Iso 15504 - Maturity Model For Software

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1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

Analyzing the Conceptual Relationship Between ISO/IEC

15504 (Software Process Assessment) and the Capability
Maturity Model for Software
Mark C. Paulk
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The Capability Maturity Model for Software (Software CMM ) is probably the best known
and most widely used model world-wide for software process improvement. ISO/IEC 15504
is a suite of standards currently under development for software process assessment, which
can be expected to affect the continuing evolution of the Software CMM. This paper
discusses the similarities and differences between the two models and how they may influence
each other as they both continue to evolve.

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has been evolving a process maturity framework
now known as the Capability Maturity Model for Software (Software CMM) since 1986
[Paulk95a, Paulk95c]. This model provides organizations with guidance for measuring
software process maturity and establishing process improvement programs. The Software
CMM is probably the best known and most widely used model world-wide for software
process improvement at this writing.
ISO/IEC1 15504 is a suite of standards for software process assessment currently under
development as an international standard . ISO/IEC 15504 has been published as a type 2
technical report, which is a stage in the development of a standard. Of the nine parts to
ISO/IEC 15504, the parts directly relevant to the Software CMM are ISO/IEC 15504-2, the
reference model, and ISO/IEC 15504-5, which provides an example model. As an
international standard, ISO/IEC 15504 can be expected to affect the continuing evolution of
CMM-related products.

Capability Maturity Model and CMM are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The Software Engineering Institute is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by
the U.S. Department of Defense.
1 ISO/IEC 15504 is being developed by working group 10 (WG10) under the software engineering
subcommittee (SC7) of the information technology joint committee (JTC1) established by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC).

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

This paper provides an overview of the Software CMM and ISO/IEC 15504, discusses the
similarities and differences between them, and speculates how they may influence each other
as they both continue to evolve.

The Capability Maturity Model for Software

The Capability Maturity Model for Software describes the principles and practices underlying
software process maturity and is intended to help software organizations improve the maturity
of their software processes in terms of an evolutionary path from ad hoc, chaotic processes to
mature, disciplined software processes. The Software CMM is organized into five maturity
levels, described in Table 1.
Table 1. Software CMM Maturity Levels.
Software CMM
Maturity Level
1) Initial
2) Repeatable
3) Defined

4) Managed
5) Optimizing

Description of Software CMM Maturity Levels

The software process is characterized as ad hoc, and occasionally even chaotic.
Few processes are defined, and success depends on individual effort and heroics.
Basic project management processes are established to track cost, schedule, and
functionality. The necessary process discipline is in place to repeat earlier
successes on projects with similar applications.
The software process for both management and engineering activities is
documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for
the organization. All projects use an approved, tailored version of the
organization's standard software process for developing and maintaining
Detailed measures of the software process and product quality are collected.
Both the software process and products are quantitatively understood and
Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the
process and from piloting innovative ideas and technologies.

Except for Level 1, each maturity level is decomposed into several key process areas that
indicate the areas an organization should focus on to improve its software process. The
key process areas in Version 1.1 of the Software CMM are listed in Table 2.
For convenience, the key process areas are internally organized by common features. The
common features are attributes that indicate whether the implementation and
institutionalization of a key process area is effective, repeatable, and lasting. The five
common features are Commitment to Perform, Ability to Perform, Activities Performed,
Measurement and Analysis, and Verifying Implementation. General practices that apply to
every key process area at every maturity level are categorized by the common features. For
example, establishing policies is a common practice in Commitment to Perform and providing
training is a common practice in Ability to Perform.
Each key process area is described in terms of the key practices that contribute to satisfying its
goals and that are allocated to the common features. The key practices describe the specific
infrastructure and activities that contribute most to the effective implementation and
institutionalization of the key process area.

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

Table 2. The Key Process Areas in the Software CMM.




