraordinary level. This is not to
suggest anything pejorative in the use of the word ordinary, but rather the
opposite. Ordinary in this context is more in line with the principles illustrated
in the book Citizen Soldiers, where ordinary citizens became soldiers during
World War II and defeated professional armies. These citizen soldiers, including this authors father, won because they were inspired by a higher sense
of purpose related to freedom and the American way of life. Many sacrificed
everything, much the same as our founding fathers.


oct/nov 15

Having a vision or a greater sense of purpose, albeit grounded in reality.

Putting people first and treating them with trust, dignity, respect and
Being demanding and supportive simultaneously.
Being trustworthy and true to your word and principles.
Having a passion for excellence and setting high work and ethical standards while creating a caring, disciplined and proud environment.
yy Setting the example in basic values and principles for others to follow.


Lets start by identifying what it is not! It is NOT maintenance! Of course,
maintenance excellence is a requirement for reliability and operational excellence, but if thats all you do, you will only do more efficient work that you
should be doing in the first place! To be more technical, a common definition
of reliability is the probability that plant or equipment will perform a required
function without failure under stated conditions for a stated period of time.
A very simple definition is: Stuff works when you want it to.
Moreover, reliability is essential for operational excellence and it is far
more dependent on excellence in design, procurement and operating practices. This is where most of the defects occur that create the maintenance
requirements and result in additional costs, lost production, incidents and
injuries, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The Reliability Process
For Operational Excellence



(Life Cost

(Cost of

(Like a Store)





Doing better will not

Contribute much to Reliability



(With Care)

(With Precision)



(With Discipline)


Note where most defects occur

Root Causes

Rate Losses & Downtime

Unneeded Work - $$
Injuries (& Env. Events)
Asset Utilization
Necessary Work

Minimum unit cost

of Production

Figure 1: The reliability process for operational excellence


Experience has shown that four elements are key. If you miss any one of
them, the odds become increasingly stacked against your success. Miss all of
them and you have little hope. The four elements are:
1. Leaders must be actively involved as sponsors for reliability and have
an excellent understanding of Figure 1. Sponsorship is more than permission. Senior leadership frequently give permission just go do it
but then fail to provide the visible support necessary for developing
and sustaining it. Or, they fail to provide the resources to assure reliabil-

ity and operational excellence is inculcated in the organization or fail

to provide the incentives for supporting its implementation. Reliability
should be like safety a top priority. A reliable plant is a safe plant and a
cost-effective plant, and operating plant data supports this.
2. Production and maintenance must work in partnership, even having
a partnership agreement outlining how they will support each other.
They should meet periodically to review their relationship and support,
and foster teamwork and alignment to a common set of goals related to
operational excellence.
3. There must be shared measures that foster that partnership and balance competing interests for the greater good. For example, production
and maintenance are both held accountable for on time delivery and
maintenance schedule compliance. These are often in conflict and more
often than not, on time delivery (short term) wins over maintenance
schedule compliance (longer term) to the long-term detriment of the
business. Similar measures could be applied to procurement and maintenance, or to design and production.
4. There must be a process for structured improvement time and shop floor
engagement. According to management consultant Margaret Wheatley,
People own what they create. If you want ownership within the organization, then people must participate in problem-solving and creating
solutions. If you want to understand the problems with the work, ask the
workers. Get them involved in problem-solving, giving them a sense of
control, ownership and purpose. Youll also get cultural change!


Finally, its appropriate to close with a comment on reliability, safety and
costs. Leaders in most companies frequently state that safety is a top priority. If they truly believed this, they would sponsor and demand reliability,
and put in place the systems, processes, measures and rewards to align the
organization for reliability and operational excellence that would yield improved process and personal safety, lower costs and better environmental
performance. There is compelling operating plant data to demonstrate clearly
the relationship between reliability and safety, and costs and environmental
performance. A reliable plant is a safe plant is a cost-effective plant, is an
environmentally sound plant.
If leaders truly believe safety is a top priority,
then reliability must be a top priority.
Ron Moore is the managing partner of The RM
Group, Inc., in Knoxville, TN. He is the author of
Making Common Sense Common Practice Models
for Operational Excellence, 4th edition; What Tool?
When? A Management Guide for Selecting the Right
Improvement Tools, 2nd edition; Where Do We Start
Our Improvement Program?; Business Fables &
Foibles; and Our Transplant Journey: A Caregivers
Story, as well as over 60 journal articles.

oct/nov 15



Asset Management
Past and Future


Thomas W. Smith

he ISO Standard 55000 for Asset Management, which was released in January 2014, represents the culmination of a series
of activities going back several decades. Its most immediate
predecessor is the British Standards Institution (BSI) Publicly
Available Specification (PAS) 55, which was released in 2004
and updated in 2008. Before that, however, there were numerous national and sector level standards providing specific guidance for
asset management.
ISO55000 focuses on asset value. The critical features of the ISO standard
are its adaptability to all sizes and types of organizations, its focus on a comprehensive and integrated approach across the asset lifecycle, and its recognition
of the importance of the influence of the organizational context on assets.
Context in this case includes the physical, social and economic environment in
which the organization operates. The impact of this new standard with its very
broad approach is just beginning to be felt, and there are many opportunities
for organizations to take advantage of the building momentum.

tinually increase. Adversarial discussions and one-sided approaches are not

going to help the cause. No one industry sector or organizational function
owns asset management.


1. The ISO55000 standard for asset management is involved in many conversations. Use of the standard is not limited to third-party certification.
Many organizations are currently using the standard as a framework for
development or renewal of an asset management program. These organizations may or may not transition to a formal asset management
system for purposes of certification. The standard itself recognizes this
difference. It also recognizes the difference between a management
system for asset management and the many software systems that are
used to support the asset registry and the maintenance system. Precise
and conscientious use of these terms will go a long way in improving

Figure 1: Asset management standards timeline


Its not hard to strike up a conversation about asset management within the communities to which most of us belong. The growth of interest in
ISO55000 and an increased emphasis on asset productivity have made asset
management a topic of presentations and publications, as well as everyday
The real issue is making those conversations productive. The pressures
on assets and the need for effective asset management are going to con-


oct/nov 15

Figure 2: Relationship of key terms

2. Third-party certification is done by an accredited certifying body. The

first national accreditations for certifying bodies were issued by the
United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) in the spring of 2015.
Other national accreditations are soon to follow. Organizations may also
self-certify, though this does not carry the same weight in international commerce as third-party certifications. As with other management
systems standards, the organization may certify a business unit and not
the whole organization. When discussing certification, it is important to
recognize what is being certified and by whom.
It is also important to distinguish individual certification from organizational certification. The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) offers
a certificate and a diploma for individual practitioners of asset management. The World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) offers a certified
asset management assessor qualification.
3. Asset management occurs at multiple levels: strategic, tactical and operational. The standard is meant to be integrated, comprehensive and adaptable. It is hard to address all levels and functions in one conversation, and
it is easy for working asset managers to assume that the operational level
is all that really matters. The question posed by the standard, however, is
about asset value and asset performance, which includes measures, such
as uptime and reliability, that are only two components of value.
The strategic approach begins with a clarification of the organizational mission, vision, values, goals and objectives, and then an analysis
of what assets are needed to meet those objectives. It takes into account
the organizational context in terms of external environment and stakeholder needs. It is capability-based and considers, but is not driven by,
the placement and condition of current assets.
The tactical approach considers how to meet the defined assets
needs. Development, acquisition and outsourcing are all tactics. The
management of asset portfolios occurs at the tactical level.
Operational decisions are often thought of as utilization and maintenance activities, but should include creation and disposal. Those in-

volved in utilization and maintenance are key stakeholders in development activities.


Asset management discussions should begin on a solid foundation.
The easiest way to do this is to quickly work through the: Who, What, When,
Where, Why and How of the discussion.
Who is involved? What department, division, or function are you talking
What is the level of the discussion? Is it strategic, tactical, or operational? Is it multilevel, which requires additional clarity and a more extensive
What is the subject of the discussion? Is it asset management in general, the asset management program or system, or a particular set of asset
management tools?
When will things take place? Asset management issues may be long term
and also driven by current needs. The discussion should include a time
frame for information, decisions and action.
Where is the asset, asset system, or portfolio located? Are you talking in
specifics or generalities?
Why are you having this discussion? Is it because of current events or longterm needs coming to a head? If so, what exactly is driving the need?
How are you going to complete the discussion, make a decision and follow
A common problem occurs in discussion of lifecycle management. It
may be assumed that end of life is a wear out issue, but more often than
not it is a result of technological obsolescence. And there may be a series
of technical renewals or updates that are part of the lifecycle. Without these
clarifications, a discussion of lifecycle management can be very frustrating.
A more fundamental problem is related to the what business are we in
discussion. For example, upper management at a consumer products company may be focused on marketing and distribution, while those engaged in
production are frustrated by the lack of attention to their role.
It all comes down to productive discussions. They are critical to the advancement of asset management and clarity of purpose, while approach is
fundamental to those discussions.
Thomas W. Smith, MS, is a Program Director in the
Department of Engineering Professional Development,
University of Wisconsin-Madison. He served as an U.S.
Delegate and Task Group Leader for the International
Standards Organization (ISO) Program Committee on Asset
Management and serves as a member of the Faculty of the
Institute of Asset Management, UK.

Figure 3: Transition strategies

oct/nov 15


Evolving Ideas &

Some of the smartest people in industry share the dream of enabling the

triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental responsibility and

social responsibility with the Uptime team.
When I meet Uptime readers in the field, one of the first questions I get is,
How do you keep bringing information that actually helps me do my job?
It sometimes seems like you know just what I need to learn or think about.
The secret? The Uptime team shares the same dreams as you do.
Here is a look under the hood to acknowledge some of the people who continue
to shape where this framework and Uptime Magazine is heading.





In 1978, Nowlan and Heap released the report that changed everything
titled reliability centered maintenance and the world began to shift to a more
proactive approach to asset maintenance management.There has been a
combination of extraordinary successes and extraordinary failures in the
application of reliability engineering for maintenance, but Uptime thinks it
is the MOST important knowledge domain because it is the only one that
systemically reduces failures or its effects.
We mourn the passing of RCM great, John Moubray (RCM2 and leader of
the Aladon Network), and we remembered him in the Aug/Sept 2014 issue of
Uptime. We continue to celebrate his life work and move to the future with the
Reliability Centered Maintenance Project Manager's Guide (www.uptime4.
me/rc-managers-guide) available as a peer-developed implementation methodology for those who wish to use it.We are fortunate to still have access to
our other RCM pioneer, Anthony Mac Smith, who would have certainly left
us if not for the quick thinking and action of his wife Mary Lou, who discovered Mac shortly after he suffered a heart attack but, used CPR and a calm
call for emergency help to bring him back.


oct/nov 15



We continue to examine solutions to the CAPEX to OPEX value divide

brought forward by Bentley Systems CEO, Greg Bentley, during past CIO
Roundtable events in Amsterdam and London, as well as Emersons Robert
DiStefano.Two organizations stand out in the area, including Southern Company in the United States(see Uptime Oct/Nov 2013) and Crossrail in the
United Kingdom (see Uptime Oct/Nov 2014).
The REM section is not complete without mentioning our Guru/Teachers,
Dr. Bob Abernethy (translator of the work developed by Waloddi Weibull of
Weibull Analysis fame and the reason the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird ever flew)
and Paul Barringer, the smartest reliability engineer alive today.He has been
both patient and generous with his time and knowledge.


Allied Reliability Groups leader, John Schultz, who is a visionary for all
things that used to be called predictive maintenance and has transformed
this entire subject, deserves special recognition. Uptime Magazine would like
to make it clear that all work we have done in this area begins with the work

Sharing the

of Mr. Schultz and his direct protges, Andy Page and Carey Repasz three
people who moved asset condition monitoring and management thinking
ahead by at least a decade and linked it with reliability.
We would also like to call out Mapped Services and Training (MSAT) Providers, Lubrication Engineers, Ludeca and SDT Ultrasound, for developing
some powerful new paradigms in the asset condition management supply
community based on delivering successful outcomes for clients rather than
just selling a product or service.
Authors and subject matter experts, Jack Nicholas (Asset Condition Management) and Alan Friedman (Audit It: Improve It.),cultivate new thinking in
program management for effective use of condition monitoring.
Our thanks also go out to Jim Hall of the Ultrasound Institute, Dr. Ronald
Eshelman of the Vibration Institute, Jim Berry of Technical Associates, Wayne
Ruddock of Advanced Infrared Resources, Dr. Howard Penrose (better known
as Motor Doc) and lubrication trainer, Ray Thibault.


