Syntax of Predicate Logic
Prenex Normal Form (PNF)
(Skolem) Standard Form
Applications of FOPL
Page Nos.
In the previous unit, we discussed how propositional logic helps us in solving
problems. However, one of the major problems with propositional logic is that,
sometimes, it is unable to capture even elementary type of reasoning or argument as
represented by the following statements:
Every man is mortal.
Raman is a man.
Hence, he is mortal.
The above reasoning is intuitively correct. However, if we attempt to simulate the
reasoning through Propositional Logic and further, for this purpose, we use symbols
P, Q and R to denote the statements given above as:
P: Every man is mortal,
Q: Raman is a man,
R: Raman is mortal.
Once, the statements in the argument in English are symbolised to apply tools of
propositional logic, we just have three symbols P, Q and R available with us and
apparently no link or connection to the original statements or to each other. The
connections, which would have helped in solving the problem become invisible. In
Propositional Logic, there is no way, to conclude the symbol R from the symbols P
and Q. However, as we mentioned earlier, even in a natural language, the conclusion
of the statement denoted by R from the statements denoted by P and Q is obvious.
Therefore, we search for some symbolic system of reasoning that helps us in
discussing argument forms of the above-mentioned type, in addition to those forms
which can be discussed within the framework of propositional logic. First Order
Predicate Logic (FOPL) is the most well-known symbolic system for the pourpose.
The symbolic system of FOPL treats an atomic statement not as an indivisible unit.
Rather, FOPL not only treats an atomic statement divisible into subject and predicate
but even further deeper structures of an atomic statement are considered in order to
handle larger class of arguments. How and to what extent FOPL symbolizes and
establishes validity/invalidity and consistency/inconsistency of arguments is the
subject matter of this unit.
Knowledge Representation
False with each of these, and each of these does not involve a logical operator like ~,
, , or .
Summarizing in the above discussion, LIKE (Ram, Mohan) and LOVE (father
(Mohan) Mohan) are atoms; where as GREATER, LOVE and LIKE are predicate
symbols; x and y are variables and 3, Ram and Mohan are constants; and father and
product are function symbols.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
explain why FOPL is required over and above PL;
define, and give appropriate examples for, each of the new concepts required for
FOPL including those of quantifier, variable, constant, term, free and bound
occurrences of variables, closed and open wff;
check consistency/validity, if any, of closed formulas;
reduce a given formula of FOPL to normal forms: Prenex Normal Form (PNF) and
(Skolem) Standard Form, and
use the tools and techniques of FOPL, developed in the unit, to solve problems
requiring logical reasoning.
iii) Function symbols: These are usually lowercase letters like f, g, h,.or strings
of lowercase letters such as father and product.
Knowledge Representation
A variable is a term.
A constant is a term.
If f is an n-place function symbol, and are terms, then f(t1,.,tn) is a term.
Any term can be generated only by the application of the rules given above.
For example: Since, y and 3 are both terms and plus is a two-place function symbol,
plus (y, 3) is a term according to the above definition.
Furthermore, we can see that plus (plus (y, 3), y) and father (father (Mohan)) are also
terms; the former denotes (y + 3) + y and the later denotes grandfather of Mohan.
A predicate can be thought of as a function that maps a list of constant arguments to T
or F. For example, GREATER is a predicate with GREATER (5, 2) as T, but
GREATER (1, 3) as F.
We already know that in PL, an atom or atomic statement is an indivisible unit for
representing and validating arguments. Atoms in PL are denoted generally by symbols
like P, Q, and R etc. But in FOPL,
Definition: An Atom is
(i) either an atom of Propositional Logic, or
(ii) is obtained from an n-place predicate symbol P, and terms t1,.tn so that
P (t1,.,tn) is an atom.
Once, the atoms are defined, by using the logical connectives defined in Propositional
Logic, and assuming having similar meaning in FOPL, we can build complex
formulas of FOPL. Two special symbol and are used to denote qualifications in
FOPL. The symbols and are called, respectively, the universal quantifier and
existential quantifier. For a variable x, (x) is read as for all x, and (x) is read as
there exists an x. Next, we consider some examples to illustrate the concepts discussed
In order to symbolize the following statements:
i) There exists a number that is rational.
ii) Every rational number is a real number
iii) For every number x, there exists a number y, which is greater than x.
let us denote x is a rational number by Q(x), x is a real number by R(x), and x is less
than y by LESS(x, y). Then the above statements may be symbolized respectively, as
(i) (x) Q(x)
(ii) (x) (Q(x) R (x))
(iii) (x) (y) LESS(x, y).
Each of the expressions (i), (ii), and (iii) is called a formula or a well-formed formula
or wff.
Next, we discuss three new concepts, viz Scope of occurrence of a quantified variable,
Bound occurrence of a quantifier variable or quantifier and Free occurrence of a
Knowledge Representation
x 2 dx = y 2 dy =
23 13 7
3 3 3
For every number, there is one and only one immediate successor,
There is no number for which 0 is the immediate successor.
For every number other than 0, there is one and only one immediate
Let the immediate successor and predecessor of x, respectively be denoted by f(x) and
Let E (x, y) denote x is equal to y. Then the axioms of natural numbers are represented
respectively by the formulas:
(i) (x) (y) (E(y, f(x)) (z) (E(z, f(x)) E(y, z)))
(ii) ~ ((x) E(0, f(x))) and
(iii) (x) (~ E(x, 0) ((y), g(x)) (z) (E(z, g(x)) E(y, z))))).
From the semantics (for meaning or interpretation) point of view, the wff of FOPL
may be divided into two categories, each consisting of
(i) wffs, in each of which, all occurrences of variables are bound.
(ii) wffs, in each of which, at least one occurrence of a variable is free.
The wffs of FOPL in which there is no occurrence of a free variable, are like wffs of
PL in the sense that we can call each of the wffs as True, False, consistent,
inconsistent, valid, invalid etc. Each such a formula is called closed formula.
However, when a wff involves a free occurrence, then it is not possible to call such a
wff as True, False etc. Each of such a formula is
called an open formula.
For example: Each of the formulas: greater (x, y), greater (x, 3), (y) greater (x, y)
has one free occurrence of variable x. Hence, each is an open formula.
Each of the formulas: (x) (y) greater (x, y), (y) greater (y, 1), greater (9, 2), does
not have free occurrence of any variable. Therefore each of these formulas is a closed
Next we discuss some equivalences, and inequalities
The following equivalences hold for any two formulas P(x) and Q(x):
(i) (x) P(x) (x) Q(x) = (x) (P(x) Q(x))
(ii) (x) P(x) ( x) Q (x) = (x) (P(x) Q(x)
But the following inequalities hold, in general:
(iii) (x) (P(x) Q(x) (x) P(x) (x) Q(x)
(iv) (x) (P(x) Q(x) (x) P(x) (x) Q (x)
We justify (iii) & (iv) below:
Let P(x): x is odd natural number,
Q(x): x is even natural number.
Then L.H.S of (iii) above states for every natural number it is either odd or even,
which is correct. But R.H.S of (iii) states that every natural number is odd or every
natural number is even, which is not correct.
Next, L.H.S. of (iv) states that: there is a natural number which is both even and odd,
which is not correct. However, R.H.S. of (iv) says there is an integer which is odd
and there is an integer which is even, correct.
Equivalences involving Negation of Quantifiers
(v) ~ (x) P(x) = (x) ~ P(x)
(iv) ~ (x) P(x) = (x) ~ P(x)
Examples: For each of the following closed formula, Prove
(i) (x) P(x) (y) ~ P(y) is inconsistent.
