Amazon River: Delta
Amazon River: Delta
Amazon River: Delta
South America
Countries it flows
6275 kilometres
Number of tributaries
Over 200
On its course to the sea, the Amazon flows through the
biggest rainforest in the world. Parrots, toucans, jaguars,
monkeys and insects live in the rainforest. Over 2000 types of
fish live in the Amazon itself. They include Angelfish and the
deadly piranha. Alligators and snakes also live in the river. The
rainforest has plenty of food, and safe places for animals to
make their homes.
The Amazon and flooding
Every year the Amazon floods a large area
of the rainforest. This is because there is
heavy rainfall in the region. When snow melts in the Andes
Mountains, the river channel can carry no more water. When
the channel is full, the banks burst.
Ships and the Amazon
The Amazon is classed as a navigable river. It is often called
the Ocean River. It is navigable by ships for two thirds of its
course. Ocean liners carrying cargo stop at Manaus, nearly
1600 kilometres from the Amazon's mouth. Ships of 3000 tons
can reach Iquitos in Peru, nearly 3700 kilometres from the
mouth. The Amazon is the most navigable river in the world
because it is so deep, with many long tributaries.