Uptime Magazine is very fortunate to have the time, attention and contribution of Mr. Terry Wireman, who we consider to be the absolute master
of all things work execution management related with his six book series,
Maintenance Strategy Series, published by Reliabilityweb.com.He is also a
successful trainer for the Certified Reliability Leader courses.
Our other prime inspiration is Life Cycle Engineerings Joel Levitt, who
has produced an equivalent WEM body of knowledge to Mr. Wireman's.He
continues to amaze us with his zen-like enlightened teachings about performance in life and work.
The team of Jeff Shiver, Dave Bertolini and Tammi Pickett keep us connected at the equipment level, where the rubber meets the road in reliability,
maintenance planning and scheduling, and effective CMMS use.


There is an interface between reliability, work execution management
and leadership, and there is no one whose work bridges it more than that
of Winston Ledet, author of Dont Just Fix It, Improve It! and Level 5 Leadership
At Work.He has provided us with the insight to empower teams for defect

Terrence O'Hanlon

elimination and teaches us the direct connection to and from leadership and
asset reliability.
Cliff Williams woke us up to the culture created with leadership in People: A Reliability Success Story and if you have ever seen Cliffs non-traditional
keynotes, you can see why I used the term woke up.
Filling in the reliability leadership gap is Ron Moore, whose best selling
books, Making Common Sense Common Practice and What Tool? When?, lead
all maintenance reliability titles in terms of sales volume.If you have ever read
them or had the good fortune to hear Ron speak, you will understand why.
In the real world, I would like to thank two people who live it, George
Williams and George Mahoney, who have taught me that performance is the
result of leadership and that by generously empowering those around you
as leaders, everyone benefits.The performance that these two have created,
each in their own way, will serve as my own lighthouse in my attempts to
improve in this area.

It is all about value at the end of the day and the people showing us
how to create and deliver performance through asset management include
ISO TC-251 Chairman Rhys Davies, IAM CEO David McKeown, MTAs Michael
Salvato, University of Wisconsins Thomas Smith and US TAG Chairman Jim
Dieter. You can watch for more thought leadership in this area as we expand
our coverage to learn from organizations like Pacific Gas and Electric that earn
ISO50001 Certification.
And finally, we like to say you are known by the associations you keep, so
we stay plugged into dozens of the societies, groups and associations who are
part of a larger community of practice called The Asset Management Alliance,
who are engaged in creating guidance for the rest of us. These groups include
The Association of Asset Management Professionals (www.maintenance.
org), The Institute of Asset Management (www.theiam.org), MIMOSA (www.
mimosa.org), The Industrial Internet Consortium (www.industrialinternet
consortium.org), BEMAS (www.bemas.org/en) and STLE (www.stle.org) and
will continue to rapidly expand in 2016.
So, when I do meet readers who want to know how we manage to
publish such high quality information, we hope this short acknowledgment,
that leaves out hundreds of great contributors (sorry about that), provides a
glimpse of the rarified air we get to do business in.

oct/nov 15



Why Your Ultrasound Program Needs a Partner
Creating a world-class in-house ultrasound
program promises fast return on your
investment. It is an ambitious venture that,
when planned properly, becomes the crown
jewel of your Asset Condition Management
Successful implementation requires a huge
commitment in both manpower and budget.
You see, 70% of companies polled felt that an
in-house asset management strategy was
preferred over outsourcing. Yet only 30% of
those strategic implementations met expectations. Lack of leadership to drive culture
change has been cited as the number one
reason for failure.
Traditionally, the supplier relationship ends
after the point of sale, leaving the burden of
success with the customer. At SDT, we believe
that a successful ultrasound program is a
shared responsibility between the supplier
and the customer, one that doesnt end after
the point of sale. SDT bridges the customer supplier gap by staying with you every step of
the way.

The Customer - Supplier Gap


burden of success

point of sale


SDT Bridges That Gap

MANAGED Ultrasound

MANAGED Ultrasound is the bridge that

helps you plan, implement, and maintain
your ultrasound program for life.

Shared Responsibility For Success

We Help



We Provide


You concentrate on your reliability

program, we do the rest. Together, well
create a world class ultrasound program.



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Captial vs Operational Expenditures

Traditional CAPEX Spend

Companies that follow a traditional CAPEX model

when implementing ultrasound to their reliability
strategy face high risks, big up-front investment,
and longer wait times for ROI. The risks are 100%
borne by the customer with no guarantee for
Without SDTs roadmap to world-class, up to six
months may pass before your team even nds its
rst air leak or acoustically greases their rst
motor bearing. The chart Traditional CAPEX
Spend illustrates how ROI is still below CAPEX six
months after deployment. Thats unacceptable.

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3


Month 4

Month 5

Month 6


With SDTs MANAGED ULTRASOUND approach no CAPEX is required.

SDTs Managed Ultrasound OPEX Approach

SDT shares the front-end burden of start up by

providing all the hardware, sensors, software,
training, and mentorship you need. Program costs
are spread out over low, all-inclusive monthly fees
pulled from your OPEX budget.
Progress is marked by 3 major milestones and
scorecarded to track your progress. Regular site
visits by your dedicated customer success
representative ensures that you program stays on
track. We help you document your success and
highlight the ROI that you have achieved.

Operational Spend
Month 1

Month 2

Month 3


Month 4


A New Way of Thinking

Managed ultrasound represents a new way of thinking to be sure. Even if you are already getting results
from your ultrasound initiative, you know you can be doing better. As ultrasound testing takes its place as a
key element of your asset condition management strategy you know you need to do more to hear more.
Managed Ultrasound oers something dierent. A new approach. A partnership which is only available
when you pair yourself with a technology leader.

Talk to an SDT Representative to Hear More


Month 5

Month 6



Work Execution Management

Sometimes I wonder if the maintenance reliability community

(and now the asset management community) are making any progress at all.


Reliability Guru, Terrence OHanlon

What has changed in last 10, 20, 50 years? Have you noticed any
changes? There are some things that have changed and some that
have stayed the same.
We live in a digital age now. Babies are playing with tablets and
smartphones instead of dolls and building blocks. Technology is making
us change big time. It is changing our lives, but there are some things it
will not change. They are the fundamentals. We are re-branding them
and giving them different names, but the basic principles did not change.
Lets take preventive maintenance (PM) as an example. We invented
or learned the hard way back in the 1960s that we need to check or inspect the machinery and fix it accordingly so it does not fail. Technology
is helping us do that more efficiently, but the basic principles remain
the same. But the question is: Are all of us doing PM? Unfortunately, the
answer is no. Many companies still live in a REACTIVE, run to failure mode.
Lets take another example, planning and scheduling. We started
planning the tasks and scheduling them to eliminate waiting time
waste inefficiencies over 40 to 50 years ago. Do we do planning and
scheduling in a proper way? Again, the answer is no. Many organizations
are still struggling to implement planning and scheduling. They may have
a planner in namesake only, since what he or she does is just scheduling.
I wrote and presented this paper almost 30 years ago. I accidentally found it and was surprised to read that we are still struggling to
implement some of the things I talked about in the paper. We still dont
understand basic fundamentals. We have a long way to go.

The More Things Change,

the More They Stay the Same

Ramesh Gulati

Notice the similarity between Figure 3 on optimized maintenance (from the paper, Optimization of Maintenance
by Ramesh Gulati, 1988) and Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Anatomy 2014 Figure 3 on optimized asset management.

oct/nov 15

Ramesh Gulati, CRL,

CMRP CRE, is an
Asset Management
and Reliability
Planning Manager
with Aerospace
Testing Alliance at
Arnold Engineering
Development Center
(AEDC), Arnold AFB, TN.

oct/nov 15


Work Execution Management



oct/nov 15

oct/nov 15


Work Execution Management



oct/nov 15

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oct/nov 15




Reliability Engineering for Maintenance




What Pro


oct/nov 15

The first half of 2015 has seen a dramatic drop in the price of
crude oil. Six-year lows are being seen and there is uncertainty
about where or when the market will bottom out.

here is a lot of speculation as to the

causes of this situation. The current
environment is even more impactful since it comes on the heels of
record highs for oil prices driven
by increased oil consumption in
growing nations, such as China, coupled with
unrest and conflict in key oil supplying nations,
such as Iraq. This caused conventional producers
worldwide to struggle to keep up with demand.
As a result, prices spiked and $100/bbl oil was the
norm since 2010.
This increased demand, coupled
with record, seemingly sustainable
prices, made traditionally cost prohibitive methods of extraction viable. Shale or tight oil extraction in
North Dakota and steam-assisted

gravity drainage (SAGD) in the heavy oil sands of

northern Alberta are now attractive to producers
and investors eager to exploit the high market value of oil. In the U.S. alone, production has risen by
four million barrels a day since 2008.
Capital project budgets reached record limits
and finding human capital (i.e., skilled and experienced people to operate, maintain and manage
these facilities) became increasingly difficult. Competition for employees drove salaries ever higher,
supported by the need to produce and the high
margins available.
All this was stable until demand started to
taper off and supply was able to outpace it. This
resulted in unsold oil being stockpiled until later
and a worldwide surplus or glut of oil supply.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) has typically been the balance
in this equation. As the process of oil production
is threatened, the curtailment of supply through
OPEC nations ensured the supply side of the equation was in check and the price remained stable.
However, this time, OPEC has refused to cut
supply, citing a loss of market share to
higher cost producers, such as shale
and SAGD.

Now, producers have seen their margins

reduced to razor-thin levels. Costs that were justifiable in a higher return environment are now
threatening the viability of the business. Furthermore, cash reserves are quickly being consumed
as organizations try to reduce their workforces to
adapt to this economic reality.
One thing that hasnt changed is the need for
organizations to fulfill their regulatory and social
requirements to operate. They must ensure they
remain vigilant in controlling risks that could endanger the health and welfare of their employees
and the community, as well as ensure they do not
create an event that could have an irreparable impact on the environment.


The importance of
managing physical
assets has grown as
a strategic lever in asset-intensive companies over the past several decades. It is driven
by a range of factors, including the need to ensure sound safety and
environmental stewardship, obtain solid
financial returns, apply
advanced technologies
and demonstrate value to the shareholders
and the communities
in which they do busi-

oct/nov 15


Reliability Engineering for Maintenance

ness. In early 2014, this culminated in the publication of the ISO55000 standard for physical asset
Asset management is defined in ISO55000
as the coordinated activity of an organization to
realize value from assets. Instead of a cost to be
managed, asset management has become a strategic element for helping organizations weather uncertain economic times and ensure they are at the
head of the pack in terms of competitiveness. But
beyond all this, asset management ensures that
owners and operators have the systems, policies,
practices and people in place to ensure safe, reliable and environmentally responsible operations.


One aspect of asset management that is particularly powerful in a low margin oil environment
is the implementation of business-focused equipment reliability programs. Reliability took root in
low margin industries, such as paper production,
where global competition, coupled with dramatically lower demands, meant only the lowest cost,
most efficient producers would survive. Reducing
the unit cost of production was essential, and re-


oct/nov 15

this. Unplanned, unreliable operations cause unrecoverable loss of salable goods and increased
costs of labor, energy and materials, and will quickly result in an unsustainable business model.
The elimination or control of unplanned
events is the greatest financial return that asset
management can yield for your organization. By
understanding the causes of unplanned events
and focusing efforts on eliminating or avoiding
preventable losses, organizations can quickly increase production values while lowering overall
cost per barrel.
Historically, high margin producers were
often lucky. In the new environment, low margin
producers must be smart.

Reducing overall costs must be done, however, broad-brush cost-cutting measures will not
ensure viability given that the timing of a return to
higher margins is not guaranteed and the damage
done by taking such an approach will be felt for
years to come. Instead, the need is to ensure that
the integrity of the operation remains intact and
there is no increase in the risk associated with less
maintenance. Robust reliability centered maintenance techniques, as outlined in SAE JA1011, are
suitable to help understand the appropriate maintenance strategy for complex or tightly coupled
operations. However, if the goal is to reduce cost
while maintaining current performance and you
need to do this quickly, a maintenance program
optimization (MPO) review may be the answer.
Over time, maintenance programs tend to
grow. Often the genesis of the program is an original equipment manufacturers recommended
maintenance program that has had a cursory review by the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC). From here, the addition of new technology, techniques and responses to poor asset
performance cause the maintenance program to
grow. Experience shows that about 30 percent of
the existing maintenance program is of low or no
value. This is often for a number of reasons:
The cost of the maintenance task often exceeds the cost of the failure it is trying to prevent. It is simply not worth doing.
There are duplicate tasks, for example, changing oil based on a time schedule or cycles, as
well as performing a lube analysis program.
The tasks are inappropriate for the equipment. Often, legacy tasks remain in the system after component upgrades or capital improvements to the system, resulting in work

that cannot be completed. This becomes an

annoyance to the maintenance staff, who
simply close the work as completed. This work
is especially costly, as it still goes through the
planning and scheduling processes and, in
some cases, requires the purchasing of spare
parts that will not be used. It is not technically
feasible to do the work.
The work does not reduce the risk of equipment failure. The work is not effective.
Work that is poorly planned or too vague. For
example, maintenance on an elevated motor
that requires scaffolding or work that is simply
labeled inspect and repair as required.
Work that is currently performed based on a
schedule can be migrated to a condition, allowing your organization to increase the life
of its equipment, yet still plan the repair in
enough time to avoid the consequences of
the failure.
The identification of the risk associated with
not performing preventive maintenance work.
In most organizations, there is not enough
personnel to do all the work. By understanding the risk associated with the work task, the
organization can defer or cancel low risk tasks
and focus on those that are the most effective.
Reduction of reactive work. When the work is
categorized based on risk avoidance and effectiveness, the amount of reactive work will decline. Reactive work is usually two to four times
more costly to perform than proactive work.


liability was one way to remain both competitive

and viable. Oil production is not facing an alternative to its product, as was seen in the paper industry. However, the need to remain reliable will have
a direct impact on profitability.
Unplanned equipment downtime erodes
profit. It is a common mistake to think that unplanned downtime is less important when product margins are low. People think, We are only
making $18/bbl, therefore, the equipment does
not need to be as reliable because the consequences arent as severe. In fact, the opposite is
true. The need to provide raw material, labor and
energy to processes to produce products does
not change. The best strategy for becoming a low
cost producer of any product is to produce greater
volumes at the same cost. Reliability accomplishes

The elimination or control of unplanned

events is the greatest financial return that asset
management can yield for your organization.