(ii) (x) P(x) (y) P(y) is valid
Solution: (i) Consider
(x) P(x) (y) ~ P(y)
= (x) P(x) ~ (y) P(y) (taking negation out)
Knowledge Representation
But we know for each bound occurrence, a variable is dummy, and can be replaced in
the whole scope of the variable uniformly by another free variable. Hence,
R = (x) P(x) ~ (x) P(x)
Each conjunct of the formula is either
True of False and, hence, can be thought of as a formula of PL, in stead of formula of
FOPL, Let us replace (x) (P(x) by Q , a formula of PL.
R = Q ~ Q = False
Hence, the proof.
(ii) Consider
(x) P(x) (y) P(y)
Replacing we get
= ~ (x) P(x) (y) P(y)
= (x) ~ P(x) (y) P(y)
= (x) ~ P(x) (x) P(x) (renaming x as y in the second disjunct)
In other words,
= (x) (~ P(x) P(x)) (using equivalence)
The last formula states: there is at least one element say b, for ~ P(b) P(b) holds i.e.,
for b, either P(b) is False or P(b) is True.
But, as P is a predicate symbol and b is a constant ~ P(b) P(b) must be True. Hence,
the proof.
Ex. 1 Let P(x) and Q(x) represent x is a rational number and x is a real number,
respectively. Symbolize the following sentences:
(i) Every rational number is a real number.
(ii) Some real numbers are rational numbers.
(iii) Not every real number is a rational number.
Ex. 2 Let C(x) mean x is a used-car dealer, and H(x) mean x is honest. Translate
each of the following into English:
(ii) (x) H(x)
(iii) (x)C(x) ~ H (x))
(iv) (x) (C(x) H(x))
(v) (x) (H(x) C(x)).
Ex. 3 Prove the following:
(Q1x1).(Qn xn) P
where each (Qixi), for i = 1, .,n, is either (xi) or (xi), and P is a quantifier free
formula. The expression (Q1x1).(Qn xn) is called the prefix and P is called the
matrix of the formula G.
Examples of some formulas in prenex normal form:
(i) (x) (y) (R(x, y) Q(y)), (x) (y) (~ P(x, y) S(y)),
(ii) (x) (y) (z) (P(x, y) R (z)).
Next, we consider a method of transforming a given formula into a prenex
normal form. For this, first we discuss equivalence of formulas in FOPL. Let us
recall that two formulas E and G are equivalent, denoted by E = G, if and only if the
truth values of F and G are identical under every interpretation. The pairs of
equivalent formulas given in Table of equivalent Formulas of previous unit are still
valid as these are quantifierfree formulas of FOPL. However, there are pairs of
equivalent formulas of FOPL that contain quantifiers. Next, we discuss these
additional pairs of equivalent formulas. We introduce some notation specific to FOPL:
the symbol G denote a formula that does not contain any free variable x. Then we
have the following pairs of equivalent formulas, where Q denotes a quantifier which is
either or . Next, we introduce four laws for pairs of equivalent formulas.
In the rest of the discussion of FOPL, P[x] is used to denote the fact that x is a free
variable in the formula P, for example, P[x] = (y) P (x, y). Similarly, R [x, y]
denotes that variables x and y occur as free variables in the formula R Some of these
equivalences, we have discussed earlier.
Then, the following laws involving quantifiers hold good in FOPL
(i) ( Qx ) P [ x] G = ( Qx ) ( P [x ] G).
(ii) ( Qx ) P [x ] G = ( Qx ) ( P [x] G).
In the above two formulas, Q may be either or .
(iii) ~ (( x ) P [ x ]) = (x ) ( ~ P [ x ] ).
(iv) ~ (( x) P [ x ] ) = ( x ) ( ~ P [ x ]).
(v) (x) P [x] (x) H [x] = (x) (P [x] H [x]).
(vi) (x) P [x] (x) H [x] = (x) (P [x] H [x]).
That is, the universal quantifier and the existential quantifier can be distributed
respectively over and .
But we must be careful about (we have already mentioned these inequalities)
(vii) (x) E [x] (x) H [x] (x) (P [x] H [x]) and
(viii) (x ) P [x] (x) H [x] (x) (P [x] H [x])
Steps for Transforming an FOPL Formula into Prenex Normal Form
Step 1 Remove the connectives and using the equivalences
P G = (P G) ( G P)
P G = ~ P G
Step 2 Use the equivalence to remove even number of ~s
~ ( ~ P) = P
Knowledge Representation
Step 3 Apply De Morgans laws in order to bring the negation signs immediately
before atoms.
~ (P G) = ~ P ~ G
~ (P G) = ~ P ~ G
and the quantification laws
~ ((x) P[x]) = (x) (~P[x])
~ ((x) P [x]) = (x) (~F[x])
Step 4 rename bound variables if necessary
Step 5 Bring quantifiers to the left before any predicate symbol appears in the
formula. This is achieved by using (i) to (vi) discussed above.
We have already discussed that, if all occurrences of a bound variable are replaced
uniformly throughout by another variable not occurring in the formula, then the
equivalence is preserved. Also, we mentioned under (vii) that does not distribute
over and under (viii) that does not distribute over . In such cases, in order to
bring quantifiers to the left of the rest of the formula, we may have to first rename one
of bound variables, say x, may be renamed as z, which does not occur either as free or
bound in the other component formulas. And then we may use the following
(Q1 x) P[x] (Q2 x) H[x] = (Q1 x) (Q2 z) (P[x] H[z])
(Q3 x) P[x] (Q4 x) H[x] = (Q3 x) (Q4 z) (P[x] H[z])
Example: Transform the following formulas into prenex normal forms:
(i) (x) (Q(x) (x) R (x, y))
(ii) (x) (~ (y) Q(x, y) ((z) R(z) S (x)))
(iii) (x) (y) ((z) Q(z, y, z) ((u) R (x, u) (v) R (y, v))).
Part (i)
Step 1: By removing , we get
(x) (~ Q (x) (x) R (x, y))
Step 2: By renaming x as z in (x) R (x, y) the formula becomes
(x) (~ Q (x) (z) R (z, y))
Step 3: As ~ Q(x) does not involve z, we get
(x) (z) (~ Q (x) R (z, y))
Part (ii)
(x) (~ (y) Q (x, y) ((z) R (z) S (x)))
Step 1: Removing outer we get
(x) (~ (~ ((y) Q (x, y))) (( z) R (z) S (x)))
Step 2: Removing inner , and simplifying ~ (~ ( ) ) we get
(x) ((y) Q (x, y) (~ ( (z) R(z)) S (x)))
Step 3: Taking ~ inner most, we get
(x) (y) Q (x, y) ((z) ~ R(z) S(x)))
As first component formula Q (x, y) does not involve z and S(x) does not involve both
y and z and ~ R(z) does not involve y. Therefore, we may take out ( y) and (z) so
that, we get
(x) (y) (z) (Q (x, y) (~ R(z) S (x) ), which is the required formula in prenex
normal form.
Part (iii)
(x) (y) ((z) Q (x, y, z) (( u) R (x, u) (v) R (y v)))
Step 1: Removing , we get
(x) (y) ((z) Q (x, y, z) (~ ((u) R (x, u)) (v) R (y, v)))
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
In this unit, initially, we discuss how inadequacy of PL to solve even simple problems,
requires some extension of PL or some other formal inferencing system so as to
compensate for the inadequacy. First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL), is such an
extension of PL that is discussed in the unit.
Next, two normal forms viz. Prenex Normal Form (PNF) and Skolem Standard
Normal Form are introduced. Finally, tools and techniques developed in the unit, are
used to solve problems involving logical reasoning.
