Estudio SEDCOM
Estudio SEDCOM
Estudio SEDCOM
Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam
for Sedation of Critically Ill Patients
A Randomized Trial
Richard R. Riker, MD
Yahya Shehabi, MD
Paula M. Bokesch, MD
Daniel Ceraso, MD
Wayne Wisemandle, MA
Firas Koura, MD
Patrick Whitten, MD
Benjamin D. Margolis, MD
Daniel W. Byrne, MS
E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPH
Marcelo G. Rocha, MD
for the SEDCOM (Safety and Efficacy
of Dexmedetomidine Compared With
Midazolam) Study Group
Context -Aminobutyric acid receptor agonist medications are the most commonly
used sedatives for intensive care unit (ICU) patients, yet preliminary evidence indicates that the 2 agonist dexmedetomidine may have distinct advantages.
Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of prolonged sedation with dexmedetomidine vs midazolam for mechanically ventilated patients.
Design, Setting, and Patients Prospective, double-blind, randomized trial conducted in 68 centers in 5 countries between March 2005 and August 2007 among
375 medical/surgical ICU patients with expected mechanical ventilation for more than
24 hours. Sedation level and delirium were assessed using the Richmond AgitationSedation Scale (RASS) and the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU.
Interventions Dexmedetomidine (0.2-1.4 g/kg per hour [n=244]) or midazolam
(0.02-0.1 mg/kg per hour [n=122]) titrated to achieve light sedation (RASS scores
between 2 and 1) from enrollment until extubation or 30 days.
Main Outcome Measures Percentage of time within target RASS range. Secondary end points included prevalence and duration of delirium, use of fentanyl and openlabel midazolam, and nursing assessments. Additional outcomes included duration of
mechanical ventilation, ICU length of stay, and adverse events.
Results There was no difference in percentage of time within the target RASS
range (77.3% for dexmedetomidine group vs 75.1% for midazolam group; difference, 2.2% [95% confidence interval {CI}, 3.2% to 7.5%]; P = .18). The prevalence of delirium during treatment was 54% (n = 132/244) in dexmedetomidinetreated patients vs 76.6% (n = 93/122) in midazolam-treated patients (difference,
22.6% [95% CI, 14% to 33%]; P.001). Median time to extubation was 1.9 days
shorter in dexmedetomidine-treated patients (3.7 days [95% CI, 3.1 to 4.0] vs 5.6
days [95% CI, 4.6 to 5.9]; P = .01), and ICU length of stay was similar (5.9 days
[95% CI, 5.7 to 7.0] vs 7.6 days [95% CI, 6.7 to 8.6]; P=.24). Dexmedetomidinetreated patients were more likely to develop bradycardia (42.2% [103/244] vs
18.9% [23/122]; P.001), with a nonsignificant increase in the proportion requiring treatment (4.9% [12/244] vs 0.8% [1/122]; P=.07), but had a lower likelihood
of tachycardia (25.4% [62/244] vs 44.3% [54/122]; P .001) or hypertension
requiring treatment (18.9% [46/244] vs 29.5% [36/122]; P=.02).
Conclusions There was no difference between dexmedetomidine and midazolam
in time at targeted sedation level in mechanically ventilated ICU patients. At comparable sedation levels, dexmedetomidine-treated patients spent less time on the ventilator, experienced less delirium, and developed less tachycardia and hypertension.
The most notable adverse effect of dexmedetomidine was bradycardia.
Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00216190
JAMA. 2009;301(5):489-499
Author Affiliations and Members of the SEDCOM
Study Group are listed at the end of this article.
Corresponding Author: Richard R. Riker, MD, Neuroscience Institute, Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall
The primary end point was the percentage of time within the target sedation range (RASS score 2 to 1) during the double-blind treatment period.
Secondary end points included prevalence and duration of delirium, use of
fentanyl and open-label midazolam, and
nursing shift assessments. Deliriumfree days were calculated as days alive
and free of delirium during study drug
exposure. This method of calculation
was used rather than an arbitrary 28day end point, because delirium prevalence could be confounded by administration of postprotocol sedative
medications after study drug was
stopped. Additional a priori outcomes
included duration of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in the ICU.