Risk management provides a framework

to ensure that:

All levels of the organization understand the

tolerance for risk and make decisions based
on that known value.

The identification of risk is consistent and

based on the goals of the company (e.g.,
safety, the environment, production, etc.).

Decisions to spend or defer money have a

rational basis and consider the organizations
exposure to risk.

The development of mitigation, elimination

and acceptance strategies are based on their
impact on the organization.

The organization allows capital spending

decisions to be better planned.

Senior management understands the current

risks facing their business and provide the
information needed to make critical business

When operating budgets shrink and resources that were limited before become even
scarcer, understanding where to spend limited
dollars is critical. Unfortunately, in many organizations, this decision is more emotional rather
than quantitative.

HOT off the Press!

Order now
and receive the
First Edition

No one knows how long low oil will last or
how bad it will get before it stabilizes. However,
producers need to react now. Cutting fat is the first
logical step, but it must be done with care and precision. Asset management will help weather this
storm while maintaining a profitable, competitive
business that is ready to capitalize when the markets begin to turn.
James Nesbitt is a Partner
at Asset Performance Group
(APG). Mr. Nesbitt has a wide
exposure to a number of
heavy industries that provide
a breadth of experience
when consulting with clients.
James focuses on delivering
solutions, not services, and
establishing relationships
with his clients. www.apgassetcare.com

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oct/nov 15




human capital management | Leadership for Reliability


Human Capital and the

Internet of
Managing talent and leveraging experience


oct/nov 15

Burt Hurlock

f you have children aspiring to attend college, then you know that
somewhere between the time of their birth and the present, the world
changed. It went from valuing being well-rounded to valuing specialization. Whether thats a healthy development is a worthy debate, but
not the purpose of this article. This article explores the role of the connected world in propagating specialization and how specialization has
the potential to supercharge the value of old-fashioned human judgment.
Technical visionaries often invoke terms like the Internet of Things, smart
machines and machine to machine (M2M) to ease our fears about managing
the upcoming brain drain that accompanies the graying American industrial
workforce. The theory goes that one day, self-learning machines and massively parallel computing may replace the operator. Perhaps, but not in the foreseeable future. Thats because smart machines are very good at keeping us
from doing dumb things, like stalling a commercial airliner, or pushing a gas
compressor beyond safe tolerances. In the realm of black and white, the value
of artificial intelligence is unassailable. But what about the rest of the time?

The Internet has accomplished little if not the ability to perform
research and gather massive amounts of information quickly.
Industrial automation combined with smart sensing technologies and advanced analytics have compounded the
potential for knowledge and insight far beyond anything imaginable just ten years ago. What isnt known
is whether these technologies will ever account for
enough variables to achieve sufficient situational
awareness to best human judgment.
This author once stood on the floor of a nuclear
power generation control room simulator and tapped
on the glass of an analog meter to see if reenacting the
famous scene from the movie The China Syndrome would
mean anything to the guide. He said, We really do that, you
know. Sometimes the humidity makes the gauges stick. He had
never seen the movie. So what should be done until the Internet of Things
and smart systems can anticipate and address all possible scenarios, situations and outcomes and become all-knowing? And how likely is that to happen so long as humans make mistakes and mechanical designs have flaws?

late the modern medical system, with its hub-and-spoke care delivery systems
that depend on highly specialized satellites of expertise supporting centers
or hubs of total care. Just like medical specialty practices are the healthcare
worlds method of rationally allocating scarce skills and knowledge, networks
of highly experienced machine health analysts can virtually achieve in the
industrial world what the medical world has achieved locally. In this scenario,
the demise of the industrial workforce, as author Mark Twain warned, may be
greatly exaggerated, but only on two conditions: 1) that the workforce recognizes and seizes the opportunity, and 2) that there are rewards for doing so.
Talent and experience have always been scarce. In fact, scarcity may be
a defining attribute of talent. So the problem is not new, nor is it without its
merits for both talent and those seeking to employ it. In most commercial
endeavors, talent is rewarded with outsized returns. From Hollywood actors
to great Wall Street traders, talent gets paid commensurately with the value
it contributes to the enterprise. Lamenting the industrial talent exodus begs
the question of whether American industrial workers are being rewarded
commensurately with their contribution. Its a question that will become
more poignant as interconnectedness accelerates specialization and specialists acquire more leverage by achieving efficient production. Why
should industry expect more for less when that paradigm isnt
commercially viable anywhere else? And does that expectation explain the brain drain? Industry has its role to play in
rewarding big value-generating diagnostic insights or all
that hand-wringing about the graying workforce and
the disinterest of the millennials rings hollow.

may be
a defining
attribute of


Technology vendors never hesitate to invoke the graying of the industrial
workforce to underscore the need for interconnectedness, smart machines and
even offshoring skilled industrial knowledge workers. From one perspective,
the sales pitch is a slightly cynical exploitation of fear. From another, the solution
being offered solves the brain drain problem by not displacing experienced
American workers, but by making them more powerful, possibly indispensable.
Using massive connectedness to enhance visibility, disseminate knowledge and support collaboration accelerates situational awareness and improves the collective judgment of all manner of line workers, management,
and arguably, faster than the systems themselves can ever catch up. Why?
Because addressing the mundane, the black and white through automation
frees up intellectual bandwidth to focus on increasingly complex problems
associated with even more subtle variables that intelligent systems have yet
to resolve. These variables may be so intermittent, uncorrelated, or local that
they never submit to a universal rule base. It is these intelligence gaps in the
connected world that will perpetually propagate specialization.


Terrence OHanlon, the publisher of Uptime, recently coined the phrase,
the Internet of People, which nicely diffuses the fear and uncertainty that brain
drain is sometimes used to provoke. The Internet of People may even envision
organizational change and new business models that could eventually emu-


The Internet of People arrives just in time to fill

whatever experience vacuum may be developing in industrial America and at the very moment that industrial
enterprises have both the tools and the need to correlate value with knowledge and experience. Whether or not specialists
emerge through and by the Internet to supply that demand remains
an open question. However, free market theory suggests its less a question
of if than when. Until machines get smart enough to trump judgment, specialists on the end of scalable, connected solutions will dominate.
The graying industrial workforce is not the work of a malevolent universe, rather, it is a sign of change, evolution and transition of human capital.
Like aging Air Force pilots for whom there is no substitute for a person in
the cockpit with their hand on the stick, the new generation of drone pilots
replacing them cant possibly bring to bear the knowledge, experience, or
character required to do the job. It just isnt so. The remote world is everywhere for a generation where gathering information, analyzing it and acting
on it remotely is second nature.
Perhaps it is connectedness and its power to concentrate and accelerate
knowledge that is to blame for academias pivot away from being well-rounded. Whatever the reason, specialization is the currency of the day. Moreover,
specialization is the best way to play scarcity as an advantage, whether youre
applying to college or carving out a sustainable role or business niche. Be
it a response to the Internet or because of it, there has never been a better
time than the era of connectedness for people from all walks of life to amass
experience and knowledge of all kinds to leverage scarcity. Yet, the question remains whether industrial professionals will seize the opportunity to
improve their own positions as employees or third parties for the benefit of
the industries they serve.
Burt Hurlock is CEO and a board member of Azima
DLI focusing on strategic growth initiatives and
on advancing the companys scalable enterprise
applications of machine health analytics. Mr. Hurlock
has spent more than 20 years as a founder, builder,
adviser, and turnaround executive for a number of
venture-backed professional service businesses.

oct/nov 15



Reliability Value Chain


master data


ac t

rov us


i on




i n fo
at i

on k


asset health




The Reliability Value Chain Top performing

companies understand that reliability is a chain of
activities that reach across the organization.
Transform your reliability program
to drive down maintenance
costs, while improving
safety and availability.
i mp n u o




The best reliability programs are data driven. Without a solid data foundation, the
integrity of your decisions will always be questioned. Invest in a robust data foundation
which includes asset master data, failure codes, and maintenance procedures.


Deriving information from asset-condition data has long been used as the indicator
of asset health. Now, top quartile performers are leveraging process-parameter data
to get deeper insight into the health of their assets. Putting these two together in a
robust dashboard view provides the complete picture of asset health. And, adding
process-parameter data has never been easier with wireless technology.



Knowing what is good, what is normal, and what needs attention is critical to your
reliability program. That knowledge comes from the union of data, information,
and experience. Otherwise, your reliability program is just collecting useless
information. Reach outside of your organization to get best-in-class experience.


The time for maintenance needs to be the right time for the maintenance
department and operations. Top quartile-performers get their operations team
and supply chain involved in order to minimize disruption, labor, and parts costs.
Their maintenance spend decreases, and by eliminating emergency repairs, their
plant availability increases.

Make the cultural shift in reliability

to improve bottom line results:




Asset Condition Management


Saves NIF Shot Time and Money

by Nick

oct/nov 15


At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratorys National Ignition

Facility (NIF), the worlds largest laser system, we treat our
assets the way a good medical doctor treats patients. We are
proactively keeping tabs on the health of the equipment
using asset condition management (ACM) techniques. We do
not perform any intrusive maintenance until asset conditions
require it.

IFs product is the physics data derived from the experiments

performed at the facility. Our goal is to maximize NIFs availability to do experiments and consequently its data output
by predicting and preventing equipment failures before they
occur. We want to be in control of the equipment, not let the
equipment be in control of us.
NIF focuses 192 of the worlds highest energy lasers on peppercorn-sized
targets to create unprecedented conditions of temperature and pressure for
a wide variety of cutting-edge scientific experiments. We use reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and other industry best practices processes and
tools to keep NIF running at an ever increasing pace. NIF completed over 300
target experiment in Fiscal Year 2015 while also saving millions of dollars in
avoided downtime and unnecessary maintenance. Since 2011, RCM and a
companion program called condition-based maintenance (CBM) have saved
more than $2 million. They are projected to save nearly $3.5 million by 2017.
The programs use non-intrusive techniques, such as vibration analysis, oil
analysis, ultrasonic lubrication and the elimination of ineffective preventive
maintenance tasks.
The RCM program is a decision process to determine what needs
to be done based on the function of the equipment. In other
words, our decisions are function-based, not equipment-based. We look at the failure modes and
effects of each asset and the criticality of the
function it performs to determine the best
maintenance path to follow.
We have determined that using a
template process based on equipment
type alone leads to wasted time and
effort. For example, we now have
a completely different preventive
maintenance (PM) procedure for two
identical pumps because one has a primary function and the other serves as
a backup pump. While we maintain the
primary pump with all essential PMs, we
perform a different set of PMs to assure the
backup pump is in a ready state.
A key asset condition management tool
used by our facility operations and maintenance
(FOM) group is vibration analysis. We use it to assess the
health of critical pumps and motors to mitigate failures and plan for
repairs with as much early notice as possible. Vibration analysis has allowed
us to predict whats failing and how its failing. We also keep historical records
of this analysis and plan to potentially determine how much longer we have
before a failure may occur.
We also use our vibration analyzer and precision laser alignment tool to
perform alignment and balancing whenever we replace motors or fans. The
vibration analyzer provides information about our critical rotating machinery,
measuring the condition of bearings, co-alignment of motors and pumps,
adequacy of equipment mounting and proper balancing, all of which affect
the reliability of our rotating equipment.