Ex. 1 (i) (x) (P (x) Q(x))
(ii) (x) (P(x) Q(x))
(iii) ~ (x) ( Q (x) P(x))
Ex. 2
(i) There is (at least) one (person) who is a used-car dealer.
(ii) There is (at least) one (person) who is honest.
(iii) All used-car dealers are dishonest.
(iv) (At least) one used-car dealer is honest.
(v) There is at least one thing in the universe, (for which it can be said that) if
that something is Honest then that something is a used-car dealer
Note: the above translation is not the same as: Some no gap one honest, is a used-car
Ex 3: (i) After removal of we get the given formula
= ~ P(a) ~ (( x) P(x))
= ~ P(a) (x) (~ P(x))
Now P(a) is an atom in PL which may assume any value T or F. On taking P(a) as F
the given formula becomes T, hence, consistent.
(ii) The formula can be written
(x) P(x) ~ (x) (P(x)), by taking negation outside the second disjunct and then
The (x) P(x) being closed is either T or F and hence can be treated as formula of PL.
Let x P(x) be denoted by Q. Then the given formula may be denoted by Q ~ Q =
True (always) Therefore, formula is valid.
Ex: 4 (i) (x) P(x) (x) Q(x) = ~ ((x) P(x)) (x) Q(x)
(by removing the
= (x) (~P(x)) (x) Q(x) (by taking ~ inside)
= (x) (~P(x) Q(x)) (By taking distributivity of x over )
Therefore, a prenex normal form of (x) P(x) (x) Q(x) is (x) (~P(x) Q(x)).
(ii) (x) (y) ((z) (P(x, y) P(y, z)) (u) Q (x, y, u)) (removing the
= (x) (y) (~ ((z) (P(x, z) P(y, z)))
(u) Q (x, y, u))
(using De Morgans Laws)
= (x) (y) ((z) (~P(x, z) ~ P(y, z))
(u) Q(x, y, u))
= (x) (y) (z) (~P(x, z)
Knowledge Representation
~ P(y, z) Q (x, y, u)
Ex: 7
Let us use the notation for the predicates of the problem as follows:
P(x) :
L(x, y):
x is a patient,
x is a doctor,
x is a quack,
x likes y.
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
(vi) ~I(z)
(vii) S(a, b)
(viii) M(b)
Resolving (iv) and (vi), we get
(ix) ~S(x, y) ~M(y)
Resolving (vii) and (ix) we get
(x) ~ M(b)
Resolving (viii) and (x), we get
(xi) False
(from (iii))
(from (iii))
(from (iii))
Basic Inference Rules and Application in PL
Basic Inference Rules and Application in FOPL
Resolution Method in PL
Resolution Method in FOPL
Further Readings
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Page Nos.
In order to establish validity/invalidity of a conclusion C, in an argument, from a
given set of facts/axioms A1, A2,, An; so far, we only know that either a truth table
should be constructed for the formula P: A1 A2 An C, or this formula
should be converted to CNF or DNF through substitutions of equivalent formulas and
simplifications. There are other alternative methods also. However, the problem with
these methods is that as the number n of axioms becomes larger, the formula becomes
complex (imagine n = 50) and the number of involved variables, say k, also, generally,
increases. With number of variables k involved in the argument, the size of Truthtable becomes 2k. For large k, the number of rows, i.e. 2k becomes, almost
unmanageable. Therefore, we need to search for alternative methods which instead of
processing the whole of the argument as a single formula, process each of the
individual formulas A1, A2,, and C of the argument and their derivatives by
applying some rules which preserve validity.
In Section 3.2, we introduce eight inference rules for drawing valid conclusions in PL.
Next, in Section 3.3, we introduce four quantification rules, so that all the twelve
inference rules are used to validate conclusions in FOPL. The methods of drawing
valid conclusions, discussed so far, are cases of an approach of drawing valid
conclusions, called natural deduction approach of making inferences in which the
reasoning system initiates reasoning process from the axioms, uses inferencing rules
and, if the conclusion can be validly drawn, then ultimately reaches the intended
On the other hand, there is another approach called Refutation approach of drawing
valid conclusions. According to this approach, negation of the intended conclusion is
taken as an additional axiom. If the conclusion can be validly drawn from the axioms,
then through application of inference rules, a contradiction is encountered, i.e., two
formulas which are mutual negations, are encountered during the process of making
Resolution method is a single rule refutation method. Resolution method and its
applications for PL are discussed in Section 3.4. Resolution Method and its
applications for FOPL are discussed in Section 3.5.
Knowledge Representation
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
enumerate basic inference rules of PL and also be able to apply these in solving
problems requiring PL reasoning;
enumerate four basic quantification rules and be able to apply these rules
alongwith basic rules of PL to solve problems involving FOPL reasoning;
explain Resolution method for PL and apply it in solving problems requiring PL
reasoning, and
explain Resolution method for FOPL to solve problems involving FOPL
P Q, P
P, P Q
, i.e,. we may assume commutativity of comma)
The rule states that if formulas P and P Q (of either propositional logic or
predicate logic) are True then we can assume the Truth of Q.
The assumption is based on the fact that through truth-table method or otherwise we
can show that if P and P Q , each is assigned truth value T then Q must have truth
value T.
Consider the Table
From the above table, we can see that P and P Q both are True only in the first
row and in the first row Q, the formula which is inferred, is also True.
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
The same is the reason for allowing use of other rules of inference in deducing
new facts.
Rule 2 Module Tollens (M. T.)
P Q, ~ Q
The rule states if P Q is True, but Q , the consequent of P Q is False then the
antecedent P of P Q is also False.
The validity of the rule may again be established through truth-table as follows:
In the above table P Q is T and Q is False simultaneously only in the last row and
in this row P, the formula which is inferred, is False.
Note: The validity of the rest of the rules will not be established. However, it is
desirable that the students verify the validity of the other inference rules also through
Truth-Table or otherwise.
Rule 3 Hypothetical Syllogism (H.P.)
P Q, Q R
The rule states that if we assume that both the formulas P Q and Q R are True
then we may assume P R is also True.
Rule 4 Simplification (Simp.)
and (ii )
The rule says that if P Q is True then P can be assumed to be True ( and similarly
Q may be assumed to be True.)
Some of us may be surprised at the mention of the rule, thinking that if P Q is True
then P must be True. The symbol is generally read as and. But the significance of
the rule is that is merely a symbol and its meaning in the sense of and comes
only through this rule of inference.
Rule 5 Conjunction (Conj.)
P, Q
Knowledge Representation
The rule states if formulas P and Q are simultaneously True then the formula
P Q can be assumed to be True.
Rule 6 Disjunctive Syllogism (D.S.)
P Q, ~ P
P Q, ~ Q
and (ii)
The two rules above state that if it is given that (a) P Q is true and (b) one of P or
Q is False, then other must be True
Rule 7 Addition (Add.)
and (ii)
The rules state that if one of P and Q is assumed to be True, then we can assume
P Q to be True.
Rule 8 Dilemma (Dil.)
P Q, R S , P R
The rule states that if both the formulas P Q and R S are assumed to be True and
if P R , i.e. disjunction of the antecedents is assumed to be True, then assume
Truth of Q S , which is disjunction of consequents.
We demonstrate how the above-mentioned rules of inference can be used in
solving problems.
Example: Symbolize and construct a proof for the following valid argument using
rules of inference:
(i) If you smoke or drink too much then you do not sleep well, and if you do not sleep
well or do not eat well then you feel rotten, (ii) If you feel rotten, you do not exercise
well and do not study enough, (iii) You do smoke too much, therefore, (iv) You do
not study enough.