A daily arousal assessment was performed throughout the treatment period, during which patients within the
RASS range of 2 to 1 were asked to
perform 4 tasks (open eyes to voice command, track investigator with eyes,
squeeze hand, and stick out tongue).16
Patients were considered awake with successful completion of the assessment
when they could perform 3 of 4 tasks. If
the patients RASS score was greater than
1 at the time of a scheduled assessment, study medication was titrated until a RASS score of 2 to 1 was achieved
and then the arousal assessment was performed. If patients were oversedated to
a RASS value of 3 to 5, study drug was
interrupted until a RASS score of 2 to
0 was achieved and then the arousal assessment was performed. Delirium was
assessed daily during the arousal assessment with patients in the RASS range of
2 to 1 using the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU).24
During each shift, the bedside nurse
assessed 3 components of patient care:
the patients ability to communicate, ability to cooperate with nursing care, and
tolerance of the ICU environment (including endotracheal tube and mechanical ventilation). Each of the 3 components was assessed using a scale of 0
to 10 (0=patient not communicating, cooperating, or tolerating; 10 = patient
Statistical Analysis
Sample Size Determination. To address the multiple objectives of comparing safety and efficacy during prolonged exposure to dexmedetomidine
sedation, the sample size determination considered drug exposure, efficacy, and safety parameters. For the primary efficacy variable, the mean
percentage of time within target sedation range was estimated to be 85% for
dexmedetomidine and 77% for midazolam, based on a previous pilot
study.26 It was anticipated that 60% of
patients would remain intubated for 72
hours after randomization. A minimum of 150 dexmedetomidinetreated patients exposed for at least 72
hours would allow adverse events occurring in 10% of the dexmedetomidine group to be estimated with a 95%
confidence interval (CI) 5%. An estimated 100 dexmedetomidine-treated
patients were expected to remain intubated for at least 5 days. Considering
each of these requirements, enrollment of 250 patients randomized to receive dexmedetomidine and 125 randomized to receive midazolam would
have 96% power at an of .05 to detect a 7.4% difference in efficacy for the
primary outcome.
Efficacy and Safety Analysis. The
primary efficacy and safety analyses
were conducted on all randomized patients receiving any dose of study drug
(FIGURE 1). The primary efficacy analysis (percentage of time within the target sedation range during the doubleblind treatment period) was calculated
by dividing the total time that the patients remained within the target RASS
range (using linear interpolation to estimate RASS scores between assessments performed every 4 hours) by the
amount of time the patient remained in
the double-blind treatment period, multiplied by 100%. The mean difference
and 95% CI between the dexmedetomidine and midazolam treatment
groups were calculated and compared
between treatment groups with the
Mann-Whitney test. Treatment differences in nursing assessment scores were
assessed with the Wilcoxon test. Com-
formed including a term for the interaction of treatment group and study
day. The interaction term would be
included in the final model if P.15.
Results from the GEE analysis were
expressed as a coefficient, 95% CI,
and associated P value.27
Time to extubation and length of ICU
stay were calculated using KaplanMeier survival analysis, with differences between treatment groups assessed by the log-rank test. The log-rank
P values for time to extubation and ICU
length of stay were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method. Successful extubation was
defined as no reintubation within 48
hours, and time to extubation was defined from start of study drug to suc-
45 Excluded
10 Outside RASS target sedation range
9 Cardiovascular instability
5 Extubated
4 Hepatitis
4 Neuromuscular blocker use
3 Sedation not required
3 Withdrew consent
2 Investigator opiniona
2 Required anesthesia
1 Dialysis
1 Drug dependence
1 Terminally ill
375 Randomized
Patient Population
Data were analyzed using the primary analysis population (n=366) as well as the long-term use population
(n=297), the group specifically requested by the US Food and Drug Administration as a means of obtaining
long-term efficacy and safety data for dexmedetomidine. RASS indicates Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale.
a Investigator felt that patient no longer met entry criteria (eg, extubated, no longer required sedation, required deeper sedation).
b Patient had new information after consent that identified an exclusion criterion (eg, need for general anesthesia, unexpected liver or cardiac disease).
A total of 375 eligible patients were randomized and 366 patients received study
drug, comprising the primary analysis
study population (244 patients received
dexmedetomidine, 122 received midazolam). Nine patients randomized (6
in the dexmedetomidine group, 3 in the
midazolam group) never received study
drug, of whom 3 died and 6 had a change
in clinical condition precluding participation. The long-term use population included 297 patients who received study
drug for longer than 24 hours (Figure 1).
