Supplier Survey Form: Instructions
Supplier Survey Form: Instructions
Supplier Survey Form: Instructions
1. The following Supplier Survey was developed by Vishay Measurements Group, Inc. to assess and document the
capability of its supplier base.
2. The Supplier Survey is based on the requirements of ISO-9001 and is a simple yes/no format. We realize that
some questions may not apply to your particular operation. Exceptions or commentary may be attached.
3. If you are ISO-9001 certified, or are certified to some other nationally recognized standard, please complete
Section 1 of the survey and return it with a copy of your certificate or registration of approval. You do not need to
complete Section 2.
4. If you are not certified to ISO-9001 or some other nationally recognized standard, please complete the entire
5. Please return all information within 21 days, and direct any questions to:
(electronic includes date and title)
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P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945
Fax #:
Expiration Date:
Regulatory Body
Date of Certification
The information you provide in this questionnaire is important for the establishment and/or maintenance of your
Approved Supplier status at VISHAY Measurements Group, Inc.
If your company is ISO-9000 certified, stop here and attach a copy of your certification.
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P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945
Section 2
2.1 Management Responsibility
1. Do you have a documented quality policy? ...................................................................................... Yes N/A No
2. Is there a system for dissemination of directives and instructions to all personnel within the
organization? ..................................................................................................................................... Yes
N/A No
3. Is the commitment to quality known and understood by all employees? .......................................... Yes
N/A No
4. Do you have a formal documented process to measure customer satisfaction? ............................. Yes
N/A No
N/A No
3. Does management routinely review the quality system to ensure effectiveness of the system? ..... Yes
N/A No
N/A No
2. Do you have written contracts that clearly spell out the requirements of your customers? .............. Yes
N/A No
3. Do you have written procedures for handling amendments to contracts? ........................................ Yes
N/A No
4. What is your process or procedure to notify customers and report risks or concerns? .................... Yes N/A No
2.4 Design Control
1. Do you have procedures in place to address design control? .......................................................... Yes N/A No
2. Do your procedures address design and development planning? .................................................... Yes
N/A No
3. Do your procedures address design input and design output? ........................................................ Yes N/A No
4. Do your procedures address design review and verification? .......................................................... Yes
N/A No
5. Do your procedures address design validation and design changes? ............................................. Yes N/A No
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P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945
Are current copies of necessary documents accessible to your employees where needed? ......... Yes
N/A No
3. Is there a procedure for collecting and destroying obsolete documents? ........................................ Yes N/A No
2.6 Purchasing
1. Do you have a list of approved suppliers? ........................................................................................ Yes N/A No
2. Do you review and approve purchasing documents for accuracy of specified requirements
before release? ................................................................................................................................. Yes N/A No
3. Do you have a formal corrective action system for your suppliers? ................................................. Yes N/A No
2.7 Customer Supplied Products
1. Do you have documented procedures for the control of verification, storage and maintenance
of customer-supplied products? ........................................................................................................ Yes
N/A No
2. Are customer-supplied products that are lost, damaged, or otherwise unsuitable for use
recorded and reported to the customer? ........................................................................................... Yes
N/A No
N/A No
2. Is there a system in place to review and approve proposed process changes? .............................. Yes N/A No
3. Are preventative maintenance practices and principles employed? ................................................. Yes N/A No
2.10 Inspection and Testing
1. Do you have a Receiving Inspection/Testing system that assures that incoming product is not
used until it is verified as meeting specified requirements? .............................................................. Yes N/A No
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P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945
2. Do you have a system to ensure that final product is not released until it is verified as meeting
Final Inspection/Testing requirements? ............................................................................................ Yes
N/A No
3. Do you document the results of inspection and testing? .................................................................. Yes N/A No
4. Do you have a system to identify and separate non-conforming/suspect material? ........................ Yes N/A No
2.11 Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
1. Do you uniquely identify all of your inspection, measuring, and test equipment that can affect
product quality? ................................................................................................................................. Yes N/A No
2. Do you have procedures that detail how and when your measuring and test equipment
calibrations are to be done? .............................................................................................................. Yes N/A No
3. Can the standards used to calibrate your measuring and test equipment be traced to N.I.S.T.
or other nationally recognized primary standards? ........................................................................... Yes N/A No
4. Do you have a method to identify the calibration status of measuring and test equipment? ........... Yes N/A No
2.12 Product Inspection and Test Status
1. Is the identification and test status of products identified by suitable means that indicate
conformance or non-conformance? .................................................................................................. Yes N/A No
2. Do the Inspection and Test Records identify the inspection authority for the release of
conforming product? ......................................................................................................................... Yes N/A No
2.13 Non-Conforming Materials
1. Do you have documented procedures that outline the review and disposition of nonconforming materials? ....................................................................................................................... Yes N/A No
2. Do you re-inspect product that has been reworked or repaired? ...................................................... Yes N/A No
3. Do you advise the customer when reworking or repairing nonconforming product? ........................ Yes N/A No
2.14 Corrective/Preventive Action
1. Do you have documented procedures for the handling of customer complaints? ............................ Yes N/A No
2. Do you have documented procedures for handling Corrective/Preventive Action? ......................... Yes N/A No
3. Do you use recognized problem solving methods to identify the root cause of problems? .............. Yes N/A No
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P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945
P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh NC 27611-7777 USA Phone 919-365-3800 Fax 919-365-3945