Solution: Let us symbolize the statements in the argument as follows:
S: You smoke too much
D: You drink too much
W: You sleep well
E: You eat well
R: You feel rotten
X : You exercise well
T: You study enough
Then the three given statements marked as (i), (ii) and (iii) are symbolized as follows:
(i) (( S D) ~ W) (( ~ W ~ E) R)
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
(ii) R (~ X ~ T)
(iii) S
(iv) ~T .(To show)
Through simplification of (i), i.e., by using
(v) S D ~ W
Using Add on (iii) i.e. by using
(vi) S D
, we get
, we get
Knowledge Representation
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
In the previous unit, we discussed eight inferencing rules of Propositional Logic (PL)
and further discussed applications of these rules in exhibiting validity/invalidity of
arguments in PL. In this section, the earlier eight rules are extended to include four
more rules involving quantifiers for inferencing. Each of the new rules, is called a
Quantifier Rule. The extended set of 12 rules is then used for validating arguments in
First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL).
Before introducing and discussing the Quantifier rules, we briefly discuss why, at all,
these rules are required. For this purpose, let us recall the argument discussed earlier,
which Propositional Logic could not handle:
(i) Every man is mortal.
(ii) Raman is a man.
(iii) Raman is mortal.
The equivalent symbolic form of the argument is given by:
(i) (x) (Man (x) Mortal (x)
(ii) Man (Raman)
(iii) Mortal (Raman)
If, instead of (i) we were given
(iv) Man (Raman) Mortal (Raman) ,
(which is a formula of Propositional Logic also)
then using Modus Ponens on (ii) & (iv) in Propositional Logic, we would have
obtained (iii) Mortal (Raman).
However, from (i) & (ii) we cannot derive in Propositional Logic (iii). This
suggests that there should be mechanisms for dropping and introducing quantifier
appropriately, i.e., in such a manner that validity of arguments is not violated. Without
discussing the validity-preserving characteristics, we introduce the four Quantifier
(i) Universal Instantiation Rule (U.I.):
(x) p ( x)
Where is an a arbitrary constant.
The rule states if (x) p(x) is True, then we can assume P(a) as True for any constant
a (where a constant a is like Raman). It can be easily seen that the rule associates a
formula P(a) of Propositional Logic to a formula (x) p(x) of FOPL. The
significance of the rule lies in the fact that once we obtain a formula like P(a), then
the reasoning process of Propositional Logic may be used. The rule may be used ,
whenever, its application seems to be appropriate.
(ii) Universal Generalisation Rule (U.G.)
Knowledge Representation
The rule says that if it is known that for all constants a, the statement P(a) is True,
then we can, instead, use the formula (x) p ( x) .
The rule associates with a set of formulas P(a) for all a of Propositional Logic, a
formula (x) p ( x) of FOPL.
Before using the rule, we must ensure that P(a) is True for all a,
Otherwise it may lead to wrong conclusions.
(iii) Existential Instantiation Rule (E. I.)
(x) P( x)
( E.I .)
The rule says if the Truth of (x) P( x) is known then we can assume the Truth of
P(a) for some fixed a . The rule, again, associates a formula P(a) of Propositional
Logic to a formula (x) p ( x) of FOPL.
An inappropriate application of this rule may lead to wrong conclusions. The source
of possible errors lies in the fact that the choice a in the rule is not arbitrary and can
not be known at the time of deducing P(a) from (x) P ( x) .
If during the process of deduction some other (y ) Q( y ) or (x) ( R ( x) ) or even
another (x)P(x) is encountered, then each time a new constant say b, c etc. should be
chosen to infer Q (b) from (y ) Q( y ) or R(c) from (x) ( R( x) ) or P(d) from
(x) P( x) .
(iv) Existential Generalization Rule (E.G)
P (a)
(x) P ( x)
The rule states that if P(a), a formula of Propositional Logic is True, then the Truth of
(x) P( x) , a formula of FOPL , may be assumed to be True.
The Universal Generalisation (U.G) and Existential Instantiation rules should be
applied with utmost care, however, other two rules may be applied, whenever, it
appears to be appropriate.
Next, The purpose of the two rules, viz.,
(i) Universal Instantiation Rule (U. I.)
(iii) Existantial Rule (E. I.)
is to associate formulas of Propositional Logic (PL) to formulas of FOPL in a
manner, the validity of arguments due to these associations, is not disturbed. Once, we
get formulas of PL, then any of the eight rules of inference of PL may be used to
validate conclusions and solve problems requiring logical reasoning for their
The purpose of the other Quantification rules viz. for generalisation, i.e.,
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Example: Tell, supported with reasons, which one of the following is a correct
inference and which one is not a correct inference.
To conclude F (a ) G (a ) H (a ) I (a )
from (x) ( F ( x) G ( x) ) H ( x) I ( x)
using Universal Instantiation (U.I.)
The above inference or conclusion is incorrect in view of the fact that the scope of
universal quantification is only the formula: F ( x) G ( x) and not the whole of the
The occurrences of x in H ( x) I ( x) are free occurrences. Thus, one of the correct
inferences would have been:
F (a) G (a) H ( x) I ( x)
To conclude F (a ) G (a ) H (a ) I (a ) from
(x) (F(x) G (x) H(x) I (x)) using U.I.
The conclusion is correct in view of the argument given in (i) above.
To conclude ~ F(a) for an arbitrary a, from ~ (x) F(x) using U.I.
The conclusion is incorrect, because actually
~ (x) F(x) = (x) ~ F (x)
Thus, the inference is not a case of U.I., but of Existential Instantiation (E.I.)
Further, as per restrictions, we can not say for which a, ~ F(x) is True. Of course,
~ F(x) is true for some constant, but not necessarily for a pre-assigned constant a.
The reason being that the constant to be substituted for x cannot be assumed to be the
same constant b, being given in advance, as an argument of F. However,
to conclude ( ( F (b) G ( a ) H (c ) )
from (x ) ( ( F (b) G ( x ) ) H (c ) ) is correct.
Ex. 3: Tell for each of the following along with appropriate reasoning, whether it is a
case of correct/incorrect reasoning.
(i) To conclude
Knowledge Representation
(x) F ( x) ( G ( x) H ( x) )
(iii) To conclude (x) (~ F(x) ~ G (x)) from
~ F (a) ~ G (a )
(iv) To conclude ~ ( (x )( F ( x) G ( x ) ) from ~ ( F ( a ) G ( a ) )
Step for using Predicate Calculus as a Language for Representing Knowledge &
for Reasoning:
Step 1: Conceptualisation: First of all, all the relevant entities and the relations that
exist between these entities are explicitly enumerated. Some of the implicit facts like,
a person dead once is dead for ever have to be explicated.
Step 2: Nomenclature & Translation: Giving appropriate names to objects and
relations. And then translating the given sentences given in English to formulas in
FOPL. Appropriate names are essential in order to guide a reasoning system based on
FOPL. It is well-established that no reasoning system is complete. In other words, a
reasoning system may need help in arriving at desired conclusion.
Step 3: Finding appropriate sequence of reasoning steps, involving selection of
appropriate rule and appropriate FOPL formulas to which the selected rule is to be
applied, to reach the conclusion.
Applications of the 12 inferrencing rules (8 of Propositional Logic and 4
involving Quantifiers.)
Example: Symbolize the following and then construct a proof for the argument:
Anyone who repairs his own car is highly skilled and saves a lot of money on
(ii) Some people who repair their own cars have menial jobs. Therefore,
(iii) Some people with menial jobs are highly skilled.
Solution: Let us use the notation:
x is a person
x saves money on repairs
x has a menial job
x repairs his own car
x is highly skilled.
