Public Financial Management Assessment in The Philippines
Public Financial Management Assessment in The Philippines
Public Financial Management Assessment in The Philippines
Macro-Fiscal Context
In recent years, the Philippines has achieved rapid economic growth and
currently faces favorable macroeconomic prospects. According to the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), the 6.1% economic growth rate registered by the Philippines in 2014 was
one of the fastest in the region.1 Remittances from overseas, which are around 1012% of
GDP, and accommodative monetary and financial conditions have offset the negative effects of
volatile capital flows, an adverse external environment, slowing activity in the region and severe
natural disasters. Momentum is expected to be sustained, with the growth rate likely to increase
to 6.7% in 2015. The Philippines has advanced 28 places since 2009 (to 59th position) in the
World Economic Forums Global Competitiveness Rankings, yet challenges remain.
Progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is mixed in the
Philippines. The government has made strong progress in many areas, but is likely to fall short
in meeting key MDG targets in poverty reduction, specific aspects of education and gender
equality, maternal health, and malnutrition among children.2 Poverty incidence, although
declining to 25% in mid-2013 from 28% in 2012, remains high. A significantly large share of the
population remains vulnerable to sliding back into poverty, threatened by natural disasters and
other exogenous shocks. Government bureaucracy and red tape are recurring impediments for
efficient service delivery, and rigid labor regulations constraint employment creation.
Unemployment and underemployment rates remain elevated although they have improved
slightly over recent years.
Fiscal sustainability has always been a concern for the government over the past
decade. The low level of public expenditure on economic, social services and poverty reduction
programs is partially a consequence of the governments traditionally tight fiscal position.3 The
governments fiscal consolidation program has, however, trimmed down debt service as
percentage of GDP from 5.3 % registered in 2005 to 2.8 % in 2013.4 Stepping up efforts to
increase revenue collections had resulted in higher receipts during the period 20102013, but
efforts need to be sustained and further intensified. Reduction of debt service and greater
revenue will provide larger fiscal space to accommodate increased spending for basic goods
and services.
Fiscal outlook for the period 20152017 remains optimistic. The government
expects the budget deficit to be approximately 2% annually for the period 20152017. Spending
is expected to grow 19.9% and revenue collection is expected to rise by 17.8 %. The
government expects to improve revenue collection and expenditure efficiency to balance the
targeted fiscal program over the next three (3) years.5 Specific assumptions and objectives
include; increased spending on priority programs, strong private sector consumption and
investment, continued streamlining of business processes to promote competitiveness, and
measures to eliminate administrative bottlenecks. These measures will also boost economic
growth.6 Maintaining sound economic stewardship will continue to be important as the national
election approaches in 2016. With a budget deficit program of 2% annually for
20152017, maintaining the expenditure focus on spending priorities while preserving fiscal
prudence on a sustainable basis will be a fiscal challenge going forward.
Figure 1. Fiscal Performance as % of GDP 20042013
Axis Title
Axis Title
Improved public financial management (PFM) is central to the Philippines
achieving its development goals. This requires, amongst other things, a transparent and
credible PFM system to manage public resources for informed decision-making and effective
provision of public goods and services. The 2007 PEFA Assessment and the 2011 Public
Expenditure Review underlined the uneven development of various sub-systems of PFM.
Among the key efforts currently underway, PFM priorities include the strengthening the
evaluation of key government programs, and enhancing transparency and accountability of the
budget process. Plans for the rolling out the Government Integrated Financial Management
Information System (GIFMIS) are currently on hold.
Institutional Framework for Public Financial Management is fragmented. Several
agencies are involved in the implementation and oversight of PFM systems and in some cases
have overlapping mandates.7 This fragmentation demands close coordination among these
Government of the Philippines. Department of Budget and Management. Statistics based on the 2015 BESF.
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) is responsible for planning and public investment
programming, Department of Budget management (DBM is entrusted with budgeting and procurement matters,
and cash and debt management is the responsibility of the Department of Finance (DOF) with DBM also being
the approving agency for cash programs. Accounting and auditing is vested with the Commission of Audit (COA).
agencies, and require strong systems of checks and balances.8 Technical coordination on
macro fiscal policies is ensured through the Development Budget Coordinating Committee
(DBCC) which includes the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), National Economic
and Development Authority, Department of Finance (DOF), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
and the Office of the President (OP). However, some constitutional and autonomous bodies like
the COA and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) function independently on matters relating to
policies under their jurisdiction. This requires multiple levels of accountability.