Continuous process
Product and process
Engineering processes
and organizational

Project management

Key Process Areas

Defect Prevention
Technology Change Management
Process Change Management
Quantitative Process Management
Software Quality Management
Organization Process Focus
Organization Process Definition
Training Program
Integrated Software Management
Software Product Engineering
Intergroup Coordination
Peer Reviews
Requirements Management
Software Project Planning
Software Project Tracking & Oversight
Software Subcontract Management
Software Quality Assurance
Software Configuration Management

Competent people and heroics

ISO/IEC 15504 -- Software Process Assessment

ISO/IEC 15504 is intended to harmonize the many different approaches to software process
assessment. It has nine parts:
Part 1 : Concepts and introductory guide
Part 2 : A reference model for processes and process capability
Part 3 : Performing an assessment
Part 4 : Guide to performing assessments
Part 5 : An assessment model and indicator guidance
Part 6 : Guide to competency of assessors
Part 7 : Guide for use in process improvement
Part 8 : Guide for use in determining supplier process capability
Part 9 : Vocabulary
The reference model in Part 2 documents the set of universal software engineering
processes that are fundamental to good software engineering and that cover best practice
activities. It describes processes that an organization may perform to acquire, supply,
develop, operate, evolve and support software and the process attributes that characterize
the capability of those processes. The purpose of the reference model is to provide a
common basis for different models and methods for software process assessment, ensuring
that results of assessments can be reported in a common context.

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

The reference model architecture is two dimensional. The process dimension is

characterized by process purpose statements, which are the essential measurable objectives
of a process. The processes are listed in Table 4.
The process capability dimension is characterized by a series of process attributes,
applicable to any process, which represent measurable characteristics necessary to manage
a process and improve its capability to perform. Each process attribute describes an aspect
of the overall capability of managing and improving the effectiveness of a process in
achieving its purpose and contributing to the business goals of the organization. There are
nine process attributes, which are grouped into capability levels, one at capability level 1
and two each at levels 2-5. Capability levels constitute a rational way of progressing
through improvement of the capability of any process. The underlying principles are the
same conceptually as the Software CMM maturity levels, although targeted to the process
rather than the organization. The six capability levels are described in Table 3.
Table 3. The Capability Levels in ISO/IEC 15504-2.
Capability Level
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

ISO/IEC 15504-2 Capability Level Description

There is general failure to attain the purpose of the process. There are little
or no easily identifiable work products or outputs of the process.
The purpose of the process is generally achieved. The achievement may not
be rigorously planned and tracked. There are identifiable work products for
the process, and these testify to the achievement of the purpose.
The process delivers work products according to specified procedures and is
planned and tracked. Work products conform to specified standards and
The process is performed and managed using a defined process based upon
good software engineering principles. Individual implementations of the
process use approved, tailored versions of standard, documented processes to
achieve the process outcomes.
The defined process is performed consistently in practice within defined
control limits, to achieve its defined process goals.
Performance of the process is optimized to meet current and future business
needs, and the process achieves repeatability in meeting its defined business

The process attributes are defined in ISO/IEC 15504-2 and elaborated in ISO/IEC 15504-5
by process indicators, called generic practices in earlier drafts of the evolving standard.

Relating ISO/IEC 15504 Processes to CMM Key Process Areas

The mapping in Table 4 shows how the topics in ISO/IEC 15504 relate to the equivalent
topics in the Software CMM. Topics are typically not isomorphic but are highly
correlated. Anyone adequately implementing, for example, the Configuration
Management Process in ISO/IEC 15504 could reasonably expect to have satisfied the
Software Configuration Management key process area in the Software CMM. Topics are
not usually isomorphic because of extensions that may have been added or different levels
of abstraction that may have been chosen (e.g., the Development Process in ISO/IEC

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

12207 addresses the same set of concerns as the Software Product Engineering key
process area in the Software CMM). "Subprocesses" and activities in Table 4 are in italics
to emphasize that they are components of a larger construct. Where the relationship is
indirect, the Software CMM component is in parentheses to highlight the difference in
Table 4.

Mapping Between ISO/IEC 15504-2 Processes and Software CMM Key

Process Areas.