From (ii) using Existential Instantiation (E.I), we get, for some fixed a
R(a) M(a)
Then by simplification rule of Propositional Logic, we get
From (i), using Universal Instantiation (U.I.), we get
R(a) H(a) S(a)
Using modus ponens w.r.t. (v) and (vi) we get
(vii) H(a) S(a)
By specialisation of (vii) we get
(viii) H(a)
By specialisation of (iv) we get
By conjunctions of (viii) & (ix) we get
M(a) H(a)
By Existential Generalisation, we get
(x) (M(x) H(x))
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Some juveniles who commit minor offences are thrown into prison, and any
juvenile thrown into prison is exposed to all sorts of hardened criminals.
A juvenile who is exposed to all sorts of hardened criminals will become bitter
and learn more techniques for committing crimes.
Any individual who learns more techniques for committing crimes is a menace
to society, if he is bitter.
Therefore, some juveniles who commit minor offences will be menaces to the
x is juvenile.
x commits minor offences.
x is thrown into prison.
x is exposed to hardened criminals.
x becomes bitter.
x learns more techniques for committing crimes.
x is a menace to society.
Knowledge Representation
C(b) and
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Basically, there are two different approaches for proving a theorem or for making a
valid deduction from a given set of axioms:
natural deduction
refutation method
In the natural deduction approach, one starts with a the set of axioms, uses some
rules of inference and arrives at a conclusion. This approach closely resembles of the
intuitive reasoning of human beings.
On the other hand, in a refutation method, one starts with the negation of the
conclusion to be drawn and derives a contradiction or FALSE. Because of having
assumed the conclusion as false, we derive a contradiction; therefore, the
assumption that the conclusion is wrong, itself is wrong. Hence, the argument of
resolution method leads to the validity of the conclusion.
So far, we have discussed methods, of solving problems requiring reasoning of
propositional logic, that were based on
Truth-table construction
ii) Use of inference rules,
and follow, directly or indirectly, natural deduction approach.
In this section, we discuss another method, viz., Resolution Method suggested by
Robinson in 1965 which is based on refutation approach. The method is important
in view of the fact that the Robinsons method has been a basis for some automated
theorem provers. Even, the logic programming language PROLOG (subject matter of
Unit 2, Block 3) is based on Resolution Method. The resolution method, as mentioned
above, is a refutation method.
In this section, we discuss how the resolution method is applied in solving problems
using only Propositional Logic (PL). The general resolution method for FOPL is
discussed in the next section.
The resolution method in PL is applied only after converting the given statements or
wffs into clausal forms. A clasual form of a wff is obtained by first converting the
wff into its equivalent Conjuctive Normal Form (CNF). We already know that a
clause is a formula (only) of the form:
A1 A2 .. An ,
where Ai is either an atomic formula or negation of an atomic formula.
The resolution method is a generalization of the Modus Ponens, i.e., of
P, P Q
P, ~ P Q
when written in the equivalent form
(replacing P Q by ~ P Q).
This simple special case, of general resolution principle to be discussed soon, states
that if the two formulas P and ~ P Q are given to be True, then we can assume Q to
be True.
The validity of (general) resolution method can be established by constructing truthtable.
Knowledge Representation
In order to discuss the resolution method, first we discuss some of its applications.
Example: Let C1 : Q R and C2: ~ Q S be two given clauses, so that, one of the
literals i.e., Q occurs in one of the clauses (in this case C1) and its negation (~ Q)
occurs in the other clause C2. Then application of resolution method in this case tells
us to take disjunction of the remaining parts of the given clause C1 and C2, i.e., to take
C3 : R S as deduction from C1 and C2. Then C3 is called a resolvent of C1 and C2.
The two literals Q and (~ Q) which occur in two different clauses are called
complementary literals.
In order to illustrate resolution method, we consider another example.
Example: Let us be given the clauses C1: ~ S ~ Q R and C2; ~ P Q.
In this case, complementary pair of literals viz. Q and ~ Q occur in the two clause C1
and C2.
Hence, the resolution method states:
Conclude C3: ~ S R (~ P)
Example: Let us be given the clauses C1: ~ Q R and C2: ~ Q S
Then, in this case, the clauses do not have any complementary pair of literals and
hence, resolution method cannot be applied.
Example: Consider a set of three clauses
C1 : R
C2: ~ R S
C3: ~ S
Then, from C1 and C2 we conclude, through resolution:
C4: S
From C3 and C4, we conclude,
However, a resolvent FALSE can be deduced only from an unstatisfiable set of
clauses. Hence, the set of clauses C1, C2 and C3 is an unsatisfiable set of clauses.
Example: Consider the set of clauses
C1: R S
C2: ~ R S
C3: R ~ S
C4: ~ R ~ S
Then, from clauses C1 and C2 we get the resolvent
C5 : S S = S
From C3 and C4 we get the resolvent
C6 : ~ S
From C5 and C6 we get the resolvent
Thus, again the set of clauses C1, C2, C3 and C4 is unsatisfiable.
Note: We could have obtained the resolvent FALSE from only two clauses, viz., C2
and C3. Thus, out of the given four clauses, even set of only two clauses viz, C2 and C3
is unsatisfiable. Also, a superset of any unsatisfiable set is unsatisfiable.
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
C4: ~ W is unsatisfiable.
From clauses C1 and C3 we get the resolvent
C7 : S
From the clauses C7 and C2 we get the resolvent
C8 : W
From the clauses C8 and C4 we get
Hence, the given set of clauses is unsatisfiable.
Problem Solving using resolution method. We have mentioned earlier, the
resolution method is a refutation method. Therefore, proof technique in solving
problems will be as follows:
After symbolizing the problem under consideration, add the negation of the wff which
represents conclusion, as an additional premise. From this enhanced set of
premises/axioms, derive FALSE or contradiction. If we are able to conclude FALSE,
then the conclusion, that was required to be drawn, is valid and problem is solved.
However, through all efforts, if we are not able to derive FALSE, then we cannot say
whether the conclusion is valid or invalid. Hence, the problem with given axioms and
the conclusion is not solvable.
Let us now apply Resolution Method for the problems considered earlier.
Example: Suppose the stock prices go down if the interest rate goes up. Suppose also
that the most people are unhappy when stock prices go down. Assume that the interest
rate goes up. Show that we can conclude that most people are unhappy.
To show the above conclusion, let us denote the statements as follows:
A : Interest rate goes up,
S : Stock prices go down
U : Most people are unhappy
The problem has the following four statements
Knowledge Representation
As per resolution method, assume (iv) as false, i.e., assume ~ U as initially given
statement, i.e., an axiom.
Thus, the set of axioms in clasual form is:
(i) ~ A S
(ii) ~ S U
(iii) A
(iv) ~ U
Then from (i) and (iii), through resolution, we get the clause
(v) S.
From (ii) and (iv), through resolution, we get the clause
(vi) ~ S
From (vi) and (v), through resolution we get,
(viii) FALSE
Hence, the conclusion, i.e.,
(iv) U : Most people are unhappy
is valid.
We might have observed from the above solution using resolution method, that clausal
conversion is a major time-consuming step after translation to wffs. Generally, once
the clausal form is obtained, proof, at least, by a human being can be easily visualised.
Ex. 5:Given that if the Parliament refuses to enact new laws, then the strike will not
be over unless it lasts more than one year and the president of the firm resigns, will
the strike not be over if the Parliament refuses to act and the strike just starts?
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
To conclude
(i) Raman is mortal
From the following two statements:
(ii) Every man is mortal and
(iii) Raman is a man
Using the notations
MAN (x) : x is a man
MORTAL (x) : x is mortal,
the problem can be formulated in symbolic logic as: Conclude
MORTAL (Raman)
(ii) ((x) (MAN(x) MORTAL (x))
(iii) MAN (Raman).