Baseline characteristics were similar between treatment groups (TABLE 1). The
number of patients treated by country
were 294 (United States), 32 (Australia),
27 (Brazil), 11 (Argentina), and 2 (New
was0.83(0.37)g/kgperhourfordexmedetomidine and 0.056 (0.028) mg/kg per
hour for midazolam. The average dexmedetomidine maintenance dose was 0.2 to
0.7 g/kg per hour in 95 of 244 patients
(39%), 0.71 to 1.1 g/kg per hour in 78
of 244 patients (32%), and greater than
1.1 g/kg per hour in 71 of 244 patients
(29%). Optional loading doses were
administered to only 20 of 244 dexmedetomidine-treatedpatients(8.2%)and
9 of 122 midazolam-treated patients
(7.4%). Open-label midazolam was administered to more dexmedetomidinetreatedpatientsonthefirststudyday(105/
244 [43%] vs 37/122 [30%]; P=.02) and
during the entire double-blind treatment
period (153/244 [63%] vs 60/122 [49%];
P=.02). The median open-label midazolam dose was similar. The percentage
of patients requiring fentanyl was similar, as was the median fentanyl dose during the double-blind period (TABLE 2).
Efficacy Analyses
(n = 244)
61.5 (14.8)
125 (51.2)
88.1 (33.9)
19.1 (7.0)
212 (86.9)
32 (13.1)
182 (74.6)
78 (32)
156 (63.9)
(n = 122)
62.9 (16.8)
57 (46.7)
87.8 (31.5)
18.3 (6.2)
103 (84.4)
18 (14.7)
94 (77.1)
45 (36.9)
76 (62.3)
124 (51.0)
115 (47.3)
1.0 (0.7-1.4)
54 (44.3)
67 (54.9)
1.1 (0.8-1.4)
195 (79.9)
125 (51.2)
1 (0.4)
100 (82.0)
56 (45.9)
2 (1.6)
40.6 (22.2-64.9)
39.3 (24.5-72.8)
138 (60.3)
70 (59.3)
Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II28; CAM-ICU, Confusion Assessment Method
for the Intensive Care Unit24; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range.
SI conversion factor: To convert creatinine values to mmol/L, multiply by 88.4.
a APACHE II scores recorded using worst values over previous 24 hours from time of study enrollment (mean, 40 hours
following ICU admission).
b Known or suspected infection with 2 or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria and at least 1 new
organ system dysfunction.
c Patients with blood pressure maintained via infusions of dopamine, dobutamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, or vasopressin prior to start of study drug.
d Categorized using the Childs-Pugh scoring system. Childs-Pugh A corresponds to a score of 5 through 6; B corresponds to a score of 7 through 9.
e Calculated from patients treated with study drug and delirium assessments at baseline (229 with dexmedetomidine,
118 with midazolam).
operation, and tolerance of the ventilator was higher for dexmedetomidinetreated patients (21.2 [SD, 7.4] vs 19.0
[SD, 6.9]; P = .001), as were the individual scores for communication effec-
Time in target sedation range
(RASS score 2 to 1), mean, % a
Patients completing all daily arousal
Patients requiring study drug
interruption to maintain RASS score
2 to 1
Duration of study drug treatment,
median (IQR), d
Time to extubation, median (95% CI), d b
ICU length of stay, median (95% CI), d b
Mean delirium-free days c
Open-label midazolam use
No. treated
Dose, median (IQR), mg/kg d
Fentanyl use
No. treated
Dose, median (IQR), g/kg d
(n = 122)
225 (92)
103 (84.3)
222 (91)
112 (91.8)
3.5 (2.0-5.2)
4.1 (2.8-6.1)
3.7 (3.1-4.0)
5.9 (5.7-7.0)
5.6 (4.6-5.9)
7.6 (6.7-8.6)
132 (54)
93 (76.6)
153 (63)
0.09 (0.03-0.23)
60 (49)
0.11 (0.03-0.28)
180 (73.8)
6.4 (1.8-26.3)
97 (79.5)
9.6 (2.9-28.6)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; RASS, Richmond Agitation and
Sedation Scale.23
a The mean difference in percentage of time within target sedation range between the dexmedetomidine and midazolam treatment groups was calculated using the Mann-Whitney test.
b Calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, with differences between treatment groups assessed by the logrank test. Log-rank P values were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method.
c Number of days alive without delirium during study drug treatment.
d Calculated as the total dose during study treatment divided by body mass.