ISO/IEC 15504 Processes

Software CMM v1.1

CUS.1 Acquisition
CUS.1.1 Acquisition preparation

Software Subcontract Management

CUS.1.2 Supplier selection

Software Subcontract Management, Activity 2

CUS.1.3 Supplier monitoring

Software Subcontract Management, Activities 5

and 7-11

CUS.1.4 Customer acceptance

Software Subcontract Management, Activity 12

CUS.2 Supply2

(Software Project Planning; Software Project

Tracking & Oversight; Software Product

Software Subcontract Management, Activity 1

CUS.3 Requirements elicitation

CUS.4 Operation
CUS.4.1 Operational use
CUS.4.2 Customer support
ENG.1 Development

Software Product Engineering

ENG.1.1 System3 requirements

analysis and design
ENG.1.2 Software requirements

Software Product Engineering, Activity 2

ENG.1.3 Software design

Software Product Engineering, Activity 3

ENG.1.4 Software construction

Software Product Engineering, Activity 4

ENG.1.5 Software integration

Software Product Engineering, Activity 6

2 The Supply Process deals with providing software to the customer that meets the agreed requirements.
Establishing a contract, developing the software, and delivering it to the customer, which are the issues
for this process, are addressed in various key process areas, although the Supply Process itself is not
explicitly specified in the Software CMM.
3 Systems engineering issues, e.g., requirements elicitation, system analysis, and system testing, were not
considered within the scope of the Software CMM in version 1.1.

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

ISO/IEC 15504 Processes

Software CMM v1.1

ENG.1.6 Software testing

Software Product Engineering, Activity 7

ENG.1.7 System integration and


(Software Product Engineering, Activities 6 and 7)

ENG.2 System and software

SUP.1 Documentation

Software Product Engineering, Activity 8

SUP.2 Configuration management

Software Configuration Management

SUP.3 Quality assurance

Software Quality Assurance

SUP.4 Verification

(Peer Reviews; Software Product Engineering,

Activities 5 and 6)

SUP.5 Validation

Software Product Engineering, Activity 5

SUP.6 Joint review

Software Project Tracking & Oversight, Activity


SUP.7 Audit

(Software Quality Assurance)4

SUP.8 Problem resolution

Software Configuration Management, Activity 5

MAN.1 Management5

(Software Project Planning; Software Project

Tracking & Oversight; Integrated Software

MAN.2 Project management

Software Project Planning; Software Project

Tracking & Oversight; Integrated Software

MAN.3 Quality management

Software Quality Management

MAN.4 Risk management

Software Project Planning, Activity 13; Software

Project Tracking & Oversight, Activity 10;
Integrated Software Management, Activity 10

ORG.1 Organizational alignment6

ORG.4 Infrastructure

Organization Process Definition

4 SQA covers both quality assurance and audits. Audits are an independent QA function. The SQA key
process area can be implemented as an independent function or not; the requirement is objective
verification rather than independent verification. SQA may, or may not, therefore cover the Audit Process
in a particular environment.
5 This is a generic planning and management process that is to be applied to any process, rather than
project planning specifically.
6 The purpose of the Organizational Alignment Process is to ensure that individuals share a common
vision, culture, and understanding of business goals.

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

ISO/IEC 15504 Processes

Software CMM v1.1

ORG.2 Improvement
ORG.2.1 Process establishment

Organization Process Definition

ORG.2.2 Process assessment

Organization Process Focus, Activity 1

ORG.2.3 Process improvement

Organization Process Focus; (Process Change


ORG.3 Human resource


Training Program

Organization Process Definition

ORG.4 Infrastructure
ORG.5 Measurement

Measurement and Analysis (common feature)

ORG.6 Reuse
Requirements Management
Intergroup Coordination
Peer Reviews7
Quantitative Process Management8
Defect Prevention
Technology Change Management
Process Change Management

Relating the Process Capability Dimension to Maturity Levels

The Software CMM is sometimes characterized as a staged model because it describes
organizational capability in terms of maturity levels that represent evolutionary stages of
capability, and the ISO/IEC 15504 model is sometimes, perhaps less accurately, described
as a continuous model. The ISO/IEC 15504 model describes the terrain of software
process maturity from the perspective of the individual process, where the Software CMM
provides a roadmap for organizational improvement.
A staged model can be described as:
an organization-focused model, since its target is the organizations process capability,
a descriptive model, because it describes organizations at different levels of achieved
a prescriptive or normative model, since it prescribes how an organization should
improve its processes.