Political economy behind budget formulation in Philippines. Political engagement in
the budget process occurs through a review and approval process that involves both chambers
of Congress, the Executive and the President.9 Although the pork barrel has been removed in
the 20142015 budgets, additional efforts are required to eliminate the existence of lump sum
amounts for discretionary spending that may provide similar opportunities for misuse of public
funds. Under the Constitution, the President can also exercise a high degree of discretion to
re-allocate portions of the budget across the executive branch during execution. In addition, the
practice of re-enacted budgets has in the past undermined budget credibility as well as the
ability of the bureaucracy to execute the budget as intended. It can also entail important
management costs for agencies on top of an already complex appropriation structure.10 These
issues weaken the planning and budget process and contribute to allocative distortions in public
Fiscal consolidation program. The Aquino administration has focused the fiscal
consolidation efforts since 2010 on raising the revenue to GDP ratio and prioritizing expenditure
toward key areas for inclusive growth, including education, health, safety net, and infrastructure.
The tax to GDP ratio has improved from 12.1% in 2010 to some 14.7% in 2014 (although still
below the level of the mid1990s at 17%). Progress on tax revenue collection are due to a
number of measures, including several anti-tax evasion and anti-corruption programs,
improvements in business processes, and the passing, in 2012 of the Sin Tax Law, which
increased the excise tax rates on tobacco and alcohol products.
Public expenditure management is characterized by a generally low efficiency of
spending. A combination of expenditure restraints, privatization and slow budget execution has
lowered the GoPs level of expenditure from 17% of GDP in 2010 to 16.3% in 2013. Together
the revenue performance and expenditure management in recent years have lowered the fiscal
deficit from 3.6% in 2010 to 1.4% in 2013.
with DBM maintaining budgetary accounting, and personnel policies are dealt with by the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) with DBM deciding on staffing and compensation policies.
Executive branch is responsible for preparing and executing the national budget while the legislative branch is
vested with the power of legislating the budget. Executive Order 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987 sets out
some detailed rules, as well as the respective roles of the different agencies responsible for carrying out PFM
requirements. Annual budget circulars provide guidance on carrying out budget rules. Accounting rules and
procedures are provided in the Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM) and are prescribed in a
Government Accounting System (NGAS) while government procurement is governed by RA 9184. Audit rules, as
well as internal control systems are codified by PD 1445 or the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines. The
promulgation of rules and regulations in the organization and strengthening of internal control systems and
procedures are governed by AO 119, s. 1989 with the DBM mandated to implement the order.
In the last decade the Philippines operated under several re-enacted budgets covering the years 2001, 2004 and
2006. Also under the 1987 Constitution the previous year annual budget is automatically considered re-enacted if
Congress fails to pass an appropriations law until a new annual budget is passed. Late passage (as late as March
of the budget year) of annual budgets in 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 resulted in re-enacted budgets
effective up the first quarter for these years, on the average.
The Philippine Constitution provides for the re-enactment of previous years General Appropriations Act (GAA) for
the start of the fiscal year until the new appropriations law is passed.
Sector composition of sectoral spending is improving. The Public Expenditure
Review of 201111 identified the composition and distribution of public expenditure in Philippines
as a systemic constraint to inclusive growth. In a number of sectors, Philippines displayed also
low efficiency of public spending, that is, comparably low performance outcomes achieved per
unit of public spending per annum. The Review attributed lower efficiency in public spending
largely to the disparities in the distribution of public expenditures across income groups and
across regions. The Aquino administration, anchored on improved revenue performance, has
since made important efforts to increase budgetary allocations to key services such as health
and education. Enrolment in PhilHealth has reached approximately 90% of the population, up
from 62% in 2010. In education, budget allocation for basic education continues to grow as part
of an overall reform agenda that includes curriculum and management reforms. Allocations to
the Department of Health more than doubled between 2010 and 2014 and a similar trend is
observed in Education which received the largest budgetary increases in the national budget in
2014 and 2015. The data does not incorporate local government units expenditure in both
areas. Bringing up public expenditures on health, to regional levels, will require an additional 0.7
to 0.8% of GDP to cover additional hospital bed capacity and other health services like
immunization. Agriculture, which has a high potential for growth and poverty alleviation, has
struggled with a 1% GDP share of expenditures.12 Transport spending has increased from 1.6 to
1.8 % of GDP between 2010 and 2013, but this increase needs to be sustained to attract new
investments and drive growth, especially through PPP projects.13
Capital outlays have improved substantially since 2012, and reached 3.5% of GDP in
2014. The country is well on its way to meeting the government target of 5% of public
investment to GDP by 2016. Of this, some 1.1 percentage points are expected to come from
private sector contributions, aided by the comprehensive package of reforms under the PPP
program. The wage bill, as a share of GDP, continues to be at comparable regional levels, or
around 5% of GDP. As a share of government outlays is however large comparatively,
representing some 31% of total public expenditure.