As resolution is a refutation method, assume
(i) ~ MORTAL (Raman)
After Skelomization and dropping (x), (ii) in standard form becomes
In the above x varies over the set of human beings including Raman. Hence, one
special instance of (iv) becomes
(vi) ~ MAN (Raman) MORTAL (Raman)
At the stage, we may observe that
(a) MAN(Raman) and MORTAL(Raman) do not contain any variables, and, hence,
their truth or falsity can be determined directly. Hence, each of like a formula of PL.
In term of formula which does not contain any variable is called ground term or
ground formula.
(b) Treating MAN (Raman) as formula of PL and using resolution method on (v) and
(vi), we conclude
(vii) MORTAL (Raman),
Resolving (i) and (vii), we get False. Hence, the solution.
Unification: In the process of solution of the problem discussed above, we tried to
make the two expression MAN(x) and MAN(Raman) identical. Attempt to make
identical two or more expressions is called unification.
Knowledge Representation
In order to unify MAN (x) and MAN (Raman) identical, we found that because one of
the possible values of x is Raman also. And, hence, we replaced x by one of its
possible values : Raman.
This replacement of a variable like x, by a term (which may be another variable also)
which is one of the possible values of x, is called substitution. The substitution, in
this case is denoted formally as {Raman/x}
Substitution, in general, notationally is of the form {t1 / x1 , t2 / x2 tm/ xm } where
x1, x2 , xm are variables and t2, t2 tm are terms and ti replaces the variable xi in
some expression.
Example: (i) Assume Lord Krishna is loved by everyone who loves someone (ii) Also
assume that no one loves nobody. Deduce Lord Krishna is loved by everyone.
Solution: Let us use the symbols
Love (x, y): x loves y (or y is loved by x)
LK : Lord Krishna
Then the given problem is formalized as :
(i) (x) ((y) Love (x, y)Love (x, LK))
(ii) ~ (x) ((y) ~ Love (x, y))
To show : (x) (Love (x, LK))
As resolution is a refutation method, assume negation of the last statement as an
(iii) ~ (x) Love (x, LK)
The formula in (i) above is reduced in standard form as follows:
(x) (~ (y) Love (x, y) Love (x, LK) )
= (x) ( (y) ~ Love (x, y) Love (x, LK) )
= (x) (y) (~ Love (x, y) Love L (x, LK) )
( (y) does not occurs in Love (x, LK))
After dropping universal quantifications, we get
(iv) ~ Love (x, y) Love (x, LK)
Formula (ii) can be reduced to standard form as follows:
(ii) = (x) (y) Love (x, y)
y is replaced through skolomization by f(x)
so that we get
(x) Love (x, f(x))
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Knowledge Representation
In order to resolve (v) and (ix), we attempt to unify Love (x, f(x)) of (v) with Love (a,
y) of (ix). The term-by-term matching leads to possible disagreement of a of (ix) with
x of (v). As, one of these is a variable, hence, the substitution {a/x} will unify the
portions considered so far. Next, possible disagreement may occur with f (x) of (v)
and y of (ix). As one of these are a variable viz. y, therefore, we can unify the two
terms through the substitution { f(x)/y}. Thus, the complete substitution {a/x, f (x)/y}
is required to match the formulas.
Making the substitutions, we get
(v) becomes Love (a, f(x))
and (ix) becomes ~ Love (a, f (x))
Resolving these formulas we get False. Hence, the proof.
Ex. 6: Unify, if possible, the following three formulas:
Q (u, f (y, z)),
Q (u, a)
Q (u, g (h (k (u))))
Ex. 7: Determine whether the following formulas are unifiable or not:
Q (f (a), g(x))
Q (x, y)
Solution: As two literals with predicate Q occur and are mutually negated in (i) and
(ii),therefore, there is possibility of resolution of ~ Q (x, z, x) from (i) with Q (w, h (v,
v), w) of (ii). We attempt to unify Q (x, z, x) and Q (w, h (v, v), w), if possible, by
finding an appropriate substitution. First terms x and w of the two are variables,
hence, unifiable with either of the substitutions {x/w} or {w/x}. Let us take {w/x}.
Next pair of terms from the two formulas, viz, z and h(v, v) are also unifiable,
because, one of the terms is a variable, and the required substitution for unification is
{ h (v, v)/z}.
Next pair of terms at corresponding positions is again {w, x} for which, we have
determined the substitution {w/x}. Thus, the substitution {w/x, h(v, v)/z} unfies the
two formulas. Using the substitutions, (i) and (ii) become resp. as
~ Q (w, h (v, v), w) Q (w, h (v, v), w)
Q (w, h (v, v), w)
Resolving, we get
Q (w, h (v, v), w),
which is the required resolvent.
In this unit, eight basic rules of inference for PL and four rules involving quantifiers
for inferencing in FOPL, are introduced respectively in Section 3.2 and Section 3.3,
and then these rules are used in solving problems. Further, a new method of drawing
inference called Resolution method based on refutation approach, is discussed in the
next two Sections. In Section 3.4, Resolution method for PL is introduced and applied
in solving problems involving PL reasoning. In Section 3.5, Resolution method for
FOPL is introduced and used for solving problems involving FOPL reasoning.
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Ex.1: Assuming the statements (i), (ii) and (iii) given above as True we are required to
Show the truth of (iv)
The first step is to mark the logical operators, if any, in the statements of the
argument/problem under consideration.
In the above-mentioned problem, statement (i) does not contain any logical operator.
Each of the statements (ii) and (iii) contains the logical operator If.then.
The next step is to use symbols, P, Q, R, for atomic formulas occurring in the
problem. The symbols are generally mnemonic, i.e., names used to help memory.
Let us denote the atomic statements in the argument given above as follows:
M: Matter always existed,
TG: There is God,
GU: God created the universe.
Then the given statements in English, become respectively the following formulas of
GU ~ M
~ TG (To show)
M ~ GU
~ GU
Knowledge Representation
(vii) ~ GU ~ TG
Applying Modus Ponens to (vi) and (vii) we get
(vii) ~ TG
The formula (viii) is the same as formula (iv) which was required to be proved.
Ex.2 In order to translate in PL, let us use the symbols:
ML: there is a moral law,
SG: someone gave it, (the word it stand for moral law)
TG: There is God.
Using these symbols, the Statement (i) to (iv) become the formula (i) to (iv) of PL as
given below:
SG TG and
Applying Modus Ponens to formulae (i) and (ii) we get the formula
F (a) G (b)
Ex. 4: For translating the given statements (i), (ii) & (iii), let us use the notation:
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Knowledge Representation
Deductive Inference
Rules and Methods
Knowledge Representations
Fuzzy Systems
Relations on Fuzzy Sets
Operations on Fuzzy Sets
Operations Unique to Fuzzy Sets
Non-Monotonic Reasoning Systems
Default Reasoning Systems
Closed World Assumption Systems
Other Non-Deductive Systems
Solutions/ Answers
Further Readings
Page Nos.
In the earlier three units of the block, we discussed PL and FOPL systems for making
inferences and solving problems requiring logical reasoning. However, these systems
assume that the domain of the problems under consideration is complete, precise and
consistent. But, in the real world, the knowledge of the problem domains is generally
neither precise nor consistent and is hardly complete.
In this unit, we discuss a number of techniques and formal systems that attempt to
handle some of these blemishes. To begin with, in Sections 4.2 to 4.5, we discuss
fuzzy systems that attempt to handle imprecision in knowledge bases, specially, due
to use of natural language words like hot, good, tall etc.