When we install new equipment, we get a baseline of the vibration signature, make the necessary adjustments and take the baseline again until
were satisfied that weve installed the equipment properly. Then, we go out
every quarter or so and take another vibration signature. Based on how the
vibration spectrum is changing, we can tell whether a bearing is failing, if the
motor has some imbalances and so forth.
The RCM program paid big dividends toward the end of last year when
a routine monthly vibration analysis detected incipient failures on one of
the motors in the laser amplifier cooling system. The motor was placed on
a watch list and scheduled for weekly vibration analysis. Subsequent tests
revealed a significant rise in low frequency vibrations, indicating further
bearing deterioration and looseness. At that point, the FOM team received
management approval to replace the motor before it failed.
Vibration analysis told us that the motor bearing was beginning to wear
out and it wasnt worth the risk to extend the operation of the motor any
longer. If it failed at an inopportune moment, it could impact facility costs a
lot more than the cost of replacing the motor.
Vibration analysis allowed sufficient time to have a well planned replacement strategy using NIFs Formula 1 operational approach based
on the quick teamwork of Formula 1 race car pit crews.
NIFs FOM and transport and handling (T&H) teams
used pre-coordinated plans to replace and commission the motor in an available four-hour
window between shots, taking less than
three hours to complete the task. Prior
to Formula 1 evaluation, the process in
a reactive mode could have required a
full eight-hour shift.

Figure 1: Facility operations and

maintenance technicians perform
precision alignment on the NIF central
plant motor and pump set

This proactive approach prevented at

least eight hours of shot delays had the motor
failed while we were preparing for a shot. The Formula 1 process avoided at least two hours of shot delays,
for a onetime savings of about $80,000.
We think of ACM in the same way a doctor thinks about using lab results prior to treating a patient. Our CBM differs from time-based preventive maintenance by taking into account the condition of the equipment
in determining the need for additional maintenance. We use oil analysis to
monitor the health of our rotating equipment and as a way to confirm any
diagnoses from our vibration analysis data. For example, if vibration analysis
indicates that we are seeing some bearing deterioration, we should be able
to confirm this with an increase in the metallic contents of the oil. With these
types of confirmations, we can then make informed decisions on performing
the appropriate maintenance.
oct/nov 15


Asset Condition Management


Figure 2: FOM electrician installs an

accelerometer on a NIF power amplifier
circulating fan motor

Lubrication for motors is another example. We use precision ultrasonic lubrication for all our motor
bearing lubrication. This technology
alone has doubled the life of our laser amplifier cooling motors. Based
on the manufacturers recommendations, we used to pump in three
to six pumps of grease per bearing
every quarter. It turned out that
was much more than was needed
for this operation. Now, we use ultrasonic oil analysis to determine if
lubrication is needed.
The ultrasonic device is attached to a Zerk fitting and allows
the technician to listen to the bearing while applying the lubricant.
By doing this, the technician can
determine how much lubricant to
add and when to stop adding it. In
the past, we used to find the windings full of grease during post-failure analysis. Now, we are no longer
filling our motor windings with
grease and eliminating that issue
has extended the life of our motors.

We also started using a paperless process, utilizing tablet computers to

streamline our checklists and track our work orders. One hundred PM work
orders are now being performed using the mobile platform and this number
is increasing each week. Environmental stewardship is one of our goals and
going mobile not only saves trees, but has saved time as well. Data from the
field is seamlessly stored in our enterprise asset management (EAM) database
and we get automatic alerts when inspections find parameters that are out
of spec.
The FOM team performs about 6,000 PM work orders a year at an estimated average of four hours per work order. About 25 percent of all maintenance tasks have gone through a rigorous RCM analysis to evaluate cost-effectiveness and value, resulting in the elimination of hundreds of hours of
ineffective preventive maintenance. In addition, the team has reduced the
time spent doing reactive maintenance by 50 percent. RCM evaluations for
the remaining maintenance tasks are in progress, but the reviews already are
saving several hundred thousand dollars a year. Expansion of NIFs RCM and
CBM efforts are planned for 2015 and the years to follow.
Nick Jize is the NIF facilities and utilities manager.
He has more than 20 years of experience in reliability
management and is considered an industry leader in
reliability centered maintenance and asset condition
management. His job is to ensure that all conventional
facility equipment and utilities at NIF are ready for laser
shot operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week.




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Build a High



Work Execution Management



Mike Stonecipher

Leading a maintenance turnaround

is not for the faint of heart.

It takes guts, vitamins and a lot of prayers, in addition to a good plan.


oct/nov 15


Maintenance Team

few years ago, this author inherited perhaps the worlds most
underperforming, unreliable, unpredictable, unacceptable
and all other antonyms that are an antithesis for anything
positive, maintenance team. The extreme lack of performance left all sorts of carnage piled up at the front door of
the unemployment office. Maintenance managers did not last
longer than 18 months before quitting or getting fired. To be fair, it was the
result of long-term neglect and a few bad decisions by upper management.
Nonetheless, the requirements of the job was to roll up the shirt sleeves, do
a deep dive and fix it.
At the bottom of Maslows hierarchy of needs are food and shelter. Simply put, SURVIVAL. That was exactly where the company was and its maintenance department was not helping the situation. However, this authors
personal goal went beyond survival. It was to reclaim a higher quality of life by
eliminating the late night and weekend calls that started out like, Boss, you
aint gonna believe this! Conditions were so bad that the author personally
helped extinguish two fires in one year that could have burned down the
facility, which, at the time, did not seem like a bad plan.
Just in case you or someone you know is experiencing a similar undesirable work environment, the author shares this brief recap of the maintenance
turnaround plan that was used.


DELIVER a State of the Union Address
Pull together the facts, no matter how ugly they are, and present them to the
entire maintenance team in a clear and succinct message. It is best that all
team members hear it at the same time. This is a message that you cannot
afford to have delivered secondhand or get misconstrued. Once the bad news
is delivered, which is probably old news, begin painting a picture of the future
and call it the target condition. Demonstrate passion and convey what a critical role the maintenance department plays in the execution of the business
strategy, achievement of operational performance targets and safety. Next,
highlight some of the initial steps that will be taken to get the turnaround
process started. No need to communicate a long, boring comprehensive plan.

Just stick to the key areas that will receive a laser focus so the journey and
dedication to achieving the target condition is crystal clear.
This meeting is not about searching for agreement or reaching a consensus. It is about setting a new direction and establishing a starting point for the
turnaround. It is about encouraging those that want to change, converting
those that are on the fence and firing a warning shot to those who are dead
set on maintaining status quo. Will there be teamwork, employee feedback
and participation? You bet! It is impossible to reach target condition without
a fully engaged workforce.

DEVELOP a Code of Conduct and

Daily Standard Work

This is the first team assignment. Pull together a mix of formal leaders and
informal leaders. Why informal leaders? Because often they are the ones that
others are going to follow. On a flip chart, begin documenting the characteristics of a high performance maintenance team. At this point, nothing is too
basic. In fact, most of the items on the list should be fundamental and include
such things as: start and stop times, protocol for shift hand off, documenting
work performed, providing feedback to operators, behaving in a courteous
and professional manner, and so forth. Take the feedback and create two
formal documents: a code of conduct and daily standard work. Each document should be no more than one page in length. Once completed, ask the
sub-team to present the documents to the team. It is critical that everyone
hears the message, understands the documents and signs a training record.
Post the documents in very conspicuous places throughout the maintenance
shop. It is also a good idea to have some of the maintenance team members report on the new mode of operation at a monthly all employees meeting or at operational team meetings.
Now that expectations are clear, all future group meetings will be conducted with a sense of urgency and in a celebratory manner for each accomplishment achieved, even the small ones that look like baby steps. Long-term
success is going to be built by putting points on the scoreboard, not by a
single silver bullet. Will there be tough discussions? Yes, but probably with
only a small percentage of the group. From this point forward, those discussions will be held in private and on an individual basis. Everyone else will be
receiving praise and encouragement.
oct/nov 15


Work Execution Management



Will there be tough discussions?

PURGE the Junk

This is not glamorous work. In fact, it can be extremely nasty. However, the
result will make a huge impression, improve efficiency, safety and morale, and
generate a cleansing feeling. It is like a new beginning. Dont be surprised that
when you start purging the junk, you end up with over 14 flatbed trailers full
of scrap steel and obsolete equipment for the recycler no kidding!
Start with the red tag process. Expect some pushback because someone
will insist that you keep that one-of-a-kind inoperable 1968 strain gauge that
was made by a company that no longer exists. Target purging the junk in the
maintenance department first, then attack all other hidden areas scattered
throughout the factory. Tackle the maintenance, repair and operations (MRO)
tool crib, red tagging all junk and obsolete parts. Be sure not to forget or
overlook cabinets and drawers.
During this process, keep the finance department or controller informed
so assets can be properly accounted for. Before hauling everything to the
recycler, pull a team of engineers, operators and maintenance technicians together to review the red tag area just to make sure there is nothing expensive,
unique and still vital to maintenance and/or operations in the hold area. When
completed and the junk is on its way to the recycler, the accomplishment will
feel refreshing. Make a point to give the team positive feedback and celebrate!
But dont stop there, because this is only the first step in the 5S process.

CONDUCT a Skills Assessment

This is optional based on the demonstrated strengths and skills of the individuals within the department. But if you suspect that the skills are insufficient,
then they probably are insufficient. Do not swing at this assessment alone.
Team up with human resources and your local technical or community college. There are several great resources and tools already developed, tested,
validated and ready to use. This assessment is the starting point for building a
strong, competent team. If you work in a union environment, the skill assessment still can be accomplished by working closely with the union leadership,
sharing the vision and getting their buy-in to the plan.

START the Training Process

Once the job requirements have been determined and individual capabilities
assessed, provide individual feedback in a confidential manner, along with a
prescribed training plan. Again, this is best done through human resources
and outside support. Establish a fair and reasonable time frame for completing the prescribed training plan. There will be pushback, but there also will
be those who are trailblazers and set the course of action for being the first
to complete the training. The good news is that course work is now conveniently available online and lab work can be conducted on-site or possibly
at a technical school.


oct/nov 15

DEVELOP a Critical Equipment List

Identify the key equipment that can bring operations to a halt. It can be a
single piece of equipment that is part of the process in which most of the
products manufactured flows through it, or it can be equipment that does
not have a backup or alternate process. Do not overlook infrastructure when
evaluating critical equipment. If the facility or process is dependent on a
boiler, compressor, cooling tower, or electrical substation, then be sure to
include those items on the list of critical equipment. A substation that has
been ignored or overloaded can be dangerous, create costly repairs and cause
significant downtime.
A good approach for dealing with critical equipment is to: 1) have a
robust preventive maintenance (PM) plan; 2) inventory critical spare parts;
and, 3) have a backup plan for a catastrophic failure. For example, identify and
pre-approve a contract manufacturer for temporary outsourcing. Redundant
equipment is also something to consider, especially if outsourcing options
are unavailable or control of intellectual property is critical.

CONSTRUCT a Capital Plan

Now that the junk is purged and a critical equipment list is constructed, identify the equipment that needs to be placed on an intensive care list. This list
is for equipment that is currently on life support. Engineering support or an
equipment technical representative from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) should be able to help evaluate the options (e.g., invest in repairing

and upgrading the equipment or purchase new equipment and unplug the
life support). The costs and return on investment (ROI) for replacing or upgrading equipment on the intensive care list are the beginning of the capital
plan. Depending on the companys health, a short-term repair may take precedence over replacement until funding can support a long-term solution.
Based on the size of the operation, equipment condition, complexity
and advances in technology, the capital plan may be a three- to five-year
outlook. This type of planning and detail will help with budgeting and eliminating surprises. There are other options to consider if capital is limited or
non-existent, such as vendor financing. This is more common for very expensive equipment, like machining centers, lasers, etc.

HIRE a Reliability Engineer

A reliability engineer is extremely valuable, especially if sophisticated or
complex equipment is involved. The ability to evaluate machinery, identify
its weaknesses, develop a thorough PM plan and make engineering modifications to improve reliability will break the chains of unpredictable performance
and reactionary maintenance. It is not unusual for a good reliability engineer
to generate a savings of six to eight times his or her salary in the first year.

TOSS the Spreadsheets and

work for tool maintenance, visuals for total productive maintenance (TPM)
plan and a kaizen schedule for targeted areas of improvement. Value stream
mapping events can be used for processes like the MRO procurement cycle.
If there is a tool crib, implement a kanban system for spare parts and consider
vendor-managed inventory (VMI) for small parts like nuts and bolts. Converting to VMI can reduce time spent managing small parts and swap inventory
on the balance sheet for cash.

ENGAGE the Operators

Youve probably said or heard the phrase, Please treat the equipment like
you would your house or car. Many folks, in fact, do treat the equipment they
operate exactly the same way they treat their house or car very poorly! So
change your approach to, Please treat the equipment in a way that our target
condition of being ready to run, clean and well maintained is achieved. This
can be a major cultural change. So the onus is on leadership to work with the
operators to establish and achieve the target condition. It can be a challenge
and requires a lot of training, auditing and follow-up. The best tools to use are
a good TPM plan and 5S check sheets. Eventually, the behavior will change,
new habits will form and the target condition will be achieved on a daily basis.
Make it fun! Have a competition and reward the shift or team that does the
best job achieving and maintaining target condition.