Budget execution is a particular concern, together with underspending and slower
disbursement. Specific concerns include; insufficient internal capacities, delays in procurement
and project implementation, weak coordination and poor information systems in spending
agencies. Disbursement levels at the aggregate have deteriorated from 17.7% in 2009 to 16.3%
in 2013, despite increases in budgets for basic services realized through the larger fiscal space
generated from reduction of debt service and greater tax collection efforts. Comparative
analysis of disbursements14 against obligations incurred highlight recurring and serious
underspending from 2008 to 2013, and this trend is reported to have continued through 2014.
Strengthening PFM at the subnational level is a governance priority.15 Transfers of
funds to local government units (LGUs) constitute 1518 % of total public spending. The Internal
World Bank. 2011. Philippines: Public Expenditure Review. Strengthening Public Finance for more Inclusive
Public Expenditure Review for Agriculture, World Bank Report, 2007. Poor performance of the sector is also
attributed to weak policy environment. Dominance of low value commodities in production as well as bias over rice
self-sufficiency policy which is characterized by high production costs and government subsidies have contributed
to low productivity in the sector.
The low level of investment in the sector is further exacerbated by institutional and policy distortion. Findings from
the World Bank Expenditure Review showed that fragmentation and weak implementation of Public-Private
Partnership initiatives contribute to underperformance in the sector.
Disbursements refer to total checks encashment and debited against the National Treasury account.
Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) is a system of decentralization grants to LGUs that provides more power and
resources and responsibility for the provision of basic services and facilities. Transferred basic services include
Revenue Allotment (IRA), under law (RA 7160), has been the mainstay of LGU budgets and
represented 1518% of government spending over the period 20042014, and an average
2.8% of GDP.16 In addition, LGUs get a share of tobacco excise taxes, franchise, economic
zones, mining taxes, royalties and forestry and fishery charges. Despite wide powers and
authority to generate resources under the LGU Code, the high dependency on IRA continues to
persist, and it represented 64% of local revenues on average in 2014. Out of own revenue
sources (36% of the total local revenues), local governments collect some 71% from taxes (real
property tax, business tax mostly) and 29% from fees and charges. Low levels of revenue
collection in the LGUs is partly due flaws in the Local Government Code of 1991, which limit the
potential for revenue collection, but it is also due to weak revenue administration, and lack of
accurate, computerized taxpayer registration databases, including an absence of accurate
cadastral information for property taxes. The Internal controls in many LGUs are weak due to
frequent staff turnover and insufficient PFM capacity. Financial reporting is often for compliance.
In Philippines, well formulated reform initiatives to a diverse group of independent political units
are difficult but are essential for effectively managing available resources and reducing reliance
on the IRA.
PFM achievements
Policy framework. Over the past decade, the government has adopted a whole of
system approach to PFM reforms. A medium-term expenditure framework and procurement
reforms have been completed.17 In 2011, to further strengthen reforms, the government
formulated the Philippine Public Financial Management Reform Roadmap (PPFMRR) 2011 to
2016 to address PFM dysfunctions and issues identified in the 2010 PEFA.18 The PFM Reform
Roadmap (consisting of an ambitious 5-year action plan) seeks to establish a more credible
PFM system supported by an integrated financial management information system to enhance
greater accountability and transparency in public expenditure management. Reforms aim to
provide reliable and accurate information to support operational budgeting, cash programming,
management of liabilities, timely financial reporting, and effective enforcement and financial
controls. The reforms hold the potential to improve oversight by Congress and Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs).
PEFA Assessment. On the basis of the 2014 update of the 2010 PEFA assessment,
the average scores for three of the six dimensions (comprehensiveness and transparency;
policy-based budgeting; and accounting, recording and reporting) of the PEFA assessment
agricultural extension and on-site research, community-based forestry, field health, hospital and tertiary services,
public works funded out of local funds, school building, social welfare, tourism, telecommunication and housing for
provinces and cities. There are eighty one (81) Provinces, one thousand four hundred ninety (1,490)
municipalities, one hundred forty-four (144) cities and forty two thousand twenty-eight (42,028) barangays that,
each, receives checks from the national government for their respective IRA allocation computed based on a
prescribed formula .