Figure 2. Daily Prevalence of Delirium Among Intubated Intensive Care Unit Patients Treated
With Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam
Delirium Prevalence, %
Treatment Day
Sample Size
229 118
206 109
175 92
134 77
Delirium was diagnosed using the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).24 At
baseline, 60.3% of dexmedetomidine-treated patients and 59.3% of midazolam-treated patients were CAMICUpositive (P=.82). The effect of dexmedetomidine treatment was significant in the generalized estimating
equation27 analysis, with a 24.9% decrease (95% confidence interval,16%-34%; P.001) relative to midazolam treatment. Numbers differ from those for primary analysis because patients were extubated, discharged from the intensive care unit, or had missing delirium assessments.
Figure 3. Time to Extubation and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Length of Stay Among Patients Treated With Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam
A Time to Extubation
Log-rank P = .01
Cumulative %
Cumulative %
Log-rank P = .24
A, Time to extubation was calculated from the start of study drug to the time of extubation after which no reintubation occurred. Patients not extubated were censored
at time of study drug discontinuation. The median time to extubation was 1.9 days shorter for the dexmedetomidine group than for the midazolam group (3.7 days
[95% confidence interval {CI}, 3.1-4.0] vs 5.6 days [95% CI, 4.6-5.9]; P=.01 by log-rank test). B, Length of ICU stay was calculated from start of study drug to time
of order for ICU transfer. Patients without discharge were censored at the time of study drug discontinuation. The median length of ICU stay was similar between the
dexmedetomidine and midazolam groups (5.9 days [95% CI, 5.7-7.0] vs 7.6 days [95% CI, 6.7-8.6]; P=.24 by log-rank test).
(n = 244)
(n = 122)
103 (42.2)
12 (4.9)
62 (25.4)
24 (9.8)
137 (56.1)
69 (28.3)
106 (43.4)
46 (18.9)
138 (56.6)
25 (10.2)
55 (22.5)
23 (18.9)
1 (0.8)
54 (44.3)
12 (9.8)
68 (55.7)
33 (27)
54 (44.3)
36 (29.5)
52 (42.6)
24 (19.7)
31 (25.4)
a See Outcome Measures and Safety End Points for definitions and details of variables.
b Indicates mortality rate for 30 days after ICU admission.
The primary outcome for this investigation, time in the target sedation range,
was not different between patients
treated with dexmedetomidine or midazolam, exceeding 75% with both medications. This finding contrasts with
those of previous studies, which suggested that dexmedetomidine attained the sedation target more frequently,12,26 but may be explained by
our study design, which incorporated
new standard elements for ICU sedation practice, including a light-tomoderate sedation target (RASS score
2 to 1), delirium assessment, and
study drug titration or interruption every 4 hours and as part of a daily arousal
assessment. The adherence to this approach is supported by the high frequency of study drug interruption by
more than 90% of patients in both study
Despite the similar levels of sedation attained by patients treated with
dexmedetomidine and midazolam, several important differences were noted
in this prospective, double-blind, randomized study. Bradycardia was more
common among dexmedetomidinetreated patients, while hypertension and
tachycardia were more common among
midazolam-treated patients. Patients
treated with dexmedetomidine developed delirium more than 20% less often than patients treated with midazolam and were removed from
mechanical ventilation almost 2 days
To our knowledge, this is the first
study to show that even when the elements of best sedation practice (including daily arousal, a consistent light-tomoderate sedation level, and delirium
monitoring) are used for all patients, the
choice of dexmedetomidine as the foundation for patient sedation further improves these important outcomes. In the
context of 2 recently published smaller
studies comparing dexmedetomidine
with lorazepam and propofol,12,13 these
data suggest that 2 agonists improve
many important aspects of critical care,
namely, less delirium and shorter duration of ventilator time.
Houston: H. Minkowitz (Memorial-Hermann Memorial City Hospital). Utah: Ogden: T. Fujii (McKay Dee
Hospital). Va: Lynchburg: A. Baker (Lynchburg Pulmonary Associates). New Zealand: Christchurch: S.
Henderson (Christchurch Hospital); Hastings: R. Freebairn (Hawkes Bay Regional Hospital); Palmerston
North: G. McHugh (Palmerston North Hospital).
Independent Statistical Review: Daniel Byrne, MS (Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University), had
access to all of the data used in the study and performed an independent analysis of the primary and
key secondary end points reported in this article by
repeating the analyses and verifying P values and 95%
confidence intervals. The results of Mr Byrnes analysis are reported in this article. He also verified the consistency between the objectives set out in the protocol, prespecified statistical analysis plan, and results
of the statistical analysis produced by the sponsor. He
found no discrepancy in these reports, and all results
reported in this article were identical to those obtained by the sponsor.
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