Flash Cards Go With CMMS

There are many low cost options for a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). The ability to track and measure performance in real
time is critical to achieving the target condition. A CMMS enables the maintenance team to optimize the usage of replacement parts, properly assign
resources, plan for performing PMs and evaluate the effectiveness of the work
being performed. If your company can afford it, install a wireless system and
purchase tablets so entries and pictures can be made at the point of service.
This is a big time-saver versus going to a computer terminal and getting in
line to make entries.

IMPLEMENT the Right Metrics

It is not unusual to jump right to an overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
metric and wonder why performance is not better. Although OEE is an excellent metric, it is better to start off with basic metrics and master the simple
things. For example, understanding equipment downtime and reason codes
will provide guidance to root cause evaluation and corrective action. Understanding where resources, both people and parts, are consumed can help
with determining if there is a skill deficiency, equipment misuse, design issue,
or some other assignable cause. Once these metrics are clearly understood,
posted and discussed daily at the equipment, add metrics like mean time
between failures (MTBF) and OEE to gain a deeper understanding on how to
improve performance. The target condition should be great uptime (i.e., 100
percent) and a strong, favorable ratio of time spent conducting preventive
maintenance versus performing reactionary maintenance for unplanned

Building a high performance maintenance team is not a threemonth undertaking. It is not a part-time initiative or approach.
Depending on where the department is on the maturity curve,
the age and deterioration of equipment, and the overall health
of the business, it can be a three- to five-year journey. However,
significant improvements are often realized in the first three to
six months by being relentless, firm and encouraging.
The authors company did survive and posted some impressive
profits during its third year in the turnaround. However, perhaps the biggest reward during the turnaround was the bond
and respect the operators and maintenance team developed
for each other. It is a behavior that becomes contagious based
on a common purpose of making the equipment better today
than it was yesterday.

DEVELOP a Lean Maintenance Methodology

What applies to operations applies to maintenance. Methodologies, such as
5S, single-minute exchange of dies (SMED), standard work and kanban, all
can be exemplified in the maintenance department. For example, with 5S,
everything should have a designated place and be in its place. Therefore, if
you implement a parking lot for maintenance buggies with clear visuals and
signage, it sends a message that everything you do matters and should be
done in an organized and efficient manner. This simple idea makes it very
easy to determine who is at work and who isnt. It prevents a traffic jam at shift
change and makes it convenient to conduct a 5S inspection. Other simple
ideas and techniques include quick disconnects for hydraulic units, standard

Mike Stonecipher is a Senior Project Manager

for Georgia Techs Enterprise Innovation Institute.
He specializes in strategic planning, leadership
development and managing projects that will enable
top-line growth and generate bottom-line results for
manufacturers throughout Georgia. Prior to joining
Georgia Tech, Mike served 15 years in the automotive
industry and has also worked in the energy and
sustainability industry. www.gamep.org

oct/nov 15


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oct/nov 15





Asset Management

Systematizing Your


Management Systems for Your Physical Assets


Tracy Smith

n the movie Deliverance, Burt Reynoldss character says, Sometimes you

have to lose yourself before you can find anything. That statement is
never truer than in discussions about asset management. When youre
focused on what you already know, its easy to miss a better way of
doing things.
When it comes to asset management, most
companies focus on maintenance, repair and operations
(MRO). In theory, this makes sense. You would think that
focusing on MRO would be the most effective way to
improve equipment performance and reduce downtime. But in fact, it can compromise the effort. Too
much focus on MRO prevents people from taking
a step back and seeing the big picture.
If a company wants to see consistent,
measurable improvement in asset performance, costs and risks, it must stop
viewing its business functions MRO,
storeroom, procurement and the rest as
isolated units and start treating its asset man-


oct/nov 15

agement operation as a unified system that relies on the cooperation of all

elements for success. This is the basic premise of asset management systems.


Conventional MRO solutions treat individual components of an operation as separate entities. If a company
wants to improve asset performance, it focuses on a
single aspect of it operation. The company may implement a reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
program, purchase a software system, or seek out
supply chain solutions. The trouble is, it does
this without a sense of the larger perspective,
or how the separate pieces of its operation
should fit together.
As a result, many organizations suffer
from a haphazard, stop-and-go, whack-amole approach to asset management. They
make improvements piecemeal without con-

synergy is at
the heart of what an
asset management
system does.

Figure 1: Asset management functional matrix

sidering the larger context. For example, they implement maintenance planning and scheduling without considering MRO supply chain performance,
or install information systems without establishing consistent and insightful
software content. They focus too much on maintenance operations or software applications and ignore other elements that drive success.
Yes, maintenance and software are critical to the success of an asset management operation, but they cant do it alone.
They are key players, its true, but they are
still only two players on a much larger
team, a team that includes storeroom operations, procurement,
operations, project management,
accounts payable and many others. Neglecting the other players
on the team is a fatal mistake because maintenance and software
depend on key support functions,
like storeroom and procurement, for
their success.
The results of this mistake are
all too familiar. Parts arent available
when needed, maintenance job
plans arent detailed enough, materials catalogs dont match actual
inventories, procurement costs are
too high, equipment is down too
often, and so on. Despite a companys best attempts, it ends up with
inefficient operations and frustrated
management. Often, companies blame
the software or the culture that implemented
it rather than addressing the root of the problem.

The Big Picture

What is missing is a consolidated effort, a comprehensive strategy that
addresses all the variables in the asset management equation. The truth is,
asset performance is determined by many factors interacting across multiple internal business functions. Operations must coordinate with maintenance to keep equipment in good condition; maintenance depends on the
storeroom for parts and materials; the storeroom relies on procurement to
obtain supplies; and procurement is at the mercy of project management
and accounting when it comes to authorizing purchases and paying vendors. Understanding and leveraging these interdepartmental dependencies
is the key to getting the most out of a companys physical assets. For an
asset management operation to be successful, all the associated business
functions must be integrated like puzzle pieces to create a single, seamless
Asset management is a team effort. This is where asset management
systems shine. They provide the strategy and structure necessary for coordinating large-scale MRO operations.


An asset management system is a holistic program for directing and
controlling all aspects of equipment and infrastructure management, from
planning and investing to operations, maintenance and disposal. An asset
management system is not a software system. Rather, it is a set of policies,
strategies, practices and processes that govern all activities affecting a companys physical assets. Software is a powerful asset management tool, but it
does not replace a comprehensive asset management system.

An asset management system establishes clear, documented processes for every activity that affects an assets lifecycle, from purchasing a piece
of equipment to creating a work order to contracting a vendor. It dictates
procedures to ensure that all asset lifecycle events, including maintenance
work orders and supply chain transactions, are captured and tracked within
the software system to ensure accurate data and reporting. It
lays out clear guidelines for dividing responsibilities and
coordinating activities between departments. In short,
it provides a complete program for managing physical
assets across the entire organization and throughout
the full asset lifecycle.
Figure 2: Sample of an asset management system

System Components
An asset management system
unites organizational vision and
structure with practices, content,
information systems and assessment tools to create efficient and
effective operations. These components represent all the different factors
that must be directed and coordinated to
create a successful asset management operation.
They encompass the organizations overall objectives,
asset management strategy, team roles and responsibilities, operational activities, technology requirements,
master data libraries, coding structures and performance
measurement tools.
Figure 2 represents a sample asset management
system. Specific components and their contents will differ
from one organization to another, but the basic structure is the same
for any operation.
Organization & Management is the first component of a successful
system. It includes the asset management policy, objectives and strategy determined by upper management, as well as role descriptions and
responsibilities that help define organizational structure.
Practices are the second component of an asset management system.
They include processes and procedures for all maintenance, storeroom
and procurement activities, plus business rules and guidelines for coordinating with project management, accounting and other functions.
Practices are the heart of an asset management system; they keep things
running. The other parts of the system cannot function effectively without solid, consistent, clearly defined practices.
Content is the third component of a system. It comprises master data,
such as asset registries, equipment hierarchies, materials catalogs, vendor catalogs, as well as coding structures, naming conventions, classification systems and other tools for grouping and filtering data. Good
content is the foundation of good data management.
Information Systems constitute the fourth component of an asset
management system. This component specifies the requirements for
all technology associated with asset management, including enterprise
asset management (EAM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA), data historian system, distributed control
system (DCS), predictive maintenance (PdM) technologies, and production control and monitoring systems.
oct/nov 15



Asset Management

Performance Improvement is the fifth and final component of a system. It contains assessment tools, such as key performance indicators
(KPIs), performance targets and audit scoresheets, to measure the systems effectiveness and find new ways to improve.
Together, these five components provide the tools needed to effectively
manage an organizations physical assets, starting at the top with large-scale
policy and objectives and working down to detailed guidelines for specific
roles, practices and technologies.
An asset management system provides the big picture for maintenance
operations. Once in place, it serves as a framework for implementing smaller
programs, such as reliability initiatives, supply chain solutions and software
systems. An asset management system ensures that programs like these are
integrated seamlessly within the rest of an operation to ensure maximum
performance and return on investment (ROI).

Why Use Systems?

Asset management is about making sure a companys physical assets are
helping it accomplish its business objectives. The only way to ensure this is
to maintain a clear line of sight between upper management and the folks in
the trenches, aligning the organization from execs to techs. An asset management system does this by providing a clear directive from upper management
regarding the companys asset management policy and defining management-approved practices and procedures to govern day-to-day activities.
This top-down approach also allows a company to define the interrelationships between its various business functions from the very beginning,
delineating specific roles and responsibilities at the outset to avoid problems
later on. Moving across a broad front like this helps ensure success because
it takes all variables into account, avoiding surprises that pop up halfway
through an implementation. This might happen, for instance, if an organization tries to implement maintenance plans and schedules without an effective storeroom operation.
By defining how different business functions will interact and providing
a unified set of guidelines for the organization as a whole, an asset management system helps to unite an organization around a common cause. This
produces synergy, a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Creating
synergy is at the heart of what an asset management system does.


Numerous organizations have seen
firsthand what systematizing can do for an
operation. One organization, for example, has been implementing an asset
management system over the last 18
months and is already seeing significant, measurable improvements
in performance, reliability and
bottom-line costs.
A representative from the
organizations upper management
reports that the company has realized a significant ROI on the system in
less than two years. We are increasingly becoming a more reliable organization
and minimizing costs in the process, the
representative says. Unplanned maintenance
is down, productivity is up, emergency maintenance has been cut in half and
callout work has been significantly reduced.

An asset
system provides
the big picture for


oct/nov 15

Systematizing an asset management operation improves more than just
equipment reliability. The rewards stretch across the entire organization,
from operational productivity to bottom-line profit to stakeholder relationships. Done right, an asset management system:

improves asset performance and reliability;

increases ROI on equipment and software purchases;

facilitates better record keeping and reporting;

standardizes practices and procedures;

improves coordination between business functions;

increases operational efficiency and productivity;

minimizes costs and improves the bottom line;

facilitates the realization of business objectives;

minimizes health, safety and environmental risks;

demonstrates compliance with legal, statutory and
industry standards;

signals to regulators and stakeholders that assets are in
good hands;

facilitates better performance measurement and analysis;

formalizes commitment to continued improvement and
provides a clearly defined path forward.

The system also has generated downstream benefits for the organization in the form of reduced insurance premiums, netting it significant hard
dollar savings. The organizations contact explains:
Insurance regulators like management systems, especially ones
that focus on improving safety, reducing environmental impact and
minimizing risk. Large manufacturing companies like ours pay a
lot of money for insurance. By demonstrating good stewardship,
our asset management system has actually reduced our insurance
premiums, providing us with significant hard savings that directly
impact our bottom line.
This organization chose to take a comprehensive approach to managing
its assets because it wanted to create value in the long term. The companys
representative put it best:
We are an asset-intensive organization. Our physical assets are
critical to helping us accomplish our business objectives. We felt
the implementation of an asset management system provided a
top-down, comprehensive approach to improving performance
that addressed all variables and could create value across a broad
organizational front on a long-term, sustainable basis.

A Standard for Excellence

Companies arent the only ones talking about the benefits of systems. International experts increasingly agree that asset-intensive organizations need

process-centric systems to manage their operations. In 2004, the British Standards Institution published PAS55, the worlds first international asset management standard. It states that an organization shall establish, document,
implement, maintain and continually improve an asset management system.
ISO55000, the internationally recognized asset management suite of
standards published in 2014 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), agrees. According to Section 4.4 of ISO55001, an organization
shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an asset management system, including the processes needed and their interactions. Together, ISO55000, 55001 and 55002 provide complete guidelines for creating
and implementing an asset management system.


Why are asset management systems so important? The answer is simple:
asset management systems represent a comprehensive approach to asset
management. Asset management systems provide the holistic perspective
and large-scale strategy necessary for managing large maintenance operations. They lower costs, improve asset performance and reduce risk.
The systems themselves may be as complex as the operations they manage, but the results are simple. Asset management systems make asset-intensive organizations run better.
Tracy Smith is a veteran asset management developer,
strategist, and consultant. He is the president of AMS
Engineering, a leading asset management consulting
firm, and has 18 years of experience building and
improving asset management systems for some of the
worlds largest manufacturing organizations.