The Local Government Code of 1991. Philippines.
Many initial reforms- (i) relatively comprehensive budget documentation; (ii) a framework for strategic
prioritization of the budget through the introduction of a Paper on Budget Strategy and a performance budgeting
framework; (iii) tight controls of cash releases which has allowed the government in times of crises to effectively
control expenditure and thus the budget aggregates; (iv) high quality procurement law that approximates
international best practice; (v) reasonably transparent and predictable allocation of transfers to Local Government
Units (LGUs); (vi) systems improvement in various departments that has led to strengthening some aspects of
financial management; and (vii) comprehensive coverage of external audits by the supreme audit institution, the
Commission on Audit (COA) - have worked well and achieved their objectives.
Government of the Philippines. Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS)
Committee. 2011. Philippine Public Financial Management Reform Roadmap: Towards Improved Accountability
and Transparency 2011 to 2015. Manila.
have improved from 2010 to 2014. Areas where no progress was observed since 2010 included
budget credibility, predictability and control in budget execution, and external scrutiny and audit
(in particular legislative scrutiny of external audit reports).
The PFM Reform Roadmap is a comprehensive reform agenda, overseen by a PFM
Committee consisting of a four-level governance set-up and membership of four oversight
agencies [DBM, DOF, Bureau of Treasury (BTr) and Commission of Audit (COA)] with
implementation support provided by DFAT/Australian Aid. The roadmap focuses at six specific
Budget reporting and performance management. A harmonized budget classification
and unified account code structure (UACS) has been formulated by DBM and CoA. It was rolled
out for the 2014 budget preparation process, and is being adopted for accounting and reporting
during 2015. When fully implemented UACS will integrate budgeting and accounting
classifications, and enable more timely financial reporting and monitoring. DBM has also
introduced performance-informed budgeting to improve the link between resources and results,
and various revised budget presentation formats have been prepared. Additional reforms in this
area include:
AusAids PEGR introduced a system of forward estimates as part of the introduction of MTEF and the production
of OPIF Book. To date, the reform can be considered to be still in their early stages.
information for every government program, including the purpose of the funds,
outputs to be delivered, outcomes to be achieved and cost of the programs, activities
and projects. For the first time, government departments and agencies have
specified their vision and mission, as well as the target outputs that they will produce
from the resources sought, and the expected performance standards in service
Paper on Budget Strategy. A yearly budget document is prepared by the DBM
covering macro-economic policies, priorities and strategies as laid down by the
DBCC in the context of budget formulation. So far, this document has remained an
internal document and has not been made part of the set of budget documents
officially submitted to Congress.
Online submission of budget proposals. Online submission of budget proposals was
adopted in 2013 during the preparation of the 2014 national budget. The system
allows agency central offices to encode their budget data directly into the system and
submit their consolidated budget proposals to DBM in real time, replacing the paper
and worksheet files that were used for manual submission. Technical glitches
delayed the full use of the system for the 2015 budget.
Professionalization of PFM workforce. The above PFM measures have enhanced
the policy dynamics of budget making, and are moving the government towards a
results-based budget. The challenge that the government now faces is how to fully
institutionalize these reforms. A PFM competency model has been developed to
provide a common language on PFM capacity building across government.21
Accounting and auditing reforms. In Philippines, both audit and accounting functions
are vested upon a supreme audit institution; the COA. There is a general recognition to move
away from this practice, but the constitutional provision requiring COA to keep the general
accounts of the government is seen as a major impediment. With this mandate, COA has
continued to set accounting standards and rules and in 2002 rolled out a new government
accounting system (NGAS) that aimed to simplify government accounting, in conformity with
international standards, and to generate periodic and relevant financial statements. With the
implementation of the NGAS, a modified accrual basis of accounting was introduced. All
government agencies are required to prepare a Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure
Statement and a Cash Flow Statement. Central Offices of government departments consolidate
the financial statements. COA is developing a Philippine Public Sector Standards of Auditing
(PPSSA) and Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Twentyfive PPSAS have been
harmonized with IPSAS, and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been
adopted for implementation in 2014 through COA Resolution 2014-003. The chart of accounts
of the National Government has been revised to provide new accounts for the adoption of
PPSSA through COA circular no. 2013-002. The new chart of accounts is being incorporated in
the new government accounting manual. In auditing, 24 Philippine Public Sector Standards in
For instance, one of the Bureau of Fire Protections targets was to respond within five to seven minutes to
87% of the more than 5,000 distress calls the Bureau expected to receive in the year. The National Police
promised a minimum of 629,258 crime investigations and a 25% increase in the number of foot and mobile
patrols. The Department of Education aimed to deliver a pass rate of 84% in the National Achievement Test that
was to be taken by 12.56 million secondary school students; and the Department of Social Welfare committed to
serve meals to more than 2.5 million schoolchildren. This approach enhances the use of OPIF information and
key indicators to evaluate selected and key programs of the government and integrate results to budget
formulation process.