Then, we discuss non-monotonic systems which deal with indefiniteness of
knowledge in the knowledge bases. The significance of these systems lies in the fact
that most of the statements in the knowledge bases are actually based on beliefs of the
concerned persons or actors. These beliefs get revised as better evidence for some
other beliefs become available, where the later beliefs may be in conflict with the
earlier beliefs. In such cases, the earlier beliefs my have to be temporarily suspended
or permanently excluded from further considerations.
In Sections 4.7 and 4.8, we discuss two formal systems that attempt to handle
incompleteness of the available information. These systems are called Default
Reasoning Systems and Closed World Assumption Systems. Finally, we discuss
some inference rules, viz, abductive inference rule and inductive inference rule that
are, though not deductive, yet are quite useful in solving problems arising out of
everyday experience.
Systems for
enumerate various formal methods, which deal with different types of blemishes
like incompleteness, imprecision and inconsistency in a knowledge base;
discuss, develop and use fuzzy arithmetic tools in solving problems, the
descriptions of which involve imprecision;
discuss and use non-deductive inference rules like abduction and induction, as
tools for solving problems from everyday experience.
Knowledge Representations
One of the reasons, for this type of problem of our inability to associate one of the
two-truth values to statements describing everyday situations, is due to the use of
natural language words like hot, good, beautiful etc. Each of these words does not
denote something constant, but is a sort of linguistic variable. The context of a
particular usage of such a word may delimit the scope of the word as a linguistic
variable. The range of values, in some cases, for some phrases or words, may be very
large as can be seen through the following three statements:
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for a long period (about millions of years)
It has not rained for a long period (say about six months).
I had to wait for the doctor for a long period (about six hours).
Fuzzy theory provides means to handle such situations. A Fuzzy theory may be
thought as a technique of providing continuization to the otherwise binary
disciplines like Set Theory, PL and FOPL.
Further, we explain how using fuzzy concepts and rules, in situation like the ones
quoted below, we, the human beings solve problems, despite ambiguity in language.
Let us recall the case of crossing a road discussed in Unit 1 of Block 1. We
Mentioned that a step by step method of crossing a road may consist of
Knowing the velocities and accelerations of the various vehicles moving on the
road within a distance of, say, one kilometer.
1 2
at , and
calculating the time that would be taken by each of the various vehicles to reach
the path intended to be followed to cross over.
Adjusting dynamically our speeds on the path so that no collision takes place
with any of the vehicle moving on the road.
But, we know the human beings not only do not follow the above precise method but
cannot follow the above precise method. We, the human beings rather feel
comfortable with fuzziness than precision. We feel comfortable, if the instruction
for crossing a road is given as follows:
Look on both your left hand and right hand sides, particularly in the beginning, to
your right hand side. If there is no vehicle within reasonable distance, then attempt to
cross the road. You may have to retreat back while crossing, from somewhere on the
road. Then, try again.
The above instruction has a number of words like left, right (it may 45 to the right or
90 to the right) reasonable, each of which does not have a definite meaning. But we
feel more comfortable than the earlier instruction involving precise terms.
Let us consider another example of our being comfortable with imprecision than
precision. The statement: The sky is densely clouded is more comprehensible to
human beings than the statement: The cloud cover of the sky is 93.5 %.
Thus is because of the fact that, we, the human beings are still better than computers
in qualitative reasoning. Because of better qualitative reasoning capabilities
just by looking at the eyes only and/or nose only, we may recognize a person.
just by taking and feeling a small number of grains from cooking rice bowl, we
can tell whether the rice is properly cooked or not.
just by looking at few buildings, we can identify a locality or a city.
Systems for
Knowledge Representations
Next step is to model definitely tall not at all tall, little bit tall, slightly tall
reasonably Tall etc. in terms of mathematical entities, e.g., numbers; sets etc.
In modelling the vague concept like tall, through fuzzy sets, the numbers in the
closed set [0, 1] of reals may be used on the following lines:
(i) Definitely tall may be represented as tallness having value 1
(ii) Not at all tall may be represented as Tallness having value 0
other adjectives/adverbs may have values between 0 and 1 as follows:
(iii) A little bit tall may be represented as tallness having value say .2.
(iv) Slightly tall may be represented as tallness having value say .4.
(v) Reasonably tall may be represented as tallness having value say .7.
and so on.
Similarly, the values of other concepts or, rather, other linguistic variables like
sweet, good, beautiful, etc. may be considered in terms of real numbers between
0 and 1.
Coming back to the imprecise concept of tall, let us think of five male persons of an
organisation, viz., Mohan, Sohan, John, Abdul, Abrahm, with heights 5' 2, 6' 4,
5' 9, 4' 8, 5' 6 respectively.
Then had we talked only of crisp set of tall persons, we would have denoted the
Set of tall persons in the organisation = {Sohan}
But, a fuzzy set, representing tall persons, include all the persons alongwith
respective degrees of tallness. Thus, in terms of fuzzy sets, we write:
Tall = {Mohan/.2; Sohan/1; John/.7; Abdul/0; Abrahm/.4}.
The values .2, 1, .7, 0, .4
Systems for
In the case of Crisp sets, we have the concepts of Equality of sets, Subset of a set, and
Member of a set, as illustrated by the following examples:
Knowledge Representations
(iii) Subset/Superset
Intuitively, we know
(i) The Set of Very Tall people should be a subset of the set of Tall
(ii) If the degree of tallness of a person is say .5 then degree of Very
Tallness for the person should be lesser say .3.
Combining the above two ideas we, may say that if
A = {Mohan/.2; Sohan/1; John/.7; Abrahm/.4} and
B = {Mohan/.2, Sohan/.9, John/.6, Abraham/.4}and further,
C = {Mohan/.3, Sohan/.9, John/.5, Abraham/.4},
then, in view of the fact that for each element, degree in A is greater than or equal to
degree in B, B is a subset of A denoted as B A.
However, degree (Mohan) = .3 in C and degree (Mohan) =.2 in A,
,therefore, C is not a subset of A.
On the other hand degree (John) = .5 in C and degree (John) = .7 in A,
therefore, A is also not a subset of C.
We generalize the ideas illustrated through examples above
Let A and B be fuzzy sets on the universal set
X = {x1, x2, , xn}
(X is called the Universe or Universal set)
A = {x1/v1, x2/v2, ., xn/vn}
B = {x1/w1, x2/w2, ., xn/wn}
with that 0 vi , wi 1.
Then fuzzy set A equals fuzzy set B, denoted as A = B, if and only if
vi = wi for all i = 1,2,.,n.
Further if and w vi for all i.
then B is a fuzzy subset of A.
Example: Let X = {Mohan, Sohan, John, Abdul, Abrahm}
A = {Mohan/.2; Sohan/1; John/.7; Abrahm/.4}
B = {Mohan/.2, Sohan/.9, John/.6, Abraham/.4}
Then B is a fuzzy subset of A.
In respect of fuzzy sets vis--vis (crisp) sets, we may note that:
It may be noted that every crisp set may be thought of as a Fuzzy Set, but not
conversely. For example, if Universal set is
X = {Mohan, Sohan, John, Abdul, Abrahm} and
A = set of those members of X who are at least graduates, say,
= {Mohan, John, Abdul}
then we can rewrite A as a fuzzy set as follows:
A = {Mohan/1; Sohan/0; John/1; Abdul/1; Abrahm/0}, in which degree of each
member of the crisp set, is taken as one and degree of each element of the universal
set which does not appear in the set A, is taken as zero.