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oct/nov 15




Reliability Engineering for Maintenance

Carlos Perez

oct/nov 15


hile the word reliability is frequently used, unfortunately, the way it

is used ignores its true context and real implication. With the various improvement techniques in asset improvement, the use of the
reliability word has created a constant advertising siege.
The most known concept to define reliability is: Probability that an asset
or system operates without failing during a given period of time under some
operation conditions previously established.
Sometimes, this concept is wrongly used due to the particular use
given to the word failure. For many, failure only means shutdowns, so they
construct complex mathematical formulas to calculate shutdown probability without taking into account that a failure also occurs when being






inefficient, insecure and costly, having a high rejection level, or contributing to a bad image.
Other factors to be taken into account are shutdown causes that may
occur for numerous reasons, so comparing apples and oranges, as the expression goes, should be avoided. An example is comparing shutdowns
due to bearing lubrication with shutdowns due to errors in bearing mountings. It is not the same changing an item because it is going to fail versus
changing it because it failed versus changing it because a frequency was
met before it failed. Specifying an item that failed due to wearing is not
the same as another that failed due to an improper installation or one
damaged by an accident.

A common discussion is
whether or not reliability is a
statistic issue. Managing data
has an undeniable usefulness
in the companys management
and direction. It is necessary
to distinguish if statistics are
used to manage real data to
see its behavior or to support
forecasts and estimations that
sometimes border on daring
and irresponsible speculations.
Some authors adhere to
defining mathematical postulates as an absolute truth
about failures and deny the
fact that numbers of analyzed
Figure 1: Boiler failure causes
failures mix effects with causes. In addition, they deny that
having failure data to analyze
is accepting that failures occur
and with more data come more failures.
The most common misconception of reliability is that it is like the average time between failure occurrences. This statement has several connotations to consider. The first is to remember that the cipher is an average and
the failure concept is associated with more shutdowns than with unconformities, such as spilling, a nonconforming product, or increased risks, which
are failures too.
Datum as such, is an average cipher. Theres a big difference between
probability and reality, thus generating confusion. A probable failure is a possible failure and an occurred failure is a real failure, but a calculus logarithm
doesnt necessarily assure its occurrence at a given point.
Therefore, using calculated, desired, estimated, arbitrarily fixed, imagined, recommended by manuals and even invented ciphers may carry error
percentages, inaccuracies and deficiencies requiring responsible handling.
For example, Figure 1 shows the various failure causes of a boiler.
If failures are analyzed, Table 1 (see page 54) shows the various results.
It is clear that not all failures affect availability, therefore, they should not
be used in calculating mean time between failures (MTBF) as it is repeatedly

Getting back to boiler failures:

Assume that 10 failure modes are produced within 720 hours (one
Only two of the failure causes listed in Figure 2 produce a shutdown, generating a total of 20 shutdown hours.
According to the traditional failure concept, the calculation of MTBF for
the boiler would be: MTBF = (720 hours 20 hours) / 2 failures = 350
If the companys MTBF goal is 300 hours, the goal would be met.
The probability that the boiler does not fail before the MTBF goal would
be calculated this way: e-(300/350) = 42.5 percent.

Thus, analyzing numbers may only give peace of mind to some people
since there are other reasons an asset may fail, such as:

Non-compliance of cleaning standards;

Inoperative protections;
Harmful situations for security and the environment;
Greater fuel consumption, which is a greater cost.

If the asset does not perform all required functions as desired, it is also
considered a failure.
Therefore, if the real failure concept is applied, calculations would be
MTBF = 720 hours 20 hours / 10 failures = 70 hours.
Since the companys MTBF is 300 hours, the purpose would not be met.
With the current failure concept, the probability that the boiler does not
fail before the MTBF goal would be calculated this way:

Probability = e-(70/350) = 1.37 percent.
Very few companies have data on MTBF; what they really have is datum
on mean time between shutdowns.
Very few companies record failure occurrence using the failure mode
scope and those that do, their information systems make the MTBF calculation difficult.
So, whats the solution? The time being used for mathematical calculation
of MTBF or failure probability would be better spent defining failure consequences and devising an action plan to mitigate those consequences.


Currently, the issue facing maintenance staff is not only learning what
the new techniques are, but also being able to decide which ones are useful
for their companies.
If properly chosen and used in an integrated manner, maintenance
practices and outputs will likely improve. Likewise, costs will be optimized. If
improperly chosen, more problems will be created which, in turn, will worsen
existing ones.
oct/nov 15


Reliability Engineering for Maintenance


Table 1

Failure Cause


Dirty casing

Increases fuel consumption


Release valve is plugged at closed

In case of pressure increase, steam would not be released, thus increasing risk


Combustion gas relief is partially plugged

Increases fuel consumption

Non-compliance with environmental legislation


Fuel system is badly adjusted

Increases fuel consumption

Increases gas issuance
Non-compliance with environmental legislation


Bearing on the burner fan is worn out

Combustion air is not supplied and boiler turns OFF


Steam release piping features corrosion

Piping is ruptured and if theres a leak, someone may get burned

Associated damages


Pumps motor power cable has been bumped

Pump stops so water is not supplied and boiler turns OFF


Water pump thermistor motor fails; it is closed

Upon a surcharge, engine would burn


Forced temperature sensor signal (bridged)

Upon temperature increase, boiler would not turn OFF, increasing risk



Dirty boiler

Companys standards are not met


Some companies have gone beyond statistics and have reviewed their
internal practices, carrying out benchmarking with those that are outstanding. These organizations came to the conclusion that it is impossible to
talk about reliability as a unique cipher. Therefore, it is necessary to use
several measurements as fundamental indicators of inputs/outputs of the
The need for reliability in installations is as old as humanity, but undeniably, the growing relevance of environmental issues and their security have
led to the need of changing orientation of some markets and niches due to:
More complex products.
Greater pressure to reduce costs to be more competitive.
A greater number of operational functions carried out by equipment and
Requirements to reduce products weight and volume, and maintaining
and improving performance and security standards.
Requirements to increase or reduce operation duration of products to
increase or reduce demand.
Greater difficulties to carry out maintenance interventions due to asset
utilization increases.
Trends to use software, electronic, pneumatic, or hydraulic components
having different wearing behavior in response to components failing in
function of age.
Current legislation that is increasingly more demanding and less tolerant.
Greater impact of shutdowns and operational losses on sales and
Growing demands for quality in services and products.
New perceptions of a companys image or commitment.
Commitments to reduce the human life loss risk.
Requests to reduce the spilling risk or affectations of the equipment on
the environment.
These new demands drive the use of strategies that have been successfully applied in many companies, strengthening global performance, optimizing costs, reducing risks, improving corporate image, lowering environmental
impact and consolidating business results.
Successful companies have made a concerted effort to incorporate their
maintenance improvement strategies into other corporate initiatives, avoiding or preventing the syndrome of the campaign of the moment, peak of
the wave, or the promotion of the month. The best indication that this effort
produces satisfaction is when it turns into a durable and stable policy.


oct/nov 15

Generates shutdown?

Among the most successful tools being used consistently are:

Reliability as a global concept instead of reducing costs or downtime.
Carrying out diagnoses, audits and evaluations of maintenance practices.
A development strategic plan describing and establishing a corporate
vision related to reliability and asset good performance.
Extensive utilization of performance measurements with appropriate
Benchmarking to identify opportunities and barriers for improvement.
Sharing knowledge and achieving consensus among areas typically separated; using teams with different functions and specialties who work
together during a specific period of time to analyze problems and opportunities aimed at a common output.

To achieve reliability, maintenance is not the only responsible area. It
requires responsible designs, consistent and trained operators, professional
purchasers and stable policies. In other words, several responsible actors take
part during an assets lifecycle.
Maintenance is considered an action; it is more of a joint responsibility
than a function. Maintenance starts with selecting equipment and follows
with installation. It is supported by the right operation and good maintenance, with support provided by purchases and inventories.
Those responsible for whether assets will be reliable or not are: design;
selection; manufacturing; suppliers; installation; environment; operation;
maintenance; stores; and purchases.

As you can see, improving MTBF is not enough.

Carlos Mario Perez Jaramillo is a Mechanical

Engineer and Informtion Systems Specialist for
Soporte y Ca. Mr. Perez is a specialist in asset
management and project management and has
worked in dissemination, training and application
of RCM2. www.soporteycia.com

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vibration analysis | Asset Condition Management



ts a commonly known fact that machine faults can be detected by changes in the vibration of the machinery. Its
also apparent that non-fault related conditions are also detectable in the vibration data. This means that everything
related to a machine, good or bad, will show up in some way.
Leading indicators, at very low amplitudes, show up in the vibration spectra. As a fault condition worsens, the damage rapidly becomes more obvious and easier to identify in the
vibration signature. Once a fault is positively identified,
an analyst can sometimes sort through the historical data and often identify the leading indicator
that eventually led to the fault condition.


oct/nov 15

Richard Bierman

Figure 1:

Typical overall vibration trend of a standard piece of rotating equipment

Since leading indicators at inception are not yet typical wall chart
fault conditions, finding them as they happen requires a really close
look at every spectra and a comparison to historical signatures to
distinguish them from normal, transient conditions related to load,
temperature, process rates, accelerometer data, etc. This could be
done by hiring a large team of analysts dedicated to doing only that,
however, the room for error is high and the associated cost and effort is extremely impractical. Alternatively, your vibration software
can automatically do this for you by using trend-based narrowband
envelope alarms. Setup is easier than using band alarms and the results are much more accurate. Furthermore, findings are discovered
sooner, allowing your facility to drastically reduce the amount of
points monitored and the frequency at which they are taken. Optimizing your vibration analysis program to find leading indicators
will also allow you to relax, but not eliminate, your other predictive
maintenance efforts, including oil analysis, ultrasound detection and
thermography (see Figure 1). With less data to collect and analyze,
a large facility containing over 2,000 machines can easily be monitored by a single analyst.

Figure 2:

Trend-basing the narrowband envelope alarm by overlaying several fault-free

spectra collected under various conditions

A narrowband envelope alarm is an alarm level that monitors the absolute, not
overall, amplitude of every peak in a spectrum. Unlike spectral band alarms,
often called power bands, there are practically no limits* to the amount of
narrowband envelopes that can be displayed on a spectrum. This eliminates
the problem with overall and spectral bands where low amplitude noise, such
as slightly elevated noise floor, triggers the alarm. Because of this phenomenon, overall and spectral bands must
be set at a higher amplitude offset to
reduce the amount of false alarms. Unfortunately, this pushes the alarm limits
beyond the sensitivity needed to detect
leading indicators. With narrowband
envelope alarms, this problem doesnt
exist. The set point is unique to each frequency, so the sensitivity can be much
closer and false alarms caused by broadband noise are eliminated. With a tighter offset, important forcing frequencies
will never go undetected due to the
higher amplitudes of the surrounding
frequencies. Simply put, the narrowband envelope will stay out of alarm
unless a legitimate issue presents itself.
As complex as they may sound,
narrowband envelope alarms are very
simple to set up. Basically, the narrowband envelope alarm is a line drawn above the outline of the spectrum collected. Most vibration software will automatically generate the alarms using an
existing spectrum. If any peak breaks this line, the next time data is uploaded,
the alarm is triggered, regardless of its amplitude. Hence, even very low amplitude changes at any specific frequency will be immediately detected and
pointed out by the narrowband envelope alarm. To avoid these from being
triggered every time the signature changes, the narrowband envelope alarms
* The number of narrowband envelopes matches that of the resolution of the spectra.
It takes about five fast Fourier transform (FFT) lines to build a frequency in a spectrum,
depending on the resolution and frequency maximum (Fmax). If a spectrum has 6,400
lines of resolution, it will allow approximately 1,280 envelope alarms.

should be trend-based. This, too, can be simply done by overlaying several

pieces of good data and adjusting the line drawn (i.e., the narrowband envelope) to allow for non-fault related conditions (see Figure 2). Once again, the
process is simple compared to setting spectral bands or overalls. You do not
have to define a frequency minimum (Fmin), frequency maximum (Fmax),
specific amplitude for alert, or another for danger. All you need to do is redraw the line, which can be done by
simply clicking on the line and dragging it to where it needs to be. Doing so also creates variable offsets,
allowing you to compensate for the
limitations of the particular type of
data being collected (e.g., acceleration, displacement, or velocity). The
more data you have overlaid and
the more these are adjusted for different running conditions, the more
accurate they become. Eventually,
they will stay in the green under any
previously seen condition and be
triggered the first time something
new shows up on the data. At that
point, the analyst can see exactly
whats new and decide whether it
is a leading indicator of a fault or
something that is normal. If its unclear, the alarm can be adjusted to just slightly above its current amplitude at
the suspected frequency and the next time the data is collected, if it stays the
same, it stays green and if it worsens or anything else changes, it alerts the
analyst to look at it again. This way, at the very moment the leading indicator
is identifiable, the machine goes into alert status and if all is as it has been in
the past, it stays clear. It sounds like a lot of work, but the software does it all,
freeing up time for the analyst.