Indirectly covered by SUP.4 Verification process.

Indirectly covered by ORG.5 Measurement process.

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

A staged architecture focuses on software process improvement and, in the case of the
Software CMM, provides 500 pages of mostly informative material on software processes
that has been prioritized by being in key process areas. The rating components, i.e., the
key process areas and goals, are a comparatively small part of the document; there are 18
key process areas and 52 goals.
The term continuous is not a strictly accurate description since the ISO/IEC 15504
architecture is also based on (capability) levels. Other descriptive terms that could be used
a process-focused model, since its target is process capability,
a terrain model, from the analogy to a description of the software process terrain, and
a reference model, since its primary use is in assessment as the reference for rating
One of the objectives of ISO/IEC 15504 is to create a way of measuring process capability,
while avoiding a specific approach to improvement such as the SEIs maturity levels, so that
the many different kinds of assessment, model, and their results, can be meaningfully
compared to one another. The approach selected is to measure the implementation and
institutionalization of specific processes; a process measure rather than an organization
measure. Maturity levels can be viewed as sets of process profiles using this approach
[Paulk94, Paulk95a, Paulk96]. This addresses one of the deficiencies in the staged approach:
lower maturity key process areas evolve with the organization's maturity. For example, there
are organizational standards and required training for Software Configuration Management in
a maturity level 3 organization, even though this is not explicitly stated in the Software CMM.

Differences Between ISO/IEC 15504 and the Software CMM

Both the staged and continuous perspectives have value, and they are conceptually
compatible, but there is a fundamental philosophical difference between the two
architectures. This philosophical difference implies strengths and weaknesses for both
Vital few


Process evolution

Staged Architecture
(Software CMM)
Attention is focused on the
"vital few" issues in process
improvement that are
generally true for any
Organizational capability is
explicitly described in terms
of maturity levels.

Key process areas are a

Continuous Architecture
(ISO/IEC 15504)
Less important process issues
can drown out the vital few
issues when there are clashes
over improvement priorities.
Organizational capability is
implicit; it can be intuitively
understood by looking at the
organizational processes, the
process attributes, and their
The evolution of processes

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA


Staged Architecture
(Software CMM)
snapshot of the evolving


Extensive guidance in the key

practices and subpractices
provides significant help in
understanding what a key
practice or goal means,
although it is typically
oriented towards the
practices of large
organizations and projects in
a contracting environment.
It may be difficult for the
non-expert to extend the
CMM principles to new
disciplines or focus areas.


Continuous Architecture
(ISO/IEC 15504)
from ad hoc to continuously
improving is "fully"
Abstract processes and
process attributes can be
difficult to interpret. No
particular organizational
improvement path is

Adding processes and

integrating with other models
is a relatively straightforward
definition, with the
application of the capability
dimension for rating the

Some processes are invisible in a staged model, until the point that focusing on their
improvement becomes critical to organizational maturity. Engineering processes, for example,
are not a focus of maturity level 2, so they suddenly appear at level 3. Level 1 organizations
perform engineering processes, but they are not represented in the Software CMM until level
3. This is intrinsic to the way the maturity levels are defined: the critical problems for level 1
organizations are managerial, not technical, so the improvement focus is not on the
engineering processes at level 2.
This focus on the "vital few" processes at each maturity level for building organizational
capability becomes a challenge when layering a staged model on top of a continuous
architecture. For example, should every process described in the continuous model be placed
under quantitative or statistical control if the organization is to be characterized as level 4 or
higher? The staged model lets the decision of what processes should be quantitatively or
statistically controlled be driven by business objectives. No rule, other than "all processes,"
has been articulated yet for aggregating process capability levels to achieve an organizational
maturity level when using a continuous model. Should all processes be standardized? Under
statistical control? Optimal?
This is both a strength and a weakness of the layering approach to integrating staged and
continuous models. It highlights standardizing and tailoring (capability level 3) as issues for
level 2 key process areas in a maturity level 3 organization, but flexibility in applying these
principles to all (versus critical) processes is desirable from a business objective perspective.
Conversely, the improvement priorities in the staged model describe an "80% solution" to