The competency model can guide agencies on recruiting and training competent PFM personnel. The Model has
a competency-based training program in budgeting, procurement, cash management, accounting and auditing.
The competency model design was completed in November 2013 with the active participation of CSC, COA,
DBM, DOF, BTR, BIR, DEPED, DENR, DPWH, AFP and the Procurement Board.
Auditing (PPSSA) have been adopted through the issuance of COA resolution 2013-007.
Training tools have been produced and the new accounting and auditing reforms are being
rolled out in national government agencies.
In the Philippines, poor budget execution results from (i) inadequate capacity of the
spending agencies (e.g. weak capacities in policy coordination, project management and
procurement delays); (ii) cumbersome budget execution procedures and internal reporting
requirements; and (iii) introduction of adhoc changes in policies or rules at the oversight level. 22
In addition, the long process and tight management of cash releases has been consistently
cited as a key constraint.23 Alternatively, agencies that have weak disbursement management
and reporting systems fail to comply with cash status reporting needed to determine how much
cash DBM should replenish. In recent years, however, budget execution policies and
procedures have been changing. Agencies have been given more flexibility in managing their
resources. Comprehensive release of allotment at the beginning of the year, made quicker with
the use of the GAA as release instrument and removal of the ABM and Release of Special
Allotment Release Order (SARO in 2014),24 provides ample time for the agencies to plan and
execute their activities during the year. However, oversight agencies such as the DBM continue
to exercise greater fiscal controls by withholding the remaining 25% of allotment and by
adopting a quarterly lapsing of NCAs.
Financial Reporting. The consolidated financial statements of the national government
are reflected in the Annual Financial Report prepared by COA usually within six months after the
end of the year. These statements are based on numerous reports submitted by the agencies to
both DBM and COA.25 At this stage, the audit of the books of agencies may not have been
completed; hence the accuracy of data may be compromised. Further, multiple reporting
requirements coupled with the absence of an automated and integrated information system in
most agencies makes the preparation of monthly financial statements a difficult task. Agencies
with regional offices and staff bureaus produce consolidated financial statements on a manual
basis. The suspension of the electronic-New Government Accounting System (E-NGAS) in
2009, which was intended to generate more accurate and timely financial statements, has not
yet been lifted. Meanwhile, numerous special reports produced on a regular basis for different
oversight agencies create duplicity and additional administrative cost for government agencies.
Internal control and audit. Efforts to strengthen internal control and internal audit started
in 2012. About 80% or 66 out of 77 government departments have internal audit and internal
control units and have been trained on the Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
(PGIAM). In 2013 DBM enhanced the capacities of internal audit units of 29 departments,
agencies and GOCCs by providing training on the Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
(PGIAM) and the National Guidelines on Internal Control System (NGICS) covering a total of
The DBM Mid-Year Report in 2014 attributed underspending to bottlenecks in agency internal processes such as
unrealistic cash programs, poor coordination between planning and budget and operations groups, procurement
issues and processing of claims for payment and other administrative issues.
International Monetary Fund. 2008. Improving Budget Execution and Cash Management.
In 2014 another innovation implemented by DBM is the use of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) as release
document (GAARD) effectively removing the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and Agency Budget Matrix
(ABM). The GAARD replaces the SARO, which is an authority for agencies to commit funds.
Numerous reports are required to be submitted to both DBM and COA. COA requires: Monthly trial balances,
Consolidated Balance Sheet Year end Consolidated Statement of Income and Expenditure Year End and
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Year End. DBM requires a least nine sets of reports - Full Year Physical
and Financial Plan, Full Year Monthly Cash Program, Full Year Estimate of Monthly Income, List of Not Yet Due
and Demandable Obligations, Quarterly Physical Report of Operations, Quarterly Financial Report of Operation,
Quarterly Report of Income, Monthly Statement of Allotments, Obligations and Balances and Monthly Report of
490 participants.26 Establishment of Internal Audit Services (IAS) in all government agencies
and its performance is constrained by lack of adequate resources and relevant technical skills.