oct/nov 15


Figure 3:

Envelope alarms not only detect small

vibration analysis | Asset

the vibration signature, but

also quickly point out the change

Figure 3a shows a historical trend of overall velocity collected from a steam turbine. The
amplitude levels and spectra are constantly changing due to variances in speed, load and
random white noise seen in the noise floor from steam and cooling water flowing through
the turbine. At the indicated point on the trend, a leading indicator exists. If the analyst
were to monitor the overall levels, he or she would be unable to detect it. Since the machine is not in alarm, it is unlikely and impractical that the analyst would spend the time
analyzing the detailed data shown in the spectrum in Figure 3b. If by chance the analyst
did look at the details of every piece of data collected, the primary question in Figure 3b
would be, Does this spectrum indicate a problem? When comparing this data with the
variances found in historical signatures, it is unlikely that any abnormality would stand out.
Since there is no mechanical fault yet and anything that looks like a fault is at an almost
null value, the diagnosis would most likely be that this machine is in excellent condition.
In Figure 3c, however, the same data is displayed showing the trend-based, narrowband
envelope alarm. The alarm is referenced and immediately anyone can tell that there is some
strange new detail in the vibration signature. A closer look at the frequencies in question
will reveal that these are the natural frequencies of the installed bearing. The low amplitude
peaks seen in the lower frequency range match the ball spin frequency, the white noise is
shown as an elevated noise floor and other filtered data collected from the machine (not
shown) confirms a lack of lubricity. The recommendation was to drain and fill the oil in the
bearing housing to sweeten the oil. A visual inspection of the oil drained showed the oil
was dirty and discolored. After partially draining the reservoir and refilling it a few times
with clean oil, data was collected again. Figure 3d shows that the data is now out of alarm.
Even though the overall vibration is significantly higher than before and the spectrum has
greater amplitude activity in the lower frequency range, the data has returned to within its
typical historical trend. Lubrication related leading indicators are very common, especially
in facilities with a less than world-class lubrication program, but they are not the only type
of leading indicator that is discoverable using this alarming method.

Figure 4:

Trend-based narrowband envelope alarms free up the analysts time to focus efforts on seemingly
insignificant abnormal conditions, detecting the first sign of a potential fault-creating situation
In Figure 4a, low amplitude high frequency peaks again can be seen in a
spectrum collected from the bearing housing on a split case pump. These
peaks are of insignificant amplitude and line up with the sound the harmonics
of the outer race of the installed bearing create. Since there are no fundamental fault frequencies, sidebands, or other indications of an issue, and the amplitudes are low, it is safe to say this is just the sound of the bearing turning.
This is a true statement and there is no fault. However, further investigation
shows the peaks have never been there in the five-plus years of historical
data. With the tremendous amount of time saved by using the narrowband
envelope alarms, the analyst can go investigate this seemingly insignificant
singularity. In this case, the data was found to be repeatable and was seen in
other orientations at the same location. A closer look beneath the coupling
guard showed that the packing was leaking. The leak from the packing and
a plugged drain had filled the bearing housing frame adapter with water.
The water was drained out and the data collected afterwards returned to its
normal looking signature, consistent with the five-plus year trend in which
the alarm was based (Figure 4b). To satisfy curiosity, the adapter frame was
allowed to refill and the data collected confirmed that the water filling the
bowl-shaped frame adapter had amplified the sound (i.e., vibration) of the
higher frequencies, similar to how filling a drinking glass changes the pitch of
the higher frequencies as you fill it with water. Had this dirty water been left
in the adapter frame, it eventually would have entered the bearing housing,
causing a failure. Having this documented, if the issue recurs, the analyst can
create a report stating that, according to the data, the drain on the bearing
adapter is plugged. Findings like this do a lot for the credibility of the program. This type of finding may not be typical, but is a good example of how
trend-based narrowband envelope alarms take analysis far beyond finding
faults seen on the wall chart.


oct/nov 15

Figure 5:

The narrowband around 1x allows for

normal variances in the imbalance of the
machine while the looseness condition
caused by worn sleeve bearings below grade are detectable
above in the motor before the overall velocity is affected
It takes very little imagination to envision what an actual machine fault will look
like using this alarming method (Figure 5). If your narrowband envelopes are
properly set up, which, again, is very simple to do, a genuine fault condition will
light up terrifically. Every data point on the machine with an issue will be in red.
At this point, you may be able to detect a problem with properly set overall or
power band vibration alarms, but not if the machines have a wide range of normal overall amplitudes. With even a trivial fault condition, the vibration signature
details all over the machine will be affected. Each narrowband envelope alarm will
point out exactly whats wrong and the diagnosis will be quick and accurate. If, for
some reason, the machine has to continue to run with the fault, the alarms can
be quickly and easily adjusted to prompt the analyst again when the condition
worsens. While finding machine faults is not the primary focus of this article, trendbased narrowband envelope alarms drastically improve that capability as well.

This spectrum was collected from the

driver of a vertical submerged pump.

Finding faults early means the types of corrective actions will change.
Instead of planning to shut down a machine to make repairs, corrective
actions would be in the form of adding grease, tightening a bolt, changing
the speed of a motor, or changing process rates. Depending on what is
discovered, more times than not, a leading indicator can be addressed
without shutting down the machine. The entire approach changes from
a somewhat predictive but reactive one to truly preventative.
Since the problems getting fixed are not obvious, it is essential that
the supporting data is shared with other departments. Data collected
before the corrective action should point out the frequencies of concern.
This will justify performing the corrective action. It is also equally important to show the result of the data after the corrective action has been
completed. This not only proves that the issue was resolved, it also shows
the rest of the facility that what is being done works and is worth doing.
No matter how many machines are saved or how effective the program
is, if it does not get the proper exposure, the program will not get the
support it needs.
So, if this method is so effective and not new, then why isnt it being
widely taught? The answer is simple. Most vibration certification companies focus on teaching the general concept of vibration analysis. They center on how to tell if a machine is good or bad, how to make sure the proper
data is collected, how an analyzer works, common machine fault characteristics, standardized overall vibration limits and a grip of other things
that are vital to the understanding of the craft. Most of them mention narrowband envelope alarms as well. This isnt new or exclusive technology.
In an attempt to improve their vibration program, companies wanting to
improve will quickly spend the money to certify their analysts to a higher
level or buy more equipment. This is effective and a good practice, as well
as very common. Hence, the result is a company with a very good analyst
with a typically good program. It is less common for that same company
to encourage its analyst to attend training from the vibration hardware
and software manufacturers so he or she can learn to really optimize the
companys program based on what it uses. Companies are even less likely
to send their staff to conferences where analysts can network with other
companies and learn from what they are doing beyond advanced early
fault detection. Networking events are where these types of things are
discussed, yet even the few analysts that utilize this type of technology
stay at home and dont often share information outside their facility. Recognition awards are based on metrics used by the status quo, so again,
they are not widely publicized. Eventually, they will make their way to
certification training in a generalized capacity, but not until they are more
commonly practiced in the industry. Until then, one can only learn about
them at conferences and read about them in publications like this one.
The fact is, in order to have a world-class vibration program, you do
not need a huge team of experts to constantly analyze large amounts of
data. You do not need a lot of expensive tools, or to outsource your efforts.
Additionally, you should not settle for the discovery of damaged equipment and the constant firefighting mode of taking quick action to avoid
downtime just because its what everyone else is doing. When you basically have an arrow pointing to machines that have an abnormality and
then pointing out exactly what that abnormality is, it radically simplifies
the whole process. All you need is to use the existing tools most programs
already have. Then, simply relax and address the leading indicators when
time allows, well before faults occur.
Richard Biermanis a Vibration Analyst for Chevron
Phillips. Fifteen years of equipment monitoring
experience has allowed Richard to understand
the cause and effect of mechanical faults and
how they relate to the vibration data, as well as
recognize fault conditions not found in documents
on the subject of typical vibration diagnostics. Mr.
Bierman is also the SME for Lubrication Analysis
and Program Optimization. www.cpchem.com

oct/nov 15





Leadership for Reliability



the Potential of Your

Obaidullah A.

Reliability Function
It is a resounding fact that the need for advancement in the plant maintenance field gave birth to the function of reliability. But isnt it about time we
disconnect this child from its umbilical cord and allow the reliability function
to stand on its own feet, independent from maintenance? Shouldnt we now
let this child unleash the true potential it has to offer to the industry by being
an autonomous external entity, focusing on asset reliability at every level of
asset lifecycle management (ALM)?

here is no doubt early reliability techniques

evolved to strategically handle plant maintenance. Predicting failures in advance and allocating sufficient resources helped the industry
mitigate the impact of unexpected failures and
unplanned outages. The early techniques also
prevented maintenance folks from patching up the failures
and demanded detailed root cause studies so problems leading to failures are fixed once and for all. But after many years,
the function of reliability is still so tightly married to maintenance that it is often perceived to be the only combination
that can unlock all challenges related to an asset. But can
maintenance alone handle all aspects of reliability throughout the lifecycle of an asset? What if the asset has inherent
design flaws or inadequate commissioning procedures? What
if it is being operated outside of
its operating parameters? Such
issues are related to engineering
and operations, which are outside
of the maintenance scope.
The primary function of
maintenance, which takes precedence over all other roles, is firefighting. When equipment breaks
down, the maintenance team is
expected to return it to service
immediately so production can be restored. The function of
reliability has nothing to do with this firefighting approach.
Thinking of reliability as an improved maintenance practice
does not do justice to this function and limits the imagination
to what it can truly deliver. It is very common in the industry
to interchange the term maintenance engineer with reliability
engineer without much thought. The majority of reliability engineers are still perceived as smart maintenance engineers or


oct/nov 15

engineers who deal with maintenance-related issues of high

dollar value assets, such as compressors and large rotating
equipment. It almost seems inconceivable, even to many
industry professionals, that a reliability engineer has a much
broader goal and is better off being an independent entity
overseeing engineering, operations and maintenance (EOM)
to embed reliability at every level. Just as the safety group
is effective in incorporating its policies and programs within
EOMs routine business, the notion of having an independent
reliability group doing the same for reliability programs and
initiatives should not be alien at all.
Think of it this way: If you want a reliable car, you must
first ensure that the car is built to be reliable. You then make
sure it is operated as it was intended to be during its design.
Lastly, you focus on maintenance and take measures to do
it right and on time. All
three, the designer, the
operator and the maintainer, must adhere to
reliability to have a reliable car. The same philosophy applies to the
plants assets. Maintenance alone should not
be deemed responsible
for their reliability. Just
like a car, equipment only can be truly reliable if the engineering team ensures reliability during the procurement and
commissioning phases, the operations crew operates it as per
the standard operating procedures without exceeding the
operating envelope, and the maintenance folks exercise due
diligence in maintaining reliability with quality workmanship.
The single entity that can ensure the collaboration within these three disciplines and oversee reliability throughout

The primary function of

maintenance, which takes
precedence over all other
roles, is firefighting.

the entire lifecycle of an asset is the function of a

reliability engineer. The reliability engineer does
not necessarily have to be a mechanical engineer.
This role also can be performed by an electrical
or instrumentation and control (I&C) engineer
having sufficient industry experience and sound
knowledge of reliability engineering tools and
techniques. However, for a reliability program to
be effective in a plant, one must realize this is not
a one-man show. Establishing an independent
group to launch a comprehensive reliability program is recommended. The group must consist of
several reliability engineers who are preferably a
mix of mechanical, electrical and I&C engineers;
computerized maintenance management system
(CMMS) experts; senior technicians; and at least
one representative each from EOM. The group
must report to the entity having authority over
EOM. This is important since reliability mandates
changes and enhancements in the traditional style
of work and, as commonly known, the change is always resisted and often counterattacked. Trying to
accomplish this change laterally by having the reliability group part of maintenance will only make
this task difficult and longer, if not implausible.