1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA

effective process improvement; organizations have unique improvement needs driven by their
business needs and environment.
Key process areas are not processes. A process changes over time and hopefully matures.
A process is dynamic. A key process area is a static description of essential attributes
(i.e., key practices) of a process when that process is fully realized, and it does not tell
how the process is performed.
Usability was an issue in early drafts of ISO/IEC 15504 when 26 generic practices were
rated on the capability dimension rather than nine process attributes. This lead to over
1,000 rating decisions during an assessment, and early trials indicated that assessments
could be quite lengthy [Woodman96]. The solution to this problem was to "raise the level
of abstraction" in rating to process attributes.
The Systems Engineering CMM [Bate95] uses the 26 generic practices in its instantiation
of the continuous architecture (with a different rating philosophy). EIA Interim Standard
731 ("Systems Engineering Capability, Part 1: Model") defines 12 generic practices in its
variation of a continuous architecture.
For Software CMM v2, we proposed addressing this concern via a goal for each key
process area to capture the institutionalization of the process. The institutionalization goal
would have captured the topics addressed by ISO/IEC 15504 process attributes via key
practice templates for planning, training, tailoring, etc., as appropriate for the maturity
level. Practices in the institutionalization common features Commitment to Perform,
Ability to Perform, Measurement and Analysis, and Verifying Implementation would
have mapped to this goal. This would have clarified that institutionalization is a critical
part of satisfying a key process area and separated institutionalization and implementation
for purposes of rating key process areas.
The difference in focus organization versus process thus leads to some subtle
challenges in integrating the staged and continuous architectures. The similarities between
capability and maturity levels make the relationships conceptually straightforward; the
philosophical difference makes the operational details tricky.

The SEI is continuing to evolve the CMM concepts, primarily in its current work on
CMM integration, which addresses software, systems engineering, and integrated process
and product development. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG10 is continuing to refine ISO/IEC
15504 and is currently targeting 2001 for release of the international standard.
One of the challenges in harmonizing the CMM and ISO/IEC 15504 is defining the rating
components for the process capability dimension. Mapping between one "goal" per level
and two "process attributes" per level may lead to unacceptable granularity problems. The
other major challenge is developing an acceptable operational mapping between
organizational and process capability. Both SEI and WG10 continue to discuss these and
other issues.


1999 International Conference on Software Quality

Cambridge, MA


Roger Bate, Dorothy Kuhn, Curt Wells, et al, "A Systems Engineering
Capability Maturity Model, Version 1.1," Software Engineering Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, CMU/SEI-95-MM-003, November 1995.


Mark C. Paulk and Michael D. Konrad, "Measuring Process Capability

Versus Organizational Process Maturity," Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Software Quality, ASQC, Washington,
DC, 3-5 October 1994.


Mark C. Paulk, Michael D. Konrad, and Suzanne M. Garcia, CMM

Versus SPICE Architectures, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council
on Software Engineering, Software Process Newsletter, No. 3, Spring
1995, pp. 7-11.


Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute (Principal

Contributors and Editors: Mark C. Paulk, Charles V. Weber, Bill Curtis,
and Mary Beth Chrissis), The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines
for Improving the Software Process, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Reading, MA, 1995.


Mark C. Paulk, The Evolution of the SEIs Capability Maturity Model for
Software, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, Vol. 1, Pilot
Issue, Spring 1995, pp. 3-15.


Mark C. Paulk, "Process Improvement and Organizational Capability:

Generalizing the CMM," Proceedings of the ASQC's 50th Annual
Quality Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, 13-15 May 1996, pp. 9297.
Woodman96 Ian Woodman and Robin Hunter, "Analysis of Assessment Data from
Phase One of the SPICE Trials," Software Process Newsletter, IEEE
Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering, No. 6,
Spring 1996, pp. 5-9.


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