Institutionalization of the role of internal control as a management tool is yet to be achieved.
Capacity building. The participation of civil society organizations in the national budget
process has been developed and formalized based on Budget Partnership Agreements (BPAs)
with a large number of departments, agencies and GOCCs. Also, CoA has piloted citizen
participatory audit activities through CSOs in four spending departments.
Management of contingent liabilities. A list of contingent liabilities has been prepared
to facilitate central monitoring and management of guaranteed loans.
In general, the PFM reform initiatives that have been implemented so far, especially
UACS and TSA, provide a positive trajectory of change. Some activities (e.g. PPSAS and
PPSSA) are intermediate rather than material, and so the results will thus be seen only after
successful implementation. Furthermore, the delays and reduced scope of GIFMIS Track II
which had the potential of fundamentally changing and improving the framework for and
processes of financial management in the government have for the time being reduced the
potential benefits of the PFM reform plans. Several areas of the governments PFM (in particular
accounting, recording and reporting) are thus likely to continue to have shortcomings due to the
lack of automation. An updated PFM Reform Roadmap is currently being prepared by the PFM
As noted earlier, the GoP has pursued broad governance reform initiatives through the
GGAC Cluster Plan 20122016, but it also covers some PFM-specific items, including initiatives
from the PFM Reform Roadmap. The GoP is furthermore pursuing a number of stand-alone
initiatives such as, for example, rolling out internal audit, developing performance-informed
budgeting, grassroots participatory budgeting (previously termed bottom-up budgeting),
parliamentary expenditure oversight through the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on
Public Expenditures, GAA-as-release-document, and open data ( so as to
improve openness and transparency.
The GoP is currently in the process of developing a PFM framework law. It aims at
institutionalizing the various budget cycle reforms introduced in recent years, harmonizing and
standardizing the current mix of laws and regulations, and addressing the budget weaknesses
identified by the Supreme Court in its 2014 ruling on the DAP. The law will also institutionalize
the position of Chief Financial Officers in government entities. The aim is for the law to be
passed by the Congress in 2015.
The National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS) was issued on October 23, 2008.
LGU PFM Reform Roadmap. A PFM Reform roadmap for the local government units
(LGU PFM Reform Roadmap) has been developed under an EU-funded project, and provides
the platform for instituting PFM reforms at the LGU level. The road map is complemented by an
implementation strategy that details the activities and timeframe to carry out the roadmap with a
focus on strengthening support to the LGUs for revenue generation and expenditure
management. A PFM Assessment Tool (PFMAT) was launched in February 2015 which
established sets of indicators to determine the state of PFM that will provide the baseline for a
customized reform strategy in each LGU. The PFMAT is self- administered and has been
piloted in several provinces, cities and municipalities. Further, the implementation of the BottomUp-Budgeting initiative (BUB) of the Department of Budget and Management continues to
progress. In 2015, 1590 LGUs participated in the initiative, with a total budget of P20.9 billion.
In addition, the roll-out of the eSRE modules on revenue forecasting to regional offices and
related trainings continue to improve the availability and quality of information for financial
Public procurement
Background. Procurement reforms were adopted in 2003 through the enactment of
RA 9184, otherwise known as the procurement reform act (Act), that seek to modernize,
standardize and regulate all procurement activities of the government. The Act will serve to
ensure efficiency, transparency, competitiveness and accountability of the government
procurement processes. The Act created the Government Procurement Policy Board, a policy
and monitoring body with the mandate of dealing with all procurement related matters and
provides for standard bidding documents, together with procurement manuals. A new
harmonized procurement regulation to implement the Act took effect in July 2009, and requires
all government procurement to be published in the Philippine Government Electronic
Procurement System (PhilGEPs). This system is a web based bulletin of all solicitations for
expression of interest, quotations and bids. The PhilGEPs is currently being improved to ensure
that it is linked with the GIFMIS for tracking of budget and expenditures. In 2013 the government
piloted the cashless purchase card system at the DBM and Department of Defense. The system
allows the use of cashless purchase cards, similar to credit cards, for commonly used items
funded by petty cash. The system ensures automatic recording of the transaction thereby
ensuring transparency and integrity of the transactions.
