Rice Mill Units
Rice Mill Units
Rice Mill Units
1.0 Introduction
In India, rice has long been the staple food for more than 65% of the population. It is the largest
consumed calorie source among the food grains catering to the needs of about 70 percent of the
world population and about 90 percent of Asian population. At world level the total Rice
production is 381.05 Million tons in the year 2002-03 with India contributing 20.2% i.e. to the
tune of 77 Million Tonnes and China leading the world by producing 121.8 Million tones to the
tune of 31.96%.The all India area, production, and yield of rice in the year 2008-09 were 45.54
million hectares, 99.18 million tonnes and 2178 kg/ ha respectively.
In India, paddy occupies the first place both in terms of area and production. The crop occupies
more than one-thirds of total cropped area and a little less than a half of total production of food
grains in India. Among the states, West Bengal is the leading producer of paddy in the country. It
accounts for 15.16% of the total production in 2008-09, and the other leading states are Andhra
Pradesh (14.36%), Uttar Pradesh (13.20%), Punjab (11.09%), Orissa (6.87%) and Bihar (5.64%).
The state-wise comparison of rice production during 2008-09 is shown in Table 1. In the case of
Tamil Nadu, 43% of the geographical area is under agriculture. Rice is the dominant crop
constituting 85.2% of the total food-grains production. The area involved for paddy cultivation
is about 1,930,000 Hectares. Productivity of paddy is 2683 kg/hectare and the production in tons
is 5,180,000 tons. The list of major rice clusters in Tamil Nadu and their production is shown in
Table 2.
District Name
methods. The conventional method of parboiling includes single boiling, double boiling and
CFTRI hot soaking method. The modern technology of parboiling includes chromate-soaking
method, pressure parboiling method, the modified pressure parboiling method and dry heat
parboiling. The benefits of the most of modern technologies are (i) No smell problem, (ii)
Reduction in time of processing and (iii) Reduction in paddy drying time due to less moisture
content in the paddy.
2.1.4 Drying of Parboiled Paddy
Paddy, after parboiling, contains high moisture due to soaking and steaming, it may contain 35 to
40% moisture. After pressure parboiling, it may contain 20% to 30% moisture. In either case, it
needs to be dried quickly to about 14% moisture for safe storage or for milling. Drying can be
done either in the sun or in the hot air dryer as shown in figure 3.4 and 3.5. But whatever method
of drying is employed, caution is to be exercised so that milling quality of paddy is not damaged.
If drying is not proper, parboiled paddy can give very high breakage during milling. Generally,
most mills employ a hot air type of drying. Hot air is passed through the paddy till it is dried to
desired extent.
2.1.5 Milling Process
The milling process broadly consists of final cleaning, de-husking/hulling, husk separation and
2.1.6 Final Cleaning of Parboiled Paddy
Before De-husking, paddy is cleaned again in paddy cleaners to remove impurities still present in
the paddy after parboiling.
2.1.7 Hulling/ Dehusking
The objective of a hulling/dehusking operation is to remove the husk from the paddy grain with a
minimum of damage to the bran layer and, if possible, without breaking the brown rice grain.
Since, the structure of the paddy grain makes it necessary to apply friction to the grain surface to
remove the husk; it leads to breaking of some of the rice. Hulling machines are known by
different names, such as shellers, hullers, dehuskers, huskers and hulling mills. Most commonly
these machines are called hullers. The paddy is fed into the center of the machine through a
small hopper. A vertically adjustable cylindrical sleeve regulates the capacity and equal
distribution of the paddy over the entire surface of the rotating disc. By centrifugal force the,
paddy is forced between the two discs and as a result of pressure and friction most of the paddy
is dehusked (hulled).
2.1.8 Husk Separation
The discharge from a rice huller is a mixture of dehusked rice, husk and paddy. The mixture is
transferred to screen for the separation of husk. A separator is used to screen the remaining
paddy from the de-husked rice, generally called as Aspirators.