However, conversely, a fuzzy set may not be written as a crisp set. Let C be a fuzzy
set denoting Educated People, where degree of education is defined as follows:
degree of education (Ph.D. holders) = 1
degree of education (Masters degree holders) = 0.85
degree of education (Bachelors degree holders) = .6
degree of education (10 + 2 level) = 0.4
degree of education (8th Standard) = 0.1
degree of education (less than 8th) = 0.
Let us C = {Mohan/.85; Sohan/.4; John/.6; Abdul/1; Abrahm/0}.
Systems for
Knowledge Representations
We prove only (i) above just to explain, how the involved equalities, may be proved in
Systems for
Knowledge Representations
In respect of concentration, it may be noted that the associated values being between 0
and 1, on squaring, become smaller. In other words, the values concentrate towards
zero. This fact may be used for giving increased emphasis on a concept. If Brightness
of articles is being discussed, then Very bright may be obtained in terms of
CON. (Bright).
(2) Dilation (Opposite of Concentration) of a fuzzy set A is defined as
DIL (A) = {x/ m A ( x)|x U }
If A = {Mohan/.5; Sohan/.9; John/.7; Abdul/0; Abrahm/.2}
DIL (A) = {Mohan/.7; Sohan/.95; John/.84; Abdul/0; Abrahm/.45}
The associated values, that are between 0 and 1, on taking square-root get increased,
e.g., if the value associated with x was .01 before dilation, then the value associated
with x after dilation becomes .1, i.e., ten times of the original value.
This fact may be used for decreased emphasis. For example, if colour say yellow has
been considered already, then light yellow may be considered in terms of already
discussed yellow through Dilation.
(3) Normalization of a fuzzy set, is defined as
m ( x)
NORM ( A) = x / A | x U .
NORM (A) and is a fuzzy set in which membership values are obtained by dividing
values of the membership function of A by the maximum membership function.
The resulting fuzzy set, called the normal, (or normalized) fuzzy set, has the
maximum of membership function value of 1.
If A = {Mohan/.5; Sohan/.9; John/.7; Abdul/0; Abrahm/.2}
Norm (A) = {Mohan/(.5 .9 = .55.); Sohan/1; John /(.7 .9 = .77.); Abdul/0;
Abrahm/(.2 .9 = .22.)}
Note: If one of the members has value 1, then Norm (A) = A,
Relation & Fuzzy Relation
We know from our earlier background in Mathematics that a relation from a set A to a
set B is a subset of A x B.
For example, The relation of father may be written as {{Dasrath, Ram), }, which is
a subset of A B, where A and B are sets of persons living or dead.
The relation of Age may be written as
{(Mohan, 43.7), (Sohan, 25.6), },
where A is set of living persons and B is set of numbers denoting years.
Fuzzy Relation
In fuzzy sets, every element of the universal set occurs with some degree of
membership. A fuzzy relation may be defined in different ways. One way of
defining fuzzy relation is to assume the underlying sets as crisp sets. We will discuss
only this case.
Systems for
Fuzzy Graph
Fuzzy Reasoning
In the rest of this section, we just have a fleeting glance on Fuzzy Reasoning.
Let us recall the well-known Crisp Reasoning Operators
(i) AND
(ii) OR
(iii) NOT
(iv) IF P THEN Q
Corresponding to each of these operators, there is a fuzzy operator discussed and
defined below. For this purpose, we assume that P and Q are fuzzy propositions with
associated degrees, respectively, deg (P) and deg (Q) between 0 and 1.
The deg (P) = 0 denotes P is False and deg (P) =1 denotes P is True.
Then the operators are defined as follows:
Knowledge Representations
Systems for
Knowledge Representations
incomplete K.B.
Default Reasoning
Closed World assumption
a ( x ) : M b1 ( x ),....., Mb k ( x )
C( x )
Bird ( x ) : Mfly ( x )
Fly ( x )
Bird (twitty)
M fly (x) stands for a statement of the form KB does not have any statement of the
form that says x does not have wings etc, because of which x may not be able to fly.
In other words, Bird (x) : M fly (x) may be taken to stand for the statement if x is a
normal bird and if the normality of x is not contradicted by other facts and rules in the
KB. then we can assume that x can fly. Combining with Bird (Twitty), we conclude
that if KB does not have any facts and rules from which, it can be inferred that Twitty
can not fly, then, we can conclude that twitty can fly.
Further, suppose, KB also contains
(i) Ostrich (twitty)
Systems for
Adult( x ) : M drive ( x )
Drive ( x )
The above can be interpreted in the default theory as:
If a person x is an adult and in the knowledge base there is no fact (e.g., x is blind, or
x has both of his/her hands cut in an accident etc) which tells us something making x
incapable of driving, then x can drive, is assumed.
Knowledge Representations
(Note: from P (a) Q (b), we can not conclude either of P (a) and Q (b) with
As neither P(a) nor Q(b) is provable, therefore, we add ~ P(a) and ~ Q(b) by using
But, then, the set of P(a) Q(b), ~ P(a) and ~Q(b) is inconsistent.
P(a1 ), P ( a2 ) ......, P ( an )
( x) P ( x)
states that from n instances P(ai) of a predicate/property P(x), we infer that P(x) is
True for all x.
For example, we may, conclude that: all cows are white, after observing a large
number of white cows. However, this conclusion may have some exception in the
sense that we may come across a black cow also. Inductive Reasoning like Abductive
Reasoning, Closed World Assumption Reasoning and Default Reasoning is not
irrefutable. In other words, these reasoning rules lead to conclusions, which may be
True, but not necessarily always.
Systems for
However, all the rules discussed under Propositional Logic (PL) and FOPL, including
Modus Ponens etc are deductive i.e., lead to irrefutable conclusions.
In this unit, we briefly discussed some formal systems which take care of at least one
of the blemishes in the knowledge base, namely, of inconsistency, imprecision and
incompleteness of the knowledge base. In Sections 4.2 to 4.5, we discuss Fuzzy
systems, which attempt to handle imprecision due to use of words, having multiple
meanings, of a natural language. The words appear in the description of the problems
to be solved by man-machine systems.
In Section 4.6, we briefly discuss non-monotonic (formal) systems, which mainly deal
with problems involving beliefs, in stead of facts. A belief may be revised by the
believer, when strong evidence becomes available for the revision of the belief.
In Sections 4.7 and 4.8, we discuss two formal systems which attempt to deal with
incompleteness of the available knowledge of the problem domain. Default reasoning
systems discussed in Section 4.7, attempt to handle the problem of incompleteness of
knowledge, through assumption of default values for the missing values. The default
values may be withdrawn, in case some knowledge contrary to the default values,
becomes available.
On the other hand, another formal system, viz., closed world assumption system
discussed in Section 4.8, assume that, if the truth of a statement is not available in the
knowledge base, then assume the statement false. Finally, in Section 4.9, we discuss
some inference rules, namely, abductive and inductive rules, which though are not
deductive, yet prove quite useful in everyday problems, particularly, in diagnostic
Ex. 1: Both A and C are subsets of the fuzzy set B, because deg (x min A ) deg (x
in B) for all x X
Similarly degree (x in C) degree (x in B) for all x X
Further, A is not a subset of C, because,
deg (c in A) = .4 > .3 = degree (c in C)
Also, C is not a subset of A, because,
degree (b in C) = .7 > .6 = degree (b in A)
Ex. 2: A B = {a/.3, b/.6, c/.3, d/0, e/.6},
where degree (x in A B) = min { degree (x in A), degree (x in B)}.
A B = {a/.5, b/.7, c/.6, d/.3, e/.9},
where degree (x in A B) = max {degree (x in A), degree (x in B)}.
The fuzzy set (A B) is obtained from A B, by the rule:
Knowledge Representations