Assessment. Despite these reforms, reform of the public procurement process is a work
in progress.27 While the Government Procurement Reform Act appears to have fully met the
baselines for a good procurement legal and regulatory framework, and a number of
improvements have already been instituted, important challenges remain:
Legislative and regulatory framework for procurement: The framework overall meets
international standards, but there are significant shortcomings in some areas (e.g.
procedures for international competitive bidding (ICB), nationality requirements
restricting participation of wholly-owned foreign entities, the approved budget for the
The Philippines has been selected as a candidate for the World Bank pilot program for use of country systems in
procurement. To move to pilot country status, mitigation measures must be implemented to address the
outstanding issues. The remaining issues relate to (i) lack of an independent complaint review body; (ii) lack of
transparency of the bid evaluation process; (iii) use of the approved budget for the contract as a bid ceiling which
may distort the application of free market rules; (iv) conflict of interest in COAs function as observer;
(v) restrictions on the ownership of Filipino firms in joint ventures; (vi) existence of eligibility requirements that do
not reflect the technical and financial capacity of bidders; and (vii) lack of systematic matching of skills against
requirements of competitive recruitment for procurement practitioners.
contract (ABC) approach, and the lack of an independent complaint review body).
Implementing rules and documentation are generally good, except that the GoP has
replaced pre-qualification with an eligibility check and post-qualification process,
which restricts competition and contributes to few bidders.
Institutional framework and management capacity: The procurement system is wellintegrated into the public sector governance system, but there is no link to the PFM
system. The Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) regulates procurement,
but also contracts, which is a possible conflict of interest. There are shortcomings
regarding institutional development capacity, including collecting and monitoring
procurement statistics and using quality control standards to evaluate staff
performance and address capacity development issues.
Procurement operations and market practices: Operations and practices are
relatively efficient, but the competency of officials is low, training of and information
to officials and private sector participants not fully consistent with demand, and
norms for safekeeping records and documents not fully in place. The functionality of
the public procurement market is reasonably good, but some PPP-related issues are
yet to be clarified, and shortcomings in the ability of private firms to access the
market, including systemic constraints (e.g., regarding registration and securing
licenses and permits). Provisions for contract administration and dispute resolution
are good, but monitoring of dispute resolution lacks procedures.
Integrity and transparency of the public procurement system: Control and audit
systems are somewhat weak, and there is a lack of timely provision of compliance
information to enable management action. There is no independent complaints
review body. Procurement information is fully available, but a communication plan is
needed to increase awareness of legislation. Ethics and anti-corruption measures
are generally in place, but there are shortcomings as regards evidence on
enforcement of rulings and penalties, support to create a procurement market
characterized by integrity and ethical behavior, and the existence of a mechanism for
reporting fraudulent, corrupt, or unethical behavior.
Procurement reforms. The 2012 CPAR Action Plan includes 64 actions/measures to
be implemented between 2012 and 2016. Follow-up on the implementation of actions/measures
is undertaken regularly by the GPPB-TSO, but on an ad hoc basis, i.e. there is no formal
progress reporting and the current implementation status is therefore not quite clear. Specific
proposals to develop and enhance the functioning of the PhilGEPS are furthermore included
under the GGAC Cabinet Cluster Action Plan 20132016 (e.g., software modernization initiative
to provide a full e-government procurement solution and ensure linkage with a GIFMIS for
tracking budget and expenditure) as well as the OGP (e.g., additional functionalities to upload
bid documents, undertake electronic payment, and upload annual procurement plans). The GoP
considers applying for observer status to the WTO Plurilateral Agreement on Government
Procurement (GPA), which would require amending legislation and regulations that currently
favor Philippine-controlled companies and locally produced materials and supplies. The same
applies to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, which incorporates procurement
commitments and favors open market-oriented approaches.
Vulnerability to Corruption
There is currently no overall anti-corruption strategy and related action plan for
addressing corruption challenges and implementing prioritized measures to counter these,
including to coordinate efforts in different sectors and institutions as well as to involve external
stakeholders. It is understood that DBM for some time has been in the process of preparing an
anti-corruption strategy. The PDP 20112016 included a six-point plan to curb corruption, but a
comprehensive and integrated anti-corruption framework and program, mentioned as an
essential part of the GoPs commitment to fight corruption, has not yet been prepared. The 2014
PDP Midterm Update mentions a two-pronged approach focusing on strengthening internal
control systems related to generation and allocation of government funds, and strict
enforcement of penalties in corruption cases. The updated GGAC Cluster Plan Action Plan
20132016 includes improved anti-corruption measures as one of four priority outcomes. The
focus is on exacting greater accountability of public servants, while another outcome covers
support for the passage of priority legislations, including on anti-corruption.