Water used for soaking the paddy, especially for parboiled rice production, if not
properly treated could result in water pollution and odor nuisance to local community
Effluent produced during cleaning of equipment may cause water pollution through
insufficient treatment of effluent
Air pollution both on site and in the surrounding locality may result from release of dust
to the atmosphere from handling or processing of the paddy or its by-products (Table 3,
in fact, this is a major environmental concern for rice mills)
High internal and external noise levels that may generate health hazard to employees and
nuisance to the local community
Disposal of solid wastes, particularly unused rice husk and bran, as well as other wastes
generated from the cleaning process
Raw materials and by-products may be subject to pest infestation and contamination
(Birds contaminated with avian flu can leave their droppings in the rice mill)
Pollution risks to water and soil from spillage and leakage of fuels that maybe stored on
Substantial amount of dust is generated at the unloading section. Dust sources include
conveyers and bucket elevators.
There are no effective control devices to capture the dust at transfer points.
Dust escapes during free fall of paddy and various conveying points.
Some mills practice unloading of paddy in closed rooms whereas some do it in open.
Typically the emissions from the cleaning section comprises of dirt, dust, etc. carried
from agriculture field along with the raw material.
The Pre-cleaning section had cyclone cum bag-filter type arrangement in few of the large
mills and others had only cyclone. Still there was high level of fugitive emissions
observed at the pre-cleaning section. This shows that the dust extraction systems
employed in most of the mills are poorly designed and working inefficiently, due to lack
of maintenance, choking of ducts, inappropriate quantities of air extracted, etc.
Further, the dust generated at the pre-cleaning section can get deposited on the floors,
walls and control devices.
However, most of the small mills do not possess proper extraction systems at paddy
cleaner. They possess a common cyclone for all the milling operations.
Many of the small mills possess common cyclone for cleaner, de-husker and paddy
separator. Ducts from all these machines combine at the inlet of ID Fan.
3.1.4. Rice Husk Storage and Handling site
The fugitive emissions occur at various stages of lifting and handling of husk as well as
during its conveying to the boiler section.
Most of the small mills have common area for open storage of rice husk, rice bran and
fines generated in the milling section. The fines generated are blown away by the wind
leading to fugitive emissions in the surrounding environment.
In most of the small mills the husk from de-husker is simply blown to storage yard with
help of blowers. Moreover, huge heaps of rice husk could be seen in these small mills rising
beyond the boundary wall height indicating excessive storage.
The large and medium mills possess semi-closed storage system for rice husk. Storage is
either closed or surrounded by fine mesh walls.
3.1.5 Ash Handling and Disposal site
Good and adequately maintained drainage to facilitate run-off and minimize the
likelihood of flooding
Regular inspection of bulk storage tanks to minimize the risk of surface water pollution
Installation of interceptor traps for solids, oil and fuel to reduce the control release of
contaminated water via the surface drains
Walls are designed to prevent accumulation of dust and entry of rodents, birds, or pests
Design of chimney and vents of sufficient height and appropriate technology to avoid
causing local nuisance of dust and smoke emissions
For parboiling mills, locating the steam-generating units away from storage and
immediate work areas
Locating the steaming tanks close to the soaking tanks and using non-corrosive metal
Insulating the steam conduit pipes and making sure they are free from leaks
Re-use of rice husk as fuel for paddy drying, steam generator, or gasifier
Sale of rice husk or high crystalline silica produced from controlled burning of rice husk
Use of more efficient variable-speed drive motors for controlling combustion of rice husk
5.0 References
1. Report on Diagnostic Study of Rice Milling Cluster of Bargarh and Adjoining Area . By Er.
Pitambar Parida and Er. Epari Dharma Raju, Cluster Development Executive, Dept. of Industry,
Govt. of Orissa, Bhubaneswar. 2005.
2. Guidelines for siting of rice shellers/mills, handling and storage of rice husk and handling,
storage, and disposal of ash generated in boiler using rice husk as fuel. Comprehensive Industry
Document Series. COINDS/82/2012-13. CPCB.
3. Hulling and milling ratio in major paddy growing states: West Bengal. Kali Sankar
Chattopadhayay and Debajit Roy. Agro-Economic Research Centre. Visva-Bharati. Santiniketan.
4. http://www.msmedi-chennai.gov.in/MSME. Accessed 28.5.2014.