Figure 1: Reliability function as an independent
external entity focusing on the niche areas of
Engineering, Operations, and Maintenance
(EOM) to improve asset reliability throughout its
lifecycle (depicted from the book Good to Great by Jim Collins)
The reliability group must focus on strategic
programs and management must realize that
such programs require long-term commitment
and support in order to produce expected results.
Some recommended strategic programs and analytical activities that are labor-intensive and can be
undertaken by the reliability group include:

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) program covering seven questions of RCM methodology.
Develop preventive maintenance (PM) procedures and optimize utilizing failure modes.
Implement predictive maintenance (PdM)
technology and develop a continuous monitoring program. Some examples are online/

off-line vibration monitors, ultrasound measurement devices, thermographs, oil condition monitoring and smart instrumentation
online diagnostics.
Operator driven reliability (ODR) program focusing on the operations role to enhance asset reliability. This may include detailed operators checklists for visual, audio, smell and feel
tests, review and enhancement of standard
operating procedures (SOP), accurate integrity operating window (IOW) for all equipment,
simple handheld devices to collect data for
off-line predictive maintenance and minor
maintenance tasks, like tightening up loose
bolts with basic tools.
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) or
failure mode, effects and criticality analysis
Root cause analysis (RCA) or root cause failure analysis (RCFA) covering effective failure
reporting and close tracking of recommendations until fully implemented.
Develop standard job plans (SJP) for better
planning and scheduling of work orders with
accurate resource handling.
Participation in process hazard analysis (PHA),
like a hazard and operability study (HAZOP).
Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or other
qualitative analyses for safety instrumented
Safety instrumented system (SIS) lifecycle
management covering all phases from cradle to grave and compliance with industry
and company standards. Safety instrumented function (SIF) performance, like actual demand rate, detected failure rates, proof test
compliance, diagnostics, etc., also should be
part of this program.
Functional testing procedures and relevant
documentation for non-SIS related equipment.
Initiation and tracking of a lessons learned database for reliability.
Review of capital project packages with reliability enhancement recommendations.
Bad actors identification, tracking and replacement program.
Advanced reliability analyses, including, but
not limited to, Weibull analysis, Markov modeling, lean and/or Six Sigma study and reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM).
Obsolete equipment tracking and systematic
replacement program.
Ad hoc site visits to witness the operations
and maintenance work with the intention of
issuing recommendations for identified gaps.
Random checks for CMMS or systems, applications and products (SAP) data entry and quality.
Single point of failure (SPF) identification and
Design for reliability (DFR) program and related studies.
Reliability performance metrics for developing, tracking and enhancing leading and
lagging key performance indicators (KPIs).

Examples include mean time between failures

(MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), overall
equipment efficiency (OEE), equipment availability and equipment probability of failure on
demand (PFD).

Several programs
listed are considered
living and require
a twofold approach
to be fruitful.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but

each organization can customize it with additional
programs based on its size and resources. Several
programs listed are considered living and require
a twofold approach to be fruitful. First, develop a
detailed scope of work covering the feasibility
and implementation requirements for management support and approval. Second, execute
the program and be on the lookout for areas of
improvement while constantly bridging any gaps
In conclusion, the function of reliability has
evolved immensely over the years. Allowing reliability to operate independently, focusing on its
core strengths without getting consumed by daily
firefighting work from maintenance will take this
function to another dimension of ingenuity. Empowering the reliability group to have jurisdiction
over engineering, operations and maintenance
will ease and expedite the part of change management while shortening the implementation
period through improved collaboration. This is essential since many reliability initiatives fail during
the execution phase when management does
not see results for an extended period and loses
interest. When placed correctly in an organization,
along with the necessary expertise, resources and
authority, the function of reliability will demonstrate the true potential it has in improving asset
reliability during its lifecycle and achieving a robust reliability culture throughout the facility.

Obaidullah A. Syed, CFSP,

CMRP, P.E., has nearly 20 years
of experience in the controls and
automation industry, primarily
serving oil and gas companies. He
worked as a consultant engineer
in the United States for over 10
years before moving to Saudi Arabia in 2007,
using his expertise to lead safety and reliability
engineering related programs.
Disclaimer: The authors views do not necessarily
reflect the views of his employers, colleagues, or
any professional societies in which he is affiliated.

oct/nov 15




Reliability Engineering for Maintenance


From Fighting Fires to Achieving


he faces on the group that showed

up for my training today look
rough, weathered and exhausted.
As they walk into the classroom
wearing the standard deep blue
version of the maintenance uniform
with their name over the pocket, each is carrying
a cup of coffee and their emergency lifeline: the
walkie-talkie. As we make our way through introductions, I let them know I started my career as
a tradesperson, went through an apprenticeship
program and worked as a journeyman while going
to night school for reliability engineering.
I let them know I have walked in their shoes,
but I was lucky enough to work with a group of
young guys who were driven to change and improve the way we did maintenance reliability on
our equipment.
We could have left things just the way they
were when we started at the site, but no one really wants to work on the same failures over and
over again. So, we started taking some time to figure out why things failed and some extra time to
make sure we installed things correctly, I explain
to the group.
Randy (I know this is his name because its on
his shirt) points a finger at me and says, Well, you
never worked here. We dont have any extra time
to think about why things fail and we have even
less time to play around with precision alignment
and torque wrenches. From the time I put my lock
on a piece of equipment, I have an operations supervisor tapping me on the shoulder asking me
when I am going to be done.
Randy is the oldest in the group and he isnt
at all angry as he shares what life is like in their
world. He is simply stating the facts.


oct/nov 15

Douglas Plucknette

What It Takes to
Change an
Ingrained Culture

He goes on to say, We have tried almost anything and everything you can talk to us about in
the 32 years I have worked here and while some
things worked for a short time, as soon as we get
something good going, they give us a new manager or supervisor who has his own thoughts on
how things should be done. Weve just learned to
go along for the ride; they pay us by the hour and
we work lots of em.
I smile, look him in the eye, and ask, And you
like this, working lots of hours and overtime?
Randy leans back in his chair, takes a sip of his
coffee and replies, We are worn out. Most of us
have grandkids, sore knees, sore backs and plenty
of things to do at home. If you got a better way,
share the secret because we want to learn it.
The secret to changing Randys work culture isnt a technology, like vibration analysis or
airborne ultrasound, and it isnt a tool, like failure
mode and effects analysis (FMEA), reliability centered maintenance (RCM), or root cause analysis
(RCA). Its called a business case. While these technologies and tools work, what causes them to fail
is that very few people take the time to show the
business case for change.
Its the only way to drive change and its the
only way to sustain change because the data/
numbers you use to help drive the change and the
data/numbers you use to show that the change
was a solid business decision will help sustain the
So, if Randys team wants things to change,
they have to get into the game and start using
facts and figures to drive change. I have been in
this business myself for going on 35 years and
I can honestly tell you that I have yet to meet a
single manager who changed anything because

The business case is,

indeed, the most important
tool in the box.

the maintenance guys were complaining

about it.
Lets use airborne ultrasound as an example. If I was a maintenance technician
and I thought our plant should be using
airborne ultrasound as a technology to
detect potential failures, I would take the
time to build a business case that detailed
where I thought the technology could provide a
return on investment. You dont have to spend five
days doing this, simply look through your maintenance history.
How many air leaks have you repaired in the
last year?
How many pneumatic instruments have you
repaired/replaced year to year over the past
three years?
How many work orders and how much money have you spent on the compressed air system year to year over the past three years?
How much has the plant, building, or site
spent on energy year to year over the last
three years?

Put a simple two or three page business case

together with these facts, along with other uses
for airborne ultrasound. Show management the
potential cost savings and who you think might
be best suited for training to use it.

Now here comes the big secret, the one everyone really needs to learn and hang on to because this is where most people mess it up.
Once you have the new ultrasound tool
and remember this works for everything you want
to change and sustain measure the success of the
change. For example, you now have airborne ultrasound and because you have the technology, you
have identified and repaired 342 air leaks over the
last six months. As a result, utility bills have gone
down an average of $4,124 per month over the
last four months, the number of pneumatic instrument failures is down seven percent, and you
are now using the technology to identify bearing
failures and to detect corona, tracking and arcing
on electrical panels. Continue to do this and show
the business advantage for having the tool and
you will continue to use it.
It works on everything. Bring in a new manager who wants to change things and you now
have a very clear before and after shot of why you
need to continue to do this. I have used it to justify


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tools and three different technologies,
and even to stop one of our young
engineers from making programming
changes to our programmable logic
controller (PLC). You want to change
the program, show the business case
and prove it.
As class ends on the first day and Randy is
leaving the classroom, he stops to shake my hand
and says, I cant wait to go home and tell my
wife the most important tool I have is math I was
taught in grade school. Shes a teacher whos been
telling me for years that I work too hard.

Douglas Plucknette is the

Principal, RCM Discipline
Leader for Allied Reliability
Group. Prior to his work as
a consultant, he worked
nineteen years at Eastman
Kodak Company in
Rochester. Mr. Plucknette is
the founder of RCM Blitz
that provides Reliability Centered Maintenance
training and services to numerous companies
around the world. www.alliedreliabilitygroup.com


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oct/nov 15





with an Industry Leader

Uptime Magazine is honored to share a special conversation between John Day, one of the most wellknown proactive maintenance management advocates in the world, and Uptime Contributing Author,
Ricky Smith, CMRP, who also worked for Mr. Day back in the 1980s. Mr. Day was formerly the maintenance
and engineering manager for Alumax Mt Holly. Mr. Day designed one of the first proactive maintenance
organizations in the world. He titled his vision and process to maintenance in 1979 as:


Companies that have adopted John Days philosophy and strategy have achieved results beyond what was known
and expected within a company. Mr. Day has spoken all over the world about his model of proactive maintenance.


What is the single biggest improvement you

have seen when it comes to todays approach toward

Best In Class Maintenance Benchmark Data


Best in Class

Maintenance Spending/Replacement Asset Value


There has been very little movement forward because proactive maintenance
has not been embraced and implemented by most organizations. Reactive
maintenance still rules in most companies and corporations. Some companies
have made great strides to move toward a more proactive maintenance environment and thus have seen the rewards. If a maintenance organization is
not proactive, however, it tries new techniques to solve its reliability problems.
But it needs to step back and get the basics right first: preventive/predictive
maintenance focused on the reduction of unacceptable failures, disciplined
maintenance planning and scheduling, a well organized and proactive stores
function, work execution using repeatable procedures with specifications and
the elimination of defects at their source.

Budget Compliance

+/- 5.0%

It is frustrating to see companies who think they are doing great, but they are
deceiving themselves. I challenge companies to compare themselves to the
results my maintenance organization displayed over 20 years.

PM Accomplishment


Inventory Accuracy


Inventory Turns



Maintenance Training $s as % Total Payroll $


oct/nov 15

Overtime/Straight Time
Number of Crafts
Planners per Tradesperson

4 or less

Backlog in Crew Weeks (Per Tradesperson)

2-3 weeks

Schedule Compliance


Percent of Urgent (Interruption) Work

Percent of PM/PdM to all Work Orders


John Day


Do you see a closer tie between a maintenance

manager and a reliability engineer these days? Do
you see the role being combined into one more
Many organizations today are nowhere near where we were back in the
1990s. Our reliability engineers were focused on defect elimination (failure
elimination) through development and execution of defect elimination teams
made up of operators and maintainers. The reliability brings the data to the
team and facilitates this process. There are a few organizations that follow this
same philosophy, but most do not.

Q: Looking back on your career and your model for

proactive maintenance, where do you see this strategy going in the next few years? Any significant changes that you foresee?

I quote: Over the past 30 years, there has been progress toward proactive
maintenance, however, most organizations are looking for a quick fix. It is our
generation of I want it now. But with proactive maintenance, you cant have
now and cannot be dictated by corporate. It is a process that takes structure, discipline and alignment of everyone on a site, with assuring capacity
to production the focus and everyone supporting it. It is time the boardroom
is educated in the true value of maintenance.

Q: What do you believe is the biggest stumbling

block for maintenance departments these days to get

to the next level and out of a reactive mode?

Lack of effective leadership and not knowing the lost opportunity (e.g.,
capacity and money) from the top down.


Preventive maintenance (PM) activities are living documents that require periodic review and revisions. Why do think this step seems to be missed by
so many organizations still to this date and do you
have a preferred method for preventive maintenance
optimization (PMO) or review?
PMs must be seen as living documents that require adjustments as failures
occur. I review all failures we have daily and ask these questions of the team:
Why did this failure occur?What is the true root cause of the failure, human,
reliability, or production? and Is our PM or predictive maintenance (PdM)
program effective or not? Next, I tell my team this failure will not happen
again. I know it sounds harsh, but we are talking about managers accepting
substandard performance from the maintenance and production leaders to
their team members. Discipline and focus to keep equipment maintained to
specification and operated to specification are missing in many organizations.
Everyone seems to do what they want to do.
My preferred method of PMO is reliability engineers sitting down with operators and maintainers to review past failures and the current maintenance
strategy we are applying to specific equipment. I do not need PMO software
to manage my PM program; I need everyone helping in managing the PM

Q: If you could offer a single piece of advice to a

maintenance team that is struggling to get to a more

proactive mode, what would that be?

Listen and hire the right consultant. Identify a consultant who has a reputation for success. Hire him or her and lay out a plan with site leadership that will
move the site forward to proactive maintenance. To be successful in this effort
requires solid leadership from the top down and some people may need to
find another job. Identify leading and lagging metrics so everyone knows if
their contribution to reliability is working and if not, recommend changes to
adjust reliability in the right direction.
oct/nov 15


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