Development partners (DPs) have provided strong support to governments PFM
agenda. In particular, DPs have supported the governments core programs such as the roll-out
of OPIF and internal audit and controls, procurement reforms, as well as analytical products.
The Philippine Development Forum (PDF) and the sub-committees under it provide a strong
platform for sustaining strong links between the Government and the development Partners
through policy and technical dialogues.
PFM is highly relevant to ADB operations in the Philippines. Sound PFM is of
crucial importance to improving service delivery and achieving allocative efficiency. ADB
recognizes that part of the solution to rendering pro-poor growth, and to increase public
spending on education, health, transport and other services, while at the same time improving
the efficiency and accountability of public funds, is to improve governance. In addition, ADB
continues to oversee progress in reforming the countrys system for PFM, procurement, and
corruption and in designing and implementing risk mitigation plans. ADB has promoted policy
dialogue and reforms through its leadership of the Philippine Development Forum working group
on governance and anticorruption. In addition, a series of technical assistance projects have
been provided either as stand-alone projects or linked to program loans such as the
Development Policy Support Program, the Governance in Justice Sector Reform Program, and
the Local Government Finance and Budget Reform Program.28 ADB has supported the
mitigation of corruption risks in a road project,29 has mainstreamed OPIF in the rural
development and natural resources sectors,30 and has supported improvements in local
governance in the areas of procurement reform, debt management, reform of GOCCs.31
Lessons Learned
There are a range of lessons from the past regarding how to best support progress on
PFM reforms in the Philippines. First, an over-arching agenda or strategy on strengthening PFM
such as the Philippines PFM Reform Roadmap will ensure political buy-in, and improve
interagency coordination and address risks from institutional silos. Political economy for
strengthening PFM requires a shared understanding and commitment of key problems around a
ADB. 2009. Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Strengthening the Philippine Government
Electronic Procurement System. Manila. Footnote 9. ADB 2008. Technical Assistance to the Republic of the
Philippines for Improving Public Expenditure Management. Manila. ADB 2008. Technical Assistance to the
Republic of the Philippines for Governance in Justice Sector Reform Program. Manila. ADB 2009. Technical
Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Support to Local Government Financing. Manila.
ADB. 2009. Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Strengthening Transparency and
Accountability in the Road Subsector. Manila.
ADB. 2008. Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Harmonization and Development
Effectiveness. Manila.
Philippines Government Owned and Controlled Corporations which receive budgetary support in the form of
equity or subsidy from the national government
comprehensive reform agenda. Second, budget must be underpinned by resource adequacy to
ensure effective budget implementation. It must not be underfinanced. Third, procedures and
systems for obligation and cash management should be well understood, transparent, and
decentralized with a rigorous system of internal control, reporting and monitoring to accelerate
budget implementation. Fourth, proper sequencing of reforms is vital, with emphasis on
improvement and implementation of existing systems is a prerequisite, given that PFM reform is
a long and slow process. This will avoid reform fatigue, as often the benefits from
implementation take a long time to be fully realized. Fifth, a shared understanding and
commitment of key problems and mitigation measures is required to sustain an effective political
economy for improving PFM, as well as a shared understanding and commitment of key
problems around a comprehensive reform agenda. Finally, flexibility and prioritization of
activities are essential prerequisites to manage the implementation process so that reforms will
not overburden the bureaucracys absorptive capacity or alienate key actors within the system.
As reform champions alter over time, flexibility allows a program to adapt as the governments
reform agenda, and sustain reforms.
It is a fair assessment to conclude that the trajectory in PFM reforms is a work-inprogress, with different stages of implementation. Progress continues but the benefits from
implementation have yet to be fully realized. From a development perspective, it would mean
longer term commitments and sensitivity to the pace of change to support the government in
sustaining the reform agenda. The scope and costs of PFM reforms and issues the government
is required to deal with are far beyond its technical capacity, and that of any one single
development partner. Hence, the strong cooperation between the government and development
partners should continue. The results-based approach to budgetary assistance is a unifying
strategy for the government to attain reform objectives within and towards the attainment of its
long term development goals.